Cigarette Use Among Individuals at High Risk for Lung Cancer

2018, Innovation in Aging

outcomes. We support this mission through a shared infrastructure that promoted the use of state-of-the-art technology to facilitate the timeliness, scalability and effectiveness of self-management interventions. Each presentation describes the results of an innovative technologysupported intervention to improve quality of life in older adults. Howard compares results of a comprehensive assessment and wellness coaching program in two diverse. Douglas presents a self-management intervention for older black women with high blood pressure using a smart phone application. Poghosyan explores the characteristics of a diverse group of current and former smokers and shares the results of a feasibility trial for a sensor-based intervention. Saczynski and Ramdin report on the feasibility of using a mobile cognitive assessment in atrial fibrillation patients. Ye shares preliminary results of a mobile-based dyadic intervention for individuals using CPAP therapy and their partners. The session chair will lead a discussion with the audience about the intersection of technology and nursing science.

Innovation in Aging, 2018, Vol. 2, No. S1 359 Self-care/self-management behaviors are extremely impor- 4. Northeastern University School of Nursing, Boston, tant in the older adult population to increase quality of life and MA, USA, 5. Northeastern University School of Nursing, general health. The overall goal of our Northeastern University Boston, MA, USA, 6. Northeastern University College of Center on Technology in Support of Self-Management and Computer and Information Science, Boston, MA, USA, Health, or NUCare, is to develop nursing research expertise 7. Northeastern University College of Computer and and effective interventions in self- management for older Informaton Science and Bouve College of Health Science, adults at risk for poor health outcomes. We support this mis- Boston, MA, USA, 8. Northeastern University College of sion through a shared infrastructure that promoted the use of Computer and Informaton Science and Bouve College of state-of-the-art technology to facilitate the timeliness, scalabil- Health Science, Boston, MA, USA ity and effectiveness of self-management interventions. Each This two-phased mixed-methods study first surveyed a presentation describes the results of an innovative technology- racially and ethnically diverse group over 800 current and supported intervention to improve quality of life in older former smokers to assess the attitudes, risk-perceptions, and adults. Howard compares results of a comprehensive assess- prevalence of dual users (both tobacco and e-cigarettes). The Downloaded from by guest on 25 March 2024 ment and wellness coaching program in two diverse. Douglas second phase works to test the feasibility, accuracy, and us- presents a self-management intervention for older black ability of a wearable electrodermal activity sensor and mo- women with high blood pressure using a smart phone applica- bile assessment tool to understand the stress levels and stress tion. Poghosyan explores the characteristics of a diverse group precipitators as they relate to craving and smoking triggers of current and former smokers and shares the results of a for older African American men who are current smokers. feasibility trial for a sensor-based intervention. Saczynski and Ramdin report on the feasibility of using a mobile cognitive USE OF A WELLNESS COACHING MODEL TO assessment in atrial fibrillation patients. Ye shares preliminary SUPPORT SUCCESSFUL AGING results of a mobile-based dyadic intervention for individuals E. Howard1, B. Lee, PhD, RN2, 1. Northeastern University using CPAP therapy and their partners. The session chair will School of Nursing, Boston, Massachusetts, United States, 2. lead a discussion with the audience about the intersection of Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA technology and nursing science. Using Vitalize 360, an integrative, comprehensive assess- ment system and wellness coaching program, among older SELF-MANAGEMENT OF HYPERTENSION LIFESTYLE adults living in subsidized housing. BEHAVIORS USING A SMARTPHONE EMA/I APP WITH OLDER ADULT BLACK WOMEN SYSTEMATIC ASSESSMENT OF GERIATRIC B. Douglas1, K. Robinson, RN, MHA/Ed2, ELEMENTS IN ATRIAL FIBRILLATION: NOVEL EXAM C. Gordon, MPH3, M. Eaton, NP4, USING TECHNOLOGY (SAGE-NEXT) C. Tibbitt, RN5, I. Khaghani Far, PhD6, X. Li, MFA7, 1. J. Saczynski1, V. Ramdin, PhD, RN2, 1. Northeastern Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, United University, Boston, Massachusetts, United States, 2. States, 2. Northeastern University School of Nursing, Northeastern University School of Nursing, Boston, MA, Boston, MA, USA, 3. Northeastern University College of USA Computer and Informaton Science, Boston, MA, USA, 4. The SAGE-AF study is an ongoing NHLBI-funded obser- Northeastern University School of Nursing, Boston, MA, vational study of older adults with AF who are enrolled in USA, 5. Northeastern University School of Nursing, Boston, the context of a regularly scheduled clinic visit and undergo MA, USA, 6. Northeastern University College of Computer a comprehensive geriatric examination, including assess- and Informaton Science, Boston, MA, USA, 7. Northeastern ments of cognition and physical function. This pilot study University College of Computer and Informaton Science proposes to test the validity, feasibility, and acceptability and Bouve College of Health Science, Boston, MA, USA of a cognitive self-assessment using Defense Automatied The study seeks to involve participants as active partners Neurobehavioral Assessment (DANA) and a wrist-based in the development and testing of an innovative, technology- mHealth device (FitBit Charge) among SAGE-AF partici- based intervention to support hypertension self-management pants. This is a collaborative effort between an established behavior through engagement and physical activity. Using researcher (Saczysnki, Pharmaceutical Sciences) with a junior a combination of mobile activity tracking and ecological faculty member (Ramdin, Nursing). momentary assessment and intervention, this three-phased study will examine the acceptability and usability of such an SUPPORTING PAP ADHERENCE WITH A MOBILE intervention and ultimately test the intervention with over 50 COUPLE-ORIENTED SELF-MANAGEMENT TOOL African American/Black women ages 60 and older. L. Ye, Northeastern University School of Nursing, Boston, Massachusetts, United States CIGARETTE USE AMONG INDIVIDUALS AT HIGH The overall goal of this project is to develop and test a RISK FOR LUNG CANCER prototype of a couple-oriented self-management tool deliv- H. Poghosyan1, K. Robinson, RN, MHA/Ed2, ered by a mobile app to improve adherence to positive air- C. Gordon, MPH3, M. Eaton, NP4, C. Tibbitt, RN5, way pressure (PAP) treatment. Qualitative methods within I. Khaghani Far, PhD6, X. Li, MFA7, H. Jimison, PhD8, 1. a standardized iterative participatory approach by working Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, United with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients and their part- States, 2. Northeastern University School of Nursing, ners will support the development and refinement process. Boston, MA, USA, 3. Northeastern University College of We then plan to recruit 5 to 10 couples of the usability Computer and Informaton Science, Boston, MA, USA, testing. GSA 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting