arXiv:2011.14071v3 [math.GR] 11 Dec 2021
Abstract. A finite group G is called an F-group if for every x, y ∈ G \ Z(G),
C(x) ≤ C(y) implies that C(x) = C(y). On the otherhand, two elements of a
group are said to be z-equivalent or in the same z-class if their centralizers are
conjugate in the group. In this paper, for a finite non-abelian group, we give a
necessary and sufficient condition for the number of centralizers/ z-classes to be
equal to the index of its center. We also give a necessary and sufficient condition
for the number of z-classes of a finite F-group to attain its maximal number (which
extends an earlier result). Among other results, we have computed the number of
element centralizers and z-classes of some finite groups and extend some previous
1. Introduction
In 1953, Ito [21] introduced the notion of the class of F-groups, consisting of
finite groups G in which for every x, y ∈ G \ Z(G), C(x) ≤ C(y) implies that
C(x) = C(y), where C(x) and C(y) are centralizers of x and y respectively. Since
then the influence of the element centralizers on the structure of groups has been
studied extensively. An interesting subclass of F-groups is the class of I-groups,
consisting of groups in which all centralizers of non-central elements are of same
order. Ito in [21] proved that I-groups are nilpotent and direct product of an abelian
group and a group of prime power order. Later on in 2002, Ishikawa [19] proved that
I-groups are of class at most 3. In 1971, Rebmann [33] investigated and classified
In 2007, R. S. Kulkarni [26,27] introduced the notion of z-classes in a group. Two
elements of a group are said to be z-equivalent or in the same z-class if their centralizers are conjugate in the group. z-equivalence is an equivalence relation which is
weaker than conjugacy relation. An infinite group generally contains infinitely many
conjugacy classes, but may have finitely many z-classes. In [27] the author observed
the influence of the z-classes in the groups of automorphisms of classical geometries
and apart from other results he concludes that this finiteness of z-classes can be
related to the idea of finiteness of dynamical types of transformation to the geometry. It may be mentioned here that apart from the geometric motivation, finding
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 20D60, 20D99.
Key words and phrases. Finite group, Centralizer, Partition of a group, z-class.
z-classes of a group itself is of independent interest as a pure combinatoral problem.
More information on this and related concepts may be found in [6, 14–16, 23, 28, 29].
In a recent work, the authors in [28] investigated z-classes in finite p-groups (p a
prime). Among other results, they proved that a non-abelian p-group G can have at
k −1
+1 number of z-classes, where | Z(G)
|= pk and gave a necessary condition
most pp−1
to attain the maximal number which is not sufficient. Recently, the authors in [6]
gave a necessary and sufficient condition for a finite p-group of conjugate type (n, 1)
to attain this maximal number. In this paper, apart from other results, we extend
this result and give a necessary and sufficient condition for a finite F-group to
attain this maximal number. For a finite non-abelian group, we give a necessary
and sufficient condition for the number of centralizers/ z-classes to be equal to the
index of its center. We disprove a Conjecture in [4], namely, if G is a finite group
such that the number of centralizers is equal to the index of its center, then G
is an F-group. Among other results, we have computed the number of element
centralizers and z-classes of some groups and improve some earlier results. It may
be mentioned here that characterization of groups in terms of the number of element
centralizers have been considered by many researchers (see for example [10, 38] for
finite groups and [40] for infinite groups).
Throughout this paper G is a group with center Z(G), commutator subgroup G′
and the set of element centralizers Cent(G). We write Z(x) to denote the center of
the proper centralizer C(x) and ‘z-class’ to denote the set of z-classes in G.
2. Preliminaries
We begin with some Remarks which will be used in the sequel.
Remark 2.1. (See [37, Pp. 571–572]) A collection Π of non-trivial subgroups of
a finite group G is called a partition if every non-trivial element of G belongs to a
unique subgroup in Π. If | Π |= 1, the partition is said to be trivial. The subgroups
in Π are called components of Π. Following Miller, any finite abelian group having
a non-trivial partition is an elementary abelian p-group of order ≥ p2 (p a prime).
Let S be a subgroup of a finite group G. A set Π = {H1 , H2 , . . . , Hn } of subgroups
of G is said to be a strict S-partition of G if S ≤ Hi (i = 1, 2, . . . , n) and every
element of G \ S belongs to one and only one subgroup Hi (i = 1, 2, . . . , n). For
more information about partition see [34].
