Analyzing Qualitative Data


Evaluation is increasingly recognized as an essential component of visualization research. However, evaluation itself is a changing research area. In particular, the many variations of qualitative research are emerging as important empirical methods. This halfday tutorial is designed for beginning to intermediate audiences. We will focus on the basic methods for analyzing qualitative data using a mixture of talks and hands-on activities. In particular we will consider closed and open coding as well as clustering and categorizing coded data. After completing this tutorial, attendees will have a richer understanding of the benefits and challenges of qualitative empirical research and, more specifically, how to analyze qualitative data.

Innovations in Visualization iLab Interactions Lab Department of Computer Science University of Calgary To Cite this paper: Sheelagh Carpendale, Uta Hinrichs, Søren Knudsen, Alice Thudt and Melanie Tory. Tutorial: Analyzing Qualitative Data. In IEEE Proceedings of VIS 2017. PUBLICATION DATE October, 2017 This is the authors’ version of this work Analyzing Qualitative Data Sheelagh Carpendale1, Uta Hinrichs2, Søren Knudsen1, Alice Thudt1, Melanie Tory3 University of Calgary, 2University of St. Andrews, 3Tableau 1 “Not everything that can be counted counts and not everything that counts can be counted.” (usually attributed to Albert Einstein, sometimes to Cameron [4]) ABSTRACT Evaluation is increasingly recognized as an essential component of visualization research. However, evaluation itself is a changing research area. In particular, the many variations of qualitative research are emerging as important empirical methods. This halfday tutorial is designed for beginning to intermediate audiences. We will focus on the basic methods for analyzing qualitative data using a mixture of talks and hands-on activities. In particular we will consider closed and open coding as well as clustering and categorizing coded data. After completing this tutorial, attendees will have a richer understanding of the benefits and challenges of qualitative empirical research and, more specifically, how to analyze qualitative data. Keywords: Evaluation, qualitative studies, data analysis, data coding. INTRODUCTION We, as visualization researchers, are increasingly interested in evaluation [5,11,13,16,17,18]. However, evaluation is a complex multi-faceted process that involves many skills [14]. In a previous tutorial, we provided an overview of qualitative evaluation through talks, discussions and hands-on exercises from the perspective of gathering qualitative data4. In this previous tutorial we focused on observation and interviewing as qualitative evaluation data collection skills. In this tutorial5, we will focus on the analysis of qualitative data, including the analysis of interview transcripts and video data, drawing from previous work [3,10] and our own experience [9,12,15]. The tutorial will introduce participants to the concepts of grounded theory [6,8] and thematic analysis [2]. We will use intermingled talks, discussions and hands-on exercises focusing on closed and open coding, as well as clustering and categorization. In general, we will focus on qualitative analysis methods, providing some insight into their benefits, exploring what “rigor” in qualitative research can mean, and offering some hands-on activities where people will be able to develop some qualitative evaluation skills. email: {sheelagh,athudt,sknudsen} email: [email protected] 3 email: [email protected] 1 2 1 TUTORIAL CONTENT AND SCOPE In this tutorial we focus on how to proceed once you have carefully collected your fabulously rich qualitative data. As a good basis from which to start we will consider Bryman’s four stages of qualitative analysis [3]. These are: • Stage 1: Looking for the ideas that emerge from your data • Stage 2: Identifying codes and creating a coding schema. • Stage 3: Coding • Stage 4: Relation to existing theories and ideas. 1.1 Stage 1: Looking for ideas within your data Once your qualitative data has been collected, the first process is to decide upon your coding focus. A usual first step is to read the whole text (e.g., interview transcript), or to watch the whole video. Preferably this is initially done without interruptions, that is, activities such as taking notes that stop train of thought are done later. In this first pass; one is looking for a general impression, for what the transcript or video recording is really about. In this stage, the intention is to identify major themes with an open mind for surprises, unexpected or unusual factors. After reading, such themes and unexpected aspects can be written down along with other ideas for angles from which to analyze the text or transcript. 1.2 Stage 2: Identify codes and create a schema. In this stage one is working towards developing an initial set of codes or a schema, which one will use to code the data. Generally this work is done with a subset of the data. The selected subset is thoroughly examined. Different people use different techniques, many of which are akin to close reading of text. For example, one might use highlighting, underlining, adding comments, and marginalia. The purpose is to identify a group of factors that are definable, recognizable, and, separately or in combination are of interest to the research questions. Having identified a list of factors, the usual process is to characterize them with recognizable names and clear definitions. 