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2023, University of New Hampshire Law Review
23 pages
1 file
The way students communicate has also changed greatly over the last generation, but in the first two decades of 21st Century, the U.S. Supreme Court had yet to answers questions about the extent of power for school administrators to control off-campus speech on digital technologies. Then in the case of Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L (2021) the U.S. Supreme Court finally answered this question by holding that administrators do have the ability to control off-campus speech. The Court did give some specific scenarios in which administrators had power to regulate off-campus, but it did not give a bright-line rule. As a result, the Court may have muddied the waters even more by expanding the authority of school administrators in a cultural environment where politics and education will only continue to mix. This article provides a more precise test for student speech cases that can be applied in various contexts. First, the article reviews the decision in Mahanoy v. BL. Next, the article outlines student speech precedent at the U.S. Supreme Court. Finally, the article forwards a new constitutional test by using the student speech precedent and drawing a parallel to the public employee speech test.
Controversies arising over the extent of the First Amendment speech rights of public school students while at school are resolved by an analysis of the familiar quartet of major decisions of the United States Supreme Court: Tinker,' Fraser,2 Kuhlmeier,3 and Morse. 4 While these decisions have not removed all uncertainty over the scope of student speech rights, they at least have divided these cases into distinct categories and identified the standard to be applied within each category. For example, if a student engages in personal, political expression in the school setting, Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School EJi,strict requires the school administration to justifY discipline of the student by showing that the speech created "substantial disruption of or material interference with. school activities.'" However, if a student's speech occurs as part of a school-sponsored expressive activity, Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier allows the school to censor the speech if it demonstrates "legitimate pedagogical concerus,"• a less demanding standard than Tinker's substantial disruption test.
Laws, 2021
Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District was a watershed moment involving the First Amendment free speech rights of students in American public schools. In Tinker, the Supreme Court affirmed that absent a reasonable forecast of material and substantial disruption, educators could not discipline students who wore black arm bands to school protesting American military action in Viet Nam. Not surprisingly, litigation continues on the boundaries of student speech, coupled with the extent to which educators can limit expression on the internet, especially social media. As the Justices finally entered the fray over cyber speech, this three-part article begins by reviewing Tinker and other Supreme Court precedent on student expressive activity plus illustrative lower court cases before examining Levy v. Mahanoy Area School District. In Levy, the Court will consider whether educators could discipline a cheerleader, a student engaged in an extracurricular activity, who viol...
NYUL Rev., 2009
This Note examines the current doctrinal difficulties with student Internet speech. Student speech was traditionally protected from school authority when it was performed off campus-it received full First Amendment protection as opposed to the lower level of protection that on-campus speech received. However, the emergence of the Internet as a dominant form of communication has complicated this framework by blurring the line between off-campus and on-campus. As reflected in the Supreme Court jurisprudence, the question of the standard of protection to apply highlights the educational and constitutional issues at stake in student speech. While some courts seem willing to subject all youth speech to the lower constitutional standard, I propose a more nuanced approach. My approach, which I dub the "relational approach," reframes the debate by reference to the role schools play in our society. The relational approach forces judges to examine the context in which the speech takes place and determine whether society expects such context to be governed by institutional educational authority. By adopting my approach, a more honest and reasonable jurisprudence can emerge.
Since 1969, when the Supreme Court decided Tinker v. Des Moines Independent School District, federal and state courts have been called upon to adjudicate a variety of student free speech claims, including those arising from student protests, school newspaper censorship, library book and textbook selection and removal, selection and cancellation of school plays, student dress codes, and even senior prom attendance by same-sex couples. Part I of this article will discuss the modes of analysis that courts have used in adjudicating these claims and will argue that those analyses are poorly suited to the special problems inherent in student speech controversies. Because the Court has failed to expressly define the school interest that is served by censorship of student speech, the outcome of student speech disputes has often rested on the educational ideology of the judges charged with adjudicating those disputes. Part II will present an analytical framework for the adjudication of free speech claims brought by high school students. That framework will attempt to define the school’s interest in a manner that both meets the demands of First Amendment adjudication and eliminates the role educational ideology plays in that adjudication. This Article concludes by applying the proposed framework to a variety of hypothetical school speech scenarios, including the conundrum of whether a school can be constrained from removing books from the school library while retaining discretion to select and reject textbooks for use in classrooms.
