Mutualistic Symbioses
Introductory article
Mary Beth Saffo, National Science Foundation, Arlington, Virginia, USA
Article Contents
. The Improbability of Beneficial Symbiotic Associations
This article was based on work supported by the U.S. National Science
Foundation (NSF), while working for the NSF. Any opinion or perspective
expressed in this article is that of the author and does not necessarily
reflect the views of the NSF.
. Defining Mutualistic Symbiosis
. The Distribution of Mutualistic Symbioses
. Do Immune Defenses Keep Mutualisms Together? The
Importance of Partner Choice
Online posting date: 15th July 2014
Mutualistic symbioses are defined as intimate inter-species interactions beneficial to all species partners. In reality, however, mutualistic symbioses are more intricate,
complex, diverse and variable than the formal definition
suggests; understanding this complexity is essential to
understanding mutualism dynamics. Widely distributed
both geographically and taxonomically, mutualistic
symbioses play a significant role in the biology of organisms. Iconic examples of mutualisms such as lichens, reefbuilding corals with algal symbionts, and mycorrhizal
fungi with terrestrial plants, highlight the prevalence of
many symbiotic mutualisms in resource-limited conditions. The several important examples of hereditary
microbial symbiosis in insects call attention to the
importance of hereditarily transmitted symbioses as well.
But there are also mutualisms that do not fit the ecological paradigm of partnerships forged by nutrient scarcity,
and evolutionarily persistent, horizontally-transmitted
mutualisms which challenge the notion that hereditary
symbiosis is the only stable form of mutualistic symbiosis.
In the face of ubiquitous immune defences among
organisms, the persistence and ubiquity of mutualistic
symbiosis seems a physiologically improbable phenomenon. But recent research suggests a possible resolution
to this paradox, in revealing the involvement of immune
mechanisms in selection, tolerance and maintenance of
beneficial foreign microbes, as well as recognition and
elimination of pathogens.
The Improbability of Beneficial
Symbiotic Associations
‘Know thyself’ is not just a philosophical maxim, but a basic
requirement of life itself. The product of philosophical selfeLS subject area: Ecology
How to cite:
Saffo, Mary Beth (July 2014) Mutualistic Symbioses. In: eLS. John Wiley
& Sons, Ltd: Chichester.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0003281.pub2
knowledge is (hopefully) thoughtful, useful human beings;
the product of biological self-knowledge is protection of the
structural and genomic integrity of each organism. A key
challenge for life is preservation of this integrity in a way
that still allows the controlled interaction with the environment on which life also depends.
Central to preservation of organismal integrity are
mechanisms for recognition of ‘self’ and ‘non-self’, and
defensive mechanisms for protection of self against nonself. Many molecular and structural features of organisms
are involved in both of these functions of self/non-self
recognition and self-protection. For instance, physical
boundaries of organisms – cell membranes, cell walls,
epidermal and extra-epidermal barriers – simultaneously
define and protect an organism’s ‘self’. Similarly, several
molecular mechanisms for self/non-self recognition are
also integral components of the various immune defences
that protect organisms against invasion by foreign organisms and foreign genomes (Ronald and Beutler, 2010;
Owen et al., 2012; Randow et al., 2013). See also: Immune
System; Innate Immune Mechanisms: Nonself Recognition; Plant Defences against Herbivore Attack
Although vertebrate immune systems are the best characterised, invertebrate animals and plants also have
impressive immune mechanisms (Jones and Dangl, 2006;
Owen et al., 2012; Randow et al., 2013). Even animals as
‘lowly’ as sponges, for instance, possess exquisitely sensitive abilities for recognition and rejection of non-self genotypes, with molecular mechanisms bearing at least some
resemblance to graft-rejection processes in humans (Müller and Müller, 2003). See also: Immune Defence: Microbial Interference; Immunology of Invertebrates: Humoral;
Plant Innate Immunity; Porifera (Sponges)
Given the undesirable, and sometimes dire, effects of
parasites and pathogens that breach immune defences of
their plant or animal hosts, and the serious consequences of
immune system malfunction for those hosts, it is not surprising that physicians, veterinarians and plant pathologists have long considered elimination of infection as a
central goal of medical and agricultural practice.
Until the 1970s, ecologists also thought of species
interactions in largely antagonistic terms, viewing
unfriendly inter-species encounters such as predator–prey
interactions, competition and infectious diseases as the key
biotic factors shaping biological communities. Mutually
beneficial interactions, however, were considered to be rare
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Mutualistic Symbioses
and ecologically unimportant, a view reinforced by early
mathematical models that concluded that mutualism was
an unstable – literally, an inconceivable – class of species
interaction (for history, see Boucher, 1982).
