Crust and Subduction Zone Structure of Southwestern Mexico
Sandy Kurniawan Suhardja,1 Stephen P. Grand,1 David Wilson,2 Marco
Guzman-Speziale,3 Juan Martin Gomez-Gonzalez,3 Tonatiuh Dominguez-Reyes,4
and James Ni,5
The University of Texas at Austin, United States
US Geological Survey, United States
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico
Observatorio Vulcanologico, Universidad de Colima, Mexico
New Mexico State University, United States
This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but
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Record. Please cite this article as doi: 10.1002/2014JB011573
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
Southwestern Mexico is a region of complex active tectonics with subduction
of the young Rivera and Cocos plates to the south and widespread magmatism and
rifting in the continental interior. Here we use receiver function analysis on data
recorded by a 50 station temporary deployment of seismometers known as the MARS
(MApping the Rivera Subduction zone) array to investigate crustal structure as well as
the nature of the subduction interface near the coast. The array was deployed in the
Mexican states of Jalisco, Colima, and Michoacan. Crustal thickness varies from 20
km near the coast to 42 km in the continental interior. The Rivera Plate has steeper
dip than the Cocos plate and is also deeper along the coast than previous estimates
have shown. Inland, there is not a correlation between the thickness of the crust and
topography indicating that the high topography in northern Jalisco and Michoacan is
likely supported by buoyant mantle. High crustal Vp/Vs ratios (greater than 1.82) are
found beneath the trenchward edge of magmatism including below the Central Jalisco
Volcanic Lineament and the Michoacan-Guanajuato Volcanic Field implying a new
arc is forming closer to the trench than the Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt. Elsewhere
in the region, crustal Vp/Vs ratios are normal. The subducting Rivera and Cocos
plates are marked by a dipping shear wave low velocity layer. We estimate the
thickness of the low velocity layer to be 3 to 4 km with an unusually high Vp/Vs ratio
of 2.0 to 2.1 and a drop in S velocity of 25%. We postulate that the low velocity zone
is the upper oceanic crust with high pore pressures. The low velocity zone ends from
45 to 50 km depth and likely marks the basalt to eclogite transition.
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
The tectonic evolution of western North America has been strongly influenced
by successive fragmentation events of the ancient Farallon plate, as various segments
of the East Pacific rise approached the paleo-trench off shore. When a spreading
center encounters a subduction zone, a major change in stress and plate boundaries
occurs. The change in stress affects the tectonics of the overriding plate which may
include unusual volcanism, fragmentation of the overriding plate, and micro- plate
capture (Stock and Lee, 1994). However, the details of how this occurs and the
controlling dynamics are still poorly understood. Currently, the East Pacific Rise is
close to encountering the Southwestern Mexico subduction zone near the Colima Rift
(Figure 1). In this area the Rivera plate detached from the Cocos plate since 10 Myr
(Demets and Traylen, 2000) and is subducting beneath Jalisco, Mexico. The exact
boundary between the Cocos and Rivera plates is uncertain although it is likely
associated with the El Gordo Graben offshore from the Colima Rift (Bandy et al.,
1995). The oceanic plates subducting have ages between 10 and 13 Myr except for a
small section near the El Gordo Graben that may be as young as 4 Myr (Lawver et al.,
Associated with the subduction of the Rivera Plate is the overriding Jalisco
Block. The Jalisco Block is bounded by the Colima Rift on the east and the TepicZacoalco Rift to the north. Luhr et al. (1985) proposed that the Jalisco Block was
produced by an eastward jump of the East Pacific Rise and that the Colima Rift may
evolve to an ocean spreading center in the future with the Jalisco Block captured by
the Pacific Plate. This model predicts right lateral strike slip motion along the TepicZacaolco Rift. Rosas-Elguera et al. (1996), however, find evidence of extension along
the Tepic-Zacaolco Rift and postulate that the relative motion of the Jalisco Block
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
with respect to the North America plate is due to applied stresses at the plate
boundaries as well as the differing motions of the Rivera and Cocos plates
Widespread magmatism is also present in Southwestern Mexico. Within the
Tepic-Zacaolco Rift are several stratovolcanoes that make up the Trans-Mexican
Volcanic Belt (Figure 1). An exception to this trend is Colima Volcano that lies closer
to the trench. Magmatism has been migrating trenchward during the past 10 Ma
(Gomez-Tuena at al., 2007; Ferrari et al. 2012) such that the current front of the
magmatic arc is 60 to 80 km south of the Tepic-Zacaolco Rift. In the Jalisco Block,
the arc front is marked by a line of volcanic fields known as the Central Jalisco
Volcanic Lineament (CJVL). Bandy et al. (2001) have dated volcanic rocks along the
CJVL and found a northwest trend of younger rocks ranging from 3 Myr near Ayutla
to Holocene ages in the Mascota fields (Figure 1). East of the Jalisco Block is the
Michoacan-Guanajuato Volcanic Field (MGVF), a recent volcanic field with more
than 1000 Quaternary eruptive centers (Gomez-Tuena et al., 2007).
