Biochimica et Biopt~ys~aAcra. I [ 16 ( 1992t ~ 1 - 2 %
© 1992 EIsevlct Sckmc¢ Publish¢fs B.V, All t'ighLsresev.'ed 0304-4165/92/$05.fl0
BBAGEN ! ~ 7 4
Photodynamic degradation of vitamin E induced by psoralens
Claudio Costantini
~, M a r c o d ' l s c h i a ~, A l e s s a n d r a N a p o l i t a n o
and Giuseppe Prota ~
~, G i o v a n n a
Deparhnent of Organic and Biol~,gical('konistm; UniversiO"of Naple~ tltab'~ and i, Department of Pharmacolog%
Urdl erMlyof Naples. ~'abges ¢lla[t'~
t R ~ ¢ ¢ ~ Iqovew,bef 281h I~}1)
Key words: Vitamin E: Psoralen: Photooxidalion: Singlet oxygen
Psoralcns and other furocoamarins currcndy used in PUVA photochemotherapy are shown to have, to a variable cxtcm, the
ability 1o hasten the rate of ultraviolet-induced photooxidation of ~r-tocopherol (a-T) in ethanol or ethanol-phosphate buffer (pH
6.8L T i c sensitizing effect varies significantly" with the substrate concentration and the natuse of the furocoumarin usod. and is
dependent on the p r e s e ~ of oxygen. Scavengers of singlet osygen, e.g., gJdium azide, markedly inhibit the psoralen-sensitizcd
photooxidation of a-T. whereas superosid¢ dismatase exerts an opposite, accelerating effect on the reaction rate. Catalase has
no signiFa:ant influence on the kinetics of a - T decay, Analysis of the products formed by p~ralcn-scnsitizcd photooxidalion of
a - T in ethanol-phosphate buffer showed the presence of tz-tocopherolquinone, its 2,3-epoxide and two related compounds
containing the 7-oxaspiro[4~]dcc-I-cnc-3,6~lione ring system. The nature of thc~ products, coupled with the results of the
Idnetic experiments..suggest that psoralens induce a type It, oxygen-dependem photodegradation of a - T primarily mediated by
singlct o~ygen.
T h e photochemical and photobiologlcal properties
o f psoralens and related furocoumarios are the focus
o f keen and ever increasing interest to chemists, pharmacologists and dermatologists. This interest stems
primarily from the ability o f these compounds to act as
potent skil~ photosensitizers when applied in conjunction with UVoA irradiation ( P U V A ) , eliciting a marked
hyperpigmentary response and interfering with abnormal cell proliferation in psoriasis and other severe
diseases characterize0 By epidermal hyperplasia [1-7].
Yet, the precise molecular mechanism o f action of
psoralens is still controversial and is the subject of a
lively debate.
Traditional theories center mainly on the ability of
these molecules to undergo oxygen-independent, type I
Abbreviations: a-T. a-tocopherok PS. psoralen: &MOP. 8-methox~W~raten: 5-MOP. 5-methoxypsoralem TMP. 4.5'.8-ttimethylpsoralem AN, angelicin; SOD. supcr~xxid~ dlsmutase: DABCO. l.,l~liazabicyclooctahe: PUVA~psoralen + uhra~qolet A, irradiation: HPLC,
high-p~rformance liquid chromatography;, TLC. thin-la~er chromatography.
Correspondence: G. Prota. Department of Organic and t3iological
Chemistry. Unh-ersi~" of Naples. Via Mezzocannone 16. 1-80134
Naples, Italy.
photocycloaddldon reactions with pyrimidiue bases of
D N A , leading to the formation of monofunctional and
bifunctional adducts which are responsible for interstrand cross-linking, and, hence, mutagenicity and cell
death [8,9].
In more recent years, however, it has been recognized that pseralens can undergo efficient intersystem
crossing from the excited ~w, ~r* state to the 3~., ~..
state [10]. T h e availability o f the triplet state acceunts
for the observed ability of pseralens to act as efficient
~ n s i t i z e r s fur the generation of singlct oxygen (1At)
and o t h e r electronically activated forms of oxygen,
most notably superoxidc anions, via both energy-transfer ;2nd charge-transfer processes [I 1,12].
