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End Users and GIS: A
Demonstration Is Worth
a Thousand Words
Carol Traynor
Saint Anselm College
Marian G. Williams
University of Massachusetts, Lowell
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This chapter presents a programming-by-demonstration (PBD) approach to
Geographical Information Systems (GIS). The aim of our approach is to enable non-specialist users to avail themselves of the software without having
to resort to the help of expert users. We begin with a story of one group of
non-specialist users who encountered difficulty with GIS software. Next we
summarize findings of a study of why GIS software is hard for non-specialist
users to use. Then we describe in detail the PBD approach for GIS and explain how this component may be integrated into a GIS.
Geographic information systems (GISs) are in wide use by city planners,
landscape architects, natural resource managers, and other specialists who
have the expertise—or the trained staff—to use them. Many nonspecialists
(e.g., community activists lobbying for change in their inner-city neighborhoods) would like to be able to use GIS. However, GIS software is not accessible to them, because, in its current incarnation, it requires a knowledge of
geography, cartography, and database systems. Despite an enormous pool
of potential nonspecialist users, GIS is not at this time a mainstream, massmarketed application.
In this chapter, we present a programming-by-demonstration (PBD) approach to GIS that offers promise for enabling nonspecialists to avail themselves of the power of GIS. We begin with a story of a group of nonspecialists who encountered major difficulties when they tried to use a GIS. We
summarize the findings of a study about why such users find GIS so very
difficult to use. We then describe a PBD approach to GIS that shows promise for making GIS accessible to nonspecialist users, and we explain how
this PBD component may be integrated into a GIS.
A Story of End Users and GIS
Several years ago, we had the opportunity to observe a group of faculty from
a local university as they embarked on a project to make a GIS available to
residents of a nearby inner-city neighborhood. The goal of the project was
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to equip residents of the economically depressed neighborhood, many of
whom were recent immigrants, so that they could effectively influence governmental decisions impacting their quality of life. With a GIS, the residents should be able to study and present maps showing the distribution of
crime across the city, thereby bolstering their arguments for the placement of a new police precinct within the neighborhood. With a GIS, they
should be able to arm themselves with maps showing the proximity of toxic
waste sites to their children’s schools and lobby effectively to have the sites
cleaned up.
The faculty members came from diverse disciplines, including community psychology and public health nursing. They were smart, capable people with advanced degrees and good problem-solving skills. They were regular computer users, proficient with applications for word-processing their
academic papers, making slides for presentations, and exchanging email.
They approached the adoption of GIS with careful planning. To help them
select the right GIS software and get them started using it in the neighborhood project, we engaged a GIS expert for them to consult (Kuhn, Richardson, and Williams 1994). After several long sessions with the consultant,
they purchased one of the best-known mass-marketed GIS products.
Despite the careful approach and the consultations with the expert, they
found it dauntingly difficult to use the GIS. They were, of course, perfectly
capable of going out and taking training courses and understanding the
material in such courses. But their time, attention, and brainpower needed
to be directed at the content of the project, not at how to use a complicated
software tool. Needless to say, it was obvious from the start that if the faculty members could not use the GIS, then it would be even further beyond
the abilities of non-computer-using neighborhood residents.
What did the faculty members do? They hired computer science graduate students to use the GIS for them. We call these grad students their surrogate users. In styling them thus, we mean no disrespect for the faculty members, who retained responsibility for the intellectual content of the project
and who specified the nature of the information displays to be created with
the GIS. The surrogate users provided a human interface between the faculty members and the software interface. It was the graduate students who
produced the displays that the faculty members and neighborhood residents needed.