In spite of the unique tectonic and magmatic activity within Southwestern
Mexico, there has been little detailed work done on the crustal and lithospheric
structure of the region. A detailed knowledge of crustal structure provides constraints
for the dynamic link between the tectonics of the over-riding plate and the evolution
of the down-going Rivera and Cocos slabs. Regional surface wave studies (Gaite et
al., 2012) provide estimates of crustal thickness although such studies commonly have
strong tradeoffs between Moho depth and velocity. Gravity studies have been the
main source of information on crustal thickness in Southwestern Mexico (UrrutiaFucuguachi & Flores-Ruiz; 1996) but also rely on estimates of densities of different
rock units to determine crustal thickness. In this study we apply receiver function
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
(RF) analysis to a large data set recorded by two temporary seismic arrays deployed in
Southwestern Mexico as well as two stations of the Mexican National Network. We
use the H-κ stacking method developed by Zhu and Kanamori (2000) to estimate both
crustal thickness (H) as well as the average Vp/Vs ratio (κ) of the crust beneath each
station. This approach worked well in the interior of the region where the Moho is
relatively flat but did not produce good results near the coast where clear dipping
structures are evident. We also use Common Conversion Point (CCP) analysis to
improve images near the coast where the dipping oceanic plates produce clear signals
in the RF’s. The aim of this study is to determine the crustal structure for both
continental and oceanic crust beneath southwestern Mexico
Receiver functions were computed from data acquired from the Mapping the
Rivera Subduction Zone (MARS) array. The MARS array consisted of 50 broad band
sensors that were deployed throughout Southwestern Mexico (Figure 1) for 18 months
beginning in January, 2006. Stations were spaced from 35 to 50 km apart with a
combination of Strekeisen STS-2 and Guralp 3T and ESP sensors. PASSCAL data
acquisition systems recorded the data at 40 sps. The MARS experiment involved two
U. S. institutions, the University of Texas at Austin and New Mexico State
University, in collaboration with two Mexican institutions, Centro de Geociencias,
UNAM and the Volcanic Observatory at the Universidad de Colima.
We also use data collected by the Colima Volcano Deep Seismic Experiment
(CODEX). CODEX consisted of a deployment of 20 short period instruments around
Colima Volcano (Figure 1) and overlapped the MARS experiment for five months in
time (Gardine et al., 2007). Finally, we also used two broadband seismic stations from
the Mexican National Seismic network located within Southwestern Mexico.
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
Ideally, receiver functions are time series that show pulses corresponding to
converted P to S waves recorded by a particular station. Since the conversion of P to S
occurs at sharp boundaries in shear velocity in the subsurface, receiver functions can
map out subsurface layering beneath seismic stations. A simple approach to isolate
the converted S waves on a seismogram is to deconvolve the vertical from the radial
component (Langston, 1977; Ammon, 1991).
Data from earthquakes with magnitudes greater than 5.7 and epicentral
distances between 30 to 100 degrees were collected from the seismic arrays discussed
above. The locations of the hypocenters and the station locations are shown in Figure
2. Most of the good quality data come from Tonga, South America and the Aleutian
islands. Seismic traces were cut from 20 seconds before the incoming P wave to 100
seconds after the P wave to ensure all converted phases to a depth of 100 km are
included. The data were then rotated to radial and tangential components. A signal to
noise ratio check was done by comparing the power in the seismic traces 20 sec
before and after the predicted arrival time of the P wave. Only seismograms with
signal to noise ratios higher than 2 for both the P and SV components, were used to
ensure high quality data before deconvolution. Overall, the signal to noise ratio
criteria removed 30-40% of all collected traces. For example, at station MA35, from
120 events collected, 44 were removed due to high noise levels.
The deconvolution was done in the frequency domain by using the water-level
stabilization method and a low-pass Gaussian filter to remove high frequency noise
(Langston, 1977). The receiver function H(ω) is calculated from:
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
H (ω ) =
R(ω )Z * (ω )
G (ω )
max Z (ω )Z * (ω ), c* max(Z ( w) Z * ( w)}
(Eq. 1)
……………………………………...(Eq. 2)
G (ω ) = exp
where, ω is angular frequency, Z(ω) is the fourier transform of the P-component
waveform, R(ω) is the transform of the SV component, and Z*(ω) is the complex
conjugate of Z(ω). G(ω) is a Gaussian filter that has zero phase distortion and a lack
of side-lobes (Langston, 1979). It is added to eliminate high frequency noise in the
RF. The frequency content of the Gaussian filter is controlled by the parameter α.
Finally, the denominator of equation 1 is either Z(ω)Z*(ω) or a constant c times the
maximum of Z(ω)Z*(ω) depending on which value is larger. This is necessary to
account for holes in the spectra of Z(ω) and therefore division by a small number
which is inherently unstable. The constant c is called the “water level” and serves to
stabilize the deconvolution. The values of α and c were chosen by trial and error
where we tried to make the receiver function as sharp as possible but also tried to
minimize noise. All receiver functions were computed using a water-level parameter c
of 0.001 and a Gaussian smoothing parameter α of 3.5 resulting in receiver functions
with a dominant period near 3s. A final visual check was also performed. Good
receiver functions are identified by having a sharp P wave signal with little energy
arriving earlier. Low quality RF’s tend to have anomalously high amplitude signals at
later times or very wide side lobes. We eliminated these data before further data
An example of receiver functions for station MA18, plotted as a function of
epicentral distance, is shown in Figure 3. Most of the receiver functions have similar
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
signals with a peak at 0 seconds (the P wave) followed by negative side lobes. Almost
all RFs from MA18 show a strong positive pulse at about 5 second. After 5 second,
there is variability in the RFs but we can still observe some continuity of arrivals
versus distance. Station MA18 is located far from the coast and is expected to have a
relatively flat Moho. At this station, we collected 35 high quality RFs and the clear
arrival at about 5 sec is interpreted as the P- to S-wave conversion from the Moho.