As a result o f these studies, attention has gradually
turned to the role of oxygen-dependent, type II photoreactioos in psoralen-induccd skin photosensitization
[13,14]. Following the realization that singlet oxygen
and supcroxide can survive long enough to diffuse
within a relatively long radius from the site of generation, up to 60 nm in the case of singlet oxygen [15],
active oxygen species have been increasingly implicated
in a variety o f biological effects evoked by pseraleas,
including erythema, edema and cytotoxicity, as well as
carcinogenicity. T h e actual cell constituents targeted by
these species, however, have remained up till now
largely unknown.
Recently, as a part of a broad range research programme on the pigmentogenic effect of psoralens, we
found that 8-methoxypsoralen and other widely used
pharmacologically active furocoumarins can remark*
ably accelerate the aerial oxidation of glutathione promoted by Pyrex-filtered UV light [16]. Wc report now
evidence that psoralens can also sensitize the in vitro
photonxidation of a-tocopherul (ot-TL the most active
component of vitamin E [17].
Materials and Methods
(_+~t-Tocopherol (a-T), psoralen (PS), 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP). 5-mctho~,psoralen (5-MOPL
4,5'.8-trimethylpsoralen (TMP), sodium azide and diazabieyclooctanc (DABCO) were [Yore Fluka. Angelicin
(AN) was kindly provided by Professor F. Dall'Acqua
(University of Padua). Superuxidc dismutase (SOD.
3000 U / m g ) from bovioc-erythrocytes and catala~
(2500 U / m g ) from bovine liver were from Sigma. All
other chemicals were of the highest quality available
and were used without further purification.
HPLC analysis
Analytical HPLC was performed on a Waters model
6000A instrument, using a 4 x 9_50 mm RP 18
Lichrochart column. Detection was carried out with a
Waters model 440 UV detector. ,z-T was analyzed
using methanol as eluant (flow rate 1.5 ml/min, A = 280
urn). Quantitative determination of concentration was
carried out by electronical integration of peak ~reas
and comparison with external calibration curves.
Photonxidation products of ot-T were analyzed using
methanol/water, 9: I (v/v), as the eluant.
Psoralen-sensitized photooxidation of a-T
In a typical experiment, a solution of a-T made up
to the desired concentration in ethanol or ethanol/0.02
M phosphate buffer (pH 6.8)~ 7 : 3 (v/v) (2.5 ml), was
irradiated in a I × 1 cm euvette thermostated at 25°C
with a 500 W Helios Italquartz high-pressure mercury_
lamp equipped with a Pyrex water jacket at a distance
of 10 cm. The system produced UV irradiance of 7.0
mW/cm 2 at a I0 cm distance, ms determined with an
EG and G photometer-radiometer model 550-1.
Stock solutions of furocoumarins (1 m g / m l in
ethanol) were prepared fresh before use. When necessary, aliquots of the stock solutions were added to the
reaction mixture up to the desired concentration.
Addition of sodium azide or DABCO for inhibition
experiments in ethanol containing phosphate buffer
significantly altered the pH of the medium, and adjustment to the initial value was required before irradiation. Stock solutions of SOD (1 mg/ml) and catalase (I
mg/ml) were prepared freshly in deionized water, and
100 V-I aliquots were added when tlecessary.
Anaerobic experiments were ~rried out in rubber
capped ctwettes, previously flu.~dl with o~gen-frec
nitrogen for at least 30 rain.
Determinatiou of the 13 valae of a-T for tire 8-MOPs o ~ i z e d photooxidatiou
3 ml solutions of ot-T at various concentrations
(0.18-4.50 raM) in ethanol containing 0.48 mM 8-MOP
were irradiated with 4.5 J/era-" of Pyrex-filtered ultraviolet light at 25°C. Substrate consumption was followed by HPLC and did not exceed 20~L A leastsquares fit of the recipn3eals of the initial rates vs. the
reciprocals of the initial concenlrat[oas of a-T ga,'e a
slope of 63 +_2 min and an intercept ot" 1.9 _+0.2- 104
rain M - l from which a /3 value of 3.3+0.5- l0 3 M
was calculated.
