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MMT: New Open Source MT for the Translation Industry
Citation for published version:
Bertoldi, N, Cattoni, R, Cettolo, M, Farajian, A, Federico, M, Caroselli, D, Mastrostefano, L, Rossi, A,
Trombetti, M, Germann, U & Madl, D 2017, MMT: New Open Source MT for the Translation Industry. in The
20th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT). 20th Annual
Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, Prague, Czech Republic, 29/05/17.
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The 20th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT)
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MMT: New Open Source MT for the Translation Industry
Nicola Bertoldi1 , Roldano Cattoni1 , Mauro Cettolo1 , Amin Farajian1 , Marcello Federico1 ,
Davide Caroselli2 , Luca Mastrostefano2 , Andrea Rossi2 , Marco Trombetti2
Ulrich Germann3 , David Madl2,3
1) Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy
2) Translated srl, Rome, Italy
3) University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
MMT is a new open source machine translation software specifically addressing the
needs of the translation industry. In this
paper we describe its overall architecture
and provide details about its major components. We report performance results
on a multi-domain benchmark based on
public data, on two translation directions,
by comparing MMT against state-of-theart commercial and research phrase-based
and neural MT systems.
MMT aims to consolidate the current state-of-theart technology into a single easy-to-use product,
evolving it and keeping it open to integrate the
new opportunities in machine intelligence, such as
deep learning. MMT was designed and developed
to overcome four technology barriers that have so
far hindered the wide adoption of machine translation software by end-users and language service
providers: (1) long training time before a MT system is ready to use; (2) difficulty to simultaneously
handle multiple domains; (3) poor scalability with
data and users; (4) complex installation and set-up.
As we will describe in the next section, MMT on
the contrary is very fast to train, it instantly adapts
to a specific translation domain, it is designed to
scale well with data and users, and, finally, it is
very easy to install and configure.
This paper describes the current advanced prototype of MMT, a statistical phrase-based machine
translation system, which already covers all the
c 2017 The authors. This article is licensed under a Creative
Commons 3.0 licence, no derivative works, attribution, CCBY-ND.
above presented features and has being field-tested
in real industrial settings. A comprehensive documentation of MMT, including installation manual,
is available in the official website.1
We also report experiments conducted on a public multi-domain benchmark covering technical
translations from English to German and English
to French.
Main Features of MMT
2.1 MMT Can Ingest New Data Instantly
MMT uses high-performance embedded databases2 to store parallel and monolingual language
data and associated statistics. Instead of precomputing feature function scores, these are computed on the fly, at translation time, from raw
statistics. Thanks to its implementation with
databases, MMT is a fully incremental MT system, that can ingest new parallel data while in use,
very quickly and without any interruption nor retraining.
2.2 MMT Can Adapt Itself to the Task
Input to the system can be augmented with a snippet of surrounding text. This context information
is leveraged by MMT to adapt the translation process to a specific domain. Adaptation is performed
on the fly by biasing the data sampling process underlying the computation of the feature functions
towards training data that is close to the provided
context. (see Sec. 3.2.5 below).
2.3 MMT Scales Easily
MMT is designed as a distributed multi-node architecture, with cloud deployment in mind. There1
RocksDB: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb
fore it can scale dynamically in response to current demand, simply by adding or removing MMT
nodes in the cluster. Single-host deployment for
small use cases is also possible.
2.4 MMT Is Easy to Set Up
MMT is distributed as a ready to install package either through Docker, or directly from binary files.3
In addition, instructions for installing MMT from
source code are also available.
System Architecture
3.1 Distributed Infrastructure
MMT’s distributed architecture is based on a
Leader-Follower network where nodes form a
cluster through the Hazelcast framework.4
Most inter-node communications are carried out
through shared in-memory data structures, suitable for small data and thus employed for service
communications and load balancing. When a node
receives a translation request, it sends it to an Executor that transparently extracts jobs from its internal pool, chooses a worker node, and finally
redirects the translation output to the original requesting node.
Bigger volumes of data are handled by the nodes
in persistent messaging queues (Kafka5 ) and in
an internal database (Cassandra6 ). The former is
mostly used to distribute newly ingested resources,
which any node may import during its life cycle;
the latter to handle persistent application-internal
data, like domains’ and contributions’ metadata.
Both the Followers and the Leader expose the
same REST APIs; the Leader in addition hosts the
messaging queue server and the internal database.