Given a finite group G, let A = {C(x) | x ∈ G \ Z(G)} and B = {Z(x) | x ∈
G \ Z(G)}. A and B are partially ordered sets with respect to inclusion and they
have the same length. The length of A (and of B) is called the rank of G. A finite
group G has rank 1 if and only if B is a strict Z(G)-partition.
Recall that a finite group G is called an F-group if for every x, y ∈ G \ Z(G),
C(x) ≤ C(y) implies that C(x) = C(y). Following [12, Lemma 2.6], a finite group
G is an F-group if and only if B is a strict Z(G)-partition.
Hence being a finite group of rank 1 is equivalent to being a finite F-group.
Remark 2.2. Given a group G, two elements x, y ∈ G are said to be z-equivalent or
in the same z-class if their centralizers are conjugate in G, i.e., if C(x) = gC(y)g −1
for some g ∈ G. It is well known that “being z-equivalent” is an equivalence relation
on G. Following [27, Theorem 2.1], the order of the z-class of x, if finite, is given by
| z − class of x |=| G : NG (C(x)) | . | Fx′ |,
where Fx′ = {y ∈ G | C(x) = C(y)}. From this it is easy to see that the number of
z-classes in G i.e., | z − class |≤| Cent(G) |, with equality if and only if C(x) ✂ G
for all x ∈ G.
The following Theorems will be used to obtain some of our results. For basic
notions of isoclinism, see [17, 28].
Theorem 2.3. (p.135 [17]) Every group is isoclinic to a group whose center is
contained in the commutator subgroup.
Theorem 2.4. (Theorem A [22], Lemma 3.2 [40]) Any two isoclinic groups have
the same number of centralizers.
Theorem 2.5. (Theorem 11 [22], Theorem 3.3 [40]) The representatives of the
families of isoclinic groups with n-centralizers (n 6= 2, 3) can be chosen to be finite
Theorem 2.6. (Lemma 4, p. 303 [11]) Let G be a finite non-abelian group with an
abelian normal subgroup of prime index p. Then | G |= p. | Z(G) | . | G′ |.
3. The main results
In this section, we prove the main results of the paper. Let D8 be the dihedral
group of order 8. It is easy to verify that | Cent(D8 ) |=| Z(D
|. The following
result gives two necessary conditions for | Cent(G) |=| Z(G) |, where G is a finite
non-abelian group.
Proposition 3.1. Let G be a finite non-abelian group such that | Cent(G) |=|
(a) Z(G)
is an elementary abelian 2-group ( [4, Theorem 2.1]).
(b) Cl(x) ⊆ xZ(G) for any x ∈ G.
Proof. Suppose | Cent(G) |=|
|= n. Then G can be written as:
G = Z(G) ⊔ x1 Z(G) ⊔ x2 Z(G) ⊔ · · · ⊔ xn−1 Z(G).
Consequently, we have Cent(G) = {G, C(x1 ), C(x2 ), . . . , C(xn−1 )}.
a) For any 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1, the elements whose centralizers equals to C(xi ) are
precisely the members of xi Z(G), noting that | Cent(G) |= n and C(xi ) = C(xi z)
for any z ∈ Z(G). It now follows that a−1 ∈ xi Z(G) for any a ∈ xi Z(G), because C(a) = C(a−1 ). Therefore we have xi Z(G) = xi −1 Z(G), which implies
). Hence Z(G)
is an elementary abelian 2-group.
o(xi Z(G)) = 2 (in Z(G)
b) In view of part (a), observe that C(x) ✂ G for any x ∈ G. Consequently,
C(x) = gC(x)g −1 = C(gxg −1) for any x, g ∈ G. Now, using the proof of part (a),
we have gxg −1 ∈ xZ(G) for any x, g ∈ G. Hence Cl(x) ⊆ xZ(G) for any x ∈ G.
Note that for the group G := Small group (64, 60) in [41] (see also [1]), we have
= C2 × C2 × C2 and | Cent(G) |= 6.
The authors in [28, Proposition 2.4] proved that if G is a group in which Z(G)
has finite index, then the number of z-classes is at most the index [G : Z(G)]. It
is also easy to see that for such groups the number of element centralizers is at
most the index [G : Z(G)] (noting that C(x) = C(xz) for any z ∈ Z(G)). In the
following result, for a finite non-abelian group, we give a necessary and sufficient
condition for the number of element centralizers/ z-classes to be equal to the index
of the center.