Product isolation
A stirred solution of a-T (520 me, 1.2l - i0 -3 tool)
and 8-MOP (150 me, 5.6- 10-a rood in 1.2 I ethanolphosphate buffer (0.02 M, pH 6.8), 7:3 (v/v), was
irradiated in a Pyrex immersion apparatus using a 5fl0
W Helios lralquartz high-pressure mercury lamp
equipped with a Pyrex water jacket.
After 3 h irradiation, the solution was concentrated
to about 300 ml in a rotary evaporator under reduced
pressure, and then extracted with ethyl acetate. The
organic layer was dried over NazSO. and evaporated
to dryness to give about 600 mg of a brownish oil. This
was dissolved in light petroleum and fractionated by
flash chromatography [18] on a silica-gel column (402.5 cm). After washing with I litr¢ light petroleum/
ethyl ether, 95:5 (v/v), to remove faster moving products (40 me) and the unreactod a-T (108 rag), a major
fraction (220 rag) was eluted with 350 ml of light
petroleum/ethyl ether, 4 : 6 (v/v). This fraction was
ehromatographed on preparative silica gel plates (ethyl
aeetate/cyclohexane, ~ : 75 (v/v)) to afford four main
distinct ultraviolet-detectable bands at Rf = 0.65, 0.54,
11.48 and 0.42. The first band (88 rag) proved to consist
of two products eluting on HPLC after 36.1 and 49
rain. These were isolated by preparativu HPLC
(elaant : methanol/I M sodium acetate (pH 4.25), 93 : 7
(v/v); flow rate 6 od/min) as colorless oils. aud were
identified as a-tocopherolquinone (I) (22 rag) and its
epoxidc (2) (61 mg).
The hands at R F = 0.54 and 0.48 (24 and 16 rag,
respectively), elutiog on HPLC after 18.6 and 19A rain,
afforded two diastereoisomers of 1,2,8-trimethyl-4met hylenc-8-p hytyl-7-oxaspiru[4.5]dcc- 1-ene-3,6-dione
O) as coloudess oils, h,o~(cyelohexane)=238 am;
~'m~(CCi4) = 1715, 1708 cm n.
The band at Rf=0.42 (12 mgk elutiog after 18.0
min on HPLC, afforded one diastercoisomer of 4-by-
a - T t,/o)
~1~ (10 ~,n
J/era 2
Fig- I- Effect o f furoroumarins (0.48 mM~ on the aerobic ~ t[on o f a - T t0.89 raM) in e t h e n ~ , o , no additbce; o, + A N ; z~,
+ 8 - M O P ; A, + P S ; £]. ~- 5 - M O P ; I I , + T M P . Each value is [[g¢
mean for three e ~ l ~ m e n t s I SE is [lldJcated by t he VeIlical hat).
droxy- 1,2,4,8-tetramethyl-8-phytyl-7-oxaspiro[4.5]dec-1 ene-3,6-dione (4) as colonrless oil, a~(cyciobexane) =
232 nm; ~,=~(CCI,) = 3555, 3418, 1718 (broad) cm-L
The structural characterization of the products followed from spectral analysis, =H- and t3C-NMIL mass
spectrometry, ultrav/olet and comparison of their chromatographic properties with those of authentic samples
obtained by methylene blue-sensitized phot~-xgdation
of a-T [19,20].
The psoralen derivatives used in this study include
the parent psoralen (PS), 4,5",8-trimetbylpsoralen
(TMP), angelicin (AN), 8 - m e t h o ~ r a l e n (8-MOP)
and 5-methoxypsoralen (5-MOP).
