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2011, Journal of Banking & Finance
3 pages
1 file
We develop a new methodology that controls for both the timing of annual earnings news (Asquith et al., 1989) and the performance prior to split announcements (Barber and Lyon, 1996) to evaluate the information content of stock splits. In contrast to existing evidence, we find that stock splits in aggregate are followed by positive abnormal future earnings growth, suggesting that stock splits contain information about future, rather than past, operating performance. When we use changes in breadth of institutional ownership as a new metric of information content to corroborate our findings, we find that splits with the greatest increase in breadth experience positive post-split abnormal returns and positive abnormal earnings growth. Together, our results suggest that some splits contain positive information about future performance, and that sophisticated market participants such as institutional investors are able to select these splits.
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2015
We make use of a large sample of transaction-level institutional trading data to test an extended version of Brennan and Hughes’ (1991) information production theory of stock splits. We compare brokerage commissions paid by institutional investors before and after a split, assess the private information held by them, and relate the informativeness of their trading to brokerage commissions paid. We show that institutions make abnormal profits net of brokerage commissions by trading in splitting stocks. We also show that the information asymmetry faced by firms goes down after stock splits. Overall, our empirical results support the information production theory.
Financial Review, 2008
We examine the relationship between the frequency of stock splits and firms' motives for splitting their stock. Compared to their peers, infrequent splitters show higher post-split operating performance, but not so for frequent splitters. We find that split ratio and liquidity change explain the stock split announcement effect for the frequent splitters. In contrast, the change in operating performance in the split year explains the announcement effect for the infrequent splitters. Our results suggest that frequent splits are more consistent with the trading range-improved/liquidity hypothesis and infrequent splits are more consistent with the signaling hypothesis.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2016
This paper aims to differentiate between optimistic splits and overoptimistic/opportunistic splits. Although markets do not distinguish between these two groups at the split announcement time, optimistic (over-optimistic/opportunistic) splits precede positive (negative) long-term buy-andhold abnormal returns. Using the calendar month portfolio approach, we show that the zeroinvestment, ex-ante identifiable, and fully implementable trading strategy proposed in this paper can generate economically and statistically significant positive abnormal returns. Our findings indicate that pre-split earnings management and how it relates to managers' incentives, is an omitted variable in the studies of post-split long-term abnormal returns.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2009
In this survey paper I summarize the literature's findings on the short-run and long-run effects of stock split announcements as well as what happens in the preceding and subsequent years around a stock split event. I also summarize how firm characteristics influence these results. Furthermore, I discuss the various theories regarding why splits occur and why stock return distributions change subsequent to split events. I specifically focus on the changes in the first and second moments of stock returns and analyze related theories such as optimal trading, optimal tick size, liquidity, and signaling. More importantly I present the pros and cons of each of these theories and discuss which of them are more plausible. I suggest that a combination of the several theories suggested in the literature can rationally explain the return distribution changes around stock splits. I conclude with suggestions for future research.
SSRN Journal
By splitting the stock split process into two separate events: split announcement and split implementation, we test six competing split theories. Signal communication and sophisticated trader theories, which focus on the reaction of public and large sophisticated traders, are examined around split announcement. Trading range, dealer promotion and broker promotion theories, which focus on the reactions of small traders, market makers and brokers, are studied around split implementation. Trading inconvenience theory is tested around both split announcement and implementation. Changes in transaction activity, transaction costs, information asymmetry and analysts recommendation are studied after split announcement and split implementation based on the stock split records between 1998 and 2005. We find that total transactions increase after both split announcement and implementation. Information asymmetry decreases significantly after split implementation, while it decreases only slightly after split announcement. The dollar effective spreads decrease and the percentage effective and realized spreads increase significantly after split implementation. Dealers' raw revenues increase after both split announcement and implementation. The number of analysts covering a stock increases after split implementation. A stock's price level moves towards its industry median after split implementation. Hence the trading range, broker and dealer promotion theories are all supported. Signal communication theory is supported by the short-period micro-structural analysis but the trading inconvenience and sophisticated trader theories are not supported. In addition, we also find that the effects of dealer promotion are mitigated when the dollar tick size reduces from $1/16 to $0.01. The effects of broker promotion are positively related with the split factor. Finally, transaction and competition conditions from non-primary markets are examined after split implementation. We find that competition from non-primary markets does increase, while information asymmetry levels decrease by a larger amount in non-primary markets. These results indicate that non-primary market decreases compete with their primary market counterparts through "cream-skimming" practices.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
We test the split signaling hypothesis by studying sophisticated investors' reaction to stock split announcements. Return-based tests of signaling used in earlier studies produce conflicting results and have been recently criticized as unreliable. We bypass this criticism by focusing on longterm post-split behavior of short sellers who are generally recognized as sophisticated investors. Upon controlling for alternative hypotheses and conventional short selling determinants, we show that short interest permanently declines in reaction to split announcements. Furthermore, consistent with signaling, the degree of the decline is positively related to signal strength and to the splitter's level of information asymmetry. Overall, our results are consistent with the view that firms use stock splits to relay positive value-relevant signals.
