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“Toward a Reappraisal of Ambiguity: In the Footsteps of Frederick W. Hasluck.” Pilgrimages and Ambiguity: Sharing the Sacred, edited by Thierry Zarcone and Angela Hobart. London: Kingston Publishing, 2017: 23-43.
Yeni dini hareket (YDH)'ler, XX. yüzyılın ikinci yarısında ortaya çıkan dini akımları ifade etmektedir. Genellikle küçük gruplar halinde kalma e iliminde oldukları için bu hareketler yakın döneme kadar ya çok az ilgi görmü ya da hiç ilgi çekmemi lerdi. Ancak özellikle görsel ve yazılı medyada çıkan haberler sayesinde insanlar YDH'lerden daha fazla haberdar olmaya ba lamı ve neticede seküler ve sözde rasyonel toplumlarımızda alternatif dünya görü leri ve ya am biçimleri benimseyen ve sunan az sayıda insanın, görünü te acayip inanç ve uygulamaları insanların ilgi ve merakını cezp etmi tir. YDH'leri anlamak ve açıklamak üzere Batı'da çok sayıda bilimsel çalı ma kaleme alınmı tır. Ülkemizde ise özellikle son on yılda YDH'ler konusunda birçok ara tırmanın ortaya konuldu unu görmekteyiz. Bu bibliyografya çalı masının amacı, hem Batı'da hem de ülkemizde ortaya konulan çalı maları tespit ederek, YDH'lere ilgi duyan okuyucu ve ara tırmacılara literatür verisi sa lamak ve yeni ara tırmalara kapı aralamaktır.
Conclusion 11: Difficulty (or impossibility) of obtaining reliable evidence .......49 Conclusion 12: Standard sources of information .
Although the social scientific study of religion has seen the accumulation of numerous case studies, comparative work involving substantial numbers of cases is rare. In the absence of an accepted agenda for field research, field studies contain information relevant to the study at hand, but do not add systematically to a cumulative database. By contrast, field studies in anthropology may contain idiosyncratic information relevant to the author's interests, but an existing research agenda defines information researchers are expected to include, which has produced an expanding cross-cultural database. In this paper, we propose elements of a research agenda for the study of religious movements, including information related to movements' organizational history and context, mobilization, organization, governance, and outcomes. While this preliminary agenda is subject to refinement by others, it provides a starting point for the accumulation of comparable cases, and a basis for t...
The Study of Religions in Ireland, 2022
In western societies, modernisation and personal experience of the religious belong to the domain of the secular making it difficult to find answers about life as conceptualised in traditional religions. New Religious Movements (NRM) seem to fill this gap by providing their own belief system, by cultivating a sense of community and spirituality, and by providing a sanctuary in alienating modern world. The proliferation of NRMs in Ireland, sometimes described as ‘New Age Movement’, was seen as largely overlooked area of religious landscape due to the prevalence of the Catholic Church and its powerful reach into all spheres in society. While varieties of religious and pagan groups have existed in Ireland for centuries, 1960s and 1970s mark a turning point in the private and public life of Irish society in terms of proliferation, adoption, and diversification of alternative spiritualities. While increase in numbers of alternative religious groups is often linked to secularisation of society, in Ireland a presence of NRMs attests more to pluralisation of world views rather than secularisation. For most of the population in Ireland, some form of religion or spirituality fulfils deeply embedded needs for social belonging and emotional bonding.
De Securitate et Defensione. O Bezpieczeństwie i Obronności
The current difficulties and insurgency in Islamic states in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) led this study to examine why this region has seen more volatility than any other region today. Furthermore, the unusual nature of the insurgency and turmoil in this region, particularlywhere Muslims oppose Muslims and Muslim regimes, makes one ask what is the cause. As a result,this study has attempted to analyze today’s Muslim divisions through the lens of schisms in doctrinesand beliefs, which always lead to sectarian divisions. This paper takes a historical journey into the pastto explore the origins of the schisms and their consequences. The emergence of many ulama (or Ayatollahs and Sheikhs) shortly after the Prophet’s death and over the centuries of Islamic religion, each with own claim to piety, teachings, and illuminations, has led to the emergence of many sects, each claiming to be more pious than the others and adhering to the precepts, teachings, and examples laid down in...
Iran and the Caucasus, 2023
During the remarkable excavations at Hasanlu, in northwestern Iran, thousands of metal objects were discovered, but few have been systematically studied. The goal of this study is to present a catalogue of the metal quivers found by the Joint Expedition to Hasanlu (1956-1977), led by Robert H. Dyson of the University of Pennsylvania Museum. After a brief introduction concerning the site and the evidence for metal quivers in the Ancient Near East as a whole, the examples discovered at Hasanlu will be presented and analyzed within their archaeological contexts.
Le case di Pisa. Edilizia privata tra età romana e Medioevo. , 2020
Wood buildings in Pisa. Medieval contexts from piazza Cavallotti and via Capponi Even in Pisa in recent decades it has been possible to document the presence of traces of buildings built of wood. These types of buildings are associated with Etruscan, late antique and early medieval settlements, but also with the central centuries of the Middle Ages. The paper focuses on two specific 12 th century contexts excavated in Pisa and characterized by the presence of structures built of wood: the excavation of Piazza Cavallotti and the investigation in Via Capponi.
Quarterly Journal of Iranian Association for Cultural Studies and Communication, 2014
Özgür Yayınları eBooks, 2023
Regional Environmental Change, 2014
Journal of African Law, 2015
Diálogos entre a fala e a escrita na produção de perfis jornalísticos em ambientes educacionais., 2013
"ВОССТАНЕТ ЦЕСАРЬ В ОПУСТЕВШЕЙ ЗЕМЛЕ": ЛЮДИ, ВРЕМЯ И ПРОСТРАНСТВО РУССКОЙ ИСТОРИИ К 70-летию профессора Н. С. Борисова. Сборник научных статей. Сер. "Труды исторического факультета МГУ, 120 Исторические исследования" Санкт-Петербург, 2020
Foro de Educación, 2018
Revista Ifes Ciência, 2020
Medicine Science | International Medical Journal, 2014
European Journal of Pharmacology, 2011
Journal of oral and facial pain and headache, 2015
Arts, 2025
New Trends in Sustainable Business and Consumption, 2021
Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling, 2016
Journal of Research in Personality, 2001