Proposition 3.2. Let G be a finite non-abelian group. Then | Cent(G) |=|
iff | z − class |=| Z(G)
|, then by Proposition 3.1, Z(G)
is abelian and conseProof. If | Cent(G) |=| Z(G)
quently, C(x) ✂ G for any x ∈ G. Now, using Remark 2.2, we have | z − class |=|
Cent(G) |=| Z(G)
|. In view of Remark 2.2, we have
Conversely, suppose | z − class |=| Z(G)
| z − class |≤| Cent(G) |≤| Z(G) | (noting that C(x) = C(xz) for any z ∈ Z(G)).
Hence the result follows.
We now give a counterexample to the following Conjecture in [4].
Conjecture 3.3. If G is a finite group such that | Cent(G) |=|
|, then G is an
Consider the dihedral group D8 of order 8. We have
| Cent(D8 × D8 ) |=| Cent(D8 ) | × | Cent(D8 ) |= 16 =|
D8 × D8
Z(D8 × D8 )
Let x ∈ D8 \ Z(D8 ) and z ∈ Z(D8 ). Then (x, x), (x, z) ∈ D8 × D8 and
C((x, x)) = C(x) × C(x) ( C(x) × C(z) = C((x, z)).
Hence D8 × D8 is not an F-group.
However for a finite F-group, we have the following result. Recall that Z(x)
denotes the center of the proper centralizer C(x).
Proposition 3.4. Let G be a finite F-group. Then
(a) | Cent(G) |=| Z(G)
| iff | Z(G)
|= 2 for all x ∈ G \ Z(G).
| iff |
|= 2 for all x ∈ G \ Z(G).
Proof. a) Suppose | Cent(G) |=|
|= n. Then G can be written as:
(b) | z − class |=|
G = Z(G) ⊔ x1 Z(G) ⊔ x2 Z(G) ⊔ · · · ⊔ xn−1 Z(G).
Consequently, we have Cent(G) = {G, C(x1 ), C(x2 ), . . . , C(xn−1 )}.
Now, suppose | Z(x
|> 2 for some xi , 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1. Then xj Z(G) ∈ Z(x
some j 6= i, 1 ≤ j ≤ n − 1. But then xj ∈ Z(xi ) and consequently, C(xi ) ⊆ C(xj ),
which is a contradiction since G is an F-group. Hence the result follows.
|= 2 for all x ∈ G \ Z(G). Then | Cent(G) |=| Z(G)
Conversely, suppose | Z(G)
noting that in the present scenario, for any x ∈ G \ Z(G), Z(x) will contain exactly
two right cosets of Z(G).
b) The result follows from Proposition 3.2.
For any subgroup H of a group G, it is easy to see that CH (x) = CG (x) ∩ H, for
any x ∈ H. This gives the following result:
Lemma 3.5. Let H be a subgroup of a group G such that Z(G) Z(H). Then the
number of centralizers of G produced by elements of H is at least | Cent(H) | +1.
Proof. Clearly, the number of centralizers of G produced by elements of H is equal
to the number of centralizers of G produced by the elements of Z(G)+ the number of
centralizers of G produced by the elements of H \Z(G) ≥ 1+ | Cent(H) | (Note that
elements of H that have the same centralizers in H may have different centralizers
in G).
The following key Lemma improves [39, Lemma 2.1 and Corollary 2.2].
Lemma 3.6. Let G be a non-abelian group and x ∈ G \ Z(G). Then
(a) Suppose x has finite order. Then | Cent(G) |≥| Cent(C(x)) | +p + 1, where
p is the smallest prime divisor of o(x).
(b) Suppose x has infinite order. Then | Cent(G) |≥| Cent(C(x)) | +3.
Proof. a) Let a ∈ G \ C(x). Clearly, axi ∈ G \ C(x) for any i. Moreover, we have
gcd(m, o(x)) = 1 for 1 < m < p and consequently, C(x) = C(xm ). It now follows
that C(a), C(ax), C(ax2 ), . . . , C(axp−1 ) are all distinct centralizers of G (because,
if C(axi ) = C(axj ) for some 0 ≤ i < j ≤ p − 1, then a ∈ C(xj−i ) = C(x), which is
a contradiction). In the present scenario, if C(axi ) = C(y) for some y ∈ C(x) and
some i, then a ∈ C(x), which is a contradiction.
Now, | Cent(G) | = no. of centralizers of G produced by elements of C(x)+ no.
of centralizers of G produced by elements of G \ C(x) ≥ 1+ | Cent(C(x)) | +p by
Lemma 3.5.
b) Using arguments similar to (a) we get the result.
Recall that a finite group G is said to be a CA-group if centralizer of every
noncentral element of G is abelian.
Corollary 3.7. Let G be a finite non-abelian group and p(q) be the smallest (largest)
prime divisor of its order. Then
(a) 2 + p ≤| Cent(G) |. Moreover, if G is not a CA-group, then 5 + p ≤|
Cent(G) |.
(b) If G has trivial center, 2 + q ≤| Cent(G) |.
Proof. The proof follows from Lemma 3.6, noting that in case of (b), G has a noncentral element say x of order q. On the other hand, if G is not a CA-group, then
C(x) will be non-abelian for some x ∈ G\Z(G) and consequently, 4 ≤| Cent(C(x)) |.
Hence our result follows by noting that p is the smallest prime divisor of o(x).
Recall that a finite p-group (p a prime) G is said to be a special p-group of rank
k if G′ = Z(G) is elementary abelian of order pk and GG′ is elementary abelian.
Furthermore, a finite group G is extraspecial if G is a special p-group and | G′ |=|
Z(G) |= p. We now give the following result concerning the upper and lower bounds
of | Cent(G) |. Note that part (a) of the following Theorem improves [7, Lemma
Theorem 3.8. Let G be a finite non-abelian group and p be the smallest prime
divisor of its order. Then
(a) p + 2 ≤| Cent(G) |; with equality if and only if G ∼
= Cp × Cp ; equivalently,
if and only if G is isoclinic to an extraspecial group of order p3 .
(b) | Cent(G) |≤| Z(G)
|; with equality if and only if | z − class |=| Z(G)
equivalently, G = H × A where A is an abelian subgroup of odd order and H
is elementary abelian; equivalently,
is a Sylow 2-subgroup of G such that Z(H)
G is isoclinic to a special 2-group.
Proof. a) Using Corollary 3.7, we have p + 2 ≤| Cent(G) |.
Now, suppose p + 2 =| Cent(G) |. Then by Corollary 3.7, G is a CA-group.
Moreover, in view of [35, Lemma 3.3], | C(x)
|= p for any x ∈ G \ Z(G). Therefore
G = hC(x), C(y)i for some x, y ∈ G \ Z(G) and consequently, by [35, Theorem 4.2],
∼ Cp × Cp . Conversely, suppose G ∼
Cp × Cp . Then p + 2 =| Cent(G) |,
Z(G) =
Z(G) =
noting that in the present scenario C(x)∩C(y) = Z(G) for any x, y ∈ G\Z(G) with
xy 6= yx and each proper centralizer of G contains exactly p distinct right cosets of
For the last part, suppose G is isoclinic to an extraspecial group N of order p3 .
∼ Cp × Cp and so | Cent(N) |= p + 2. Now, the result follows using
Then Z(N
) =
Theorem 2.4.
G ∼
Conversely, suppose p + 2 =| Cent(G) |. Then we have Z(G)
= Cp × Cp . In the
present scenario, by Theorem 2.3 and Theorem 2.5, G is isoclinic to a finite group N
N ∼
of order pn with Z(N) ⊆ N ′ . Moreover, since Z(N
C ×Cp , therefore Z(N) = N ′ .
) = p
Also note that any proper centralizer of N is abelian normal of index p in N. Hence
using Theorem 2.6, we have | N |= p. | Z(N) | . | N ′ | and consequently, N is an
extraspecial group of order p3 .
b) Since C(x) = C(xz) for any z ∈ Z(G), therefore | Cent(G) |≤| Z(G)
|; with
equality if and only if | z − class |=| Z(G) | by Proposition 3.2. Last part follows
from [28, Proposition 2.5].
We now give our first counting formula for number of distinct centralizers:
pk −1
+ 1.
pm −1
Proposition 3.9. Let G be a finite F-group such that |
|= pm for all x ∈ G \ Z(G), then | Cent(G) |=
pk (p a prime). If
Proof. Since G is a finite F-group, therefore by Remark 2.1, we have Z(x) ∩ Z(y) =
Z(G) for any x, y ∈ G \ Z(G) with C(x) 6= C(y). Hence the result follows by
noting that for any x ∈ G \ Z(G), Z(x) contains exactly pm distinct right cosets of
The following result generalizes [3, Theorem 3.5].
Theorem 3.10. Let G be a finite group and p a prime. Then |
x ∈ G \ Z(G) if and only if
|= p for all
(a) G is an F-group.
(b) Z(G)
is of exponent p.
(c) | Cent(G) |=
pk −1
{ Z(G)
+ 1, where |
|= pk .
