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2001, Journal of Oleo Science
5 pages
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Research and Applications in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, 2013
This paper reports the results of an analytical, numerical and experimental investigation dealing with I-section steel members acted by a combination of major-axis bending and axial ("beams subjected to tension"), which is relatively rare in practice and, therefore, has received little attention in the past. In particular, there are no guidelines for the design against buckling ultimate limit states of such members (only their cross-section resistance is checked). This means that the axial tension favorable effect on lateral-torsional buckling/failure is neglected, leading to over-conservative designs − indeed, a beam subjected to axial tension is currently designed against lateral-torsional failure as a "pure beam". In order acquire scientific knowledge and provide design guidance on this topic, the lateral-torsional stability, failure and design of hot-rolled steel I-beams with fork-type end supports and acted by simple transverse loadings (mostly applied end moments) and various axial tension values are addressed in this work. After developing and validating an analytical expression to calculate critical buckling moments of beams under uniform bending and axial tension, beam finite element buckling results are presented for the non-uniform bending cases. Then, two full-scale tests involving a narrow and a wide flange beam under eccentric tension are described and their results are used to develop finite element models, subsequently employed to perform a parametric study aimed at gathering a fairly extensive ultimate strength/moment data bank. Finally, this data bank is used to assess the merits of a design approach proposed here for beams subjected to tension and collapsing in lateral-torsional modes − this design approach, which consists of slightly modifying the current procedure prescribed in Eurocode 3 to design beams against lateral-torsional failures, is shown to provide ultimate moment estimates that correlate very well with the values obtained from the numerical simulations.
Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2022
Editörler: Samet ÇAKMAKER Mustafa GÖLEÇ Hülya ÜRKMEZ Büşra AY AÇAR Tarih ve edebiyat disiplinlerinin birbirleriyle olan ilişkileri çeşitli yönlerden araştırılmaya ve tartışılmaya muhtaçtır. Zira bu iki alan hem insan-olay-zaman ve mekânla olan bağları hem de birer anlatı türü olarak benzerlikleri bakımından yakın ilişki içindedir. Edebiyat var olduğu zamanın sosyal, siyasal ve kültürel izlerini yansıtmak bakımından tarihe yaklaşırken tarih de edebî bir nitelik kazanma eğilimindedir. Tarih ve edebiyatın “belirlenmiş” sınırlarını yekdiğerine doğru genişletmek, olgu ve kurmaca arasında epistemolojik kesişme ve geçişlilikleri gündeme getirir. Endüstri devrimiyle birlikte disiplinler arasında yükselen duvarlar, dijital devrim sonrasında ortaya çıkan günümüz iletişim toplumunun meydan okuması ile karşı karşıyadır. Sosyal medya ve bilgi teknolojileri yeni bir zihinsel inşa sürecini gündeme getirmekte, kurmaca ve hakikat arasındaki çizgi belirsizleşmektedir. Sosyal bilimlerde de mesafeler daralmakta, disiplinler arası çalışmalar önem ve ağırlık kazanmaktadır. Bu sebeple yakın dönemlerde tarihî söylem ile edebî söylem arasındaki ilişkiyi sorgulayan ve dilin anlam kurucu rolüne vurgu yapan yaklaşımlar bu iki alanın ve aralarındaki ilişkinin yeniden düşünülmesini zorunlu kılmıştır. Dolayısıyla, genelde tarih ve edebiyat, özelde ise Türk tarihi ve Türk edebiyatı ilişkisine dair teorik problemler üzerinde yapılacak çalışmalara ve konuyla ilgili yeni yaklaşımlara ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Elinizdeki bu kitabın amacı da edebiyat ve tarih disiplinleri arasındaki teorik ve aktüel etkileşimin ve ilişkinin kuşatıcı bir şekilde ortaya konulmasıdır. Böylelikle tarih yazımı ve tarih yazımı ve edebiyat ilişkisi Türkçe literatürde hissedilen eksikliğin bir nebze de olsa giderilmesi umulmaktadır.