Today, mutualisms are the subject of serious scientific
attention by ecologists, evolutionary biologists, physiologists and molecular biologists. We know that mutualistic
symbioses are widespread in the biosphere; there is strong
evidence that many of these interactions have had, and
continue to have, important effects on the evolution and
ecology of organisms (Mcfall-Ngai et al., 2013). There is
also a growing awareness in both medicine and agriculture
that certain microbial infections can enhance, and, in some
cases, may be essential to, plant and animal (including
human) health (Dethlefsen et al., 2007; Ley et al., 2008;
Pringle and Bever, 2008; Rooks and Garrett, 2011; Sekirov
et al., 2010). See also: Endosymbionts; Plant–Fungal
Interactions in Mycorrhizas; Plastid Origin and Evolution
Nevertheless, there is still much to learn about the physiological and evolutionary dynamics of mutualistic symbiotic associations. Whatever the unique features of the
symbiotic association that is their focus, researchers of
symbiotic mutualisms find themselves asking similar
questions. Can plant and animal hosts distinguish between
harmful microbes and the ‘good guys’, and, if so, how do
they make that distinction? What factors make microbial
infection ‘good’ for its hosts? How, indeed, does one
determine whether a symbiotic interaction is ‘good’ for
hosts or symbionts? What kinds of metabolites are transported between partners, and which ones are the key
metabolic currencies in the symbiotic interaction? Are
mutualistic interactions equal partnerships, or does one
symbiotic partner still have more influence or ‘control’ over
the association than the other? Are there certain ecological
conditions that favour mutualistic symbioses? What are
the selection pressures that favour mutualistic interactions? How are these associations maintained generation
after generation, and how do the associations shape the
evolution of both hosts and symbionts? Above all, there
remains the question of the improbability of mutualistic
symbiosis: how and why do beneficial infections persist in
the face of pervasive, powerful defences against ‘non-self’?
Defining Mutualistic Symbiosis
In theory, mutualistic symbiosis is a simple-to-understand
phenomenon: a symbiotic association that is beneficial to
both (or all) symbiotic partners. In reality, however,
mutualistic symbioses are more complex, more diverse and
less well-understood than their simple definition suggests
(Saffo, 1993). Rather than merely cluttering our understanding with confusing detail, this diversity and complexity reveals much about the real-life dynamics of
mutualistic interactions.
One kind of complication arises from the fact that even
the most well-known mutualisms are still not fully understood. Often, we understand more about the effects of the
symbiosis on the hosts than on the microbial symbionts. In
reef-building corals, for instance, the benefits of symbiosis
to one partner (the coral hosts) have been demonstrated
clearly, while the effects of symbiosis on the other species
partner (Symbiodinium, dinoflagellates residing within the
gastrodermal cells of corals) are unknown or a matter of
debate (Knowlton and Rohwer, 2003; Yellowlees et al.,
2008). The benefits (or not) of symbiosis to the photobionts
(algal symbionts) of lichens or to the nitrogen-fixing bacteria (rhizobia) inhabiting root nodules of legumes are
similar perennial questions (Sanders, 2006; Sachs and
Simms, 2006; Venn et al., 2008; Lutzoni and Miadlikowska, 2009). See also: Algal Symbioses; Dinoflagellates;
Green Algae; Lichens; Root Nodules (Legume–Rhizobium Symbiosis)
In other, less-studied, but seemingly benign symbioses,
benefits to symbionts and hosts have been hypothesised,
but have received little direct investigation. Complicating
the problem of elucidating those benefits is the fact that
‘benefit’ can be a tricky parameter to assay. Short-term,
laboratory-based experiments can be a misleading indicator of long-term evolutionary outcome in nature, even
more so in a strongly integrated symbiosis where one species partner cannot be separated easily from the other (but
see Pringle and Bever, 2008). For many symbiotic interactions, ‘benefit’ is necessarily inferred, rather than measured directly. For instance, unlike parasitisms (where
symbiont prevalence can vary in space and time across a
host species, but is always less than 100%), many obligately
symbiotic microbes regularly have a prevalence of 100%
throughout populations of a single host species, sometimes
even throughout entire clades (Moran et al., 2008; Bonfante and Selosse, 2010; Saffo, 1991; Saffo et al., 2010;
Wang et al., 2010), a physiologically and ecologically surprising statistic strongly suggestive of mutual benefit or
mutual need. In some cases, benefit is inferred from the
synergistic effects of the symbiotic partnerships. In lichens,
for example (Table 1), many chemicals produced by the
lichen symbiosis are not produced by either the algal or
fungal partner alone, but only by the symbiotic partnership; the morphologies of lichens transcend the mere sum
of their algal and fungal parts (Sanders, 2006); and lichens
famously thrive in sometimes-extreme habitats where
especially the fungal partners cannot survive alone (Lutzoni and Miadlikowska, 2009). See also: Algal Symbioses;
Ascomycota; Lichens
Benefit can also be inferred from demonstration of
physiological or reproductive dependence of the hosts and
symbionts on the symbiotic association (Bordenstein et al.,
2009; Husseneder, 2010; Moran et al., 2008; Selosse et al.,
2004). For organisms that cannot survive without their
symbiotic species partners, maintenance of that symbiosis
is without question beneficial to those organisms, at least in
terms of physiological necessity. (The long-term evolutionary consequences of such extreme dependence is
another perennial topic of evolutionary debate, though
some clades of highly interdependent symbioses have
shown impressive evolutionary persistence: Moran et al.
