Concepts, Methodologies,
Tools, and Applications
Ned Kock
Texas A&M International University, USA
Volume II
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
E-collaboration : concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications / Ned Kock,
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Summary: "This set addresses a range of e-collaboration topics through advanced research chapters authored by an international artnership
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ISBN 978-1-60566-652-5 (hbk.) -- ISBN 978-1-60566-653-2 (ebook) 1. Information technology--Management. 2. Knowledge
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Chapter 5.1
Digital Disempowerment in a
Network Society
Kenneth L. Hacker
New Mexico State University, USA
Shana M. Mason
New Mexico State University, USA
Eric L. Morgan
New Mexico State University, USA
The objective of this article is to examine how
the inequalities of participation in network society governmental systems affect the extent that
individuals are empowered or disempowered
within those systems. By using published data
in conjunction with theories of communication,
a critical secondary data analysis was conducted.
This critical analysis argues that the Digital Divide involves issues concerning how democracy
and democratization are related to computermediated communication (CMC) and its role in
political communication. As the roles of CMC/
ICT systems expand in political communication, existing Digital Divide gaps are likely to
contribute to structural inequalities in political
participation. These inequalities work against
democracy and political empowerment for some
people, while at the same time producing expanded opportunities of political participation for
others. This raises concerns about who beneits
the most from electronic government in emerging
network societies.
As the roles of computer-mediated communication
(CMC)/information and communication technology (ICT) systems expand in political communication, existing Digital Divide gaps are likely to
contribute to structural inequalities in political
participation. This is true for both within-nation
and across-nation gaps. These inequalities work
against democracy and political empowerment and
produce social injustices at the same time as they
produce expanded opportunities to political par-
Copyright © 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Digital Disempowerment in a Network Society
ticipation. Rather than assuming that increasing
networking of societies leads to democratization,
the broader relationship between the two needs
to be examined.
Our examination responds to the larger question of how the structures of advanced societies
are becoming increasingly networked and the
role that CMC plays in both creating new social
networks and restructuring existing ones, particularly in the political arena. We irst present
these structures followed by a discussion of
the existing global Digital Divide, in which we
point out the ethical concerns raised by allowing
groups who could most beneit from connectivity to remain disconnected. Finally, we raise the
important point that universal access may not
be enough to solve the structural inequalities
created by allowing segments of the population
to remain disconnected. Rather, it is important to
go beyond access and ensure that technology is
used to reduce structural inequalities in the best
ways possible by marginalized groups. By using
published data in conjunction with theories of
communication, a critical secondary data analysis
was conducted. In this critical analysis, we conclude by offering recommendations for electronic
government analysis and research from existing
data and theories.
Network Society
Jan van Dijk (2006) deines network society in
terms of communication networks that shape
the most important forms of organization in a
society. In what we have known for decades as
mass society, citizens have been informed and
entertained by mass media and somewhat disconnected from people outside of their primary (e.g.
family, friends) and secondary social groups (e.g.
workplace). In those nations that appear to have
an emergence of network society characteristics,
increasing numbers of social structures involve
interconnected individuals using computer networks to seek out information, relationships, and
networks of inluence. In these societies, political
power and politics are more about relationships
among people than characteristics of individuals
(van Dijk, 2006). Dimensions of geographical
space are accompanied by a technological space.
This space is sometimes referred to as social
geography, wherein social networks rather than
physical space become the basis for closeness or
distance. Political systems, which traditionally
have been modeled as top-down organizational
charts, may be changing into polycentric systems
of power in which political power is based more
on network position than traditional roles (van
Dijk, 2006).
The consequences of people being connected
to the new communication networks of network
society are becoming more signiicant as participation in these networks is increasingly linked to
tangible beneits. Network society perspectives of
social organization and communication technologies include economics as well as politics. Indeed,
economic reorganization is seen historically as
the main impetus for the emergence of network
societies (Stalder, 2006). Globalizing trade and
inance make up an informational economy
with the center of the global economy as inance
(Stalder, 2006). Organizations become more lexible to meet changing markets and governments
where changes and discontinuities constitute a
new focus. As Castells (2001) notes, the organizational changes were enabled but not caused by
communication technology innovations.
Power in network society social, economic,
and political contexts can be viewed more as
matters of position and network relations than of
material or content advantages. Power in previous
paradigms like Fordism or Weberian organizational assumptions was about getting others to
do one’s will. In contrast, power in networks is
more about lows of inluence, investment, and
planning (Stalder, 2006). Barney (2004) argues
that “access to networks and power to determine
what lows over them is a signiicant marker of
Digital Disempowerment in a Network Society
systemic advantage and disadvantage domestically and globally,” (p. 178).
