Genetic Mapping in Conifers
Kermit Ritland,1,* Konstantin V. Krutovsky,2 Yoshihiko Tsumura,3
Betty Pelgas,4,a Nathalie Isabel4,b and Jean Bousquet5
This chapter summarizes the history and current status of genetic
mapping in conifers. We review the development of molecular markers,
methods to construct genetic maps, and the resulting conifer genetic
maps. Genetic maps are subdivided into (1) linkage maps of genetic
markers, (2) quantitative trait loci (QTL) maps, and (3) comparative
maps. Comparative maps involve alignment of marker genes and even
QTLs between species. Physical mapping is also briefly discussed.
Emphasis is placed up problems and approaches unique to conifers,
and the involvement of new genomics technologies.
Keywords: genetic markers, genetic mapping, quantitative trait loci
mapping, comparative mapping
5.1 Introduction
Genetic mapping is the ordering of specific genes or DNA fragments
(genetic markers) along a chromosome, based up observed frequencies of
recombination in pedigrees. It provides the approximate locations of these
Department of Forest Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia
V6T 1Z4, Canada; e-mail:
[email protected]
Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, Texas A&M University, College Station,
Texas 77843-2138, USA; e-mail:
[email protected]
Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8687, Japan;
[email protected]
Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Laurentian Forestry Centre, 1055 du
P.E.P.S., P.O. Box 10380, Stn Sainte-Foy, Québec, Québec G1V 4C7, Canada;
[email protected]
[email protected]
Canada Research Chair in Forest and Environmental Genomics, Centre d’étude de la forêt,
Université Laval, Québec, Québec G1V 0A6, Canada; e-mail:
[email protected]
*Corresponding author
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Genetic Mapping in Conifers 197
entities, which can serve as DNA “landmarks” for further studies (Ott
1999). Physical mapping, in contrast, uses various molecular techniques to
reassemble the actual DNA into contiguous stretches, such that numbers
of bases separating genes are approximately known, as in for example
the chloroplast genome (Tsumura et al. 1993) and the nuclear genome
(Amarasinghe and Carlson 1998). Quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping
places the locations of putative genes underlying a quantitative trait
onto a genetic map (Lander and Botstein 1989). Conifers have enormous
genomes, on the order of tens of billions of nucleotides (Murray 1998). This
prohibits physical mapping, and suggests that marker/QTL mapping may
continue to dominate conifer genetics research (Neale et al. 1994; White
et al. 2007). In addition, the conserved nature of conifer evolution places
greater importance on comparing genetic and QTL maps (comparative
mapping) in conifers (Krutovsky et al. 2004) and transferring information
among these species.
Conifers provide unique opportunities but also problems for genetic
mapping. Most notably, the gametophyte allows direct observation of the
haploid product of maternal meiosis (Cairney and Pullman 2007). Secondly,
conifers are outbred, and issues in data analysis arise from the fact that
parents and grandparents are heterozygous for markers and QTL, requiring
more complex approaches for data analysis (Liu 1998). Thirdly, the large
genome size of conifers, a consequence of repeated DNA elements (Morse
et al. 2009), make protocols for marker screening more complex, and the
development of markers more difficult compared to most angiosperms
(Kinlaw and Neale 1997). Finally, the enormous evolutionary distance
between conifers and angiosperms, separated by 300 hundred million years
of evolution (Savard et al. 1994), makes gene identification and annotation in
conifers very difficult (Kirst et al. 2003; Ralph et al. 2008). Here, we review
the current state of conifer genome mapping, with reference to current
advances in genomics studies of conifers.
5.2 Types and Properties of Genetic Markers for Conifers
Over the past 20 years, the increasing availability of molecular genetic
markers such as restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs),
amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs), microsatellites or
simple sequence repeats (SSRs), single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs),
and conserved orthologous sets (COS), has resulted in the development of
numerous genetic linkage maps in conifers. The important conifer species—
many pines and spruces, Sugi and Douglas-fir—have been mapped, though
marker density is still low in relation to genome size. For a typical conifer, a
map with 1,000 markers would have, on average, 10–40 million nucleotide
sites separating adjacent markers.
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Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Conifers
5.2.1 First Generation Markers
Before molecular markers became popular in the 1980s, isozymes or
allozymes were used for molecular population genetic investigations in
conifers. Isozymes are enzymes that differ in amino acid sequence but
catalyze the same chemical reaction. Thus, they are representative of
differences at the DNA level. Isozymes gave the first revelation about
DNA variation in conifers, and for a period centering about the 1980s,
many conifers were the subject of isozyme investigations. The dawn of the
isozyme era was heralded by a seminal 1979 symposia on “Isozymes in
Forest Genetics and Forest Insects” (Conkle 1981). The dusk of the isozyme
era was after the 1990 IUFRO symposium, published in the journal New
Forests, Volume 6, and in book form by Adams (1992), on the more general
topic of “Isozymes in Forest Trees”. These two symposia bookmark this era.
Isozymes have been placed in genetic maps, but they are not numerous
enough to show much linkage. Typically, 20–30 loci are the maximum
number of loci that can be assayed, so that in a typical genome of 2,000–3,000
centiMorgans, few loci will be linked.
Another first generation marker used is the RFLP, a co-dominant
polymorphism for the presence/absence of restriction sites. Bands
were visualized via Southern blots, which require a probe or sequence
complementary to the region about the polymorphism. The RFLP technique
is relatively laborious to develop and implement compared to the more
recent polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based methods. Neverthess, a
number of conifer linkage maps were constructed using RFLP markers
during 1985–1995. This marker is regarded as “first generation”, as their
numbers were still quite limited.
5.2.2 Second Generation Markers
RAPD markers consist of fragments generated via the PCR using a randomly
selected ten base primer (Williams et al. 1990). A number of RAPD maps
were constructed during the period 1992–98. “Random” refers to the fact
that primers are chosen at random, without prior knowledge of any specific
primer sites in the genome. Hence the step of cloning and identification of
specific sequences is skipped. However RAPDs exhibit dominance, wherein
heterozygotes cannot be distinguished from dominant homozygotes (which
are the band phenotype; band-less phenotypes are recessive). Also, the
RAPD gel band patterns often lack reproducibility, making this class of
marker only reliable for studies involving controlled crosses such as genetic
mapping, where segregation ratios can verify proper inheritance. A variant
of RAPDs is “inter simple sequence repeats” (ISSRs), which are randomly
amplified markers produced by PCR amplification with short primers that
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Genetic Mapping in Conifers 199
contain both a microsatellite motif and a random sequence (Bornet and
Branchard 2001). These have seen some applications for mapping.
AFLPs are a new class of dominant markers that avoid many of the
pitfalls of RAPDs. Assaying for this marker involves restriction digestion
of genomic DNA, then PCR amplification of a subset of these fragments
(Vos et al. 1995). These markers share many of the characteristics of RAPDs,
including dominance and the appearance of many loci on one gel. But the
fragment patterns are more reliable, and many more fragments per gel are
scoreable. AFLPs have made dense linkage maps possible. However, DNA
fragments generated by this technique differ by as little as a single base,
requiring use of vertical acrylamide gels or automatic fragment analyzers
for clear separation.
Due to the large genome size of conifers, modifications of the
AFLP technique for conifers are needed, as the standard +3/+3 primer
combinations used for AFLP result in too many bands. With large genomes,
one might think that one can limit the pool of selectively amplified DNA
by merely increasing the number of selective nucleotides. Vos et al. (1995)
found that primers with 4 or more added nucleotides actually suffered a
loss of selectivity. For conifers, with their huge genome size, as a means to
select subsets of fragments beyond this limit (and to also increase template
concentrations), Remington et al. (1999) introduced an additional step prior
to the main amplification, termed the “preamplification”. It corresponds
to a normal amplification, but with shorter primer combinations, usually
+1/+1 or +2/+2. Numerous conifer genetic maps have been constructed
with AFLPs since the end of the 1990s.
5.2.3 Third Generation Markers
The last class of markers requires a-priori knowledge of the DNA sequence
at, or around, the marker of interest. A hybrid between second and third
generation marker is characterized-sequence amplified region (SCAR),
which is developed by cloning RAPD or AFLP markers, and finding
the nucleotide sequence about these markers. SCARs are not suited for
mapping, as the procedure is laborious; they are useful for finding candidate
genes closely linked to anonymous RAPD and AFLP markers found linked
to a trait of interest, but they do find themselves occasionally included in
conifer genetic maps.
True third generation markers include SSRs (simple sequence repeats
or microsatellites), expressed sequence tag (EST)-SSRs (microsatellites in
expressed DNA regions), ESTPs (expressed sequence tag polymorphisms,
a marker found in ESTs) and finally, the gold standard, the SNP (single
nucleotide polymorphism, which directly reflects nucleotide polymorphism
at a specific nucleotide site). For further information about markers in plants,
see Ritland and Ritland (2000) and Weising et al. (2005).
