Saudi Journal of Oral and Dental Research
Abbreviated Key Title: Saudi J Oral Dent Res
ISSN 2518-1300 (Print) |ISSN 2518-1297 (Online)
Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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Review Article
Surgical Guides in Implants: A Review
Dr. Shilpa Sunil Khanna1*, Dr. Balaji Sugriv Munde2, Dr. Priyadarshani Madhukar Baisane3, Dr. Syed Shujaulla4, Dr.
Syeda T Tabasum5, Dr. Mohammed Shammas6
M.D.S, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Senior Lecturer, Sri Ramakrishna Dental College and Hospital, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
MDS, Senior Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics, Maharashtra Institute of Dental Sciences & Research Dental College, Latur, Maharashtra, India
Sr. Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics, A.C.P.M. Dental College Dhule, Maharashtra, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthetic Dental Sciences, College of Dentistry, Qassim University, Buraidah, K.S.A
Associate Professor, Department of Periodontology, College of Dentistry, Qassim University, Buraidah, KSA
Associate Professor, Division of Prosthodontics, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation, Ibn Sina National College for Medical Studies,
Jeddah, K.S.A
DOI: 10.36348/sjodr.2020.v05i09.001
| Received: 22.08.2020 | Accepted: 30.08.2020 | Published: 03.09.2020
*Corresponding author: Dr. Shilpa Sunil Khanna
Replacement of missing teeth with dental implants is has greater curve In recent the importance of the treatment
increases the researches among this procedure also this way so may new methods also invented to improve
the treatment success. Placement of dental implants with the help of the dental implants is a successful criteria in present the main aim of this review articles is to describe the various implant surgical stents and to describe the
considerations to use the implant surgical guides
Keywords: Implant, guide, scan.
Copyright @ 2020: This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium for non-commercial use (NonCommercial, or CC-BY-NC) provided the original author and source
are credited.
The most dominated treatment criteria for
replacement of missing tooth is dental implants.
previously failures were more common in dental
implants it might be because of failure in
implementation if the treatment plan during the
procedure. To avoid errors during placement and to
proper implementation of the treatment plant surgical
templates were introduced. Surgical guides (stents) are
templates that transfer information regarding tooth
position to the dentist prior to implant placement.
previously dental implant position and placement
mainly depends on residual bone availability only [1].
Because of this after placement of implant planning of
prosthesis is very difficult. To avoid these difficulties
prosthetic driven implantology was introduced. This
prosthetic driven implantolgy includes surgical guides
or surgical templates. Surgical guide templates not only
assist in diagnosis and treatment planning but also
facilitate proper positioning and angulation of the
implants in the bone [2]. Moreover, restoration driven
implant placement accomplished with a surgical guide
template can decrease clinical and laboratory
complications. Hence, increasing demand for dental
implants has resulted in the development of newer and
advanced techniques for the fabrication of these
templates [3].
Definition: According to GPT9 surgical guide can be
define as:
1. Any device used as a guide for surgically
shaping the alveolar process or positioning of
gingival tissues;
2. A guide used to assist in proper surgical
placement and angulation of dental implants.
3. A guide used to assist in establishing the
desired occlusion during orthognathic or
grafting surgery [4].
Ideal Requirements
It should be rigid in correct position
buccolingually mesio distally, apico coronally
Extensions of the Surgical Guides
If the arch treated has remaining teeth, the
template should fit over and/or around enough teeth to
stabilize and position the guide stent. When no
remaining teeth are present, the template should extend
onto unreflected soft tissue regions, that is, the palate
and tuberosities in the maxilla, or the retromolar pads in
the mandible. In this way, the guide template may be
used after the soft tissue has been reflected from the
implant site, and during preparation for the implant
osteotomy [5, 6].
© 2020 |Published by Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Shilpa Sunil Khanna et al., Saudi J Oral Dent Res, September, 2020; 5(9): 425-430
Implant Angulation
The ideal angulation for implant insertion
should be visualized during surgery and requires, at
least, two reference points for each implant. For that
purpose, the surgical guide must be elevated above the
edentulous site. The distance between the occlusal
surface of the abutment crown and the crest of the ridge
represents 8 mm or more. As a result, these two points
of reference correspond to the path of ideal implant
insertion. The ideal angulation is perpendicular to the
occlusal plane and parallel to the most anterior
abutment joined to the implant [7].