Communication technologies have always
been central to both the exercise of power by the
state and to the formation of public spheres of
deliberation made available to citizens (Barney,
2004). While there is little evidence that CMC yet
has strong empowerment effects for those without
extant power, there is a sense of democratic potential that does have some empirical support.
The Annenberg Digital Futures project notes
several interesting trends in the use of the Internet
by Americans. Sixty-ive percent say that they
are more involved with social activism (Digital
Futures Project, 2007). Approximately 75%
view government websites as reliable sources
of information. A majority (59%) of Americans
online believe that Internet usage can help them
learn about their political system (Digital Futures
Project, 2007). However, only 19% believe that
their Internet usage gives them more voice in
government (Digital Futures Project, 2007). The
Pew Research Center (2008) reports that about
24% of Americans are now using the Internet
as a major source of information about the 2008
United States presidential election—a number that
is nearly double that of the election of 2004.
The embedded Infrastructure
As Wellman and Haythornwaite (2002) indicate,
the Internet is increasingly becoming embedded
in the everyday lives of its users. This means that
the Internet is incorporated into daily routines
and provides a platform for numerous personal,
social, economic, and political forms of communication and action. Its convenience facilitates
many of the activities that were previously done
ofline. Thus, those who use the Internet are afforded an additional avenue of communication
to facilitate important activities such as working
at home, doing research for school, contacting
friends, conducting commercial transactions,
and communicating with government representa-
tives. Howard, Rainie and Jones (2002) show that
levels of usage experience accounts for the most
signiicant differences between access and use of
the Internet across groups. Those who have been
using the Internet the longest are most likely to
have access to it and to use it more heavily (Wellman & Haythornwaite, 2002). Longer-term users
tend to ind ways to incorporate the Internet into
all aspects of their lives, including personal and
work environments.
The critical realization regarding CMC embeddedness is that a means of communication that
was once necessary for a minority of citizens in
a given population is now important for many, if
not most, people in both developed and developing
societies. This assumes that these societies are
taking on the characteristics of network society.
As the Internet and CMC become embedded
with economic, social, and political activities,
citizens are likely to develop stronger needs to use
the networks in order to maximize their abilities
to participate in online opportunities or social
formations. Those who become most skilled and
active with CMC networking are more likely to
gain power than those without these skills and
activities. This means there may be accelerating
gaps in network sophistication. As van Dijk (2002)
notes, digital skills are cumulative. Accordingly,
the inequalities resulting from their increasingly
embedded nature are cumulative as well. Holderness (1998) argues that the Digital Divide gaps
that we have been discussing may become selfreinforcing. Those individuals and nations who
accelerate their use of CMC systems build their
communication capital at rates that perpetuate how
far they stay ahead of others in networking.
exclusionary forces
It is generally accepted that the increasing organization of societies with the use of CMC technologies facilitates the importance of information and
knowledge for economic growth and a shift of
importance from densely-knit bounded groups to
Digital Disempowerment in a Network Society
computer-supported social networks (United Nations, 2004). The emergence of network societies
entails social and organizational formations that
are constructed in relation to lows of symbolic
interaction more than in relation to traditional
institutional, governmental, and organizational
boundaries (Contractor & Monge, 2003).
Networks are comprised of nodes; these nodes
are connected by communication and join together
to become inluence networks (Castells, 2000).
When a node does not connect to other nodes, it
may be dropped from the network. Such nodes
are then excluded from exercising inluence on
social organization. Those who are part of the
networks that exert inluence on society can
work to increase the impact of their inluence by
stimulating changes in, or reinforcing, existing
patterns in the social structures that are beneicial
to them.
Those with the most power and resources
tend to be the early adopters of new technologies, and their inluence shapes the evolution of
technological changes in society (van Dijk, 2006).
Thus, social inequalities may be perpetuated as
those who use the technologies are increasingly
organizing social networks around them. The
inability to access or make effective use of the
Internet and computers becomes increasingly
signiicant as those with power make their use
increasingly prominent in all areas of society.
Those who do not have access to new forms of
communication technology are increasingly excluded from the organization of society on many
levels. This suggests that increasing networking
that is accompanied by increasing gaps in usage
for government and political communication may
disempower many citizens in any nation moving
toward network society status.