Proof. Suppose |
|= p for all x ∈ G \ Z(G).
a) Clearly, Π =
G is an F-group.
| x ∈ G \ Z(G)} is a partition of
b) It is clear from the proof of (a) that every element of
Hence by Remark 2.1,
is of order ≤ p.
c) Clearly, for any x ∈ G \ Z(G), Z(x) contains exactly p distinct right cosets of
Z(G). Hence the result follows.
|= pk and | Cent(G) |= pp−1
+ 1(= l).
Conversely, suppose G is an F-group, | Z(G)
Let C(xi ), 1 ≤ i ≤ l − 1 be the proper centralizers of G. Since G is an F-group,
| 1 ≤ i ≤ l − 1} is a partition of Z(G)
. In
therefore by Remark 2.1, Π = { Z(x
the present scenario, we have pk =|
Consequently, |
Z(x1 )
Z(x2 )
| +···+ |
Z(xl−1 )
|= p for all x ∈ G \ Z(G).
| − pp−1
+ 1.
As an immediate corollary, we have the following result.
Corollary 3.11. Let G be a finite F-group such that | Z(G)
|= p4 (p a prime). If G
is not a CA-group, then | Cent(G) |= p3 + p2 + p + 2 ( [3, Theorem 3.5]). Moreover,
is of exponent p.
Proof. Since G is not a CA-group therefore G must have a proper non-abelian
centralizer. If C(x) is non-abelian for some x ∈ G \ Z(G), then we must have
| C(x)
|= p and hence | Z(G)
|= p.
On the otherhand, if C(y) is abelian for some y ∈ G \ Z(G), then C(x) ∩ C(y) =
Z(G), for if z ∈ (C(x) ∩ C(y)) \ Z(G), then C(z) = C(x) = C(y), which is a
|= p3 , noting that in the present scenario,
contradiction. Therefore we have | C(y)
C(x) ✂ G and G = C(x)C(y). Hence |
Theorem 3.10.
|= p. Now, the result follows from
Following Ito [21], a finite group G is said to be of conjugate type (n, 1) if every
proper centralizer of G is of index n. He proved that a group of conjugate type
(n, 1) is nilpotent and n = pa for some prime p. Moreover, he also proved that a
group of conjugate type (pa , 1) is a direct product of a p-group of the same type
and an abelian group. The author in [20] classified finite p-groups of conjugate type
(p, 1) and (p2 , 1) upto isoclinism. In the following result, we calculate the number
of element centralizers and z-classes of a finite group of conjugate type (p, 1). Given
a group G, nacent(G) denotes the set of non-abelian centralizers of G. For more
information about nacent(G) see [5, 24].
Proposition 3.12. Let G be a finite group such that |
x ∈ G \ Z(G). Then
|= p (p a prime) for all
is elementary abelian p-group of order pk for some k.
(b) | Cent(G) |=|z−class |= pp−1
+ 1.
G ∼
(c) | nacent(G) |= 1 iff Z(G) = Cp × Cp .
|> p2 .
(d) | nacent(G) |=| Cent(G) | iff | Z(G)
Proof. a) In view of Ito [21], G = A × P , where A is an abelian group and P is a
is elementary
p-group of conjugate type (p, 1). Therefore using Remark 2.1, Z(G)
abelian p-group of order pk for some k.
b) The result follows from Theorem 3.10 and Remark 2.2, noting that in the
present scenario, by [32, Proposition 1], we have | Z(G)
|= p for all x ∈ G \ Z(G).
G ∼
c) If Z(G)
= Cp × Cp , then G is a CA-group and hence | nacent(G) |= 1. Conversely, suppose | nacent(G) |= 1. Then in view of [32, Proposition 1], we have
G ∼
C × Cp .
Z(G) = p
d) In view of [32, Proposition 1], we have |
the result follows.
|= p for all x ∈ G \ Z(G). Hence
We now compute the number of distinct centralizers and z-classes of an extraspecial p-group (p a prime). It is well known that every extraspecial p-group has order
p2a+1 for some positive integer a and for every positive integer a, there exists, upto
isomorphism, exactly two extraspecial groups of order p2a+1 .
Proposition 3.13. Let G be an extraspecial p-group of order p2a+1 for some prime
2a −1
p. Then | Cent(G) |=| z − class |= pp−1
+ 1.
Proof. Using [31, Pp. 5], we have | C(x) |= p2a for all x ∈ G \ Z(G). Now the result
follows from Proposition 3.12, noting that here we have | Z(G) |= p.
Our next result concerns about finite groups of conjugate type (p2 , 1).
|= p2 (p a prime) for
Proposition 3.14. Let G be a finite group such that | C(x)
all x ∈ G \ Z(G). Then one of the following assertions hold:
is elementary abelian p-group.
is non-abelian of order p3 (p odd) and of exponent p; and | Cent(G) |=
p + p + 2.
is abelian, then by Remark 2.1, Z(G)
is elementary abelian p-group.
Proof. If Z(G)
Next, suppose Z(G) is non-abelian. In view of [32, Proposition 1 and Proposition
2], | Z(G)
|= p for all x ∈ G \ Z(G). Hence using Theorem 3.10, Z(G)
is of exponent
p. Therefore p is odd and consequently, using [20, Theorem 4.2], G is isoclinic to
a group of order p5 with center of order p2 . Hence Z(G)
is non-abelian of order p3 .
Moreover, using Theorem 3.10 again, we have | Cent(G) |= p2 + p + 2.
It may be mentioned here that for the group G:= Small group (64, 73) in [41]
G ∼
(see also [1]), we have Z(G)
|= 4 for all x ∈ G \ Z(G).
= C2 × C2 × C2 and | C(x)
The following Proposition generalizes [3, Theorem 3.8].
Proposition 3.15. Let G be a finite F-group such that |
|≤ p2 for all x ∈ G \ Z(G), then | Cent(G) |= p
where v is the number of centralizers for which |
pk (p a prime). If
+ · · · + p + 2 − vp,
|= p .
Proof. Since G is a finite F-group, therefore by Remark 2.1, Z(x) ∩ Z(y) = Z(G) for
all x, y ∈ G \ Z(G) with C(x) 6= C(y). Let v be the number of centralizers for which
| Z(G)
|= p2 . Then the centers of these v number of centralizers will contain exactly
v(p2 − 1) distinct right cosets of Z(G) different from Z(G). On the other-hand
the center of each of the remaining proper centralizers will contain exactly (p − 1)
distinct right cosets of Z(G) other than Z(G). Consequently,
| Cent(G) |=
(pk − 1) − v(p2 − 1)
+ v + 1 = pk−1 + pk−2 + · · · + p + 2 − vp.
As an immediate corollary we obtain the following result for finite groups of
conjugate type (p2 , 1). As we have already mentioned, Ishikawa [19] proved that
I-groups are of class at most 3.
Corollary 3.16. Let G be a finite group such that | C(x)
|= p2 (p a prime) for all
|= pk
x ∈ G \ Z(G). Then | Cent(G) |= pk−1 + pk−2 + · · · + p + 2 − vp, where | Z(G)
and v is the number of centralizers for which |
|= p2 .
Proof. It follows from Proposition 3.15, noting that in the present scenario, in view
of [32, Proposition 1], we have | Z(G)
|≤ p2 for all x ∈ G \ Z(G).
We have already seen in Proposition 3.14 that if G has class 3, then v = 0 and
k = 3; consequently, | Cent(G) |= p2 + p + 2.
We now prove the following result which improves [7, Theorem 3.3]. A group G
is said to be n-centralizer if | Cent(G) |= n.
Proposition 3.17. Let G be a finite n(= p2 + 2)-centralizer group (p a prime).
G ∼
|= p2 for all x ∈ G \ Z(G) iff Z(G)
Then | C(x)
= Cp × Cp × Cp × Cp and G is an
Proof. Suppose | C(x)
|= p2 for all x ∈ G \ Z(G). Then G is an F-group. In view of
is elementary abelian. Let Xi = C(xi ), 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1 where
Proposition 3.14, Z(G)
xi ∈ G \ Z(G). We have G = ∪ Xi and | G |=
| Xi |. Therefore interchanging
Xi ’s and applying [13, Cohn’s Theorem], we have G = X1 X2 and X1 ∩ X2 = Z(G).
G ∼
Hence Z(G)
= Cp × Cp × Cp × Cp .
G ∼
Conversely, suppose Z(G)
= Cp × Cp × Cp × Cp and G is a finite F-group. In view
|= p for some x ∈ G\Z(G).
of Corollary 3.11, G is a CA-group. Now, suppose | C(x)
Then in view of Theorem 2.6 and [9, Theorem 2.3], | Cent(G) |6= p2 + 2 (noting that
|≤ p2 for all x ∈ G \ Z(G) and
in the present scenario C(x) ✂ G). Therefore | Z(G)
|= p2 for all x ∈ G \ Z(G).
consequently, using Proposition 3.15 we have | C(x)
Remark 3.18. Let G be a finite group and let H be a subgroup of G. Then (G, H)
is called a Camina pair if x is conjugate in G to xz for all x ∈ G \ H. A finite group
G is called a Camina group if (G, G′ ) is a Camina pair.