Georgetown Journal of Law & Public Policy, 2009
Paterson University was charged with sexual harassment for replying to his professor in a private e-mail that his religious beliefs opposed homosexuality and viewed it as a perversion. 16 These cases illustrate that, not only do speech codes chill protected expression by their very existence, they are also often enforced in such a manner as to censor protected expression. The topic of speech codes has been covered in both legal scholarship 17 and in mainstream publications. 18 However, there is a surprising dearth of legal scholarship attempting to comprehensively analyze the continued prevalence of speech codes and their impact on campus speech, as well as to effectively answer their proponents. This article seeks to fill the gap in the literature. Part I of this article details several theories commentators have posited to explain the emergence of speech codes. It then outlines the case law on speech codes, under which courts have uniformly struck down speech codes challenged through litigation. Part II of the article discusses the First Amendment doctrinal problems presented by speech codes: overbreadth, vagueness, and content-and viewpoint-based discrimination. It proceeds to analyze the ways in which speech codes have led to the restriction of free speech in higher education. Part III debunks common justifications for speech codes and demonstrates that speech codes do not offer the benefits that their proponents claim. Part IV demonstrates that speech codes are still prevalent at colleges and universities nationwide, using data from the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education's (FIRE) most recent annual speech codes report. 19 In that section, I will also respond to arguments that speech codes are not as prevalent as FIRE's research indicates, by demonstrating that FIRE's methodology offers the most accurate assessment of schools' policies toward student speech. Part V offers several potential solutions to the problems discussed in the article. The most direct of these is to continue to challenge the constitutionality of speech codes in court. A second measure is public exposure of speech codes, since they tend to be heavily disfavored by the public at large and universities 16. Press Release, Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE),
Competing interests exist within PK-12 public education systems regarding the extent the First Amendment protects expression: individuals have the right to express themselves, while public educations systems have the right to limit expression in order for the public entity to operate effectively and efficiently (Pickering v. Board of Education, 1968; Connick v. Myers, 1983). In Tinker (1969), the Supreme Court stated, “It can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” Subsequent decisions, however, have limited the extent of First Amendment protection afforded to government employees, including those in public schools. This study examined the expressive rights of PK-12 public school administrators since the Supreme Court decision in Garcetti v. Ceballos (2006). The study analyzed 25 federal court cases regarding the First Amendment speech rights of PK-12 public school administrators ...
Brigham Young University Education and Law Journal, 2000
Thus far, school discipline of students for Internet use has resulted in only one published judicial opinion. In Beussink v. Woodland R-IV School District, 4 the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri issued a preliminary injunction against the school district ordering it not to impose any academic sanctions on a student who had created a Web site that was critical of the school. Other instances of Internetbased student discipline have likewise resulted in settlements in favor of student Internet users. 5 This first rash of cases resulting in reversals of school disciplinary decisions suggests that schools have been quick to react to student Internet use by imposing disciplinary sanctions without adequately considering the scope of student free speech rights that apply to the Internet. This is possibly an overreaction which fails to take into account the United States Supreme Court's decision in Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union, 6 a case which held that the Internet was a fully-protected method of communication more akin to print than to broadcast. 7 The interrelationship between the Internet and the First Amendment rights of public school students is a complex topic. The complexity persists partly because the Internet is not a monolithic mode of communication. Internet service can be part of a school's curriculum and can therefore entitle the school to regulate access, much as the Supreme Court permitted in Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier. 8 Alternatively, Internet 34% of those surveyed blamed the Internet a great deal for recent school shootings and 30% held the Internet responsible a moderate amount. See Poll: More parents worried about school safety (poll taken Apr. 22, 1999
Stanford law and policy review, 2015
This Note advocates the appropriate framework for analyzing emotionally harmful speech in schools and illustrates the limits on school restrictions of such speech. By focusing almost exclusively on the Tinker line of "student speech" cases, scholars and lower courts have reached wildly conflicting conclusions about the permissibility of school restrictions on students' emotionally harmful viewpoints. But the Supreme Court situated Tinker within a broader jurisprudence on protecting minors from harmful speech outside of schools. As I show, looking to that protectionist jurisprudence helpfully clarifies the contours of Tinker as it applies to emotionally harmful speech. On the one hand, protectionist cases reveal that schools can restrict emotionally harmful speech under Tinker's "rights of others" prong. On the other hand, protectionist jurisprudence imposes clear limits on restricting harmful speech, such as when the audience consists of mature students voluntarily engaging in a civil discussion of a controversial subject. Although the doctrinal framework adopted here supports school restrictions on verbal bullying more generally, this Note focuses on the more controversial-and potentially more prevalent-category of speech not targeted at a specific student.