Existen diferentes técnicas de ventas desarrolladas por todo tipo de vendedores entre las mas usadas y aplicadas están:
Archivio antropologico mediterraneo, 2020
The objectives of the present investigation were to determine genetic variance components, heritability and expected genetic advance from selection for agronomic traits of maize under water stress at flowering combined with high plant density; 95,200 plants/ha(WS-HD) as compared with well watering combined with low density; 47,600 plants/ha (WW-LD). Diallel crosses among 6 inbred lines differing in tolerance to both stresses were grown in the field for two seasons using a RCBD design with three replications in two separate experiments; the first under WW-LD and the second under WS-HD. Results across seasons showed that variances due to both additive and dominance were significant, but the magnitude of dominance was much higher than additive variance for all studied traits under WW-LD and WS-HD, except for ears/plant (EPP) and rows/ear (RPE). Narrow-sense heritability (h 2 n) was the lowest in barren stalks (BS) (3.68 and 4.09%), and the highest in EPP (66.67 and 68.75%) under WW-LD and WS-HD, respectively. The degree of dominance in most cases was over dominance. The estimate of h 2 n was higher under WW-LD than WS-HD for days to anthesis (DTA), plant height (PH), ear height (EH), RPE, kernels/plant (KPP) Original Research Article Al-Naggar et al.; JALSI, 7(2): 1-17, 2016; Article no.JALSI.28414 2 and grain yield/plant (GYPP), but were higher under WS-HD than WW-LD for the remaining traits. The non-stressed environment showed higher estimates of genetic advance from selection (GA%) than the stressed one for DTA, PH, EH, BS, KPP and GYPP, but the opposite was true for the remaining traits. The inbreds L20 and L53 carries 75-100% of genes of high yield and its components (except RPE) and genes of short ASI and narrow LANG. Genes of the adaptive traits to stresses (for low PH and low EH) existed in the inbreds L18 and L28. Genes conferring earliness (DTA) existed in L18 and those conferring low BS existed in L28.
Paper delivered at "XVI SeSaMO Conference," Cagliari, Italy 2024. The period between 1960 to 1980 witnessed a race for political, ideological, and cultural supremacy in Turkey, similar to other parts of the globe, driven by Cold War’s struggle for cultural and political hegemony. The ‘78 Movement, a constructive and destructive repositioning of the ‘68 movement in a radical sense, aimed to advance the anti-imperialist and anti-fascist struggle in all domains. While various associations and political groups rallied behind these aims, one of the most notable movements was the Revolutionary Path Movement (Devrimci Yol Hareketi). Focusing on contemporary primary sources such as brochures, journals, posters, slogans and memoirs related to the Movement, this study will analyze how Revolutionary Path created a discourse and practice of “Revolutionary Culture” tailored for its advanced cadres (kadro) and the masses/people (kitleler/halk). Amid the political and ideological climate of Cold War Turkey, efforts were made to create a comprehensive common culture for the public by cultivating a series of revolutionary attitudes and values. Due to its numerical and influential capacity, surpassing that of other political movements and parties, Revolutionary Path acquired a distinct discourse, expertise, and influence following its emergence as it was exemplified in the Resistance Committees and Fatsa municipality experiences. Therefore, this study aims to highlight the creation of an alternative revolutionary culture prior to the 1980s, which has received little attention, and to provide a contribution to the political and cultural history of Turkey during Cold War.
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International Encyclopedia of Civil Society, 2010
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Basic and Clinical Neuroscience Journal, 2024
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Molung Educational Frontier
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It’s (not) only rock ’n’ roll. ON AIR, 2024
Jurnal Rekayasa Infrastruktur Hexagon
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International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 2019
Dedicated to the origins of agriculture and the domestication, evolution and utilization of genetic resources. Abstracts book, 2019