The notion of disempowerment with such
a participatory means of communication may
seem paradoxical at irst blush. However, once
one realizes that new power in network societies
is strongly linked to inluence over system conigurations, position within networks and control
over information lows, it is no longer surprising
that those with greater connectivity, centrality,
and interactivity are those in a society that will
beneit the most from network technologies of
communication. Moreover, simply being connected to new communication networks does not
assure any degree of inluence or power. In fact,
connection without power is likely to assure that
the connected person is subjected to new forms
of domination by those with more control over
the information lows and conigurations of the
networks (Barney, 2004).
There are two major categories of electronic
political communication that are gaining increasing attention today: electronic government
(e-government) and digital democracy. According to van Dijk (2006), e-government concerns
service provision and communication between
government agencies and citizens, while digital
democracy concerns participation in political
There is little indication that CMC is drawing
new people into democratic political processes,
but there is substantial evidence that people who
already participate are becoming more enabled
in their participation (Bimber & Davis, 2005; van
Dijk & Hacker, 2000). It is easier for CMC users to
contact governmental oficials, obtain government
documents, and join political discussions with
people they do not know (Pratchett, Wingield, &
Polat, 2006; van Dijk, 2004). Indeed Weerakkody
& Dhillon (2008) note that in the U.K., electronic
government now exists in a transformational phase
that could allow for increased civic participation.
Bimber & Davis (2005) argue that CMC is providing effective tools for political activities and
mobilization, but that “the divide between those
who are political activists interested in electoral
Digital Disempowerment in a Network Society
campaigns and those who are not will expand”
(p. 168).
Without the knowledge and ability to evaluate policies and potential leaders, citizens cannot
engage in the democratic process in its true sense
(Barber, 1984; Yankelovich, 1991). However, as
Yankelovich (1991) maintains, information given
to citizens in a downward low means that they
possess only that information passed onto them
by elites. Receiving information in this type of
downward low pattern does not necessarily empower citizens; rather, it can serve to reinforce
existing power structures as citizens maintain
the passive role of consumers of information
generated by the elite, who maintain control
over all information (Bordewijk & van Kaam,
1986; van Dijk, 1996). If high CMC users have
more multilateral political communication
than low CMC users, the latter are less likely to
develop empowering roles for themselves in the
polycentric power structures that appear to be
part of network societies.
Political movements have been employing the
Internet to organize their struggles, and some
of these users are developing a practice known
as “self-directed networking” (Castells, 2000,
p.55). Self-directed networking involves people
inventing personal ways of organizing and disseminating information. As more formal political
structures such as civic organizations have less
public membership today, political movements
can employ CMC to effectively mobilize political
action (Castells, 2001). Those who are involved
with online politics have an advantage over those
with less involvement since online politics are
becoming more common and inluential.
E-government can be used in any type of political system. Issues of digital disempowerment may
not be weighted highly in totalitarian societies that
use e-government solely for eficient delivery of
information and collection of information from
citizens. In democratic systems, those who administer e-government must confront the expectations
of citizens concerning active inluence of the
people on how their government reaches decisions,
sets policies, and interacts with citizens. Structural
inequalities work against democratic governance
because structural inequality is related to positions in networks that privilege various groups of
citizens over others (van Dijk, 2006).
Communication researchers now know that old
media concepts, theories and research paradigms
are no longer adequate to explain networks of
electronic communication, CMC, and the interconnected and interoperable systems of communication technologies that make up the Internet and
World Wide Web. The old media, which assumed
a linear source-receiver process, led to deterministic accounts of media effects. These accounts
fail to explain newer media technologies, which
are characterized by interactivity, interconnectedness, and complexity that is simply not present in
the isolated old media paradigm. With increasing
use of the Internet and network communication
systems, individuals, groups, organizations,
and nations are able to develop many-to-many
forms of interaction with networks that have
shifting conigurations. The essential point in
understanding network society as a sociological
and communicative concept is that individuals
and groups are now creating new social formations. This is sometimes referred to as social
morphology in the ways people make contacts,
establish connections, and regulate interactivity
and feedback. This allows people to build afiliations that facilitate the low of social, cultural,
and political capital. As van Dijk (2006) notes, the
statistical pattern thus far for network societies is
that a small percentage of a population becomes
the center of the most important economic and
political networks. These people have the most
power and inluence in the network society and
Digital Disempowerment in a Network Society
unless the center expands to include increasing
numbers of citizens, electronic government systems may empower those already empowered. At
the same time, however, the cumulative nature of
CMC skills acquisition and development leaves
out many people. This leads to a stabilizing of
structural (network) inequalities over time, ultimately resulting in the disempowerment of those
with little or no connectivity.
People with inluential network positions and
lows are more likely to be more interest-bound
than place-bound in how they associate and work
with others. Those who are left as more placebound become less and less important to those
who are sharing capital lows in cosmopolitan
networks of association and inluence. Barney
(2004) argues that the less connected are likely
to be passive consumers of communication content rather than active creators of messages and
E-governments can exacerbate the problems
just described when they do not add political
value to service provision. In other words, egovernments have opportunities to encourage
more political participation in governance as
well as more transparency in decision-making,
but they rarely seize these opportunities. For
example, Norris (2001) observes that government
websites rarely publish information like citizens’
reactions to policy proposals. E-government is
more likely to be used to enhance the eficiency
of information access than the democratization
of governance (Barney, 2004).
United Nations research indicates that the Digital Divide has narrowed dramatically between
member nations of the Organisation of Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD) and developing nations, from 80.6:1 to 5.8:1 in the past
decade. The gaps persist, however. “In 2005, half of
all OECD citizens were Internet users, compared
with just one in every twelve citizens in developing
economies and one in every one hundred in Least
Developed Countries (LDC’s)” (International
Telecommunications Union, 2007, p.22).
Additionally, as gaps close in one area, they
shift to others. The “quantity” gap is being replaced
by the “quality” gap, a phenomenon addressed
by early Digital Divide researchers who argued
that closing one gap would simply open another.
Although the gap in the ratio of broadband users
in OECD and developing countries has shrunk,
“the absolute gap measured in percentage points
has grown almost tenfold between 2000 and 2005,”
(International Telecommunications Union, 2007,
p.23). Thus, with the increased dominance of
broadband in the marketplace, this gap becomes
increasingly signiicant (OECD, 2007).
There are dangers in the acceleration of a
broadband divide that follows the existing Digital
Divide gaps among people with the same forms
of Internet access. Broadband is projected to
become more important as Web sites will increasingly be designed for broadband, and services
like Internet telephony become more commonly
used (Vanston, Hodges & Savage, 2004). Along
with increasing bandwidth capability and speed,
CMC users need to have personal computers
with increased amounts of processing speed and
memory (Vanston, Hodges & Savage, 2004). As
computing and CMC become more ubiquitous,
devices will continue to become more sophisticated, interconnected, and operable as nodes in
personal communication networks.
Users in high-income countries accounted for
74% of broadband users globally in 2005 (International Telecommunications Union, 2007). China
alone accounted for 87% of broadband subscribers
in lower-middle income economies, while India
and Vietnam accounted for 94% of subscribers in
low-income countries. Though there is availability
in many of these regions, the price makes access
dificult. For example, the 2007 World Information
Society report maintains that broadband access
in Cape Verde is available for over 2,000 USD
Digital Disempowerment in a Network Society
per 100 kbits/month, while the same access in
Japan is available for less than 10 USD/month.
On average, users in low-income economies can
expect to spend 900 times their average income
on broadband access, while those in high-income
countries spend about 2% of their average monthly
income for the same access. While Internet access will not ix non-technological problems, it
can increase information sharing, knowledge
accumulation, and work collaboration through networking. Indeed, the United Nations report states
that “developing countries risk being left further
behind in terms of income, equality, development,
voice and presence on an increasingly digitized
world stage” (International Telecommunications
Union, 2003, p. 4).
It is important to recognize the fact that there
are many areas of Digital Divide gaps that involve
much more than the commonly referenced ones
of physical access (computer and net access).
Kotamraju (2004), for example, notes that women
tend to be employed in Web sites design more than
in Web sites programming even if they have both
sets of skills. While schools are more connected to
the Net, studies show that few teachers know how
to use the technology to augment their classroom
instruction. The students attending Internet-wired
schools may not be developing the skills they need
to function well in an Internet-based economy. The
gaps in ethnic and social class levels of learning
may be worsened by this pattern of poor teaching
proiciency. While there is expanding diversity,
there are also gaps in usage and skills as well as
in abilities to pay for what is becoming less free
in new media and moving toward conditional
access (pay-per-usage) models of network access
(van Dijk, 2004).
Norris (2001) argues that access to the information and communication opportunities offered
by the Internet may be most consequential in the
poorest nations. The lack of distance barriers and
relatively cheap implementation of the Internet
(once access is possible) allow business owners
in countries such as Mexico the opportunity to
participate in the global marketplace. Health
information and education are available via the
Internet in areas like Kolkata, India as they are
to doctors in New York. Physicians in developing
nations can network and share information and
resources with those in more developed nations
through the Internet. Distance education allows
increased access to sophisticated educational
tools, enabling universities in disenfranchised
nations to offer educational tools and training
comparable to those in industrialized nations.