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Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Conifers
The completion of the genome sequences in model species, and the
accumulation of numerous EST and genomic sequences in many other
species, will provide rich resources for the development of these third
generation markers. Simple Sequence Repeats
SSRs are markers that are polymorphic for the numbers of repeats of a
simple motif (usually 2 to 4 bases long, for example dinucleotide repeats
ATATAT….). SSRs are usually co-dominant, highly variable, and somatically
stable (Morgante and Olivieri 1993). The locus is amplified by primers that
flank the locus. The flanking primers are usually highly species specific.
The cost of finding and designing the primers, which must be done for
every species, does limit the use of this technique. Sometimes SSRs can be
“transferred” to closely related species but at the risk of high null-allele
frequency (when the allele does not amplify due to primer mismatches).
One disadvantage of SSRs is that they cannot be multiplexed very well,
making high density maps impractical.
A special class of SSRs is “EST-SSRs”. These are SSRs found in EST
sequences and because they are in or near coding regions, the primer
regions are more conserved and better able to amplify across species, but
the markers are also less polymorphic (Rungis et al. 2004; Ellis and Burke
2007). Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms
SNPs are clearly becoming the marker of choice for species that have been
subject to genomic work (either for ESTs, or for genome sequencing). This is
because high-throughput genotyping is possible for SNPs, and the number
of SNP loci is virtually unlimited. Common high-throughput genotyping
methods include the Illumina GoldenGate and Infinium assays (www.
illumina.com) (Pavy et al. 2008). However while the genotyping costs are
much lower (typically 5–10 cent per genotype, compared to 50–100 cents
for other methods), the scale of assay (96 SNPs, 480 sample minimum)
makes each experiment a big budget item, on the order of many thousands
of dollars.
The large number of SNPs uncovered by high-throughput technologies
also presents itself with opportunities for marker transfer between species.
Even if few in percentage, valuable anchor loci are provided. In the Arborea
genome project, for a subset of 1,964 SNPs successfully genotyped in eastern
P. glauca, 1,565 (80%) were found polymorphic among 11 western P. glauca
individuals, 728 (37%) among nine P. sitchensis, 386 (20%) among 10 P. abies,
and 321 (16%) among ten P. mariana (J. Bousquet et al. unpubl. data). Also,
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Genetic Mapping in Conifers 201
about 10% of SNPs identified in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L., subgenus Pinus,
section Pinus, subsection Australes) amplified in white spruce (D Neale et al.
unpubl. data); these are currently being utilized in the Treenomix II project
for map synteny comparisons. Conserved Orthologous Sets (COS) and Orthology of Maps
Comparative mapping relies on orthologous markers. The concepts of
orthology and paralogy are essential to construct comparative maps.
Orthologous gene pairs are directly descended from a common ancestor.
Paralogous genes are separated by gene duplication events and may reside in
different locations, but also be very closely linked necessitating sequencing
to ascertain orthology. These concepts are essential for comparing maps
between species (Gogarten and Olendzenski 1999; Koonin 2005; Theissen
2005; Pelgas et al. 2006).
COS markers are genes of low copy number within a genome, and
also have low rate of evolution among species. COS markers are identified
by self-BLASTing ESTs within a species, to identify genes of low copy
number, then cross-BLASTing these sequences among taxa; genes of low
copy number within taxa, and low divergence between taxa, are identified
as COS markers (Fulton et al. 2002).
Krutovsky et al. (2006) identified COS markers for conifers using
sequence comparisons between Arabidopsis, rice, black cottonwood, loblolly
pine, white spruce, Douglas-fir, and sugi. Interestingly, almost half of the
single-copy genes in the non-tree species Arabidopsis and rice had additional
copies and homologs in poplar and conifers. However, laboratory assays
indicate that the high level of evolutionary conservation of COS markers
also results in lower gene diversity within populations, and less available
polymorphism for mapping purposes (Liewlaksaneeyanawin et al. 2009).
In lieu of these difficulties of COS markers, with the larger number of
genes available through automated genomic investigations, there is the
hope that orthologous markers from the huge library of SNPs for conifers
can be identified, to anchor genetic maps (Le Dantec et al. 2004; Pavy et al.
2006; Pavy et al. 2008).
5.2.4 Public Databases for Third Generation Markers
Public databases contain a wealth of in silico data for marker development.
Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) are segments of genes expressed as
messenger RNA. Hence they are most useful for identifying SNPs of
putative function. For ESTs, the most intensively surveyed conifer species
are pine and spruce. NCBI’s Entrez Taxonomy Browser (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov),
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as of September 2010, contained 629,815 ESTs for Pinus and 542,939 ESTs
for Picea. Within Pinus, the numbers of ESTs are (in parenthesis) are: P. taeda
(328,756), P. contorta (40,483), P. banksiana (36,379), P. pinaster (34,044), and P.
radiata (7,538). Within Picea, the numbers are P. glauca (313,110), P. sitchensis
(186,637), P. engelmannii x P. glauca (28,174) and P. abies (14,224). Smaller
EST collections exist for other conifers including the family Cupressacea
(cedars), which has 72,146 ESTs deposited, mainly for Crytomeria japonica.
For in silico SNP development, a large number of ESTs are required, unless
the deposited ESTs are used to design primers to amplify a small panel of
individuals to find SNPs. For pure in silico marker development, a given
gene must have at least four overlapping ESTs, in which case a SNP will
be detected if two of four nucleotide sites differ in base composition (this
mostly rules out sequencing error).
5.3 Mapping Strategies in Conifers
5.3.1 Detecting Recombination
The techniques of marker mapping date from Mendel’s crosses. The pioneer
of genetic mapping, Thomas Hunt Morgan, showed that recombination
frequency can estimate distance separating genes; the distance over which
1% crossover frequency occurs was named by JBS Haldane as the “Morgan”,
and map distances are generally labeled in centiMorgans (cM) (Ott 1999).
In the context of conifer genetics, issues arise about determining
linkage phase. Because conifers are heterozygous, linkage phase cannot be
directly ascertained. For example, in the simplest cross, the “backcross”,
where for two loci A and B, with alleles A1, A2 and B1, B2, respectively, a
cross of grandparent genotype A1A1B1B1 with A2A2B2B2 results in double
heterozygote parent A1A2B1B2. Progeny from a backcross of this genotype
with either grandparent genotypes may reveal recombinants A1A2B1B1 or
A1A1B1B2. In the “intercross”, the double heterozygote parents A1A2B1B2
can be crossed with another double heterozygote. As recombination can be
detected in both parents in the “intercross”, the data are more informative,
up to twice as informative when linkage is tight (Ott 1999). However, this
assumes linkage phase is known, and grandparents are homozygous.
If grandparents are not homozygous, and/or the grandparents are not
genotyped, either single-heterozygote progeny or double-heterozygote
progeny (but not both) can be recombinant. This is analogous to the
inference of haplotypes from diploid population samples as originally
investigated by Clark (1990), in that the phase is indirectly determined by
reference to a population sample. Wu et al. (2002) describe how linkage
phase can be inferred for outcrossing species with unknown heterozygosity
of grandparents, commonly found in conifers. Margarido et al. (2007)
implement this procedure in “OneMap”.
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5.3.2 Assembling Linkage Maps
Lander et al. (1987) popularized genetic mapping with their widely used
software, MAPMAKER followed by MAPMAKER/EXP and its close
descent, MAPMAKER/QTL. Since then, dozens of programs for both
linkage and quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping have been made freely
available. A comprehensive list of linkage and QTL mapping software
can be found at http://linkage.rockefeller.edu/soft. MAPMAKER starts with a
two-point linkage analysis (recombination estimated between all pairs of
loci). It then uses a “greedy” algorithm, which builds up linkage groups
by sequentially adding markers. This does not guarantee correct orders, so
various permutations of maps are done by “rippling”. The most commonly
used mapping program is JoinMap (Stam 1993), discussed below.
Multipoint linkage analysis takes into consideration the segregation
of many linked markers simultaneously. With this approach, it becomes
possible to identify individual chromosomal breakpoints and establish
order with great certainty (Lathrop et al. 1985). This will become of
increasing importance with the advent of high-resolution mapping of
conifer genomes.
5.3.3 The Pseudo-testcross
With dominant markers, if a locus is heterozygous in one parent and null
(double recessive) in the other, this mimics a testcross with 1:1 segregation
ratios. This was termed a “two-way pseudo-testcross” by Grattapaglia and
Sederoff (1994), and this was meant to resolve the problem with dominance
of RAPD and AFLP markers. It was named “pseudo-testcross” because
while it is a testcross mapping configuration, the mating configuration of
the markers is not known a priori. However, in genetic mapping, one ends
up with a map for the female and a second map for the male. The maps
must be joined in some way.
5.3.4 Joining Maps
The integration of two or more marker genetic maps into a single unified
map, named a “composite” or “consensus” map, requires common markers
that segregate in two or more of the mapping populations. The “pseudotestcross strategy” is a simple case of multiple maps (two). With dominant
markers, one can infer maps for the male and female parent separately as
in Eucalyptus (Grattapaglia and Sederoff 1994). These workers recognized
that multiallelic co-dominant markers with alleles heterozygous in parents
are needed as “locus bridges”. Joining of maps is now a common activity in
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Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Conifers
conifers, as much of the pedigree material resides within breeding programs,
which include many small pedigrees in progeny tests or diallel crosses.
