Medical Error
Exploring Error in Team-Based Acute Care
Scenarios: An Observational Study From the
United Kingdom
Victoria R. Tallentire, MBChB, MRCP, Samantha E. Smith, MBChB,
Janet Skinner, MBChB, FRCS, FCEM, and Helen S. Cameron, MBChB, MRCP
To investigate the errors made by junior
doctors (first year after primary medical
qualification) in simulated acute care
settings, using (and, for some purposes,
amplifying) a previously published
generic error-modeling system (GEMS).
Possible error types were skill-based
slips and lapses, rule-based mistakes,
knowledge-based mistakes, and
In August 2010, 38 junior doctors
participated in high-fidelity simulated
acute care scenarios in NHS Lothian,
Scotland. Each video-recorded scenario
was immediately followed by an audio-
he survival of critically ill patients
depends on care that is prompt and
error free.1 Within the United Kingdom’s
health care system, deteriorating
inpatients are often assessed and treated,
at least initially, by teams of ward-based
junior doctors (doctors within their
first year of practice after attainment
of a primary medical qualification).
Because of competing time demands,
senior doctors (specialist doctors with
at least four years of postqualification
experience) are often not immediately
available. Consequently, junior doctors
are expected to contact the appropriate
specialists according to their assessment
of the patient’s condition and the urgency
of the situation at hand. Despite the
Please see the end of this article for information
about the authors.
Correspondence should be addressed to Dr.
Tallentire, Centre for Medical Education, University
of Edinburgh, Chancellor’s Building, 49 Little France
Crescent, Edinburgh EH16 4SB; telephone: (+44)
131-242-6368; fax: (+44) 131-242-6380;
[email protected].
Acad Med. 2012;87:792–798.
First published online April 24, 2012
doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e318253c9e0
recorded debrief that encouraged
articulation of underlying cognitive
processes. Two researchers used evidence
from the scenario, debrief, and field
notes to determine which errors were
attributable to a single underlying cause.
In such cases, the errors were coded
by template analysis into the GEMS
framework. Errors for which a single
cause could be identified but which
did not fit the framework were coded
A total of 243 errors were identified,
with sufficient evidence available to
identify a single cause in 190. Skill-based
slips and lapses, rule-based mistakes,
ability to “provide immediate care in
medical emergencies”2 being a General
Medical Council–mandated outcome
of all UK primary medical degree
courses, acute care is an area in which
new graduates feel consistently poorly
prepared.3,4 This perception is supported
by data suggesting that patients
admitted on the day that junior doctors
commence work in the United Kingdom
have an in-hospital death rate 6%
higher than those admitted a week
previously.5 The combination of time
pressure, dynamic conditions, and heavy
information load afforded by acute
situations provides fertile ground for
The causes of medical error are
diverse and complex, involving both
individual and systems factors.8 As
the contribution of human error to
suboptimal health care outcomes is
increasingly understood, a plethora
of error-modeling frameworks and
taxonomies have been developed which
attempt to facilitate deeper exploration
and understanding.9–11 However, much
of the contemporary discourse within
the medical education literature in
and knowledge-based mistakes were all
clearly identified within the data. Two
error types not originally included in
the GEMS framework were identified:
compound errors and submission errors.
Amplification of GEMS provides a
valid framework for categorization
of the errors made by junior doctors
in simulated acute care contexts. In
addition, the amplified framework may
be transferable to other, team-based
contexts. An improved understanding of
the knowledge and skills that are most
vulnerable to each specific type of error
will allow tailored educational strategies
to be developed.
relation to medical error emphasizes
diagnostic error,12–17 despite the fact that
“diagnostic reasoning is only one part
of the equation.”18 One of the unique
challenges of acute care is the necessity to
instigate generic resuscitative measures
whilst concurrently collating clinical
information to aid diagnosis and guide
specific management. In the context of
hospital inpatients, diagnosis formation
may be either aided or hindered by prior
knowledge of a patient’s condition,
which may not necessarily be relevant to
the acute deterioration. Consequently,
the exploration of errors made in acute
care contexts should not start with
diagnosis but, rather, should explore all
of the actions undertaken during initial
assessment and treatment. The cognitive
processes underlying other decisions
such as seeking help, judgment of illness
severity, and initial investigation choice
may provide new insights into the causes
of clinical error in the context of acute
care. An additional challenge in the care
of acutely unwell patients is the fact that
doctors rarely make decisions in isolation
but, instead, tend to work in teams to
plan and provide initial resuscitation and
ongoing care.
