Yision Res. Vol. 34, No. 7, pp. 963-971, 1994
Pergamon Copyright 0 1994 Elsevier Science Ltd
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
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Dissociation of Local and Global Processing
in Visual Agnosia
Received 10 October 1992; in revised form 20 August 1993
Subsequent to strokes in the right and left inferomedial occipito-temporal lobes, two patients became
prosopagnosic and alexic, respectively. They also show a complementary dissociation of the analysis
of handwritten text. The patient with the right posterior stroke can read it but not recognize whose
handwriting it is; the patient with the left posterior stroke cannot read the text but knows who wrote
it. The analysis of spatial vision revealed that the prosopagnosic patient has no problem with seeing
texture elements when presented in isolation. Yet she performs poorly with Moire and texture
perception, i.e. she sulfers from a selective loss of global visual perception. The alexic patient performs
well with Moire patterns but neither with (complex) texture elements nor with textures. She seemingly
can locally and globally process patterns composed of simple figural elements but fails with stimuli
that require the integration of features. This finding of a concomitant dissociation of local and global
visual processes in the two patients supports the view that prosopagnosia as well as alexia are the most
conspicuous aspects of more general alterations of visual perception.
Visual agnosia Prosopagnosia Alexia Contrast sensitivity Moire perception Texture perception
INTRODUCTION Recently we have described the clinical conditions of
two patients with remarkably complementary dis-
The view of a domplementarity of function with respect
sociations of face recognition and reading with respect
to the two cerebral hemispheres (Wigan, 1844; Jackson,
to the side of lesion (Landis & Regard, 1988). One of
1874) is older than the discovery of the dominance of the
these patients, KD, has a right-sided infero-medial oc-
left hemisphere for language (Broca, 1861). Neverthe-
cipito-temporal lesion and cannot recognize familiar
less, the concept of complementarity of visual disturb-
faces, i.e. she suffers from prosopagnosia (Landis,
ances, especially that of a complementary dissociation of
Cummings, Christen, Bogen & Imhof, 1986, case 2).
face recognition and reading with respect to the side of
Similar to other prosopagnosic patients, she scores in the
lesion, was not considered until 1937, when Hoff and
lower range of normal controls in face matching exper-
Poetzl published a report entitled “On anoptic-agnosic
iments provided that the stimuli are presented for an
disturbance of memory for physiognomies”. Not only
unlimited time. When exposure duration is reduced, her
did these authors consider for the first time the inability
performance worsens dramatically (Christen, Landis &
of identifying familiar faces, later called prosopagnosia
Regard, 1985). KD also shows deficits in the recognition
(Bodamer, 1947), to be a specific form of visual agnosia,
of facial expressive gestures but can lipread speech
but also specifically opposed the recognition of letters
(Campbell, Landis & Regard, 1986). Most strikingly,
and words to that of the recognition of physiognomies.
this patient is unable to identify the author of handwrit-
These two functions were viewed by Hoff and Poetzl as
ing familiar to her, whereas she has no problem in
complementary, and consequently prosopagnosia and
reading it (Landis & Regard, 1988). Such an observation
pure alexia were interpreted as reciprocally linked symp-
has also been made earlier (Niessl von Mayendorf,
toms. Recently the dissociative nature of prosopagnosia
1933). The other patient, MT, with a left-sided occipito-
vs pure alexia has gained new interest, regarding their
temporal lesion and a right hemianopia, shows no
anatomical differences and possible differences between
deficits in face recognition or the classification of facial
the two syndromes in early visual processing (e.g.
expressive gestures but she is alexic and impaired at
Sergent, 1982; Levine & Calvanio, 1989; Farah, 1990;
lipreading (Campbell et al., 1986). The latter patient can
Griisser & Landis, 1991).
identify the author of familiar handwriting but is unable
to read the written words (Landis & Regard, 1988),
again an observation made earlier by Alajouanine,
*Instituteof MedicalPsychology,Universityof Munich,Goethestrasse
31, 8000,Miinchen2, Germany. Lhermitte and de Ribaucour-Ducarne (1960).