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Mutualistic Symbioses
Table 1 Some examples of mutualistic symbiosis
Reef-building corals
Tropical oceans
Venn et al. (2008), Yellowlees
et al. (2008)
Fresh water
(sulphur-oxidizing bacteria;
also methanogens in some
Arbuscular mycorrhizal
fungi (Glomeromycota);
Ectomycorrhizal fungi
(mostly basidiomycetes) and
ericoid mycorrhizae
(ascomycetes and
Fungal endophytes
Sulfide-rich marine waters
Venn et al. (2008), Yellowlees
et al. (2008)
Dubilier et al. (2008)
Vestimentiferan annelid
worms, lucinid clams and
several other invertebrates
Land plants (85% of
vascular plant families)
Most vascular plants
Lichens: mycobionts (mostly
Legumes (Fabaceae)
Pomocentrid fish and
Bobtail squid (Euprymna)
Lichen photobionts (mostly
green algae; some
Rhizobium in legume roots
Bacteria: Vibrio fischeri
Bacteria and protists in
termite mid-gut
Bacteria in gills
Shipworms (wood-boring
Herbivorous vertebrates
Bacteria and protists in
Ralstonia (fungal pathogen
of plants)
Molgulid tunicates
Filarial nematodes and some
Leaf-cutting ants
Terrestrial environments,
especially nutrient-poor soils
Selosse et al. (2006), Finlay
(2008), Bonfante and Selosse
Terrestrial environments,
especially nutrient-poor soils
Exposed terrestrial or
intertidal habitats
U’Ren et al. (2012),
Rodriguez et al. (2009)
Lutzoni and Miadlikowska
Terrestrial soils
Shallow and middle-depth
ocean waters
Terrestrial: wood
Sachs and Simms (2006),
Sprent (2007)
Nyholm and McFall-Ngai
Husseneder (2010)
Marine: wood
Distel et al. (2011)
Mostly terrestrial
Karasov and Carey (2009),
Ley et al. (2008)
Moran et al. (2008),
Shigenobu and Wilson
Nelson and Graf (2012)
Lackner et al. (2011)
Terrestrial plants (phloem
Terrestrial plant roots
Apicomplexan protest
(Nephromyces) and bacteria
within Nephromyces
Bacteria in gut and fat body
Temperate-high latitude and
marine benthic habitats
Saffo et al. (2010)
Bacteria: urate catabolism
(among other activities)
Bordenstein et al. (2009)
Fungi (Escovopsis)
Suen and Currie (2008)
(2008).) See also: Endosymbionts; Natural Selection:
Even in those symbioses in which all species partners are
known to benefit from their symbiotic association with
each other, the dynamics of such interactions can still be
intricate, complex, difficult to assay and resistant to easy
characterisation (Moran et al., 2008). In newly described
symbioses, even state-of-the-art genomic, transcriptomic
or metabolic data alone cannot necessarily resolve the key
benefits (or dependencies) of a symbiotic mutualism,
especially if the organismal, ecological or evolutionary
context is not given consideration, or if that context is still
poorly understood (e.g. Bordenstein et al., 2009). Full
understanding of the integrated relationships of symbiotic
associations demands an equally integrative perspective on
part of the scientists who study them.
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Mutualistic Symbioses
The issue of ‘benefit’ is further complicated by the fact
that the beneficial effects of symbiotic interactions are often
enmeshed in various ways with harmful ones. Data on wellstudied symbioses, such as arbuscular mycorrhizae or
algal-infected ‘green hydra’, have shown that there can be a
significant cost to mutualistic symbiosis, no matter how
important its benefits are. The balance between cost and
benefit to partners of such symbioses can vary with environmental conditions; in certain situations, when costs
outweigh benefits, some mutualistic symbioses veer into
parasitism, or fail to form, or fall apart. (Bordenstein et al.,
2009; Finlay, 2008; Hoeksema et al., 2010; Jones and
Smith, 2004; Sachs and Simms, 2006; Sachs et al., 2011;
Saffo, 1993, 2001; Selosse et al., 2006; Silver et al., 2007).