Academic Medicine, Vol. 87, No. 6 / June 2012
Medical Error
The conceptual framework we used
for this study was the generic errormodeling system (GEMS) devised by
James Reason19 but heavily influenced
by Rasmussen’s20 skill-rule-knowledge
classification of human performance.
GEMS was chosen for this study
because it provides a practical and
logical framework which recognizes the
importance of both observed behavior
and cognitive processing. Since its
inception, GEMS has been developed in a
variety of ways, including subdivision of
the categories21 and amalgamation with
other conceptual frameworks.11 Such
modifications have been particularly
useful in the context of systems
improvement10,22 but seem less applicable
to error exploration as a means of driving
educational innovation at the level of
the individual, where theoretical detail
can dilute the potential for practical
application. Consequently, we chose
to use the original broad version of
GEMS for this study. Recent work by
Dornan and colleagues23 employed the
same broad framework to categorize
prescribing errors using information
obtained during critical incident
debriefing. Other previous studies have
also identified the value of retaining
broad classifications, although such work
has thus far been restricted to the field of
prescribing,22,24 an activity which is often
undertaken alone and rarely involves
the complex, multimodal interactions
observable in team-based acute care.
Definitions, explanations, and examples
of the four error types described by
Reason are given in Table 1. Skill-based
slips and lapses, rule-based mistakes
(RBMs), and knowledge-based mistakes
(KBMs) are all types of unintentional
error.19 Violations are intentional aberrant
behaviors which, unlike the other error
types, are judged against the social and
organizational context within which
actions occur and not merely against
one’s own intentions.19
NHS Lothian undertake a three-day
induction program immediately before
commencing work. Participation in this
study was an optional component of
the induction program delivered in
August 2010 at the Western General
Hospital in Edinburgh. With the prior
agreement of the associate dean for
foundation training in the South East
Scotland deanery and the director of
medical education in NHS Lothian,
we e-mailed all junior doctors due to
commence work at the Western General
Hospital and invited them to take part in
the study.
In this constructivist study, we aimed
to answer the following questions: Can
GEMS be used to classify the errors made
by junior doctors working in small teams,
using simulated acute care scenarios to
provide the contextualized data? And
how can the framework be amplified to
accurately reflect the range of errors made
by junior doctors working in small teams?
Setting and population
The study was conducted in NHS
Lothian, one of the 14 district National
Health Service (NHS) boards in Scotland.
Newly qualified doctors employed by
Whereas the observation of authentic
clinical practice is limited by both
practical difficulties and ethically
unjustifiable patient safety implications,
simulated scenarios allow the observation
of clinical skills, behaviors, and responses
in an environment that does not expose
patients to harm. We thus employed
high-fidelity simulation to provide
the contextualized data for this study,
rather than in its more usual role as an
educational tool. Between January and
July 2010, eight simulated scenarios
involving acutely unwell patients were
designed and electronically programmed
by three clinicians (V.R.T. and two
anesthetic consultant colleagues with
Table 1
Definitions, Explanations, and Examples of the Error Types Described in Reason’s
Generic Error-Modeling System*
Error type
Everyday example
Skill-based slips and
“Errors which result from some failure
in the execution [slip] and/or storage
[lapse] stage of an action sequence.”
Slips are often caused by attention
failures during a task, whereas lapses
result from memory failure prior to task
Your guest would like tea and you
prefer coffee. You walk into the kitchen
intending to make the correct drinks,
but you return with two cups of coffee.