We also performed a stack of all the MA18 receiver functions in the depth
domain. Starting with a 1-D velocity model and horizontal slowness information, each
RF can be interpolated into the depth domain to correct for move out and then
stacked. On the right side of Figure 3, a stacked RF in the depth domain shows high
amplitude at 0 km followed by a strong positive amplitude at 39 km depth interpreted
as an arrival from the Moho. Strong signals are also seen at 150 km (16.3 s in the time
domain) and 180 km (22 s in the time domain) which are likely PpPs and PsPs/PpSs
multiples from the Moho but which could be due to conversions from deeper mantle
Receiver Function Imaging
Ideally receiver functions show pulses as a function of time that are due to
converted P to S waves from interfaces in the subsurface beneath a seismic station. To
convert these pulses to depths to interfaces beneath the station requires knowledge of
the P and S velocities in the rocks above the interface. Zhu and Kanamori (2000)
introduced a method (the H-κ method) that can minimize the ambiguity due to the
trade-off between depth and velocity. The time difference between the converted
wave and direct P wave depends on the angle of incidence of the incoming P wave,
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
the subsurface P and S velocities and the depth of the interface. The timing of
multiple reflected waves (PpPs and PpSs+PsPs) from the conversion depth also
depends on incidence angle but differ in their dependence on depth of converter and
velocity. Assuming a flat layer over a half space and a uniform velocity model, the
estimated arrival time for the Ps wave as well as the multiples can be calculated. The
essence of the H-κ method is that for each station, all receiver functions are summed
at the times corresponding to the Ps arrival time as well as the arrival times for the
multiples for various choices of thickness H of the layer as well as Vp/Vs ratio (Zhu
and Kanamori, 20000). For correct values of H and Vp/Vs ratio, the summation
should be a maximum. The approach is essentially a grid search but assumes the
structure beneath a station is a single layer (the crust) overlying a half space.
The H-κ method stacks all receiver function amplitudes at one station
including the Ps converted wave and its two multiples. The direct Ps converted wave
has the largest amplitude and is the least sensitive to dips in the crust-mantle boundary
thus the Ps converted wave is often given heavier weight in the stacking process. The
stacking can be written as:
S (H , κ ) = ∑ w1 r (t1 ) + w2 r (t 2 ) − w3 r (t 3 )
………………..(Eq. 3)
Where, H is crustal thickness, κ is Vp/Vs ratio, r i (t) is the ith receiver function at times
t 1 , t 2 , and t 3 which are the predicted times for T Ps , T PpPs and T PsSs+PsPs . We used a
weighting of 0.5, 0.3, and 0.2 for w 1 , w 2 , and w 3, respectively. Zhu and Kanamori
(2000) used 0.7, 0.2 and 0.1 for the weighting in their study of Southern California.
We tried several weighting schemes and found a slightly better result with the weights
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
given above. However, overall we didn’t see a dramatic change in results using
different weighting schemes.
Crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio of the crust beneath Southwestern Mexico
were analyzed using the H-κ stacking method described above. The bounds for the
grid search were set to be 20 to 55 km for Moho depth and 1.65 to 2.00 for Vp/Vs
ratio. Figure 4, illustrates the results for station MA18 which had 35 high quality
receiver functions. We contoured the value of the stacked receiver functions as a
function of Moho depth and Vp/Vs ratio with the highest value being the likely true
parameters. The contour plot shows a clear maximum with a realistic number for
crustal thickness (39.2 km) and crustal Vp/Vs ratio (1.82). The predicted Moho Ps
arrival times agree with the receiver function signals showing a strong positive
converted wave at 5 s. Predicted times for the multiples are also plotted. The contour
plots using the H-κ method show strong peaks and thus good resolution for most
inland stations far from the coast but show poorer results for stations closer to the
coast. This is not surprising as it is likely there are strongly dipping structures near the
coast where the subducting plate is near the surface. For the coastal stations the peaks
in the H-κ contour plots are not sharp and just taking the maximum value from the
plots results in unrealistic values for Moho depth and Vp/Vs ratio. The H-κ method
can be extended to dipping layers (ex. Rossi et al., 2006) but given the complicated
nature of the crustal structure near the coast (see below) we did not attempt more
sophisticated inversions. For the coastal stations where the H-κ method failed we used
a velocity model with a Vp/Vs ratio of 1.78, the global crustal average according to
Chevrot and van der Hilst (2000), to stack receiver functions in the depth domain. The
peak in the stacks was then measured to give an estimate of crustal thickness. Near the
coast the first peak in the RFs is usually a negative pulse indicating a drop in velocity
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
with depth. This has been observed in other subduction zones (Bostock, 2013) and has
been interpreted as over pressured oceanic basalt crust. Thus, we picked these
negative peaks as the Moho. The RF’s with initial negative pulses are discussed
further below.
The contour of the H-κ stack amplitude allows one to calculate uncertainties
by measuring the flatness at the maximum point as discussed in Zhu and Kanamori
(2000). For coastal stations the H-κ method did not give satisfactory results.
Therefore, to estimate uncertainties for all data we employed a bootstrapping
technique (Efron and Tibshirani, 1991) to estimate the 2σ uncertainty for each stacked
receiver function. We sampled 100 random populations of receiver functions for each
station, for this purpose, and then processed them as discussed in the text. For stations
where the H-κ worked we processed the bootstrapped data with that technique. For
stations where the H-κ method did not work we processed data using a Vp/Vs ratio of
1.75 and 1.85 to give uncertainty in Moho depth due to uncertainties in Vp/Vs ratio.
We also performed a bootstrapping analysis with a constant Vp/Vs ratio and added
the two uncertainties together.
