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2016, Ta'dib
10 pages
1 file
Several international surveys and national examinations show that learning Mathematics in Indonesia have not expected optimum result. This is not only indicated by students' low test score only but also by their low interest and negative image on the subject. In response to the above phenomena, paradigm in education, especially in learning Mathematics begins to shift from learning that places students as passive knowledge receivers into facilitating them to construct active knowledge. This article discusses learning model of SAVI (Somatic, Auditory, Visual and Intellectual) that promotes students' active and independent learning based on PAKEM (active, creative, effective and fun learning). It is, therefore, expected that the offered model improve students' interest and their image upon Mathematics subject as well. Kata kunci: pembelajaran matematika, model pembelajaran SAVI, pembelajaran berorientasi PAKEM.
This study aims to describe mathematical communication skills taught with the Somatic Auditori Visual and Intellectual (SAVI) learning model better than conventional learning as a whole and based on auditory, visual, and intellectual learning styles. This study uses a quantitative approach and an experimental method with a 2 × 3 factorial design. Determination of samples using simple random sampling technique. Data collection techniques were carried out with test instruments in the form of description questions and mathematics learning style questionnaires. Data analysis techniques used are different tests (t-test) and two-way ANOVA. The results showed that: (1) mathematical communication skills taught with SAVI learning models were better than conventional learning, (2) students' mathematical communication skills with auditory, visual, and intellectually learning styles taught with SAVI learning models were better than conventional learning , and (3) there is an interaction between the SAVI learning model and conventional learning in terms of learning styles in influencing mathematical communication skills.
This quasi-experimental research aims to know the influence of SAVI (Somatic, Auditory, Visual, and Intelectual) approach to the student’s mathematical conceptual comprehension. Population of this reseacrh is second grade students in the even semester at SMPN 1 Sidomulyo in 2012/2013 as many as 260 students that consist of seven classes with an average value of low cognitive ability (47,53). The samples of this research are choosen by purposive sampling technique and it is obtained VIII B and VIII E. The design of this research is the posttest-only control-group design. The instrument of this research is an essay test of student’s mathematical conceptual comprehension that valid and has high reliability. Based on the results of hypothesis testing obtained that student’s mathematical conceptual comprehension with SAVI approach is better than student’s mathematical conceptual comprehension with conventional learning. Thus, learning with SAVI approach an influence to the mathematical c...
Tujuan dari penelitian tindakan ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan model pembelajaran SAVI dan efektivitas pembelajaran bagi siswa berkesulitan belajar membaca di kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Negeri II Tomohon dan SD GMIM III Tomohon. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan. Penelitian tindakan memberikan jawaban berguna bagi para guru atau tenaga pendidik dalam melakukan perbaikan pembelajaran. Model tindakan yang digunakan adalah model Elliot, dengan melaksanakan 2 siklus. Subjek penelitiannya adalah siswa berkesulitan membaca yang berjumlah 13 siswa, 8 siswa di SD Negeri II Tomohon dan 5 siswa di SD GMIM III Tomohon. Berdasarkan proses pembelajaran yang telah dilaksanakan, mulai dari tahapan asesmen, perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, evaluasi dan refleksi, pada setiap siklus, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa : a) Hasil belajar dan efektivitas pembelajaran tematik pada peserta didik yang berkesulitan membaca kelas IV SD Negeri II Tomohon dan SD GMIM...
Indiktika : Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Matematika
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemahaman konsep, respon dan aktivitas siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 5 Lubuklinggau dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran SAVI (Somatic, Auditory, Visual, and Intellectual). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen semu yang dilaksanakan tanpa adanya kelas pembanding. Populasinya adalah seluruh siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 5 Kota Lubuklinggau berjumlah 261 siswa dan sebagai sampel diambil satu kelas secara acak yaitu kelas VII5 sebanyak 32 siswa. Teknik yang digunakan untuk penarikan sampel adalah sampel acak atau random sederhana (simple random sampling). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik tes, angket, dan observasi. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan uji-t. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemahaman konsep matematika siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 5 Lubuklinggau tahun pelajaran 2019/2020 setelah diterapkan pembelajaran matematika dengan model SAVI dikategorikan baik. Rata-rata nilai post-test yang diperoleh siswa sebesar 68,7 dan jumlah siswa dikategorikan baik sebanyak 31 orang (96,85%). Rata-rata aktivitas siswa secara keseluruhan adalah 80,00% termasuk kriteria sangat aktif dan rata-rata respon siswa 71,97% termasuk kriteria baik.