Stam (1993) developed a computer program “JoinMap” that joins
pairs of LGs that share the same marker(s) using either raw genetic data or
recombination frequencies. The “JoinMap” algorithm estimates information
about recombination in a given cross from LOD values and then combines
estimates among crosses assuming a binomial sampling distribution. With
more than two pedigrees, joining maps is more complicated. Hu et al.
(2004) presented a likelihood approach for joining genetic maps that uses
a joint likelihood function that combines information across all crosses. The
main advantage of this method is substantially improved accuracy when
dominant or a mixture of dominant and co-dominant markers are used.
A new approach to build verified multilocus consensus genetic maps
in which shared markers are integrated into stable consensus orders
was recently developed by Mester and his colleagues (Mester et al. 2003,
2004, 2006) and implemented into software (http://www.multiqtl.com/). The
approach is based on (1) combined analysis of initial mapping data rather
than manipulating with previously constructed maps, and (2) “synchronized
ordering”, facilitated by cycles of resampling.
However, several pitfalls exist in joining genetic maps, the most
important being differences in recombination rates between pedigrees.
Recombination rates can differ between crosses and individuals due to
environment particularly in stressful conditions where recombination
increases (Agrawal et al. 2005). It can also differ in relation to sex or age,
where recombination is lower in males and in older individuals (Rose and
Baillie 1979). In several pine species, significantly less recombination was
observed for the female gametes than for the male gametes in radiata pine
(Moran et al. 1983), loblolly pine (Groover et al. 1995) and maritime pine
(Plomion and O’Malley 1996). However, Pelgas et al. (2005) observed no
difference in map length between males and females in white spruce, as
did Pelgas et al. (2006) and Pavy et al. (2008) for white and black spruce
pedigrees. This suggests that sex-specific recombination rates may differ
between conifer species. Further investigation is needed on this topic.
Another pitfall in joining maps is that markers can vary in abundance and
distribution. In Norway spruce, low- and high-copy-number markers tend to
occupy separate genome regions (Scotti et al. 2005). Also, microsatellites may
be preferentially associated with nonrepetitive DNA (more coding DNA) in
plant genomes (Morgante et al. 2002). Both of these situations indicate that
joining maps with different classes of markers might be difficult, as common
polymorphic markers between these marker-type classes may not be present
in many parts of the genome.
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Genetic Mapping in Conifers 205
5.3.5 Improving the Resolution of Maps
To get beyond the resolution of traditional marker mapping, which is of
5–10 cM resolution for mapping populations of size ca. 100, one can use
larger mapping populations, or else physical mapping. Physical mapping
involves the cloning and mapping (by fingerprinting) of large plasmid
inserts, such as bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs), normally 150 KB
in length. In conifers, which harbor a 10–40 gigabase genome, this would
require 200,000 BAC clones for a 1× coverage; ideally 2 million BACs
would be needed for a 10 × coverage, as this is the typical required for a
BAC tiling path (Soderlund et al. 2000). At least, the repetitive nature of
the conifer genome would suggest that assembly of BAC fingerprints into
a tiling path is difficult. However, suggestive data indicate that the major
period of repetitive DNA activity (transposition) occured over 100 million
years ago (Mya) (M Morgante et al. unpubl. data). Such a feature would
actually increase the feasibility of genome assembly, since members of the
same repeat class have diverged since transposition. This is a current area
of research in conifer genomics—the nature of low complexity DNA in
conifers and its implication for genome assembly (Nelson et al. 2008).
With high-resolution meiotic maps, a problem is that low frequency of
genotyping error (1.5% or less) can influence mapping outcomes. Such an
error was observed to reduce power to discriminate orders, dramatically
inflate map length, and provide significant support for incorrect over
correct orders (Buetow 1991). Occasional genotype errors skew estimates
of recombination between closely linked loci; a similar situation occurs in
paternity analysis, where just one missscored locus can invalidate the correct
parent. Various workers have since dealt with this issue (Sobel et al. 2002)
and new SNP genotyping methods have shown to be highly accurate, with
error rate below 1% (Pavy et al. 2008).
To increase the rate that meiotic events can be detected, Gasbarra
and Sillanpaa (2006), proposed pooling haploid tissue, such as conifer
megametophytes, to estimate recombination rates between closely linked
loci (< 1 cM). Pools of several hundred were simulated but they found that
several pools were better than a single pool.
Selective mapping approach can facilitate the production of highquality, high-density genome-wide linkage maps (Vision et al. 2000). It
was demonstrated that, to construct a map with high genome-wide marker
density, it is neither necessary nor desirable to genotype all markers in every
individual of a large mapping population. Instead, a reduced sample of
individuals bearing complementary recombinational or radiation-induced
breakpoints may be selected for genotyping subsequent markers from a
large, but sparsely genotyped, mapping population.
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Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Conifers
5.4 Conifer Linkage Maps
5.4.1 Overview
Genetic mapping in conifers, and in all other species for that matter, has
progressed through three generations of development, corresponding to
the marker categories described above. The first generation maps involved
allozyme and RFLP markers, which rarely revealed genetic linkage because
of their sparsity. The second generation maps involved anonymous genetic
markers such as RAPDs and AFLPs; “anonymous” in the sense that we
have no idea of their gene function. Nevertheless, complete genetic maps
were inferred, as these markers were so much more numerous. The third
generation maps involved markers of known gene function, mainly SNPs
derived from genome projects. This last wave now allows incredibly detailed
maps of genomes, both with numerous markers, and with markers linked
to genes putatively related to adaptation and other desired traits.
As isozymes are limited in number, they did not play a significant
role in linkage mapping; occasionally a few isozyme markers were added
to other markers in a complete map. Significant effort into developing
RFLP markers for linkage mapping has been done only for Cryptomeria
japonica, Pinus elliottii, P. taeda, P. radiata, and Pseudotsuga menziesii (Table
5-1). Usually RFLPs were analyzed in conjunction with other markers. The
most significant early generation molecular marker map was developed
in loblolly pine. Devey et al. (1994a) reported an RFLP linkage map for
loblolly pine based on a three-generation outbred pedigree. Seventy three
of 90 loci (including two isozymes) clustered into 20 linkage groups (LGs).
Other studies are summarized in Table 5-1.
The first complete linkage maps in conifers, where the number of large
LGs equalled to the haploid number of chromosomes, were made possible
by the advent of RAPD and AFLP markers. In the first application of RAPD
markers for conifer mapping, Tulsieram et al. (1992) mapped 47 of 61 RAPD
markers into 12 LGs in white spruce. Subsequent studies are summarized in
Table 5-1. Genetic maps have been constructed for ca. 12 pine species (Table
5-1: Pinus brutia, caribaea, contorta, densiflora, edulis, elliottii, palustris, pinaster,
radiata, strobus, sylvestris, and taeda). Maps have been constructed for four
spruce species (Table 5-1: Picea abies, glauca, mariana and rubens). Cryptomeria
and Pseudotsuga are two other conifers that have received much attention,
while isolated work has been done with Abies, Cunninghamia, Larix and
Taxus. It should be noted that many of these studies used open-pollinated
seed progeny of an individual tree assayed for haploid megagametophytes
(this also avoids the dominance of RAPD markers). We now discuss more
detailed maps made in the four most important conifer genera.
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Table 5-1 Genetic linkage maps in conifers. Linkage groups include at least 3 markers. Expected coverage is the ratio between observed and predicted map sizes estimated following Hulbert et al. (1988) and Chakravarti et al. (1991); NA = not available. The haploid number of chromosomes
in all species is 12 except Cryptomeria japonica (n = 11), and Pseudotsuga menziesii (n = 13). Numbers separated by “/” refer to the maternal/paternal
parents of the mapping population, respectively. Marker types are defined in Section 5.2.
Marker type
P. mariana × P. rubens
Map length,
coverage, %
cM per
Hudson (2005)
Tong and Shi (2004)
Mukai et al. (1995)
Kuramoto et al. (2000)
Nikaido et al. (2000)
Tani et al. (2003)
13/ 13
Arcade et al. (2000)
Arcade et al. (2000)
Binelli and Bucci (1994)
Skov & Wellendorf (1998)
Paglia et al. (1998)
Acheré et al. (2004)
Scotti et al.(2005)
Tulsieram et al. (1992)
Gosselin et al. (2002)
Pelgas et al. (2006)
Pavy et al. (2008)
Pelgas et al. (2011)
Liewlaksaneeyanawin et al.
(unpubl. data)
Pelgas et al. (2005)
Table 5-1 contd....