The results of the RF analysis are shown in Figures 5 and 6 and listed in Table
1 alo ng with the 2 σ errors. In Figure 5 point measurements of crustal thickness are
interpolated and plotted in map view. Figure 6 shows the interpolated Vp/Vs ratios in
the region where we were able to make reliable measurements. Crustal thickness
varies from 20 km along the coast to a maximum of 42 km inland. There is a
difference in crustal structure between the Jalisco block to the northwest and
Michoacan to the southeast. Beneath the Jalisco block, which is underthrust by the
Rivera plate, the crust is 25-30 km thick along the coast and rapidly reaches 40 km
thick within 50 km of the coast. To the southeast of the Colima Rift, however, the
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
crustal thickness along the coast is 20-25 km thick and gradually thickens inland
reaching 40 km more than 100 km from the coast. In Figure 7 we plot the crustal
thickness estimates at each station on a map of topography. Note that there is not a
good correlation between crustal thickness and topography. The thickest crust is
roughly in the middle of our study region, parallel to the strike of the subduction zone,
but has rather subdued topography. Further inland, the topography increases to near 2
km yet the crust actually thins a little to 37-39 km thick. This indicates the high
topography is likely supported by buoyant mantle as has been observed in other
backarc regions (Hyndman et al., 2005). This observation also supports a model of
slab rollback and perhaps tearing as proposed by Ferrari (2004) and later by Yang et
al. (2009). In this model hot asthenospheric mantle fills the space previously occupied
by slab to relatively shallow depths providing a source of buoyancy in the mantle
beneath the high topography. If this interpretation is correct then the high topography
would be relatively recent i.e. following the time of the roll back estimated to be
during the last 5 Myr or so (Ferrari, 2004). This model is also consistent with
observations of current and recent tectonic activity in the northern Jalisco Block
including high rock uplift rates determined from stream incision profiles (Castillo et
al., 2014), seismic activity in the northern Jalisco Block (Pacheco et al., 1999; NunezCornu et al., 2002) and Pliocene active deformation seen from structural mapping
(Ferrari and Rosas-Elguera, 2000).
Another interesting aspect of the crustal thickness map is the lack of
significant thinning of crust in the Colima Rift (Figure 5). We do not have the station
density to look at the Rift crustal structure in detail but stations close to the Rift such
as MA26 and MA24 do not show thinner crust than adjacent stations further from the
Rift. We conclude that there has been little extension in the Rift. This agrees with the
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
conclusion of Rosas-Elguera et al. (1996) that the southern Colima Rift is actually a
broad slowly extending zone that has been active only since the late Pliocene. We do
see a trend to the north of thinning crust from 40-42 km thick to 36-37 km thick.
However, given that our deployment did not reach the surface manifestation of the
Tepic-Zoacala Rift, it is difficult to place constraints on the overall extension across
that Rift.
We found the average Vp/Vs ratio of the crust to be 1.81 (Figure 6) which is
slightly higher than the global average of 1.78 (Christensen, 1996; Chevrot & Van der
Hilst, 2000). There is a large range in values, however, from 1.72 to 1.87. Two
regions, in particular, have abnormally high crustal Vp/Vs ratios. The first region is
located in the central part of the Jalisco block, close to the volcanoes shown as red
triangles in Figure 6. Four stations located at the southwestern edge of the region have
Vp/Vs ratios of 1.85 or greater. It is interesting that to the north of these stations the
Vp/Vs ratio is closer to normal. The second region, located to the northeast of Colima
Volcano, shows a band of high Vp/Vs ratios ranging from 1.85 to 1.87. The eastern
part of this band is within the Michoacan-Guanajuato Volcanic Field (MGVF), a wide
region of volcanic activity that began about 2.8 Ma and continues today (GomezTuena et al., 2007). The band of high Vp/Vs crust extends further west than the
MGVF, towards the northern Colima Rift. Bandy et al. (1995) located the RiveraCocos boundary at depth beneath this region based on the occurrence of thermal
springs and crustal seismicity in the region although Yang et al. (2009) place the
boundary further west.
Average crustal Vp/Vs can be used to interpret the petrology and physical
state of the crust. Christensen (1996) showed from laboratory experiments that Vp/Vs
ratio does not vary much with changes in temperature and pressure for pressures
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
greater than 100-200 Mpa. The main factor that controls the Vp/Vs ratio in the crust is
the presence of melting or fluids and the mineralogy. The relative abundance of quartz
and plagioclase feldspar has a dominant effect on Vp/Vs (Christensen, 1996): for
felsic quartz-rich rocks such as granite, Vp/Vs is 1.71; intermediate rocks have a
Vp/Vs ratio near 1.78 and mafic plagioclase-rich rocks such as gabbro have a Vp/Vs
ratio near 1.87. The average composition for continental crust is close to andesite or
diorite (Anderson, 1989) and laboratory measurements by Carmichael (1982)
confirmed that Vp/Vs for diorite at crustal pressures ranges from 1.75 to 1.79. We
found the region just to the east of Colima volcano and the northern part of the Jalisco
block have “normal” continental crust Vp/Vs ratios (Figure 6). The high Vp/Vs ratio
regions could indicate a very mafic crust or that the crust has high pore pressure fluids
or partial melt. The surface geology of the region is largely granitic or siliceous
volcanic rock with no indication of a particularly mafic crustal composition (Valencia
et al., 2013). Thus we conclude that the high Vp/Vs ratios we observe along two
bands in our study area are due to partial melt or high fluid content within the crust.
The high Vp/Vs ratios in the Jalisco block are just seaward of a trend of
volcanoes (red triangles in Figure 6) known as the Central Jalisco Volcanic Lineament
(CJVL). It has been known for some time that there has been an overall trenchward
migration of magmatism in Jalisco for the past 10 Ma (Ferrari et al., 2001). The CJVL
forms the front of this migrating magmatism. Ferrari (2004) and Yang et al. (2009)
proposed that this migration was due to slab rollback of the Rivera plate allowing
asthenosphere to warm the lithosphere progressively trenchward. Arc magmas and
fluids could also be rising from the deepening slab. The highest Vp/Vs ratios we find
in the Jalisco block are just trenchward of the CJVL volcanoes and are not collocated
with any volcanoes. This indicates the crust is being broadly heated, with possible
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
partial melting, or has had the addition of fluids trenchward of the recent volcanism.
