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The principle of gender equality is inspired the framers of the constitution and they give space to gender equality in the Indian Constitution in its Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties and Directive Principles. The Constitution not only provides equality to women, but also empowers the State to adopt measures to protect the rights of women and also supports the reasonable classification in favor of women. On the basis of our Constitution the statutes of our country, development policies, Plans and programs have aimed at women's advancement in the society. Our country India has also signatory member of various international conventions and human rights instruments committing to secure equal rights of women like UDHR and in recently the Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW-1993). Based on the Laws and provisions enacted to protect the women in India we divide these into three sub headings, Firstly the Constitutional Provisions-The Constitution not only provides equality to women, but also empowers the State to adopt measures to protect the rights of women and also supports the reasonable classification in favor of women for neutralizing the cumulative socio economic, education and political disadvantages faced by them. Constitutional provisions ensures equality before the law and equal protection of law; prohibits discrimination against any citizen on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth, and guarantee equality of opportunity to all citizens in matters relating to employment. Articles 14, 15, 15(3), 16, 39(a), 39(b), 39(c) and 42 of the Constitution are of specific importance in this regard. Second is Legal Provisions-Based on Constitutional principle, Indian Government has enacted various legislative measures intended to ensure equal rights, to counter social discrimination and various forms of violence and atrocities and to provide support to all types of women whether they are house maker or working women. Crime against Women are broadly classified as The Crimes Under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) such as Rape (Sec. 376 IPC), Kidnapping & Abduction for different purposes (Sec. 363-373), Homicide for Dowry, Dowry Deaths or their attempts (Sec. 302/304-B IPC), Torture, both mental and physical (Sec. 498-A IPC), Molestation (Sec. 354 IPC), Sexual Harassment (Sec. 509 IPC), and The Crimes identified under the Special Laws. Some acts have special provisions to safeguard women and their interests like
There is a loud talk on good governance, and India has no exception. Unfortunately, at the other hand today women’s position is not good as the cumulative socio-economic, educational and political disadvantages are faced by them. This poses a huge challenge for the country to provide a good government to a common man. Legal protection system for its citizens is the part of good government.(Arora Ramesh, Sogani Meena, 144) Right from conceptualization of its constitution, Indian law makers have been at the task of formulating laws and acts to protect equality before sex and gender. Here we present an outline of the main constitutional and legal protection provision and system in India
International Journal of Research, 2019
The aim of the present paper is to present the picture of gender inequality in India. Being the second largest democracy of the world India is very complex and diversified, and it is present in many ways, many fields and many sections of the society. The opportunities in the field likeeducation, political, social, economical, religious, employment etc. where men are always preferred over women. The second issue in the paper is discussing about the various practices that resulted in a wide gap between the position of men and women in the country. In India, a woman still needs the richer of a husband and a family. Their dominating nature has led women to walk with their head down. It was all practiced from the beginning and is followed till date. Consider the woman's reservation case in parliament. The opposing party believes that women are born to do household work and manage kids, and not to corrupt the country by taking hold over politics. What the society need today are trends where girls are able not only to break out of the culturally determined patterns of employment but also to offer advice about career possibilities that look beyond the traditional pail of jobs. It is surprising that in spite of so man laws, women still have miles to go. Thus, it is rightly said-Man and Woman are like two wheels of a carriage. The life of one without the other is incomplete.
This paper traces out the need for better implementation of women human rights in India. It also gives us an overview of Indian Constitutional rights which focus on women human rights protection and women rights violation that occurred in the past and is till date continuing such as rape/domestic violence, practice of sati and dowry, inequal pay at workplace and poor access to health and safety needs and women's right to access education etc. Constitutionally, women in India have got more rights when compared to men, but in reality the status and position of women is disheartening. In India, though there is technological advancement, globalization and spread of modern ideology, women's position in the society is still somewhere deteriorated. Therefore, this paper is an attempt to voice out the violations that women face in India and provide necessary recommendations in order to eradicate such violations from society.