Gingival Contouring
The surgical template should relate the ideal
gingival contour position. Lost bone and gingival width
may be replaced during implant insertion by an onlay
graft of dense hydroxyapatite and demineralized freezedried bone. The amount of augmentation required to
support the tissue can be determined by the surgical
To Guide the osteotomy drills at correct
position, angulation and depth.
To Guide the implant fixtures at correct
position, angulation and depth.
Guidance of amount of bone reduction or bone
harvesting if necessary (both soft tissue and
hard tissue harvesting) [3].
Decreases manual errors associated with free
hand implant placement • Minimally invasive
procedures, postoperative surgical problems are
minimized providing psychological benefit to both
patient and clinician • Precision - Implants are
prosthetically driven components; any deviation can
lead to abrupt results in functioning. With surgical
guides, implant placement has become more accurate •
Safety: Safety is one of the important factor when
placing implants in critical areas of the mouth. Even the
small error can lead to severe complications. With the
help of surgical guides, such errors can be prevented.
Vital structure can be protected with surgical guides •
Predictability; Predicability is more with surgical
guides. Aesthetics - because of computer aided
treatment planning and exact and easy implementation
of treatment planning leads to good aesthetics results. •
Hygiene - Maintenance of proper oral health is ensured
because of correct implant placement • For best
survival, implant supported prosthesis should be placed
in preplanned positions. Guides can help such quality
placements of implants • Reduction of implant surgery
time • Ease in fabrication: because of computer aided
designs fabrication is easy• Special surgical guide types,
such as bone reduction guides are available that can
enable graft harvesting • Guide itself can act as a
temporary prosthesis for fully edentulous cases •
Accessabillity:Increased visibility of the surgical site
and easy access for flap exposure • because of less
failures and exacts implementation of treatment
planning patient visits can be reduced [8, 9].
Surgical guides do not allows the
predetermined position of the dental implant if any
modifications requires at the time of surgery. Any tissue
changes like (soft tissue changes like swellings and hard
tissue changes like loss of abutment teeth) may alter the
fit of the stent which leads to the failure of the dental
implant placement. Guide dislocation at the time
surgical procedure. Drill lodgement in stents • Guide
dislocation also occurs when drilling is intended to
penetrate hard bone, producing torsional forces on the
sleeves, thus lifting off the guide • Start-up cost
associated with software purchasing • Greater learning
curves [9].
Classification Of The Surgical Guides [10-12]:
Based on the area of operation
Guides for partially edentulous sites
Tooth supported
Bone supported
In case of short span partially edentulous
arches tooth supported surgical guides can be used,
incase of long span partially edentulous arches tooth
and bone supported implant surgical guides can be used.
Guides for completely edentulous site: Mucosa or
bone supported.
Based on the support: The surgical guides derives
support from Teeth, Bone and Mucosa.
Rules for planning usage of different types of surgical
Tooth supported guides: Minimum three stable
teeth should be present to support the guide during
surgery • Mucosa supported guides - It is used in fully
edentulous sites. Advantage-less or no tissue reflection
is required, so less postoperative discomfort. Will
require scan prosthesis and surgical guides during
surgery • Bone supported guides - They are used in
partially edentulous sites and completely edentulous
sites. When used in partially edentulous sites, it should
possess at least 3 cm of supporting bone or 3 teeth
would need replacement. Bone guides are especially
used when edentulous sites possess thin bone. Raised
flap should provide a good view to implant sites and
insertion of guides.
Based on the accessibility: open sleeve & closed
sleeve, accessibility is high with closed sleeve implant
surgical guides.
© 2020 |Published by Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Shilpa Sunil Khanna et al., Saudi J Oral Dent Res, September, 2020; 5(9): 425-430
Based on Utility
Pilot Guides
This surgical guides allows only pilot driils so
that only Angulation control is achieved. Depth control
is to be obtained manually by assessing markings on
drills. After pilot drilling the surgical guide has to be
removed, and osteotomy site is expanded in the absence
of surgical guide •
Complete Drill Guides
It different drill keys or sleeves. Different
sleeves for different diameters of drills, which are
changed concomitantly as osteotomy is widened.
Angulation as well size of osteotomy is controlled by
guide; depth is controlled manually •
Safe Guides/Easy Guides
Uses drill key or sleeves as above with
additional implant stopper that controls the depth of
drilling. Allows both osteotomy and implant placement.
