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1992, Journal of Hypertension
2 pages
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DIRITTO CIVILE CAPITOLO 1 1) Definizione nesso di causalità, art. 2043 ed interpretazione 2) Causalità naturalistica, scientifico-naturalistica, fondamenti (materia e forza) e 4 errori di conoscenza: -mente, -campioni errati, -prospettiva, -SI effetti/ NO causa 3) Causalità filosofica: -astratta (dalla causa all'effetto tramite ragionamento deduttivo razionale), -concreta (dalla causa all'effetto tramite prevedibilità)
RESUMO: Somos testemunhas de uma feroz disputa territorial contemporânea entre diversas expressões do capital e de movimentos como a La Via Campesina (LVC) e a Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Organizaciones del Campo (CLOC). Nessa disputa, a agroecologia emerge como matriz produtiva e projeto político de enfrentamento do capital no campo, construída em uma perspectiva politizada e a partir de um sujeito histórico. Neste artigo, analisamos a concepção de educação agroecológica da LVC/CLOC em sua dimensão política e práxis pedagógica, que poderia denominar-se Pedagogia Camponesa Agroecológica. Abordamos os temas dos territórios em disputa e a agroecologia, e o papel teórico e político das epistemes que emergem dessas experiências na elaboração de projetos educativos e na práxis política.
Histoire & mesure, 2023
This article introduces the AveTransRisk database, which contains the data present in the documents produced as part of a General Average (GA) case. This documentation is an important quantitative source for the early modern period. The mutualistic nature of GA makes this data particularly useful for economic historians looking for stable and reliable historical commodity prices and costs, because all parties involved in GAs were active participants in the business venture so "over-" or "under-" estimation of commodity values and expenses was unlikely.
The article analyzes Heidegger's critique of Aristotle's bipartite approach to being and entities in the genesis of Western metaphysics. Heidegger challenges Aristotle's analysis, arguing that the integration of entities as a whole and particular entities inphysis led to a disregard for ontological difference. The German philosopher proposed that the bifurcation of being resulted in the metaphysical tradition becoming an "ontotheology." In contrast, Heidegger, through phenomenological hermeneutics, reintroduced the question of being, emphasizing the understanding of beings through the pre-logical way Daseinexists in the world, without relying on an eternal and immutable foundation
In establishing financial accounting standards, two basic premises of the FASB are:
Birinci Dünya Savaşı sonucunda İtilaf Devletleri ile imzalanan Mondros Mütarekesi gerekçe gösterilerek 15 Mayıs 1919’da İzmir, Yunan kuvvetleri tarafından işgal edildi. 27 Mayıs 1919’da ise Aydın, Yunan işgaline uğradı. İşgali takip eden günlerde Yunan askerleri İzmir ve Aydın çevresinde yaşayan Müslüman Türklere karşı büyük katliamlar yapmaya başladı. Katliamların en büyük amacı; bölgedeki Türk nüfus oranlarının Rumlar aleyhinde değiştirilmek istenmesinden kaynaklanıyordu. Savaşların en trajik sonuçlarının başında, savaş bölgelerinde yaşayan sivil halkın yaşadığı bölgeleri terk etmeleri yani göçler gelmektedir. Yunanlıların yaptıkları katliamlara karşı kayıtsız kalamayan bölge halkı iç bölgelere doğru göçe başladı. Bölgedeki idari ve askeri yetkililerin çabaları göçü engelleme noktasında yetersiz kaldı. Çoğunluğunu kadın, çocuk ve yaşlıların oluşturduğu muhacirler İtalyan işgal bölgelerine sığınmaya başladılar. Muhacirler güney ve kuzey mıntıkası olarak adlandırılan iki farklı bölgeye göç etmek zorunda kaldılar. Göç kafileleri Çine, Koçarlı, Afyonkarahisar ve Balıkesir’e kadar uzanan coğrafyaya ulaştı. İşgallere hazırlıksız yakalanan muhacirler üzerlerinde kıyafetleri; yanlarında erzakları olmadan yola çıkmışlardı. Göç kafilelerinin ulaştığı bölgelerde barınma, sağlık ve iaşe konularında ciddi sorunlar ortaya çıktı. İlk etapta ulaştıkları bölgelerdeki yerel idare ve ahali, muhacirlere sahip çıktı. İlerleyen süreçte, bölgeye gönderilen devlet görevlileri tarafından gerekli yardımlar yapıldı. Bu çalışmada; Aydın ve çevresinden göç etmek zorunda kalan yaklaşık 140.000 muhacirin yerleştikleri bölgeler, karşılaştıkları sağlık problemleri ve bu muhacirlere yapılan yardımlar ele alınacaktır. Batı Anadolu, Yunan İşgali, İzmir, Aydın, Muhacir. TEKİR