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Kita-ku, kpporo 060 ]Department ofA`techanical Ehgineering, ?VLrguoha Uitivensity of 1lechnotqgy, Kbmitomioko-cho, IVtrgaeko 940-21 thtionat institute ofPolarResearch, 9-1O, Ktzga i-chome, ftabashi-ku, Tblya 173 Absttact: At Dome F, one ofthe summits ofthe East Antarctic Ice Sheet, a yery deep ice-conng operation is to be carried out by the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition from 1995. Since it will take two years to complete the coring up to about 3ooO rn depth, the borehole should be fi11ed with proper drilling fluid to prevent borehole closure during the operation. This paper is a report on our investigations for searching for the proper dn1]jng fluid which can be used in the very cold environment at Dome F, Although the investigations are still in progress, three kinds of fluid were chosen as drMing fluid candidates. They are: 1) n-butyl acetate, 2) "IP-solvent" with densifier and 3) Silicone Oil. Their properties were investigated and compared in terms of density and viscosity, which are essential Tequirements for a drilling fluid. As a result, it was shown that n-butyl acetate and IP-solvent with densifier can be used as the dri11ing fluid. However. the use of n-butyl acetate is impossible without suthcient ventilation at the coring site or other action to dispose of its vapor. When the use of IP-solvent with densifier is considered, the choice ofproper densifier is also a problern.
Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2016
Drilling fluids are added to deep ice boreholes to facilitate control pressure and remove chips. The drilling fluids currently in use are not intelligent choices for the future from safety, environmental, and technological standpoints. Two potential fluid types, namely, low-molecular weight dimethylsiloxane oils (DSOs) and low-molecular-weight fatty-acid esters (FAEs), were suggested to replace the drilling fluids currently in use. For this study, six types of liquids (DSO-3,0cs, KF96-2,0cs, ethyl butyrate, n-propyl propionate, n-butyl butyrate, and n-amyl butyrate) were selected because of their appropriate densityviscosity properties. These liquids were tested for properties such as electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, and compatibility with plastics. The results indicated that the electrical conductivities of all the liquids were very small (<0.003 μS/cm), and an electric field applied in the electromechanical drills was not sufficient to ionize the liquid. The thermal conductivities of all the tested liquids were considerably less than that of water. However, n-propyl propionate indicated the best performance in terms of the cooling ability at subzero temperatures. The effect of FAEs on O-rings swelling was stronger than that of the DSOs. The potential drilling fluids had absolutely no influence on polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) O-rings; hence, they could be considered as the ideal sealing material. Tests indicated that low-molecular-weight DSOs and FAEs were both applicable as drilling fluids for deep ice core drilling. It is suggested that the final decision should be confirmed by field-based and practical experiments in test boreholes.
Annals of Glaciology, 2007
Finding a new safe and ecologically friendly borehole fluid is one of the most pressing problems for forthcoming ice-drilling projects. Not all recent borehole fluids qualify as intelligent choices from safety, environmental and other technological standpoints. We propose the use of silicone oils as the borehole fluid. The most suitable type of silicone oils for deep ice drilling are low-molecular (or volatile) dimethyl siloxane oils (DSOs). Low-molecular DSOs are clear, water-white, tasteless, odorless, neutral liquids. They are hydrophobic and inert substances that are stable to water, air, oxygen, metals, wood, paper, plastics, etc. Of the DSOs, class 2 grades of KF96-1.5cs and KF96-2.0cs most fully fit our criteria for choice as borehole fluids. The final conclusion as to the suitability of DSOs for ice deep drilling will be made after the experiments in a test borehole.
Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research Special Issue, 1994
Deep boreholes in polar ice sheets haye to be fi11ed with a liquid in order to prevent hole closure due to the overburden pressure of the ice. In Greenland, at ice temperatures of-32eC, the lirnit for open hole dri11ing is 400 m. In Antarctica, a depth of 900 m has been obtained in an open hole. All dri11ing to deeper depths needs to be perforrned in a liquid, The berehole liquid should have a density close to that of {ce, be non-toxic, availab]e in quantities at reasonable cost, compatible with the rnaterials in the dri11, non-aggressive to jce, and have a low viscosity to allew rapid drill rnovement in the borehele. In practice, ne liquid has been availab]e that can fu1fi11 all the requirements. In the past, ethanollwater mixture, DFAIGIycol, DFAXTCE, JET-AltPCE, DFAIFI13, n-buty1 acetate, and D601Fl 13 have been used, All liquids have their own advantages and disadvantage$, and the use ofall have involved severe compromises.
Annals of Glaciology, 2014
The introduction of low-temperature fluid into boreholes drilled in ice sheets helps to remove drilling cuttings and to prevent borehole closure through visco-plastic deformation. Only special fluids, or mixtures of fluids, can satisfy the very strict criteria for deep drilling in cold ice. The effects of drilling fluid on the natural environment are analyzed from the following points of view: (1) occupational safety and health; (2) ozone depletion and global warming; (3) chemical pollution; and (4) biological pollution. Traditional low-temperature drilling fluids (kerosene-based fluids with density additives, ethanol and n-butyl acetate) cannot be qualified as intelligent choices from the safety, environmental and technological standpoints. This paper introduces a new type of low-temperature drilling fluid composed of synthetic ESTISOLTM esters, which are non-hazardous substances. ESTISOLTM 140 mixtures with ESTISOLTM 165 or ESTISOLTM F2887 have an acceptable density and viscosity ...