tTo whom all correspondenceshould be addressed. These findings cast doubt on the notion that proso-
SDepartmentof Neurology,UniversityHospital,Ziirich,Switzerland. pagnosia and alexia are caused by the loss of highly
specialized visual functions. Rather it seems that these discriminate radial Moire: patterns with different degrees
alterations of visual perception constitute the most con- of spatial decorrelation, as well as textures made up of
spicuous aspects of more general problems that the right compound Gabor patterns. Local visual processing was
and the left hemispheres have, due to their lesions, with analysed in terms of disc~mination sensitivities to iso-
the processing of complex and meaningful spatial pat- lated compound Gabor patterns with different spatial
terns. This view was, in recent years, surrounded by waveforms. Contrast sensitivity function and optotype
considerable controversy for both prosopagnosia (see acuities of the prosopagnosic and the alexic patient were
Sergent, 1982; Farah, 1990; DavidofT & Landis, 1990; measured for control purposes.
Griisser & Landis, 1991) and alexia (see De Renzi,
Zambolin & Crisi, 1987; Farah, 1990). With these issues
in mind, it occurred to us that recognition and reading
of handwritten text can be thought of as tasks of global Since the case histories, including CT scans, of both
and local visual processing, respectively. This led us to patients KD and MT have been published on several
investigate in the two patients perceptual abilities for occasions in the frame of different experiments (Christen
which the dichotomy of global vs local processing has et al., 1985; Campbell et al., 1986; Landis et al., 1986;
been extensively discussed in the literature, namely Landis & Regard, 1988; Davidoff & Landis, 1990;
MoirC: and texture perception. Griisser & Landis, 1991) their clinical picture is given
The MoirC effect (Glass, 1969; Glass & Perez, 1973; here only briefly in table form.
Glass & Switkes, 1976) can be observed in dot patterns, As Table 1 shows, both patients exhibit extremely
or patterns made of a wider class of micropatterns, simiiar pictures of primary ophthalmolo~~al and neuro-
consisting of two su~rimposed copies of a random-dot logical symptoms except for the side of lesion. However,
pattern where one copy has been slightly rotated, trans- the clinical pictures strongly dissociate at the level of
lated, or dilated. In such patterns one perceives locally higher visual associative processing.
parallel structures, which globally reflect the invariance
properties of the underlying geometric transformation, GENERAL METHOD
i.e. concentric circles, parallel streaks, or radial streaks.
Texture (Beck, 1972; Julesz, 1981; JuIesz & Bergen,
1983) is a global visual perception in the sense that, with Stimulus patterns were generated as digital images
the awareness of an overall picture, one sees a large with 8-bit grey levels on a TV monitor (Barco TVM
number of local figural elements, or micropatterns as a 3/3.2, P4 phosphor) linked to a Videograph image
coherent region in the scene. This ability allows the processing system with 50 Hz frame rate (interlaced).
human observer to segment images into parts and, The frame buffer was interfaced to a LSI 11/73 com-
therefore, rapidly identify physical objects. puter. The mapping between frame buffer content and
In the present study we investigated the two patients’ display luminance was linear (for details see Rentschler,
abilities of global visual perception by having them Hiibner & Caelli, 1988).
TABLE 1. Clinical and neuropsychological findings in the patients KD and MT
Right-handed secretary, Right-handed housewife,
known hypertension (1 yr) uneventful medical history
Right posterior cerebral artery Left posterior cerebral artery
stroke in 1981 at age 61 stroke in 1984 at age 64
Left homonymous hemianopia Right homon~ous h~ianopia
(partial recovery of the lower
left quadrant)
Visual acuity (decimal notation) 0.74.8 Visual acuity 0.9-1.0
CT: large right medial temporo-occipital CT: Large left media1 occipito-temporal
hypodensity including fusiform, lingual hypodensity including f&form, lingual
and posterior para~p~oc~pal gyrus and posterior par~~pp~rn~ gyrus
Dense and persistant prosopagnosia, Pure alexia, initially global,
initially topographagnosia, impaired recovered to unreliabb single letter
memory for non-verbal material but reading, initially associative object
relatively spared memory for verbal agnosia for line drawings and photographs,
material colour anomia, impaired memory for
verbal material, relatively spared
memory for non-verbal material
Recognition of familiar handwriting impaired Intact recognition of familiar handwriting
Lip reading intact Lip reading impaired
Episodes of visual pseudo-hallucinations
Mood depressed Mood unchanged
perception was studied by measuring discrimination
sensitivities for prototype/distorted-copy stimulus pairs.
