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2015, East European Film Bulletin
4 pages
1 file
Filmmakers Iris Elezi and Thomas Logoreci respond to EEFB’s questions. Their film “Bota” was screened in the East of West section of the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival in 2014
Academia Engineering, 2024
Academia Engineering was launched in 2023 as an open access journal with the aim of contribution to the acceleration and advancement of engineering research. It is focused on sharing, inclusivity, and quality, following FAIR practices.As the Editor-in-Chief, I am honored to help a team of professionals dedicated to upholding the highest editorial standards and ensuring the continued relevance of the journal. Today, I am pleased to present the redefined journal scope, which emphasizes the importance of multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity as approaches for solving current global challenges, providing sustainable solutions, and improving overall societal well-being.
El proyecto Reavivados por su Palabra (# RPSP) tiene como principal objetivo fomentar la lectura diaria de un capítulo de la Biblia. La iniciativa comenzó el 17 de abril de 2012 con la lectura del Génesis y es coordinado por la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día, y tiene acceso a participar cualquier persona que disfruta de la lectura de este que es considerado el libro más importante para los cristianos. La expectativa de los organizadores es que millones de personas lean, al ritmo indicado, los 66 libros que componen el canon sagrado de la Biblia hasta mediados del año 2015.
En el contexto de las relaciones y las habilidades sociales se suele hablar de dos polos comunicativos opuestos, uno de ellos sería la pasividad y el otro la agresividad. Al punto intermedio entre ambos opuestos, que sería la reacción deseable, se le llama asertividad. Muchas parejas y familias tienen serios problemas de funcionamiento porque uno o varios miembros se comportan siguiendo modelos agresivos o sumisos que provocan respuestas inadecuadas en el otro, dando lugar al consiguiente desajuste personal y emocional de uno o ambos. Nadie es puramente agresivo, ni sumiso, ni siquiera asertivo. Las personas tenemos tendencias hacia alguna de estas conductas, más o menos acentuadas, pero no existen los "tipos puros".
RESPONSABILIDADES: El contenido de esta obra elaborada por ZIGURAT Consultoría de Formación Técnica, S.L. está protegida por la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual Española que establece, penas de prisión y o multas además de las correspondientes indemnizaciones por daños y perjuicios.
Russia in a global conflict of the 18th century. Seven Years' War (1756-1763) and Russian society, 2023
The Seven Years' War (1756-1763) was the first truly global conflict of modern times, which unfolded "from Pondicherry to Canada, and from Russia to Senegal" (Horace Walpole, 1759). Russia's involvement was marked by both brilliant triumphs over Europe's most formidable Prussian army and dramatic policy reversals that left the victories without visible results and the war unclaimed in national historical memory. Meanwhile, the country's colossal war effort was reflected in social, cultural and economic processes, which largely influenced the following decades. The international authors of this volume are interested in the war era as a whole, from the army, diplomacy, domestic politics and economy to the media coverage of the war, the self-consciousness of its participants and contemporaries, and historical memory. This book is about war and peace in the mid-18th century and Russia's place in European history.
Estudios de Cultura Maya 60, 2022
The discovery of Stela 87 in situ in a secondary context, as a reused element of sacralization in a possibly royal residence from the Early Classic, allows us to locate the time of the original function as a stela in the Late Preclassic. It is in the Late Preclassic that the image and the text with 4 glyphic signs allude to the ruler represented there. It is in the early part of the Late Preclassic that stelae at Tak’alik Ab’aj and other early cities represent their rulers, still without a long count date. This was implemented in the second part of the Late Preclassic, of which a good example is Stela 5 (126 ad). For this reason, the iconography and writing of Estela 87 adds another exponent and opportunity, particularly for the Pacific Coast region, to the study of the still small universe of early texts, and more precisely, of the first part of the Late Preclassic (100 BC-50 ad) (Schieber de Lavarreda, 2020a). It is this opportunity that motivated the present collaborative study.
IRJET, 2023
Because of their activities, universities either directly or indirectly harm the environment. Universities should take the required safeguards to reduce these consequences as much as possible. The green campus initiative aims to minimise harmful effects on the environment while also involving students. Sustainability of the environment and infrastructure, climatic and energy adaptation, and waste and water management are all examples of "green campus." This approach uses the "Internet of Things" concept to create a green campus setting. Data is gathered and sent to the admin via sensors placed at specific points in order to automate the campus. Since data are updated often and the appropriate authority is informed to take action, the sensor network will use less energy overall.
The Arms Chronicle, No.104, 2017
The tragic tale of how Aboriginal soldiers enlisted in Australian colonial military forces sent to the Boer War were unable to return to Australia with the advent of Federation its 'White Australia' policy.
Journal of Special Education Technology, 2012
Africana Linguistica, 2017
Journal of Medical Entomology, 2014
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2016