To join the cluster, a worker node only needs to
know the Leader IP.
All nodes in a cluster must have the same initial configuration. It is recommended to perform
the initial training on a single node and share the
resulting models to the others manually. Once a
node has received this initial configuration it can
join the cluster at any time, and will automatically
receive any new updates through the above mentioned messaging channels.
3.2 MT Worker Nodes
The core architecture of each node is composed by
several interacting modules.
3.2.1 Tag Management
XML tags occurring in the input text are removed
and a map between the tags and their positions
is stored. According to the output and the word
alignment provided by the decoder, the XML tags
are re-introduced after applying a few consistency
checks and heuristics.
3.2.2 Numerical Expression Management
Numerical expressions, like numbers, currencies,
dates, etc., are transformed into format- and
position-dependent placeholders, and a map between the actual numerical values and their placeholders is stored. The placeholders found in the
output of the decoder are finally transformed back
into their actual numerical values using the word
alignment and a few heuristics to resolve possible
3.2.3 Tokenization and De-tokenization
The tokenizer and de-tokenizer, based on thirdparty software credited in the official documentation, support 45 languages through a unique entry
3.2.4 Central Vocabulary
Internally, words are represented by integer IDs
managed by a joint vocabulary for source and target language that allows incremental updates.
3.2.5 Context Analyzer
The Context Analyser (CA) is in charge of identifying training data that best matches the provided
input context. To this purpose, parallel data is
sharded into chunks according to the customer,
subject area, genre, etc. In a very loose use of the
term, we refer to these shards as “domains”.
When queried, the Context Analyzer (CA) computes a ranked list of matching domains, with associated weights7 that indicate how closely they
match the input text. The CA is built on top of the
Apache Lucene8 framework, in particular Lucene’s
Inverted Index data structure. The Inverted Index is
complemented with a filesystem-based data structure, called Corpora Storage, where all the original
indexed data are stored: one file corresponds to one
Currently we distribute binaries for Ubuntu.
The weights are computed by means of the tf-idf metrics and
the Cosine Similarity.
data shard and new content can be appended to the
corresponding storage file. In this way, the Corpora Storage always maintains the most updated
version of the data. When required, the Inverted
Index is synchronized with the Corpora Storage by
re-indexing the changed domains and adding the
new ones.9 This activity does not interfere with
the look-up operations of the CA; Lucene allows
concurrent reads and writes, always ensuring data
availability and consistency.
Word Aligner
The Word Aligner (WA) performs many-to-many
word-to-word alignment of sentence pairs.
The WA is built on top of FastAlign (Dyer et al.,
2013); it computes two directional alignments,
and symmetrizes them according to the grow-diagand-final policy.10 The WA is multi-threaded and
permits persistent storage and re-loading of the
alignment models after training. It is able to align
individual new sentence pairs without re-training
the models. The WA is trained on all parallel data
available at training time, irrespective of their domain.
The decoder developed in MMT is an enhanced
version of the phrase-based decoder implemented
in Moses (Koehn et al., 2007). Differently from
Moses, MMT generates and scores translation hypotheses according to the context of the input sentence. In particular, the decoder queries its models
with the domain weights computed by the CA from
the input context.
Translation Model
The MMT Translation Model (TM) is an enhanced
re-implementation of the suffix array-based phrase
table by Germann (2015). Its original implementation creates a phrase table at run-time by sampling
sentences from the pool of word-aligned parallel
data with a uniform distribution, extracting phrase
pairs from them, and computing their scores on the
fly. The new version provides two enhancements.
First, instead of a suffix array, it relies on a DBbacked prefix index of the data pool, thus allowing for fast updates (i.e., insertions and deletions
of word-aligned parallel data). Second, it keeps
track of the domains from which phrase pairs are
For performance reasons, synchronization is subject to a
extracted and performs ranked sampling: extracted
phrases are ranked by their relevance (via the domain they were observed in). Translation scores
are then obtained by going down the ranked list
until a sufficient number of samples has been observed. Hence, by associating with all sentence
pairs of each domain the corresponding weight, the
TM selects and scores phrase pairs giving priority
to the best-matching domain.
The TM scores are the forward and backward
probabilities at lexical and phrase level; the phraselevel probabilities are weighted according to the
domain weights.
