Volume 11, Number 2, Spring 1981
A class of complete lattices which have recently received a considerable
deal of attention is the class of continuous lattices introduced by D. Scott
[13] (see also [3]). One of the interesting features of this class of lattices
is the fact that these lattices admit a unique compact Hausdorff topology
for which the meet operation is continuous (i.e., they admit the structure
of a compact topological semilattice). This topology turns out to be an
"intrinsic" topology, i.e., one that can be defined directly from the lattice
structure. We refer to this topology as the CL-topology.
A major goal of this paper is to give a more detailed examination of this
CL-topology. For any complete lattice this topology is always compact
and 7\. We characterize those complete lattices for which it is Hausdorff;
because these lattices have many characteristics reminiscent of continuous
lattices, we call them generalized continuous lattices. They seem to be an
interesting class of lattices in their own right; hence we develop some of
their fundamental properties.
One of the oldest of the intrinsic topologies is Frink's interval topology.
We address ourselves to the question of for what continuous lattices
do the CL-topology and the interval topology coincide. This turns out to
be precisely the class of lattices which we call "hypercontinuous". We
turn our attention to these and point out some surprising connections
between these lattices and generalized continuous lattices.
0. Preliminaries. In this preliminary section we collect some well-known
notations, definitions and results needed later on.
DEFINITION 0.1. If L is any lattice and if A E L is a subset of L, then
A is called on upper set provided that for a, b e L, a ^ b and a e A implies
b e A. If A is any subset of L, then we denote by \A the smallest upper
set of L which contains A9 i.e., ]A = {x: there is an a e A with a ^ x}.
Lower sets and \A are defined dually. An upper set (lower set), which is at
the same time a sublattice of L is called a, filter {ideal), A subset / E L is
called down-directed {up-directed), if for each pair of elements a, b e I
*The latter author acknowledges the support of the National Science Foundation
through NSF No. MCS 76-06537 AOL
Received by the editors on February 14,1979.
Copyright © 1981 Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium
there is a c e I such that a A b ^ c (a V b ^ c). Note that / is downdirected (up-directed) if and only if \I is a filter ([I is an ideal) of L.
DEFINITION 0.2. Let L be a complete lattice and let a, be Lbe two elements. Then we say that a is way below b (and write a < è), provided that
every up-directed subset / of L with a supremum greater than or equal to
b gets eventually above a, i.e., b ^ sup / implies the existence of a del
such that a ^ d. An element which is way below itself is called compact.
A complete lattice L is called a continuous lattice, if every element e e l
is the supremum of all elements way below a. An algebraic lattice is a
complete lattice in which every element is the supremum of compact
elements. Note that every algebraic lattice is in fact continuous.
The way below relation on every continuous lattice has the following
interesting interpolation property. If a, be L are two elements of a
continuous lattice L with a < b, then there is an element e e L such that
a < c and c < b.
DEFINITION 0.3. Among the several possibilities of defining a topology
on a complete lattice L, we introduce in this preliminary section only the
following one. Let U ü L be a subset. Then U is called Scott open if (i)
U is an upper set and (ii) if D is an up-directed subset of L and if
sup D e U, then there is de D with de U. It is easy to see that the Scott
open subsets of L form a topology, which we shall call the Scott topoplogy.
In terms of the Scott topology we can give the following characterization of continuous lattices. A complete lattice L is a continuous lattice if
and only if for each a e l w e have a = sup {inf U: a e U, Uis Scott open}.
In fact this characterization was the original definition given by D. Scott.
EXAMPLE 0.4. An important example of continuous lattices is the
following. Let I b e a locally compact topological space and let O(X)
denote the (complete) lattice of open subsets of X. Then 0(X) is a continuous lattice and we have U < V if and only if U is compact and U E V.
Moreover, for HausdorfT spaces X these are the only examples of this
type. If we consider spaces X which are no longer HausdorfT, the question
whether or not O(X) is a continuous lattice is more complicated. All we
can say in full generality is the following. If X is any topological space,
then 0(X) is a continuous lattice if and only if for every point xeX and
every neighborhood U of x there is a neighborhood K o f i which is
relatively compact in U. For a proof of this simple fact and more details
concerning O(X) we refer to [7].
1. Generalized continuous lattices. We give here a generalization of
continuous lattices which we stumbled upon in another context (to which
we turn later on). Besides having application to later situations, these
objects appear worthy of study in their own right. Their theory bears
rather striking resemblances to that of continuous lattices and gives a new
perspective to earlier work.
DEFINITION 1.1. Let L be a complete lattice. If F E L is a finite subset
and if x e L is an element, we write F < x if for every up-directed set Z),
sup D ^ x implies y S d for some de D, y e F. In this case we say F
guards x (from below). The idea here is that x cannot be penetrated without overrunning some member of F.
The following is our original example.
EXAMPLE 1.2. Consider the following subset of the unit square ordered
by coordinatewise ordering, (xh yi) ^ (x2, y^ if *i ^ *2 a n d y\ S Ï2-
(0, 1)
(1, 1)
(0, 0)
(1, 0)
Thus L is an upside down U\ L is a complete lattice with respect to the
induced order although the meet operation is somewhat peculiar. Now
let F = {(1, 1/2), (1/2, 1)}. Then F < 1 ( = (1, 1)) and as a matter of fact
such sets (but not singletons) can be picked arbitrarily close to 1. Note
that sets of the form (1/2 — e, 1), (1, 1 — e) guard the point (1/2, 1) and
that the second points are necessary to prevent rear attacks.
We turn now to the definition of a generalized continuous lattice. The
idea is that each point can be guarded from finitely many locations "arbitrarily near" to x. In continuous lattices this is always possible from even
one position. One has simply to pick an element way below x, and these
elements can be picked arbitrarily close to x, i.e., x is the supremum of all
those elements.
DEFINITION 1.3. Let L be a complete lattice. Then L is a generalized
continuous lattice (henceforth denoted GCL) if for all x, y e L such that
x ^ y, there exists a finite set F such that F < x and l y fi F = 0 .
This definition is a smoother version of our first one which we include
in the following proposition (whose proof is quite straightforward and
hence omitted).
1A. Let L be a complete lattice. For each xeL, let <F'x =
{ F i L: \F\ < oo and F < x). Then the following conditions are equivalent:
(Ì) Lis a GCL.
(2) For each x e L and for each choice function a e
x ^
we have
One of the key properties of continuous lattices which makes everything
work nicely is the interpolation property for < . We need also an interpolation property for GCL's, but it is more elusive in this setting. Hence we
need to introduce and develop additional machinery. Let X be a TQ topological space. Then X has a partial ordering induced by the topology by
defining x ^ y if and only if y e c\{x}. Conversely, let (X, S) be a poset.
Then this ordering induces a topology on X by defining all sets of the
form jx to be a subbase for the closed sets. The ordering induced by this
topology is precisely the original ordering. This topology is not new, but
it seems to have no standard name. In [7] it is called the INF-topology
while in [11] it is called the closure of points (COP) topology. Since the
open sets are lower sets, we refer to this topology as the lower topology.
The upper topology is defined dually.
Let X be a topological space, A E B E X. We say that A is precompact
in B if every open cover of B contains a finite subcover of A. The following
is a mild generalization of Alexander's Lemma.
PROPOSITION 1.5. Let y be a subbasis for the topology on X. If A is
precompact in Bfor the subbasis SF, then A is precompact in B.
PROOF. Suppose A is not precompact in B. Then there exists an ultrafilter SF with A e BF such that & does not cluster (equivalently, converge) to any point in B. Hence for each point x e B, there exists a basic
open set Ux sich that x e Ux $ BF. Since Ux is basic, there exist subbasic
open sets S l5 . . . , Sn e £f such that Ux = Sx f] • • • f) Sn. If each S,- e BF,
then Ux e BF. Hence there is an Sx e £f such that x e Sx, Sx $ BF. Since A
is precompact in B with respect to «9*, there exist xi, . . . , xk e B such
that ASXX1\J
• • • U SXh, but Sx. £ BF for all 1 ^ / ^ k. Thus X\SX. e &
for all /, and hence 0 = A f] (X\SX1) fl • • • fi (x\SXk) e &, a contradiction.
We now present a mild generalization of definition (1.1).
DEFINITION 1.6. Let L be a complete lattice, let F, G E L. Then we
write F < G is sup D ^ g for some directe set D and some element
gsG, then y ^ d for some y e F, d e D. In this case F is said to guard G.
PROPOSITION 1.7. Let L be a complete lattice, F, G E L. Then F < G
if and only if L\] F is precompact in L\]Gfor the lower topology on L.
PROOF. Suppose L\]Fis precompact in L\]G. Let D be a directed set
such that sup D ^ g for some g eG. Then L\]G g [j{L\}d:
since ]G ü }g =i O l î ^ ' de D). Since each L\\d is open in the lower
topology, there exist dl9 ..., d„eD such that L\]F S L\]di U * • * U
L\\dn. Let (ie Z) such that du ...,dn£
d. Then L\]F g L\\dy i.e., \d g
\F and hence d ^ / for some / e F . Conversely suppose F < G. Let
{L\î*} xe 4 be a collection of subbasic open sets which covers L\]G. Let
D be the up-directed set of all suprema of finite subsets of A. If B E A is
a finite subset, then L\|(sup B) ü (J oeEß L\t6. Hence {L\|rf: deZ>} is a
cover of L\fG. Thus sup D e ]G. Since F < G, there exist j> G F and a finite
set B ë ^4 such that y S sup ,5. Now we can conclude that L\]F E Î J E
L\î(sup 5) = {J^ßL^b. Hence finitely many of the collection {L\]x:
xeA} cover L\F. Thus by Proposition (1.5) L\]F is precompact in
1.8. Let Lbe a generalized continuous lattice.
(i) If F < A and G « ^, fAe/i F v G « ^ (wAere F V G = {x V y:
(ii) 7/*v4 w closed in the lower topology and if B < A, then there exists a
finite set F such that A g \F g fi? a«tìf furthermore B < F < A. In
particular, ifxeL, and if G is a finite set such that G < x, then there exists
a finite set F such that G < F < x (the interpolation property).
PROOF. Let F, G < A and let D be a directed set such that a ^ sup D
for some a e A. Then there exist x G F and J G G and rfl5 d2eD such that
x g rfi and j> ^ d2. Pick Side D such that ^ and d2 are less than or equal
to d. Then we have x V y ^ d. This proves (i).
(ii) Suppose that A is closed in the lower topology, and that B < A. Let
& = {]F: Fis finite and there is a finite set G such that F < G <. A}. We
first show A — Ç\SF. Let y e L\^. Since A is closed in the lower topology,
A is the intersection of sets of the form \G where G is finite. Hence there
exists some set G which is finite such that y <£ G and A g \G. Since L is a
GCL, for each g e G there is a finite set Fg such that Fg <. g and j> £ |F^.
Let F = [j{Fg: geG}. Then F < G and >> £ | F . Repeat this process
with F to obtain an Fx < F such that y $ Fx. Then Fx < F < A, and hence
Fx e $F. Thus j^ £ n ^ * Since y was arbitrary, we have A — Ç\3F. Since
each member of J* is closed in the lower topology and A = f]^9
is an open cover of L\A. By proposition (1.7) L\\B is precompact in L\A. Hence we can find finite sets F l5 ..., Fn such that each
}F{ is a member of & and such that L \ î # g L\ÎF X U
• U F\ÎF M . For
each /. there exists G{ finite such that Ft- < Gt < ^ . Let F = Fx v • • • V
FM and G = Gx V • • • V Gn. By part (i) we have G < A and F < G.
Since | F = î^! fi • • • fl î ^ we can conclude that L\\B g L\]F, i.e.,
Î F g ]B. For the final part let ^ = Î*.
1.9. Let L be a complete lattice. The following statements are
(1) L is a GCL.
(2) The lattice Oi(L) of sets open in the lower topology is a continuous
lattice (with respect to the operation of intersection).
PROOF. (1) => (2). Let U be open in the lower topology, and let xe U.
Then L\U is closed and x £ L\U. Hence as in the proof of theorem (1.8),
we can find a finite set F such that L\U E ]F and F < L\U (equivalently
}F < L\U) and x $ ]F. By proposition (1.7) we have x e V = L\]Fç
U and V is precompact in U. Since x was arbitrary, U = (J{K: Fis
precompact in U). This is precisely the condition needed for Ox(L) to be a
continuous lattice.
(2) => (1). Let x, y e L, x $ y. Then y e L\}x ••= U, which is open in
the lower topology. By hypothesis there exists an open set V such that
y e V and V is precompact in U. Since O^L) is a continuous lattice and
hence has the interpolation property, there is an open set W such that V is
precompact in Pfand Wis precompact in U. Since K = L\Wis closed, as
in the proof of the preceding theorem K is the intersection of a descending
family of upper sets of finite sets. Since V is precompact in W, there exists
a finite set F such that K g ]F and V g L\\F. Thus y$ \F and by
Proposition (1.7) we have K < x and hence F < x since AT E î^7. Thus
L is a GCL.
2. Topologies on generalized continuous lattices.
DEFINITION 2.1. Let (X, ^ ) be a partially ordered set. A topology 0 on
X is said to be order consistent if (i) for all x e X, c\({x}) = [x, and (ii)
if D is an ascending subset of X and z = sup D, then considering D as
a net, D converges to z in (9.
If X is a T0 space, then a partial order may be defined on X by y ^ x
if y e cl({x}). If a topology on a partially ordered set is order consistent,
then this induced order is precisely the original order.
PROPOSITION 2.2. On a partially ordered set (X, ^ ) the upper topology
is the coarsest of the order consistent topologies and the Scott topology is
the finest.
PROOF. Since for every closed set A in the upper or Scott topology [A
= A and since [x is closed for all x, we have cl({x}) = [x for both of
these topologies.
Let D be an ascending subset of X. If D does not converge to z =
sup D in the upper topology, then there exists a subbasic open set L\\x
such that z G L\[X but some cofinal subset of D misses L\[x. But since
D is ascending, we have that there exists d e D such that d' ^ x for
d ^ d'. Hence we have x ^ sup D, i.e., x ^ z. This contradicts z e L\[x.
Therefore the upper topology is order consistent.
If D does not converge to z in the Scott topology, then there is an open
set U such that z e U, but some cofinal subset of D misses U. Since U =
Î U, D itself misses U. Since U is open, z = sup D $ U, a contradiction.
Thus the Scott topology is order consistent.
Now let (9 be any order consistent topology. Since for all x e X, [x
= cl({*}), which is closed, the topology (9 is finer than the upper topology.
Let C be a closed set in Xfor the ^-topology. Then [C = C (from condition (i) for order consistency). Let D be an up-directed set, D E C. Then
D converges to sup D since 0 is order consistent and hence sup D e C
since C is closed. Thus C is closed in the Scott topology.
We return to these "one-sided" topologies shortly, but first we have
need to introduce some "two-sided" ones.
DEFINITION 2.3. Let L be a complete lattice. We define the CL (or
Lawson) topology on L to be the topology for which all Scott open and
all lower open sets form a subbase. We define the Limlnf topology (LI)
by declaring a set A to be closed if every ultrafilter which has A as a member has the liminf of the ultrafilter in A (if J* is an ultrafilter, liminf SF
= sup {inf F: Fe &?}). Equivalently A is closed if for every universal net
in A, the liminf of the net is again in A.
PROPOSITION 2.4. Let L be a complete lattice. Then the CL and the LI
topologies are compact and 7\. The identity mapping is continuous from
(L, LI) to (L, CL).
PROOF. We first show the latter statement. Let K be a closed set in the
lower topology. Let ^ be an ultrafilter such that K e<F.Let M be a finite
set such that K E \M. It suffices to show liminf 3F e \M since by definition of the lower topology K is the intersection of such sets. Since <F
is an ultrafilter and since ]M = (J{î* : * e M } and since this latter
collection is finite, we can find x e M such that ]x e gF. Thus x ^
liminf 2F and hence liminf J* e \M.
Now let A be a Scott closed set and let again & be an ultrafilter such
that / l € , f . For any F e « f , F Ç] A ^ 0 and hence inf F S a for some
a e A. Since A = [A9 inf Fe A. Since A contains sups of up-directed
sets, liminf ZF e A. Thus both lower closed sets and Scott closed sets are
closed in the LI topology and therefore the identity function is continuous.
Furthermore, let L be equipped with the LI topology. Then in this topology ultrafilters still converge to their liminf<F(a general characteristic
of defining a topology in terms of filters or nets), although additional
limit points may also exist in the topology. In particular since every ultrafilter has a point of convergence, (L, LI) is compact. By continuity (L, CL)
is compact, too.
Finally, (L, CL) is Tx since {x} = [x f] }x and ]x is closed in the
lower topology and }x is closed in the Scott topology. Hence by continuity of the identity mapping (L, LI) is also Tv
We come at this point to a major theorem.
THEOREM 2.5. Let L be a complete lattice. Then the following statements
are equivalent:
(1) Lis a GCL.
(2) (L, CL) is Hausdorff.
(3) (L, LI) is Hausdorff.
Furthermore if any of these equivalent conditions are satisfied, then the
LI and CL topology agree and the partial order ^ has closed graph for
this topology. Furthermore, this topology has a subbase of open sets all
sets of the form {s: F < s) where Fis some finite set and L\]x where x e L.
PROOF. (1) => (2). Let L be a GCL. Let x, yeL and suppose that x S y.
Then there is a finite set F such that F < x and y $ ]F. Let U =
{s: F < s} and let V = L\\F. Then U f| V = 0 and V is open in the lower,
and hence CL, topology. To finish the proof we show that U is Scott open.
Let D be an up-directed set such that p = sup D e U. By the interpolation
property (1.8 (ii)), we can find a finite set G such that F < G < p. Thus
there exists de D such that b ^ d for some b eG. But F < G implies
F < b and thus F < d. Hence sup D e U implies de U for some J G D.
Thus £/ is Scott open.
Note that by the preceding paragraph sets of the form {s: F < s} and
L\]x, x e L generate a Hausdorff topology if L is a GCL, and that these
sets are open in the CL topology. Since by proposition (2.4) the CL topology is compact, these sets must generate precisely the CL topology.
Hence the last statement of the theorem holds.
(2) => (3). This is immediate since by (2.4) the identity function from
(L. LI) to (L, CL) is continuous.
(3) => (\). Note first that if SF is an ultrafilter on L, then $F converges
to liminf 3F and to that point alone in the LI topology (since the convergence by definition implies convergence in the topology and since by
Hausdorffness there is at most one point of convergence).
We show now that the relation ^ is closed in L x L (with each factor
equipped with the LI topology). Let ^ be an ultrafilter contained in
{(x, y): x ^ y}9 i.e., the set ^ is a member of ^ . Let &x = {^(G): Ge&}
and ^2 = W ß ) : Ge&}. For each G e <g such that G g {(x, y):x ^ y},
we have for the first and second projections, 7C\{G) and ft2(G), inf(^x(G))
S infO^G)). Thus
liminf{ffi((j): Ge&}
^ liminf{TC2(G) : Ge&}.
Since ^ is an ultrafilter, %<S&) and
are also ultrafilters. Hence if
a = liminf{ici(G): Ge&} and b = liminf{tf2(G): G e ^ } , then n^g)
and TZïdg) converge to a and b respectively, and therefore ^ converges
to {a, b). Hence the relation ^ is closed.
We now have that under the hypothesis (3) L is a compact Hausdorff
space with a closed partial order with respect to the LI topology. Hence
we may invoke the known properties of such structures. Let x, y e L with
x $ y. We wish to find a finite set F such that F < x and y $ \F. It suffices
to find a finite F such that j> <£ j F a n d there exists an open set U such that
U = ÎUand xe U ^ |F(for if D is an up-directed set with sup D ^ x,
then since D converges to its supremum, de U E ]F for some deD).
Thus suppose for every open set U ü ]U with xe Uand for every finite
F such that J ; ^ }F, U $ | F , i.e., C/\|F =£ 0 . Then these sets form a
filter base; extend this base to an ultrafilter <F. Since<Fcontains all open
neighborhoods U = | U of x, the limit of BF is a member of |x. Since
{inf L: Le <F} converges to the liminf of J^ which must be the limit of
8F) there exists L e J* such that inf L % y. We thus have \z e 3F where
z = inf L and L\|z e J^ from the original definition. However this is
impossible; so the argument is complete.
We have shown in this argument that ^ is closed. Since (L, LI) is compact, if (L, CL) is Hausdorff, then the two topologies agree by (2.4).
The next corollary is due to K.H. Hofmann.
COROLLARY 2.6. Let L be a meet continuous complete lattice. Then if L
is a GCL, it is a continuous lattice.
PROOF. By [5] a meet continuous complete lattice for which the CL
topology is Hausdorff is a continuous lattice. Hence the corollary follows
from theorem (2.5).
We return now to a more detailed consideration of the lower topology.
2.7. Let Lbea complete lattice.
(i) If 3F is an ultrafilter on L, the set of cluster ( = convergence) points is
\(liminf <F) in the lower topology.
(ii) A subset M of L is closed in the lower topology if and only if \M
= M and if for every ultrafilter gF with M e 3F, liminf BF e M.
(iii) A subset M of L is closed in the lower topology if and only if ]M
= M and if M is closed in the CL topology.
PROOF, (i) The cluster points of an ultrafilter consists of all points in the
intersection of the closure of all sets in the ultrafilter. If A is the set of
cluster points, we have
A = C\{F: FeBF) g f | { î ( i n f
) : F e BF} = î(liminf BF).
Conversely, let y ^ liminf &. If y $ F, then by definition of the lower
topology, there is a finite set K such that F E ]K and y i \K. Since
F E F E ]K, we have ]Ke£F. Since ^ is an ultrafilter, ]xe^
some x e K, because K is finite. Hence x ^ liminf 3F, a contradiction to
x $ y. Thus y e F for all Fe ^F and therefore jus a cluster point.
(ii) Suppose M is closed in the lower topology. It follows immediately
that M = ]M. Since M is closed, every ultrafilter containing M converges to points which are contained in M. Hence by part (i), we have
liminf <F e M. Conversely suppose \M = M and M e , f implies liminf«^
G M for every ultrafilter <F. Let yeM. Then we can find an ultrafilter
3F with M e J*7 converging to y. By part (i), y j> liminf ^ \ Since liminf 3F
e M and M = \M, we can conclude that J G ¥ . Thus M is closed.
(iii) If M is closed in the lower topology, then it is closed in the CL
topology by definition. Conversely suppose M = \M\s closed in the CL
topology. Then by proposition (2.4) it is closed in the LI topology and
hence by part (ii) in the lower topology, too.
COROLLARY 2.8. Let L be a complete lattice and let 0 be an order consistent topology on L. The set of cluster points for an ultrafilter gF is contained in Î(liminf J^).
This corollary follows easily from (2.7. (i)) and (2.2.)
PROPOSITION 2.9. Let L be a complete lattice. A subset U of L is open
in the Scott topology if and only if U — ]U and U is open in the CL topology. Furthermore the following conditions are equivalent:
(2) For every ultrafilter SF the set of cluster points of gF for the Scott
topology is |(liminf £F).
PROOF. By definition of the CL topology, if U is Scott open, then U is
CL open. Conversely suppose U = ]U is CL open. Let D be an updirected set (with x = sup D) in L\U. It is easily verified that as a net D
converges to every point of [x in the lower topology, to every point of
[x in the Scott topology and hence precisely to x in the CL topology.
Since L\U is CL closed, xeL\U. Hence L\U is Scott closed, i.e., U is
Scott open.
(1) => (2). Let SF be an ultrafilter, y = liminf <F. If x $ y, then we may
find a finite set K such that K < x and y $ ]K. Set W = {w: K<t:w}. As in
the proof of theorem (2.5), Wis Scott open. Hence x is not a cluster point
of 8F for the Scott topology. Let F e $F and let z ^ y with U a Scott open
set such that z e U. Since U is Scott open, yeU and hence inf F' e U for
some F' e &. Since F' E î(inf F% F' E U. Also F Ç] Ff ^ 0 implies
F f] U ^ 0 . Since U was an arbitrary Scott open neighborhood of z,
the Scott closure F of F contains z. Since F was arbitrary, z is a cluster
point of !F (this inclusion holds even if L is not a GCL).
(2) => (1). By (2.7. (i)), the hypothesis and the definition of the CL
topology, the only possible cluster point for an ultrafilter !F is liminf J*.
Hence the CL topology is Hausdorff. The conclusion follows now from
theorem (2.5).
PROPOSITION 2.10. Let L be a complete lattice equipped with a compact
topology for which the closed upper sets are precisely the sets closed in
the lower topology andfor which the partial order is closed. Then L is a GCL.
PROOF. It is well known that the closed upper sets of a compact space
with closed order form a continuous lattice (see [4]). The proposition follows now from proposition (1.9).
3. Morphisms between generalized continuous lattices. In this section
we want to describe under which conditions a mapping between generalized continuous lattices is continuous for the various topologies. In this
context it seems to be reasonable to restrict ourselves to monotone mappings. Let us start with a well-known result (see [13]):
PROPOSITION 3.1. Let £: L -> L' be a monotone mapping. Then £ is continuous for the Scott topology on L and L' resp. if and only if'£ preserves
suprema of up-directed families.
PROPOSITION 3.2. Let £: L -» L' be a mapping preserving up-directed
suprema. Then £ is continuous for the lower topologies on L and L' resp.
if and only if £ preserves liminf s of ultrafilters. Moreover, any monotone
mapping preserving liminf s of ultrafilters is continuous.
PROOF. Let us first assume that £ is continuous. Pick an ultrafilter SF on
L. Then £(liminf SF) is a clusterpoint of the ultrafilter £ ( ^ ) by the continuity of £. This implies liminf Ç(^) S £(liminf g>) by corollary (2.8).
and the latter supreConversely, £(liminf &?) = £(sup{inf F: Fe^})
mum is up-directed. Hence
£(liminf &) = sup £{(inf F): Fee?}
S sup{inf Ç,(F):
= liminf C(J^)
and this inequality holds because £ is monotone.
Now let £ by any monotone mapping preserving liminf's of ultrafilters.
Then £ is continuous. Let A' E L' be closed in the lower topology and let
A — Zrl(A'). Then A is an upper set because £ is monotone and A is
closed under liminf's of ultrafilters containing A because A1 is. Hence A
is closed in the lower topology by (2.7).
PROPOSITION 3.3. Let £: L -> L' be a monotone mapping between two
complete lattices L and L'.IfC, preserves up-directed suprema and liminf s
of ultrafilters, then Ç is continuous for the CL topologies on L and L resp.
Moreover, ifL is a GCL, then the converse also holds.
PROOF. By (3.1), (3.2) and the definition of the CL topology we need only
give a proof of the second statement. Let us assume that L is a GCL and
that Ç: L -> L' is CL continuous If U g L is Scott open, then Zr\U)
is an open upper set and hence open in the Scott topology by (2.9). Hence
£ is Scott continuous and therefore preserves suprema of up-directed sets
by (3.1). Next, let a' e L' and let A = Zr\\a'). Then A is a CL closed upper
set of L and therefore closed in the lower topology on L by (2.7). Now we
can conclude that £ is continuous in the lower topology and hence preserves liminf's of ultrafilters by (3.2).
In the remainder of this section we will show that generalized continuous lattices are preserved under a weak kind of quotients, subojects, and
PROPOSITION 3.4. Let L be a GCL, L a complete lattice, and £: L -» L
be a surjective mapping which preserves upwards directed suprema and which
is continuous for the lower topology (i.e., £ is monotone and continuous for
the CL topologies). Then L is a GCL.
PROOF. Endow L with the liminf topology. Then (L, LI) is compact and
Hausdorff by (2.5). Moreover, ker Ç = {(a, ò):£(fl) = £(ò)} is closed in
L x L. Indeed, let <g be an ultrafilter o n l x l containing ker £. We
have to show that
lim <& = (lim %fé, lim %2^) = (liminf %x%, liminf %2<g)
is contained in ker £, where %x. L x L -> L and %<i'. L x L -• L denote
the first and second projection resp. First, note that M ü ker £ implies
£ o 7Ci(M) = C ° %2ÌM) a n d that £ preserves liminf's of ultrafilters by the
assumptions (3.4) and proposition (3.2). Hence
£(liminf %i&) = liminf £ o 7 ^ = liminf £ ° 7 ^ = Ç(liminf 7r2^)Now we can conclude that the quotient topology of £ on L is Hausdorff.
A similar argument shows that the order ^ is closed in the quotient topology. If A' ü L' is closed in the lower topology, then Zrl(A') is closed in
the lower topology of L by the assumptions of (3.4). Hence Z~l(A') is
closed in the CL topology of L and therefore Ä is closed in the quotient
topology. Conversely, let A' = \Ä Ü L' be an upper set which is closed in
the quotient topology. Then A' is closed under liminf's of ultrafilters.
Indeed, let SF' be an ultrafilter on L containing Ä. Pick an ultrafilter <F
containing Xr\&'\ Then Zr\A') e & and ÇGF) = 3F\ As Zrl(A') is
closed in the CL topology of L, liminf«^" e Ç - 1 ^')- Hence
Ç(liminfJÊ') = liminf C(^) = liminf J^' e A',
because £ preserves liminf's of ultrafilters by (3.3). Now (2.7) yields that
A' is closed in the lower topology. Therefore the lower closed sets of L
are exactly the upper sets which are closed in the quotient topology. This
completes the proof by (2.10).
DEFINITION 3.5. A CL-morphism between complete lattices L and V is
a mapping preserving arbitrary infima and up-directed suprema.
Clearly, every CL-morphism preserves liminf's of ultrafilters. This yields
the following proposition.
PROPOSITION 3.6. Every CL-mrophism is continuous for the lower topologies, the Scott topologies, the CL topologies, and the LI topologies on L and
L' resp.
PROPOSITION 3.7. Let Ç: L -> L' be a CL-morphism between complete
lattices L and L.
(i) IfL, is surjective and ifL is a GCL, then so is L'.
(ii) ffZ is injective and ifL is a GCL, then so is L.
PROOF, (i) follows from (3.4) and (3.6) and (ii) follows from the observation that Ç(L) is a subsemilattice of L, which is closed in the LI topology.