Engaging surrogate users has been observed in a variety of other circumstances, when technology has been (intentionally or unintentionally)
unavailable for direct use by nonspecialist end users. For example, directory
assistance operators have long served as surrogate users of technology to
search for telephone listings, though some of that technology has now been
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made available to end users on the Web. Like us, Garson and Biggs (1992)
and Egenhofer (1995) have observed the need for surrogate users for GIS
What exactly did the grad students do for the faculty members? The first
task, after spending a nontrivial amount of time learning how to use the
software, was to locate, reformat, and import data files. Once the data sets
were installed, they used the GIS to create information displays on maps.
They also attempted, unsuccessfully, to use the GIS’s built-in scripting language to create an application that the social scientists could use. However,
the possible customizations were too minimal to help solve the problems.
In simple terms, the grad students were needed for (1) getting data in and
(2) getting information out. We focus here on the problem of getting the information out of a GIS and on the characteristics of the current crop of GIS
software that make it so very difficult for nonspecialists to use.
Why Is GIS Software So Hard To Use?
What is it about GIS software that makes it so hard to use, so hard to get the
information out?
To answer this question, we looked closely at seven commonly used GIS
software packages, including the one the faculty members were using. We
chose some simple tasks that GIS users are apt to perform repeatedly—for
example, opening a map—and analyzed the knowledge and steps necessary for performing them (Traynor and Williams 1995). This task analysis
showed that, in general, the GISs had three serious obstacles to use by
1. They used technical terminology and technical concepts from cartography, geography, and database systems (e.g., the user needs to know what
an overlay is in the cartographic sense and what a query is in the database sense).
2. They required the user to have a mental model of the software architecture to perform a task, since the sequence of steps was based on the way
data were stored and represented (e.g., the user needs to know the structure of the database).
In other words, each of the GISs required users to translate a task from their
own language into its language, as well as to understand its software
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architecture. Little wonder, then, that the grad students hired to work on the
neighborhood project became immersed in the terminology of GIS and in a
way of thinking about their work that the software imposed on them. Even
when coached, they had trouble communicating with the users they served,
because of the burden of translating between GIS-speak and the real-world
terminology of the users.
Another issue common to all of the GISs we examined was the following:
3. They provided no record of how a display of information on a map
was created, other than, perhaps, a representation in a database query
The GIS users we observed created information displays by trial and error,
with the result that once they arrived at a useful display, they had no record
of how they had achieved it. Also, they had no way to create a similar, but
different, display, other than more trial and error. Without a record of how
an information display was created (except, perhaps, in a database query
language such as SQL that nonspecialists cannot read), a GIS user has no
way to program the GIS. He or she tends to start over from scratch all
the time.
Heuristics for designing this next-generation GIS software follow naturally from the problems we identified with the current generation:
1. Present the human-computer interaction in terms of the user’s task.
2. Protect the user from needing technical expertise from cartography, geography, or database systems.
3. Protect the user from having to know about the software architecture.
4. Provide a program representation of the steps for creating an information display.
Some of these heuristics are widely accepted principles of software human factors and familiar rules of thumb for designers of interactive systems. However, they have special applicability to software, such as GIS, that
has arisen out of a particular technical community. Interaction that fits the
task model and the expertise of a specialist may be incomprehensible to a
nonspecialist. Similarly, a program representation, if present, may be represented in a language familiar to the specialist but alien to the nonspecialist.
We observe a pattern to the way technical software gets mainstreamed
and becomes successful in the mass market. First, its applicability beyond
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the original technical domain becomes widely recognized. There follows a
phase in which new users become specialists, or engage the help of surrogate users. Then attempts are made to modify the software to make it usable by nonspecialists. Finally, the software is reconceptualized for the
nonspecialist end users. Only then does it succeed in the mass market.
Spreadsheets, CAD, and Web browsers are examples of software that has
traveled this route.
GIS originated in the geographers’ community. Its enormous applicability beyond that community is clear, though at the moment, nonspecialists need surrogate users to exercise the software for them. Now the question is whether we are still tweaking the software in the hopes that small
changes will make a difference to nonspecialist users, or whether designers
are finally starting to think about GIS from the nonspecialist’s point of view.
