M. F. Humphreys1
The construction sector is one of the world’s largest consumers of polymer composites.
Unreinforced polymer composite materials have been used by the construction industry
for many years in non-load bearing applications such as trimmings, kitchenware, vanities
and cladding. In the last decade there has been a concerted effort to migrate reinforced
polymer composites (RPCs) into the construction industry for use in primary load bearing
applications. Potential advantages commonly expounded by proponents of RPC materials
include high specific strength, high specific stiffness, tailorable durability, good fatigue
performance, versatile fabrication and lower maintenance costs. As a result reinforced
polymer composites are being investigated in applications such as rehabilitation and
retrofit, alternative reinforcement for concrete and, in rare cases, entire fibre composite
structures. However, to date the number of primary structural applications of RPCs in
construction remains relatively low and there appears to be a number of issues
contributing to their slow uptake by the construction industry. Issues such as cost, absence
of design codes, lack of industry standardisation, poor understanding of construction
issues by composites industry, lack of designers experienced with polymer composite
materials and civil/building construction are commonly claimed to place these materials at
a disadvantage when considered against traditional construction materials. However, this
paper proposes that as issues of sustainability become increasingly important to material
choice, some fibre composite materials could be at an advantage over traditional materials.
Keywords: polymer composites, fibre composites, natural fibre composites, biocomposites, construction materials, advanced materials, reinforced plastics, civil
Composite materials combine and maintain two or more distinct phases to produce a
material that has properties far superior than either of the base materials. Composite
materials have been used in construction for thousands of years. Straw has been used to
reinforce bricks for over 2000 years and this method is still used today. There is also
evidence of the use of metal to reinforce the tension face of concrete beams in Greece
nearly 1000 years ago.
Queensland University Of Technology, Australia,
[email protected]
Polymer composites are multi-phase materials produced by combining polymer resins
such as polyester, vinylester and epoxy, with fillers and reinforcing fibres to produce a
bulk material with properties better than those of the individual base materials. Fillers are
often used to provide bulk to the material, reduce cost, lower bulk density or to produce
aesthetic features. Fibres are used to reinforce the polymer and improve mechanical
properties such as stiffness and strength. High strength fibres of glass, aramid and carbon
are used as the primary means of carrying load, while the polymer resin protects the fibres
and binds them into a cohesive structural unit. These are commonly called fibre
composite materials.
Polymer composites have enjoyed widespread use in the construction industry for many
years in non-critical applications such as baths and vanities, cladding, decoration and
finishing. In 1999, the construction sector was the world’s second largest consumer of
polymer composites representing 35% of the global market [1]. In recent times fibre
composite materials have been increasingly considered for structural load bearing
applications by the construction industry and have established themselves as a viable and
competitive option for rehabilitation and retrofit of existing civil structures, as a
replacement for steel in reinforced concrete and to a lesser extent new civil structures.
Uses of fibre composite materials in construction
Although the use of structural fibre composites in critical load-bearing applications is
relatively rare one of its most common uses in the construction industry is repair of
existing structures. The material is also used as a replacement for steel in reinforced and
stressed concrete and in very rare cases to produce new civil structures almost entirely out
of fibre composites.
Rehabilitation and retrofit
The widespread deterioration of infrastructure in Canada, the USA and Europe is well
documented [2]. The estimated cost to rehabilitate and retrofit existing infrastructure
worldwide is around (Canadian) $900B [3]. In Australia it is estimated that $500M per
annum is required to repair and upgrade concrete structures [4].
Some traditional rehabilitation and retrofit methods use concrete or external steel sheets
to re-introduce or improve structure properties such as strength and ductility. The ability
of concrete to form complex shapes and its suitability to submerged installation has seen it
used for encapsulation of elements such as bridge piers [5]. Steel can be bonded or bolted
to deteriorated concrete structures to provide strength and stiffness improvements with
relatively little additional weight. In the last decade the number of instances of fibre
composites used as a surface layer that either protects and/or improves on the response of
the encapsulated element has been increasing. In these cases the materials are usually
bonded externally to the structure in the form of tows (fibre bundles), fabrics, plates, strips
and jackets. The advantages offered by composites in these forms include their ability to
bond well to many substrate materials and to follow complex shapes. Composites also
offer a potential benefit over isotropic retrofit materials, such as steel, by allowing
enhancement of strength without increasing stiffness and vice versa.
Concrete structures reinforced with fibre composites
Concrete reinforced with fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) materials has been under
investigation since the 1960’s. Unstressed FRP reinforcement has been developed in a
number of forms including ribbed FRP rod similar in appearance to deformed steel
reinforcing bar, undeformed E-glass and carbon fibre bar bound with polyester, vinylester
or epoxy resin, E-glass mesh made from flat FRP bars and prefabricated reinforcing cages
using flat bars and box sections [6]. Stressed FRP reinforcement is also available, usually
consisting of bundles of rods or strands of fibre-reinforced polymer running parallel to the
axis of the tendon. These are used in a similar fashion to conventional steel tendons [7].
The durability performance of FRP reinforcements is considered by some [6, 8] to offer
a possible solution to the problem of corrosion of steel reinforcement, a primary factor in
reduced durability of concrete structures. Other reported advantages of FRP rebar include
enhanced erection and handling speeds [9] and suitability to applications which are
sensitive to materials which impede radiowave propagation and disturb electromagnetic
New fibre composite civil structures
A small number of new load bearing civil engineering structures have been made
predominantly from FRP materials over the last three decades. These include compound
curved roofs [10] pedestrian and vehicle bridges and bridge decks [11], energy absorbing
roadside guardrails [12], building systems, modular rooftop cooling towers [13], access
platforms for industrial, chemical and offshore [14], electricity transmission towers, power
poles, power pole cross-arms and light poles and marine structures such as seawalls and
fenders [1].
The potential benefits offered by fibre composites include high specific strength and
specific stiffness, tailorable durability, good fatigue performance and the potential to
reduce long-term costs. However, in many cases these potential benefits are difficult to
realise and are sometimes based on specious fact and irrelevant data. In addition to this,
the lack of bona-fide applications has caused many constructors to be sceptical of the
material’s ability to provide a viable alternative to traditional materials. Many of the
existing applications are experimental in nature and are aimed at demonstrating the ability
of fibre composite materials to perform in certain applications. To this end they may be
successful in terms of structural performance, but offer little by way of meaningful
financial performance data.
Issues slowing the adoption of fibre composite materials in construction
There is little doubt that fibre composite materials are structurally capable, however their
ingress into the construction industry has been slow to date. Literature suggests a number
of reasons for this. Issues of cost, structural performance and durability are discussed
Cost can be considered in terms of short-term costs, such as design, construction and
installation, and long-term costs such as maintenance, modification, deconstruction and
disposal. These can be further grouped into direct costs, such as materials and production,
and indirect costs, such as interruptions to traffic, depreciation, resale value and impact on
the environment. Difficulties can arise in determination of the lowest cost of competing
solutions when interested parties place different levels of importance on these different
types of cost.
Short term costs of fibre composites
Currently, fibre composite materials are expensive when compared to conventional
construction materials on an initial cost basis. There are a number of factors contributing
to the high cost of composite materials including; high cost of raw materials and
processing, the use of imported materials, the general acceptance of high prices in markets
such as marine and aerospace and occasional low availability of material [15].
In line with the evolution of other composites uses, such as sporting equipment, some
researchers believe it is likely that production volume increases resulting from the use of
fibre composites in civil engineering applications will lead to decreased cost of materials
[16]. However, locally this may be an optimistic outlook as the majority of fibre
composites materials used in Australia are imported and are therefore subject to a range of
international economic variables such as fluctuations in overseas production costs,
transport and import costs and fluctuations in the exchange rate between Australia and
countries such as Europe, United States and Japan, which supply us with carbon, aramid,
E-glass fibres and many resins. When this is considered in conjunction with the tendency
of suppliers to provide price reductions based on quantity purchased, accurate costing of
an FRP construction project can seem difficult and suggest that it could be some time
before anticipated price drops could significantly influence project cost.
Fabrication cost
In addition to relatively high material costs, the short-term cost of FRP materials is
dependant on fabrication. Most fibre composite manufacturing techniques were originally
developed for the aircraft, marine and/or car industry. The construction industry is vastly
different to these, as constructors tend to be concerned with the design and construction of
rather large-scale structures. Also, design specifications usually differ from project to
project and therefore very little duplication of design solutions occurs. As a result most
construction projects tend to be ‘one-off’ jobs. This situation is in contrast with the
manufacturing industries, where mass production of one design solution is common. As a
result, design and manufacturing methods that are highly successful in the manufacturing
industry are often not viable in civil engineering.
