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2017, Biological Conservation
3 pages
1 file
Riparian zones are the interface between aquatic and terrestrial systems along inland watercourses. They have a disproportionate ecological role in the landscape considering their narrow extent, which makes them a good example of small natural features (sensu Hunter, this issue). Characteristically, riparian zones increase species richness in the landscape and provide key services to society, such as soil fertility, water purification, and recreation. Despite the recognized importance of riparian zones for ecological, economic and social reasons, and the vast amount of scientific literature exploring measures for their conservation, current management is still failing at enabling a proper ecological functioning of these areas. The best practices for conservation of riparian zones have mostly focused on manipulating biotic and physical components (e.g. renaturalizing flow regimes, improving channel mobility, and controlling invasions of exotic ecosystem engineer species). However, these strategies face important technical, socioeconomic , and legal constraints that require a more integrative approach for effective conservation. In this paper we summarize the main problems affecting riparian zones and their current management challenges. Following Hunter et al. (this issue), we review novel approaches to conservation of riparian zones, complementary to manipulating processes that reflect contemporary management and policy. These include (1) investing in environmental education for both local people and technical staff, (2) guaranteeing qualitative and long term inventories and monitoring, (3) establishing legislation and solutions to protect riparian zones, (4) framing economic activities in riparian zones under sustainable management, and (5) planning restoration of riparian zones at multiple and hierarchical spatio-temporal scales.
Frontiers in Environmental Science
1. Riparian zones are vital areas of interaction between land and rivers and are often degraded by several pressures such as urbanisation, intensive agriculture and river engineering works. 2. This policy brief provides five key policy messages and recommendations to be considered by policy-makers, scientists, managers, and stakeholders to enhance riparian zone management. 3. Adopting an integrated socio-economic and environmentally dynamic view will ensure the sustainable management of riparian zones. 4. In light of climate change, it is critically important to conserve and/or restore the ecological integrity of riparian zones. 5. European Union Directives and national-scale legislation and regulations need updating to ensure coordinated implementation of riparian zone-related policies. 6. Stakeholder knowledge exchange, policy co-creation and adaptive management are key to enhancing riparian zone functions.
Riparian areas are dynamic and complex ecosystems, harboring a rich mosaic of aquatic, semi- aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Their vegetation filters pollutants, stabilizes soil against erosion, and functions as a refuge for plant communities and wildlife, thus contributing to preserve biodiversity. They function as ecological corridors and also display a specific up-stream/down-stream organization. It may be difficult for management authorities to implement suitable measures for the conservation and management of riparian zones, either due to poor technical know-how, poor planning, and/or to a lack of indigenous plant species for riparian restoration. To address these problems, the scientific community became involved in an Interreg IIIC - project co- funded by the European Union. The name RIPIDURABLE, coined from “RIPI” (Latin riparius, “river bank”) and “DURABLE” (French, “sustained”), conveys the idea behind this project: “sustainable river”. RIPIDURABLE seeks for a rational c...
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The Codependency Revolution: Fixing What Was Always Broken, 2024
This chapter aims to ruffle a few feathers, go against the grain, and challenge an almost religious-like adherence to antiquated and disproven information on codependency. These pages, if not the whole book, are guided by an unwavering mandate to archeologically dig and sift through every sedimentary layer of the codependency environment to locate, isolate, gather, piece together, and most importantly, identify why the "codependency dinosaur" could not resist falling prey to the evolutionary process of extinction.
