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2004, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
4 pages
1 file
The electronic spin state of iron in lower mantle perovskite is one of the fundamental parameters that governs the physics and chemistry of the most voluminous and massive shell in the Earth. We present experimental evidence for spin-pairing transition in aluminum-bearing silicate perovskite (Mg,Fe)(Si,Al)O 3 under the lower mantle pressures. Our results demonstrate that as pressure increases, iron in perovskite transforms gradually from the initial high-spin state toward the final low-spin state. At 100 GPa, both aluminum-free and aluminum-bearing samples exhibit a mixed spin state. The residual magnetic moment in the aluminum-bearing perovskite is significantly higher than that in its aluminum-free counterpart. The observed spin evolution with pressure can be explained by the presence of multiple iron species and the occurrence of partial spin-paring transitions in the perovskite. Pressure-induced spin-pairing transitions in the perovskite would have important bearing on the magne...
Geophysical Research Letters, 2005
1] We investigate the effect of pressure on the electronic spin state of ferric iron on Al-bearing MgSiO 3 -perovskite using first-principle computations. Ferric iron (6.25 mol%) and Al (6.25 mol%) substitute for Mg and Si respectively. Five substitution models on different atomic position pairs are examined. Our results show that spin state transition from high spin (HS) to low spin (LS) occurs on the Fe 3+ ions at high pressure, while there is no stability field for the intermediate spin state. Fe 3+ alone can be responsible for the spin state transition. The five models witness a transition pressure ranging from 97-126 GPa. Differential stress can change the pressure for the spin collapse. The lowest pressure spin state transition occurs where Al 3+ and Fe 3+ are in adjacent sites. These results are one explanation to the reported experimental observations that the spin transition occurs over a wide pressure range. This finding may have important implications for the dynamics and seismic signature of the lower mantle. Citation: Li, L., J. P. Brodholt, S. Stackhouse, D. J. Weidner, M. Alfredsson, and G. D. Price (2005), Electronic spin state of ferric iron in Albearing perovskite in the lower mantle, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2012
There are still large discrepancies among the previous reports on the spin transition of iron in Mg-perovskite (Pv). To alleviate this problem, we examined the spin state of Fe 3 + in Mg 0.85 Fe 3 + 0.15 Al 0.15 Si 0.85 O 3 Pv up to 200 GPa by X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The gradual decrease of the high spin (HS) ratio of Fe 3 + by low temperature annealing of the samples above~60 GPa in XES and the change of the trend of unit cell volumes with pressure by annealing at 50-60 GPa in XRD indicate that Fe 3 + occupies the A-site and is HS below~50 GPa but above 50-60 GPa it gradually replaces Al at the B-site through cation exchange reaction by annealing and becomes low spin (LS), while Fe 3 + remaining at the A-site is HS up to 200 GPa. This means that the spin state of Fe 3 + depends on Fe 3 + occupancies between the A-and B-sites and these Fe 3 + occupancies are strongly controlled by the synthesis condition and annealing temperature of the samples through the cation exchange reaction. The present results combined with the previous reports indicate that in Al-bearing Mg-Pv in the lower mantle Fe 2 + occupies the A-site and remains HS for the whole lower mantle, while Fe 3 + occupies the A-site and is HS below~50 GPa but above 50-60 GPa it replaces Al at the B-site and becomes LS, on the assumption that spin transition pressure of Fe 2 + at the A-site is higher than that of Fe 3 + at the same site.
Physics of The Earth and Planetary Interiors, 2008
Please cite this article as: Fang, C., Ahuja, R., Local structure and electronic-spin transition of Fe-bearing MgSiO 3 perovskite up to the earth's lower mantle conditions, ABSTRACT: We report first-principles electronic structure calculations on the structural and electronic-spin behaviours of Fe-bearing MgSiO 3 crystals up to the pressure of Earth's mantle. The transition pressure of the Fe-bearing MgSiO 3 from the orthorhombic perovskite (OPv) to the orthorhombic post-perovskite (OPPv) phase decreases with increasing Fe concentration. The lattice distortion has impacts on the electronic-spin behaviour of the Fe ions in the PVs. The spin-polarizations of the Fe ions in the (Fe,Mg)SiO 3 OPvs and OPPvs keep unchanged up to the pressures in the lower mantle. Meanwhile the Fe-bearing MgSiO 3 OPv containing Fe Mg -Fe Si pairs exhibits multiple magnetic moments co-existing in a large pressure range (from about 78 to 110 GPa), and finally becomes non-magnetic at pressure higher than 110 GPa. These results provide a mechanism to understand the recent experimental results about Fe valence states and the electronic transitions of the Fe-bearing MgSiO 3 under high pressure.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2008
1] We present ab initio calculations of the zerotemperature composition dependent spin transition pressures in rocksalt (B1) (Mg 1Àx ,Fe x )O. We predict that the spin transition pressure decreases with increasing Mg content, consistent with experimental results. At highpressure, we find that the effective size of Mg is smaller than high-spin Fe but quite close to low-spin Fe, consistent with a simple compression argument for how Mg reduces the spin transition pressure. We also show that the spin transition is primarily driven by the volume difference between the high-spin and low-spin phases, rather than changes in the electronic structure with pressure. The volume contraction at the transition is found to depend non-monotonically on Fe content. For FeO we predict a B1 ! iB8 transition at 63 GPa, consistent with previous results. However, we also predict an unexpected reverse transition of high-spin iB8 ! lowspin B1 at approximately 400 GPa. Citation: Persson, K., G. Ceder, A. Bengtson, and D. Morgan (2006), Ab initio study of the composition dependence of the pressure-induced spin transition in the (Mg 1Àx ,Fe x )O system, Geophys.