Stimuli and procedure
The Moir& stimuli (Fig. 2) were generated in a
512 x 512 pixels format using one random distribution
of dots. Seven copies of this pattern were perturbed by
randomly displacing each dot within a square area
whose side was n = 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, or 25 pixels (with
the original corresponding to n = 1). The resulting maxi-
mum vertical and horizontal displacement was (n - I)/2
pixels. The Moire patterns were obtained by superimpos-
ing a copy of the original pattern and one of the seven
perturbed copies with a relative rotation angle of 3 deg
1 2 4 8 16 about the centre of the patterns. Dot luminance was
80 cd/m*; background luminance was 18 cd/m*. Stimulus
Spatial frequency (c/deg)
size was 4.5 x 4.5 deg at a viewing distance of 220 cm.
FIGURE 1. Contrast sensitivity functions of the two patients, KD and Exposure duration was 120 msec.
MT, to vertical sinusoidal gratings. Binocular viewing conditions.
Exposure duration, 1 set, space average luminance, 60 cd/m*. The 95%
The Moirt patterns were shown one at a time. Sub-
statistical confidence interval of threshold estimates was set at 0.15 log jects were instructed to press one of six buttons, depend-
units. ing on whether they believed that a pattern with
pronounced (buttons l-3) or weak (buttons 4-6) struc-
ture was being displayed. From these rating responses,
Experiment I: Contrast Sensitivities for Sinusoidal
signal detection parameters were obtained for each of
the perturbed dot patterns (see Green & Swets, 1975,
Stimuli and procedure chap. 4). A suitable measure for discrimination sensi-
Six sinusoidal gratings and one blank field were tivity is the area under the receiver operating character-
generated as 128 x 128 pixel digital images. Stimulus size istic (ROC). This measure is equivalent to the percentage
was 2 x 2 deg at a viewing distance of 123 cm; spatial of correct responses in a 2-AFC situation. It was deter-
frequencies were 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 c/deg. Space average mined by least-squares fit (Program RSCORE, L. 0.
luminance of patterns was 60 cd/m*; background lumi- Harvey Jr; original version by Dorfman & Alf, 1969).
nance was 5 cd/m*. Threshold contrasts were found by The reliability of this parameter is given as SE which can
means of an adaptive psychophysical procedure with be used for statistical hypothesis testing in the same way
maximum likelihood estimation (Harvey, 1986). A tem- that the SEM is used [95% confidence interval for
poral two-alternative forced-choice (ZAFC) procedure a parameter value is this value + 1.96 * SE (Harvey,
was used for experimental trials. The latter continued unpublished observation)].
until a criterion of 82% correct had been reached. The Results were derived from four (MT) and two (KD)
95% statistical confidence interval of the corresponding experimental runs totalling 80 and 40 exposures per
threshold value was set at 0.15 log units. To achieve this pattern, respectively.
degree of accuracy, between 20 and 40 trials were
required for each stimulus pair. Stimuli were binocularly Results and discussion
tested with 1 set exposure duration and 700 msec ISI. Figure 3 shows the results for the experiment on
MoirC perception. The alexic patient, MT, had no
Results and discussion problem with detecting the gradually increasing pertur-
The results are presented in Fig. 1, where contrast bations of the original MoirC pattern. Indeed, her per-
sensitivities (i.e. the logarithms of the inverse detection formance was virtually the same as that of two younger
thresholds) are plotted vs spatial frequency. The two control subjects (aged 26 and 27 yr; data not shown).
patients’ data are virtually identical and display the The performance of the prosopagnosic patient, however,
usual inverted-U shape. Clearly, there is no way to was much worse.
predict their behavioural deficiencies from the contrast To assess the implications of these findings, we note
sensitivity function (or from visual letter acuities; see that MoirC perception has at least two components. The
Table 1). one is the detection of locally parallel structure, and the
other is the appreciation of the properties of the under-
lying global transform of the random-dot distribution,
Experiment II: Moir& Perception
i.e. of concentric circles in the present stimulus patterns.
