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Women, Business and Leadership Gender and Organizations
Maria del Socorro Ocampo Castillo1
1) Universidad de Barcelona. Spain
Date of publication: June 25th, 2019
Edition period: June-October 2019
To cite this article: Ocampo, M. (2019). Women, Business and Leadership
Gender and Organizations. [Review of the Book]. Multidisciplinary Journal of
Gender Studies, 8(2), 204-205 doi: 10.17583/generos.2019.4402
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Ocampo Castillo – Women, Business and Leadership. [Book
Antoniou, A., Cooper, C. & Gatrell, C. Editors (2019). Women, Business
and Leadership Gender and Organizations. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
his book is a compilation of the work of 46 researchers from
different universities and research centers who, from a
multidisciplinary approach, expose the current situation of women
in business and leadership positions in organizations.
In a general way, this publication intends to recognize the
improvements that have been presented both in the legal and socio-cultural
fields regarding the equality of women in the world of business and
organizations. In the same way, it highlights the barriers and challenges faced
by many women during the last decades to reach such improvements and those
that still represent serious difficulties for the development of women in
business and leadership positions.
The book is divided into three sections composed of a total of 26
chapters in total. The first section: Leadership and authority: women at the
helm introduces and analyzes female leadership and entrepreneurial concepts.
Aspects such as the value of women's leadership in times of economic crisis,
the emotional implications of leadership and the discussion of legal
perspectives from the individual and the institutional are examined.
Throughout the nine chapters that make up this section, the authors present
situations that exemplify how women in leadership roles in any area face
specific challenges of their gender.
The second part Experience: How women in business and management
negotiate their position, presents some of the aspects that affect the trajectory
of women towards leadership positions. The first chapters of the section
highlight the value of networks in the achievement of leadership positions and
professional improvement. They also reveal how women do not have the same
access as men to generate these networks. Chapters 12, 13 and 14 discuss
various phenomena that seek to describe and explain the low representation
of women in leadership positions within businesses and organizations. Within
this phenomenon, the term "glass ceiling" is analyzed and the concepts of
205 GÉNEROS –Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies
Vol. 8 No.2 June 2019 pp. 204-205
"labyrinth" and "concrete wall" are incorporated into it. Along the same lines,
we reflect on gender stereotypes and norms and the different negative
experiences experienced by women on the way to leadership positions.
Chapter 16 gives special attention to pregnancy and the difficulties, stigmas
and discrimination that this situation implies for women.
The final section Constraints: the structural and cultural impediments
affecting women´s career advancement, takes up some of the phenomena
presented in the previous chapters regarding the limitations and challenges of
women on their way to the top and the way this is treated in relation to practice
and politics. Specific leadership experiences are studied in various sectors
such as religious (presenting the case of the Church of England), the financial
sector, sports and everyday life. This experiences also show different cultural
contexts that allow to add to the reflections the implications that the uses and
customs of each region entail in the development of the organizational and
economic leadership of women.
The last chapter emphasizes the need to add to the debate on gender
disparities in organizational studies the other differences that affect leadership
and professional improvement. A more complete vision in the study of
management and leadership has to take into account the impact on career
advancement that differences of age, ethnicity, race, religion, nationality,
sexual orientation and health have within the organizations.
It should be noted that, although the book is shown as a compendium
of scientific publications and studies, it also examines particular experiences
that illustrate the barriers that women have managed to overcome in order to
reach the maximum levels within the organizations. These examples allow a
practical contextualization of the restrictions that continue to represent a
virtual inequality for the female gender. In this sense, the narrative,
theoretical-practical style of the book allows it to be a reading of interest
beyond the academic field.
Maria del Socorro Ocampo Castillo, Universidad de Barcelona
[email protected]
2019 Hipatia Press
ISSN: 2014-3613
doi: 10.17583/generos.2019.4402