Recall that a p-group (p a prime) G is semi-extraspecial, if G satisfies the property
for every maximal subgroup N of Z(G) that N
is an extraspecial group. It is known
that every semi-extraspecial group is a special group ( [31, Pp.5]) and for such
groups | C(x) | is equal to the index [G : G′ ] for all x ∈ G \ G′ ( [31, Theorem
5.5]). Following [31, Theorem 5.2], a group G is a semi-extraspecial p-group for
some prime p if and only if G is a Camina group of nilpotence
p class 2. A group G is
said to be ultraspecial if G is semi-extraspecial and | G |= | G : G′ |. It is known
that for each prime p there are p + 3 ultraspecial groups of order p6 and all of the
ultraspecial groups of order p6 (including for p = 2) are isoclinic ( [31, Pp. 9]).
In view of the above discussions using Remark 2.2 and Proposition 3.9, we have
the following result for an ultraspecial group of order p6 , p a prime.
Proposition 3.19. If G is an ultraspecial group of order p6 for some prime p, then
| Cent(G) |=| z − class |= p2 + 2.
It may be mentioned here that the authors in [28, Remark 3.15] gave an example
of a group to show that the conditions (1) and (2) in [28, Theorem 3.13] are not
sufficient to attain the bound of the Theorem. They obtained their conclusion using
the proof of [28, Theorem 3.13] without computing | z − class |. However, in view
of the above Proposition we can give a larger family of examples of groups (namely,
any ultraspecial group of order p6 , p a prime) with the precise value of | z − class |
which satisfies the conditions (1) and (2) in [28, Theorem 3.13] but does not attain
the bound of the Theorem. We also want to mention that the group in [28, Remark
3.15] is an example of an ultraspecial group of order p6 , p a prime.
As an immediate application to Proposition 3.17, we have the following result:
Proposition 3.20. Let G be a finite group and p a prime. Then G is n(= p2 + 2)G
centralizer with | C(x)
|= p2 for all x ∈ G \ Z(G) if and only if G is isoclinic to an
ultraspecial group of order p6 .
Proof. In view of Proposition 3.14, Z(G)
is abelian. Therefore G is nilpotent of class
2 and hence by [20, Theorem 4.1], Proposition 3.17 and Remark 3.18 we have the
In [8, Theorem 3.4], the author proved that if G is a finite 6-centralizer group,
G ∼
then Z(G)
= D8 , A4 , C2 × C2 × C2 or C2 × C2 × C2 × C2 . In this connection, we have
the following result:
Proposition 3.21. A finite group G is 6-centralizer with |
if G is isoclinic to an ultraspecial group of order 64.
|= 16 if and only
Proof. Suppose | Cent(G) |= 6. Using [1, Proposition 2.5 (a)], G is a CA-group.
Now, suppose | C(x)
|= 2 for some x ∈ G \ Z(G). Then in view of Theorem 2.6
and [9, Theorem 2.3], we have | Cent(G) |6= 6. Consequently, by Proposition 3.15,
|= 4 for all x ∈ G \ Z(G). Therefore by Proposition 3.20, G is
we have | C(x)
isoclinic to an ultraspecial group of order 64. Conversely, suppose G is isoclinic to
an ultraspecial group of order 64. Then by Remark 3.18, | G′ |= 4 and | C(x)
|= 4
for all x ∈ G \ Z(G). Since we have | Z(G) |= 16, therefore by Proposition 3.9,
| Cent(G) |= 6.
We now compute the number of centralizers of a finite group with maximal centralizers (maximal among the proper subgroups). It may be mentioned here that
Kosvintsev in 1973 [25] studied and characterised these groups. He proved that in
a finite nilpotent group G every centralizer is maximal if and only if G is of the
conjugate type (p, 1), p a prime. Moreover, he proved that in a finite non-nilpotent
group G, the centralizer of every non-central element is a maximal subgroup if and
only if G = MZ(G), where M is a biprimary subgroup in G that is a Miller-Moreno
group. Recently, in 2020 the authors [36] studied these groups. It seems that the
authors are unaware of the paper of Kosvintsev [25]. However, they have given a
characterization of such non-nilpotent group G in terms of Z(G)
by proving that
if G is a finite non-nilpotent group of such type, then Z(G) is either abelian or
= Z(G)
⋊ Z(G)
is a minimal non-abelian group (Miller and Moreno analyzed
|= pa and | Z(G)
|= q, where p and
minimal non-abelian groups in [30]) with | Z(G)
q are primes. In this connection, we notice that there is a minor error in the result.
cannot be abelian.
In this case Z(G)
Proposition 3.22. Let G be a finite group in which every proper centralizer is
maximal (maximal among all proper subgroups).
|= pk (p a prime) and | Cent(G) |=|z−class |=
G ∼
+ 1. Moreover, | nacent(G) |= 1 iff Z(G)
= Cp × Cp and | nacent(G) |=|
|> p2 .
Cent(G) | iff | Z(G)
(b) If G is non-nilpotent, then | Cent(G) |=| Cent( Z(G)
) |= pa + 2, where pa is
. Moreover, G is a CA-group.
the order of the Sylow p-subgroup of Z(G)
(a) If G is nilpotent, then |
pk −1
Proof. a) Since G is nilpotent, therefore in view of [25], we have | C(x)
|= p (p a
prime) for all x ∈ G \ Z(G). Now, the result follows using Proposition 3.12.
b) In view of [36, Theorem A], we have Z(G)
= Z(G)
⋊ Z(G)
is a minimal nonQ
abelian group with | Z(G) |= p and | Z(G) |= q, where p and q are primes. Moreover,
has trivial center. In the present scenario, we have
by [18, Aufgaben III, 5.14], Z(G)
= C(xZ(G)) for any x ∈ G \ Z(G) (because C(x) is a maximal subgroup).
) |= pa + 2 and G is a CA-group, noting that in the
Hence | Cent(G) |=| Cent( Z(G)
present scenario G is an F-group.
The authors in [6, Main Theorem 1.1], gave a necessary and sufficient condition
for a finite p-group (p a prime) of type (n, 1) to attain the maximal number of
z-classes. In the following Theorem we extend this result as follows:
Theorem 3.23. Let G be a finite F-group with |
Then G has
pk −1
|= pk , where p is a prime.
+ 1 z-classes if and only if
(a) Z(G)
is elementary abelian.
(b) Z(x) = hx, Z(G)i for all x ∈ G \ Z(G).
Proof. Let G be a finite F-group such that | Z(G)
|= pk and G has pp−1
+ 1 z-classes.
By [28, Lemma 3.1], G is isoclinic to a finite p-group H and by [28, Theorem 2.2],
k −1
+ 1 z-classes. In the present scenario, by [28, Theorem 3.13], Z(H)
H has pp−1
elementary abelian and consequently, Z(G) is elementary abelian. Hence C(x) ✂ G
for all x ∈ G and therefore, by Remark 2.2, | Cent(G) |= pp−1
+ 1. Now, the result
follows from Theorem 3.10.
Conversely, suppose (a) and (b) holds. Then C(x) ✂ G for all x ∈ G and consek −1
quently, by Remark 2.2 and Theorem 3.10 we have | z − class |= pp−1
+ 1.
We conclude the paper with the following result:
Proposition 3.24. Let G be a finite group such that | G′ |= p (p a prime) and
G′ ⊆ Z(G). Then G is isoclinic to an extraspecial p-group of order p2a+1 and
2a −1
| Cent(G) |=| z − class |= pp−1
+ 1.
Proof. Since G′ ⊆ Z(G) therefore G = A × H, where A is an abelian subgroup and
H is the Sylow p-subgroup of G with | H ′ |= p. Consequently, G is isoclinic to
H. In the present scenario, by Theorem 2.3 and Theorem 2.5, H is isoclinic to a
finite p-group H1 with Z(H1 ) ⊆ H1′ . Therefore we have | Z(H1 ) |=| H1′ |= p. It
now follows that H1′ and Z(H
have same exponent (by [2, Lemma 9, p. 77]). Thus
H1 is an extraspecial p-group of order p2a+1 and G is isoclinic to H1 . Moreover, by
2a −1
+ 1.
Proposition 3.13 and Theorem 2.4 we have | Cent(G) |=| z − class |= pp−1
I would like to thank Prof. Mohammad Zarrin for his valuable suggestions and
comments on the earlier draft of the paper.
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S. J. Baishya, Department of Mathematics, Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya Adarsha
Mahavidyalaya, Behali, Biswanath-784184, Assam, India.
Email address:
[email protected]