Lexicalized Reordering Model
The same incremental DB-based implementation
of the TM is also exploited by the Lexicalized Reordering Model. Similarly, its scores are computed on the fly exploiting the counts extracted
from the sampled sentences and the corresponding
word alignments, and some global counts stored in
the DB. The scores are the forward and backward
probabilities for monotone, swap, and discontinuous orientations.
Language Model
The MMT LM linearly combines a static background LM with a context-adaptive LM.
The static LM, implemented with the KenLM
toolkit (Heafield et al., 2013), features 5-grams, interpolation of lower-order models, and the KneserNey smoothing technique. It is trained on all
monolingual target text regardless the domain information, and does not change over time.
The context-adaptable LM is an internal mixture
LM (Federico and Bertoldi, 2001) using domainspecific counts extracted from the corresponding
data shards and the weights of the CA.11 The LM
features 5-gram statistics, interpolation of lowerorder models, and Linear Witten-Bell smoothing. Noteworthy, n-gram probabilities are not preestimated in the training phase, but computed on
the fly, by exploiting domain-specific n-gram and
global statistics, which are stored in a key-value
The Manager controls the communication between
all components to satisfy the translation and updating requests.
For efficiency, only the LMs actually activated by the CA
are included in the mixture.
3.3 Functionalities
From a functional perspective four phases can be
identified, namely training, tuning, updating and
4.1 Points of Comparison
The training phase sets up MMT starting from
a collection of bilingual and (possibly) monolingual corpora, which can be domain-specific or notspecialized. In particular, the DBs required by
CA, LM and TM, are created, which respectively
exploit only the source side, only the target side,
or both sides of the training data. Texts are preprocessed by the corresponding modules.
MMT implements a standard Minimum Error Rate
Training procedure (Och, 2003) to optimize the decoder feature weights.
Once a system is trained, new bilingual data can
be added to it,12 either to an existing domain or establishing a new one. This operation is performed
by updating the corresponding DBs of the CA, the
TM and the LM. Such updates do not interfere with
the translation process.
In a standard scenario, MMT translates one document as follows; it (i) processes and sends to the
CA the whole document, considered as context for
all its sentences, and gets the domain weights, (ii)
pre-processes and sends all sentences to the available decoders, independently and in parallel, and
gets their translations, and (iii) post-processes and
returns all translations by re-creating the original
document layout. More generally, however, MMT
is able to translate any single sentence provided
with some context, even made of a single word.
Although the main scope of the paper is the description of the components and features of the
MMT system, an experimental comparison is proposed against a few popular MT engines. In particular, two phrase-based MT systems, Moses and
the Google’s web translation service, and two neural MT systems.
A Moses (Koehn et al., 2007) engine was trained
on the concatenation of all the available training
corpora. Word alignment models were trained
with FastAlign (Dyer et al., 2013) and a 5-gram
language model was estimated by means of the
KenLM toolkit (Heafield et al., 2013). Feature
weights were tuned with batch MIRA (Cherry and
Foster, 2012) to maximize BLEU on the pooled
dev sets. No adaptation was performed.
The Google web translation service (GT), one of
the most used engines by the translation industry,
was accessed through its public API13 at the beginning of March 2017.
Neural MT Systems
We developed two neural MT systems using an inhouse branch (Farajian et al., 2017) of the Nematus toolkit14 implementing the encoder-decoderattention model architecture by (Bahdanau et al.,
This first system is a generic NMT
(gNMT) system trained on all the pooled training
data. Then, following common practice (Luong
and Manning, 2015), adapted NMT (aNMT) systems were trained for each domain by tuning the
generic NMT system to the training data of each
4.2 Experiments
MMT system exposes APIs for its integration in
third-party software. Plug-ins are under advanced
construction to permit the integration of MMT in
various commercial CAT tools.
We present experiments carried out on two translation tasks involving a collection of eight domainspecific corpora and two translation direction,
English-French and English-German. When comparing the four types of MT systems, we consider
translation quality (BLEU), training time, tuning
time, and translation speed (seconds per sentence).
3.4 APIs
For instance, new data can be a translation memory of a new
customers, or the post-edits of professional translators.
17,581,131 19,297,282
92,363,974 101,236,914
15,772,744 14,427,002
104,489,832 98,381,272
Table 1: Statistics of training, dev and test sets for the English-French and English-German tasks: number
of segments, source and target words. Figures refer to texts processed with the MMT modules.