Genetic Mapping in Conifers 207
Abies nordmanniana
Cunninghamia lanceolata AFLP
Cryptomeria japonica
RFLP, RAPD, Isozymes
CAPS, Isozymes, SNP,
Larix decidua
L. kaempferi
Picea abies
P. glauca
Marker type
P. mariana
ESTP, Isozymes, RAPD,
Isozymes, RAPD
AFLP, Isozymes, RAPD
Pinus brutia
P. caribaea
P. contorta
P. densiflora
P. edulis
P. elliottii
P. palustris
P. lambertiana
P. pinaster
P. radiata
P. strobus
Map length,
coverage, %
cM per
Pavy et al. (2008)
Kaya and Neale (1995)
Kang et al. (2010)
Shepherd et al. (2003a)
Li and Yeh (2001)
Kim et al. (2005)
Travis et al. (1998)
Nelson et al. (1993)
Kubisiak et al. (1995)
Brown et al. (2001)
Shepherd et al. (2003a)
Nelson et al. (1994)
Kubisiak et al. (1995)
Jermstad et al. (2010)
Plomion et al. (1995b)
Plomion et al. (1995a)
Costa et al. (2000)
Ritter et al. (2002)
Chagné et al. (2002)
Chagné et al. (2003)
Devey et al. (1996)
Devey et al. (1999)
Kuang et al. (1999)
Wilcox et al. (2001)
Echt and Nelson (1997)
Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Conifers
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Table 5-1 contd....
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P. sylvestris
P. taeda
P. thunbergii
Pseudotsuga menziesii
Yazdani et al. (1995)
Lerceteau et al. (2000)
Yin et al. (2003)
Komulainen et al. (2003)
Devey et al. (1994a)
Remington et al. (1999)
Sewell et al. (1999)
Devey et al. (1999)
Brown et al. (2001)
Krutovsky et al. (2004)
Eckert et al. (2009)
Echt et al. (2011)
Hayashi et al. (2001)
Jermstad et al. (1998)
Krutovsky et al. (1998)
Carlson et al. (2007)
Krutovsky et al. (2004)
Ukrainetz et al. (2008a)
Göçmen et al. (1996)
Genetic Mapping in Conifers 209
Taxus brevifolia
Isozymes, RFLP
Isozymes, RAPD, RFLP
ESTP, Isozymes, RFLP
ESTP, Isozymes, RFLP
ESTP, Isozymes, RAPD,
ESTP, Isozymes, RAPD,
ESTP, Isozymes, RAPD,
Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Conifers
Figure 5-1, based upon a meta-analysis of Table 5-1, shows how the
types of markers used in genetic maps have changed in the past 20 years.
In general, the numbers of maps have declined in the past five years.
From this graph, it is evident that RAPD and ISSR markers predominated
during 1995–2005, but their use has declined, as they cannot be transferred
among pedigrees to build additional maps. AFLPs had a big impact during
2000–2005; again, as they are anonymous markers, but their transferability
is limited. Isozymes (the hobbit in the corner) and RFLPs have had a
constant impact, but their numbers are still limited. SSRs and SNP/ESTP/
STS markers are obviously the markers of choice for future mapping. They
have seen increasing useage. These are all sequence based markers that can
be transferred among pedigrees and species.
Number of maps containing marker
Marker type
Figure 5-1 Trends in conifer maps over the past 20 years. I. Usage of the various classes of
genetic markers for conifer genetic mapping.
Figure 5-2, also based upon Table 5-1, shows how the number of markers
used in conifer genetic mapping has increased in the past 20 years. Figure
5-2a shows that the number of markers has obviously increased as expected,
but the variance of the number of markers has also increased. This does not
include plans from spruce and pine genome projects to radically increase
marker number to 5,000 and above. But total map length has remained almost
constant (Fig. 5.2b) as markers separated by 30 cM or less (ca. 100 markers
total) are sufficient to cover genome length. High density marker maps will
be of main use for assembling contigs from genome sequencing projects.
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Genetic Mapping in Conifers 211
Number of markers in map
Total map length
Figure 5-2 Trends in conifer maps over the past 20 years. II. (a) Numbers of markers linked
to maps, (b) Total map length explained by markers. Loblolly Pine
Pinus taeda genome maps generally contain ca. 300 loci based mostly on
the two standard pedigrees: base (Devey et al. 1994b) and qtl (Groover et al.
1994). Mapping data for previously reported SSR, RFLP and ESTP markers
were combined with new SSR markers to generate a loblolly pine consensus
map of 462 markers covering 1,380 cM across 12 LGs, using both the qtl
pedigree (n = 171) and base pedigree (n = 98) (Echt et al. 2011). Of the 234
mapped SSR loci, 171 were newly developed, 81 of which were derived from
Copyright reserved © 2011
Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Conifers
EST sequence data. Marker data were obtained for an additional 50 new
EST-SSR loci that did not segregate in either mapping population but which
were polymorphic in population surveys. One hundred and ninety four
mapped loci were given a functional GO assignment; 242 mapped loci were
assigned to a NCBI UniGene cluster. Unigene and GO assignments, along
with linkage data, aided in identifying duplicated and paralogous marker
loci on the map. This species may serve as a reference map in comparative
mapping with other pines and even other members of the Pinaceae family
such as spruce and Douglas-fir. Spruce
Linkage mapping in spruce (Picea spp.) has been directed toward three species
of major economic importance: Picea abies, a European species, and P. glauca
and P. mariana, both primarily North American species. The first saturated
composite map for white spruce was reported by Gosselin et al. (2002), who
used 165 RAPD, SCAR and ESTP markers to join maps from two individuals.
They noted that co-dominant markers were needed to join the maps. In
Norway spruce, Acheré et al. (2004) developed the second map, involving
755 markers. Interestingly, 150 of these markers were tested for their pattern
of population differentiation differing from neutral expectations, and nine of
these markers were found to be “outliers”, or genes that showed excessive
population divergence, compared to the majority of markers, suggesting they
were linked to QTLs for adaptation (Acheré et al. 2005).
More recently, the Arborea project in Canada has constructed several
linkage maps involving both individual and composite maps for white
spruce and black spruce. A map for the black spruce × red spruce species
complex was constructed (Pelgas et al. 2005), and for white spruce alone
(Pelgas et al. 2006). Most notably, Pavy et al. (2008) assembled a white
spruce linkage map with markers assayed via the Illumina GoldenGate
SNP genotyping platform. The resulting composite map had 821 loci
including 461 AFLPs, 12 SSRs, 31 ESTPs and 317 gene SNPs, and map
coverage was > 98%. This map also positioned genes with SNPs involved in
among-population differentiation of eastern white spruce; 50 outlier SNPs
were identified (Namroud et al. 2008); these genes are putatively involved
in adaptive differentiation. An expanded white spruce composite map
containing 836 gene loci has recently been published (Pelgas et al. 2011).
The most recent white spruce gene composite map emerging from
the Arborea project integrates two pedigrees of 500 progeny and has an
increased resolution of 0.9 cM with 2,255 positioned loci including 455
AFLPs, 12 SSRs and 1,788 gene SNPs. The map covers 2,065.4 cM over 12
Copyright reserved © 2011
Genetic Mapping in Conifers 213
LGs. The average gene density is 1.16 cM. The current published spruce map
has 826 genes; the largest number of mapped genes in a conifer species. Douglas-fir
In Pseudotsuga menziesii, the most recent marker development has focused
on ESTP and SNP markers (Krutovsky et al. 2004), which together with SSR
markers, have added to the RFLP and RAPD linkage maps (Jermstad et al.
1998). The most recently published genetic map of Douglas-fir consists of
376 markers, including 172 RFLP, 77 RAPD, 2 isozyme, 20 SSR, 4 sequence
tagged site (STS), and 101 expressed sequence tag (EST) markers (Krutovsky
et al. 2004). This map is organized into 22 LGs that have three or more
linked markers and spans 1,859 cM. Several hundred SNP markers were
developed recently (Eckert et al. 2009), and their mapping is under way.
When enough markers are mapped, the number of LGs should coalesce
into 13, corresponding to the 13 chromosome pairs in Douglas-fir. It would
be valuable to map additional ESTP, EST-SSR and SNP markers to create a
high-density map that can be used for QTL, candidate gene and physical
mapping to facilitate eventual complete Douglas-fir genome sequencing. Sugi
Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) has been planted widely throughout Japan over
an area of 4.5 million ha, accounting for 44% of all the Japanese artificial
forest. A second generation linkage map for Sugi was constructed by
integrating linkage data from two unrelated third-generation pedigrees.
The progeny segregation data of the first pedigree, which involved a cross
between half-sibs, were derived from cleaved amplified polymorphic
sequences (CAPS), SSRs, RFLPs, and SNPs (Tsumura et al. 1997; Iwata et
al. 2001). The data of the second pedigree, which involved a self-pollinated
individual, were derived from CAPS, isozyme markers, morphological
traits, RAPDs, and RFLPs. The co-dominant DNA markers such as CAPS,
RFLP and SNP were developed from ESTs and cDNA clones from several
kinds of cDNA libraries (Ujino-Ihara et al. 2000; Ujino-Ihara et al. 2005).
More than 95 % of the markers were gene-based markers.
Using JoinMap, linkage analyses were done for the first pedigree
assuming cross-pollination, and for the second pedigree assuming selfing.
Four hundred and thirty eight markers were assigned to 11 large LGs
(corresponding to the 11 chromosomes of C. japonica), 1 small LG, and
1 non-integrated LG from the second pedigree; their total length was
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1,372.2 cM (Tani et al. 2003). On average, the consensus map showed one
marker every 3.0 cM. PCR-based co-dominant DNA marker such as CAPS,
microsatellite and SNP were distributed over all LGs and represented about
a half of mapped loci.
5.4.2 Genome Sizes
Besides providing a linear map of markers along a genome, mapping
experiments can also provide estimates of genome size, in terms of map
units. Hulbert et al. (1988) gave the first estimate of genome size based
upon observed recombination between randomly selected pairs of markers.
Chakravarti et al. (1991) improved this with a maximum likelihood method
for estimating genome size. Many conifer mapping studies have provided
estimate of genome size from either method; estimates range from ca. 2,000
to 3,000 map units. Relatively few numbers of markers can estimate genome
size, as long as some are linked.
Genome size can also be estimated by flow cytometry, in terms of
picograms (pg) of DNA per nucleus, which can be translated into millions
of base pairs using the relationship 1 pg = 978 million base pairs. This gives
an idea of how many nucleotides separate linked markers. Genome size in
the Pinaceae ranges from 5.8 to 32.2 pg with 20 pg (20 billion base pairs)
a rough average (Murray 1998); this is 100 times larger than Arabidopsis
thaliana (0.18 pg).
Genome evolution in the gymnosperm lineage of seed plants has given
rise to many of the most complex and largest plant genomes; however the
elements involved are poorly understood. Most of the enormous genome
complexity of pines can be explained by divergence of retrotransposons
(Morse et al. 2009); however the elements responsible for genome size
variation are yet to be identified. This is currently a very active area of
research in conifer genomics.
5.4.3 Physical Mapping Opportunities
Physical mapping complements genetic mapping. Unfortunately the large
physical genome size of conifers as just described prohibits most of these
approaches. Approaches that are free from constraints from large genome
size involve hybridization of certain genes to chromosomes. Earlier works
used fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) experiments to identify
location and distribution of ribosomal RNA. In Sitka spruce, 5s rDNA was
found to be restricted to one chromosome, whereas 18S-5.8S-26S rDNA
repeats occurred on five chromosomes (Brown and Carlson 1997). Both
distribution and location of large tandem repeats on the genome of white
spruce and Sitka spruce were comparable (Brown et al. 1998). A reference
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Genetic Mapping in Conifers 215
karyotype was presented recently for loblolly pine based on FISH and using
18S–28S rDNA, 5S rDNA, and an Arabidopsis-type telomere repeat sequence,
A-type TRS signals (Islam-Faridi et al. 2007). Statistically, only seven of
the 12 loblolly pine chromosomes could be distinguished by their relative
lengths. However, the position and relative strength of the rDNA and
telomeric sites made it possible to uniquely identify all of the chromosomes,
providing a reference karyotype for use in comparative genome analyses.
A dichotomous key was developed to aid in the identification of loblolly pine
chromosomes and their comparison to chromosomes of other Pinus spp.
A cytomolecular map was developed using the interstitial 18S–28S rDNA
and A-type TRS signals. A total of 54 bins were assigned, ranging from
three to five bins per chromosome. This is the first report of a chromosomeanchored physical map for a conifer that includes a dichotomous key for
accurate and consistent identification of the loblolly pine chromosomes.
Recently, bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) hybridization has been
developed as an alternative to rDNA hybridization, which allows very specific
identification of chromosomes, and such methods would be fruitful to apply
to conifers, particularly the Pinaceae, as chromosomal morphology is hardly
distinguishable among the dozen or so chromosomes. This method has been
used in many plant species (Zhang et al. 2004) but not in conifer.
The normal activity of physical mapping is to construct a library of
inserts, then to construct “tiling paths” to obtain an ordered set of clonal
inserts that span the entire genome. For coverage of a conifer genome
(5–10×), about two million BAC clones are needed, too large for practical
work. Nevertheless, BACs are useful for conifers, and there are currently
BAC libraries available for white spruce and loblolly pine. The spruce
library is unarrayed and about 5× coverage, while the loblolly pine library
is arrayed and about 8× coverage (Liu et al. 2009). Currently, both random
BACs and targeted BACs (BAC identified as having a gene of interest) are
being sequenced from both libraries (J MacKay et al. unpubl. data; DG
Peterson et al. unpubl. data; K Ritland et al. unpubl. data).
5.5 Conifer Comparative Mapping
Alignments of genetic or QTL maps among species demonstrate the
evolutionary conservation of gene linkages among species. An early
paradigm was set by work with the grass family (Gale and Devos 1998).
Conserved chromosomal number in the pines family (Pinaceae) suggested
that similar comparisons could be made in pine family members. The
“Conifer Comparative Genomics Project” organized by David Neale and
his colleagues at UC Davis has verified that such approaches can be used in
conifers (e.g., Krutovsky et al. 2004). The end goal is to transfer information
between species about co-localization of QTL and candidate genes among
species. In genome sequencing projects, it also predicts the reliability that
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related conifer genomes can be “resequenced”, once a reference genome
is sequenced.
To facilitate the identification of orthologous markers for comparative
mapping, sequence-based gene markers such as ESTPs and SNPs are best
because they are usually orthologous across congeneric species, and more
reliable than anonymous markers. Hidden paralogy is the ghost of map
construction (Huynen and Bork 1998; Remm et al. 2001; Pelgas et al. 2006).
To reduce the risk of paralogous amplification, primer pairs should be
designed with a primer matching in the 3’ UTR gene region (e.g., Perry
and Bousquet 1998; Brown et al. 2001; Chagné et al. 2003; Pavy et al.
2008). In conifers, resequencing from megagametophyte DNA indicates
paralogous polymorphisms by the presence of double peaks on sequence
chromatograms (Pelgas et al. 2004).
Until recently, limited numbers of orthologous markers were available
for useful map comparisons. SNPs are virtually in unlimited number.
Because they can be annotated and are dense along linkage maps, SNPs can
better determine gene orthology, and serve as anchor markers for intra- and
interspecific map comparisons (Pelgas et al. 2006; Pavy et al. 2008).
5.5.1 Pine Species Comparisons
Historically, the most extensive genetic maps have involved loblolly pine.
Detailed comparative maps are needed to study conifer genome evolution
and to leverage genomic information of adaptive and economic traits from the
relatively well-studied species, such as loblolly pine, to other conifers. Most
comparative maps among Pinus species are within the subgenus Pinus and
based on comparisons of ESTP markers. They contain 41 common loci between
P. taeda and P. sylvestris (Komulainen et al. 2003) and 32 common loci between
P. taeda and P. pinaster (Chagné et al. 2004). Both of these studies used prior
published P. taeda maps (Krutovsky et al. 2004). Recently, maps from the
two subgenera of Strobus and Pinus could be compared, based on neaerly
400 gene SNPs (Jermstad et al. 2010). All 19 linkage groups of P. lambertiana
co-aligned with the 12 linkage groups of P. taeda, providing a basis for
integrated structural genomics approaches across pine subgenera.
5.5.2 Spruce Species Comparisons
The first comparative map of white spruce (Pelgas et al. 2006) revealed
remarkable synteny with black spruce (P. mariana) and Norway spruce
(P. abies); identical LGs and conservation of gene content and gene order
was found. One breakdown of synteny between P. glauca and the other
taxa involved an inter-chromosomal rearrangement of an insertional
translocation. Analysis of marker colinearity also revealed a putative
segmental duplication. This three-species comparison showed that genome
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Genetic Mapping in Conifers 217
comparisons among Picea species can provide a platform for transfer of
genomic information across species of spruce.
More recently, a detailed analysis of synteny and macro-colinearity
between P. glauca and P. mariana, using 215 anchor markers, consisting
mainly SNPs, found that 98% of the anchor genes were in synteny (Pavy
et al. 2008). Translocations were validated in the case of previously
reported PgMyb4, and three new translocations involving three genes
were indicated. However, the sequencing of haploid megagametophytes
for these genes indicated that these new cases were likely false positives,
involving paralogous variation. Macro-colinearity was also well conserved
among homologous LGs between species, with 82% of syntenic anchor
markers positioned in the same order. Exceptions to colinearity involved
small inversions also observed between individual maps within species,
indicating that that most of these inversions were artefacts.
Figure 5-3 shows a relatively high density genetic map for both white
and black spruce (LGs III-VI only), with the maps also aligned between
the two species. Map distances in centiMorgan are indicated with a scale
on the left side. The composite map of each species was obtained by first
assembling two parental datasets for each species, using JoinMap (Stam
1993); then maps were aligned between species using common markers.
There are five types of markers in these maps: SNPs (bold), ESTPs (bold
and underlined), SSRs (bold and italics), RAPDs (italics and underlined)
and AFLPs (others). Typically AFLPs are the most in such maps with
several types of markers, but they are not useful for joining maps between
species (the loci are named after the primer combination used and the
band migration distance). Syntenic marker loci between spruce species
are indicated in black, and these are typically gene-based markers. These
syntenic markers are identified with a red solid line (colinear markers) or
a red dashed line (non-colinear markers). Orthologous markers positioned
onto non-homologous LGs are indicated in white with red background and
paralogous markers are identified in white with blue background. Overall,
there is a remarkable preservation of gene order between white and black
spruce, and the exceptions may be mistaken cases of orthology and merit
further investigation.