Are Things Improving for GIS Users?
We recently revisited the GIS packages that we looked at a few years ago and
can report that things have improved for GIS specialist users. The software
packages now reside on mainstream platforms, such as Windows. The vendors have started to take usability issues seriously. And more research has
been done on how people use spatial data. But what about nonspecialist
One of the major vendors of GIS software now has a product aimed at
first-time GIS users and has published a book to accompany it. The company’s Web site suggests that “everyone” can now use GIS: “Within minutes,
you’ll be able to create attractive and accurate digital maps that you can
print, embed in documents, e-mail, or publish on the World Wide Web.”
Unfortunately, interacting with the software requires learning many of the
same technical concepts and terms (e.g., the technical meanings of “theme”
and “coverage”) that full-fledged GIS software requires. Queries are just
thinly disguised SQL.
In research labs, new ways of querying a GIS are being explored. For
example, Standing and Roy (1997) have proposed a visual functional query
language for creating macros. Aufaure-Portier (1995) has devised a visual
gesture language for describing spatial relationships, such as adjacency
and inclusiveness. Richards and Egenhofer (1995) have designed a dragand-drop interface that lets the user stack up icons, as if they were blocks;
the resulting stack shows how information should be used on a map.
Ahlberg and Shneiderman (1994) have shown the usefulness of letting users
create dynamic database queries by manipulating alphasliders to select
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values for the various parameters. Some of these approaches require technical knowledge (e.g., Standing’s query language uses icons representing
functions such as Union and Buffer). None of them provides a savable, retrievable, editable program representation written in a language that nonspecialists can read.
How Can Programming by Demonstration Help?
In the PBD paradigm, the software “watches” while the user “demonstrates”
how to do a task. The software makes inferences about what the user is doing and creates a program that will do the same thing. Depending on the sophistication of the software, the resulting program may be hard-wired for
the specific task the user demonstrated (in which case it functions like a
macro), or it may be generalizable to similar tasks. (See Cypher 1993 for extensive discussion and case studies of PBD.)
The PBD software creates a representation of the program it has inferred. Sometimes, the representation is internal and cannot be viewed by
the user. Often, it is accessible to the user but written in a language best understood by a trained programmer (e.g., Lisp). However, to be usable by
nonspecialists, the program representation needs to be written in a language that is accessible to nonprogrammers. The program representation
language needs to be
free of technical terminology,
independent of the software architecture, and
expressed in terms of the user’s task.
For the program representation to be useful, the user must be able to do
more than just see it and read it. The user must also be able to use it in the
following ways:
view it while it is being constructed, in order to check whether the software is making correct inferences;
save and retrieve it for later use;
execute it on demand; and
edit it for performing similar tasks.
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User’s interaction with
the GIS interface
Program (in program representation language)
Information Display
Chart or Map
Program (in GIS database
query language)
How a user’s interactions with the GIS interface are processed.
For a GIS, having a program representation that can be understood by nonspecialist users means that a user’s interactions with the interface of the GIS
are processed in two different ways. First, the instructions are executed and
the results shown in an information display, either in a chart or on a map.
Second, a program is inferred from the user’s actions and encoded in the
program representation language. If the user wishes to run the program
later on, it needs to be compiled into the GIS’s database query language for
execution. Figure 6.1 shows the two different ways that the users’ interactions with the interface are processed.
If the program has been inferred from the user’s actions and the program is run later, the resulting information display should be identical to
the one that the user constructed by hand. Of course, if the user has edited
the program, then the information display would differ accordingly.
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A Programming-by-Demonstration Approach for GIS:
We are using a PBD approach to making GIS accessible to the nonspecialist
users. The specific user population we are designing for can be characterized as people who
wish to focus on their own domain tasks;
use a computer as a vehicle to accomplish those tasks;
have little or no programming knowledge; and
have no expertise in geography, cartography, database systems, or GIS.