Fig. ! shows the effect of the various furocoumarins
(0.48 raM) on the photooxidation of 0.89 mM a-T in
ethanol with Pyrex-filtered ultraviolet light (wavelengths > 320 nm). in the presence of the sensit/zers, a
significant acceleration of the rate of decomposition of
a-T was observed, to an extent that depends on the
nature of the psoralen added. TMP and 5-MOP proved
by far the most effective in inducing a-T decay, fob
1/c0{103M-' I
Fig. 2. Double-reciprocal plot o f the initial rate . f a -T ph,lnoxidalioll vs. the initial concentration o f a-T. with 0.48 mM 8-MOP.
Irradiation was carried out under the usual conditions with 4.5
J / c m / of ultraviolet light at 25°C.
lowed by PS, 8-MOP and AN in that order, in control
experiments, no reaction between psoralens and a-T
was observed in the dark. Under the same experimental conditions, a-T was completely stable in the dark.
Further experiments on the effect of psoralens on
a-T photooxidatinn were carried out using 8-MOP.
which is widely used in PUVA therapy. The photosensitizing effect of 8-MOP was found to be dependent on
the presence of oxygen: under rigorously anaerobic
conditions, only 3.0 _+0.5% consumption of oL-T with
13.5 J / c m 2 irradiation was observed, both in the presence and in the absence of the sensitizer. Under oxygen atmosphere, on the other hand, a-T consumption
in the 8-MOP sensitized reaction was increased of
22 + 3% with respect to the same reaction conducted
in air. A partial photedestruction of the sensitizer was
observed under these latter conditions.
At a f'~ed concentration of 8-MOP (0.48 mM), the
rate of a-T photooxidation was found to vary significantly with the initial concc;;ttatioa of the suhstrate
within the range 0.18-4.50 mM. This is apparent from
Fig. 2, which shows a double-reciprocal plot of the
initial photooxidation rate of of a-T vs. the initial
concentration of ~-T in ethanol.
No significant dependence of the rate of a-T (0.89
raM) photoosldation on 8-MOP concentration was observed. After 2h irradiation, recovery of a-T was 52 _+
3% with 0.15 mM 8-MOP and 49 _+2% with 0.75 mM
8-MOP, variations falling within the experimental error.
To investigate the effect of active oxygen scavengers
on the 8-MOP-sensitized photooxidation of a-T, in
subsequent experiments ethanol containing 30% phosphate buffer (0.02 M, pH 6.8) was used as the solvent,
to permit solubilization of the additives at the ncccs-
Effect of active ox3'ge~z .scal engets ~m the pIzotooMdation of a - T (O.ll9
raM) sensitized by 8-MOP (0.4a raM) m etltamd/phosplzate buffer
[002 M. p H 68), 7:3 h / v L
Irradiation ~-as earned out under the usual conditions with 5a J/era:
of ultraviolet light at 25°C.
a-T consumption
33 _+5
77 + 7
58 _+b
97 + 3
94 + l
8-MOP+ NaN~ (1O raM)
8-MOP + DABCO ( 10 raM}
8-MOP +catalase t 100 U/mB
8-MOP + SOD ( 1l0 U/ml)
8-MOP + SOD + catalase
sary concentrations. T h e results are reported in T a b l e
At a concentration of 10 m M sodium azide, a most
efficient q u e n c h e r o f singlet oxygen [21], completely
suppressed the ~ n s i t i z i n g effect of 8 - M O P . Q u i t e unexpectedly, diazabicyclooctane ( D A B C O ) , a n o t h e r
widely used singlet oxygen q u e n c h e r [22], at 10 m M
concentration significantly increased the rate o f the
8-MOP-sensitized photodecomposition of a - T . However, it reduced a - T consumption from 51 + 2 % (control) to 24 +_ 3 % when the sensitized photooxidation
was carried out in absolute ethanol as the solveuL
Superoxide dismutase ( S O D , 1 i 0 U / m l ) caused a dramatic increase in the reaction rate, while catalase at a
100 U / m l concentration had no effect. Control experiments showed that the activities o f S O D and catalase
are virtually unchanged in e t h a n o l / p h o s p h a t e buffer,
;ime (mln)
Fig. 3. Ts'plcal HPLC e l u t k m prof'd~ of the prodms feinted by.
pivatooxldation of a-T t0.89 raM) in ethatml/plmsphate buffet {0.02
M. pH 6:8L 7:3 (v/vL in tat the presence of and in (b) the absence
oF 8-MOP (0.48 mMk Irradiation was tamed out under the usual
conditions with 50 J / c m 2 of ultraviolet tight at 2YC. The ¢lmmt was
r~ethanol/water 9: l, the flow rate: was i 3 ml/m[n, detcctloo was at
254 urn. =-T,luted at 93 rain under these coeMiti~Ls.
products o f a - T , as evidenced by H P L C anab~is (Fig.
3at. Formation o f these products was d e p e n d e n t on the
presence o f the psoralen, since in the absence o f 8 - M O P
none o f them was apparently g e n e r a t e d in significant
yields (Fig. 3b), and was markedly i n h ~ i t e d by addition
o f sodium azide. S O D , in spite o f the accelerating
effect, did not affect the product pattern.
Fractionation o f the photooxidation mixture by
preparative T L C and H P L C allowed the isolation o f
five products (overall isolated yield about 3 0 % o f the
consumed substrate), corresponding to peaks A - E in
Fig. 3a. Two of these (peaks E and D ) were identified
as a-tocopherolquinone (1) and its epoxide (2) by comparison of their chromatographical and spectral properties with those o f authentic samples [20]. T h e other
products proved identical (HPLC, T L C , IH and ;3CN M R , ultraviolet, IR, mass spectrometry) with 1,2,8-
7:3 (v/v).
In-subsequent experiments, the nature o f the products formed by 8-MOP-seositized photooxidation o f
a - T was investigated. T h e chemical course o f the reaction was found to be markedly dependent on the
nature of the solvent system used: when the photooxidation was conducted in absolute ethanol, a very
complex and chromatographically ill-defined mixture
of products was obtained; however, using e t h a n o l /
phosphate buffer. 7 : 3 ( v / v ) , as the solvent system, the
reaction afforded a well-defined pattern o f oxidation
Fig. 4. Structures of the products obtained by 8-MOP-sensalzed photooxidation of a-T.
t rimethyl-4-metbylene-8-phytyl-7-oxaspiro[4.5]dce-1ene-3,6-dione O ) (two diastereoisomers, peaks B and
C) and 4-hydroxy-l,2,4,8-tetramethyl-8-phytyl-7oxaspiro[4.5]dceol -¢ne-3,6-dione (4)(peak A), two novel
oxidation products of a - T recently obtained by dyesensitized photooxidation wRh methylene blu¢ and visible light [19]. The structures of the products isolated
from the 8-MOP sensitized photoo~dation of a-T are
shown in Fig. 4. The remainder of the consumed a - T
could be accounted for b y extensively degraded materials and trace products that could not be isolated and
All the results obtained with 8*MOP were qualitalively confirmed using other more active sensitizing
psuralens, e.g., TMP and IS, which, however, proved
less stable to irradiation than 8-MOP, and gave, therefore, less reproducible data.
a - T is a mogt efficient phenolic antioxidant present
in cell membranes, and plays a central role in the
defense mechanisms against peroxidative damage following oxidative stress conditions [2311. It is therefore
conceivable that abnormally high fluxes of singlet oxygen and superoxide ions, produced by psoralens upon
excitation with UVA light, may ultimately lead to a loss
of the a - T engaged in the antioxidant activity. The
marked ability of psoralens to accelerate the aerial
photooxidation of a-T, reported in this study, would
apparently support this view.