5.5.3 Pine Family Species Comparisons
The first intergeneric comparative map in conifers was constructed between
loblolly pine and Douglas-fir with ESTP and RFLP markers (Krutovsky
et al. 2004). Comparison of Douglas-fir and loblolly pine maps revealed
10 LGs (LG1–LG10) in loblolly pine that shared 2–10 orthologous markers
with 12 apparently syntenic LGs in Douglas-fir based on 46 orthologous
markers. The comparisons revealed extensive synteny and colinearity of
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Figure 5-3 Comparison of homologous linkage groups between white spruce (Picea glauca)
and black spruce (species complex Picea mariana × P. rubens).
Color image of this figure appears in the color plate section at the end of the book.
gene order between the two genomes, consistent with the hypothesis of
conservative chromosomal evolution among even distantly related species
in the Pinaceae family. This study established a working framework that
the Pinaceae can be viewed as a single genetic system.
Homology of Pinaceae LGs was more recently extended to three spruce
species (Pelgas et al. 2006). Between spruce and loblolly pine, 26 of 29 anchor
markers were in synteny, identifying 11 homologous LGs. In this study,
orthology of anchor gene markers was checked by extensive resequencing
of single haploid megagametophytes in the various species. For the three
exceptions to synteny, sequencing of megagametophytes indicated at least
two cases of paralogy, while the third case remained dubious, implicating a
conserved gene family. Between spruce and Douglas-fir, synteny could be
assessed with 20 anchor markers, of which just one proved to be paralogous
after megagametophyte resequencing. Of the remaining markers, three were
not in synteny, including two markers on LG13 of Douglas-fir, confirming
that the supernumerary chromosome of Douglas-fir is the result of fission
(Krutovsky et al. 2004; Pelgas et al. 2005). The remaining marker, in synteny
between spruce and lodgepole pine, was translocated to a different LG in
Copyright reserved © 2011
Genetic Mapping in Conifers 219
Douglas-fir, thus indicating that chromosome rearrangements occurred in
the lineage leading to Douglas-fir. This study established rigorous criteria
for determining orthology of genetic markers among species, and only after
this criteria is met, can we make reliable inferences about chromosomal
rearrangements among species.
Figure 5-4 shows a recent syntenic map for Douglas-fir, loblolly pine and
Norway spruce. This was identified as LG6 of loblolly pine, as the high level
of synteny and conservation of gene order allows homologous LGs among
pine species to be identified (Neale and Krutovsky 2004). Orthologous
comparative mapping markers are underlined and shown in bold (this is
based upon unpublished data kindly provided by Craig Echt, USDA Forest
Service, Southern Institute of Forest Genetics, Saucier, Mississippi, USA [for
pine] and by Michela Troggio, IASMA Research and Innovation Centre,
San Michele, Italy [for spruce]). Overall, the alignment of maps between
species separated by over 100 million years of evolution is remarkable
Pseudotsuga menziesii
Pinus taeda
Picea abies
Figure 5-4 Comparison of homologous linkage groups between Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga
menziesii), loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) and Norway spruce (Picea abies).
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Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Conifers
for the plant kingdom, and suggests that the pine family (Pinaceae) can
be viewed as one genetic system, allowing genomic information to be
readily transferred, in contrast to angiosperm species with even one-tenth
evolutionary separation.
However, on these maps, there are three instances of apparent segmental
inversions, two between Douglas-fir and pine, and one between pine and
spruce. A case where a pair of markers is reversed is likely due to mistaken
orthology. However, between Douglas-fir and pine, four markers are
involved with an apparent rearrangement (involving orthologous markers
3–6 in pine, which are linked to Douglas-fir). To have four, instead of two,
markers involved in an apparent inversion provide much stronger evidence
of true orthology. This suggests that the genetic system is less homologous
in Douglas-fir, as indeed its time since evolutionary divergence is greater
than between pine and spruce, and that there are limits to the transfer of
genomic information between conifer taxa.
5.6 Quantitative Trait Loci Mapping in Conifers
The last aspect of mapping in conifers involves identifying genes underlying
quantitative traits along the marker maps. The co-segregation of genetic
markers with phenotypes within pedigrees can reveal individual genes
underlying quantitative traits. The ultimate objective of QTL mapping
is to infer the “genetic architecture” of the quantitative trait, e.g., the
numbers of gene loci controlling the trait, the magnitudes of their effects,
and their location in LGs, epistatic interactions, and gene-by-environment
interactions. While the idea of using markers to study quantitative traits
dates from Sax (1923), who used single-locus morphological markers as
categories for continuous traits, the landmark paper that provided the
modern paradigm is Lander and Botstein (1989), who considered the
multiple marker mapping of QTL mapping.
QTL mapping involves associating alternative marker alleles with
phenotypes in segregating progenies. The major issue in conifers is that
parents should be heterozygous for both genetic markers and QTLs.
Separate QTL maps (but not marker maps) need to be constructed for each
parent. However, if a given marker is heterozygous in both parents, the QTL
cannot be assigned to a parent, unless there is a priori knowledge about
linkage. Issues about QTL mapping in outbred pedigrees are discussed in
Williams (1998).
Candidate genes can also be used as marker loci in QTL mapping. For
example, Wheeler et al. (2005) used 29 putative cold-hardiness candidate
genes for mapping cold-hardiness related traits in Douglas-fir, and Pot
et al. (2006) used 10 candidate genes involved in the biosynthesis and
deposition of the secondary cell wall in maritime pine. Recently, Pelgas
et al. (2011) used 836 candidate genes as marker loci for QTL mapping of
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Genetic Mapping in Conifers 221
various adaptive traits. However, location of the candidate gene within a
QTL interval is not proof of causality; further testing using functional or
association genetic approaches are required for proof that such a candidate
gene underlies the quantitative trait.
5.6.1 Crossing Designs for QTL Analysis
There are several possible experimental designs for QTL detection. In
conifers, breeding programs offer genetic material for QTL analyses. The
most common test is a progeny test, where a small number (8–20) of openpollinated progeny are grown, which can estimate the genetic value of the
female parent (White et al. 2007). This number is too small to estimate QTL
effect in any single family, and variation among parents for QTL content
adds complexity. In outbred conifers, each parent will have different QTLs.
Ideally, large (> 100) full sib families are needed for reliable inference of QTL,
in order to avoid the bias of inference of QTL effect due to small family size
(Beavis 1998). However this ignores variation of QTL among individuals
in the larger population.
For QTL mapping, the two major designs are the “inter-specific F1”
design, and the “three-generation full-sib pedigree” design. Interspecific
F1 designs are rare if non-existent in conifers as they are based upon
hybridization between subspecies that are usually fixed for alternative
QTL and alternative markers. The three-generation design has been
employed for Douglas-fir and loblolly pine. An intermediate situation is
often encountered: factorial crossing designs with 10–50 progeny per family
(a complete factorial design is where N males are individually crossed
with M females, resulting in NM families). This design is used to estimate
general and specific combining abilities on both the male and female side
(Verhoeven et al. 2005).
QTLs found in one pedigree may not exist in other pedigrees.
“Validation” of QTLs is the replication of the finding on a second
population. In association genetic studies, validation in other populations
is a requirement. In QTL studies, this is a difficult task as emphasized
by Williams et al. (2007). They point out that a given QTL may not be
polymorphic in the second pedigree, and that other segregating QTLs can
cause gene interactions that obscure the QTL in another pedigree. In conifers,
replicate pedigrees are few due to the long generation times.
The density of markers needed for QTL mapping need not be that high.
Darvasi et al. (1993) found that QTL detection probability for a map with
10 cM spacing of markers was virtually the same as that for a map with an
infinite number of markers. Since SNPs usually have just two alleles per
locus, a larger number of SNPs are needed to obtain the ideal 10 cM marker
spacing. SSR markers are usually highly heterozygous and if on the order
of 100 markers are used; their distribution is sufficiently dense such that a
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given individual is usually heterozygous for at least one locus over a small
(10 cM) genome interval.
5.6.2 QTL Traits of Interest
As in the choice of markers for genetic mapping, the phenotypic traits of
interest need to be identified. In conifers, the two main phenotypic traits
targeted in breeding programs are growth characteristics and wood quality.
Total volume, height and ring width are usually used as growth measures.
Wood quality is defined in terms of end-uses, and often involves several
traits related to wood density, chemical composition and fiber properties.
In the area of tree adaptation, phenological traits (timing of bud set and
bud burst), as well as cold-hardiness, are traits of interest.
New technologies are increasing the types and numbers of quantitative
traits that can be examined, and thus studied for their QTL architecture.
At the wood quality level, traits such as stem straightness, stiffness,
wood specific gravity, fiber coarseness, and microfibril angle can be
measured with x-ray diffraction, the SilvaScan technology, or near-infrared
technology (Byram et al. 2005). At the gene level, microarray technologies
allow monitoring of a vast number of gene transcripts, whose expression
levels are regarded as quantitative traits. Genes involved with the lignin
biosynthetic pathway are often of interest, as these genes are putatively
involved with wood quality and perhaps phenology. Wood cellulose
carbon isotope composition, δ13C, is another important trait of interest,
as it is regarded as a time integrated estimate of water use efficiency. A
vast number of metabolites can also be assayed via gas chromatography,
especially when interfaced with mass spectrometry or high performance
liquid chromatography. Like gene expression, metabolite levels can also be
considered a quantitative trait; however, they are not directly tied to a gene
locus like gene expression levels are. Considering global climate change it
becomes very important to study genetic control of adaptive traits such as
phenology, cold-hardiness and drought resistance related traits.