According to the OECD (2004), the results of
natural disasters, such as the earthquake and accompanying tsunami that struck nations around
the Indian Ocean in 2004, are also lessened by new
communication technologies. These are thought
to provide important tools to warn of the impending catastrophe, mitigate its impact by speeding
information and relief efforts, and provide a place
for victims and family members to post messages
and pictures regarding the missing.
Additionally, Norris (2001) maintains that
the Internet may increase the mobilization of
grassroots campaigns and their visibility, enabling groups to network and share resources in
order to impact policy makers at a higher level.
“Foreign policymakers…can no longer assume
that the usual diplomatic and political elites can
govern political affairs with a passive ‘permissive
consensus’ without taking account of the new
ability for public information, mobilization, and
engagement engendered by the new technology”
(Norris, 2001, p. 2). In the former Soviet Union, for
example, the Internet network Relcom is credited
with playing a signiicant role in the dissemination
of information during the coup attempt of 1991
(Press, 1993).
Marginalized societies can become more
marginalized as societies become more globalized
and information is increasingly the most valuable
commodity (Norris, 2001; Norris & Curtice,
2006). The differences in economic growth between those nations that have reliable, high-speed
access to the Internet and those who do not may
Digital Disempowerment in a Network Society
be exacerbated as the afluent nations are able to
proit from increased visibility and productivity.
Low literacy levels, language barriers, and income
are key obstacles to Internet adoption for those
in developing countries (OECD, 2004). Floridi
(2001) argues that members of these societies are
marginalized by the Digital Divide because they
“live in the shadow of a new digital reality, which
allows them no interaction or access, but which
profoundly affects their lives” (p. 3).
Education and attitudes about the importance
of connectivity may be as signiicant as lack of
access globally. In China, about 10% of the population uses the Internet, and the majority of these
are young (70% under age 30) and male (60%)
(Fallows, 2007). Farmers and peasants comprise
about 0.4% of Internet users. One in three nonusers in China reports insuficient skills to use the
Internet, and one-third of non-users lack access.
Fallows (2007) quotes a farmer from rural China
who compares computers to aircraft carriers
because neither has any signiicant relevance to
his life.
Implications of the Gaps
van Dijk (2004, 2006) argues a “Matthew Effect”
(2004, p. 20) for CMC adoption. This effect (based
on the Bible passage “unto every one who hath
shall be given”) indicates that those who already
have high-quality Internet and CMC access
and usage patterns are gaining more and more
network power while those who do not are losing their ability to catch up (van Dijk, 2004). As
information becomes more important in jobs and
everyday routines, the Matthew Effect becomes
more deleterious for those with less CMC usage
experience. Digital skills and usage are becoming more important for increasing numbers of
professions and jobs. Thus, those with access
and enhanced usage tend to become more valuable to their employers in the workplace. As
distance education and online learning become
more common and accepted, those with online
usage and skills have easier access to educational
courses and degrees. Research shows that those
who combine online communication with ofline
social interaction expand their social networks
and increase their social capital (van Dijk, 2004;
Wellman and Haythornwaite, 2002).
Because of the distributed nature of network
organizations like international corporations,
division of labor becomes more selective, which
means that employers can hire people in remote
locations. This is why an American insurance
company can hire typists in Ireland and save
wage costs in contrast to hiring typists in the
U.S. (van Dijk, 2006). The best quality jobs will
be those that involve activities related to what
people most connected to the centers of emerging
networks are doing. The jobs of the least quality will continue to exist on the periphery of
networks and will involve individuals with low
connectivity, usage, and positioning (van Dijk,
2006). Digital disempowerment is likely to increase for those employees who fall behind in
learning the technical skills for which there is
increasing demand.
The data regarding Digital Divide issues
show three important generalizations which
when added together indicate the likely digital
disempowerment trend for many people in the
world. First, CMC usage continues to accelerate the expansion of networks that link people
to economic and political inluence. Second,
CMC usage is related to tangible beneits such
as increasing one’s social capital. Third, CMC
usage gaps and poor positioning in network
society networks are related to diminished opportunities in advanced societies when compared
to high usage and effective positioning.