In February 2022, Fulton High School (NY) hosted the Syracuse Academy of Science and Technology (NY) in a basketball game. On its face, it was not an extraordinary event-but the game ended up making headlines in the local news. 1 During the national anthem, at the start of the game, local students unfurled a "Trump 2020" banner. 2 After the game, the coaches complained that the banners were racist and were meant to intimidate the visiting team-which consisted of all Black players. 3 The coaches argued that such political statements had no place at a high school basketball game. 4 Similarly, in 2014, a northern California high school basketball team was initially barred from playing in an interstate tournament because both the boys' and girls' teams were going to wear "I Can't Breathe" shirts in protest of the killing of Eric Garner. 5 The teams were reinstated when they agreed not to wear the shirts. 6 These two stories show how political debates in our country have not only become more divisive but have also infiltrated all aspects of our lives, including high school sports.
When political issues move into the school setting, administrators have difficulty navigating the issues. But this is not a new problem. Historically, whenever political animus peaks, school administrators move to suppress any communication that could lead to discomfort and may upset the usual routine. 7 More than fifty years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court recognized that students do not give up their First Amendment rights at "the schoolhouse gate." 8 Yet, the extent of students' rights Veronica Rocher, High School Teams can wear 'I can't breathe' Shirts After All, LOS ANGELES TIMES (Dec. 30, 2014, 8:43AM), []. The teams were inspired by similar shirts worn in the NBA. Id.
has never been clear, 9 and it is arguable that the decision in Tinker v. Des Moines 10 was the height of speech rights. 11 Since then, as the U.S. Supreme Court has moved toward conservative control, 12 the rights of students have been slowly chipped away. 13 Adding to that, the rise of bullying and violence in schools has led to administrators enforcing more preventative measures to stop student speech, with impunity from the courts. 14 The way we communicate has also changed greatly over the last generation. Today's students spend much of their time communicating in virtual forums. But the U.S. Supreme Court has been slow to catch up to these changes. 15 Two decades into the 21st century, and there are many unanswered questions about the power of school administrators to control off-campus speech on digital technologies. 16 In the case of Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L., 17 the U.S. Supreme Court finally answered the question, holding that administrators do have the ability to control off-campus speech. 18 Here, the Court gave some specific scenarios in which administrators have power to regulate off-campus speech, 19 but it did not give a bright-line rule. 20 As a result, the Court may have muddied the waters even more by expanding the power of school administrators in an environment where politics and school will only continue to mix.
