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2017, Ecocycles
3 pages
1 file
Tectonophysics, 2000
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften
Facies, (Bio-)Stratigraphy, and Applied Geology", is dedicated to Prof. Dr. Klaus-Werner Tietze (1937-2019) (see also Amler et al. 2021a, this volume). Klaus-Werner Tietze was born in Stettin on August 3, 1937. At that time, the family lived in Altdamerow, a small Pomeranian village. His father, who died as a soldier in 1944, was pastor there. Due to the Second World War, the Tietze's had to leave Pomerania; after several stopovers, they finally found a new home in Eschwege in northern Hesse. There, Klaus-Werner finished his school days with an Abitur (higher education qualification). After completing his military service from 1958 to 1959, Klaus began studying geology/palaeontology with the minor subjects mineralogy and zoology in 1959. For this study, he chose the Geological-Palaeontological Institute at Philipps University of Marburg, which was headed by Carl-Walter Kockel. For the exchange semester, which was then still compulsory, Klaus-Werner chose the Technical University of Munich. The subject of his combined diploma and doctoral thesis was the geology of the Greek island of Chios. The fieldwork for this project was carried out from 1962 to 1964, the study of the collected material in Marburg lasted Prof. Dr. Klaus-Werner Tietze on a geological city tour in Freiburg i. Br. at the annual meeting of the German Subcommission on Permian-Triassic stratigraphy in 2015 (Photograph: H.-Gerd Röhling).
due to later extensions. In a cm-scale view, this bending is realized by several microfaults. This subsidence can be derived either from solution processes or the slow ductile flow of the gypsum towards the Nagy Valley.
Stephan Mueller Special Publication Series, 2001
Földtani Közlöny
The Pécs-Danitzpuszta sand pit is the most important outcrop of the oldest Pannonian (upper Miocene, Tortonian) deposits in southern Hungary. A trench excavated in 2018 exposed Lake Pannon deposits and underlying Paratethys strata down to the upper Badenian (Serravallian), and together with the sand pit they make up a continuous sedimentary succession with a true thickness of ~220 metres. Due to tectonic deformation, middle Miocene deposits and carbonates in the lowermost Pannonian are overturned. Layers become vertical close to the marl-sand boundary, then the dip changes to normal, with continuously decreasing dip angles. The exposed succession starts with 5 m of upper Badenian (13.8-12.6 Ma old) calcareous marls and sandy limestones with sublittoral, then littoral molluscs, which were deposited in the normal salinity seawaters of the Central Paratethys. The overlying 8 m of sand, silt, sandy breccia and conglomerate are fossil-free,; only the lowermost silt layer contains reworke...
Mineralogy and Petrology, 2007
In the Villány Mts of southern Hungary, ocelli-bearing porphyritic lamprophyre dykes and sills of Upper Cretaceous age occur sporadically, intruding Mesozoic carbonate rocks. They at places contain metasomatised mantle xenoliths and quartz xenocrysts of crustal origin. They are moderately fractionated with significant LILE and LREE enrichments and a notable Nb-Ta negative anomaly. Trace elements indicate that they formed in an intraplate environment by very low degree partial melting of a metasomatised garnet lherzolite mantle source that was enriched by earlier subduction. Based on petrography, geochemistry and age constraints, they differ from other Mesozoic basic rocks of the Tisza block (Mecsek Mts and Slavonian basalts); however, they show a significant geochemical similarity to the Upper Cretaceous lamprophyre dyke swarm from NE Transdanubia (northwestern Hungary) situated on the Alcapa microplate. Thus we suggest that lamprophyres from the Villány Mts and NE Transdanubia could have originated from the same or similar enriched asthenospheric mantle sources. 76 Zs. Nédli and T. M. Tóth: Origin and geodynamic significance cores Cpx, Plag, Fe-Tioxides, Amph, Bio, Ap, Cc, Chl, smectites abundant 2-4 mm dominantly complex composition rare 2-3 mm þ1.5 cm large quartzite xenolith absent Beremend dyke 2-3Â20 m exposed Aptian-Albian limestone porphyritic-panidiomorphic Ol (altered to Cc, Mt, Serp), Cpx with abundant xenocrystic cores Cpx, AEPlag, Fe-Tioxides, Amph, Bio, Ap, Cc, Chl, smectites abundant 2 mm-1.5 cm carbonatitic or complex composition rare 1-3 mm abundant 2-10 cm Máriagy} u ud dyke 0.8Â10 m exposed Aptian-Albian limestone porphyritic-panidiomorphic Ol (altered to Cc, Mt, Serp), Cpx with abundant xenocrystic cores, rare aggregates Cpx, AEPlag, Fe-Ti-oxides, Amph, Bio, Ap, Cc, Chl, smectites abundant 2-3 mm dominantly complex composition rare 1-3 mm þ0.5 cm large quartzite xenolith absent 78 Zs. Nédli and T. M. Tóth 80 Zs. Nédli and T. M. Tóth
