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Russell, Nerissa 2016 Neolithic human-animal relations. Groniek 206/207:21-32.
A. Pendahuluan Dari jaman dulu sampai sekarang orang sering berhadapan dengan " peluang ". Misalnya orang melambungkan satu kali mata uang logam bersisi gambar dan bersisi angka, maka peluang muncul sisi gambar = peluang muncul sisi angka; kemungkinan muncul sisi gambar adalah 1 dari 2, yaitu peluangnya muncul sisi gambar adalah 1/2, demikian pula peluangnya muncul sisi angka adalah 1/2. Misalnya dalam permainan sepakbola, seorang wasit melambungkan mata uang logam satu kali untuk mengundi tempat bermain masing-masing kesebelasan yang berhadapan sebagai lawan, upaya wasit melakukan undian seperti ini dipandang adil baik oleh para pemain maupun penonton.
MEDIENwissenschaft, 2023
Rezension meines Buches von Martin Loiperdinger
International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS), 2021
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) that is plaguing the world today surely carves a dark, unforgettable history. It has been declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). This shows that it has spread worldwide, transcending every border, and then finally penetrating every corner of the world. Despite its small size (measured in nanometer), its influence is great enough in triggering stress. As various countries declare a state of Emergency, restricted movement order and lockdown, varying reactions like sorrow, anxiety, misperception and fear have been ignited in the society. All of these have cumulatively caused stress among them. This current review paper summarizes and discusses the published literature addressing mental health concerns linked to the COVID-19 pandemic. Studies show that excessive stress causes the failure in the individual’s mental and physical systems. The issue here is how the situation at the workplace, post-COVID-19 is different from the previous situation. Thus, the psychological preparation of every member in the organization is crucial to face the challenges coming their way. The available literature showed consensus that the COVID-19 pandemic not only affects physical health, but also stress and well-being. In conclusion, emotional well-being must be emphasized through training and human resource development strategy to prepare and empower the mentality of the organizational members to address this stress. This book focuses on the western Balkans in the period 1820-1912, in particular on the peoples and social groups that the later national history would claim to have been Albanians, providing a revisionist exploration of national identity prior to the establishment of the nation-state. It offers new methods to disentangle otherwise anachronistic references to ethno-national identity politics from a much more complicated, dynamic and heterogeneous Balkan world prior to World War I. Using archives from Istanbul, Tirana, Rome, Paris/Nantes, London, Washington, Berlin, Cairo, and Vienna, this book aimed to help initiate (not settle) debates about how we best chart dynamics within a Balkan world prior to the state-building projects of the 20th century.
Los Cinco Lenguajes del Amor - Gary Chap
E I amor com.ienza, o debe comenzar, en el hogar. Para mí eso significa Sam y Grace, papá y mamá, quiene~ me han amado por más de cincuenta años. Sin ellos, tod..1vía estaría buscando amor en vez de escribir sobre él.
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Βήμα της Πρέβεζας, φύλλο 6930, 23 Μαρτίου 2023, σελ. 5-7., 2023
The Journal for the Philosophy of Language, Mind and the Arts, 2024
National Identities, 2017
Journal of Ecological Engineering, 2022
Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 2018
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Revista Peruana de Ginecología y Obstetricia, 2015
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