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2006, Physical Review Letters
5 pages
1 file
We study phase ordering on networks and we establish a relation between the exponent aχ of the aging part of the integrated autoresponse function χag and the topology of the underlying structures. We show that aχ > 0 in full generality on networks which are above the lower critical dimension dL, i.e. where the corresponding statistical model has a phase transition at finite temperature. For discrete symmetry models on finite ramified structures with Tc = 0, which are at the lower critical dimension dL, we show that aχ is expected to vanish. We provide numerical results for the physically interesting case of the 2−d percolation cluster at or above the percolation threshold, i.e. at or above dL, and for other networks, showing that the value of aχ changes according to our hypothesis. For O(N) models we find that the same picture holds in the large-N limit and that aχ only depends on the spectral dimension of the network.
Physical Review E, 2004
We provide a phenomenological theory for topological transitions in restructuring networks. In this statistical mechanical approach energy is assigned to the different network topologies and temperature is used as a quantity referring to the level of noise during the rewiring of the edges. The associated microscopic dynamics satisfies the detailed balance condition and is equivalent to a lattice gas model on the edge-dual graph of a fully connected network. In our studies-based on an exact enumeration method, Monte Carlo simulations, and theoretical considerations-we find a rich variety of topological phase transitions when the temperature is varied. These transitions signal singular changes in the essential features of the global structure of the network. Depending on the energy function chosen, the observed transitions can be best monitored using the order parameters ⌽ s ϭs max /M, i.e., the size of the largest connected component divided by the number of edges, or ⌽ k ϭk max /M, the largest degree in the network divided by the number of edges. If, for example, the energy is chosen to be EϭϪs max , the observed transition is analogous to the percolation phase transition of random graphs. For this choice of the energy, the phase diagram in the (͗k͘,T) plane is constructed. Single-vertex energies of the form Eϭ͚ i f (k i ), where k i is the degree of vertex i, are also studied. Depending on the form of f (k i ), first-order and continuous phase transitions can be observed. In case of f (k i )ϭϪ(k i ϩ␣)ln(k i ), the transition is continuous, and at the critical temperature scale-free graphs can be recovered. Finally, by abruptly decreasing the temperature, nonequilibrium processes ͑e.g., nucleation and growth of particular topological phases͒ can also be interpreted by the present approach.
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2004
To provide a phenomenological theory for the various interesting transitions in restructuring networks we employ a statistical mechanical approach with detailed balance satisÿed for the transitions between topological states. This enables us to establish an equivalence between the equilibrium rewiring problem we consider and the dynamics of a lattice gas on the edge-dual graph of a fully connected network. By assigning energies to the di erent network topologies and deÿning the appropriate order parameters, we ÿnd a rich variety of topological phase transitions, deÿned as singular changes in the essential feature(s) of the global connectivity as a function of a parameter playing the role of the temperature. In the "critical point" scale-free networks can be recovered.
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 1987
The equality of two critical points-the percolation threshold p H and the point p τ where the cluster size distribution ceases to decay exponentiallyis proven for all translation invariant independent percolation models on homogeneous d-dimensional lattices (d^ 1). The analysis is based on a pair of new nonlinear partial differential inequalities for an order parameter M(β, h\ which for h = Q reduces to the percolation density P^-at the bond density p = l-e~β in the single parameter case. These are: (1) M^hdM/dh + M 2 + βMdM/dβ, and (2) dM/dβ^\J\MdM/dh. Inequality (1) is intriguing in that its derivation provides yet another hint of a "φ 3 structure" in percolation models. Moreover, through the elimination of one of its derivatives, (1) yields a pair of ordinary differential inequalities which provide information on the critical exponents β and δ. One of these resembles an Ising model inequality of Frόhlich and Sokal and yields the mean field bound (5^2, and the other implies the result of Chayes and Chayes that β^ί. An inequality identical to (2) is known for Ising models, where it provides the basis for Newman's universal relation /?((5-1)^1 and for certain extrapolation principles, which are now made applicable also to independent percolation. These results apply to both finite and long range models, with or without orientation, and extend to periodic and weakly inhomogeneous systems.
Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, 1980
Physical Review E, 2007
We study numerically the phase-ordering kinetics following a temperature quench of the Ising model with single spin flip dynamics on a class of graphs, including geometrical fractals and random fractals, such as the percolation cluster. For each structure we discuss the scaling properties and compute the dynamical exponents. We show that the exponent aχ for the integrated response function, at variance with all the other exponents, is independent on temperature and on the presence of pinning. This universal charachter suggests a strict relation between aχ and the topological properties of the networks, in analogy to what observed on regular lattices.
arXiv: Statistical Mechanics, 2015
A new type of collective excitations, due exclusively to the topology of a complex random network that can be characterized by a fractal dimension $D_F$, is investigated. We show analytically that these excitations generate phase transitions due to the non-periodic topology of the $D_F>1$ complex network. An Ising system, with long range interactions over such a network, is studied in detail to support the claim. The analytic treatment is possible because the evaluation of the partition function can be decomposed into closed factor loops, in spite of the architectural complexity. This way we compute the magnetization distribution, magnetization loops, and the two point correlation function; and relate them to the network topology. In summary, the removal of the infrared divergences leads to an unconventional phase transition, where spin correlations are robust against thermal fluctuations.
Physical Review E, 2014
We derive the critical nearest-neighbor connectivity g n as 3/4, 3(7 − 9p tri c)/4(5 − 4p tri c), and 3(2 + 7p tri c)/ 4(5 − p tri c) for bond percolation on the square, honeycomb, and triangular lattice, respectively, where p tri c = 2 sin(π/18) is the percolation threshold for the triangular lattice, and confirm these values via Monte Carlo simulations. On the square lattice, we also numerically determine the critical next-nearest-neighbor connectivity as g nn = 0.687 500 0(2), which confirms a conjecture by Mitra and Nienhuis [J. Stat. Mech. (2004) P10006], implying the exact value g nn = 11/16. We also determine the connectivity on a free surface as g surf n = 0.625 000 1(13) and conjecture that this value is exactly equal to 5/8. In addition, we find that at criticality, the connectivities depend on the linear finite size L as ∼ L yt −d , and the associated specific-heat-like quantities C n and C nn scale as ∼ L 2yt −d ln(L/L 0), where d is the lattice dimensionality, y t = 1/ν the thermal renormalization exponent, and L 0 a nonuniversal constant. We provide an explanation of this logarithmic factor within the theoretical framework reported recently by Vasseur et al.
Physical Review Letters, 1996
Simple models of directed bond percolation with temporal disorder are introduced and studied via series expansions and Monte Carlo simulations. Series have been derived for the percolation probability on the directed square lattice. Analysis of the series revealed that the critical exponent b and critical point p c change continuously with the strength of the disorder. Monte Carlo simulation confirmed the continuous change of critical exponents. Estimates for the temporal correlationlength exponent n k for weak disorder showed that n k , 2 in apparent violation of the Harris criterion. [S0031-9007 01855-8] PACS numbers: 05.50. + q, 02.50. -r, 05.70.Ln
Geological Society of America Special Papers
We reviewed the current state of waste management practices in Nigeria using examples from different parts of the country. Commonly practiced waste disposal methods in Nigeria, such as burial, open-air burning, and open dumping, were found to be ineffective and detrimental to public health and the environment. It was also shown that waste management cannot be successfully operated as a social service. Rather, the generator of waste must be held responsible. Problems confronting efficient waste management in Nigeria include the proliferation of unplanned settlements, traffi c congestion, insecurity, and ignorance. An experimental model being used in Lagos State for the management of wastes may be the solution. Given the rate of population growth, industrialization, and urbanization, forward-looking and effective waste management plans need to be set in motion for the protection of public health. Such plans must involve all stakeholders, including the waste generators, the private sector, the informal sector, and regulatory agencies.
Department of Christian Studies and Vaishnavism, University of Madras, Chennai , 2023
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