Rule-based mistakes
“The mistake arises from the
application of a ‘bad’ rule or the
misapplication of a ‘good’ rule [a rule
of proven worth].”
A rule formed from prior experience or
existing knowledge is either misapplied
or is inherently flawed.
Piles of paper to be recycled are left
next to the front door. You put a pile of
papers left there in the recycling bin, only
to discover that your partner left them by
the door as a reminder to take them to a
Mistakes arising from “the more
laborious mode of making inferences
from knowledge-based mental models
of the problem space.”
Attempts to pattern-match have failed,
and a lack of preprogrammed solutions
necessitates effortful, conscious
You are attempting to bake a cake for
the first time. You do not realize that
the oven door should remain closed,
and, halfway through the baking time,
you open the oven door to check the
progress, causing your cake to sink.
“Deliberate—but not necessarily
reprehensible—deviations from those
practices deemed necessary to maintain
the safe operation of a potentially
hazardous system.”
Intentional deviations from correct
protocols or routine courses of action,
often in an effort to save time or effort
by taking “shortcuts.”
You are late for an important meeting
and are held up for 10 minutes by a
slow-moving bus. After overtaking the
bus, you drive slightly over the speed limit
for the remainder of the journey.
Academic Medicine, Vol. 87, No. 6 / June 2012
Medical Error
particular interests in simulation
education). We repeatedly piloted all
scenarios using a total of 16 junior
doctors who were not study participants.
The junior doctors provided feedback
on the difficulty and clinical credibility
of the scenarios, and the programming
was refined to create scenarios that were
reproducible and realistic. The four wardbased scenarios used for the study were
those which performed most consistently
and received the most positive feedback
in the pilots: postoperative hemorrhage,
severe sepsis, postoperative respiratory
distress, and hypoglycemic coma.
The simulated environment consisted
of a single, full-body, adult mannequin
simulator (Emergency Care Simulator,
Medical Education Technologies, Inc.,
Sarasota, Florida) accompanied by
monitoring equipment, drugs, and other
supplies as available on a general medical
or surgical ward. Three ceiling-mounted
cameras allowed each scenario to be
filmed from a variety of perspectives
and relayed real-time to the control
room. The fidelity of the simulated
patient was enhanced by a patient voice
transmitted via a wireless microphone,
dynamic physiology, and realistic clinical
examination findings. A bedside monitor
provided physiological parameters when
requested by participants. A telephone
handset was connected directly to the
control room, and a member of the
study team previously unknown to the
participants played the role of a ward
nurse, capable of a finite, predefined
range of tasks. Because this study focused
on the errors made by the junior doctors,
the nurse helper neither provoked nor
prevented errors from occurring, but
did provide accurate and helpful advice
whenever it was requested.
Data collection
After a briefing that covered room
layout, nurse helper capabilities, and
mannequin features and limitations,
the junior doctors were placed in
groups of two or three. They were given
information regarding the patient’s
age, reason for admission to hospital,
and current presenting symptom, and
they were then invited to assess and
treat the patient (mannequin) within
the simulated setting. Observation
of participants in teams rather than
alone replicated the realities of clinical
practice and encouraged verbalization
of decisions and ideas. Each simulated
scenario lasted between 20 and 25
minutes and was video-recorded (with
audio). It was immediately followed by
an audio-recorded debrief conducted
by one of three trained senior clinicians
(V.R.T. and two consultant anesthetic
colleagues), which lasted between 30
and 40 minutes. Debriefing was aided
by immediate playback of the scenario
and encouraged articulation of the
cognitive processes which had occurred,
particularly in relation to the errors
observed. Field notes were taken by the
principal researcher (V.R.T.) during and
immediately after both the simulated
scenarios and the debrief discussions.
We conducted our analysis using the
scenario video recordings, debrief audio
recordings, and field notes. The video
recordings of all 18 scenarios were
reviewed by two clinician researchers
(V.R.T. and S.E.S.). During video review,
identification of an error prompted
the researchers to pause the video and
discuss the error in detail with each
other, informed by referral to current
resuscitation guidelines. All errors were
attributed to the team of doctors rather
than to a single participant, except
when evidence existed for the same
error having been made by more than
one participant for different reasons.