Süleyman, URAL Selçuk, Greek Occupation in Western Anatolia And Emigrants of Aydin (1919-1920), CTAD, Volume 13, Issue 26 (Fall 2017), pp. İzmir was occupied by Greek forces on 15 May 1919 on the pretext of the Armistice of Mudros that was signed with the Allied Powers in the end of World War I. Afterwards on 27 May 1919, Greeks occupied Aydın. On the days following the occupation, Greek soldiers began to massacre Muslim Turks living around İzmir and Aydın. The greatest goal of the massacres was to reduce Turkish population than the Greek population. One of the most tragic results of wars is that civilians living in war territories are obliged to leave their settlements, that is, migration. Due to these Greek massacres, population of the region began to emigrate towards interior areas. Efforts made by the administrative and military officials in the region were not sufficient in prevention of the emigration. Mostly consisting of women, children and elders, emigrants began to take refuge in the regions under Italian occupation. Emigrants had to go to two different regions named the southern and the northern territories. Some groups reached as far as Çine, Koçarlı, Afyonkarahisar and Balıkesir. Caught with occupations off their guards, emigrants had set off with insufficient clothing and supplies. Serious problems in terms of sheltering, health and food arose in the regions that the groups reached. They were helped by the local administrative officials and communities of the areas that they initially reached. In the following periods, they were helped by the government officials who were sent to the region. In connection with approximately 140 thousand emigrants who had to emigrate from around Aydın, this study addresses the areas they settled to, the health problems they suffered and the assistance they were provided with. Keywords: Western Anatolia, Greek Occupation, İzmir, Aydın, Emigrant
Beiträge zur bayerischen Geschichte, Sprache und Kultur, Band 4, 301-304, 2023
Ein sprachhistorisches Zeugnis zum Friesischen aus dem Bayern des 19. Jahrhunderts
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2020
We explored the appropriateness and measurement properties of a suicidality assessment tool (SBQ-R) developed for the general population, in autistic adults—a high risk group for suicide. 188 autistic adults and 183 general population adults completed the tool online, and a sub-sample (n = 15) were interviewed while completing the tool. Multi-group factorial invariance analysis of the online survey data found evidence for metric non-invariance of the SBQ-R, particularly for items three (communication of suicidal intent) and four (likelihood of suicide attempt in the future). Cognitive interviews revealed that autistic adults did not interpret these items as intended by the tool designers. Results suggest autistic adults interpret key questions regarding suicide risk differently to the general population. Future research must adapt tools to better capture suicidality in autistic adults.
Walisongo, Volume 22, Nomor 1, Mei 2014
This article aims to analyze the comparative study of the liberation theology perspective. The notion of liberation theology is a form of transformative theology that concerned within issues of equality and social justice. The relationship amidst religion and politics is reciprocal due to there are conflicts of interest between both entities. Emergence of liberation theology itself arises because of the politicization of religion has become more acute and chronic so it needs to be transformed. The thought of liberation theology is basically grown in the famous case of Latin America with the spirit church of the poor. However, within Islam, it also found a similar essence that Islam also teaches that there egalitarianism, equality, and social justice. Article will elaborate about this comparison of liberation theology.
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Acta Archaeologica, 2005
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Anuario Español de Derecho Internacional Privado, 2017
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2012
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Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science, 2013
Neural regeneration research, 2016
Food additives and contaminants, 2002
Contemporary Oncology/Współczesna Onkologia, 2007
Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Statistics 2022 (ICMSS 2022), 2022