5.6.3 QTL Maps Loblolly Pine
In the first QTL map for a conifer, Groover et al. (1994) inferred male and
female QTL maps in loblolly pine from a full-sib family of 177 progeny
assayed for RFLPs. Five genome regions contained one or more RFLP loci
for wood specific gravity. In an analysis of male-female QTL homology,
they inferred that the male can have a different QTL segregating at the same
locus than the female, and that these alleles can have epistatic interactions.
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Genetic Mapping in Conifers 223
Following this original work, Knott et al. (1997) analyzed the same data for
evidence of multiple QTL in the same linkage interval, finding discordant
results with Groover et al. (1994). Kaya et al. (1999) used the pedigree of
Groover et al. (1994), termed “qtl”, as well as second pedigree, “base”, used
previously by Devey et al. (1994b). Thirteen height and eight diameter QTLs
were detected, suggesting control by few genes of large effect. However,
a given QTL was rarely expressed in multiple years or multiple genetic
A series of works then ensued with the “qtl” pedigree. Sewell et al.
(2000) used the “qtl” pedigree to infer physical traits of wood: wood specific
gravity (wsg), volume percentage of latewood (vol%) and microfibril angle
(mfa), in both earlywood and latewood. Nine unique QTLs were detected
for wood specific gravity, five for volume percentage of latewood, and
five for microfibril angle (mfa). Most QTL for specific gravity were specific
to either earlywood or latewood, whereas each mfa QTL occurred in both
earlywood and latewood. Sewell et al. (2002) found eight unique chemical
wood property QTLs, with differences among populations for QTL. Brown
et al. (2003) stressed that verification of QTL is necessary, comparing inferred
QTL among populations and within populations for different years. They
found that QTL expressed within pedigrees were more stable than QTL
expressed among pedigrees.
An unusual approach to QTL mapping, which takes advantage of the
conifer megagametophyte, was undertaken by Gwaze et al. (2003). As
megagametophytes are haploid, QTL haplotypes can be traced from the
offspring back to individual founders in outbred pedigrees by combining
founder-origin probabilities with fully informative flanking markers. A
large QTL accounting for 11.3 % of the phenotypic variance in the growth
rate was detected in a loblolly pine pedigree; the QTL haplotype was traced
from offspring to its founder, GP3. Maritime Pine
Some of the earliest conifer QTL studies also occurred in Pinus pinaster.
Plomion et al. (1996a) assayed 126 F2 progeny for RAPD markers, including
assay of megagametophytes to determine the linkage phase of the parents.
Height growth components related to the initiation (controlled by the apical
meristem) and elongation of shoot cycles (controlled by the subapical
meristem) were mapped to different chromosomes, suggesting that the
activity of these meristems is controlled by separate genetic mechanisms.
Plomion et al. (1996b) further studied this cross to find a major QTL for delta
3-carene, a monoterpene, which is a constituent of turpentine. In addition,
a qualitative approach found that the ‘’C’’ locus that controls the relative
Copyright reserved © 2011
Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Conifers
quantity of delta 3-carene was associated with RAPD markers near the
major QTL. This was the first study of co-localization of QTL.
Markussen et al. (2003) found 10 QTLs for height or diameter and
40 QTLs for seven wood parameters in P. pinaster. They found that two
SSR markers linked to QTL also were linked in a QTL mapped for P. taeda
(Devey et al, 1999); such markers could be used for comparative QTL
studies. Using a second P. pinaster three-generation pedigree, Brendel et
al. (2002) found four QTLs for δ13C (the first time found in a tree) and two
QTLs for ring width, but they did not co-locate with the δ13C QTL. On the
same pedigree, Pot et al. (2006) detected 54 QTLs. QTL for different traits
in the same map position also showed genetic correlations as estimated by
traditional quantitative genetic analyses. Chagné et al. (2003) compared
QTL maps of Maritime pine and loblolly pine, using 32 common mapped
ESTP markers. The positions of two QTLs controlling wood density and
cell wall components were conserved between the two species. This was
the first ever comparison of QTL maps between conifer species. Radiata Pine
In Pinus radiata, efforts for QTL mapping were directed towards eventual
use for marker-assisted selection (MAS; the use of specific allelic variants
detected in mapping population for tree improvement in unrelated
populations). In the first investigation (Emebiri et al. 1998a), haploid
megagametophytes were assayed, then progeny of the same individuals
grown up to evaluate traits for QTL analysis. This is not a pseudo-testcross
design, but rather it evaluates QTLs from the female parent only. From
222 RAPD markers, stem diameter, volume and height were compared at
5 months, and at 1, 2 and 3 years of age. In a second study, four QTLs for
stem growth efficiency were found, which accounted for 8.5–36.4% of the
population variance (Emebiri et al. 1998b). In a third study, wood density
was evaluated at three stages (Kumar et al. 2000). The results suggested
that early selection can be used in order to increase juvenile wood density,
although the putative QTLs detected in this study need to be verified in
an independent population.
Devey et al. (2004) mapped QTL for juvenile wood density (JWD) and
diameter at breast height (DBH) using a large full-sib family. The percent
variance accounted for by several QTL ranged from 0.78% to 3.58%,
suggesting a genomic architecture of many genes with small effect. Two
unrelated “bridging” families were chosen to identify markers for MAS.
Four markers showed consistent association with JWD, providing the first
basis for MAS in a conifer.
Copyright reserved © 2011
Genetic Mapping in Conifers 225 Scots Pine
In Pinus sylvestris, Lerceteau et al. (2000) generated both male and females
using the two-way pseudo-testcross strategy. On the female size, 12 QTLs
were detected, the largest for frost hardiness. A cluster of QTLs for tree
height, trunk diameter and volume was located on one LG. On the male
map, four QTLs for trunk diameter and volume were detected. Yazdani et
al. (2003) also adopted the pseudo-testcross method, and found QTLs for
shoot elongation; growth cessation and cold acclimation were found on
both maps. Their study concluded that major QTLs control growth rhythm
and autumn cold acclimation. Pine hybrids
In the only QTL study of a conifer hybrid (Slash pine x Caribbean Pine), a
pseudo-testcross QTL detection strategy was used to identify QTLs for
wood density, secondary growth, and dry wood mass in a pedigree of size
133 (Shepherd et al. 2003b). Twelve QTLs were identified that clustered into
four LGs in the slash pine parent and in only one group in the Caribbean
pine parent. QTLs that influenced density and ring width did not co-locate,
suggesting independent inheritance of these characters. Two other pedigrees
were more recently mapped for QTLs for adventitious rooting (Shepherd et
al. 2006). Most small to moderate effect QTL were congruent between the
two pedigrees, while a large effect QTL was found only in one pedigree, and
was postulated to be a between-species effect. Targeting between-species
effects for improvement in synthetic hybrid populations may increase the
efficacy and predictability of hybrid breeding. Douglas-fir
A series of studies used a three-generation pedigree to examine various
classes of traits for QTL in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii). Jermstad
et al. (2001a) genotyped 192 progeny for 74 evenly distributed RFLP
markers found by Jermstad et al. (1998). Thirty three QTL for timing of
spring bud flush were found, and measurements for each of 3 years and
2 test sites showed that several QTLs influence the timing of bud flush
over multiple years within sites but not between sites, indicating major
QTL of consistent effect within sites but interactions with environment
between sites. Using the same material, Jermstad et al. (2001b) found 11
and 15 QTLs affecting fall and spring cold-hardiness, respectively. Three
different shoot tissues phenotyped for spring hardiness showed similar
QTL, while different tissues phenotyped for fall hardiness showed little
QTL similarity, supporting previous reports that spring tissues are more
synchronized than fall tissues.
Copyright reserved © 2011
Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Conifers
Jermstad et al. (2003) again used the same pedigree and markers, but
for additional individuals totaling 460, to investigate QTL interactions of
many of the above traits with photoperiod, moisture stress, winter chilling,
and spring temperature. In the first investigation of QTL interaction
with environment, they found two QTL-by-treatment interactions for
growth initiation traits, and several QTL-by-treatment interactions for
growth cessation traits. Finally, Wheeler et al. (2005) evaluated QTL for
cold-hardiness via artificial freezing and various cold injury assessment
methods in two pedigrees of size 170 and 383. Six QTL were found in the
first pedigree, eight in the second, of which four were shared between the
pedigrees; 17 of 29 putative cold-hardiness candidate genes identified from
ESTs were located within the QTL intervals, thus identifying them as high
priority for association studies. These works with Douglas-fir demonstrate
a unique opportunity of working with trees: long-lived species allow
“immortal” pedigrees that can be repeatedly phenotyped for different traits
after genotyping.