dans plusieurs applications industrielles, entre autres dans la plupart des instruments de mesures de pressions et de débits qu'on peut rencontrer dans beaucoup de processus industriels de fabrication chimique surtout. Dans le chapitre 4 sont démontrés les équations et les théorèmes relatifs à la dynamique des fluides incompressibles réels. Une méthode simplifiée de calcul des pertes de charge basée sur ces équations est proposée. Elle est indispensable pour le dimensionnement des diverses installations hydrauliques (problèmes de pompage, de turbines, de machines hydrauliques, et thermiques dans lesquelles est véhiculé un fluide etc.) Le chapitre 5 est consacré à l'étude des fluides compressibles. Les lois et les équations fondamentales de la dynamique ainsi que le théorème de Saint-Venant nécessaires pour traiter un problème d'écoulement de gaz sont démontrés. Certaines notions de thermodynamique, jugées indispensables pour introduire quelques paramètres, sont ajoutées. La dernière partie de chaque chapitre est consacrée à des exercices corrigés. Ils sont extraits, pour la plupart, des examens et devoirs surveillés que j'ai proposé à l'Institut Supérieur des Etudes Technologique de Djerba. Ils sont choisis pour leur intérêt pratique et pour leur diversité. Chaque exercice traite un domaine particulier d'application qu'un technicien supérieur pourrait rencontrer aussi bien dans le cadre des travaux pratiques à l'ISET qu'en industrie dans sa vie active. Les solutions avec beaucoup de détail, devraient permettre à l'étudiant d'acquérir, en peu de temps, la maîtrise nécessaire des concepts utilisés. Ces exercices permettront également de tester l'avancement de leurs connaissances. En ce qui concerne la typographie, il a paru opportun de garder les mêmes notations dans la partie exercices corrigés et dans la partie cours. Les points importants sont écrits en caractère gras et les résultats sont encadrés. Cet ouvrage constitue une première version. Il sera certainement révisé. Les critiques, les remarques et les conseils de tous les compétents du domaine qui veulent nous aider et encourager seront accueillis avec beaucoup de respect et remerciement.
Komparatistik Online, 2018
In early 2009, few would have expected that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) would come under such massive attack. The IPCC had enjoyed a pristine reputation and had even advanced to become a role model for biodiversity and food security assessments (Loreau et al. 2006; Watson 2005). However, public trust and, with it, the organization’s credibilityeroded dramatically after November 2009 with the events that became known as ‘climategate’. This article seeks to contribute to current debates about how to reform the IPCC. It argues that there are major flaws in the design of the IPCC which are rooted in the linear model of expertiseand which are helping to stoke the backlash against the IPCC. The article analyzes the ways in which the IPCC’s activities conform to the linear model of expertise and considers the consequences of this for integrating adapta-tion into the IPCC assessments. It explains why adaptationplayed only a marginal role up until the IPCC Third Assessment Report. It then demonstrates why the use of thelinear model of expertise constrains the scientific and political debate about adaptation and leads to proxy debates about scientific evidence, which result in depoliticizing the politics of adaptation and politicizing science. Finally, the article calls for the debate to be opened up to accommodate alternatives that are both politically more feasible and at the same time more appropriate to the specific needs of adaptation policies at different levels of decision-making.
This paper was produced for Anthropology 313: Peoples of Latin America (Fall 2017) taught by Dr. Shaozeng Zhang at Oregon State University. In this paper, I explore the concepts of dominicanidad, or Dominican identity, in the context of the Dominican Republic's historic relationship with Haiti. First, I examine colonial developments and conflict, and how different factors created two ethnically different states. I then examine the Trujillo regime's policy towards Haiti. Next, I look at media portrayal of dominicanidad and Dominican self and group identification. Historical factors are connected with modern results, and current political developments are tied in. The paper concludes by naming historical conflict as a significant factor in Dominican ethnic identity.
The research work period covered herein lasted from 15. Nov 1990 to 14. Nov 1991 and presents the final one after several successive sponsoring periods. The Institut fur Raumfahrtsysteme (Space Systems) of the University Stuttgart is therefore indepted and would like to thank for the longyears support on the investigation of Basic Processes of Plasma Propulsion. We also hope to have contributed helped in understanding more profoundly the fundamental processes in and assessing more deeply the performance limits of coaxial magneto plasmadynamic arc thrusters.
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science
Colloquium Lauriacum 2016. Das römische Heer – Wirtschaftsfaktor und Kulturträger. Beiträge zur Tagung im Museum Lauriacum – Enns, 22. – 24. September 2016, 2020
Proyecto, progreso, arquitectura, 2018
Derwaze, 2018
Lumina de Duminică, 2012
Journal of King Saud University - Science, 2017
Biochemistry, 2007
Journal of Medical Case Reports, 2010
The Journal of Politics, 2023
Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika, 2013