Materi integral secara umum diperlukan sebagai dasar untuk mempelajari materi matematika di tingkat yang lebih tinggi seperti menghitung luas bidang datar tak beraturan dan volume dari bangun ruang yang memiliki bidang datar tak beraturan. Nilai rata-rata kalkulus 2 tahun 2015/2016 yaitu 2.73. Salah satu penyebabnya yaitu motivasi mahasiswa dalam mempelajari kalkulus 2 masih rendah. Untuk meningkatkan motivasi mahasiswa, maka diimplementasikan model pembelajaran SAVI dengan mengoptimalkan program math expert dalam pembelajaran integral. Penelitian tindakan kelas dilaksanakan offering A pada matakuliah kalkulus 2 tahun ajaran 2016/2017 di Universitas Wisnuwardhana Malang. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan teknik (a) tes, (b) dokumentasi, dan (c) angket. Pada penelitian tindakan kelas ini, data dianalisis sejak tindakan pembelajaran dilakukan dan dikembangkan, selama proses refleksi, sampai proses penyusunan laporan. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini yaitu analisis inte...
Jurnal Basicedu
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran pembelajaran SAVI terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa di kelas V SD Negeri 067245 Bunga Asoka KecamatanMedan Selayang tahun pembelajaran 2020/2021. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik. Populasi penelitian ini seluruh siswa kelas V SD Negeri 067245 Bunga Asoka yang terdiri dari 2 kelas dengan Jumlah siswa 58 siswa. Pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan simple random sampling dan diperoleh sampel sebanyak 29 siswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar siswa dengan menggunakan model SAVI termasuk kategori baik dengan rata-rata 80.4. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil pengujian korelasi dapat dilihat pada nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar 0.761 artinya rhitung (0.761) ≥ rtabel (0.367) maka Ha diterima. Maka terdapat pengaruh yang kuat antara model pembelajaran SAVI terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa di kelas V SD Negeri 0672...
Universal Access in Human-Computer …, 2007
Web 2.0 is an emerging catch phrase and the applications associated with it shocked the traditional eLearning world. However, is this really all new and can it be considered suitable for future interfaces for technology enhanced learning? In this paper, we present some experiences with LearnLand. This is an application designed and developed at Graz University of Technology and which has been running there since October 2006. It is based on the opensource software ELGG, which is a social software offering a high degree of choice, flexibility and openness and is considered as a system that places people at the hub of the activities. Our experimental research demonstrated that exactly this ease of use aspect is an absolute necessity for successful Web 2.0 learning applications. The tools of Web 2.0 have crossed Moore's chasm and reached the early majority, where they are evolving rapidly. However, the idea of social software itself, especially in learning scenarios, is not as far developed as we may imagine. It is necessary to take into account the fact that too few innovators and early adopters are actually using Web 2.0 technology to enhance existing learning behaviors. Insufficient educational concepts with Web 2.0 technologies require much future work.