This experiment measured the perception of Moirt What can be inferred from the data shown in Fig. 3 is,
structure in two-tone dot patterns such as discussed by therefore, that KD has a problem with recovering either
Glass et al. (Glass, 1969; Glass & Perez, 1973; Glass & the local or the global component of Moirt structures or
Switkes, 1976). A prototype Moir& pattern and a number both, whereas these functions are seemingly unimpaired
of distorted copies thereof were generated and MoirC in MT.
Experiment III: Micropattern and Texture Discrimination Rizzolatti and Buchtel (1977) in the context of face
The aim of the following experiment was to decide recognition.
whether the deficiency of KD in seeing global structure
stems from a weakness in global or local visual process- stimuli and procedure
ing. To examine this issue, we compared the discrimi- Stimuli were generated as 256 x 256 pixels images.
nation of micropatterns with that of textures made up Stimulus size was 6.2 x 6.2 deg at a viewing distance of
from such micropatterns. The rationale of this exper- 80cm; space average luminance was 60cd/m2. Com-
iment is the following. We can assume that the discrimi- pound Gabor signals, or compound grating patches (see
nation of micropatterns depends on local processing if also Lawden, Hess & Campbell, 1982; Lawden, 1983),
they are presented successively to the same retinal lo- were used as micropatterns. They consisted of small
cation, whereas the study of global visual processing sub-images (32 x 32 pixels) which were generated by
requires the grouping of such micropatterns in textures superimposing two Gabor signals (see Marcelja, 1980) of
(see Beck, 1972; Julesz, 1981). same location and same parameters of the Gaussian
It would be erroneous, however, to assume that a window [see Fig. 4(a)]. The modulation frequencies of
task of texture discrimination necessarily involves the superimposed Gabor signals were kept fixed at
global visual processing. Unless a suitable exper- f, = 2 c/deg, andf, = 6 c/deg. The respective (Michelson)
imental paradigm is used, the discrimination of two contrasts were also kept fixed at 70 and 23%. The
successively displayed textures might be simply achieved fundamental& was in cosine phase, the third harmonic
by monitoring a fixed location in the stimulus display. If fX either in 0 or 180 deg phase. Hence the two types of
there were a difference in micropatte~s detected, this mi~ropatterns differed in spatial phase by 180 deg. The
could then be the clue to the existence of a texture resulting waveforms are shown in Fig. 4(a).
difference. To prevent our subjects from using such a In case of micropattern discrimination, test patterns
local strategy, we employed for measuring texture dis- were centered on an otherwise empty image set at space
crimination an experimental paradigm introduced by average luminance [Fig. 4(b)]. Stimulus pairs were
*. _-
-0.. l . . ..*
FIGURE 2. MoirC test patterns. Four of the seven stimulus patterns with zero, intermediate and maximum spatial distortion
(from top left to bottom right’) are shown.
The fact that KD had no problem with distinguishing
the micropatterns per se (i.e. when seen in isolation, at
the same retinal location, and at sufficiently long ex-
posure duration) is consistent with her relatively good
visual acuity and contrast sensitivity (Expt I). Her poor
performance with the texture discrimination task could
simply mean that this task is very difficult. However,
8 o.8
cr; normal subjects have no problem with discriminating
z such textures even when the phase separation between
, 0.7 - the two types of micropatterns is only 120deg
2 [Rentschler et al., 1988, Fig. 6(a)]. Thus we conclude that
a KD, is selectively impaired in texture discrimination.
0.6 - This answers the question that we were left with from
Expt II, in that it is the global and not the local
component of texture perception which is deficient in
0.5 this patient.
t The data obtained from MT prove that she suffers
I I I J- I I I
from a weakness in local visual processing. Given her
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
good performance in Moire perception (Expt II), this
Pattern distortion
suggests that her weakness in discriminating compound
FIGURE 3. Discrimination of Moire. patterns. Abscissa, maximum Gabor textures is simply a consequence of her inability
vertical and horizontal displacement of corresponding dots, i.e. to properly see their micropatterns. This raises the
amount of spatial decorrelation in stimulus patterns. Ordinate, area
under ROC as obtained from a signal detection rating procedure.
question why MT is impaired in seeing compound
Exposure duration, 120 msec. Solid symbols, prosopagnosic patient Gabor patterns but not in dots (i.e. the elements of
KD (40 exposures per condition); open symbols, alexic patient MT (80 Moire patterns). The answer might be that there exist
exposures per condition). Error bars: + 1 SE. visual neurons specialized for the detection of dots [“dot
responsive cells” (see Zetzsche 8z Barth, 1990)], whereas
sequentially displayed for 120 msec with an IS1 of the discrimination of compound Gabor patches involves
700 msec. Subjects were instructed to press one of six the (nonlinear) integration of the outputs of at least two
buttons, depending on whether they believed that a pair types of detectors (Caelli, Rentschler & Scheidler, 1987).
with same (buttons l-3) or different (buttons 4-6) In other words, it seems that MT’s problem with local
patterns was being displayed. Discrimination perform- visual processing is not located at the level of visual
ance was evaluated as area under ROC as in Expt II. resolution but at some integrative neural function of
In case of texture discrimination, two types of non- local pattern analysis. This would explain why her visual
targets (NT) and two types of targets (T) were used. The deficit does not interfere with visual acuity and contrast
non-targets consisted of displaying textures made up sensitivities.
from 8 x 8 identical micropatterns (nontarget NT, con-
sisting only of micropatterns with 0 deg phase; non- GENERAL DISCUSSION
target NT, consisting only of micropatterns with 180 deg
phase). The targets consisted of 8 x 8 textures made up We studied Moire and texture perception in two
from a central array of 4 x 4 micropatterns with 0 deg patients with ischemic infarctions in the territory of the
phase surrounded by micropatterns with 180 deg phase right and left posterior cerebral arteries, respectively.
(T,), or vice versa (T,). The four non-target and target They not only dissociated with respect to the recognition
textures are shown in Fig. 4(b). of faces and words but also in the meaningful analysis
Texture stimuli were presented one at a time with of handwritten text. The patient with the right posterior
120 msec exposure duration. Subjects were presented at lesion could read the text but could not recognize who
each experimental condition with 100 non-targets and 50 had written it. The patient with the left posterior stroke
targets. They had to rate their confidence of whether could not read but recognized the author of the text.
they saw a non-target (l-3) or a target texture (46). We found that the prosopagnosic patient performed
Discrimination performance was evaluated as area poorly with Moire (Expt II) and texture perception
under ROC as in Expt II. (Expt III). This weakness may be the result of a defi-
ciency in either the local or the global or both modes of
visual processing. Yet the patient had relatively good
Results and discussion
visual acuity and contrast sensitivity, and she had no
Figure 5 shows the results of Expt III. The proso- problem with the discrimination of micropatterns (i.e.
pagnosic patient, KD, displayed perfect discrimination compound Gabor patches, Expt III) which apparently
sensitivities for micropatterns, whereas with textures her require more complex local processing. We conclude
performance virtually dropped to chance level. By con- that she must be deficient at some aspect of global
trast, the alexic patient, MT was about equally impaired processing, a result which implies the existence of a
with micropatterns and textures. disassociation of local and global processing.
The alexic patient performed well with Moire patterns the textures have more energy at lower spatial frequen-
but not with compound Gabor micropatterns and tex- cies.
tures. That is, she can locally and globally process the Thus we shall proceed to considering more elaborate
dots of which Moire patterns consist but has difficulties concepts of local and global modes of visual perception.
to do so with stimuli that require the integration of To begin with, the original explanation of the Moire
features. We have no definite proof that this difficulty effect by Glass (1969) had two components. One was the
arises only at the level of local processing but the findings stimulation of oriented receptive fields of cortical simple
with Moire patterns suggest that this is the case. If this cells by pairs of dots. These cells were expected to evoke
were true, we could assume that the alexic patient also a relatively strong signal due to the locally parallel
displays a dissociation of local and global visual percep- orientation of correlated pairs (i.e. dots and their trans-
tions. formed images). The other was the recovery of such
One may ask whether these findings are consistent signals from noise resulting from random stimulation of
with the hypothesis that the intact right cerebral hemi- cortical units by uncorrelated pairs. For obvious
sphere is faster and more accurate in processing low reasons, the latter process involved integration over
spatial frequencies and the left hemisphere in processing limited regions of the random pattern. This concept has
high spatial frequencies (Sergent, 1982). In the present been examined by Stevens (1979) who computed locally
experiments, the spectra of the texture elements (Gabor parallel structure from the orientation statistics of “vir-
patches) contained more energy at lower frequencies tual lines” connecting pairs of dots (see also Marr, 1982).
