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The JEDM editor and associate editors express their sincere gratitude and thank the editorial board and colleagues who devoted their time and effort to reviewing for JEDM in 2013.
The editors identify and select these reviewers based on their demonstrable and recognized research expertise, professional experience, critical judgment and foresight, and forward thinking in their field of expertise. We express our deepest appreciation to these guest editors who have created special topical issues of JTST published in 2020, and to these reviewers, all of whom have completed manuscript reviews during 2020. Thank you all for giving generously of your valuable time and expertise.
Journal of Operations Management, 2008
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 2005
Submissions to the journal continued to increase this year and totaled 190. Seven percent more manuscripts were initially rejected this year and a greater percentage of authors were invited to revise and resubmit their manuscripts. Decisions on new manuscripts submitted are presented in , and those for resubmitted manuscripts are in . Thirty-eight manuscripts out of 189 submitted (not including invited articles) were accepted, for an acceptance rate of 20.1%. The percentage of research papers submitted to the journal was approximately the same as last year, although the total number of research submissions was greater in 2005-2006. The descriptors listed in reflect the broad range of material submitted to and published in JMFT.
JeDEM - eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government
The editorial from managing editors comprises information on the published articles as well as new information regarding the activities around JeDEM.
Journal of Science Communication
In this editorial, we reflect on our new roles as Editor-in-Chief and Deputy Editor of JCOM. We acknowledge the work of previous editors of JCOM, the Editorial Office and the wider JCOM community who have contributed to the success of the journal. We introduce the new Editorial Board and future directions for the journal, and we encourage suggestions from authors, reviewers and readers for taking the journal forward.
We use the information in credit default swaps to obtain direct measures of the size of the default and nondefault components in corporate spreads. We find that the majority of the corporate spread is due to default risk. This result holds for all rating categories and is robust to the definition of the riskless curve. We also find that the nondefault component is time varying and strongly related to measures of bond-specific illiquidity as well as to macroeconomic measures of bond market liquidity.
À l’occasion du 750e anniversaire de la mort de Bonaventure de Bagnoregio et de Thomas d’Aquin, ce colloque a comme but d’étudier les dépendances mutuelles de ces deux grands penseurs.
Розділи, присвячені давнім кельтам, їхній присутності на землях України та впливу на розвиток місцевих культур. Історія цивілізації. Україна. ‒ Том 1: Від кіммерійців до Русі (X ст. до н.е. ‒ IX ст.) / Упоряд. М. Ю. Відейко. ‒ Харків: Фоліо, 2020. ‒ 586 с. Анотація до видання: На сторінках цього видання постають два тисячоліття історії на теренах сучасної України. Книга поділена на дві частини: перша охоплює період від Х cт. до н.е. до ІІІ ст., друга – від ІІІ ст. до ІХ ст. Зміст книги було розроблено з метою залучення до її написання широкого кола фахівців, які найкраще дослідили та розуміються на окремих питаннях. Під однією обкладинкою зібрані відомості про мову, релігію, міфологію, технічні досягнення, економіку, мистецтво та військову справу давніх часів. Книга містить чимало унікальної інформації, результати новітніх досліджень, деякі розділи стали першими ластівками у висвітленні певних тем у такому обсязі.
Curriculo Sem Fronteira, 2019
Cadernos de Educação Tecnologia e Sociedade, 2023
Information Design Journal, 2011
Constructing Literature in the Roman Republic, 2005
International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics, 2024
Genome Biology and Evolution, 2011
Acta historica neosoliensia, 2020
Continuing Professional Education: Theory and Practice, 2019
Theriogenology, 2017
Núcleo do Conhecimento, 2020