Now let L be a complete lattice and let P(L) its ideal lattice. From [8]
we know that L is a continuous lattice if and only if the mapping / H->
sup /: P(L) -> L is a CL-morphism and that L is meet continuous if and
only if / •-> sup / : P(L) -> L preserves finite infima. We add one more
THEOREM 3.8. Let Lbe a complete lattice. Then L is a GCL if and only if
the mapping 11-> sup /: P(L) -• L is continuous for the lower topology (or
equivalently for the CL topology) on P(L) and L resp.
PROOF. AS the mapping / •-» sup I always preserves up-directed suprema,
one direction is clear by (3.4). Conversely, let L be a GCL and let a e L be
a point. We have to prove that {/ e P(L) : a "$ sup /} is open in the lower
topology of P(L). Let Je {le P(L) : a $ sup / } . Then sup J ^ a. Hence
we can find a finite set F ü L\|sup / which guards a from below. Now let
O = {/e P(L): î / g / for a l l / e F } . Then / e O and O is open in the
lower topology of P(L). Moreover, I e O implies sup I <£ a, because otherwise we would have \f f| / ^ 0 for s o m e / e F, and t h u s / e /, i.e., [f E
/. Hence Je O c {Ie P(L): a $ sup / } .
COROLLARY 3.9. A complete lattice L is a GCL // and only if it is the
quotient of a continuous lattice L under a mapping which is continuous for
the lower topologies on L and U resp. and which preserves up-directed
We conclude this section with two results, which may perhaps illustrate
that many properties holding for continuous lattices are also true for
generalized continuous lattices.
PROPOSITION 3.10. (See [8]). If L and L are GCL and ify:L-±L
is a
mapping preserving arbitrary infima, then y preserves up-directed suprema if
and only ij F < G in L' implies öF < öG in L, where d: L' -> L is the right
adjoint of y (i.e., d(a) = inf y~l(]a)).
PROOF. Assume that y preserves up-directed suprema and that sup D
^ ö(g) for some geG and an up-directed family D g L. Then ^(sup D)
= sup y(D) ^ g, hence y(d) ^ / f o r some de D and s o m e / e F This implies d ^ 5(f) for some de D and s o m e / e F, i.e., dF < öG.
Conversely, assume that F < G implies ô(F) < ö(G). Let D g L be an
up-directed set. We have to show that y (sup D) = sup y(D). Let F ü L be
a finite subset which guards ^(sup D) from below. By hypothesis we have
OF < <?7-(sup D) S sup D, and hence we can find a n / e F and a d e D
such that ôf ^ d, i.e.,/ ^ yd. Therefore we can conclude that sup y(D) e
f]{]F: F < y sup D) = ]y sup D; the last equality follows from (1.4).
But this yields y sup D ^ sup y(D). The other inequality holds for every
monotone mapping.
Our second example is the lemma on primes.
LEMMA 3.11. (The Lemma on Primes. See [4]). Let Lbea complete lattice
and let L' be a GCL. Furthermore, let £ : L' -> L be a mapping preserving
up-directed suprema and let p e L be an element ofL satisfying the following
primality condition.
(P) For every finite subset A g L\ inf Z(A) ^ p implies the existence of
an a e A such that Z(a) ^ p. Then for every CL compact subset K g Z/,
inf L,(K) ^ p implies the existence of a k e Ksuch that^(k) ^ p.
PROOF. Let K g L' be a CL compact subset of L such that inf C,(K) ^ p
and assume that K f] Ç,~l(ÏP) = 0 - Then K is contained in the Scott open
set L \ C - 1 ( 1 / J ) . Hence for every k e K we can find a finite subset Fk g
L\Zrl([p) with Fk < k (if every finite subset F < k would intersect
£>~l(lp), then f]{]F f| C~1(l/?): F < /:} would be non-empty, because Z/
is CL compact. But
n{î^nc-lap):^«^} = c-11(iJp)nn{î^^«^}
= c- u/>)nî* = 0Now we have K g [Jk(=K{x: Fk < x} and hence
K g Û I*- Fk< « A
for certain ku ...., kn e K by the compactness of K (Recall from the proof
of (2.5) that the set {x: Fk < x] is open in the Scott topology). Now,
and \Jf=1Fk. is finite. Hence the primality condition (p) yields an element
/ e U ? = i ^ / w i t h Z(f)èp,
a contradiction to \J»=1Fkirg ZAC^Ü/O.
Therefore there is an element k e K with £(/:) ti p.
4. Complete lattices in the interval topology. In this section we discuss
the symmetric interval topology and its relations to generalized continuous
DEFINITION 4.1. Let L be a complete lattice. We define the interval topology ( = IV topology) on L to be the topology which has as a subbase for
the closed sets the collection of all closed intervals [a, b] = {x: a ^ x g
b, a, be L}.
It is immediate that the IV topology is the supremum of the lower and
the upper topology on L. This observation proves a large part of the following proposition.
PROPOSITION 4.2. Let Lbe a complete lattice and let gF be an ultrafilter on
L. Then the set of all cluster points of ^ in the IV topology is exactly the set
[liminf J% limsup <F\ and this set is not empty. Hence L is a compact Tx
space in the IV topology and the IV topology is coarser than the LI topology
and the CL topology on L {or L°P).
PROOF. Clearly, for every filter ZF we have supjinf M:Me^}
inf{sup M: M e <F) and hence [liminf SF^ limsup SF\ ^ 0 . By (2.7) and
the above remark, [liminf &?, limsup 3F\ is exactly the set of all cluster
points of an ultrafilter $F.
PROPOSITION 4.3. Let Lbe a complete lattice. Then the following statements are equivalent.
(i) The IV topology on L is Hausdorff.
(ii) For every ultrafilter<Fon Lwe have liminf !F = limsup
(iii) L is a generalizedbicontinuous lattice {i.e., L and L°P are both GCL
and the CL topologies on L and L°P agree). In each of these cases, the IV
topology and the CL topology agree.
PROOF, (i) o (ii) holds by (4.2).
(i) => (iii). By (4.2), the IV topology is coarser than both the CL topology
on L and the CL topology on L0*. If the IV topology is Hausdorff, then all
the three topologies agree. Hence (iii) follows by (2.5).
(iii) => (ii) is an easy consequence on (2.5).
COROLLARY 4.4. Let Lbe a meet andjoin continuous lattice. Then the following conditions are equivalent.
(i) L is bicontinuous.
(ii) The interval topology on L is T2.
(iii) The CL topology on L and the interval topology on L agree.
Here again, a bicontinuous lattice L is a complete lattice with the property that L and L°P are continuous lattices and the CL topologies on L
and L°* resp. agree. We will give another description of bicontinuous lattices later on. For the moment let us return to lattices which are Hausdorff
in their interval topology. This type of lattice is preserved under a certain
kind of quotients.
PROPOSITION 4.5. Let L andL' be two complete lattices and let £ : L -> L
be a sürjective mapping preserving up-directed supprema and down-directed
infima. Assume moreover that the IV topology on L is Hausdorff. Then the
IV topology on L is also Hausdorff.
PROOF. Let 3F be an ultrafilter on L and let 3F' be an ultrafilter on L
which is mapped onto ^ under Ç. As limsup &?' = liminf <F' in L and as
Ç preserves up-directed suprema and down-directed infima, we can
limsup <F = limsup C(^0
= inf{sup Ç(M): M e / } ^ inf{£(sup
= £(inf{sup M: Me &"}) = ^(limsup &>') = £(liminf #")
= C(sup{inf M: M e &'}) = sup{£(inf M): M e &'}
S sup inf{C(M): M e ^ ' } = liminf C(^") = liminf &?.
Hence liminf !F = limsup 3F.
COROLLARY 4.6. Let L' be a completely distributive lattice and let Lbe a
complete lattice, Further, let £ : L' -> L be a sürjective mapping preserving
up-directed suprema and down-directed infima. Then the interval topology
on L is Hausdorff.
PROOF. It is well known that the IV topology on a completely distributive lattice is Hausdorff (see [10]). Now apply (4.5).
PROPOSITION 4.7. Let L andL' be two complete lattices, andletC,: L -• L
be a monotone mapping. If the IV topologies on L andL resp. are Hausdorff,
then Ç is continuous if and only ij'£ preserves up-directed suprema and downdirected infima.
PROOF. Every supremum of an up-directed family is the limit of the
family, indexed by itself. Hence every continuous map preserves updirected suprema and down directed infima. Conversely, let 3F be an ultrafilter on L and let &' = CC^")- Then the proof of (4.5) shows that
lim C(^") = limsup Ç(^0 g Ç(limsup SF) = Ç(lim &)
S liminf C(^) = Hm ; ( F ) ,
i.e., lim C(^) = C(lini &). This is equivalent to the continuity of £.
Corollary (4.6) gives rise to the question whether every complete lattice
with the property that the IV topology is Hausdorffis a quotient of a completely distributive lattice under a mapping preserving upwards directed
suprema and down-directed infima, i.e., a continuous and monotone mapping. We shall prove later on that this is at least true for meet (or join)
continuous lattices, and we will see in a moment that this is true for distributive lattices. But we do not know the answer in general.
Let us first recall some facts from the Priestley duality for distributive
THEOREM 4.8. (Priestley). Let VDbe the category of all distributive lattices
with 0 and 1 together with all lattice homomorphisms preserving 0 and 1
as morphisms, and let PZ be the category of all zero-dimensional compact
(T2) ordered spaces with the property that two different points can be separated by a clopen upper set, together with all order preserving continuous
mappings as morphisms. Then LD and PZ are dually equivalent under the
contravariant functors LD( —, 2) : LD -> PZ, where for a lattice L, LD(L, 2)
denotes the set of all LD-morphisms from L into 2, equipped with the pointwise ordering and the topology induced from the product topology of the
discrete space 2, and PZ ( —, 2) : PZ -> LD, where for a VZ-object X,
PZ(X, 2) is the lattice of all continuous and order preserving mappings into
the discrete two element chain ordered by the pointwise ordering. The natural
transformations ?7:1LD -> P Z ( L D ( - , 2), 2) and e: 1PZ -> L D ( P Z ( - , 2), 2)
are given by
-> â, â(0 = «A)
p^p, P(0 = COO-
As a consequence we have the following proposition.
PROPOSITION 4.9. (see [1]). Let X be a partially ordered set. Then the free
distributive lattice generated by X is isomorphic to PZ(X, 2), where X denotes
the set of all order preserving maps £: X -> 2, equipped with the topology of
pointwise convergence and thepointwise ordering.
In the sequel, for a partially ordered set X the algebraic lattice X is
always endowed with the CL topology.
PROPOSITION 4.10. Let P be a VZ-object and let Ç : P -+ 2 be a monotone
mapping. Then
C = sup{inf{^: <f> e PZ(P, 2), 0 è * } : X ^ C, ^ d ) * <*w«/}
= inf{sup{^: 0 G PZ(P, 2), 0 ^ %} : % à C, C - 1 0) is open}.
Furthermore, all occurring suprema and infima are directed.
First, let yr. P -> 2 be a monotone mapping such that x _ 1 0 ) *s
closed. Then %~l(l) = ^ { ^ - % _1 0) = ^ ^ a clopen upper set} by the
definition of PZ-objects and an easy compactness argument. Hence
X — 'mî{iu'. x~l0) i t / , ( / a clopen upper set} = inf{^: cp e PZ(P, 2),
(]j ^ ^ } , where ^ denotes the characteristic function of £/, and this inflmum is up-directed. Next, let £: P -» 2 be monotone. Then £ - 1 0 ) =
LT {^4: Ç _1 0) ^ A, A & closed upper set}. Hence £ = sup{^ A : C _1 (0 = ^
= |y4, y4 is closed} = sup{^: x = ^ Z - 1 ( 0 i s closed}, where again XA
denotes the characteristic function of A, and this supremum is also
directed. This proves the first equality. The proof of the second equality
is similar.
Now let us return to generalized continuous lattices.
PROPOSITION 4.11. Let L be a GCL and let (/, ^ ) be a down-directed
index set. For each i e I let D{ Ü L be an up-directed subset of L such that
i ^ j implies D{ Ü Dj. Then the equation holds in L.
AVA-= V A«(0
PROOF. The inequality " ^ " holds in every complete lattice. Conversely,
let F e L be a finite subset that guards the left hand side from below. Then
for every / G / there is a âf G D{ such that de }F. Hence we can find an
fe F such that {/ G /: there is a de Dt with / ^ d) is cofinal in /. This
certainly implies {/ G / : there is a de D{ w i t h / ^ d) = /. Hence there is an
a G J]*e/ A such that A»e/ a(i) ^ fe F. But then the right hand side is
contained in ]F. As Fis an arbitrary finite subset which guards Aie/ V A
from below, the proof is complete by (1.4).
PROPOSITION 4.12. Let L be a GCL and let L denote the PZ-object of all
monotone mappings £: L -> 2. Further, let X: PZ(L, 2) -> L be an Ahomomorphism and let L be the set of all monotone mappings £: L -> 2.
77^« f/ze mapping X*: L -+ L defined by
= s u p ( i n f W ) : 4> e PZ(L, 2), 0 ^
} : z g Ç, r K D * <*«"*}
preserves down-directed infima. Dually, ifL°P is a GCL and if X: PZ(L, 2) -*•
L is a V -homomorphism, then X*\L -* L defined by
X*(Q = inf{sup{W): </, e PZ(L, 2), 0 g
) : z ^ Ç, Ç-i(l) ft */**}
preserves up directed suprema.
Let I E £ be down-directed and for every Ç e 7 let
Z>c = { i n « ) : 0 e PZ(L, 2), 0 ^
} : z g Ç, z - i ( l ) closed}.
Then sup D^ = /l*(0 and Ç ^ Ç' implies Z>c E ^V- Hence we have
inf{;i*(0: C e /} = AV^c = A V «(0
by (4.11). We want to show that
a^riDç C e /
Let a e flc^/ ^c- Then we have to show that
A a(Q ^ ^(inf / ) = {sup{inf X{cjj): 0 e PZ(L, 2), 0 ^ z } :
0 ) is closed}.
z ^ inf 7, Z
Now a(Q = i n « ) : </, e PZ(L, 2), ^ ^ Zc } for some
closed. Choose Z o = inf{ Zc : £ e 7}. Then Z o = inf/and
^ Ç, Zc'HD
is closed. Hence it is enough to show that Ace/ cc(Q ^ A(^) for every
0 G PZ(L, 2), ç£ ^ Zo . But for every c[) e PZ(L, 2), 0-1(1) is clopen and
^ 0 ) 3 jßfW = H tfKl).
Therefore we can find finitely many d , . . . , ÇM e 7 such that
z& ! (i) n • • • n Z5KD Ü ^ K D ,
using the compactness of L. Again the compactness of L yields elements
^ l 5 . . . , </>„ e PZ(L, 2) such that Zc . ^ 0, and ^ A • • • A <jjn ^ <j). But
now the fact that X is an A -homomorphism allows us to conclude
A a(Q è K<h) A . . . A X(</>„) = Xifa A - - • A fa ^ Xty).
This proves inf A*(/) ^ /l*(inf /). The other inequality is always true. The
second claim can be proven dually.
PROPOSITION 4.13. If L and L°J are GCL and if I: PZ(L, 2) - * L is a
lattice homomorphism, then /I* : L -> L and 1*: L -+ L agree.
PROOF. We first show that for every C G £ the inequality 1*{Q ^ A*(Q
holds. Indeed, this inequality is true for every complete lattice L and every
monotone map h PZ(L, 2) -> L. Let ^ ^ £ ^ 7- such that % _1 0) is closed
and f~l(\) is open. Then we have to show that
inf W ) : <1> G PZ(£, 2), z ^ 0} ^ sup{A(0): 0 G PZ(L, 2), 0 ^ y).