Thermal modeling of Rivera plate subduction shows dehydration of the slab just
trenchward of the volcanic front (Ferrari et al., 2012) supporting the latter model. We
further note that magnetotelluric results show high crustal conductivity in this region
(Corbo-Camargo et al., 2013) consistent with high crustal fluid content
The second region with anomalously high crustal Vp/Vs is located in the north
east of our study area partly within the Michoacan-Guanajuato Volcanic Field. This
region has late Pliocene – Quaternary mafic and intermediate volcanism less than 3
Myr (Gomez-Tuena et al., 2007). It is a 40,000 km2 area with more than 1000
Quaternary eruptive centers and thus a crust with distributed partial melt is not
surprising (Gomez-Tuena et al., 2007). We find high crustal Vp/Vs ratios to the west
of the MGVF, as well. There is no volcanism in this region so high fluid content is
likely the cause which is also consistent with the location of the beginning of slab
dehydration in the thermal model derived by Ferrari et al. (2012).
Cross sections
In order to study the down-dip variation of the Rivera and Cocos subduction
zone, we plot RF’s along two linear profiles relative to an estimate of depth to the
subducting Rivera and Cocos plates. We divide the data into two groups (Figure 8)
corresponding to the Jalisco Block with the Rivera plate subducting beneath it and
stations to the east below which is the subducting Cocos plate. We make this division
because of the difference in crustal structure discussed above as well as the difference
in slab dip reported by Pardo and Suarez (1995) between the two regions. We use
estimates of slab interface depth from Pardo and Suarez (1995). For each of our
stations, we plotted the stacked receiver function as a function of depth to slab (Figure
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
9). The stacking was done assuming the Vp/Vs ratio found in our H-κ analysis. For
stations that had a null result from the H-κ analysis we assumed a Vp/Vs ratio of 1.78.
An estimated depth from H-κ analysis is also placed on the figure. Overall, the
stacked RF’s show good agreement with the H-κ analysis results although there are
slight differences that may be due to a more complex crustal velocity structure than
the simple homogenous layer assumed in H-κ analysis.
Both panels in Figure 9 show a northerly dipping structure in the southwest of
the array that is visible to near 60 km depth whereas in the northeast there is a
relatively simple Moho near 40 km depth with no visible dipping structures. We plot
the RFs to 80 km depth because at deeper depths crustal multiples are visible and
make interpretation problematic. We interpret the dipping structures as the subducting
Rivera and subducting Cocos plates (Figure 9a,b), respectively. Note that for the
subducting Cocos plate the top of the descending plate agrees with the results of
Pardo and Suarez (1995) but that we find the Rivera plate to be about 10 km
systematically deeper than Pardo and Suarez (1995) claim. This discrepancy is not
surprising in that seismicity is sparse in the Rivera subduction zone and
instrumentation was lacking in the past.
The techniques used above, H-κ analysis and stacking of receiver functions,
work well for flat lying structures but are problematic for dipping structures. Our
analyses to this point have assumed all the arrivals from a given boundary at a single
station are produced at the same depth. To account for the different location of
conversion points corresponding to different back azimuths to a station we have also
processed our receiver functions using the Common Conversion Point (CCP) stacking
method. Individual receiver functions were back projected along the raypath
corresponding to the receiver function. The back projected amplitudes are stacked in
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
lateral and vertical bins resulting in a 3D image of convertors in the sub surface. This
approach has been used in numerous studies (e.g. Dueker and Sheehan (1997),
Schulte-Pelkum et al (2005),) but requires a high density of stations with numerous
receiver functions such that each bin is sampled by numerous traces from different
directions. The MARS array is relatively sparse so we collapsed our images onto 2-D
lines so as to better compare the results with Figure 10. We divided the data into the
same two groups as before (Figure 8) and back projected the receiver functions onto
lines RR’ and CC’ respectively. This was done by projecting each convergence point
to its correct location and then projecting that location onto the respective lines along
a perpendicular to the lines.
Figure 10 shows the results of our CCP stacking along the two lines, RR’ and
CC’. We used a bin size radius of 12 km for the CC’ line and 14 km for the RR’ line.
The results can be compared to Figure 9 although it should be noted that we use
distance from the trench on the horizontal axis here but depth to slab was used in
Figure 9 as the horizontal axis. The red color in Figure 10 corresponds to a positive
pulse in the receiver functions and thus to a jump in shear velocity with increasing
depth. The blue color corresponds to a decrease in shear velocity with depth. The CCP
results are similar to the stacking results shown in Figure 9 in that a clear dipping
structure is seen in the southwest and a sharp relatively flat continental Moho is seen
in the northeast for both profiles. The dipping slab structure is seen to about 50 km
depth and then disappears.
Slab Structure
The cross sections shown in Figures 9 and 10 show several interesting
features. First, the dipping structure in the southwest is marked by a negative pulse
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
over a positive pulse (blue over red in Figure 10 –dashed lines in Figure 9) indicating
that there is a shear velocity drop with depth associated with the subducting slabs
underlain by a sharp jump in velocity. Figure 11 shows the raypaths and a
hypothetical velocity model for this situation, as well as an example of a receiver
function response. Here we assume the dipping crustal layer has a low velocity layer
underlain by a jump in velocity to normal crustal velocity and then finally another
jump in velocity representing the oceanic Moho. The Ps converted wave going from
low velocity into high velocity has a negative polarity. The converted waves from the
deeper layers go from higher velocity at depth to lower velocity above and thus have
positive polarities. There are also multiple reflections and conversions within the
layers. All these waves arrive close in time resulting in a two sided pulse in the
receiver function similar to what we observe in the coastal RF data.
One might interpret the slow shear velocity layer to be subducting sediment,
however, the gravity study of Manea et al. (2003) suggests that the thickness of the
sedimentary column over the Rivera plate probably does not exceed ~20 m, and that it
gradually increases eastward along the trench. Moreover, the Deep Sea Drilling
Project at site 487, located ~11 km offshore of Guerrero State (lat 15°51.210′ N and
long 99°10.518′ W) , found a sedimentary column of ~100 m of Quaternary
hemipelagic sediments which overlay ~70 m of late Miocene to Pliocene pelagic. A
layer just a few 100 m thick would be too thin to resolve at the periods of the RFs.
A slow velocity layer associated with subducting oceanic lithosphere has been
observed in several other subduction zones (Bostock; 2013). Bostock et al. (2002)
used a scattered wave inversion technique on seismic data recorded over the Juan de
Fuca plate in central Oregon. Their images show a layer of slow velocity that is
associated with the subducting plate to a depth near 45 km. Bostock et al. (2002)
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
interpret the slow anomaly as the basaltic oceanic crust subducting beneath
continental forearc. In Figure 9b it can be seen that the RF peak corresponding to the
top of the slow velocity occurs at the depth predicted for the subducting plate by
Pardo and Suarez (1995) and is even deeper in Figure 9a. Thus, we interpret the drop
in velocity found in the receiver functions to mark the top of the subducting oceanic
crust in accord with Bostock et al. (2002).
The estimate of thickness of the low velocity layer depends on the Vp/Vs ratio
of P and S waves within the slow layer. Using normal values of Vp/Vs ratio the
thickness of the layer in Bostock et al. (2002) corresponds to a layer roughly 8 km
thick and thus they associated the layer with the entire oceanic basalt crust. However,
Audet et al. (2009), using multiple reflections within the slow layer for data collected
above Cascadia, found that the Vp/Vs ratio is abnormally high within the low velocity
layer, 2.4 to 2.8, and thus the low velocity layer is thinner than previously thought and
is on the order of 3 to 5 km thick. Recently, Kim et al. (2010) and Song et al. (2009)
examined data from a dense linear profile across central Mexico. They also found a
thin 2-4 km thick layer of anomalously slow S velocity with anomalously high Vp/Vs
ratio dipping beneath the continent. Audet et al. (2009) as well as Kim et al. (2010)
and Song et al. (2009) identify the slow layer as the top half of the subducting oceanic
To better constrain the structure producing the RFs, we calculated synthetic
receiver functions for various models using a reflectivity code (Levin and Park, 1997).
The three parameters we investigated are the drop in shear velocity at the basalt
interface, the Vp/Vs ratio within the low velocity layer, and the thickness of the layer.
The velocity model we used has 4 layers, a continental crust, a low velocity layer
identified with the subducting oceanic crust, a lower oceanic crust, and the mantle.
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
We constrain the continental crust, lower oceanic crust and mantle to have a Vp/Vs
ratio of 1.78 and vary the thickness, shear velocity, and Vp/Vs ratio of the low
velocity layer to match our data. The velocity of the lower oceanic crust and mantle
are taken as normal, 6.8 km/sec Vp and 3.8 km/sec Vs for deep ocean crust and 8.0
km/sec Vp and 4.5 km/sec Vs for the mantle. Our receiver functions along the coast
vary considerably with different amounts of noise such that no single model will fit all
the data. For the purposes of waveform modeling we stacked all coastal RFs with
negative first motions near the Moho arrival time with back azimuths near 3000. The
stacked RF is then an average of converted waves from the subducting Rivera and
Cocos plates from one direction.
Figure 12 shows the results of our simulations with varying thicknesses of the
low velocity layer compared to the stacked coastal RF. We varied the thickness of the
low velocity zone from one to six km thick. For each thickness, we adjusted the S
velocity drop in the low velocity zone as well as the Vp/Vs ratio to best match the
stacked data. The S velocity drop controls the amplitude of the first arriving negative
pulse and the Vp/Vs ratio controls the timing of the following positive pulses. Our
optimal model is a 3 km thick layer with a drop in shear velocity of 25% and a Vp/Vs
ratio within the low velocity layer of 2.0-2.1, well above the range for normal rocks at
this depth. This is similar to the results of Audet et al. (2009) although we clearly do
not have tight constraints on the slow velocity layer’s properties due to variable
receiver functions in our profile as well as the fact that multiple variables affect the
Basalt is usually considered a high velocity component of crust, particularly
within continental crust, therefore it is surprising that it is showing up as a slow
velocity anomaly in our study as well as in the work of Bostock et al. (2002). Audet et
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
al. (2009) studied this issue and concluded that the basalt would have the observed
low velocities if it had pervasive water present that was overpressured. They propose
that the top of the oceanic crust formed of pillow basalts and sheeted dikes of gabbro,
contains significant water as well as hydrated minerals. As the plate subducts some of
the minerals dehydrate creating high pore fluid pressures that cause the dramatic drop
in shear velocity observed. This would imply the boundary between the subducting
oceanic crust and the overriding continental material is impermeable as well as the
deeper crust. Kim et al (2010) and Song et. al. (2009) proposed a similar
interpretation for their images in central Mexico although Kim et al. (2010) also
suggest hydrous minerals such as talc may be an important contributor to the velocity
We observe the disappearance of the slow dipping converted phase at about
45 km (Figure 10). We interpret this to be the depth where basalt begins to transform
to eclogite. When this occurs there is a relatively large volume change that may make
the subducting crust and its boundary more permeable and thus allow it to lose water
to the overlying mantle wedge. If the slow velocity layer is due to high pore pressure
fluids then its disappearance may show the depth at which the water can escape into
the mantle wedge. Eclogite also has high seismic velocity and thus its contrast with
the surrounding mantle will be less than the contrast of the slow basalt with mantle
causing the disappearance of the positive converted wave at the oceanic Moho. The
slow velocity layer found by Bostock et al. (2002) also disappears at a similar depth.
The similarity of subduction zone structure between Cascadia and
southwestern Mexico is striking but both regions have young ocean (5Myr – 15Myr)
subducting beneath continent. One difference between the regions is the thickness of
sedimentary cover in the subduction zone. Off shore southwestern Mexico estimates
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
of the sedimentary thickness range from 20 to 200 m, as mentioned above. However,
the subduction zone offshore Cascadia has a thick sedimentary prism and far more
flux of sediment into the subduction zone (Rea and Ruff, 1996). The similarity of the
two regions shows sediment flux is not a significant factor in the permeability of the
oceanic crust interface nor the temperature structure of the slab as the eclogite phase
transition seems to occur at similar depths as well. It also supports the model for the
slow velocity layer being basalt crust and not a layer of subducting sediment.
A second unusual feature of the CCP images of Southwestern Mexico (Figure
10) is the lack of any strong Moho signal in the middle of the images, both for the
Rivera plate system and the Cocos plate system. A clear continental Moho is visible
to the east and clear dipping convertors are seen to the west but in the middle there are
no clear signals corresponding to the Moho. Above the Rivera slab, we measure a 20
km width of weak Moho signal and above the Cocos slab we measure about a 50 km
width without a clear Moho. Again, this is similar to what is observed beneath
Oregon. Bostock et al. (2002) explained this observation by postulating that the
mantle wedge at this location is serpentinized due to the water release from the
subducting slab. Serpentine has very low shear velocity and in fact has slower shear
velocity than typical lower crustal mineral assemblages (Christensen (1996). Bostock
et al. (2002) show that a peridotite with 50% serpentization will have shear velocity
similar to lower crustal rocks. With no shear velocity contrast between crust and
mantle no converted P to S wave will be created at the Moho. The implication is that
this mantle does not participate in the mantle flow associated with the subducting slab
and is hydrated by released water from the subducting crust. Our data support this
interpretation. It is interesting that the width of the zone with weak Moho is quite
different between the Rivera and Cocos subduction zones. The Rivera plate has a
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
steeper subduction angle than the Cocos plate thus creating a thicker mantle wedge as
a function of distance inland. A thicker mantle wedge can be entrained in the
downward flow easier than a thin wedge. These observations may provide constraints
on viscosity of the mantle wedge.
We have analyzed the lithospheric structure beneath Southwestern Mexico
using the receiver function technique. Along the coast, receiver functions show the
dipping Rivera and Cocos plates subducting beneath Mexico. We find the Rivera
plate along the coast is about 10 km deeper than previously estimated by Pardo and
Suarez (1995). The receiver functions also show that the subducting slabs have a 3-4
km thick extremely slow shear velocity layer that is similar to what has been found in
several other subduction zones. The thickness of the layer leads us to conclude this is
part of the subducting oceanic crust that is under high pore fluid pressure and not a
layer of sediment. Further detailed modeling of this feature would require deployment
of a dense profile of seismic stations. The contrast of a better imaged profile in
Mexico with Cascadia should shed light on the role of thick versus thin accretionary
prisms in the subduction process.
Inland receiver functions show a clear Moho across much of our study area as
well as variations in crustal Vp/Vs ratio. There is no correlation of topography with
crustal thickness implying mantle buoyancy causes much of the high relief in Jalisco
and Michoacan. High crustal Vp/Vs ratios are seen just trenchward of the arc front or
in regions of recent magmatism. This correlation suggests that broad swaths of crust
are heated or infiltrated by fluids caused by migrating arc magmatism towards the
trench as the Rivera and perhaps Cocos slabs roll back.
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
We thank all participants in the MARS experiment, especially Alejandro Martinez for
leading the field work including siting and maintaining the instruments. Discussions
with Luca Ferrari were greatly appreciated and beneficial. Two anonymous reviewers
made suggestions that greatly improved the manuscript. Financial support for this
study was provided by the National Science Foundation through grant EAR-0335782,
the Geology Foundation of the Jackson School of Geosciences at the University of
Texas, and grant IN 117205 from Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.
by the
Instrumentation Center. The Observatorio Vulcanologico of the Universidada de
Colima kindly provided space throughout the course of the field work and helped with
customs. Finally, we thank Mike West for sharing data from the CODEX experiment.
The MARS seismic data are available for download at the IRIS Data Management
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© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
Figure 1. Map of Jalisco Block (JB) and adjacent regions, showing plate boundaries,
volcanoes (open circles with number : 1, Volcan Colima; 2, Navado De Colima; 3, Volcan
Cantaro; 4, Sierra La Primavera; 5, Volcan Tequila; and 6, Volcan Ceboruco); the Central
Jalisco Volcanic Lineament (CJVL)[Bandy et al, 2001](red triangles: A: Ayutla, LV: Los
Volcanoes, TA: Talpa de Allende, M: Mascota, and SS: San Sebastian, from southeast to
northwest). Black circles are MARS stations. Red circles are CODEX station. Brown circle
are Mexican stations. SCR, Southern Colima Rift; NCG Northern Colima Graben; TMVB,
Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt; MGVF, Michoacán-Guanajuato Volcanic Field; MAT, Middle
American Trench; RI, Rivera Plate; CO, Cocos Plate; and PA, Pacific Plate.