Some short-term costs, such as transport and erection may benefit from production of
large, lightweight, modular components. Lower weight can translate into reduced
transport and cranage costs, while the use of fewer large modular components can reduce
erection time. Meier [17] points out that although it is difficult to quantify indirect
savings, they have a cost that is present. He believes that savings can be accrued at the
systems level due to faster construction thereby causing less distress and disruption to the
community, lower dead weight requiring smaller and lighter substructure as well as lighter
construction equipment. Others, such as Shapira et al [18] and Ehlen [19], claim that road
closure in busy areas, traffic congestion, detours, environmental costs, administrative
costs, downtime in industrial applications, and reduced maintenance can represent
substantial benefits.
Costing of fibre composite materials
Techniques used to cost civil infrastructure projects can vary from project to project
depending on individual circumstances. Often times, parties with financial interests in
building projects will base cost decisions on the initial cost of the structure. This is
primarily due to project budget limits and the tendency for the owner to be more
concerned with obtaining the best structure possible for their money and less concerned
with its long-term performance.
Two techniques claim to consider most of the critical issues in the application of
composites in civil applications. The first has been developed by El-Mikawi and
Mosallam [20] and uses the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to provide various levels
of focus to evaluate options for project needs, management, manufacture and
maintenance. However, their method does not allow comparison of tangible and nontangible factors, such as impact on amenity, or cost/benefit analysis of the options
important in a realistic evaluation of composite materials. The second approach is known
as the Whole Of Life (WOL) approach [16], which is derived from lifecycle costing.
WOL costing appears to be more comprehensive and includes initial cost, maintenance
cost, operating cost, replacement and refurbishment costs, retirement and disposal costs
and other costs such as taxes, depreciation and additional management costs. Ongoing
costs are allocated a value based on the expected lifespan of the building. This method
could be used to compare, in economic terms, the advantages of new and existing
materials in structures which are designed to equal performance criteria such as minimum
service life, strength and stiffness.
Structural performance
Specific strength and specific stiffness
Fibre composite materials are often claimed to offer potential benefits to construction
projects through high specific stiffness and high specific strength. This is primarily based
on the ability of materials that possess high specific strength and high specific stiffness to
produce structures with low self-weight in some applications. The potential benefits
arising from low structure weight include the freedom to produce larger structures, larger
components in the factory, reduced transport and erection costs and reduced size of
substructure and foundations.
Judicious use of some fibre composite materials instead of traditional construction
materials could potentially produce a lighter structure and lead to a number of cost
savings, but these may be difficult to realise. Currently a proprietary FRP bridge deck can
cost as much as ten times that of traditional precast concrete planks for a single span twolane road bridge. The use of a lighter deck could result in transport costs decreasing by as
much as 75%. However, the saving would probably amount to a few thousand dollars for
installations close to the point of manufacture. Small cost savings may also be made
through reduction in lifting costs and savings on concrete substructure, although these
would not be considered significant in most cases.
Low stiffness
Civil structures are commonly governed by stiffness performance and the use of materials
with low gross elastic moduli, such as FRP materials, can cause these structures to become
significantly over-designed for strength, making them economically uncompetitive. Whilst
reasonably stiff laminates can be produced using carbon fibres, they tend to be expensive
and have a lower failure strain which limits their usefulness. As reinforcing fibres evolve
it is possible that higher modulus laminates will be produced at a lower cost and which
won’t require expensive consolidation techniques to increase fibre volume fraction to give
higher gross moduli.
Tailorable mechanical properties
It is often claimed that fibre composite materials offer designers of civil structures
increased versatility over traditional materials through freedom to engineer the material as
part of the design process. This may be achieved by varying the type of fibre and resin and
the orientation and location of reinforcing fibres to produce structures with a combination
of performance characteristics such as strength, stiffness, durability, impact and fatigue
well suited to a particular application, potentially using material more efficiently.
But this level of tailorability in fibre composite materials requires a fabrication process
that allows localised variations of laminate composition. This tends to preclude the use of
some automated procedures, such as pultrusion, which allows some variation in
reinforcing fibre type on a ply-by-ply basis, but it does not allow variation in resin
composition or localised changes in laminate layup.
