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As the manpower landscape persists to emerge, it has become crucial for businesses and organizations to recognize and transform their working structure according to the future millennial preferences, their values, and attitudes. This article will focus on the traits of the next generation (Gen-X/Y/Z & Gen-Alpha) to look at how they are transforming or going to influence the workplace and offer real-world instances of how they are going have an impact on every sphere of the businesses irrespective of the results it's going to offer.
Organizations are facing the retirement of many older workers and the challenge of recruiting and retaining young talent. However, few studies have empirically substantiated generational differences in work values.The differences generation representing Silent, Traditional or Veterans Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X (Gen X) and Generation Y (Gen Me, also known as gen Y, or Millennials). Each generation is shaped by economic, social, historical and contemporary politics.This will create a conflict of generation gap in an organization that requires immediate action from the management and the workers themselves between which can be done to address this problem is to understand the nature and the characteristics of each generation in order to reduce the existing public perception of every generation and introduce appropriate measures to be taken by the management of the organization. Each generation and their unique perspective should be acknowledged and incorporated through the...
International Journal for Advance Research and Development, 2017
Generation is considered as one factor of many that show ‘what we are’. “Every generation of employees is unique, valuable, and special, in reality, each tend to view the other differently based on their own life experiences and expectations”(Angeline, 2011). Currently originations are the place of employment for almost three generations (Baby boomers, generation X and generation Y). And in organizations workforce management is the major issue. To manage these workforces understanding their attitudes, work beliefs, characteristic and values are essential. The objective of the present study is a theoretical revision that aims to broaden the understanding of generations in workplace on different variables to apprehend the nature and characteristics of existing generations. The findings of the work guide the managers and organizations on how to utilize different generation for the effectiveness and efficiency& for developing organizations and also eliminates the perception and misunder...
The research paper is exploratory in natureand helps in understanding and knowing about different generations and theories from literature reviews, definitions and models on generational theory. The study also attempts to asses and understands the impact of generation Z on the current workplace and its implications on different sectors and tries to bring light into the changing scenario in India. METHODOLOGY: Thestudy is descriptive and qualitative in nature in clarifying the definitions and conceptual foundations of Generational Theory. Secondary data on different Generation, time lines and their impact on various societal and economic conditions have been captures and specific to Generation Z are gathered, analysed and summarized. OUTCOME: The Research study is highlyinformative and a first in attempting to simplify the various classifications of Generations and specifically the current Generation Z and its impact on workplace and business in general, the research expectation and output areindentifying the role Generation Z and as to whether the current business are aware and ready to hire, train and motivate this generation. In India at the moment with more than half of the population being younger workforce, there is an urgent need to upgrade human capital management and plug these generational gaps with adequate communication and development of knowledgebase
The largest diversity of generations is represented in today’s workplace than at any other time in history. With this diversity comes new challenges for organizations. Therefore, intergenerational diversity is a timely issue, gathering increasing interest amongst academics, organizations and business executives. We aim to identify and examine existing empirical research on generational differences in organizations and their characteristics in leadership and management; as well as to synthesize how new generation of employees are participating in organizational growth and development. Organizations should incorporate mentoring, strategic leadership, social media, and knowledge sharing into their talent management strategy for new generations of workforce. The purpose of this article is to analyze the specific challenges, and also opportunities working with multigenerational workforce. By focusing on existing research about the character traits of workers in each generation, and ident...
International Journal of Business and Management, 2012
Generational diversity has become the norm in many organizations. As baby boomers retire and millennials enter and take over the workforce, it becomes imperative for managers to learn more about their job satisfaction and organizational commitment levels. The authors of this study surveyed 148 millennials who work in the I.T. industry. A total of 74 males and 74 females were surveyed. Results show that males have higher job satisfaction levels than their female counterparts and females have higher organizational commitment levels than their male counterparts. Furthermore, millennials with a graduate degree are more likely to stay at their organization than millennials without a graduate degree. Recommendations and implications are discussed for managers hiring, leading, and managing millennials in the workforce.
One of the most significant issues in today’s workforce is the generational diversity that exists in organisations. Older workers are delaying retirement whilst younger employees continue to enter the workforce. Each generation brings their own challenges to the workplace; it is the job of the human resource manager to overcome these challenges and harness the talent that each generation provides to gain a competitive advantage for organisational success. Generational differences in factors such as work values and communication styles can result in workplace conflicts, especially when teamwork is required. The three most predominant generations in the workforce are Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials. This essay will explore the contemporary issues in managing a multigenerational workforce, and will attempt to provide solutions to overcome these challenges. Each generation and their characteristics will be briefly explained, followed by a discussion of conflict and competitive advantage, and finally the issues of teamwork, mentoring, and technology will be analysed.
Global Scientific Journal, 2018
The employees remain the lifeblood of the organization as its success or failure depends largely on their performance and commitment; and as such managers are saddled with the responsibilities of sourcing and acquiring the best of them irrespective of wherever they are located. Consequently, this result in a highly diverse workforce which if not properly managed can lead to a total failure of the organization as a result of its inherent conflict tendency. In view of this, this study is billed to theoretically review the changing trend in workers demographic profiles through the lens of X, Y and Z generational cohorts. In the cause of extant literature review, we discovered that there is a great diversity between the different generational class and such dichotomy presents the organization with both competitive advantages as a result of varied talents and skills among the workforce and conflict tendencies due to differences in the value system and experiences encountered by each generation. However, in order to fully maximize the potentials benefits of diversity in a changing world of business, we critically determined some possible and potent strategies through which its associated challenges can be overcome. Finally, we conclude that through generational-friendly policies and strategies like acceptance of the uniqueness of each cohort, rapid knowledge transfer across cohort, diversity receptiveness training programs, synergy etc. a manager can transform the supposed differences into competitive advantage for the organization and recommended that for organizations to thrive in this new economic order, managers should recognize and accept that there is a unique ability inherent in every generational class necessary for its goal attainment.
We are entering a new era in the workforce where the generation of baby boomers and generation x will be gradually and continuously replaced by the latest generation z and generation alfa (from 2010 the kids of now). Multigenerational symbiosis is an often researched yet not fully understood the aspect of Human Resources. Numerous researches have been carried out in various ways on this subject but Arsenault (2004, p.124) argues that generational differences topic is 'plagued by erroneous misconceptions' and as such numerous scholars (Callanan and greenhaus,) have called for additional research in this field. So, there is a need for understanding the differences in work values of employees from generation to generation and identify what is changing to better equip HR practices for it. This research is committed to finding the perception of HR personnel towards various generations in the organization and also to identify the differences in the workplace behavior of multi-generations. The study also suggests best practices for stronger performance of employees of Gen X & Gen Y.
This is the segment of people who were born between (1981)(1982)(1983)(1984)(1985)(1986)(1987)(1988)(1989)(1990)(1991)(1992)(1993)(1994)(1995)(1996), also known as the "Millennial Generation". They often have distinct skills and qualities that set them out to be exceptional and valuable performers.
-They prefer working in a team and creating a friendly working environment therefore more employee engagement activities should be conducted for better employee interaction and building healthy relations.
-The organization should focus on conducting more seminars based on the latest trends in the market which can help the employees to inculcate some ideas for contributing to their work as they focus on more of being creative and innovative.
1. They believe in working in a Team and with Collaboration to create a friendly environment within the organization. 2. They are result-oriented as they always work towards accomplishing the target and not focusing on the time spent to achieve the results. 3. They often focus on doing their job through unique innovative approaches to increase efficiency. This is the segment of people who were born between (1965)(1966)(1967)(1968)(1969)(1970)(1971)(1972)(1973)(1974)(1975)(1976)(1977)(1978)(1979)(1980), also known as Gen-Xers. Because of their prominence in the workforce, organizations place a high value on Generation X employees. Employers can benefit from the broad range of knowledge, experience, and stability that Gen Xers can provide, as baby boomers are retiring and millennials (Gen Y) are still figuring out their careers.
1. They are often known for being Self-sufficient, resourceful, and individualistic as they have been accustomed to caring for themselves since childhood. 2. They focus on a healthy balanced life between work and personal time to pursue their other ambitions. 3. They adapt quickly to change and have an attitude of "Work hard, Play hard" because they value diversity.
1. The future will be dominated by the reality of AI which will also help them to get a pool of information and how they will view the world. 2. As they grow up in a globally connected world that is exposed to various cultures, ethics, and values which fosters them to be acceptable and appreciate the differences. So, their implicit understanding of diversity depicts a promising picture of more inclusive future. 3. They are more aware of the environment due to the exposure of digital advancement which makes them conscious and prioritizing sustainability.
Innovation and Creativity-Multi-generational workforce fosters a work environment in which creativity and innovation play a vital role by contributing unique idea, suggestions, and views that helps in leading a healthier and more inventive workplace.
Diverse Approaches-With a multi-generational workforce comes diverse perspectives and approaches because each generation has its unique lifestyles, experiences, cultural backgrounds, and viewpoints. Therefore, to get a solution to a problem it requires to have access to a pool of wisdom and outlook which has to be taken into consideration.
Transmitting Knowledge-With, the presence of a multi-generational workforce enables the transfer of different knowledge, perspectives, and skills within the organization. Wherein, the older employees surpass their years of experience with valuable insight to the younger colleagues whereas the younger employees introduce them to advanced technologies and approaches.
Increased disruption & Progression-With a wide range of age classifications within the organization, it becomes easier for the organization to effectively do succession planning for proper diversification across different levels which ensures a hassle-free functioning of workforce.
Mixed Communication Styles-There will be a variety of communication styles as each generation will communicate differently which can lead to indifferences therefore more emphasis should be given on improving the communication channels across the generation to minimize any conflict i.e. Baby boomers and Gen-X prefer more in-person interaction whereas Gen-Y (Millennials) prefer staying connected through social media-driven technologies.
Diverse Values & Culture-The difference in values and culture can also be a hindrance to the smooth functioning of the workforce where Gen-Y and Gen-Z are prominent for valuing working hours, socially interactive, Freedom, and workplace engagement, whereas Gen-X can hardly relate to these traits as they prioritize flexible working arrangement, work-life balance and more opportunities for promotion. Therefore, leaders should allocate tasks and classify work groups strategically according to the multi-gen's values and cultural beliefs.
Mixed Work Ethics-Each multi-generation has its way of working manner where Gen-X who are task-oriented and focuses on leaving work on time to have a better work-life balance and on the other hand Gen-Z prefers to do multi-tasking and be proactive to know what is the next work has to do with a zest for flexibility at work. So, it becomes necessary to understand their way of working and flexibility before assigning any task to them to get better productivity out of them.
Generational Stereotypes-For building a team with honesty and respect the basic negative assumptions have to be eliminated i.e. each generation can have its weaknesses which should not be highlighted rather the focus should be shifted to their strengths for the long-term success of the business.
-Providing more employment training and development programs for personal growth as they like to grab new opportunities.
-Organizations should focus on investing more in leadership programs that offer various mentorships and learnings.
This is the segment of people who were born between (1997)(1998)(1999)(2000)(2001)(2002)(2003)(2004)(2005)(2006)(2007)(2008)(2009)(2010), also known as the 'Digital Natives" as they were the first generation to explore the world of the internet. They are the ones that come after the millennials and before Gen-Alpha. THEIR TRAITS INCLUDES-1. They prefer and rely on modern technologies as they provide them with more exposure to new ideas and creativity at work. 2. They consider building in-person (Informal groups) connections within the organization more valuable for having insightful interactions. 3. They have grown up witnessing the use of Technology, which helps them to have profitable ventures for creating opportunities for themselves in the market.
-As they are more reliant on digital tools the organization should create a work setting that offers flexibility and convenience.
-Their approach is more entrepreneurial so they always want to experiment with their work to do something out of the box where they are creating opportunities for themselves.
This is the segment of people who were/ will be born between (2011-2025), also known as the "Youth of Today" as they are the first generation to be born within the 21st century and the influential ones. Also considered the most tech-infused demographic to date.
-The organization should focus on creating an environment of diversity and inclusion as the gen-alpha employee prefers to be in such an environment where they feel more acceptable within the workspace without any sort of stereotype or discrimination based on culture, values, and beliefs.
-Organizations should focus more on CSR activity which will make a significant force to push them to have morals and be socially responsible as they believe in sustainability.
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