Accordingly, this paper provides a more precise test for student speech cases that can be applied in various contexts. First, the paper reviews the decision in Mahanoy v. B.L. 21 Next, the paper outlines the line of school speech cases at the U.S. Supreme Court. 22 Finally, the paper forwards an updated test by using the 9 Katherine A. Ferry, Reviewing the Impact of the Supreme Court's Interpretation of "Social Media" as Applied to Off-Campus Student Speech, 49 LOY. U. CHI. L. J. 717, 722 (2020). (A pre-Mahanoy note outlining the many issues deciphering school speech precedent in the digital age
Censorship of student speech has become more accepted over the last generation as the threat of cyberbullying and violence in schools has increased. 24 Schools have been more forceful in their regulation of student speech, arguing that the threat to student safety has lowered the need for clear evidence that speech is disruptive. 25 Moreover, since the advent of social media, speech that was once exclusive to off-campus and weekends now spills over into the regular school day. 26 Though this has been an issue since the beginning of this century, the U.S. Supreme Court had not resolved the question of whether schools can regulate speech that occurs off-campus and outside of school hours. Lower courts have been split on their outcomes, but most of them apply the Tinker test to determine whether the off-campus speech materially interferes with operation of the school. 27
A. The Facts of the Case
In 2021, the Court got its chance to resolve the issue. 28 The case centered on a Pennsylvania public school student ("B.L."), who was quite displeased when she tried out for two sports teams and things did not go her way. 29 First, she did not get her preferred position on the softball team. 30 Then, she did not make her school's varsity cheerleading squad-instead being relegated to another year on J.V. 31 So she did what many frustrated people do in this situation: she decided to vent. 32
she did it the way that most teenagers do it today-through her social media. 33 She expressed her discontent on Snapchat by posting a photo of herself and a friend flashing the middle finger with a caption that read, "Fuck school fuck cheer fuck softball fuck everything." 34 In another post, she sent the text, "Love how me and [another student] get told we need a year of J.V. before we make varsity but tha[t] doesn't matter to anyone else?"-accompanied by an upside down emoji face. 35 Unfortunately for B.L., she lost control of the messages when it ended up going beyond her network of friends. 36 Some other students who saw the Snap captured a screen grab and saved it to their phones. 37 As the Snap spread, one concerned student came across it and decided to show it to her mother, who was the cheerleading coach. 38 The coach stated that a few of the members of the cheerleading squad later came to her "visibly upset" about the posts, and that students were gossiping about it in class that week. 39 After consultation with the school principal, the coach decided to punish B.L. for violating the team rules about respect, and she was suspended from the J.V. team for a year. 40 B.L. ended up apologizing for the incident, but the sanctions were not lifted. 41 B.L. then pleaded with the school's athletic director, principal, superintendent, and school board; but each of these stops yielded no change as her punishment was upheld. 42 So, B.L. and her parents pursued legal action against the school district for violating her First Amendment rights. 43
B. Questions at the U.S. Supreme Court
The District Court ruled in favor of B.L., granting a temporary restraining order 44 on the suspension, which was upheld by the Third Circuit. 45 threat; nor did it directly disrupt the school. 46 The majority of the Third Circuit panel added that the Tinker test does not apply to "speech that is outside school-owned, -operated, or -supervised channels and that is not reasonably interpreted as bearing the school's imprimatur." 47 The Mahanoy Area School District appealed the case to the U.S. Supreme Court and was granted certiorari. 48 Moreover, the school district asked the Court to make a bright-line rule that Tinker applies to off-campus speech. 49 The school argued that in the Court's student speech cases, the Court has never specified that the speech needs to take place in school-only that the speech has to cause a substantial disruption of school operations. 50 The school also made an argument that punishing students for off-campus speech is analogous to school employees who can be punished for off-campus actions that are detrimental to the school community. 51 Thus, treating students differently than teachers would violate the First Amendment's prohibition against speaker-based discrimination. 52 Moreover, the school argued that allowing the lower court's ruling in favor of the student undermined the efficacy of school operations because so much student interaction now happens outside of school and in virtual spaces. 53 Though much of this speech is benign, too much of it is bullying that can interfere with the lives of students and faculty, leading to poor grades, faculty quitting their jobs, students quitting their teams, and-worst of all-suicides. 54 The school district argued that holding that the Tinker test does not apply to off-campus speech would upend decades of school actions that regulated off-campus conduct, as well as state and federal laws that mandated safe school environments for learning. 55 In response, B.L. argued that the Court should not extend a school's ability to regulate speech to off-campus speech, as such a concept has no grounding in Tinker v. Des Moines. 56
disruption coming from the speech they do not like. 58 In the alternative, B.L. asked that if the Court did choose to extend the Tinker test to off-campus speech, it do so only in the context of intentional threats or other speech that directly interferes with school operations. 59 Furthermore, the student argued that the Third Circuit correctly analyzed the facts in this case, as the school administration did not present any evidence that the off-campus speech was disruptive to school operations. 60 The student's speech, though profane in nature, was neither directed at the school nor threatening. 61 She also posted the message during the weekend on her personal network on a social media platform designed to not permanently record the message. 62
C. U.S. Supreme Court Decision
In June of 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of B.L. 63 The Court held that in this instance, the school could not punish the student's speech. 64 Yet, the Court explained that public school administrations can punish student speech that occurs off-campus, albeit in very limited circumstances. 65 The opinion gave possible examples such as: "severe bullying or harassment targeting particular individuals; threats aimed at teachers or other students; the failure to follow rules concerning lessons, the writing of papers, the use of computers, or participation in other online school activities; and breaches of school security devices, including material maintained within school computers." 66 Nevertheless, the Court refused to make a clear-line rule or an exhaustive list. 67 Instead, it noted that when it comes to offcampus speech, "the leeway the First Amendment grants to schools . . . is diminished." 68 The reasoning was that allowing schools broad authority to regulate off-campus speech would expose most student speech to overregulation, including Id.