Examples of this kind of user include the concerned mother who wants to
ask, “Show me the bars and liquor stores within a mile of my child’s school”
or the community activist who wants to say, “Show me data on traffic problems in all of the city’s neighborhoods”—and who should not need to understand cartography and database systems to formulate their questions.
Figure 6.2 shows the PBD GIS user interface. There are two main parts to
the interface: the GIS component (upper part) and the PBD component
(lower part).
The architecture of the GIS for nonspecialist users corresponds to Figure
6.1. The user interacts with a graphical user interface (GUI) designed to
support the way the nonspecialist user thinks about his or her tasks (e.g.,
map is used in the common, everyday sense, not the cartographic sense).
His or her instructions are carried out, and an information display is created on a chart or a map or both. Simultaneously, a program representation
is created and displayed.
The PBD component for GIS allows the user to interact in two modes:
record and edit. In record mode, the user interacts with the GIS GUI, and
the system infers the program representation based on the user’s actions.
Record mode is the default mode. Edit mode allows the user to edit the program representation directly so that he or she can correct or modify a query
or create a new query. The user can switch to edit mode by choosing Edit
from the Mode menu from the GIS GUI. In Edit mode a menubar is displayed in the PBD window. (See Figure 6.8 later for the options available in
Edit mode.)
The program representation language uses a comic-strip metaphor. A
program consists of a series of panels, just the way a comic strip does. A
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The PBD GIS interface in Record mode. The query depicted is “Show me
the location of Saints Memorial Hospital.”
panel to the left of another is a before panel; one to the right is an after
panel. An operation on the contents of the before panel results in the contents of the after panel. Thus, a series of panels represents a sequence of
transformations, in the temporal order in which they occur. We call the language the Comic-Strip Program Representation Language (C-SPRL, pronounced, “c-spiral”). C-SPRL is an extension of the Pursuit program representation language devised by Modugno (1995). C-SPRL uses the notion of
categories of data, in which category is used in the normal everyday sense
of the word. A category may be composed of one or more subcategories
and/or of a number of individual category members. For example, the
school system in many U.S. school districts consists of three categories of
schools—namely, elementary schools (kindergarten to fifth grade), middle
schools (sixth to eighth grade), and high schools (ninth to twelfth grade). In
this case the overall category would be “Schools.” The category Schools
would contain three subcategories: High Schools, Middle Schools, and Elementary Schools. Each of these three subcategories would contain a list of
the individual schools in that subcategory. Categories form the basis for
queries. Categories, subcategories, and individual members of categories
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Before panel 1
After panel 1
Saints Memorial
Before panel 2
After panel 2
Programs consist of before and after panels. This
program depicts the query “Show me the location
of Saints Memorial hospital.”
are represented by rectangles. A shadow under a rectangle indicates a category or subcategory. A rectangle without a shadow represents an individual
member of a category. Data displays are represented by chart panels (called
“info”) and by map panels (called “map”). (Figure 6.7 later shows the symbols for both the chart and map panels.) The data display panels are abstractions, not realistic representations of actual screen objects as in, for example, Mondrian (Lieberman 1993).
Figure 6.3 shows a very simple C-SPRL program representation with
three panels. The query represented is “Show me the location of Saints Memorial hospital.” When a user interacts with the GUI of the GIS, the software infers a program and builds a representation of it, panel by panel, in a
program display window. To construct the simple example of Figure 6.3, the
user interacts with the GUI and begins by selecting the category Hospitals
from the Select menu on the menubar (Figure 6.4 [a]).
Once this action has been completed, the first panel appears in the PBD
program area (Figure 4[b]). Notice that the category Hospitals is represented by a shadowed rectangle.
A pop-up window with a list of choices appears in the GIS GUI (Figure
6.5). Since there are no subcategories in this category, a list of individual
hospitals and a list of the actions or information that can be requested
about the available hospitals are displayed.