62.48 61.78 49.23 63.00 43.62
30.11 28.93 33.28
100h 100h
48.27 48.51 37.41 48.95 31.37
19.08 16.84 22.82
100h 100h
Table 2: Quality and speed performance of MMT and few competitor systems: BLEU scores on dom and
out test sets for both English-French and English-German; overall time (order of magnitude in hours) to
complete training and tuning; the average time (order of magnitude in seconds) to translate one sentence.
4.2.1 Data
We consider eight publicly available parallel corpora as representatives of specific domains (dom):
European Central Bank, Gnome, JRC-Acquis,
KDE4, OpenOffice, PHP, Ubuntu, and UN documents.15 To increase the training data, two additional generic corpora (gen) were added to the
pool, namely CommonCrawl16 and Europarl,17
which are not considered for the evaluation.
Each domain-specific corpus was randomly partitioned into training, development and test portions. Additional test data from WMT18 was
prepared, in order to test the systems on out-ofdomain data (out). Duplicate sentence pairs were
removed from all dev and test sets. Statistics about
training, dev and test sets are reported in Table 1.
4.2.2 Performance
Table 2 reports the translation quality performance
(BLEU score), the overall computational cost for
the compared systems to complete training and
tuning, and the average time to translate one sentence in isolation. Time measures have to be
taken with grain of salt because experiments were
UN corpus is used only for English-French. All corpora are
available in http://opus.lingfil.uu.se
newtest2014 and newsdiscuss2015 for English-French, and
newstest2015 and newtest2016 for English-German.
not run under very comparable conditions. For
instance, neural MT systems were run on PCs
equipped with GPU cards, while MMT and Moses
were run only on multi-core CPUs. Hence, the order of magnitude, which are definitely reliable, is
In the following, we try to point out strengths and
drawbacks of MMT against the other competitors.
MMT vs Moses MMT and Moses perform similarly as expected in terms of translation quality, because both share the same phrase-base MT
paradigm. MMT performs better than Moses in the
out-of-domain condition thanks to its adaptability
feature (+1.18 and +2.24 gains). While translation
speed is comparable, training and tuning of MMT
is one order of magnitude faster.
MMT vs gNMT The BLEU scores on the outof-domain condition (out) confirms that NMT has
a better generalization capability than MMT (3.17 and -3.74 losses), while MMT performs
largely better when translating domain specific
data (+13.25 and +10.86 gains). The training time
is largely in favour of MMT, hundreds of hours
for gNMT versus few hours for MMT. Translation
speeds are actually comparable.
MMT vs aNMT After adaptation of gNMT to
each specific domain, aNMT systems perform on
pair with MMT on the in domain condition (dom).
It is worth noticing, that under this condition distinct domain-specific NMT systems have to be
tuned and translation should be run in a supervised
way, by dispatching each test to the appropriate
system. As a difference, MMT requires one system and does not require any domain labels at test
time. The extra time needed to tune the aNMT systems on each domain is tens of hours.
MMT vs GT The comparison of MMT against
Google Translate, show that the latter performs
significantly better on the out of domain test (6.35 and -8.05 losses), very likely due to the much
larger training data available to the commercial
system. On the contrary MMT perform largely
better than GT on the in domain condition (+18.86
and +16.09 gains). With respect to translation
speed, GT is significantly faster than MMT.
MMT aims to develop an innovative solution for
the translation industry, by providing both better
MT quality for post-editing as well as a better integration of MT with commercial CAT tools. MMT
actually targets two use cases: (i) the enterprise
use case, in which a language service provider or
localisation department of a large company installs
MMT to manage its translation workflow, and (ii)
the translator use case, in which single translators
install the MMT plugin in their favorite CAT tool
and use MMT as their preferred source of suggestions/matches for their daily workflow.
For both scenarios MMT can provide machine
translation technology that instantly adapts to the
document to be translated and that quickly learns
from the users’ data – e.g. translation memories–
and their post-editing work.
In this paper, we have presented an advanced
phrase-based MT prototype of MMT, which
shows competitive performance against similar approaches. In order to improve the generalization
capability of MMT in operating conditions with
a severe domain mismatch between testing and
training data, work is in progress to integrate also
neural MT in the final MMT release, which is
planned by the end of 2017.
This work has been supported by the EC-funded
project ModernMT (grant no. 645487).
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