Id. ("Neither do we now know how such a list might vary, depending upon a student's age, the nature of the school's off-campus activity, or the impact upon the school itself.").
Id. at 2046. the censoring of unpopular opinions. 69 The Court stated that regulation of student speech outside of school should mostly remain in the domain of parents. 70 The Court then turned to the facts of the case. 71 First, it concluded that B.L.'s speech was the type of speech that would be protected if an adult said it. 72 Next, since the speech was posted outside of school grounds and hours, the school had limited jurisdiction to regulate it. 73 Moreover, the Court did not find any significant evidence that the speech caused a disruption to the school's operations. 74 According to the Court, even speech on arguably trivial matters deserves full First Amendment protection. 75
The First Amendment promotes the free exchange of ideas. 76 Moreover, it is an explicit protection of dissidents from being silenced by the majority. 77 This protection now extends to speech that is vulgar, offensive, and noxious. 78 Ultimately, when speech occurs in a public forum, the government cannot regulate it based on the message, viewpoint, or speaker. 79 However, the government can regulate speech when it has dominion over the speaker. Two examples are public school students and public employees. 80
A. Student Speech
One exception to the rule against treating speakers differently is in the context of student speech. 81 For most of American history, students had no rights in schools. 82 But fifty years ago, in the case of Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, 83 the U.S. Supreme Court held that students do not lose their "constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate." 84 According to the Court, administrators could only restrict or punish students' speech if there was articulated evidence that the speech "collid[ed] with the rights of others" and "materially and substantially interfere [d] with the requirements of appropriate discipline in the operation of the school." 85 The Tinker rule was a balancing test between the constitutional rights of the students and the government's need to create an effective learning environment. 86 But Tinker was the apex of student speech protection. 87 Over the next forty years, the U.S. Supreme Court added several exceptions to this right. First, in Bethel School District No. 403 v. Fraser, 88 the Court held that public schools could regulate lewd and indecent speech on campus. 89 The Court argued that schools need the ability to regulate "habits and manners of civility" by "inculcat[ing] the habits and manners of civility as values in themselves conducive to happiness and as indispensable to the practice of self-government in the community and the nation." 90 Two years later, in Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier, 91 a principal censored a student newspaper that wanted to run articles on teenage pregnancy and how divorce affected students in the school. 92 The U.S. Supreme Court held that public schools could regulate student media if the censorship related to pedagogical purposes of teaching students how to be professional journalists and protecting the privacy rights of the sources. 93 Finally, in Morse v. Frederick, 94 a student was suspended when he refused to take down a banner that read, "BONG HiTS 4 JESUS," during a school assembly just outside the school. 95 The Court held that schools could censor speech that promoted the use of drugs. 96 Today, the Tinker test is most likely to protect student speech if it is political in nature, 97 but with other types of speech, it is much easier for administrators to find a way to show it is disruptive.
B. Public Employee Speech
Traditionally, public employees did not have free speech protections on the job. 98 But, just over fifty years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court recognized a free speech protection for public employees. 99 In Pickering v. Board of Education, 100 a school district fired a teacher who had written a letter criticizing the school board. 101 The Court held that the teacher could not be fired for making statements that were a matter of public concern without showing that they were false. 102 In doing so, the Court created a new test that balanced the employee's free speech interests with the employer's interests in efficient government administration. 103 Over the next decade, the Court continued to uphold the free speech rights of public employees who spoke on a matter of public concern, even when it criticized the employer, was in private communications, or was offensive. 104
Id. at 272-73. This included advocating ideas that go against "the shared values of a civilized social order" such as alcohol and drug use and irresponsible sexual activity. Id. at 272. 94
But, in Connick v. Myers, 105 the Court ruled against a government employee. 106 In doing so, the Court gave deference to the government in concluding that the speech was not a matter of public concern. 107 If the employee succeeded in doing so, then the government employer would have to establish that the speech was disruptive to the operation. 108 The U.S. Supreme Court further expanded the government's control over employee speech in Garcetti v. Ceballos. 109 Ceballos was a supervising district attorney whose duties required him to review prosecutions pursued by his office. 110 When he reviewed a search conducted by the county sheriff, Ceballos found flaws in the process, so he reported his findings to his superior, the District Attorney. 111 But the District Attorney ignored Ceballos's report and pursued the prosecution. 112 Ceballos was later transferred out of the office. 113 He sued the office claiming he had been retaliated against for pointing out the flaws in the case. 114 The U.S. Supreme Court held in favor of the government, holding that the employee's free speech rights were not protected, because he was acting within the scope of his official job duties. 115 The Court reasoned that when a paid employee speaks within their official capacity, they represent the government and do not have individual free speech rights, though they do maintain full speech rights outside of the scope of their employment. 116 The Court then added another prong to the public employee speech test: courts must first examine whether the speaker was acting within his or her official duties. 117 If an employee was speaking in his or her official capacity, then there is no First Amendment protection. 118 If the employee was not speaking pursuant to his or her job duties, then courts are to apply the Pickering/Connick test. 119 Thus, courts must examine if the employee's speech was a matter of public concern. If it was not, then there is no First Amendment protection. 120 Public concern is usually determined on a case-by-case basis, but courts commonly protect speech about problematic issues in an agency, such as discrimination or corruption. 121 If the speech is found to be of public concern, then courts move on to the third prong: whether the speech was disruptive to the agency. 122 With this prong, courts evaluate the time, place, and manner of the speech. 123 Some examples of disruptive employee speech include impairing the harmony among co-workers, impairing efficiency, and interfering with operations. 124 Additionally, employee speech can be of public concern, but if there is other speech or action that also led to the punishment, then there is no First Amendment protection if the government can show that the employee would have been fired absent the speech. 125 As a result of Garcetti, there is no longer a pure balancing test, because if a person speaks as an employee at all, there is no protection. 126 One of the difficulties in the Garcetti prong has been defining job duties in the digital age when technology allows people to work any time from any place. 127 Another issue has occurred when employees report government maleficence through internal channels. 128 Generally, if an employee's job duties require him or her to report wrongdoings to officials, courts do not protect the speech, even if it serves the public interest. 129
However, the decision in Lane did not nullify the Garcetti prong, as speech that is pursuant to one's job duties is still not necessarily protected, even if it is truthful testimony. 133
In Mahanoy, 134 the U.S. Supreme Court finally declared that public schools are allowed to regulate off-campus speech. 135 However, in doing so, it refused to create a bright-line rule, an exhaustive list of exceptions, or a clear legal test as to when schools can do so. 136 In declaring that the schools can punish off-campus speech, the Court only further muddied the waters as to when this great power can be wielded. 137 Not having a clear test will only open the door to more litigation and confusion in the lower courts, while also guaranteeing a future student speech case at the U.S. Supreme Court. 138 Instead, the Court should have taken the opportunity to create a more precise legal test in the area of student speech.
A. The Parallel Between Public Students and Public Employees
In search of a new legal test for student speech, the Court should have drawn a parallel to another context where speakers are in the dominion of the governmentpublic employment. 139 Public employees are in the employ of the government, but do not lose all of their First Amendment rights. 140 Similarly, students submit to the controls of the school administration, but do not lose all of their First Amendment rights. 141 Employees submit to government control in exchange for pay and benefits, while students submit to government control in exchange for education. 142
133 See id. at n.5. 134 141 S. Ct. 2038 (2021). 135 Id. at 2045. 136 Id. (listing some possible situations where school administrators could punish off-campus speech have applied both doctrines in cases of college students in professional programs). The parallel ends when it comes to agency. Employees choose to work for the government while students are compelled to attend school by the state (and their parents). However, parents can choose to send their children to private or parochial schools. A hybrid of the issue is college-students who often walk the line between student citizens and employees in training. See id.
Thus, it makes sense that the legal tests should be similar. 143 In fact, there are already many parallels between the two. First, both tests examine whether the speech was a matter of public concern, with such speech receiving the most protection. 144 Second, both tests examine the disruption caused by the speech, allowing the government or school to punish speech when it is disruptive to the operation of the government or school. 145 Similarly, in the last generation, both realms have dealt with the issue of digital technology and how it has blurred the line where government dominion begins and ends. 146 In the context of public employee speech, the Court addressed this issue in Garcetti by creating a "job-duty" prong of the test, which includes an analysis for when a citizen is and is not an employee. 147 This prong has given some clarity as to when an employee's speech outside of the office can be regulated. 148 So it seems like a parallel prong should be applied in the student speech context. Such a prong would focus less on the place of the speech and focus more on the status of the speaker at the time of the speech. 149 Consequently, the new student speech test should ask:
1. Was the citizen acting within the scope of student duties? 2. Was there articulable evidence that the speech was disruptive to the operation of the school? 3. Was the speech about a matter of public concern? 150
B. A More Precise Legal Test In Student Speech Cases
1. (Professional) Duties?
In the public employee speech test, the first prong is whether the employee was acting within the scope of the employee's job duties. 151 In this context, if the employee was acting within the scope of the employee's job duties, then there is no speech protection. 152 The reasoning is that the employee is speaking on behalf of the government, and the government should have greater discretion to control such speech. 153 Thus, when it comes to student speech, a similar prong should be created: Was the citizen acting within the scope of student duties? 154 This would certainly include in-class activities and school-sponsored events, both inside and outside of the school (e.g., field trips, clubs, sports, etc.). 155 Admittedly, this becomes more difficult when a student is outside of school, because unlike employees, students usually do not represent their schools when outside a school-sanctioned event. 156 Thus, when a student is home at night or on the weekends, they are generally not representing their school. 157 However, there are situations when they may be at home and within their "student duties"; for example, during online learning. 158 This analysis is also difficult in the context of school-sponsored events. In these cases, the school would have to show that they retained dominion over the students. 159 This is easier in the case of school-sponsored events during the school day, field trips, and overnight trips for sports teams, after which students return to school. However, in situations like sporting events where students are in the crowd, it would be difficult for a school to show dominion over students, because they have likely gone home and come back, and may leave whenever they please. 160 In that case, they are the same as any other adult citizen in the crowd. But the students could still be punished if the school could show their speech was disruptive and the students could not show it was protected political speech. 161 Unlike the public employee speech test, when it comes to student speech, the burden of proof should be on the school to show that the student was acting within the scope of student duties. 162 This could be proven through the mandated legal duties, as well as duties that are written into student handbooks.
Disruptive to the Administration of the School?
In the third prong of the employee speech test, the government must show that the employee's speech, which was a matter of public concern, was disruptive to the administration of the government. 163 If the government can prove this, then the employee's speech can be punished. 164 In meeting this burden of proof, the government must justify "treating the employee differently from any other member of the general public." 165 Yet in practice, employee speech cases rarely get this far, because they are either won by the government under the scope-of-job-duties prong or by the employee for speaking on a matter of public concern. 166 Similarly, in the new student speech test, the next prong should be a burden on the government to show that the speech was disruptive to the operation of the school. 167 This is derived from the Tinker test, which still is good law-though many exceptions have been added. 168 Over the years, courts have eroded the 160 As the Third Circuit argued in B.L. v. Mahanoy Area School District, administrators should not be able to regulate "speech that is outside school-owned, -operated, or -supervised channels and that is not reasonably interpreted as bearing the school's imprimatur." 964 F.3d 170, 189 (3d Cir. 2020
requirement for articulated evidence of disruptions. 169 The new test should require articulable evidence once again.
Examples of disruption would include speech involving a true threat, incitement, intent to intimidate, or obscenity. 170 In most cases, political speech should not be deemed disruptive unless it crosses into one of the enumerated categories of unprotected speech. 171 After all, a school is meant to be a place to learn and discuss new ideas, which includes debating about politics. 172 There may be classes more suited for this, such as civics, but even in science classes debates about sexuality and evolution necessarily invoke politics. 173 When these topics are germane to the class, it should be the duty of the teachers and administration to moderate such difficult subjects and not rush to shut down debate. 174 If a school can show that students were acting within the "scope of student duties" and that their speech was disruptive, then the school should win the case. An example of this would be political speech in a class that is not germane to the topic, such as an arbitrary chanting of "Let's Go Brandon" in art class or a BLM slogan during math class, whether face-to-face or online. If a similar disruptive speech occurred, but the student was not within the "scope of student duties," then the courts should move to the third prong.
If the school cannot show that the speech was disruptive, and it failed to show that the students were acting within the "scope of student duties," then the students would win. An example of this would be the situation in Mahanoy, involving a student who sent a vulgar Snap during the weekend. 175 However, if the student was within the "scope of student duties," the court should move on to the third prong, even if the speech was not shown to be disruptive.
A Matter of Public Concern
In the second prong of the public employee speech test, the courts examine whether the speaker was speaking on a matter of public concern. 176 If the speaker can demonstrate this, then the speech is generally protected, unless it is disruptive to the agency. 177 This parallels how student speech jurisprudence has evolved in the last fifty years. Initially, the Tinker rule made no such distinction, though the speech in that case was clearly political. 178 Since that time, the U.S. Supreme Court has added several exceptions, including obscenity, 179 promotion of drug use, 180 and privacy. 181 Today, essentially the only speech that is protected in school is pure political speech. 182 Similarly, in the new test, the third prong will require the student to show that they were speaking on a matter of public concern. 183 If they were, then the speech will be protected. Ultimately, there are two ways for the student to be protected when speaking on matters of public concern. First, the speech will be protected if the student was acting within the "scope of student duties," so long as the speech is not shown to be disruptive. 184 This was the case in Tinker, where the students' speech took the form of a symbolic black armband in protest of the Vietnam War. 185 Even though the students wore them during the school day, the school district had no evidence that the armbands were disruptive to the school's operations. 186 Students will also win on this prong if they can show that the speech was a matter of public concern, even if the speech was disruptive, so long as they were outside of the "scope of student duties." This would include political speech on social media that may infiltrate the school day. It is reasonable to believe that a student who is politically active on social media could cause a disruption when other Additionally, over the last generation, digital technology has blurred the line as to when students stop being students and when their speech is no longer within the jurisdiction of the school. In Mahanoy, the Court did take a step in the direction of clarity by declaring that schools can regulate off-campus speech. Nonetheless, it did not create a bright-line rule to help lower courts decide when it is acceptable.
In response, this paper forwards a new test recognizing these two shortcomings by finding the parallel between being a public-school student and a public employee. By creating a parallel legal test, student speech will be regulated by similar "scope of duties" and "matter of public concern" prongs. School administration will maintain the ability on campus to punish unprotected speech, such as obscenity and incitement, as well as speech that is disruptive to in-class learning, such as political chants in a classroom. Additionally, the administration will also have the limited ability to punish disruptive off-campus speech that is not political in nature, such as cyberbullying. But the test also protects the students' First Amendment rights by making sure that political speech both on and off campus is protected, so long as it is not disruptive to in-class learning. This bright-light rule recognizes how the student speech test has changed since Tinker, and answers the questions left by the Court in its most recent decisions.