THe eMeRGeNCe Of
Globalization increases as economic, political
and cultural activities of nations become more
Digital Disempowerment in a Network Society
interdependent. Within one globalization structure, a nation’s position can be determined by its
pattern of interactions with other nations (Barnett,
2001). This formulates a three-tiered structure of
nations and societies such that those with increased
interconnectivity and potential for interconnectivity represent a core group, with other nations
representing “semi-peripheral” and “peripheral”
groupings accordingly (Chase-Dunn & Grimes,
1995).Those nations that are most central in the
global network are also those with the highest
GDP. Barnett’s (2001) network analysis of international telecommunications from 1978 to 1996
indicates that the global network has become more
centralized and more integrated. Moreover, the
study showed that more information is lowing
through the core nations (USA, Canada, Japan,
and Western European nations) rather than being exchanged with nations at more peripheral
network positions (Barnett, 2001).
The inability of subpopulations to have access
to the global network infrastructures is diminishing their abilities to be as competitive and
inluential as those populations which do have
input and position in the expanding networks of
capital, inluence, and power. Each developing
economy becomes more dependent on CMC
networks for commerce, government, education,
and various social services (Montagnier, Muller
& Vickery, 2002). The most educated citizens
may also leave these countries for the economic
opportunities offered by core nations, causing
a “brain drain” that further inhibits progress
(Bridges.org, 2003/2004).
The reality of structural inequalities that produce what we are calling disempowerment is seen
in the evidence that a) CMC and Internet skills
are cumulative, and b) Digital Divide gaps persist
and regenerate with each new communication
technology innovation (van Dijk & Hacker, 2000;
van Dijk, 2004). Those citizens who could reap
the most beneits from the democratic potential
of the Internet are those who are already politically marginalized. In other words, the people
who need these beneits most are those who have
the least amount of access and skills (Hacker &
Mason, 2003).
In Europe, citizens with few or no skills, as
well as the unemployed, comprise the majority of
those who use government services, yet are a minority of Internet users (O’Donnell, 2002). Thus,
the increased information, communication, and
access to these programs afforded by electronic
government enterprises in Europe go unused by
the majority of those whose need is greatest. We
see a similar pattern in the United States among
disabled people. The common picture is that those
with the greatest needs for CMC are those with
the least usage.
There is some support for the mobilization
hypothesis (Norris, 2001), which asserts that some
traditionally less active groups may be mobilized
to engage in political activity by the low communication costs of the Internet. For example,
Muhlberger (2002) found that, if given the opportunity, online discussion is employed at a slightly
higher rate by those with less education, women,
those who do not own a home, and those who are
young, all of whom are generally less involved
in political activities. Thus, there is evidence that
previously uninvolved citizens might take a more
active political role if access and usage obstacles
did not exist. If left without access, however, those
members of uninvolved and marginalized groups
will continue to lag behind those of other groups,
creating new forms of inequality as the opinion
of those who participate in online discussion
inluences policymakers.
When a new avenue of access becomes available that would facilitate citizens’ ability to make
informed decisions about policy, to communicate
with representatives, and allow for more equal
opportunities to inluence decision-making, it
would seem to follow that governments should
take measures to enable access to this important
platform of social and political communication,
serving as a check to ensure equal access to the
process. Muhlberger (2002) argues that if the
Digital Disempowerment in a Network Society
Internet enables citizens to exert political inluence and obtain political information, then its
representativeness is at issue. “Those concerned
with the development of a democratic public
sphere need to be aware of the representativeness of Internet political activity,” because “…
an Internet that over-represents some political
views advantages those views relative to others”
(Muhlberger, 2002, p. 2). If we accept that the
possibility of increased political inluence exists
via the Internet, then we must consider that the
potential for power imbalances to be created (or
exacerbated) also exists when some members of a
society may exercise this inluence, while others
are excluded due to economic, educational, and
other social factors.
It is important to note that closing Digital
Divide gaps might do more for e-commerce
than for democracy in situations where there is
no strong political will for democratization. We
should also recognize that political will to close
gaps in power exists at various levels of a political system, including those who govern and those
who are governed. When both of these agree that
increasing political participation is necessary for
democratization, CMC can be substantially useful for democracy. Democratic systems without
strong political will of their citizens are not likely
to beneit from political CMC. If CMC is not
politically useful, the gaps in various divides do
not raise the ethical issues that they might otherwise. In other words, the more important CMC is
for the democratic nature of a system, the more
unethical it is to have social exclusion for CMC
access, usage, and content.