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Geologia, 2003
The Transylvanides which represent the uppermost group of Alpine tectonic units of the Apuseni Mountains originated from a Mesozoic rift located between the Preapulian and Getic cratons (Rădulescu & Săndulescu, 1973; Săndulescu, 1984; Balintoni, 1997). The term "Foreapulian Block" ("Preapulian bloc" in Romanian translation), was used by Săndulescu (1994), for the continental mass from which the Northern Apusenides or Inner Dacides (the Codru and Biharia Nappe Systems) have been sheared. The name "Getic Craton" was proposed by Balintoni (1994a) for the continental fragment located between the Transylvanian Rift and the External Carpathian Flysch Basin, from which proceeded the Getic crystalline. The Transylvanides were emplaced antithetically, during the Austrian and Laramian orogenic phases. During the compressional (Early Cretaceous) period, the rift basin evolved towards a foreland retroarc type basin, because it was installed on the upper plate sheared margin. If the Austrian Transylvanides (ATS) and the Mediterranean Apusenides are described as "in-sequence" tectonic units, the Laramian Transylvanides (LTS) are "out of sequence". In the Apuseni Mountains tectonic context, the Austrian orogenic phase is considered intra-Albian or around the Aptian-Albian boundary, the Mediterranean one as intra-Turonian (pre-Gosau) and the Laramian one as intra-Maastrichtian and close to the Maastrichtian end. This fact complicates the recognition of the Transylvanides, as well as their description and classification. Balintoni (1994, 1997) proposed a dual classification of the Transylvanides, with particular names for the Austrian and Laramian ones, because some parts of the ATS can be found again within several units of the LTS. According to latter classification of this author, the ATS include the Izvoarele, Valea Muntelui, Feneş, Colţul Trascăului, Bedeleu, Ardeu, Căbeşti, Căpâlnaş-Techereu and Bejan nappes, and the LTS comprise the Groşi, Crilş-Bucium, Vulcan, Frasin, Metalliferous Mountains, Curechiu-Stănija and Mureş nappes. Besides this, the Laramian Transylvanides transported also the post-Austrian sedimentary covers. Regarding the ATS and LTS many unsolved questions still persist, as it is for instance: the precise age for pre-Austrian and post-Austrian sedimentary formations; the correlation between the Austrian tectonic units enclosed by the Laramian nappes; the number of the LTS; the amplitude of the tectonic displacement; the relation between the Apuseni Mountains and the South Carpathians; the opening age of the Transylvanian Rift; the development of the magmatic component of the Transylvanides; the initial locale for the sedimentary and magmatic formations. In the following we will analyse some actual issues of the relation between the ATS and the LTS and present an improved model. I. The Bucium Unit: fact or myth? The Bucium Unit was first described by Ianovici et al. (1976) as a part of the South Apuseni Mountains. These authors considered the South Apuseni Mountains as built up of some Early Cretaceous facial-structural units, arranged later by tectonic thrusting and folding, and they mentioned in the lowermost position, the Bucium Unit. According to them, the Early Cretaceous formations of the Bucium Unit are transgressively deposited upon the crystalline schists of the Highiş rise, which is formed by the Baia de Arieş and Muncel tectonic units. They are consisting of: micritic limestones, Tithonian-Neocomian in age; the Căbeşti Beds, Hauterivian-Aptian; the Valea Dosului Beds, Aptian; the Ponor Beds, Albian and the Pârâul Izvorului Beds, Late Albian-Cenomanian. In their upper part, the Pârâul Izvorului Beds grade into the Cenomanian Negrileasa conglomerates. The Pârâul Izvorului Beds unconformably overly the earlier formations, due to the Austrian orogenic movements. Bleahu et al. (1981) confirm that the sedimentary deposits of the Bucium Unit constitute the cover of the Baia de Arieş and Muncel nappes, yet they partially modify the lithostratigraphy of these deposits. Lupu (1983) considers the Bucium Unit as autochthonous, tectonically in a similar position as outlined by Bleahu et al. (1981).
British Journal of Pharmacology, 2006
Libro de introduccion al derecho
Centro de Estudios Antropológicos de la Universidad Católica, 2019
Insect Environment, 2024
isara solutions, 2023
Mineral Deposit Research: Meeting the Global Challenge, 2005
International Journal of Integrated Care, 2017
Chemischer Informationsdienst, 1986
Polymer Testing
Physical Review Letters, 1987
Psikologika: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Psikologi, 2021