The user clicks on Saints Memorial. At this point the user can also indicate that he or she would like to see the location displayed on a map by
clicking on the map button on the pop-up window. When the user has fi
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(a) The categories from the select menu on the GIS GUI; (b) the panel created in the PBD area as a result of choosing Hospitals (a shadowed rectangle) from the select menu.
Lowell General
Saints Memorial
Phone No.
Emergency No.
When the user selects Hospitals from the Select menu, a
pop-up window with the list of hospitals and actions and/
or information that can be requested about the available
hospitals appears on the screen.
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Chapter Six: A Demonstration Is Worth a Thousand Words
nished choosing items from the Hospitals popup window, he or she clicks
on the OK button. The second and third panel of the program representation now appear on the PBD screen. The location of Saints Memorial Hospital also appears on the map in the GIS GUI. Figure 6.2 shows both the GIS
and PBD GUI for the results of this query. Notice also in the program representation that Saints Memorial hospital is represented by a rectangle without a shadow. The third panel is an example of a map panel.
More complex user actions would result in multiple panels being added
to the program representation. In building a query, the user uses a topdown approach. At each step in the query-building process, the user refines
and narrows the search until reaching the level of granularity that he or she
is looking for.
The program representation does a variety of things for the user. First, it
provides a visualization of the software’s inferences about the user’s actions,
so the user can correct the software’s understanding, if necessary. Each
panel depicts a user action, so the user has a step-by-step account of how
the query was created. This is also helpful in identifying user errors. Second,
the gradual construction of the program representation helps the user to
learn C-SPRL by watching what happens as he or she interacts with the
GIS’s GUI. The representation provides the user with continuous feedback,
so if the program representation depicts an “incorrect” action, the user can
immediately backtrack and rectify the situation. Third, the program representation is editable. The user can edit the program to modify it or to create
a similar, but different, program. The user saves time by being able to run a
previously constructed query without having to repeat all the steps. The
user can even create an entirely new program from scratch. Fourth, the user
can save and retrieve programs for later use. Once again this saves the user
time by not having to repeat work/steps already done. Users can easily
share results of queries with others. Finally, a program can be executed on
demand. Figure 6.6 summarizes the various uses that a user can make of a
program representation.
The set of symbols used in C-SPRL program representation is not large
in number (Figure 6.7). As a result, users do not have to spend much time
familiarizing themselves with the terminology. All program symbols have
self-identifying labels that aid user comprehension. C-SPRL also has a set of
commands: select, show, and draw. The select command indicates the selection of a category, subcategory, category member(s), or one or more
items from the list of available information about a category or category
member. The show command indicates the display of information on a
map or in text format. The draw command indicates that a user has narrowed the search to the area highlighted on the map. These commands appear above the panels in the program representation.
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• Check whether the software is making correct inferences
• Learn C-SPRL by watching the correspondence between GUI
interactions and program constructs
• Save and retrieve a program
• Edit a program to modify it or to create a similar program
• Write a program from scratch
Summary of uses of a C-SPRL program representation.
Individual category
Multiple category
Available info:
phone number
Shows selected
Indicates information has
been displayed in the
information area
Indicates something has
been displayed
on the map
C-SPRL panel icons.
C-SPRL program representations can be edited directly with a specialpurpose editor. Figure 6.8 shows the menu options available in the PBD
program editor. Panels and program constructs may be added, edited, and
deleted. If a before panel is edited or deleted, then all of its after panels are
deleted, when their preconditions are no longer met.
C-SPRL includes a branching construct, called do-one, and an and-ing
construct called do-all. Figure 6.9 shows a program that uses the do-all. The
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Menu options from the C-SPRL editor.
high schools
Lowell High
Available info:
A C-SPRL program with a do-all construct.
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schools category is selected, the selection is refined to include just the high
schools, and then it is further refined to an individual school, Lowell High
School. The panel for Lowell High is the before panel for two after panels,
because two simultaneous operations are performed with the Lowell High
data: (1) the school’s location is shown on a map, and (2) information about
the school’s principal is displayed in a chart.
User tests of the C-SPRL program representation language indicate that
non–GIS specialists are able to read C-SPRL programs (program interpretation), edit programs to create new programs (program modification), and
write programs from scratch (program creation). We also gave C-SPRL programs to study participants and asked them to use the GUI to perform the
steps that would cause the software to infer the programs (program navigation). The fact that they were able to navigate the GUI successfully indicates
that the participants understood the encoding of actions into the C-SPRL
Figure 6.10 gives samples of the different types of queries used in the
studies. Two different studies were performed. As a result of the first study,
some of the C-SPRL panel icons were modified; hence some of the panel
icon symbols in the program navigation may differ slightly from those in
Figure 6.7.
The tasks chosen for the user studies were based on a taxonomy of the
types of queries that our end users are likely to perform on a GIS. The taxonomy was derived from a requirements definition for a GIS intended for
use by one of our target user populations (Traynor 1998). The taxonomy
contains six classes of queries:
1. Show me one or more objects.
2. Show me one or more objects with/without one or more features.
3. Show me one or more objects with/without one or more attributes.
4. Show me one or more objects with/without one or more features and
with/without one or more attributes.
5. Show me one or more objects within “this” distance of one or more
6. Show me one or more attributes for one or more objects.
More details of these studies can be found in Traynor and Williams (1995,
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Chapter Six: A Demonstration Is Worth a Thousand Words
Program Interpretation
Show me the location of all houses for sale with a fireplace.
Show me the practice hours for Pawtucket soccer club.
Show me all the liquor stores within a mile of Lowell High and 1.5 miles of my house.
Program Modification
Original Task
Modified Task
Show me all swimming pools.
Show me all parks.
Show me all parks within a half-mile of Pawtucket
Show me all the swimming pools within a mile of
Soccer Club and the number of teams in the club.
the Wang Middle School and the number of
teachers in the school.
Program Creation
Show me the Acre Police Station and the number of policemen assigned to it.
Show me all the fire stations within a mile of Murphy’s restaurant and the number of fire engines.
Program Navigation
Part 4: Program Navigation
Please perform the program below on the computer.
1 mile
1 mile
Available Information
Practice Hours
Sample of queries used in the user studies.
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C-SPRL is one possible representation language for a GIS for nonspecialist
users. Many others are possible. For example, the block-stacking metaphor
of Richards and Egenhofer’s (1995) GIS interface would lend itself to a program representation that contains images of stacked blocks. Whatever the
representation, it appears possible to create new ways of interacting with
GIS software—ways that are not steeped in the traditions of geographers
and cartographers. The experts already have GIS software that meets their
needs. Attempting to tailor their highly technical software for nonspecialists, either by modifying the interface slightly or by providing a subset of
the functionality, has not worked. What is needed is a fresh start, with nonspecialist users viewed as a first-class population of GIS users, rather than
an add-on population. Only then will GIS come into its own as a “killer
We would like to thank the following people for their insightful comments and help in preparing this chapter: the HCI Research Group at the
University of Massachusetts Lowell, in particular Dr. J. Nicholas Buehler
and Guillermo Zeballos; and Gordon Paynter of the University of Waikato,
Hamilton, New Zealand.
Ahlberg, C., and Ben Shneiderman. 1994. “Visual Information Seeking: Tight Coupling of Dynamic Query Filters with Starfield Displays.” In Proceedings of Human
Factors in Computing Systems Conference (CHI ’94). New York: ACM Press.
Aufaure-Portier, M.-A. 1995. “Definition of a Visual Language for GIS.” In Cognitive
Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction for Geographic Information Systems, ed.
T. Nyerges, D. Mark, R. Laurini, and M. J. Egenhofer. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic.
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