Geophysical Research Letters, 2006
We present ab initio calculations of the zero-temperature iron high-to low-spin crossover in (Mg 1 − x Fe x )SiO 3 perovskite at pressures relevant to Earth's lower mantle. Equations of state are fit for a range of compositions and used to predict the Fe spin transition pressure and associated changes in volume and bulk modulus. We predict a dramatic decrease in transition pressure as Fe concentration increases. This trend is contrary to that seen in ferropericlase, and suggests the energetics for spin crossover is highly dependent on the structural environment of Fe. Both Local Density Approximation (LDA) and Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA) exchange-correlation methods are used, and both methods reproduce the same compositional trends. However, GGA gives a significantly higher transition pressure than LDA. The spin transition is made easier by the decreasing spin-flip energy with pressure but is also driven by the change in volume from high to low spin. Volume trends show that high-spin Fe 2+ is larger than Mg 2+ even under pressure, but low-spin Fe 2+ is smaller at ambient conditions and approximately the same size as Mg 2+ under high pressure, indicating that low-spin Fe 2+ is less compressible than high-spin Fe 2+ . We find large changes between high-and low-spin in the slope of volume with Fe concentration. Although these changes are small in absolute magnitude for small Fe content, they are still important when measured per Fe and could be relevant for calculating partitioning coefficients in the lower mantle.
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2010
Despite a large number of studies of iron spin state in silicate perovskite at high pressure and high temperature, there is still disagreement regarding the type and P-T conditions of the transition, and whether Fe 2? or Fe 3? or both iron cations are involved. Recently, our group published results of a Mössbauer spectroscopy study of the iron behaviour in (Mg,Fe)(Si,Al)O 3 perovskite at pressures up to 110 GPa (McCammon et al. 2008), where we suggested stabilization of the intermediate spin state for 8-to 12-fold coordinated ferrous iron ( [8][9][10][11][12] Fe 2? ) in silicate perovskite above 30 GPa. In order to explore the behaviour in related systems, we performed a comparative Mössbauer spectroscopic study of silicate perovskite (Fe 0.12 Mg 0.88 SiO 3 ) and majorite (with two compositions-Fe 0.18 Mg 0.82 SiO 3 and Fe 0.11 Mg 0.88 SiO 3 ) at pressures up to 81 GPa in the temperature range 296-800 K, which was mainly motivated by the fact that the oxygen environment of ferrous iron in majorite is quite similar to that in silicate perovskite. The [8][9][10][11][12] Fe 2? component, dominating the Mössbauer spectra of majorites, shows high quadrupole splitting (QS) values, about 3.6 mm s -1 , in the entire studied P-T region (pressures to 58 GPa and 296-800 K). Decrease of the QS of this component with temperature at constant pressure can be described by the Huggins model with the energy splitting between low-energy e g levels of [8][9][10][11][12] Fe 2? equal to 1,500 (50) cm -1 for Fe 0.18 Mg 0.82 SiO 3 and to 1,680 (70) cm -1 for Fe 0.11 Mg 0.88 SiO 3 . In contrast, for the silicate perovskite dominating Mössbauer component associated with [8][9][10][11][12] Fe 2? suggests the gradual change of the electronic properties. Namely, an additional spectral component with central shift close to that for high-spin [8][9][10][11][12] Fe 2? and QS about 3.7 mm s -1 appeared at *35 (2) GPa, and the amount of the component increases with both pressure and temperature. The temperature dependence of QS of the component cannot be described in the framework of the Huggins model. Observed differences in the high-pressure high-temperature behaviour of [8][9][10][11][12] Fe 2? in the silicate perovskite and majorite phases provide additional arguments in favour of the gradual high-spin-intermediate-spin crossover in lower mantle perovskite, previously reported by and .
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 2014
Spin transition and substitution of Fe 3+ in Fe 3+ AlO 3-bearing MgSiO 3 perovskite (Pv) and post-perovskite (PPv) were examined up to 200 and 165 GPa, respectively, at room temperature by X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) and XRD. The results of XES and XRD indicate that in Pv high spin (HS) Fe 3+ at the dodecahedral (A) site replaces Al at the octahedral (B) site and becomes low spin (LS) between 50 and 70 GPa with pressure, while in PPv LS Fe 3+ occupies the B-site and Al occupies the A-site above 80-100 GPa. The Fe 3+-Al coupled substitution seems to be at work in both Pv and PPv. Combining these results on Fe 3+ with the recent first-principles calculations on Fe 2+ in Pv and PPv, the spin transition and substitution of iron in pyrolitic lower mantle minerals are proposed. Further, their effects on iron-partitioning among the lower mantle minerals are discussed.
P Po o o r r r u u u n n n a a a V V V e e en n n e e ez z z u u u e e el l la a a M M Me e e j j jo o o r r r
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