than those of the Moire elements (dots). From this one Yet the same author noted that “the global structure is
would expect that the alexic patient, due to her intact derived from the local pairings and constitutes a later,
right hemisphere, would perform better than the proso- distinct computational problem” (Stevens, 1979, p. 23).
pagnosic one in micropattern discrimination. This, how- The situation is the same with Encke’s (1990) study, who
ever, was not the case. In much the same way, the analysed Moire perception in terms of local autocorrela-
argument fails with the global patterns of which, again, tion functions. Thus we can assume that global processes
FIGURE 4(a). Caption on facing page.
Tl T2
FIGURE 4. Compound Gabor micropatterns and textures. (a) The micropatterns consisted of two superimposed grating
patches with 2 and 6c/deg modulation frequencies. The two types of micropatterns used differed in spatial phase of third
harmonic by 180deg [peaks add, (a) bottom left; peaks subtract, (a), bottom right]. (b) For measuring micropattem
discrimination, these two stimuli were presented in isolation on a background of space average luminance (top). For measuring
texture discrimination, four types of texture pairs were used. Two of them were non-targets [NT,, NT,, (centre)], consisting
of identical micropattems in the centre and surround areas. Two of them were targets [T,, T, (bottom)] consisting of the two
different types of micropatterns in the centre and the surround areas.
act on the results of local processes in Moirk perception, the extraction of features by means of spatial filters of
although we are ignorant about the nature of the global the centre-surround type and the evaluation of the
process itself. spatial density of such features (“textons”, e.g. elongated
Theories of texture perception are also based on the blobs, line crossings, and line ends). Computational
assumption of local and (more) global processes of models of texture perception addressed the problem of
visual pattern analysis. Psychologically oriented theories how these texture boundaries are formed (Caelli, 1985,
(Julesz, 198 1, 1986; Beck, 1983) characterized texture via 1988; Malik & Perona, 1990; Vorhees & Poggio, 1988).
They have again in common that they assume filtering of dissociations of local and global visual processing in
by receptive fields (possibly completed by further local our patients.
processing) and global evaluation of resulting neural This conclusion implies an affirmative answer to the
activities via associative networks. question of whether KD’s prosopagnosic condition is
These similarities between models of texture and one aspect of a more general alteration of perception and
Moir& perception may not be by coincidence. On the one the situation seems to be the same for the alexic patient
hand, as has been conjectured by Glass (1969) and MT. Yet this does not necessarily imply that there is a
proven by Encke (1990), the locally parallel structure of causal relationship between the present findings and the
Moirt patterns may be recovered by evaluating local main behavioural impairments of the patients, i.e. proso-
autocorrelation functions. On the other hand, the pagnosia and alexia. However it is noteworthy that the
(global) autocorrelation of a binary texture is nothing prosopagnosic patient, KD, is well able to discriminate
else but its “second-order statistics”, and a sufficient textures which are shown long enough [Fig. Z(top right)].
difference in this property renders two textures discrim- This adds to the observation that, at unlimited exposure
inable (Julesz, 1981). Thus one may say that MoirC duration, she is in the lower range of normal controls in
structure is brought about by an ordered distribution of face matching (Christen et al., 1985). We conclude that,
(local) texture differences. as a substitute for global perception, the prosopagnosic
To summarize then, it seems that models of global patient employs a compensatory strategy by means of
visual perceptions cannot avoid the assumption of local scanning eye movements-if only she has enough time to
receptive-field type of filtering and subsequent global do so.
evaluation of filter responses. It is conceivable that such The perceptual alteration of the alexic patient is quite
processing strategies can be disturbed either on the level different. On the one hand, she has problems with
of local filtering or of global interactions, or both. This rapidly discriminating local luminance modulations as
concept is consistent with our conjecture of the existence well as textures composed of such signals. On the other
hand, she has virtually perfect visual resolution and is
able to rapidly recover structure from dot patterns. Her
deficit of global perception results, therefore, most likely
from a weakness to rapidly build up and use an internal
1.0 visual representation of more complex items. Such a
weakness would explain why she has difficulties to
recognize patterns but not why these difficulties occur
mainly with verbal material.
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