But x = 7 i m P n e s % -1 (l) = r _ 1 ( 0 - Now the compactness of L and the
fact that L has enough clopen upper sets yield an open and closed upper set
U such that x~l0) = U = r _ 1 ( 0 - Then the characteristic function xu of U
satisfies x = Xu = 7 anc * hence
i n f W ) : 0 e PZ(L, 2), z ^ 0} ^ X(Xu) ^ sup{A(0): 0 e PZ(L, 2), 0 ^ r } .
To show the converse inequality, let / = {^ e L: ^ ^ £, % _1 0) is closed},
/ = ( T - G L ; C â 7% r _ 1 ( 0 is open}. For every # G / let Dx = (Jl(0):
0 G PZ(L, 2), ^ g <[)} and for every 7- G / let Dr = {A(0): 0 G PZ(L, 2),
0 ^ 7*}. Then / i s up-directed, / i s down-directed and for ^ , ^ ' e / , ^ ^'
implies Z)x E Ac a s w e ^ a s f ° r 7% 7*' G A 7* = 7*' implies Z)r g Z>r/. Moreover, by (4.11) we have
UQ = WÄDX = A V a(z)
A*(0 = A \JDr = V
A cc(7\
Fix a G n£>x and /3 G UDr. Then we have to show that
Aß(r)£ V #
But for every y e J we have /3(j) = A(0r) for some y ^ 0 r G PZ(L, 2) and
for every # G / we have <%(%) = X((J>X) for some x = $xe PZ(L, 2). Moreover,
0(^(1): r e / }E n t r K D :
e / } = Ç-i(l) = I K r K O : Z ^ / }
Because both (j)~\\) and ^ O ) a r e clopen for all y G / , x e h and because
L is compact, we can find yx, . . . , 7%, G / a n d ^ l5 . . . , %m e /such that
0-Ki) n • • • n 0^(1) s 0^(1) u • • • u 0^(1),
i.e., <pn A • • • A </>Tn ^ (pXl V • • • V (JjXm. Now the fact that X is a lattice
homomorphism yields
Aj3(r) ^ j8(n) A ••• A/3(r„)
= ^
) A • • • A ktyj
= A(0n) A • • • A 0 ( J
g A(0Zl v • • • v $ J = X(<f>Xl) v • • • v AfeJ
= a(Zi) V ••• V a(xm) ^ V <*(%)•
Now we can prove a partial converse of corollary (4.6).
THEOREM 4.14. Let Lbea distributive lattice such that L andL°P are GCL.
(i) There exists a completely distributive lattice U and a surjective mapping £ : L' -> L preserving up-directed suprema and down-directed infima.
Moreover, L can be chosen to be L and Ç: L -> L can be chosen to be an
extension of the canonical map X: PZ (L, 2) -* L, which lifts the identity id :
L -» L (Recall that PZ(L, 2) is a free lattice generated by the partially
ordered set L). In this case, £ is a lattice homomorphism on a dense sublattice of L'.
(ii) The CL topology on L and L°£ and the interval topology on L agree.
In particular the interval topology on L is Hausdorjf.
PROOF. Let L = L and let À: PZ(L, 2) -> L be the canonical map which
lifts id : L -+ L. Then A is a lattice homomorphism. Let Ç = A* = A*. Then
for 0O G PZ(L, 2) we have
C(0o) = { s u p ( i n W ) : x £ </>ePZ(L, 2)}: x £ fa
\ \ ) is closed}
= i n f W ) : 0o ^ 0 e PZ(L, 2)} = X{fa\
hence £ extends A. Moreover, £ preserves up-directed suprema and downdirected infima by (4.12). Further, PZ(L, 2) is dense in L by (4.10), because
directed suprema and infima are limits in the CL topology. This proves
(i). As L is a completely distributive lattice, (ii) is an immediate consequence of (4.6) and (4.2).
COROLLARY 4.15. Let L be a distributive lattice. Then the following
conditions are equivalent.
(i) The IV topology on L is Hausdorjf.
(ii) L is a quotient of a completely distributive lattice under a mapping
preserving directed suprema and infima.
5. Characterization of generalized continuous lattices by the lattice of
scott open subsets. It occurs regularly that every property of a complete
lattice L can be characterized by a stronger property of the lattice 0(L)
of Scott open subset of L (see [2]). In this section we focus our attention on
this phenomenon.
Let L be a complete lattice, 0(L) (resp. C(L)) the lattice of all Scott
open (resp. Scott closed) subsets of L and U(L) (resp. D(L)) the (completely distributive) lattice of all upper sets (resp. lower sets) of L. Then
we have a mapping
°d\ U(L) -+ 0(L)
A i-> Aod
where Aod denotes the largest Scott open subset contained in A. The
mapping od is a kernel operator which preserves arbitrary infima. Dually,
we have a mapping
-«: D(L) - C(L)
where Äd is the smallest Scott closed subset containing A. Clearly, ~d is a
hull operator preserving arbitrary suprema. Note that od: U(L) -> O(L)
(resp. ~d\ D(L) -» C(L)) is the left adjoint (resp. right adjoint) to the inclusion map.
THEOREM 5.1. Let L be a complete lattice. Then the following conditions
are equivalent.
(i) L is a GCL.
(ii) od: U(L) -+ O(L) preserves up-directed suprema.
(ii') ~d: D(L) -+ C(L) preserves down-directed infima.
(iii) (O(L), f| ) w # continuous lattice and the CL-topology agrees with
the IV topology, i.e., the IV topology is Hausdorff.
(iii') (C(L), \J)is a continuous lattice and the CL-topology agrees with the
IV topology.
PROOF. Clearly (ii) and (ii') as well as (iii) and (iii') are equivalent.
(i) => (ii'). For A ü L let Ä be the closure of A in the CL-topology. Then
for A e D(L) we have Äd = [Ä by (2.9). Let {^ : i e /} be a down-directed
net of lower sets and let a e f)Äj. Then for every Scott open neighborhood
U of a we have U fl A{ # 0 . As {^-: / e / } is down-directed, the set
{U f] A{: i e I and a e U, U Scott open} forms a filter base. Let <F be an
ultrafilter containing this base. Then Ai e BF for every i e / and hence for
every M e £F we have A{ Ç\ M ^ 0. This implies inf M ^ inf(^4, f| M)
e Ah i.e., inf M e ^ for every l e f and every ? e /. But this means
inf M G Ç\A{ for every M e ^ . Therefore we can conclude lim J^ =
liminf #" e f]Ad. On the other hand, 3F contains all Scott open neighborhoods of«. If lim SF would not be greater or equal to a, then we could find
a finite subset F<a with jlim & f| F= 0 . Because | F = ( J { î / : / 6 ^1
e «F, we can find a n / e F such that | / e J*7". But then lim & = liminf <F
^ / , a contradiction. Hence <z ^ lim &ef)Ai.
This proves Ç\Àj ü
P)y4f. The other inclusion is obvious.
(ii') => (Hi') follows from (5.6) and (5.3), if we let U = D(L) and Ç = ~d.
(iii') => (i). The mapping a 1-» | a : L -* C(L) preserves arbitrary infima
and up-directed suprema and (C(L), f] ) is a GCL by (4.3). Now the result
follows from (3.7).
6. CL-Quotients of completely distributive lattices, hypercontinuous
lattices. Recall from (0.3) that a complete lattice L is a continuous lattice
if and only if for each point * e L we have x = liminf 2f*, where %x denotes the filter of Scott open neighborhoods of x. If one replaces Scott
open neighborhoods by neighborhoods which are open in the upper
topology, one gets the following definition.