In such cases, the richness of the data
was preserved by giving individual
consideration to the actions of each
participant, recorded as distinct errors.
Observation of a single participant
involved noting aspects of behavior,
along with verbal and body language
clues which helped to explain erroneous
Immediately after review of each video
recording, both researchers listened to
the audio recording of the corresponding
debrief in an attempt to glean additional
information pertaining to the participant
intentions. Audio recordings were
chosen in preference to transcriptions
because the presence of intonation or
emphasis helped researchers to more
accurately interpret the meaning of some
participants’ comments or questions.
After assimilation of the evidence, each
error was reviewed in the context of
the scenario and debrief to determine
whether there was sufficient evidence to
attribute the error to a single cause. In
cases where a single cause was evident,
the error was coded into the GEMS
framework by template analysis.25 Errors
which could not be coded into the GEMS
framework were coded inductively.
Ethical approval was waived by the South
East Scotland Research Ethics Service. We
obtained written consent for audio and
video data collection and publication of
anonymized results from all participants.
All 38 junior doctors who were invited to
be involved in the study participated in
18 simulated scenarios in pairs or threes.
Participants included graduates from
seven UK medical schools. In total, 243
errors were identified (range 8–20 errors
per scenario). Sufficient evidence was
available to attribute 190 of the errors
to a single cause. For the 53 remaining
errors, there was insufficient evidence
from the scenario, debrief, and field notes
to confidently attribute the error to one
of a number of possible explanations.
It was possible to classify 164 of the errors
according to GEMS without modification
to the framework. An additional 26 errors
were classified in new categories, which
we propose below as an amplification
of GEMS when used in a team-based
The existing GEMS framework
Slips relate to the execution phase of a
task, whereas lapses result from failure of
the storage phase and usually occurred
when there was either a time lag or
distraction between the formulation and
execution of the plan. RBMs stemming
from both the misapplication of “good”
rules (those with proven utility in a
particular context) and the application of
“bad” rules were identified. Good rules
were often misapplied when the clinical
situations presented to the junior doctors
shared some common features with the
circumstances in which the chosen rules
are pertinent. The clinical features which
indicated that the rule being applied was
inappropriate tended to be ignored by the
junior doctors.
KBMs were, by definition, associated with
situations that the junior doctors had
not previously encountered. They related
to many forms of knowledge, including
clinical aspects, hospital systems, and
medical equipment. Violations occurred
in situations when the correct procedure
Academic Medicine, Vol. 87, No. 6 / June 2012
Medical Error
Table 2
Examples of Four Types of Error Made by 38 Junior Doctors in Simulated Acute
Care Scenarios, NHS Lothian, United Kingdom, 2010*
Type of error
Description of error (scenario number)
Evidence from scenario (S) or debrief (D)
Tells senior colleague on the phone that the patient’s heart
rate is 98 beats per minute. (10)
(S): Monitor shows that the heart rate is 130 beats per
minute and the oxygen saturations are 98%.
Fails to order chest X-ray for patient in respiratory distress,
despite volunteering to do so. (5)
Junior (S): “We need a chest X-ray.”
Reply from other junior: “You call for help and I’ll do that.”
(unable to do so as colleague uses the phone and never
returns to the task)
Patient’s notes not checked for current medications as
possible cause of hypoglycemic coma. (7)
Junior (D): “I completely forgot about the kardex [drug
chart], that’s when I was going to read that he was diabetic,
and then the phone went.” [referring to his plan to review
the drug chart]
Treats patient with partial airway obstruction secondary to
hypoglycemic coma with nebulized salbutamol, requiring
oxygen to be reduced. (7)
Junior (D): “He wasn’t wheezy, I know. I listened to his
Tutor: “Why did you think it was asthma?”
Junior: “Because there was noisy breathing and a fast
respiratory rate.”