Environmental factors capable of shifting interaction
dynamics in this way can include not only physical parameters such as nutrient availability, temperature or light,
but also biotic features such as the particular species or
strain of symbiotic partner, the introduction of additional
symbiotic partners or the presence of non-symbiotic
interacting species, such as predators, competitors or nonsymbiotic mutualists. For instance, some bacteria and
fungi can operate as pathogens or mutualists, depending
on the species of their plant or animal host that they infect,
or (as in several mycorrhizal fungi), levels of phosphorus in
the soil (Jones and Smith, 2004; Silver et al., 2007). Finally,
in symbioses involving three or more interacting species
partners, antagonistic interactions can co-occur with beneficial ones. In some cases, enhancement of antagonistic
interactions is even the key benefit provided by mutualistic
endosymbionts, through endosymbiont production of
antibiotics or toxins, enhancement of host immune or antipredation defenses or enhancement of host pathogenicity
(e.g. Table 1; Lackner et al., 2011). See also: Interspecific
Interaction; Mutualism Among Free-living Species; Parasitism: The Variety of Parasites
Genomic data suggest that interaction outcomes of some
microbial symbioses can be evolutionarily malleable as
well. Several mutualistic microbes show close phylogenetic
relationships to microbial pathogens; mutualistic and
antagonistic microbes also share a number of homologous
mechanisms for infection and colonisation of their hosts
(Moran et al., 2008; Saffo et al., 2010; Silver et al., 2007;
Wernegreen, 2005).
Yet another complication is the fact that mutualistic
symbioses are not uniform; they differ in degrees of host–
symbiont dependency, in magnitude and kinds of benefits,
in numbers and kinds of symbiotic partners, in location of
symbionts within their hosts, in geographical distribution
and ecological context, in modes of symbiont-to-host
transmission, in species specificity of host–symbiont partnerships, in their evolutionary history and in variability of
host–symbiont dynamics over space and time. All of these
factors affect the nature of host–symbiont interactions.
There is, in short, no single, optimal formula for a ‘perfect’
beneficial symbiosis.
Margulis (1993) once defined symbiosis as a ‘parasexual
phenomenon’ – a kind of interspecies ‘marriage’, in which
the lives of two or more species are intertwined, in protracted intimate association – or, in the case of mutualistic
symbiosis, one of the overall mutual benefits to the species
partners in question. Like marriages, mutualistic symbioses can be complex: they have costs as well as benefits;
the diversity and intricacy of their multiple interactions and
interdependencies often defy easy analysis; and their
internal dynamic can be influenced – sometimes profoundly – by external conditions (Saffo, 2001). See also:
Margulis, Lynn; Mutualism Among Free-living Species
The Distribution of Mutualistic
Mutualistic symbioses are everywhere. Geographically,
they are widely distributed, occurring throughout terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, at all ocean depths, at all
altitudes and all latitudes. Taxonomically, they are also
widely distributed: species partners include representatives
of animals, plants, fungi, protists, eubacteria and archaea
(see Table 1 for some examples of such partnerships).
Moreover, the list of such partnerships continues to grow
in number and in diversity: increasing interest in mutualism
and symbiosis among biologists, coupled with advances in
genomics and other investigative methods, continues to
uncover new examples of mutually beneficial symbiosies.
Within the last 30 or 40 years, whole new classes of
mutualistic symbioses have been discovered, such as symbioses between wood-boring clams and bacteria (Distel
et al., 2011), and between chemoautotrophic bacteria and
marine invertebrate animals (Dubilier et al., 2008). Others,
such as symbioses between marine animals and bioluminescent bacteria (Nyholm and McFall-Ngai, 2004), hereditary bacterial symbioses of insects (Moran et al., 2008;
Husnik et al., 2013; Hansen and Moran, 2014) or plant
symbioses with fungal endophytes (Rodriguez et al., 2009;
U’Ren et al., 2012) have grown from interesting natural
history anecdotes into systems of experimental and/or
ecological importance which have generally enlarged our
understanding of symbiosis. Though a widespread and
evolutionarily consequential endosymbiont of insects,
nematodes and some terrestrial crustaceans, the bacterium
Wolbachia has rarely been considered an unequivocally
beneficial presence for its host; but recent work has shown
nevertheless that in a few hosts – filarial nematodes and at
least one insect species –Wolbachia can be a mutualist
(Bordenstein et al., 2009). Still other symbioses have been
found in unexpected places, or have been found to have
unexpected ecological and physiological dimensions
(Lackner et al., 2011; Saffo et al., 2010). Even in the last
decade, surprising new mutualisms have been found: one
particularly astonishing example is the recent discovery of
deep-sea polychaete annelids that make their living exclusively on submerged mammalian skeletons, with the help of
heterotrophic lipid-metabolizing bacterial endosymbionts
(Goffredi et al., 2005; Dubilier et al., 2008). See also:
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Mutualistic Symbioses
Bioluminescence; Diversity of Life; Hydrothermal Vent
Communities; Microevolution and Macroevolution:
From all this diversity, can we glean patterns that might
illuminate the factors that foster and maintain mutualistic
associations? While some general principles can be distilled
from consideration of selected mutualisms, few generalisations apply to all mutualistic interactions. The exceptions to those generalisations are worth careful attention,
as they expand our understanding of the phenomenon and
provoke fresh questions about their mechanics and biological significance of mutualistic associations.
GENERALISATION 1. Mutualistic symbiosis is prevalent in
nutrient-limited habitats, and in animals with nutrient-limited diets. The nutritional contributions of each partner tend
to complement, rather than duplicate, those of the other.
Many of the best-studied mutualisms involve provision
or transport of organic and/or inorganic nutrients between
hosts and symbionts; and these are indeed most prevalent
in nutrient-limited conditions. In such nutritionally-based
mutualisms, the metabolic contributions of hosts and
symbionts tend to complement each other: heterotrophs
partner with autotrophs, and plants or animals partner
with microbes which possess metabolic capabilities absent
from their hosts.
In heterotroph–autotroph symbioses, the heterotrophic
partner (fungi or invertebrate animals) provides inorganic
nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur, carbon dioxide
or oxygen) to its autotrophic symbionts (plants, algae,
photosynthetic or chemosynthetic bacteria), while the
autotrophic partner supplies organic carbon to its heterotrophic host (Venn et al., 2008; Yellowlees et al., 2008). In
adult animals that lack mouths – such as gutless marine
oligochaete or polychaete worms with chemoautrotrophic
bacterial symbionts- or those that do not feed as adults –
such as the marine flatworm Symsagittifera (formerly
Convoluta) roscoffensis, with green algal symbionts – it is
particularly obvious that hosts must be strongly dependent
on their autotrophic hosts for provision of fundamental
nutrients. See also: Green Algae; Hydrothermal Vent
Communities; Platyhelminthes (Flatworms)
Similarly, herbivorous animals, or other animals making
their living on difficult-to-digest and/or nutritionally limited diets such as blood, phloem, wood, plant leaves
(ruminants, aphids, leeches, termites, among many other
examples) rely on symbionts to provide the vitamins,
amino acids or other nutrients absent in the host’s food,
and/or enzymes necessary to digest that food (Distel et al.,
2011; Husseneder, 2010; Karasov and Carey, 2009; Ley
et al., 2008; Moran et al., 2008; Shigenobu and Wilson,
2011). One measure of the impact of such symbionts is the
sheer number and biomass of gut symbionts in some animals. In termites, for instance, gut bacteria and protozoa
account for 30% of termite biomass (Breznak and
Brune, 1994); similarly, an individual grain weevil (Sitophilus oryzae) contains 1–3 million intracellular bacteria,
approximately equal to the number of host weevil cells
(Heddi et al., 1993). The rumen of cows and other ruminant
mammals contains a diverse and dense microflora, comprising approximately 104 species of prokaryotes (both
eubacteria and archaea) and at least 23 species of eukaryotic microbes, in concentrations of 1010 –1011 prokaryotic
cells and 106 eukaryotic (protistan and fungal) cells per
millilitre; a single 50–100 L rumen of a large adult ruminant thus harbours a staggering number of microbes: 500–
1000 trillion bacterial cells and 50–100 billion protozoa per
animal (Hungate, 1975; Kim et al., 2011; Krause et al.,
2013). See also: Animal Nutrient Requirements; Cellulose:
Biogenesis and Biodegradation; Ecology of Invertebrate
Nutrition; Rumen; Vertebrate Herbivory and Its Ecosystem Consequences
Symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria (rhizobia, actinorrhizal bacteria and some cyanobacteria) provide metabolically-useable nitrogen to plants in nitrogen-poor soils
(legumes, alders and other plants) and animals (some
termites and several marine invertebrates) in nitrogenlimited environments (Table 1). Symbiotic nitrogen fixation
is a significant component of biological nitrogen fixation
worldwide, and may even equal or exceed rates of nitrogen
fixation by free-living bacteria in oceans and terrestrial
soils. Among cultivated legumes alone, yearly levels of
nitrogen fixation have been estimated at more than 40 t per
year, about half the yearly global industrial production of
nitrogen fertilizer. (Zahran, 1999; Vitousek et al., 2002).