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2008
The main goal of this work is to determine the economic and financial viability of the Production and Marketing of Egg Powder in Paraguay. For that rason, the market of egg products was studied at local and international level. They were also analyzed the most relevant legal and organizational aspects, the appropriate technology and the financial economic viability of the business idea. In order to collect and process the information, an investigation of exploratory approach was applied with the purpose of processing primary and secondary data. As a primarily and qualitative research, permanent changes were made in the light of new information generated in the consecutive stages of the process. Part of the field research was to conduct a serie of interviews to experts and managers of processing business products with egg. Besides a sensory test with potential buyers was made. The egg powder has a wide acceptance around the world, especially in European countries. The average price paid by major importing countries is around U$S 6.50 (Six fifty cents US Dollars) per kilo, growth in international demand, measured values, is 9% per year. This research has revealed the existence of two companies which have the capacity to process 460 kilos daily egg powder both together. In order to satisfied the need of these two companies, it would be necessary to process 36,800 fresh eggs per day, which is about 2% of the market for fresh egg produced at the enterprise level. In this regard, it is estimated that in 2013 the production of fresh eggs was approximately 2,100,000 daily fresh eggs. On the other hand, the sensory test showed that the hypothesis of the level of acceptance of egg powder for consumers in Gran Asunción, would be between 23% and 39%. This hypothesis could be accepted or rejected with a wider investigation. The level of acceptance indicates that the local market can be expanded to the point of requiring total production. According to the analysis of possible strategies, companies producing fresh eggs at industrial levels, and settled in the country are in a better position to face the production and marketing of egg powder. However, companies prefer to increase their level of production rather than diversifying it. For new projects, it is necessary to face the undertaking from the production of fresh eggs to egg powder. This strategy will allow the production process to be more flexible, allowing not to depend on suppliers of fresh egg; Furthermore, it is possible to sell byproducts of the production. Considering the results of the research, part of the strategy would be to sell the product in the local market to companies which are currently using powder egg in their production process whose processing capacity would represent 31% of production capacity equipment showed in the study, and the rest of the production to the international market. It has considered appropriate a reasonable sale price for the export of 6.38 U$S (US Dollars six and thirty-eight cents) near ₲ 27,457 (twenty-seven thousand four hundred fifty-seven Guaranies) per kilo. Locally, it has been estimated that the appropriate selling price is 36,000 ₲ (thirty-six thousand Guarani), IVA tax included, per kilo. It is worth noticing that in 2013, egg powder importing companies, sold the product at a price of ₲ 75,000 (seventy five thousand Guaranies), IVA tax included. On the other hand, these companies have a supply cost of approximately 52,000 ₲ (fifty-two thousand Guaranies) per kilo, plus IVA. Therefore, it is considered that the estimated selling price for local sales, especially for manufacturing companies egg products which can not directly import egg powder. In terms of management ability, fresh eggs industrial companies have enough qualified personnel to undertake an endeavour of this kind, considering the fact that the level of production of the main two companies is several times the production of fresh eggs raised in the present work. Also, considering that the production of egg powder is unprecedented in Paraguay, it will be necessary to hire qualified personnel from abroad. Probably from Argentina or Brazilian. According to technical analysis, it could be produced efficiently, around 1,500 kilos of daily egg powder, around 540,000 kilos of egg powder per year, for which would be processed 120.000 daily fresh eggs. The best location would be near Villeta, considering that this location would ease the supply and access ports. Besides potential customers are in the area, this location has all the basic services and proper manpower to be used in the production of fresh eggs. The level of necessary investment for the production of egg powder, starting from fresh egg production is approximately 24,743 ₲ million (twenty-four thousand seven hundred forty-three million guaranies). Considering the scale of this entrepreneurship, the initial investment would be done in about two years. According to the financial and economic analysis, the investment could be recovered in the seventh year of production. It was estimated that the net current value of the entrepreneurship is ₲ 7.162 MM (seven thousand one hundred sixty-two million guaranies), a deflated rate of 15%, that is the premium risk for inflation results in a nominal rate of 22%. The internal rate of return is around 24% or 31% nominal rate. Finally, the results obtained indicate that the production of egg powder in Paraguay is economically and financially viable. The product can be sold in the international as well as in the local market.
ada umumnya hasil pembelajaran matematika di Indonesia di SMA masih jauh dari memuaskan, bahkan kadang-kadang boleh dikatakan masih mengecewakan. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil Nilai Ujian Nasional (UN) dari tahun ke tahun, untuk matematika termasuk dalam kategori "rendah". Meskipun sudah banyak dilakukan penataran-penataran guru dalam rangka inservice training untuk meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran matematika di SMA yang pada gilirannya diharapkan akan dapat meningkatkan prestasi siswa dalam matematika, pada kenyataannya belum menunjukkan kemajuan yang berarti. Sehingga harus diterima sebagai kenyataan bahwa pengelolaan pembelajaran di lapangan masih banyak dijumpai berbagai kesulitan dan kendala, baik dari segi pengelolaan pembelajaran dari guru maupun dari sisi pemahaman siswa.