The research on the Digital Divide makes it
clear that connectivity remains an unsolved problem for realizing digital democracy. Within the
United States, there are pockets of Americans who
are living more and more on the periphery of the
network society. Hoping that digital democracy
can repair the problems of ofline democracy is a
strong issue for intellectual debate. However, the
longer signiicant groups of people lack meaning-
ful participation in their political system, the more
likely that the system will not change for the better
and that structural inequalities will stabilize.
Hacker (2002a, 2002b, 2004) argues that the
issues of Digital Divide gaps, whether national
or global, will not be resolved without political
will that is deliberately aimed at increasing citizen participation in digital democracy. Political
will stems from political culture and the abilities
and willingness of leaders and citizens to make
practices match values. Naïve notions about digital
democracy can emerge when one does not address
political culture and the differences in democratic
systems. For example, the political system in
the United States contains a form of elitism by
which most Americans remain mildly involved
in politics and trust their leaders to do most of
the actual policy making. Thus, to understand
why most American leaders are not encouraging
digital democracy past the point of e-government
and freedom for citizen discussions, one has to
examine American political culture and its history.
Today, we usually think of a political system as
being democratic if political decisions ultimately
must be accounted for to the people of the nation
in question (Scruton, 1982).
A global economic infrastructure, as envisioned by Bill Gates and others, is not the same
thing as the public spheres for democratic communication envisioned by scholars of political
communication. Couldry (2003) argues that most
developed national governments have focused
more on global digital economies than on digital
democracies. This focus holds more concern
for expanding markets than concern for making
sure that citizens are not socially excluded from
important spaces of political deliberation. This
focus also neglects the need for content that helps
disadvantaged people ind sources and spaces
to improve their social and political positions
by helping them with job training, job searches,
and other information that is useful for them. As
Menou (2002) maintains, the focus of many efforts
by the private sector to close the Digital Divide
Digital Disempowerment in a Network Society
is to make consumers out of the poor. “What
should really be at stake is social change and not
the marketing of ICT’s” (Menou, 2002, para. 3).
Couldry (2003) observes a scale-extension/
scale-reduction effect of CMC. While CMC expands communication, it also create a gap between
the literate and nonliterate. Just as the nonliterate
people would stay in the market squares while the
literate deliberated in the coffee houses, experienced CMC users may develop exclusive spaces
for deliberation that, by their nature, simply are
not inviting to inexperienced CMC users. Couldry draws attention to thical concerns regarding
presence light CMC users do different things
than heavy users. Heavy users, for example, are
less passive in their use of the Internet and are
more likely to disseminate information and create
content (Couldry, 2003).
One problem with research done on the Digital
Divide as well as with governmental approaches
to implementing e-government has been a lack of
communication theory as well as political theory
(van Dijk & Hacker, 2000). A deliberative design
model of political CMC could build upon theories
of deliberative democracy from which ethics
concerns emerge which say that it is wrong to
have people non-connected, absent, or socially
excluded by hierarchies in political CMC. Deliberative democracy theory says that citizens should
have the opportunities to actively participate in
decisions made about policies that affect them
(Couldry, 2003; Dryzek, 1990). Dryzek’s (1990)
deliberative design principle says that citizens
should have spaces for recurrent social interaction about politics where they can communicate
only as citizens and not as representatives of any
governmental, corporate or hierarchical organization. This principle can now be realized more
easily today than in the past with the increasing
prevalence of CMC such as political blog usage.
This concept differs from Habermas’ concept of
the ideal speech situation in that it recognizes that
much of deliberation about politics will involve
emotional interaction and not always appear
rational (Couldry, 2003).
Hacker and Mason (2003) argue a strong nexus
which links issues of political power and issues
of ethics. Political policy is often formulated on
the basis of factual information and observation,
but values serve as the ilters through which those
facts are used to implement policy. Research is
done and facts are generated about social problems,
but values inform what is done about them. Ethics considerations are a necessary component of
policy making because ethics establish whether
or not something is a problem and, if it is, what
the best course of action is to remedy it.
Those who argue that digital exclusion is not
a problem because some groups do not actually
need access take an ethical position that says it
is morally acceptable to allow some groups to
be excluded from the social networking that the
Internet enables. Social inequities are legitimized
by arguments that some groups do not need access or are not being adversely affected by digital
exclusion in the face of documented and potential
beneits of connectivity. Additionally, policies
implemented to facilitate access are not free of
ethical considerations. It may be unethical, for
example, to argue that some groups are unable to
become digitally connected on their own, without
governmental assistance. This may also further
extend stereotypes about some groups among the
groups themselves and society in general.