See also: Agricultural Production; Coevolution: plant–
Microorganism; Nitrogen Fixation; Rhizobium and Other
N-fixing Symbioses; Root Nodules (Legume–Rhizobium
Terrestrial plant roots are characteristically associated
with a number of microbial symbionts, especially in soils
low in nitrogen and phosphorus (Selosse et al., 2004;
Sprent, 2007). In addition to the association of some plant
roots with nitrogen-fixing bacteria (see above), the roots of
all but a few vascular plant families form mycorrhizae
(‘fungus roots’) with various fungal taxa. Root-associated
fungi plant their ‘feet’ (or, more accurately, their hyphae) in
two worlds: in intimate connections with plant tissues at
one end, and also in surrounding soil. From the physical
arrangement alone, while also coupled crucially with biochemical capabilities which make these activities possible,
it is easy to see how mycorrhizal fungi can enhance uptake
and transport of nitrogenous compounds and phosphate
from soil to plant roots (Finlay, 2008). In return, fungi
acquire organic carbon through the photosynthetic activities of their host plants. Among the major variants of
mycorrhizal fungi, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (in the
Glomeromycota) are obligate symbionts which penetrate
root cells; infecting the majority of terrestrial plants, they
are very widely distributed among plants from all latitudes,
including not only angiosperms, but also mosses, ferns and
gymnosperms. Ectomycorrhizal fungi, mostly basidiomycetes or ascomycetes, penetrate plant roots, but do not
penetrate plant cell walls; they are characteristic colonists
of trees such as oaks, beeches, eucalypts and many
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Mutualistic Symbioses
gymnosperms. These associations may have impact
beyond the effects on single trees; recent work suggests
that, at least in Douglas fir, ectomycorrhizae can connect
simultaneously to more than one tree, a phenomenon with
provocative ecological implications (Beiler et al., 2009); in
associating simultaneously with non-photosynthetic and
photosynthetic plants, certain ectomycorrhizae can also
serve as physiological links between these plants, siphoning
nutrients from photosynthetic plants to non-photosynthetic plant parasites. See also: Ascomycota; Basidiomycota; Mycorrhiza; Plant–Fungal Interactions in
Mycorrhizas; Roots: Contribution to the Rhizosphere;
Roots and Root Systems
Several aquatic invertebrate animals are also partners in
autotroph–heterotroph associations of ecological importance. Corals, especially those in shallowest waters, are
highly dependent on their dinoflagellate symbionts, whose
photosynthetic products supply up to 90% of the organic
carbon needs of their hosts; dinoflagellate symbiosis also
enhances the growth of the hard, calcareous skeletons of
corals, on which coral health, and the physical architecture
of the reef ecosystem, depends. The dependence of corals
on dinoflagellate symbionts is further reflected in the
devastating effect of ‘coral bleaching’ – the expulsion of
dinoflagellate symbionts from corals in certain environmental circumstances – on coral productivity and coral
health (Venn et al., 2008). See also: Algal Symbioses; Biotic
Response to Climatic Change; Cnidaria (Coelenterates);
In addition to algal symbiosis among reef-building corals, autotroph–heterotroph symbioses have been detected
in other ocean habitats. Among various animals inhabiting
deep-sea regions near hydrothermal vents, several contain
symbiotic chemosynthetic prokaryotic microbes, especially sulphur-oxidizing bacteria and methanogens. One of
the most well-known of these hosts are the gutlness,
mouthless vestimentiferan polychaetes; these worms provide oxygen and reduced sulphur to autotrophic sulphuroxidizing bacteria, whose chemoautotroph activities provide organic carbon to their hosts (Dubilier et al., 2008).
See also: Hydrothermal Vent Communities; Marine
Communities; Methanogenesis: Ecology
Exceptions to the rule: However, food and nutrients are
not the only currency exchanged in symbiotic transactions.
For animals colonized by the bioluminescent bacterium
Vibrio fischeri, for instance, light, not nutrients, is the key
benefit of symbiosis for the host (Nyholm and McFallNgai, 2004). For other symbiotic mutualisms, such as
fungal endophytes in plants, or bacterial symbionts of
several fungal or protozoan pathogens, central benefits to
hosts include such non-nutritional effects as anti-herbivore
or anti-pathogen defenses, drought resistance or apparently non-nutrient based enhancement of host reproduction (Oliver et al., 2010; U’Ren et al., 2012). Although the
metabolic interactions between microbial symbiosis in
molgulid tunicates have been only partially characterised,
the location of the symbionts within the host animals
(outside the gut), the active feeding of the host and the
concentration of molgulid diversity in notably nutrientrich ocean waters suggests that, for these animals, the key
benefits of the infection are not mainly about provision of
basic organic carbon and nitrogen to the host, but perhaps
lay in more specific metabolic or molecular contributions
(Saffo et al., 2010). See also: Bioluminescence; Urochordata (Tunicates)
GENERALISATION 2. Mutualistic symbiosis is most prevalent
and/or more diverse in areas, as in many tropical ecosystems,
where ‘biotic’ interspecies interactions are thought to be
Symbiotic mutualisms are certainly numerous in the
tropics, and many types of symbiosis show their greatest
diversity there; several of them are also of major ecological
importance. For instance, fungal endophytes are found at
all latitudes, but are most diverse in the tropics (U’Ren
et al., 2012). With the assistance of their dinoflagellate
symbionts, tropical scleracticinian corals build reefs of
geographical and navigational scale, forming the physical
and trophic foundation of tropical marine ecosystems of
unusually high productivity and species diversity. Symbiont-powered reef-building scleractinians are not only
most diverse in tropical waters, but are also essentially
found only in such waters. See also: Algal Symbioses;
Shallow Seas Ecosystems
Exceptions to the rule: However, symbiotic mutualisms
are by no means limited to tropical latitudes, nor is their
diversity or abundance inevitably greatest in the tropics.