DEFINITION 6.1. A complete lattice L is called hypercontinuous provided
that for every point x e L we have x = liminf J?x, where S£x denotes the
neighborhood filter in the upper topology of L.
Clearly, every hypercontinuous lattice is a continuous lattice (Note that
S£x ü %x implies x ^ liminf S£x ^ liminf %x ^ x). Before we state our
main theorem on hypercontinuous lattices, let us give two definitions.
DEFINITION 6.2. Let L be a complete lattice. Then the bi-Scott topology
on L is the topology generated by the Scott open sets of L and L°P.
DEFINITION 6.3. Let L be a complete lattice and U E L be a Scott open
filter. Then we define Spec((7) = {y: y is maximal in L\U}. If k e L is a
compact element, we let Spec(&) = Spec(|/:).
Note that for every Scott open filter U we have Spec(C/) E IRR(L),
where IRR(L) denotes the set of meet irreducible elements of L, i.e.,
the set of those elements of L which cannot be written down as an infimum
of two strictly larger elements, (see [6])
Theorem 6.4. Let L be a complete lattice. Then the following conditions
are equivalent
(o) L is a hypercontinuous lattice.
(i) L is a CL-quotient of a completely distributive lattice.
(ii) L is a continuous lattice and the IV topology and the CL topology
(iii) L is meet continuous and the IV topology is Hausdorjf.
(iv) L is a continuous lattice, L°P is a GCL, and the bi-Scott topology
agrees with the CL topology.
(v) L is a continuous lattice and for open lower sets U, V g L we have
U g V if there are finitely many au .. ., an e V such that £/ E |#i U • • •
(vi) L is a continuous lattice and for Scott open filters F\, F2 g L with
Fi g F2 there exists a finite subset A g Spec(i<\) such that Spec(F2) g [A.
(vii) L is a meet continuous and generalized bicontinuous lattice.
PROOF, (i) -* (ii) is clear by (4.6) and (4.3).
(ii) => (iii) is easy.
(iii) => (iv). If the IV topology is Hausdorff, then L and L°P are GCL
by (4.3). Moreover, every meet continuous GCL is a continuous lattice
by (2.6), hence L is a continuous lattice. Furthermore, it follows from
(5.3) that the bi-Scott topology is coarser than the CL-topology. A standard argument using the way below relation shows that the bi-Scott
topology is Hausdorff. Hence the bi-Scott topology is a compact Hausdorff topology coarser than the (compact Hausdorff) CL-topology.
Therefore both topologies agree.
(iv) => (v). If the bi-Scott topology agrees with the CL topology, then
the CL-topology on L°P is coarser than the CL topology on L. If L°P is
a GCL, then the CL topology on L°P is Hausdorff, hence the compactness
of both topologies yields that both topologies agree. This implies that
the open down-sets of L in the CL-topology are exactly the Scott open
sets of L°P. Furthermore U g ^is equivalent to U < Fin 0(L°P). Because
\ U(L°P) -> 0{L°P) is a CL-morphism by (5.1), its right adjoint/: 0(L°P)
-> U(L°P), which is given by the inclusion map, preserves the way below
relation. Hence U g V implies U < V in U(L°P). But this is the case if
and only if U g I F for some finite subset F g V.
(v) => (vi). Let Fi and F2 be Scott open filters with Fj g F2 and set
U = L\F2, V = L\_Fi. Then we have F2 g F2, hence Ü = (L\F2)~ =
L\F2 g L\F2 g L\Fi = V. Therefore we can find finitely many points
tfl9 .. ., ane L\Fi such that U ^ [ax [] • • • U \an- For each a{ e L\Fi g
L\Fi use Zorn's lemma to pick a bt e S p e c ^ ) with a{ ^ b£. Then L\F2 g
l*i U • • • U [bH9 i.e., Spec(F2) g j ^ U • • • U [bn.
(vi) => (vii). By the assumption (vi), L is clearly meet continuous and
a GCL. Moreover, if b ^ Ö, pick open filters Fl9 F2 such that Fx g F2,
be Fi, a$ F2. (We can do this by [9]). Then we can find a finite subset
A g Spec Fi such that Spec F2 g [A. Clearly \b p A = 0 and
L\F2 g L\F2 g I Spec F 2 g j/L But now A < a in L°P, because for a
down-directed set D, inf D ^ a implies inf D = lim D e L\F2. Therefore
deL\F2 g [A for some deD. Hence L** is a GCL. Finally, the CLtopologies on L and L°P agree. Let SF be an ultrafilter on L. Then liminf J^
= limsup <^\ because otherwise we would have liminf SF è limsup 3F.
Now the above proof yields open filters Fu F2 such that / \ g F 2 , limsup ^
e Fl9 liminf 3F # F2 and a finite subset A e Spec Fx with L\F 2 ü 1^As liminf i^ = lim <F in the CL-topology on L and as lim & e L\F2,
we have L\F2 e J% hence [A e $F. Because A is finite, we can find an
aeA such that [a e &. Therefore limsup & e [a, a contradiction to
FX n i* = 0.
(vii) => (i). Let L' = D(L) and let Ç: U -> L be defined by L,{A) =
inf(L\^). Then £ is surjective and preserves arbitrary infima. Moreover,
inf(L\^4) = infj(L\/4), where _ is the closure in the CL-topology. As L
is a continuous lattice by (2.6), the mapping U *-* inf(L\(/) from the
lattice of open lower sets into L preserves up-directed suprema by [4].
Further, by (5.1) the mapping U »-> Uod = L\Î(L\U)~ from the lattice
of all lower sets into the lattice of open lower sets preserves up-directed
suprema. Because £ is the composition of these two mappings, £ will
preserve up-directed suprema.
(o) => (ii). We show that every Scott open neighborhood of a point
xe L contains a neighborhood in the upper topology. So let x e U be
Scott open. As x = liminf £fx, we can find a Ve<gx such that inf V
e U. But this implies V Ü (7, as desired. We now know that the upper
topology and the Scott topology agree. As the IV topology is generated
by the upper topology and the lower topology and the CL topology is
generated by the Scott topology and the lower topology, the latter
topologies agree, too.
(v) => (o). It is enough to prove that for every point x e L the filter
HX of Scott open neighborhoods is the same as the filter S£x of neighborhoods of x in the upper topology. So let W be a Scott open neighborhood
of x. Choose Scott open neighborhoods U and V of x such that F i t / ,
U E W. Then U' = L\U and V = L/V are open lower sets satisfying
U' E V'. By hypothesis (v) we can find a finite subset F i F' such that
that U' g IF- Now U' = L\Ü E IF implies L\IF g U ^ W, i.e., L\[F
is open in the upper topology and contained in W. Moreover, L\[F
contains x, because otherwise we would have xe [F ^ L\V, contradicting xe V. This proves ty.x ü j£%. The other inclusion holds in every
complete lattice. This completes the proof.
COROLLARY 6.5. Let L be an algebraic lattice. Then the following statements are equivalent.
(a) Conditions (o) => (vii) of'(6.4) hold.
(b) For every compact element Ke L the set Spec(AT) is finite.
PROOF. If (a) holds, (b) follows easily from condition (vi) in (6.3).
Conversely, under the assumption (b), the proof of condition (vii) of
(6.3) is an easy modification of the proof (vi) => (vii) in (6.3).
Recall that a complete lattice L is called bicontinuous, if L and L°P
are both continuous lattices and if the CL-topologies on L and L0*
coincide. The following corollary is now an easy consequence of (2.6)
and (6.3).
COROLLARY 6.6. Let L be a complete meet and join continuous lattice.
Then the following conditions are equivalent.
(i) L is bicontinuous.
(ii) The interval topology on L is Hausdorjf.
(iii) L is a CL-quotient of a completely distributive lattice.
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