Finally, QTL analyses are normally conducted in single pedigrees. In
contrast, Ukrainetz et al. (2008b) examined eight full-sib families, each of
size 40 progeny, for wood-related QTLs, using the software “QTL Express”
(Seaton et al. 2002). They found that wood fiber and density traits both
showed the lowest number of QTLs (3) with relatively small effects; wood
chemistry traits showed more QTLs (7), while ring density traits large
numbers of QTLs (78) and interesting patterns of temporal variation. Growth
traits gave just five QTLs but of major effect. These wood quality traits
are the widest suite of traits yet examined for QTL analysis in a conifer.
Moreover, examination of multiple families for QTL gives a population
perspective of the true extent of QTL variation. Norway spruce
Markussen et al. (2004) employed bulked segregant analysis and AFLP
markers to compare Norway spruce (Picea abies) individuals with high
and low wood density. Of 107 polymorphic AFLP markers, 15 markers
showed significant linkage to wood density, and two of these were found to
predict wood density in unrelated full-sib families. Markussen et al. (2005)
extended this strategy to compare individuals with high and low extractives
content. Of 14 polymorphic AFLP markers were detected between the
pools, one marker was linked to low extractives content and subsequently
verified as above. Recently, a full-sib family of size 250 has been assayed for
Heterobasidion (root rot), with the objective of mapping QTLs and identifying
candidate genes conferring reduced susceptibility to Heterobasidion spp.
(Jenny Arnerup and Jan Stenlid, Univ of Uppsala, pers. comm.).
Copyright reserved © 2011
Genetic Mapping in Conifers 227 North American Spruce Species
No QTL mapping studies have been conducted in spruce until recently.
In the Quebec Arborea genome project, two pedigrees of white spruce, of
size 395 and 740, have been established and genotyped for 768 and 1,536
gene SNPs, respectively, using the Illumina GoldenGate assay. Experiments
on different sites involving clonal propagation of root cuttings have been
used to evaluate genotype-by-environment interactions for growth and
adaptive traits (Pelgas et al. 2011). About 34 QTL clusters each explaining
generally below 15% of phenotypic variance were found for bud flush,
bud set and height growth, with about 20% of these replicated between
mapping populations and 50% of them with spatial or temporal stability.
At least three occurences of overlapping QTLs were noted, indicative of
potential pleiotropic effects. On a smaller scale, a black spruce pedigree of
size 283 is being studied for wood quality and phenology traits (J Prunier
et al. unpubl. data). As the genes have already been mapped in both this
pedigree and in the white spruce pedigrees, this will offer an excellent
opportunity to assess QTL homology across species.
The British Columbia Treenomix genome project has worked with
two factorial crosses from the spruce weevil resistance breeding program
(see Alfaro et al. 2004). In the first, involving Interior spruce, 369 progeny
in 3 × 2 factorial were genotyped for 253 informative SNP markers using
the Illumina GoldenGate assay (I Porth et al. unpubl. data). Over 300
metabolites were also assayed (R Dauwe et al. unpubl. data). The second
cross, involving Sitka spruce, is currently being assayed. An approach called
“genetical genomics” may also identify previously unidentified networks
of genes unique to conifers. Sugi
Yoshimaru et al. (1998) mapped QTLs for growth, flowering and rooting
ability in Sugi (Crypomeria. japonica). Growth is one of the most important
traits for timber-producing woody species and also for carbon dioxide
fixation to mitigate global warming. QTLs for juvenile growth, including
height and diameter of basal area, were mapped. Flowering is essential for
reproduction, but is not necessary for timber production. If the expression
of flowering could be controlled, it would be useful not only for breeding
but also for forestry and the environment. QTLs for male and female flowers
have been mapped at two locations each, respectively. The rooting ability of
this species is very important for clonal forestry in the southwestern part of
Japan, especially in Kyushu Island. QTLs for rooting ability were found but
there were not highly significant in the family used in the study (Yoshimaru
et al. 1998). Wood quality QTLs, specifically modulus of elasticity (an
important indicator of wood strength), have also been mapped in Sugi
(Kuramoto et al. 2000).
Copyright reserved © 2011
Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Conifers
Recently, pollinosis (human allergies to pollen) has become a serious
social problem; 10 to 20% of Japanese have pollinosis to pollen from Sugi
because of a large plantation, which now has matured to flowering. As
a countermeasure, the male-sterile lines of C. japonica are planned to be
used for reforestation. Some male-steriles seem to be controlled by a
single recessive locus (Taira et al. 1993). To determine the location of the
locus on the linkage map, co-dominant DNA markers have been used for
mapping of the gene, using SSRs (Moriguchi et al. 2003; Tani et al. 2004),
EST-SSRs (Y Moriguchi et al. unpubl. data), and SNPs (T Ujino-Ihara et al.
unpubl. data). After the genome location of this male-sterile gene is found,
a selective marker will be developed and used for selection of the malesterile individuals from the plantation forests and plus trees as breeding
5.7 Prospects
In a seminal review, Remington and Purugganan (2003) stated that future
research in plants should expand the number of traits that are intensively
studied and make greater use of QTL mapping in wild plant taxa, especially
those undergoing adaptive radiations, while continuing to draw on insights
from model plants. Conifers are inherently non-domesticated (e.g., wild
plant taxa) and the resources provided by breeding programs and genome
projects will provide rich resources for testing of candidate gene-trait
associations in wild populations, genetic mapping in hybrid zones, and
microarray analyses of gene expression.
In conifers, comparative analyses of genetic maps will continue to be a
fertile ground for future studies. In sunflower species, a comparative study
showed that in the face of extensive hybridization and gene flow, species
integrity is maintained (Strasburg et al. 2009). There are many examples
of hybrid zones in conifer species, such as the hybridization between
Englemann spruce and white spruce in British Columbia. There have been
no such studies in conifers that compare patterns of genetic divergence
and diversity along chromosomal segments, which can reveal divergent
selection for speciation. In conifers, few studies involving “genome scans”
have been done (but see Namroud et al. 2008).
Another approach possible for conifers is to use “hitchhiking mapping”
to identify regions of recent selective sweeps, due to adaptive divergence.
This method starts from a genome scan using a randomly spaced set of
molecular markers followed by a fine-scale analysis in the flanking regions
of the candidate regions under selection. In fish, the hitchhiking approach
identified a selective sweep around candidate locus Stn90 (Makinen et
al. 2008). Fine scale genome maps will help identify candidate loci for
adaptation in conifers, particularly those involved with strong ecological
Copyright reserved © 2011
Genetic Mapping in Conifers 229
gradients, such as that found Sitka spruce from coastal California to coastal
Alaska (see Mimura and Aitken 2007).
Yet another new avenue for using QTL maps is “genetical genomics”,
which combines genetic mapping with gene expression analysis. It uses
variation of gene expression induced by segregation within mapping
populations to infer interactions among expressed genes or metabolites.
Gene networks, and even directed gene networks, can be inferred by the
joint analysis of marker genotypes and gene expression and metabolite levels
(Rockman 2008). In the Treenomix II project, two genetical genomic studies
are nearing completion. These involve a 22K member cDNA microarray,
hundreds of assayed metabolites, and scores for weevil resistance in both
white spruce pedigree (I Porth et al. unpubl. data; R Dauwe et al. unpubl.
data) and a Sitka spruce pedigree (S Verne et al. unpubl. data).
Recently a number of “next-generation” sequencing technologies have
been invented, which can sequence fragments of DNA at astoundingly
higher rates compared to Sanger sequencing. These include the Illumina/
Solexa, ABI/SOLiD, 454/Roche, Pacific Biosciences/SMRT and Helicos
(Morozova and Marra 2008). To date, these technologies have been
applied mostly in non-marker contexts, such as whole-genome sequencing
(Bentley et al. 2008), targeted resequencing (Gnirke et al. 2009), discovery
of transcription factor binding sites, transcript and non-coding RNA
expression profiling, and other functional genomic studies (Eveland et al.
2008). These technologies should greatly facilitate genotyping of mapping
populations for mapping through direct and parallel sequencing of multiple
Finally, and last but not least, for the past several years, there has been
an initiative to sequence a conifer genome, starting with the seminal paper
of Neale et al. (1994). There are several initiatives such as the Pine Genome
Initiative (http://pinegenomeinitiative.org/) and the International Conifer
Genome Initiative (http://www.pinegenome.org). It is not clear what strategy
is the best, and current initiatives are exploring alternatives. Fine scale
genetic mapping will clearly enable the assembly of contigs based upon
shotgun sequencing (for example, in the monkeyflower genome project,
John Willis pers. comm.). A current goal of the Arborea project is to map
10,000 genes in white spruce (J Bousquet pers. comm.). Other workers in the
USA, Canada and Spain have embarked upon exploratory BAC sequencing
and gene enrichment of the repetitive genome to discover the structure of
conifer genomes, using “gene space” explorations developed such as for
maize (Liu et al. 2007). These approaches will interface with genetic mapping
to help assemble the first conifer genome.
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Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Conifers
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Chapter 5
Figure 5-3 Comparison of homologous linkage groups between white spruce (Picea glauca)
and black spruce (species complex Picea mariana × P. rubens).
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