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1988, Acta Chemica Scandinavica
4 pages
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South Asian History and Culture, vol. 7, no. 3 (Apr 2016), pp. 258-270, 2016
This is not an essay about mysticism in the Deccan. The aim is neither to track the movement of holy men and cults into the Deccan, nor the expansion of their networks and the creation of sacred geographies; this essay is also not about the comparative textual and spiritual discourses of saints from different sects. Instead, the attempt here is to suggest that every geographical region had a complex world of religious domains and of life-worlds in which multiple faith-agencies were active, catering to different audiences. There were some spiritual agencies that were part of larger 'global' networks, and others which were 'local' or vernacular. The term 'vernacular' is a description not necessarily limited to the discursive language used. This vernacular life-world was shaped by a several factors, natural and cultural: geographical realities, shared political and historical memories. Even if such a vernacular region, in this case, the Deccan, was a part of an 'Islamic frontier' politically and spiritually, certain vernacular traditions such as the Marathi literary spiritual movement cannot be easily accommodated within such a model of frontiers, contact zones and interfaces. This essay considers literary and spiritual practices in the northern Deccan from the thirteenth to the eighteenth centuries, primarily in the Marathi language, to demonstrate a spatial and conceptual character that was not just linguistic.
Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies
Small and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) are recognized global for being the backbone of the economy through; economic advancement; innovation, wealth generation and furthering growth. SMEs have a high tax non compliance rate which hinders the development they bring to many economies. This paper aims to establish the major determinants of tax non-compliance among SMEs in the Zimbabwean economy. The survey research design was used and the SMEs operating in the Bulawayo provincewere considered as the sample of the study. The stratified random sampling technique was adopted in eliciting information and questionnaires were administered in the collection of data from the respondents. 187 questionnaires were issued out and 150 were returned. Regression analysis was used to establish the relationship that exists between tax non-compliance and the predictive variables, using SPSS ver. 22. The study revealed that poor follow-up strategy and lack of a tax audit, high tax rates, financial con...
O artigo analisa alguns momentos da obra de Rousseau nos quais se destaca a crítica à tradição do ‘logos raciocinador’. Também se analisa a crítica do autor ao método e ao conceito de ‘ordem das ideias’ presentes nesta tradição. Trata-se de um Rousseau que não apenas faz o julgamento (a crítica - κριτής) dos grandes sistemas filosóficos, mas propõe outra ideia de verdade.
En "Los cabellos de Absalón", Calderón de la Barca desarrolla la historia bíblica de Amón y Tamar, añadiendo al relato primitivo no pocos elementos de su propio ingenio a fin de convertirlo en un argumento representable ante el público español de los siglos de oro. Esta edición lleva a cabo un minucioso rastreo filológico de fuentes y testimonios con tal de fijar el texto de la obra y depurarlo de los insertos y modificaciones que, ajenos a la voluntad de Calderón, se habían venido transmitiendo desde que fuera dado a imprenta por primera vez. El resultado es un texto muy diferente al que la tradición había recogido hasta ahora, e inaugura nuevas perspectivas para el análisis de su contenido filosófico, político y de crítica social.
Much work on noun class/gender1 systems has focused on the role of semantics in the assignment of nouns to classes. Sometimes the semantics responsible for noun class assignment is rather straightforward and based on general, superordinate categories such as human, ...
JPPM Kepri: Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kepulauan Riau, 2021
Abstrak Sekalipun tidak menjadi andalan, Kabupaten Bintan memiliki potensi dalam sektor pertanian. Sejumlah masyarakat mengolah lahan pertanian secara kelompok maupun pribadi. Hasil pertanian tersebut biasanya langsung dijual mentah. Hal itu kemudian menjadi salah satu alasan untuk melakukan pengabdian pada beberapa titik di Bintan dengan sasaran para petani, seperti petani jagung, singkong dan pisang. Pengabdian ini membimbing petani untuk mengolah hasil perkebunan mereka sendiri sebelum dijual. Pengolahan hasil pertanian menjadi penganan merupakan salah satu upaya yang diharapkan mampu meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat, sebab hasil pertanian yang sudah diolah akan memiliki nilai jual lebih tinggi dibanding dijual mentah. Pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan dengan menggunakan metode Asset Based Communities Development (ABCD). Masyarakat yang menjadi sasaran dalam pengabdian ini sudah mulai mengelola hasil pertanian mereka menjadi penganan dan memasarkan secara luring maupun daring. ...
Eduvest - Journal Of Universal Studies, 2022
Hate speech is the precursor to ethno-religious violence in Nigeria. In recent times, no issue has generated widespread public comment in Nigeria more than the issues of hate speech and ethno-religious violence rocking the country and its sad consequences on national integration. Though, on the issue of hate speech, the provisions of Nigeria constitution and Nigeria Electoral Act are clear but the question is where to draw the line between political statements and hate speech. Therefore, this study explored the effect of hate speech on ethno-religious violence in Nigeria. A descriptive method was adopted and data was collected via a survey of 600 respondents comprises of Traditional Leaders, Christian leaders, Muslim leaders, Leaders of civil society groups and Youth leaders in South-South, South-West, South-East, North-West, North-central and North-East geopolitical zones of Nigeria. Data collected were analyzed using correlation and linear regression analysis with the aid of Stat...
Ortadoğu'da Batı karşıtlığı, kökleri Haçlı Seferleri'ne kadar uzanan karmaşık bir olgudur. Bu karşıtlık, tarih boyunca siyasi, ekonomik ve dini sebeplerle şekillenmiş ve modern dönemde de devam etmiştir. Batı karşıtlığının anlaşılması, bölgedeki toplumsal ve politik dinamikleri anlamak için kritik öneme sahiptir. Bu makalede, Batı karşıtlığının tarihsel, siyasi ve ekonomik kökenleri incelenecek ve bölgedeki etkileri değerlendirilecektir. Batı'nın Ortadoğu üzerindeki etkisi, çeşitli tarihi olaylar ve politikalarla şekillenen derin bir düşmanlık ve güvensizlik yaratmıştır. Bu düşmanlık, yalnızca askeri müdahaleler ve sömürgecilik politikalarıyla değil, aynı zamanda ekonomik ve kültürel müdahalelerle de beslenmiştir. Bölgedeki toplulukların Batı'ya karşı geliştirdiği tepkiler, tarihsel deneyimler ve siyasi manevralarla derinleşmiştir.
Logistics, 2024
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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