Patient in septic shock with no evidence of cardiac
dysfunction treated with 500 mL of saline
across one hour. (3)
Junior (S): “I don’t want to put him into heart failure,
let’s put it over an hour.” [discussing intravenous fluid
prescription with nurse]
Juniors aware that senior help is not arriving for 20 minutes
and patient is having a major postoperative bleed. (17)
Tutor (D): “Did 2222 [emergency call] cross your mind?”
Junior: “Yes it did at one point.”
Tutor: “Why didn’t you call it?”
Junior: “I felt like the patient’s consciousness wasn’t
Recognition of partial airway obstruction but no simple
maneuvers attempted and no advice sought. (7)
Junior (S): “He’s sounding very obstructed; he’s got an
obstructed airway.”
Reply from other junior: “We can’t do anything about it, can
Recognition of severe sepsis but no attempts made to give
antibiotics. (18)
Tutor (D):”Did the patient get antibiotics?”
Junior: “No, because I didn’t know how to administer
Patient with major postoperative bleeding is causing
concern, but no attempt is made to obtain senior help. (17)
Junior (D): “I was thinking about maybe calling the
anesthetist. I was thinking: I need an anesthetist, where do I
get one of those?’”
Feels patient’s pulse but does not count rate or ask for any
monitoring. (11)
Junior (S): “He’s got a pulse as well; I can’t tell the rate,
I don’t have a watch.”
Junior has just checked first unit of blood correctly. Nurse
passes second unit of blood to junior and asks for it to be
checked. Junior looks at the patient’s notes for several
seconds and then passes blood back to nurse, stating it has
been checked when it has not. (12)
Junior (S): “Yes, that’s checked as well.”
Sends cross-match sample to blood bank despite being
unsure of whether the details on the tube and corresponding
form have been completed correctly. (14)
Porter (S): “Is it labeled properly this time?”
Reply from junior: “I’m not sure.”
Skill-based slips
and lapses
Rule-based mistakes
was conducted by a senior clinician and involved the junior doctors who had just participated in the scenario.
Error analysis involved both scenario and debrief recordings.
Academic Medicine, Vol. 87, No. 6 / June 2012
Medical Error
or protocol was known to the juniors
but compliance would have introduced
a time delay or the necessary equipment
was not readily available. Examples
of each of the types of error that could
be classified according to the
original version of GEMS are shown
in Table 2.
Proposed modifications to the GEMS
Compound error. Some errors
occurred solely because of a preceding
error; we have thus termed them
“compound errors.” This category
includes errors stemming from the
misunderstandings of others, as well
as from a junior’s own misperception
or misinterpretation of information.
Two examples of compound errors are
shown in Table 3.
Submission error. At times, there was
disagreement between the junior doctor
participants as to the most appropriate
course of action. The data revealed a
second error type which has not been
previously described in association
with GEMS: submission error. Such an
error occurred when a junior doctor
was dissuaded from taking the most
appropriate course of action by another
participant advocating less appropriate
measures. This type of error is clearly
only applicable in situations where
multiple individuals are working toward
a common goal. Two examples of
submission errors are shown in Table 3.
this study, we attributed all errors to
the team of doctors rather than to a
single participant, except when evidence
existed for the same error having been
made by more than one participant for
different reasons. Dornan and colleagues’
“communication errors” are therefore a
subset of the wider group of compound
errors observed in this study.
When a junior doctor commits an error
due to incorrect information provided by
another health care professional, Dornan
and colleagues23 have noted the inevitable
consequence of the junior becoming
mistrusting of information given to him
or her by other members of the team.
We have demonstrated a second type
of compound error stemming from the
misperception or misinterpretation of
information by oneself. The fallibility of
human perception and memory systems
is well documented in the cognitive
psychology literature,26 but such concepts
have been much slower to penetrate
medical education research and curricula
In their work on junior doctors’
prescribing errors, Dornan and
colleagues23 modified GEMS by
the addition of a category called
“communication error.” This additional
category was used to describe prescription
errors resulting from the receipt of
erroneous information from patients or
other health care professionals. Within
Submission errors are restricted to
situations in which teamwork is required.