Public spheres of deliberation are vital to democratic political systems. Electronic government
technologies which add more citizen deliberation, political interactivity between leaders and
citizens, and greater debate about various issues,
are likely to help citizen motivation for getting
involved with electronic government and digital
democracy (Chen & Dimitrova, 2006). However,
Digital Disempowerment in a Network Society
studies show that governments rarely use their
network technologies to do these things (Barney,
Market-based arguments assume that digital
inequities go away with continued adoption and
diffusion of communication technologies. This ignores the fact that computer-based communication
technologies are more interdependent and more
cumulative in usages, networking, and required
skills than old media which were functionally
independent (van Dijk, 2004). Universal-access
arguments assume that governments must provide
access to everyone because they cannot function
in modern society without such access, and the
markets are insuficient to provide affordable access. These arguments ignore the fact that some
people can prosper without CMC and that market
independence does, in fact, help high-technology
companies innovate new communication products
and services.
Where particular groups of people appear to
be marginalized in CMC networks and creation of
content, there should be efforts to give them voice
from a perspective developed here that brings together political theory and communication theory.
The United Nations 2004 Human Development
Report argues that “unless people who are poor
and marginalized—who more often than not
are members of religious or ethnic minorities or
migrants—can inluence political action at local
and national levels, they are unlikely to get equitable access to jobs, schools, hospitals, justice,
security, and other basic services” (United Nations
Development Programme 2004, pg. v).
According to Bennett and Entman (2001), “access to communication is one of the key measures
of power and equality in modern democracies”
(p.2). As a form of communication that offers
democratic potential unique from previous
types of media (Bentivegna, 2002), such as the
telephone, access to CMC and the Internet is
arguably such a measure. CMC and the Internet
offer citizens the opportunity to exercise control
over content, offer opinions, exert pressure on
the government, and actively participate in its
politics. Additionally, they offer both citizen-tocitizen and citizen-to-oficial communication
opportunities, reduce the role of the media as
gatekeepers of information and allow citizens
access to previously unavailable (or very dificult
to obtain) information. Also unique from previous
forms of media, the Internet and CMC allow small
groups and movements to acquire visibility that
would have been unavailable to them in media
such as television due to high costs. Finally, the
speed and absence of boundaries offered by the
Internet allow for quick mobilization of citizens
with similar concerns and unlimited contact and
communication among them. However, if groups
most in need of these access opportunities continue to be excluded, their marginalization may
be increased. In such a case, digital disempowerment is realized.
High CMC exclusion does not mean that
people have no voice in governance, but rather
that they have less than they would if they were
able to employ CMC as a key resource in creating
or changing social structures related to political
issues and causes. The provision of universal
access, similarly, does not guarantee radical social restructuring. Menou (2002) argues that the
focus of the Digital Divide debate should not be
how to bring the technology to the marginalized,
but to discover the best ways for those who need
the technology to put it to use and improve their
network positions. It is important to keep in mind
that online inequalities often mirror ofline ones,
and existing social problems will not be undone
by technology. It is also necessary to understand
the role of CMC in political structuration and how
it may magnify or mitigate inequalities.
In this article, we have attempted to present an
argument saying that CMC/ICT systems continue
to have democratic potential and can be useful for
Digital Disempowerment in a Network Society
extending political deliberation that is necessary
for democracy. This has profound implications
for the conceptualization and implementation of
e-government systems. This position holds that it
is morally wrong to have these systems develop
and expand in ways that give more political power
to those who are already ahead in how much
political inluence they have while not providing
more political access to those who tend to lag
behind in political power. The key, we argue,
is to have political will among leaders, among
citizens, and within various social groups, to
provide CMC access, training, content creation,
usage opportunities, and encouragement in order
to make e-government and digital democracy more
open to newly participating citizens. This kind
of will can also facilitate citizens having more
meaningful political deliberation that has actual
and viewable effects on political governance. By
understanding the way that technology can be
used to change and/or exacerbate existing power
structures, we shed light on the Digital Divide that
goes beyond issues of haves and have-nots and
considers the implications of connectivity from a
network society perspective. The argument presented here is not just that gaps should be closed,
but that allowing the gaps to persist exacerbates
structural inequalities, and this possibility is an
important consideration for citizens and leaders
alike in democratic societies.
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This work was previously published in International Journal of Electronic Government Research, Vol. 5, Issue 2, edited by V.
Weerakkody, pp. 57-71, copyright 2009 by IGI Publishing (an imprint of IGI Global).