Though ectomycorrhizal fungi are found in the tropics,
their greatest diversity is in higher latitudes (Tedersoo and
Nara, 2010). Similarly, molgulid tunicates (with a symbiont prevalence of 100% in adult populations) reach their
highest diversity in boreal and polar latitudes, and are
almost completely absent from shallow, warm tropical
oceans (Saffo et al., 2010). See also: Basidiomycota; Urochordata (Tunicates)
GENERALISATION 3. Hereditarily transmitted endosymbioses
favour the evolution of mutualism (mutually obligate
GENERALISATION 4. Hereditarily transmitted mutualistic
symbioses are more stable than horizontally-transmitted
(non-hereditary) mutualisms.
Among the more astonishing symbiotic mutualisms are
beneficial associations between hereditarily transmitted
bacteria and insect hosts, several of which serve as classic
examples of extreme mutual dependence between symbionts and hosts. Aphids, for instance, feed exclusively on a
nutrient-limited diet of plant phloem. Aphids also are
obligately associated with the hereditarily transmitted
mutualistic bacteria, Buchnera, on which they depend for
provision of essential amino acids missing from plant
phloem: in turn, Buchnera are themselves obligately associated with aphids. So far has the interdependency of hosts
and symbionts progressed in the aphid–Buchnera symbiosis that not only metabolites, but also genomes
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Mutualistic Symbioses
themselves have become complementary to each other,
with Buchnera possessing a dramatically reduced genome
compared to its free-living relatives, but retaining pathways of use to its host. Recent genomics studies have
revealed similar patterns of genome reduction and complementarity in other bacterial–insect symbioses as well
(Hansen and Moran, 2014; Husnik et al., 2013; Moran
et al., 2008; Shigenobu and Wilson, 2011; Wernegreen,
With hereditarily transmitted symbioses, the reproductive interests of both hosts and symbionts have become
inextricably linked; the mirror-image patterns of codiversification between Buchnera and aphids reinforce the
notion of a shared evolutionary fate for host and symbiont
clades. These characteristics, coupled with the extreme
physiological interdependence of such hereditary mutualisms, have led biologists to the understandable view that
hereditary symbionts are much more dependent on their
hosts than horizontally transmitted mutualisms, which are
often viewed as ‘facultative’ (e.g. Sachs et al., 2011). Hereditary beneficial symbioses have also been considered
more ‘stable’ than their horizontally transmitted counterparts, in part because of the simple fact that the bacterial
infection seems a permanent one, physically incapable of
‘divorce’. And, indeed the aphid–bacterial alliance seems
to have persisted for 100–200 million years (My).
In contrast, research on the complex dynamics of many
horizontally transmitted mutualisms have revealed ecologically contingent, physiological fragility of mutualistic
dynamics, in many such associations, most notably
mycorrhizae, legume-rhizobial symbioses and some algalinvertabrate symbioses (Hoeksema et al., 2010; Sachs and
Simms, 2006; Saffo, 2001). Some genomic analyses have
also suggested evolutionary instability in some associations (e.g. ectomycorrhziae: Hibbett et al., 2000). See also:
Mycorrhiza; Rhizobia
Exceptions to the rules: But to conclude from these data
that mutual interdependence and evolutionary stability
occur only in hereditary mutualisms is to underestimate
both the evolutionary and physiological complexity of
hereditary associations and the evolutionary persistence
and physiological interdependencies of many horizontally
transmitted mutualisms.
First of all, despite their extreme dependence, hereditarily
transmitted bacteria are by no means static, either physiologically or evolutionarily, but instead (Wernegreen and
Wheeler, 2009, on the symbiosis between the ant Camponotus and the bacterium Blochmannia) can still vary in
density at different stages of host development; in some
bacteria–insect symbioses, there is also evidence for acquisition of additional hereditary symbionts, as well as evidence
of genomic change, including sometimes-rapid change, in
symbionts and hosts over evolutionary time (Moran et al.,
2008; Wernegreen, 2005; Wernegreen and Wheeler, 2009).