In this study, all participants had the
same level of education and comparable
clinical experience. We must assume,
Table 3
Examples of Compound and Submission Errors Made by 38 Junior Doctors in
Simulated Acute Care Scenarios, NHS Lothian, United Kingdom, 2010*
Description of error
(scenario number)
Evidence from scenario (S)
or debrief (D)
Junior uses observation chart as a
surrogate for current physiology and
then provides insufficient oxygen to
patient. (9)
Junior (D): “We had the patient on a
Hudson [variable performance] mask ...
97% sats [oxygen saturation] so didn’t
think we need to jump in with all guns
Junior tells senior colleague on the
phone that a 12-lead ECG has been
performed when it has not; it had
merely been mentioned to the nurse.
Junior (D): “When she was asking
me what tests we had done and for
information on what we’d done, you
know, we seemed to have covered all
the bases.”
One junior is very keen to call for
senior help but is dissuaded from
doing so by another junior who insists
on the requirement for investigation
results prior to calling. (9)
Junior (S): “Should we get an SHO
[more senior doctor] here?”
Reply from other junior: “I suppose we
need to send the bloods first, and get an
ECG [electrocardiogram].”
Aware patient is bleeding; one junior
is keen to use blood as primary
resuscitation fluid but is persuaded
by another junior not to request any
blood from blood bank. (2)
Junior (S): “I think we should just give
more fluid.”
Reply from other junior: “But if she’s
bleeding blood then we should give her
Junior: “… can we not just keep
giving her saline, or jelly [colloid] or
Discussion and Conclusions
Our findings demonstrate that Reason’s
GEMS provides a valid framework for
categorization of the errors made by
junior doctors in simulated acute care
contexts. We clearly identified examples
of skill-based slips and lapses, RBMs,
KBMs, and violations in the data from
the video-recorded scenarios and audiorecorded debriefs. We have also proposed
two new types of error: compound errors
and submission errors.
design. Elevated stress levels have been
shown to impede performance in a
multitude of cognitive processes required
in acute care contexts, including those
that involve divided attention, working
memory, retrieval of information from
memory, and decision making.6 Recent
calls for training in error recovery,27
as complementary to more popular
error-reduction strategies,28 may hold
the key to developing junior doctors’
abilities to recognize error in both their
colleagues and themselves. Rather than
mistrusting their professional colleagues,
developing an awareness of how affect
and emotion can influence behavior may
promote patient safety by prompting
junior doctors to be less trusting of their
own cognition in stressful, high-stakes
was conducted by a senior clinician and involved the junior doctors who had just participated in the scenario.
Error analysis involved both scenario and debrief recordings.
Academic Medicine, Vol. 87, No. 6 / June 2012
Medical Error
therefore, that participants’ willingness
to deviate from their first-choice strategy
reflected a lack of confidence, either
in their clinical decision making or in
their ability to convince others of the
correct course of action. There were
times, however, when junior doctors were
diverted away from an inappropriate
course of action and “saved” from poor
decisions by the decisiveness of their
colleagues. It would, therefore, be unwise
to advocate obstinacy on the part of
junior doctors; instead, distributed
situation awareness and shared decision
making should be encouraged. In
contrast to the conventional model of
situation awareness (“the perception
of elements in the environment within
a volume of time and space, the
comprehension of their meaning, and
the projection of their status in the
near future”),29 distributed approaches
to situation awareness recognize the
dynamic interactions between the junior
doctors, other health care professionals,
and the patient.30 The sharing of
information, ideas, and projections was
conspicuously absent from the scenarios
in which an appropriate course of action
was traded for a less appropriate one.
Within the rigid hierarchy of hospital
medicine, one might reasonably assume
that the junior doctors in this study
may be even less willing to highlight the
perceived errors of their senior colleagues
than they were to challenge their peers in
the “safe” environment of simulation.