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
Figure 2. Distribution of earthquakes used for the teleseismic Receiver Function
study. Red triangles show station locations. Black circles show earthquake epicenters.
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
Figure 3. Receiver functions for station MA18 with time on the vertical axis and
epicentral distance on the horizontal axis. On the right is a linear stack of the receiver
functions in the depth domain using a 1-D velocity model to adjust for timing
variations due to different incidence angles.
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
Figure 4. (a) is contour of stack amplitudes for station MA18 as a function of crustal thickness H and Vp/Vs ratio.
The grid search calculates a stack amplitude of receiver functions for all ranges of crustal thickness (20-45 km) and
Vp/Vs ratio (1.65-2.). The final result is taken by choosing the highest amplitude from the contour and uncertainty
is calculated by measuring the flatness of the contour peak. (b) is a plot of all receiver functions from all events for
this station The green line is the predicted Ps times assuming a crustal thickness of 39.2 km and a Vp/Vs ratio of
1.82. Similarly, the red line is predicted time for PpPs and the blue line is for PpSs.
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
Figure 5. An interpolation of crustal thickness measurements using the H-K method
and picked Ps arrivals. The measured crustal thickness beneath individual stations is
also given with units of kms. Crustal thickness varies between ~18 km on the coast to
43 km in land. CO is Colima Volcano and MGVF is an active magmatic region
known as the Michoacán-Guanajuato Volcanic Field. The red triangles show
magmatic centers along the Central Jalisco Volcanic Lineament.
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
Figure 6. An interpolated map of Vp/Vs ratio of the crust as well as the individual
measurements. The Colima and Tepic-Zacoalco Rifts are shown as dashed lines. Young
volcanoes along the Jalisco Volcanic Lineament are shown as red triangles. CO is
Colima Volcano and MGVF is the Michoacán-Guanajuato Volcanic Field.
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
Figure 7. Map of the topography of Southwestern Mexico with crustal thickness
measurements at individual stations in km.
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
Figure 8. The groups of stations used for the Rivera and Cocos Line RF plots.
is the line used for CCP imaging of the Rivera plate and C-C’ is used for CCP
imaging of the Cocos plate.
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
Figure 9. (a) is plot of stacked RF’s with respect to depth to the slab for the Rivera Line. (b) is plot of
stacked RF’s with respect to depth of the slab for the Cocos Line. The vertical axis is depth and
horizontal axis is the depth to the slab taken from Pardo and Suarez (1995). The dashed red line is our
interpretation of the dipping oceanic crust. The red stars are the estimates of continental crust depth
using the H-K method.
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
Figure 10. (a) is the final CCP image result above the Rivera plate line (line R-R’ on
fig 8). The vertical axis is depth in km and the horizontal axis is the distance
calculated along the line. Note the starting point is close to the coast. Blue colors
show negative receiver function pulses and red positive. (b) is the final CCP image for
the Cocos plate (line C-C’).
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
Figure 11. (a) Synthetic seismogram response for the 4 layer velocity model shown in
(b). The red line in (a) shows impulsive spikes corresponding to different converted
arrivals while the blue line shows the corresponding receiver function at the longer
periods used in this study.(c)-(h) show the raypaths for various converted and reflected
waves with labels corresponding to the arrivals in (a).
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
Figure 12. The left figures show synthetic receiver function match real stack RF data
at different thickness model and the right figures show the optimized velocity model
to match the data.
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
Table 1. Crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio with 2σ uncertainties. For stations where
the H-κ method worked we give both crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio (A). For the
other stations we have no independent control on Vp/Vs ratio and just give the crustal
thickness with associated uncertainties (B).
VpVs ratio
36.6 ± 1.7
1.84 ± 0.04
31 ± 1.9
39.1 ± 1.4
1.86 ± 0.04
18 ± 1.4
39.3 ± 0.6
1.82 ± 0.02
31 ± 2.2
37.8 ± 6.9
1.82 ± 0.07
33 ± 3.5
37.3 ± 0.5
1.87 ± 0.01
22 ± 3.7
40.3 ± 1.8
1.77 ± 0.04
34 ± 3.0
39.0 ± 0.5
1.77 ± 0.02
29 ± 2.4
37.0 ± 2.2
1.77 ± 0.04
19 ± 0.8
36.9 ± 5.7
1.81 ± 0.09
32 ± 3.6
40.6 ± 4.0
1.82 ± 0.07
34 ± 5.0
41.2 ± 0.5
1.76 ± 0.02
36 ± 1.1
36.1 ± 6.3
1.73 ± 0.16
32 ± 1.1
36.8 ± 1.1
1.81 ± 0.03
41 ± 2.9
38.2 ± 5.9
1.81 ± 0.13
40 ± 3.0
39.6 ± 5.0
1.83 ± 0.10
33 ± 2.1
41.5 ± 3.5
1.85 ± 0.05
38 ± 1.7
42.0 ± 6.2
1.87 ± 0.14
37 ± 2.0
38.6 ± 2.6
1.81 ± 0.06
30 ± 1.2
38.3 ± 3.0
1.86 ± 0.15
40 ± 2.5
41.8 ± 4.9
1.78 ± 0.08
40 ± 4.0
42.0 ± 3.4
1.78 ± 0.03
23 ± 1.1
42.5 ± 0.6
1.77 ± 0.02
24 ± 1.5
42.5 ± 4.1
1.77 ± 0.05
36 ± 2.1
42.0 ± 6.2
1.67 ± 0.19
23 ± 0.9
36.1 ± 3.5
1.80 ± 0.08
17 ± 1.0
© 2015 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.