Chemically, the sensitized reaction is primarily mediated by singlet oxygen, as indicated bY the inhibito~
effect of quenchers like sodium azide and DABCO in
ethanol. The opposite, enhancing effect of DABCO on
the reaction rate in phosphate containing medium,
though surprising, is not unprecedented, as it has been
obserced in the previous study on glutathione photooxidation [16] as well as by other authors [24]. It is
possible that in aqueous medium this quencher [h not
competitive towards singlet oxygen with respect to the
substrate [25]. Rather, owing to its basic nature, it may
accelerate the photooxidation rate by favouring deprotonation of the phenolic group of aoT by a pH°independent, general-base catalyzed process, thereby enhancing the susceptibility of the substrate to oxidation.
The involvement of singlet oxygen in the psoralen
sensitized photooxidatinn of a - T would also 1~.~ gupported by the pattern of products isolated, which is
oa •
, ot433 ~
=-'r +~oa
Fig.6. Suggestedmechanismaccountingfor the acceleratingeffectof
SOD on the 8-MOP-sensitizedphotoosidation of a-T.
identical to that recently obtained by dye-sensitized
photonxidation of a - T [19], i.e., under conditions where
singlet oxygen is established to be the main oxidizing
species. A possible mechanism of formation of the
unusual 7-oxaspirol4.5]dec-l-ene-3,6-dione system is
depicted in Fig. 5 and involves a ring contracting
rearrangement of an epoxyquinone hemiketal or a related species arising by the initial addition of singlet
oxygen to a-T.
From the double-reciprocal plot shown in Fig. 2, a
value was determined of 3.3- 10 -3 M, which is significantly higher than the values of 1.4-10 4 M and
3.2- 10 -4 M reported in the literature for the methylene blue-sensitized photooxidatinn of a-T in methanol
[26] and in ethanol [27], respectively. Since the/3 value
is the ratio between the decay rate constant of singlet
oxygen and its reaction rate constant towards the substrate, and therefore should not depend on the type of
sensitizer used [28], it is possible that in the case of the
8-MOP-seusitized reaction there is a significant interaction of the psoralen with singlet oxygen [29], affecting determination of p value. Moreover, though the
bulk of the evidence accumulated in our study points
to a substantial involvement of singlet oxygen in the
psuralen-sensRized photooxidation of a-T, other oxygen species, especially superoxide, may as well participate in the photooxidation reaction.
In this connection, the stimulating effect of SOD
can be rationalized as follows. Interaction of a-T with
singlet oxygen is known to involve as the initial event
the formation of an ¢xciplex [30], which, in addition to
energetic collapse a n d / o r reversion to reagents, can be
engaged with irreversible chemical reactions, affording
adducts, and reversible charge transfer processes,
yielding superoxide ions and noT phenoxyl radical.
Addition of SOD to the reaction medium would shift
this latter equilibrium to the right, kinetically favouring
the radical-forming route and sidetracking the a-Tsinglet oxygen exciplex from the otherwise prevailing
path leading to the photooxygenatiou products (Fig. 6).
Fig.5. Poss~i¢mechanismof formationof the 7-oxaspiro{43]dec-l -ene-3,6~Jion¢ products by singletoxygenationof a-T.
A similar accelerating effect o f S O D has been reporied
for the autoxidation o f 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid [31 ].
T h e observed ability of psora[ens to sensitize the
photooxidation of a - T , coupled with t h e results o f
previous studies on glutathione photooxidation [16],
may provide a useful lead to understand at the molecular level the mechanism o f skin photosensitization. It is
conceivable t h a t a depletion o f biological antioxidants
may form the basis o f the t h e r a p e u t i c activity, of psoralens and ultraviolet irradiation; this, however, justifies the existing concern on the use o f sensitizing
furocoumarius for purposes o t h e r than clinical. R e l e vant to this discussion is t h e reported protective effect
o f vitamin E against lipid peroxidation a n d o t h e r celld a m a g i n g processes occurring during skin irradiation
with ultraviolet light [32].
This work was supported in part by a g r a n t from the
M i n i s t e m della Universit~ e delia Rieerca Scientifica e
Tecnologica (Rome} and the C N R , Progetti Chimica
Fine I I e Qualit~ degli Alimenti.
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