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- Please send books to be reviewed and printed in USA to the following address:
Annali d’italianistica
c/o Dr. Brandon Essary
Elon University
2125 Campus Box
Elon, NC 27244
- Please send books to be reviewed and printed in Europe to the following address:
Annali d’italianistica
c/o Monica Jansen
Dept of Languages, Literature and Communication - Italian
Utrecht University
Trans 10
3512 JK Utrecht
Please send your book review,
in a Word document attachment, to:
Monica Jansen at
[email protected]
as well as:
[email protected]
3. Scholars interested in reviewing books listed below should contact Italian Bookshelf
Editors at
[email protected]
as well as:
[email protected]
If you request a book to be reviewed and receive no answer, after three weeks please contact again
the book review editors at the two addresses provided above.
Scholars are selected on the basis of their expertise and research interests. Scholars who have never
reviewed for AdI, or are new in the profession, are encouraged to introduce themselves briefly
when they request books to review.
All reviews are read by the Book Review Editors and will receive proofs with feedback.
In all your correspondence, please provide
your e-mail address, complete name, academic affiliation, and the complete address where
you wish to receive the book to be reviewed.
As of the 2009 issue, Annali lists in the annual printed volume all the reviews, including titles of
books and names of reviewers, and paginates all the reviews with consecutive page numbers. The
reviews, however, appear only online, where the entire section of reviews (Bookshelf) is available
as of 1998. Information on the journal’s editorial norms can be found on the journal’s website:
4. Current and forthcoming volumes of Annali d’italianistica
AdI, vol. 41 (2023). Fascism in Italian Culture: 1945-2022 is out! Please visit the journal’s
website ( for further information and contact us to order your
AdI, vol. 42 (2024). Fifty Years of La Storia: Elsa Morante Beyond History. This volume is
scheduled for 2024. Please visit the journal’s website ( for further
information or contact the guest editors:
Franco Baldasso, Bard College (
[email protected])
Ursula Fanning, University College Dublin (
[email protected])
Mara Josi, University of Ghent (
[email protected])
Stefania Porcelli, Hunter College (
[email protected])
Katrin Wehling-Giorgi, Durham University (
[email protected])
AdI, vol. 43 (2025). Digital Humanities and Artificial Intelligence: From Theory to Practice.
Technology has advanced greatly and is shaping all branches of knowledge, including the
Humanities. Within this rapidly evolving context, AdI intends to devote its 43rd monographic
volume to Digital Humanities (DH) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Interested scholars are invited
to contact the appropriate guest editor of the theme related to their topic, submit a 300-word
abstract, and provide a short biographical note. The abstract and biographical note will be due by
2 February 2024. For further information, see
Colleagues who have accepted to review books should submit their reviews as soon as
possible. They must be received by January 31 (early deadline) or May 31 (latest
deadline) to appear in the 2024 issue.
Books Received
March 2024
Agovino, Teresa. “Sotto gli occhi benevoli dello Stato”. La banda della Magliana da Romanzo
criminale a Suburra. Napoli: La scuola di Pitagora, 2024. Pp. 240.
Bardazzi, Adele. Eugenio Montale. A Poetics of Mourning. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2022. Pp. xviii +
Berni, Bruno, Paolo Borioni, and Catia De Marco, eds. Proiezioni dal Nord. L’immagine della
Scandinavia in Italia tra letteratura e società. Roma: Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici, 2023.
Pp. 245.
Bertland, Alexander U. Myth and Authority. Giambattista Vico’s Early Modern Critique of
Aristocratic Sovereignty. New York: SUNY Press, 2023. Pp. 348.
Brecciaroli, Giulia. Mapping Post-War Italian Literature. Boom and Aftermath (1956-1979).
London: The U of London P, 2024. Pp. 244.
Cadel, Francesca, and Paola Nastri, eds. Italy in the Second Half of the 19th Century: Bridging
New Cultures. Delaware: Vernon Press, 2023. Pp. 266.
Camassa, Lelio. Dio, l’oscurità e il talento. Le novelle di “cose catoliche” del Decameron.
Potenza: Basilicata UP, 2023. Pp. 210.
Camilletti, Fabio. Spettri familiari. Letteratura e metapsichica nel secondo Novecento italiano.
Trezzano sul Naviglio: Unicopli, 2024. Pp. 239.
Cappozzo, Valerio, ed. “Leonardo Sciascia: American Myth/Mediterranean Myth.” Todomodo
13.2 (2023). Pp. 143.
Carle, Barbara. Vestigia: Poesie in italiano e inglese. Roma: Caramanica Editore, 2023. Pp. 146.
Cordibella, Giovanna, and Martina Mengoni, eds. “Esemplari umani”. I personaggi nell’opera
di Primo Levi. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2024. Pp. viii + 274.
Di Nino, Nicola, ed. “‘Con lievi mani’. Sulle traduzioni di Cristina Campo nel centenario della
nascita.” Cahiers d’études italiennes 36 (2023), online. Pp. 351.
Elet, Yvonne. Urban Landscape in the Third Rome: Raphael’s Villa and Mussolini’s Forum.
Firenze: Edifir-Edizione, 2023. Pp. 263.
Fabbri, Lorenzo. Cinema Is the Strongest Weapon. Race-Making and Resistance in Fascist Italy.
Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2023. Pp. 299.
Ferrara, Sabrina, and Gaia Tomazzoli, eds. Lecturae Dantis Turonenses, Dante à Tours. Études
réunies à l’occasion du septième centenaire de la mort de Dante (2021). Paris: Honoré
Champion, 2024. Pp. 312.
Finch-Race, Daniel A., Emiliano Guaraldo, and Marco Malvestio, eds. Italian Science Fiction
and the Environmental Humanities. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2023. Pp. 240.
Forni, Giorgio, ed. “‘Queste rive ch’amai sì caldamente’. Venezia per Gaspara Stampa.”
Pandemos. Rivista di scienze umane, politiche e sociali 1 (2023). Online.
Franceschini, Fabrizio, and Serena Grazzini, eds. L’Ebreo errante. Nuove prospettive su un
mito europeo. Roma: Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2023. Pp. xvi + 498.
Griffiths, Jennifer S. Marisa Mori and the Futurists. A Woman Artist in an Age of Fascism.
London: Bloomsbury, 2023. Pp. ix + 164.
Ilievska, Ana, and Pietro Russo, eds. Contemporary Sicilian Poetry: A Multilingual Anthology.
New York: Italica Press, 2023. Pp. 492.
Lazzarin, Stefano, and Mariella Colin, eds. “Les mystères urbains en Italie – volume 2: Les
réécritures du XXe siècle.” Transalpina 26 (2023). Pp. 220.
Lombardi, Elena. Ulysses, Dante, and Other Stories. Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2023. Pp. x + 310.
Lonzi, Carla. Feminism in Revolt. An Anthology. Edited by Luisa Lorenza Corna, and Jamila M.
H. Mascat. Transl. Luisa Lorenza Corna, Matthew Hyland, and Cristina Viti. Chicago: the U
of Chicago P, 2023. Pp. 312.
Lovito, Giuseppe, ed. “Leonardo Scascia: le pouvoir du (contre)récit du Pouvoir.” Babel 48
(2023). Pp. 391.
Magnani, Nicolò. I dettami della musa. Strumenti dell’imitazione nella Poetica di Gian Giorgio
Trissino. Manziana: Vecchiarelli Editore, 2023. Pp. 512.
Martignoni, Alice, and Franco Pierno, eds. Convergenze plurilingui. Incroci e convivenze
linguistiche tra Medioevo e prima età moderna. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024. Pp. 258.
Mattioli, Tiziana, ed. Carlo Bo, alla ricerca di un Proust niente affatto perduto. Rimini: Raffaelli
Editore, 2023. Pp. 185.
Milani, Mila. Publishing Contemporary Foreign Poetry. Transnational Exchange in the Italian
Publishing Field, 1939-1977. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2023. Pp. 256.
Milone, Pietro. L’oltraggio di Pirandello e Dante. Dio, inconscio, fantasmi, poesia. Pesaro:
Metauro, 2023. Pp. 407.
Moliterni, Fabio. Finzioni meridionali. Il Sud e la letteratura italiana contemporanea. Roma:
Carocci, 2024. Pp. 136.
Montalbano, Alessandra. Ransom Kidnapping in Italy: Crime, Memory, and Violence. Toronto:
U of Toronto P, 2024. Pp. xii + 288.
Moraly, Yehuda. Dream Projects in Theatre, Novels and Films. The Works of Paul Claudel, Jean
Genet, and Federico Fellini. Chicago: Sussex Academic Press, 2021. Pp. 196.
Murray, Jacqueline, ed. Patriarchy, Honour, and Violence: Masculinities in Premodern Europe.
Toronto: Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies, 2022. Pp. 358.
Palmieri, Pasquale. The Land of Devotion. Saints, Politics and Media Culture in 18th-Century
Italy. Roma: Viella, 2023. Pp. 160.
Pastorino, Gloria. Per amor di Battuta. Dario Fo e la reinvenzione della lingua scenica. Milano:
Biblion Edizioni, 2023. Pp. 260.
Pedone, Valentina, and Miriam Castorina, eds. Words and Visions Around/About Chinese
Transnational Mobilities. Firenze: Firenze UP, 2023. Pp. 194.
Peruško, Tatjana. Geometrie ambigue. La narrativa di Antonio Tabucchi. Genzano di Roma:
Aracne, 2023. Pp. 188.
Petrocchi, Valeria. Spunti e riflessioni per una didattica della traduzione e dell’interpretariato
nelle SSML. Configni: Compomat, 2022. Pp. 135.
Robin, Anne. À la recherche de l’équilibre. De la maladie à la santé: l’histoire de la lieta brigata
du Décaméron. Ravenna: Longo Editore, 2022. Pp. 164.
Savonarola, Michele. A Mother’s Manual for the Women of Ferrara: A Fifteenth-Century Guide
to Pregnancy and Pediatrics. Ed. Gabriella Zuccolin. Transl. Martin Marafioti. New York: Iter
Press, 2022. Pp. xi + 254.
Severi, Rita, and Julia Bolton Holloway, eds. “Oh bella libertà!” Le poesie di Elizabeth Barrett
Browning. Firenze: Le Lettere, 2022. Pp. 486.
Spignoli, Teresa, Gloria Manghetti, Giovanna Lo Monaco, and Elisa Caporiccio, eds. “Il
tramonto d’Europa”. Ungaretti e le poetiche del secondo Novecento. Firenze: Firenze UP,
2023. Pp. 198.
Steinberg, Justin. Law and Mimesis in Boccaccio’s Decameron. Realism on Trial. Cambridge:
Cambridge UP, 2023. Pp. 245.
Zampieri, Chiara, Martina Piperno, and Bart Van den Bossche, eds. Modern Etruscans. Close
Encounters with a Distant Past. Leuven: Leuven UP, 2023. Pp. 187.