1.3 Stage 3: Coding For the process of coding, one takes the identified and defined factors from Stage 2 and proceeds carefully and slowly through the text, interview transcript or video clip, marking or coding each occurrence of each factor identified and pre-defined in Stage 2. When using an open coding approach, one adds codes if something of interest or importance occurs in the data for which 4 Find materials from last year’s tutorial here: 5 Find materials from this tutorial here: there is no code. Then one adds a code, informs other coders and goes back to the beginning to see if there are any missed instances of the new code. When all the data is coded, it is still important to work with the codes. Are there important clusters? Are there relationships within the codes? Is there an ordering? If one has coded for more than one major focus, what is the relationship between these coding passes? Sometimes it is important to keep track of variations in codes, which can add richness and depth. Coding is often a collaborative process conducted by several researchers who work with the same data. It involves frequently comparing how they have coded particular data snippets in order to verify and (if necessary) refine the coding scheme. This process also helps to minimize the introduction of personal biases that are inevitably introduced while coding and interpreting the collected data. 1.4 Stage 4: Relation to existing theories and ideas. At the end of Stage 3, it is important to look outside of the current data and consider one’s findings in relation to existing theories, and understandings. 2 ACTIVITIES Coding, clustering and categorizing are skills that can be learned and practiced. We will provide hands-on activities to let people gain experience in these skills. 2.1 Activity 1: Choosing a Coding Focus In this activity, we ask participants to engage in Stage 1 as described above to learn techniques on how to develop a coding focus, that is identifying aspects of interest in the data and develop a corresponding coding scheme. We will introduce participants to aspects or open-ended questions that can drive this initial stage of qualitative data analysis. Workshop participants will be divided up into small groups and provided with a brief interview transcript or video clip. They will then go through this qualitative data individually, take notes of potential ideas, discuss these within their group. The activity will conclude with a discussion of the ideas developed by the different groups, focusing on similarities and differences in the emerging coding foci. 2.2 Activity 2: Closed Coding In this activity we will introduce participants to closed coding, often also referred to as analysis with a priori codes [7]. A set of a priori codes can be derived from previous research and theory or directly from the evaluation questions driving the research. We will provide participants with qualitative data (e.g. an interview transcript or video snippet) alongside a coding schema. Each participant will use this schema to code the data individually. We will then compare and discuss results among participants. The activity will be concluded with a group discussion about possible variability in outcomes as well as advantages and limitations of analyses with a priori codes. 2.3 Activity 3: Open Coding Participants will gain experience with open coding by working with an interview transcript that we provide. We may reuse the same transcripts as Activity 1 here, to ensure that participants are already familiar with the text. Participants will open-code the transcript individually, then reconcile their codes with a partner, then re-code the transcript together. Emphasis will be placed on the experience of iterative coding, where the transcript is reviewed and re-coded multiple times as the coding scheme evolves. Codes will be written on sticky notes to facilitate the next activity. 2.4 Activity 4: Clustering and Categorizing In this activity, we ask participants cluster and categorize a set of codes. We do so, based on the open coding performed in the previous activity, which resulted in coded data. For the purpose of the activity, we will introduce a lightweight approach to clustering and categorizing coded data (e.g., affinity diagramming [1]). We will also discuss alternative in-depth approaches. In small groups, participants will collaboratively categorize and relate different codes and develop a structure of the relationship between codes on a shared medium. 3 TUTORIAL OUTLINE The half-day tutorial will be a mix of short talks and hands-on activities. We describe a tentative schedule below. 2:00 Brief introduction of the organizers and qualitative evaluation approaches and how people work with qualitative data. Brief introduction of participants. 2:15 Talk 1 (15 minutes): We will talk about the challenges of analyzing qualitative data. 2:30 Activity 1: Choosing a Coding Focus. Working with transcripts we will provide, we will hold a group idea generation session to consider what would be useful foci to code for. The exercise concludes with a group discussion. 2:45 Talk 2 (15 minutes): The purposes and techniques of closed coding. 3:00 Activity 2: Closed Coding. We will provide qualitative data as transcripts. We will start a discussion of closed coding and provide a set of codes. Each tutorial participant will individually engage in practicing closed coding (15 minutes). This will be followed by a 10-minute discussion of the coded results in pairs or small groups. The exercise concludes with a group discussion. 3:30 Break (30 minutes). 4:00 Talk 3 (15 minutes): The purposes and techniques of open coding. 4:15 Activity 3: Open Coding. We will work with a different set of transcribed qualitative data. We will start a discussion of the open coding process and provide an initial set of codes. Each tutorial participant will individually engage in practicing open coding (15 minutes). This will be followed by a 10-minute discussion of the coded results in pairs or small groups. The exercise concludes with a group discussion. 4:35 Talk 4 (15 minutes): Consensus and Agreement. 4:50 Activity 4: Clustering and Categorizing. Having coded qualitative data, it is still necessary to make sense of the codes. This is usually approached through various forms of clustering and categorizing. 5:10 Talk 5 (20 minutes): Clustering and Categorizing. 5:30 Closing Discussion 5:55 End 4 CONCLUSIONS From this tutorial, participants will learn more about the benefits, nuances and challenges of qualitative empirical research and qualitative data analysis in particular. They will have taken the first steps towards learning more from their interviews, and towards practicing and enhancing their qualitative data analysis skills. 5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was supported in part by: Alberta Innovates Technology Futures (AITF); Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC); and SMART Technologies. 6 INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION The instructors in alphabetical order are: Sheelagh Carpendale is a Professor in Computer Science at the University of Calgary where she holds a Canada Research Chair in Information Visualization and NSERC/AITF/SMART Technologies Industrial Research Chair in Interactive Technologies. She has many received awards including the E.W.R. NSERC STEACIE Memorial Fellowship; a BAFTA (British Academy of Film & Television Arts Interactive Awards); an ASTech Innovations in Technology award; and the CHCCS Achievement Award, which is presented periodically to a Canadian researcher who has made a substantial contribution to the fields of computer graphics, visualization, or human-computer interaction. She leads the Innovations in Visualization (InnoVis) research group and initiated the interdisciplinary graduate program, Computational Media Design. Her research focuses on information visualization and large interactive displays. She both conducts and publishes about evaluation in information visualization with a particular focus on qualitative evaluation. Melanie Tory is a senior research scientist at Tableau. Her research focuses on interactive visual data analysis. This includes intuitive interactions with visualizations and the design and evaluation of tools that support the holistic data analysis process, including sensemaking, analytical guidance, and collaboration. Before joining Tableau, Melanie was an Associate Professor in visualization at the University of Victoria. She is Associate Editor of IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications and has served as Papers Co-chair for the IEEE InfoVis and ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces conferences. Melanie has conducted a large number of evaluation studies and contributed a chapter on empirical methods to the Handbook of Human Centric Visualization. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Uta Hinrichs is a Lecturer at the University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK in the SACHI research group. Her research is at the intersection of visualization, HCI, design, the humanities, and art. Her work focuses on designing and studying the use and experience of interactive systems that facilitate the exploration and analysis of (cultural) data collections from academic, leisurely, and artistic perspectives. Studying the use of technology in-situ through qualitative research methods such as field observations, interviewing and video analysis is core to her research. Uta holds a PhD in Computational Media Design from the University of Calgary. [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] Søren Knudsen is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the InnoVis group at the Interactions Lab at the University of Calgary. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from University of Copenhagen. His research focuses on information visualization, HCI, and large interactive displays. He is interested in studying technologies insitu and in bringing parts of reality into lab contexts. He uses a mix of qualitative and quantitative methodology in his approach, and study visualization problems as they occur within and across a range of application domains. Alice Thudt is a PhD student in Computational Media Design at the University of Calgary. She is interested in how visualization of personal data can support self-reflection and expression. Her research aims to understand how people construct meaning with personal digital data collections and how both digital and physical visualization can be used for personal storytelling and reminiscing. She has used different qualitative research and analysis methods in her research ranging from observations and interviews to variations of a technology probe method. She also published an article on the benefits of qualitative methods for gaining a more realistic understanding of personal visualizations. [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] Beyer, H. and Holtzblatt, K. 1998. Contextual design: defining customer-centered systems. 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