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1983, Nationalokonomisk Tidsskrift
20 pages
1 file
Biblioteksarbejde, 1996
En betragtelig andel af de internationale studerende pa danske videregaende uddannelser har baggrund i et andet nordisk land. Nogle af disse modtager undervisning pa engelsk, andre pa dansk. Der har hidtil vaeret meget lidt fokus pa, hvad undervisningssproget betyder for nordiske studerendes laeringssituation og faglige udbytte, og ingen initiativer er taget til at understotte dem sprogligt. Denne artikel er et forsog pa at rejse dette sporgsmal og samtidig se det i lyset af moderne universitetspaedagogik, der har fokus pa savel faglige krav som de studerendes laeringsbehov. Konklusionen er, at de nordiske studerende udgor en studentergruppe med saerlige studierettede sprogbehov, som universiteterne bor vaere opmaerksom pa.
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Jordens Folk, 2008
Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift
In this article, we describe and analyze the discussion of the celebration of the Lords Supper in the Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church during the pandemic 2020-21. We notice that the Lutheran World Federation as well the Swedish and Norwegian bishops expressed or recommended a no to any attempts at a digital celebration of the Lords Supper. We also emphasize that most Danish pastors were spontaneously careful in their practice and hesitated towards the attempt at a digital celebration. Nonetheless, some Danish bishops seemed to assume that this was possible and their assumption became the beginning of a discussion in a few Danish media, primarily in Kristeligt Dagblad. In the article, we analyze this Danish discussion in the context of the confessional writings of the Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church and argue for a hesitating position that calls for more research. This presupposes that the confessional writings were written in a different, non-digitalized, context, and it takes...
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