Human beings are born equal in dignity and rights. These moral claims are articulated and formulated in what is today known as human rights. Human Rights are commonly understood as inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being. India being a diverse country with its multicultural multiethnic and multireligious population. The phenomenon of human rights is connected not only with the protection of individuals from the excesses of state but also directed towards the creation of Social conditions by state in which individuals may develop to their fullest extent. Human Rights are entitled to certain basic and ‘natural’ rights that define a meaningful existence.The Term “women’s human rights” and the set of practices that accompanies its use are the continuously evolving product of an international movement to improve the status of women.
Women represent more than one-half of the population. They are still, far from being represented to that degree in political and administrative programs. In fact, there is absolutely unsafe condition in the society for them, inefficient public transport, strict opening hours of municipal services, unsuitable public transport, are just some examples. It is for this reason, their participation in the decision making process is vital. Equal representation is certainly an excellent means of ensuring that the needs of women are satisfied. Women's experience of living in the city differs greatly from men's. Although a city belongs to those men and women who live there, women's access is limited due to the unsuitability of public places. Developments within the city, infrastructure and urban life in general, are often carried out without consulting women, thereby hindering them from exercising their fundamental right to full citizenship.
A Woman plays many roles in her life as mother, sister, and daughter. But in return what they get? They get exploited in homes and in society as they have committed a crime being a woman. India as a developed nation has made many achievements in the world but when it comes to the women all its heads get down. Constitution of India gives equal status and equal rights to every human being in the Society, much legislation have been passed to protect the rights of the women, Judiciary has played an active role to protect the rights and dignity of the women but still the aim of the founders of the Constitution is long way to achieve. In present paper a brief history of women is given and the study is focused on the status of women, crimes against women, legal provisions and safeguards for the protection of the rights of women with the help of some landmark decisions made by the supreme court of India.
ijetrm journal, 2022
The principal reason for this research paper is to procure comprehension of human privileges of women. The reason that the privileges of women have been subverted is because of the presence of the male centric culture. The main objective of this research is to observe the opinion about gender inequality to the public and whether there is gender discrimination prevailing in Indian economy, also to analyse whether the current laws provides for gender inequality are sufficient. Descriptive research method is adopted to understand the characteristics of the population. Convenience sampling method is used to collect data. The sample size is 200. Questionnaire is used as the research instrument to collect the data. Survey is conducted among the Chennai population. The opinion of the public is based on their age, gender and educational qualification and how they react to the gender inequality in india. The analysis show that the laws enacted aren't sufficient for the discrimination faced by women in this society.
Women are the legal citizens of the country. Women enjoy a unique position in building the national character. Women are significant contributors to the growing economy. Inclusive growth should ensure their effective participation, well-being, development, empowerment protection of all spheres of their lives in the society. The constitution is mainly based on the ground of liberty, fraternity, equality and justice. The fundamental rights contained in part-III, Article 12 to 35 are applicable to all citizens irrespective of sex, certain fundamental rights contain specific and positive provision for the rights of women.
The constitution of India has granted equal rights to the men and women. Women rights which are compulsorily obtainable by every individual as she is a member of human family. In the sphere of women human rights in India there excist a side difference between theory and practical. As Indian society is male dominated society. On the other side women have to struggle to achieve same legitimacy as that of men. Though women in India have been given more rights as compared to women in other Asian countries. But still the condition of women India is miserable. Women represents more than half the population of India but yet they have not treated equally as men or try have not enjoyed equal rights in the society. Why only women's are prey to all these crimes such as rape, sexual harassment, bride burning etc. Today all the members of the society have equal rights to live and to live in peace. Though government is taking number of steps to improve the condition the paper will study the women human rights and how they are violated. In this paper an attempt has been made to conceptualize certain gender specific violation as human rights violation in context of India.
The paper reveals the concept of empowerment as well as the status of Indian women. Important constitutional, legal and other provisions are also described in a systematic way. The paper covers the status of women during different historical periods such as at earlier time as on today specific gender was getting equal status. But they had faced some difficulties during post-Vedic and epic ages. Many a time they were treated as Goddesses and at other times merely as a slave. From early 20th century (national movement) their status has been changed slowly and gradually. After the independence of India, the constitutional makers and national leaders strongly fought for equal status of women with men. As a result, the women occupied the respectable positions in all walks of the fields. Yet, they have not absolutely freed some discrimination and harassment of the society. Absolute numbers of women have not been able to establish their potentialities.
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