Paradigma baru pendidikan, menurut Zamroni (dalam Sutarto Hadi, 2000), seharusnya memiliki ciri-ciri sebagai berikut:
1. Pendidikan lebih menekankan pada proses pembelajaran (learning) dari pada pengajaran (teaching) 2. Pendidikan diorganisir dalam suatu struktur yang fleksibel. 3. Pendidikan memperlakukan peserta didik sebagai individu yang memiliki karakteristik khusus dan mandiri, dan 4. Pendidikan merupakan proses yang berkesinambungan dan senan-tiasa berinteraksi dengan lingkungan.
Mengacu pada rambu-rambu Pelaksanaan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP), beberapa hal yang P perlu diperhatikan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pembelajaran di antaranya adalah:
1. Mengkondisikan siswa untuk menemukan kembali rumus, konsep, atau prinsip dalam matematika melalui bimbingan guru, agar siswa terbiasa melakukan penyelidikan dan menemukan sesuatu. 2. Pemecahan masalah merupakan fokus dalam pembelajaran matematika. 3. Dalam setiap kesempatan, pembelajaran matematika hendaknya memulai pengenalan masalah yang sesuai dengan situasi (contextual problem). Dengan mengajukan masalah-masalah kontekstual secara bertahap siswa dibimbing untuk menguasai konsep-konsep matematika.
Di samping itu sampai saat ini anggapan di lapangan mata pelajaran matematika masih merupakan mata pelajaran yang cenderung kurang menarik dan sukar bagi siswa. Demikian juga melihat hasil UN dari matematika secara umum belum menunjukkan hasil yang menggembirakan, jadi efektifitas pembelajaran belum menunjukkan memperoleh taraf yang tinggi. Dengan demikian belum ada indikasi bahwa pembelajaran matematika merupakan mata pelajaran yang menarik dan menyenangkan bagi siswa. Untuk menjawab tantangan ini dan mencermati perkembangan pembelajaran matematika di dunia dewasa ini, maka dikembangkanlah strategi pembelajaran matematika menggunakan model SAVI yang mengacu kepada pembelajaran yang Aktif, Kreatif, Efektif dan Menyenangkan (PAKEM).
Pembelajaran matematika yang aktif, kreatif, efektif dan menyenangkan (PAKEM) pada hakikatnya adalah suatu strategi pembelajaran terpadu, yang menggunakan strategi, metoda, pendekatan dan teknik pengajaran terpadu sedemikian rupa baik prosedur maupun tujuan pembelajarannya dapat terlaksana dan tercapai dengan baik. Menyimak pemaparan Fajar Shadiq 2001
Siswa diminta melukis sinar garis (misal sinar garis ) kemudian putar sinar garis AB tersebut dengan pusat A sampai terjadi sinar garis AC, sehingga terbentuk sudut BAC (biasanya ditulis dengan ABC) atau sudut α sebagaimana gambar di atas. Berangkat dari perputaran garis tersebut siswa diajak diskusi, agar masing-masing mengkontruksi konsep sudut pada diri siswa masing-masing. Konsep tentang sudut secara umum didasarkan atas gerak rotasi suatu sinar garis pada titik pangkalnya, dari posisi awal ke posisi akhir. Jadi gambaran sudut BAC di atas sebagai hasil perputaran sinar garis pada titik pangkal A, dimulai dari posisi awal dan berakhir pada posisi . Untuk memberi notasi sudut di atas, dinamai dengan BAC atau A atau dengan huruf latin α.
Matematika yang Menyenangkan.
Motivasi yang merupakan syarat utama agar pembelajaran matematika itu menyenangkan merupakan kunci dari pembelajaran yang efektif. Gagne (dalam Bigge, 1982)
$ Common Core Standards for Middle School Mathematics: A Quick-Start Guide by Amitra Schwols and Kathleen Dempsey (Paperback) *
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