In addition, many horizontally transmitted symbioses
are by no means ‘facultative’ in nature. For instance,
despite intensive attempts at axenic laboratory culture of
these ecologically and agriculturally important fungi,
arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi can only reproduce in association with a plant host. With the exception of a resistant
spore stage that can survive for a time in seawater, the rest
of the complex life cycle of the apicomplexan symbiont
Nephromyces occurs only within its hosts (Saffo et al.,
2010). Termites and their horizontally transmitted gut
symbionts have clear, mutually obligate physiological
dependence on each other. See also: Mycorrhiza
Third, despite the physiological complexities of horizontally transmitted mutualisms, the supposedly ‘facultative’, ‘unstable’ mutualisms such as arbuscular
mycorrhizae have a remarkably long evolutionary history,
not only sticking with their terrestrial plant partners for
more than 400 My, but so linked to the earliest evolution of
plants, that they are essentially a defining feature of the
embryophyta (vascular plants, ferns and mosses; Bonfante
and Selosse, 2010; Rodriguez and Redman, 2008; Wang
et al., 2010). Similarly, biologists have described lichen-like
fossils from rocks 400–600 My old (Rikkinen and Poinar,
2008). Reef-building corals have been on earth, presumably in partnership with algal symbionts, for at least
200 My. Among examples of mutualisms with lower physical connections, leaf-cutter ants have been cultivating
their fungal ‘gardens’ for 50 My (Suen and Currie, 2008).
The extraordinary persistence of such horizontally transmitted mutualisms despite their once-or-more-a-generation opportunities for ‘divorce’, reminds us once again of
the improbability of such associations, and of how much
we still need to learn about the physiological processes and
ecological forces that have maintained and renewed these
partnerships for so much of the history of life. See also:
Mutualism Among Free-living Species; Plant–Fungal
Interactions in Mycorrhizas
Do Immune Defenses Keep
Mutualisms Together? The
Importance of Partner Choice
Theoretical biologists continue to grapple with the question of what keeps mutualisms mutualistic, and, indeed,
what keeps the partnerships together at all (Kiers and van
der Heijden, 2006). Central to much thinking is that the
partners are in it for the benefits: when benefits or need
disappears, many horizontally-transmitted mutualisms
(for instance, symbioses of legumes with nitrogen-fixing
bacteria, or plants with mycorrhizal fungi in fertilised soil)
can shift into a parasitic direction, or fall apart altogether;
also, as reviewed earlier, a number of symbioses can change
from mutualistic to parasitic simply with a change in host
or symbiotic partners. Focusing on the importance of
benefits, several analyses (e.g. Sachs and Simms, 2006;
Kiers et al., 2011) have emphasised the importance of hosts
punishing potential ‘cheaters’: symbionts who take
advantage of room and board in or on their host, with no
payment of metabolites in return. Other thoughtful recent
analyses have emphasised the importance of partner
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Mutualistic Symbioses
fidelity (Weyl et al., 2010, 2011) in evolution of optimally
mutualistic symbioses. The former approach could be criticised for focusing perhaps too much attention on host
control, and not enough attention on the influence of
symbionts on their hosts; the latter approach could be
criticised for not accounting for the several cases of evolutionarily and ecologically robust mutualisms that involve
multiple symbiotic partners or promiscuous partnerships.
As a way to bridge the differing perspectives, it seems
reasonable to think that the mechanisms and selective
forces keeping mutualisms together might be different for
different mutualisms. But it is also worthwhile pointing out
that central to both classes of models is the importance of
partner choice.
Several studies suggest that immune defences, so paradoxically at odds with the evolution and tolerance of
beneficial infections, may in fact play an important role in
symbiotic partner choice, that is, in influencing the establishment and tolerance of beneficial infections. In reviewing the plant responses to rhizobial infection, Soto et al.
(2009) note that, in legumes, both plant pathogens and
rhizobia are initially perceived as intruders, but, in the case
of rhizobial infection, those defence responses are apparently localised and transient, possibly because (and a
reminder that the host is not necessarily the only partner in
control of the interaction) the rhizobia themselves may
play some role in suppression of host defences. Similar
dynamics have also been described in mycorrhizal plant
colonisation as well. Recent work on animal–microbial
symbiosis has also revealed the active role of animal
immunity in shaping and maintaining animal microbiomes
(Cerf-Bensussan and Gaboriau-Routhiau, 2010; Ley et al.,
2008; Mcfall-Ngai, 2007; Nyholm and Graf, 2012; Rooks
and Garrett, 2011) See also: Bioluminescence; Fungal
Pathogens of Nonhuman Animals; Immune Defence:
Microbial Interference; Immune Responses at Mucosal
Surfaces; Mycorrhiza; Rhizobia
In short, emerging data suggest that ‘know thyself’, or at
least ‘know thy partner’ may be as essential for development
of beneficial infections as it is in defence against disease.
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Further Reading
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Pringle A (2009) Mycorrhizal networks. Current Biology 19:
Russell J, Dubilier N and Rudgers J (2014) Nature’s microbiome: introduction. Molecular Ecology 23: 1225–1237.
Smith DC and Douglas AE (1987) The Biology of Symbiosis.
London, UK: Edward Arnold.
Smith SE and Read D (2008) Mycorrhizal Symbiosis, 3rd edn.
Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Wernegreen J (2012) Endosymbiosis. Current Biology 22: R555–
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