This study used the observation of
high-fidelity simulated practice of junior
doctors trained at various institutions
to inform and amplify an existing error
framework. However, it is probable
that we did not identify all of the
errors made in each scenario, and the
identification of error was likely to be
influenced by our own experiences and
interests. Many of the errors observed
could not be attributed to a single cause
because of insufficient evidence from
either the scenario or debrief recording.
This may reflect a lack of debriefing
time, participants’ reluctance to discuss
particular errors, or the complexity of
decision making in acute care contexts.
It is possible that, in the artificial
environment of simulated scenarios,
the junior doctors behaved in ways
that did not reflect their behavior in
Academic Medicine, Vol. 87, No. 6 / June 2012
everyday clinical practice, particularly
in relation to violations. The risk of
such discrepancy was minimized by the
use of high-fidelity simulation and the
absence of senior clinicians within the
scenarios. Discussions between juniors
during scenarios focused on their actions
rather than omissions, and, as such,
errors of omission were more difficult
to identify and, subsequently, classify.
Consequently, scenarios containing long
periods of inactivity presented relatively
few opportunities for error classification.
As with all forms of interview, the
collection and analysis of data will have
been influenced by the social context of
the discussion,31 particularly the power
dynamics inherent within the hierarchy
of clinical medicine. Our attempts to
create a relaxed debriefing environment
were unlikely to have negated the
inhibitory effect of senior clinician
presence. The junior doctors may have
chosen to amend the explanations of
their actions to be consistent with the
perceived agenda of the facilitator.
Implications and further work
This study demonstrates that applying
GEMS to the analysis of error may help
to illuminate acute care error from a
new perspective and suggests that the
emphasis on diagnostic error within
contemporary medical education
discourse gives an incomplete picture
when applied to acute care error. GEMS
provides a pragmatic framework that
incorporates, but is not restricted to,
diagnostic error. We have adapted GEMS
for use in acute care, and this amplified
framework may be transferable to other
situations involving close team working
in small groups. Compound errors
and submission errors almost certainly
occur in other medical and nonmedical
contexts, and future work could also
focus on evaluating the extent to which
the amplified framework is transferable
to other fields. In terms of specific
error types, it would be particularly
interesting to explore the contributions
of factors such as personality type and
self-confidence to the occurrence of
submission errors.
If the survival of critically ill patients
is to be improved, the behavior of the
junior doctors who constitute the first
responders in such situations needs to be
more fully understood. The multiplicity
of influences on their behavior at this
crucial time,32 commonly combined
with diagnostic uncertainty and highstakes outcomes, means that errors are
somewhat inevitable. The amplified
version of GEMS could be used in future
studies to identify the knowledge and
skills that are most vulnerable to specific
error types, allowing tailored educational
strategies to be developed.
Acknowledgments: The authors wish to thank Dr.
Jeremy Morton, Dr. Halia O’Shea, Mr. Stephen
Hartley, Dr. Edward Mellanby, and Mr. Chris
Winter for their expertise in scenario design, implementation, and debriefing. Thanks also to the
38 junior doctors who participated in the study
and to Professor Henry Walton for his insightful
comments on draft versions of this report.
Funding/Support: This work was supported by
grants from the Clinical Skills Managed Educational Network and the University of Edinburgh
Principal’s Teaching Award Scheme.
Other disclosures: None.
Ethical approval: Ethical approval for this study
was waived by the South East Scotland Research
Ethics Service.
Dr. Tallentire is a fellow in medical education,
Centre for Medical Education, University of
Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Dr. Smith is a fellow in medical education, Centre
for Medical Education, University of Edinburgh,
Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Dr. Skinner is director of clinical skills, Centre
for Medical Education, University of Edinburgh,
Edinburgh, United Kingdom, and consultant in
emergency medicine, NHS Lothian, United Kingdom.
Dr. Cameron is director, Centre for Medical
Education, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh,
United Kingdom.
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Academic Medicine, Vol. 87, No. 6 / June 2012