Based on Material
Self/light cure acrylic resin, metal reinforced
acrylic templates; vacuum formed polymers, milling,
CAD-CAM prosthesis, stereo lithographic models. The
surgical accuracy of manually processed resin and
vacuum formed guides is less in comparison to the
latter mentioned milling, CAD-CAM prosthesis or
stereo lithographic models.
Classification of Design Concepts for Fabrication of
Surgical Guide [13-17]
Based on the amount of surgical restriction
offered by the surgical guide templates:
Non Limiting Design
Blustein et al., and Engelman et al., described
a technique in which a guide pin hole was drilled
through a clear vacuum-formed matrix. This hole
indicated the optimal position of the dental implant.
However, the angulation was determined by the use of
adjacent and opposing teeth
Partially Limiting Design
In such designs, the first drill used for the
osteotomy is directed using the surgical guide, and the
remaining osteotomy and implant placement is then
finished in freehand by the surgeon. Techniques based
on this design concept involve fabrication of a
radiographic template, which is then converted into a
surgical guide template following radiographic
evaluation. This technique failed to completely restrict
the angulation of the surgical drills.
Completely Limiting Design
This design restrics all the instruments used in
surical procedure during imlant placement. Drill stops
limits the depth of the preparation.As the surgical
guides become more restrictive, less of the decisionmaking and subsequent surgical execution is done
intraoperatively [18].
This includes 2 popular designs:
Cast-based guided surgical guide
Computer-assisted design and manufacturing
(CAD/CAM) based surgical guide.
Cast Based Guided Surgical Guide
Combination of an analogue technique done
along with bone sounding and the use of periapical
radiographs in a conventional flapless guided implant
surgery. The periapical radiograph is modified using
digital software to help in transposition of root structure
onto the cast. The cast is then sectioned at the proposed
implant site, and bone-sounding measurements are
transferred to help in orientation of the drill bit to
perform a cast osteotomy.
A laboratory analog is placed in the site, and a
guide sleeve consistent with the implant width is
modified using wires that are used to create a
framework around the teeth. Vinyl polysiloxane
occlusal registration material is used to form the
CAD/CAM Based Implant Surgical Guides
The procedure for fabrication of CAD/CAM
based surgical guides can be divided into the following
Fabrication of the radiographic template,
The computerized tomography scan,
Implant planning using interactive implant
surgical planning software,
Fabrication of the stereolithographic drill
Fabrication of the Radiographic Template [18-21]
The radiographic template must be an exact
replica of the desired prosthetic end result, as it allows
the clinician to visualize the location of planned
implants from an esthetic and biomechanical
This is followed by fabrication of an
interocclusal index, to allow reproducible placement of
the scan template intraorally.
First Scan
he patient is scanned wearing the radiographic scan template
and radiographic index (interocclusal index)
The first scan is used to visualize the bony architecture and
anatomy of the site of interest
Second Scan
The second scan is performed without the
second scan is performed to visualize the
nonradiopaque radiographic guide
© 2020 |Published by Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Shilpa Sunil Khanna et al., Saudi J Oral Dent Res, September, 2020; 5(9): 425-430
The 2 resulting sets of 2D CT data (Digital
Imaging and Communication in Medicine [DICOM
files]) are then superimposed over each other according
to the radiographic markers and are further converted
into a file format compatible with the 3D planning
program. Resulting from this fusion is an exact
representation of the patient’s bone structure and
scanning denture in 3D space. At this point, the virtual
surgical procedure can be performed. A 3D implant
planning software allows for simultaneous observation
of both the arches and the radiographic scan template in
3 spatial planes and helps to virtually plan the location,
angle, depth, and diameter of the virtual implants. It
produces an axial image, a panoramic image, and a
series of cross-sectional images on the screen at the
same time. Various implant planning Software products
are available commercially, Namely, simplant, surgicase
(materialise dental Inc, leuven, belgium), procera (nobel
biocare,Go¨ teborg, sweden), implantmaster (i-dent
imaging Ltd, hod hasharon, israel), codiagnostix (IVS
Solutions AG, chemnitz, germany), and easy
guide(Keystone dental, burlington, MA ).Once the
computer planning is accomplished, this plan is saved
as a ‘‘.sim’’ file and sent to the processing center for
stereolithography. Stereolithography is a computerguided,
polymerizationn process that can duplicate the exact
shape of the patient’s skeletal anatomic landmarks in a
sequential layer of a special polymer to produce a
special 3D transparent resin model, which fits
intimately with the hard and/or soft tissue surface. Once
hardened, the polymeric prototype contains spaces for
stainless steel or titanium drill-guiding tubes. These
tubes precisely guide the osteotomy drills, precluding
the need for the pilot drills.