Enviro-mechanical durability is often cited as a key advantage of FRP composites
materials over traditional materials [21]. The large range of constituent materials
potentially allows design of a material which exhibits very good resistance to long-term
deficiencies which can result from environmental influence of moisture, ultraviolet
radiation, chemical attack, dynamic loading, freeze thaw cycles and deterioration of
material properties through physical aging.
However, fibre composites have been used in civil engineering applications for a
relatively short period of time and full understanding of their durability is yet to be
achieved. Liao [22] showed that substantial consideration has been afforded to the
durability of FRP composite materials in infrastructure applications. However Karbhari
[23] identified a lack of long-term data relevant to civil structures with a service life of 75
– 100 years. An international study undertaken by the Civil Engineering Research Fund
(CERF) to bridge gaps in long-term durability data related to civil engineering
applications identified areas which are lacking such as; moisture effects, alkaline solution,
fatigue, creep and physical degradation [24].
A long-term view
Although an enormous effort is underway to migrate fibre composite materials to
construction applications they appear to be struggling to compete with traditional
construction materials. However, some fibre composite materials may be preferred over
traditional construction materials as environmental sustainability becomes more important
in the long-term.
The “long-term” could be more than fifty years if steel and reinforced concrete are any
indication of the construction industry’s attitude towards new materials. This would
provide a significant amount of time for issues of environmental sustainability in
construction to mature and is likely to see a change in the criteria with which evaluation of
material options is undertaken. It is likely that material choice will become more focussed
on environmental issues such as reduced use of non-renewable natural resources and
lower embodied energy.
This trend towards increased environmental responsibility for materials is already
occurring in other industries. For example, the European automobile industry is taking
steps towards adoption of a “cradle to the grave” (or the “cradle to the cradle” if materials
are recycled) philosophy for material use [25]. It is not unreasonable to suggest that a
similar model could be developed for the construction industry. If such as model were to
be adopted then much more emphasis would need to be placed on the use of materials
which do not use non-renewable natural resources and which are recyclable or
In terms of construction material choice, the “green” requirements would be in addition to
practical material characteristics such as stiffness, strength, affordability, durability,
versatility and easy of use. Our three traditional construction materials each possess some
of these characteristics, but none possess all. The ultimate goal would be to develop a
material that not only possesses the basic requirements of construction materials, but also
the characteristics of an environmentally sustainable material. Composite materials may
offer a solution. Their unique tailorability allows virtually any combination of properties,
but the cost of this versatility is high. However, of significantly greater concern is that the
current range of materials can not be considered environmentally sustainable, despite
some claims by the composite industry to the contrary. For example, the production of
reinforcing fibres such as glass, carbon and aramid, requires an enormous amount of
energy and, in the case of glass is derived from a non-renewable resource. Resins are
sometimes claimed to be more environmentally friendly than materials such as metal
because they are derived from by-products of the petroleum industry. However, the
petroleum industry itself is not sustainable. Similarly some filler materials used to provide
bulk to some resin systems are derived from the waste of coal-fired power stations; this
industry may not be sustainable in the long term due to public awareness of pollution
despite vast coal reserves.
A feature of composite materials is their ability to combine two or more basic
constituents to produce a bulk material with characteristics improved over the base
materials. This may allow a suitable construction material to be produced from basic
materials that are environmentally sustainable. Bio-composites, or bio-fibres, is not a new
concept; natural fibres such as linen, cotton, hemp and straw have been used as reinforcing
materials for many years. On the other hand, natural matrix materials with suitable
properties may present more of a challenge. A small number of natural resin products are
available, such as rubber, plant resin, and animal glues. However these generally lack the
processing and performance characteristics sought after in a matrix resin.
This is not to say that the effort spent on development of current fibre composite
technology is being wasted. On the contrary, it will be critical to facilitate the migration to
“bio-composites” technology in the future. Methods, systems and standards need to be
developed which are generally applicable to fibre composite materials in the construction
industry and which will be applicable to new types of fibre composite materials as they
become available.
By the time that natural materials and associated design methods are sufficiently mature
to allow their widespread use, issues related to construction material sustainability are
likely to have become paramount in material choice. The coincidence of these three
factors could see natural composite materials at a distinct advantage over traditional
There is a significant research effort underway to develop natural materials and explore
their use in construction applications. This research needs to continue in conjunction with
development of conventional composite materials in order to provide a solution in the
future which will allow wider use of the natural composite materials by the construction
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