Academia Green Energy, 2024
Trametes versicolor is a common upper polyporus fungus whose mycelial development is influenced by temperature, pH, and media composition. The aim of this research was to optimize temperature, pH, carbon, and nitrogen sources for the mycelial growth of the white rot fungus T. versicolor HBB 7328, which has significant potential for green energy applications due to its enzymatic activities. The study found that the fungus exhibited maximum mycelial growth (8.24 mm/day) at 30 ºC and at pH 7 (6.34 mm/day). Among various carbon sources, maltose led to the highest mycelial growth rate of 10.62 mm/day, while malt extract was the best nitrogen source, supporting a growth rate of 8.96 mm/day. Screening for enzymatic activities revealed that T. versicolor HBB 7328 was positive for laccase, cellulase, protease, and xylanase enzymes. Notably, it exhibited high laccase activity (50.167 U/mL) when analyzed quantitatively. These findings are crucial for the development of pure cultures and further studies on the enzymatic activities of T. versicolor HBB 7328. The high enzymatic activity, especially of laccase, points to its potential in biotechnological applications, such as in the biodegradation of pollutants and the production of biofuels, contributing to the advancement of green energy solutions.
Asian Journal of Basic Science & Research , 2021
The era of digitization in Saudi Arabia, had led to the foundation of the use of digital technology in every aspect. May be a simple task or a business analytics work. The dependency of technologies increasing day by day. This is somewhat very good as far as convenience of human being is concerned. Keeping in mind the vision 2030 of Saudi Arabia. The need for smart management of inventory in a particular organization is very important. For this reason, an artificial intelligent application can be constructed that will be helpful enough to obtain various good results. This project consists of an analysis of such a system that will be intelligent enough to help the users of the organisation to manage their inventory in a very smart way that will be helpful enough for providing enough information useful for the organisation, as well as providing various amazing heuristic methods that will be helpful enough to manage the contents of the system.
O budismo não é só uma religião, mas também um sistema ético e filosófico, originário da região da Índia. Foi criado por Sidarta Gautama (563?-483 a.C.?), também conhecido como Buda. Este criou o budismo por volta do século VI a.C. Ele é considerado pelos seguidores da religião como sendo um guia espiritual e não um deus. Desta forma, os seguidores podem seguir normalmente outras religiões e não apenas o budismo. O início do budismo está ligado ao hinduísmo, religião na qual Buda é considerado a encarnação ou avatar de Vishnu. Esta religião teve seu crescimento interrompido na Índia a partir do século VII, com o avanço do islamismo e com a formação do grande império árabe. Mesmo assim, os ensinamentos cresceram e se espalharam pela Ásia. Em cada cultura foi adaptado, ganhando características próprias em cada região. Os ensinamentos, a filosofia e os princípios Os ensinamentos do budismo têm como estrutura a ideia de que o ser humano está condenado a reencarnar infinitamente após a morte e passar sempre pelos sofrimentos do mundo material. O que a pessoa fez durante a vida será considerado na próxima vida e assim sucessivamente. Esta ideia é conhecida como carma. Ao enfrentar os sofrimentos da vida, o espírito pode atingir o estado de nirvana (pureza espiritual) e chegar ao fim das reencarnações. Para os seguidores, ocorre também a reencarnação em animais. Desta forma, muitos seguidores adotam uma dieta vegetariana. A filosofia é baseada em verdades: a existência está relacionada a dor, a origem da dor é a falta de conhecimentos e os desejos materiais. Portanto, para superar a dor deve-se antes livrar-se da dor e da ignorância. Para livrar-se da dor, o homem tem oito caminhos a percorrer: compreensão correta, pensamento correto, palavra, ação, modo de vida, esforço, atenção e meditação. De todos os caminhos apresentados, a meditação é considerado o mais importante para atingir o estado de nirvana. A filosofia budista também define cinco comportamentos morais a seguir: não maltratar os seres vivos, pois eles são reencarnações do espírito, não roubar, ter uma conduta sexual respeitosa, não mentir, não caluniar ou difamar, evitar qualquer tipo de drogas ou estimulantes. Seguindo estes preceitos básicos, o ser humano conseguirá evoluir e melhorará o carma de uma vida seguinte.
Marine Drugs, 2024
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials
Anuario de Historia Regional y de las Fronteras, 2024
Journal of Plasma Physics, 2015
Journal of Human Evolution, 2008
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 58 Issue 11 (November 2024) : 1980-1984, 2024
América Latina en la Historia Económica, 2025
The Astrophysical Journal, 2009
ISUF-H 2023, 2023
Journal of Pediatric Urology, 2014
Natural Product Research, 2018
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2020