Published by ChemTec Publishing, 2001
The writer of the book is George Wypych This is book which is helpful for organic chemistry student. The book was an edition in 2001, thus, some information may be not correct in comparison to new edition. However, almost data in this book will be a good reference for students in their education and work.
temperatura, svojstva fluida, bušenje Formate-based fluids has been successfully used in over hunders HPHT well operations since they introduced in field practice. They have many advantages when compared with conventional HPHT drilling and completion fluids such as: minimal formation damage, maintenance of additve properties at high temperatures, reduced hydraulic flow resistance, low potential for differential sticking, naturally lubricating, very low corrosion rates, biodegradable and pose little risk to the environment etc. Formate-based fluids can be applied during deep slim hole drilling, shale drilling, reservoir drilling, salt and gas hydrate formations drilling. The laboratory research was carried out to evaluate the rheological behavior of formate-based fluids as a function of temperature. Formate-based fluids were formulated using potassium formate brine, xanthan polymer, PAC, starch and calcium carbonate. Experimental results show that potassium formate improves the therm...
Ground source heat pumps are commonly used in Sweden. The dominating method of exchanging heat with the ground is by circulation of a secondary fluid through borehole heat exchangers inserted into energy wells. Due to the environmental reasons and relatively good thermophysical properties, aqueous solutions of ethanol are recommended and are commonly used for the borehole heat exchanger application in Sweden and other Nordic countries. The primary idea of using these fluids is to decrease the freezing point of the fluid since many borehole loops in Northern Europe operate near or below the freezing point of water. The available ethanol based commercial products consist of ethyl alcohol with up to 10% of denaturing agents without any corrosion inhibitors. The main denaturing agents used to prevent from drinking are mixtures of isopropyl alcohol, n-butanol, acetone, methyl ethyl ketone and methyl isobutyl ketone. These denaturing agents in commercial secondary fluids can influence the fluid's thermophysical properties and thereby affect the pressure drop and heat transfer in the borehole heat exchanger. These not well defined effects of additives can cause uncertainties in the ground source heat pump design and operation. The thermophysical properties of a few aqueous ethanol solutions are experimentally studied in this paper including a field sample, a pure mixture of ethanol and ethanol including additives are compared with reference data. The density of 20 wt-% solution of ethanol including additives and the field sample were higher than pure 20 wt-% ethanol sample. The additives increased the specific heat capacity by 2.3% at-10 ºC and 1% at 0 ºC. A decrement by 10.5% in the dynamic viscosity was observed. Presence of additives increased the thermal conductivity values by around 1.5% at-8 ºC and 4.3% at +40 ºC. Some implications in terms of pressure drop and fluid to pipe thermal resistance are observed when these properties are applied in borehole heat exchangers, as the occurrence for laminar or turbulent varies at given temperature levels. An alternative would be to replace the denaturing agents with corrosion inhibitors to decrease the concentration of additives, improve corrosion protection of the systems and still fulfill the market recommendations.
Construction of offshore gas wells is characterized by increased requirements for both the technological process in general and the technological parameters of drilling fluids in particular. Parameters and properties of the used drilling muds must meet a large number of requirements. The main one is the preservation of the permeability of the reservoirs, in addition to the environmental and technological concerns. At the same time, pressures in the productive formation at offshore fields are often high; the anomaly coefficient is 1.2 and higher. The use of barite in such conditions can lead to contamination of the formation and a decrease in future well flow rates. In this regard, the development and study of the compositions for weighted drilling muds is necessary and relevant. The paper presents investigations on the development of such a composition based on salts of formic acid (formates) and evaluates the effect of the molecular weight of the polymer reagent (partially hydrolyz...
Energy & Fuels, 2008
The feasibility of using kinetic hydrate inhibitors (KHIs) in deep-water water-based drilling fluids to give added subcooling protection has been investigated. A range of neutral, anionic, or cationic commercial and noncommercial KHIs were first tested for their compatibility with highly saline drilling fluids. Thereafter, the most suitable products were tested as KHIs in a sapphire cell arrangement at pressures up to 300 bar and temperatures down to 0.9°C. Experiments with the best inhibitors were also carried out in the presence of two types of clay to represent drilling cuttings with different activity and in simulated shut-in conditions. The conclusion was that some KHIs, particularly neutral or anionic polymers, could be used in drilling fluids if the activity of the clay/cuttings is low, probably because of negligible adsorption of the KHI polymer onto the clay/cuttings. It was also shown that pressure and not just subcooling is an important factor in determining the performance of a KHI.
Langmuir, 2004
Generation 4 EDA core PAMAM dendrimer was purchased from Dendritech (Midland, MI) as methanol solution (26 wt%). Acetic anhydride, pyridine, succinic anhydride, glycidol and all the remaining chemicals/solvents were purchased from Aldrich. Milli-Q deionized water (with resistivity >18 MΩcm) was used in all of the experiments. Regenerated cellulose dialysis membranes were purchased from Fisher Scientific.
Academia Biology, 2024
NUST Journal of International Peace & Stability, 2020
International Sociology (online first and then part of Volume 39 Issue 1, 2024), 2023
International Institute of Humanitarian Law, 2024
Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2018
Proceedings of the International Conference on Art and Arts Education (ICAAE 2018), 2019
Nature Communications, 2017
SAE Technical Paper Series, 2015
Orvosi Hetilap, 2019
Laparoscopic surgery, 2021
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2004