Advantages of Completely Limiting Design
The virtual 3- dimensional (3D) views of the
bony morphology allow the surgeon to visualize the
surgical bone site prior to implant placement; risks such
as inadequate osseous support or compromise of
Incorporation of prosthetic planning using a
scanographic template allows the treatment to be
optimized from a prosthodontics and biomechanical
point of view. This technique promotes flapless
surgeries, allows presurgical construction of the master
cast and provisional restorations, and facilitates
immediate loading [22].
Disadvantages of the Completely Limiting Design
Special training for familiarity with the entire
system and special equipment is necessary.
complications recorded were related to inaccurate
planning, radiographic stent error, intrinsic errors during
scanning, software planning, the rapid prototyping of
the guide stent, and the transfer of information for the
prosthetics. However, if the clinician recognizes these
sources of inaccuracy, efforts can be made to minimize
the error and optimize patient treatment [23].
Implant Surgical Guide Kit
Surgical guide kit contains drill handle, guide
tubes, c handle, template fixation pins, retentive anchor
driver, stop key for guided implants, mucosal punch, Tsleeve.
Selection of Retentive Anchor Pins
Mainly depends on type of the surgical guide,
implant number, position of edentulous site, presence of
any anatomical limitations (maxillary sinus, mandibular
nerve), and length of fixation screws. Ideally the
fixation screws should be positioned vertically because
vertical position stabilizes the guide the most and also
the have the added advantage of easier accessibility for
placement [24].
Considerations for Selection Retentive Anchor Pins
For Mucosa Supported Guides
At least three in number. Two anchors
positioned at distal ends, and one anchor positioned in
the center of edentulous arch. The distal areas or
posterior areas usually contain important structures such
as maxillary sinus, mandibular nerves. In such
conditions, we have to take these structures into
consideration and plan more distally as possible. While
using a mucosa supported guides, the undercuts are
relieved in the labial region where the fixation anchors
are attached. Screwing in these areas can lift the guide
away from the mucosal tissues. Latter can be prevented
by holding the guide initially till at least positioning one
screw in position [25].
For Tooth Supported Guides
If edentulous site is bound by teeth bilaterally,
then fixation anchor is positioned in the middle of the
edentulous site. If distal edentulous site: Fixation
anchors are positioned as distally as possible in the arch,
not necessarily adjacent to distal edentulous site.
For Bone Supported Guides
Two fixation anchors are enough to rigidly fix
the guide to the bone. One on the right side and other to
the left. In the undercut area, tilting off or lift off of the
guide can occur on tightening the screw. Latter is
prevented by holding the guide while the second anchor
is tightened. It is not a rule that the whole of the guide
should contact bony tissue.
Steps in Usage of Implant Surgical Guide
Step 1: Diagnosis and treatment planning. Step
2: Virtual treatment planning of dental implant and
prosthesis in CT software. Step 3: proper selection of
particular implant system and components. Step 4:
Planning for the surgical guide compatible with
particular implant system. If more than 3 teeth tooth
borne surgical guide has to be selected, if less than 3
© 2020 |Published by Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Shilpa Sunil Khanna et al., Saudi J Oral Dent Res, September, 2020; 5(9): 425-430
teeth mucosa or bone borne surgical guide has to be
selected. Step 5: Selection of anchors depending on the
site, implant number, angulation, anatomical limitation
Step 6: Surgical guide fabrication (online ordering is
possible with most soft wares) Step 7: Disinfection of
received surgical guides followed by evaluation of
guides. Teeth supported surgical guides must be
evaluated on cast and in patients mouth. Mucosa
supported surgical guides must be evaluated on cast and
patients mouth, for a mucosa supported guide, it is
recommended to make a surgical index to stabilize the
guide during fixation. For bone supporte devaluate on
digital bone model. Step 8: Verification of specific
surgical drills and drill keys. Step 9: Stabilization of
guides in patient’s mouth using anchor pins followed by
verification of the guide stability. Step 9: Drill sequence.
Step 10: Fixture installation (possible with safe guides)
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© 2020 |Published by Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates