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2024, Syllabus for World Cinema
6 pages
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ENG 2550 4pm to 5.15pm World Cinema The aim of the course is to examine the development of World Cinema from its origins to the present day. Amongst other aspects, a thoroughly critical and at times even aggressive approach will be adopted towards the present conditions of global cinema, and the Euro-American canonicity which permeates it. Famous directors which feature in this course, but a generous amount of presentation time will also be allotted to students to feature and discuss their own choices. One of the goals of the course will be to give the student a decent familiarity with some of the world's best directors, and a healthy appreciation of exactly how the evolution of world cinema-particularly independent world cinema-is taking place. A second aspect of the course will be the subject of Film Studies. What it is, how we approach cinema as academics, what kind of language and technical vocabulary we use to analyse and evaluate film. In all of the textual approaches adopted, a range of contexts and interpretations will be considered-questions of gender, class, race which run across the boundaries of the many scholarly disciplines this course encompasses: it is a course primarily of cinema, but also sociology, religious studies, media studies and history. Questions of theory-Derrida, Zizek, Foucault-will also be implicit in our classroom discussions. Some of the film content may be disturbing. D. W. Griffiths's Birth of a Nation is an openly racist, white supremacist film; Riefenstahl's documentary is a piece of Nazi propaganda. Funny Games is a deeply disturbing film. A number of the film titles will have scenes of violence and/or sexuality-although I don't issue trigger warnings, I will try to alert students to any scenes of extreme sexuality/violence.
Academia Nano: Science, Materials, Technology, 2024
Boundaries between structural twins of bilayer graphene (so-called AB/BA domain walls) are often discussed in terms of the formation of topologically protected valley-polarised chiral states. Here, we show that, depending on the width of the AB/BA boundary, the latter can also support non-chiral one-dimensional (1D) states that are confined to the domain wall at low energies and take the form of quasi-bound states at higher energies, where the 1D bands cross into the two-dimensional spectral continuum. We present the results of modeling of electronic properties of AB/BA domain walls with and without magnetic field as a function of their width and interlayer bias.
The Handbook of Group Research and Practice
The introduction of systems theory into the study of groups and group practice provides a metatheory for understanding groups and group dynamics. Systems theory can be used to look at the functioning of any group, regardless of the theoretical orientation of the group practitioner or leader, or of the group goal. This applies to all groups, whether a therapy or work group, an organization, or a political body. Systems theory offers an orientation for thinking about how groups form, develop and change, and manage the vicissitudes of group dynamics. Systems thinking emerged from the shift of scientific assumptions that occurred in the early 20th century as theories of relativity and quantum mechanics upended the security of
Puji dan syukur kita panjatkan atas kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah melimpahkan rahmat dan hidayahnya sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan makalah ini yang berjudul "Pengendalian Keuangan".
Dendrochronology has been an active scientific field since the early 20th century. Although the methods used in dendrochronology have advanced over the last 100 years, there is room for improvement. In this dissertation, I examine the importance of site and species selection, as well as the significance of wood anatomy to the subfields of dendrochronology, including: dendroarchaeology, dendrogeomorphology and dendroclimatology. The three primary research topics are (1) dating of historic structures at Spring Mill State Park in southern Indiana, (2) determining the environmental factors influencing of high elevation Picea engelmannii at the southern extent of their range in northern New Mexico, and (3) developing a method for the use of Pinus edulis in sub-annual climate analysis. The results from the first topic show the importance of using a nearby forest when dating timbers from logs in pioneer cabins. The construction dates of two buildings were confirmed while the third building was found to be built much later than expected. Interestingly, we determined the primary species preferred by these pioneer settlers for construction was Liriodendron tuilipifera despite the presence of harder durable trees. The results from the second topic show that growth of high elevation, trees in New Mexico is limited by both precipitation and temperature. However, this climate signal is masked by a high number of disturbances, identifiable by traumatic resin ducts within the wood. Avalanches or rock falls are likely causes of these disturbances, although it is it is difficult to say for certain as the state does not have an official avalanche record keeping service. Climate reconstructions may not be possible for these high elevation sites however, with a different sampling protocol avalanches could be reconstructed. The results of the third chapter indicate that it is possible to use resin ducts for determining the boundary of the early and latewood in P. edulis, a widespread species in the western U.S. Interestingly, the climate signal for P. edulis was in the earlywood and related to cool-season precipitation. This method enables P. edulis to be used in cool-season reconstructions throughout the western U.S. This method proved easy to implement, required no specialized skills or equipment outside of standard dendrochronological techniques, and can be applied to other species of Pinus that do not exhibit a clear earlywood to latewood transition.
ilmu ukur tanah ILMU UKUR TANAH Secara umum Ilmu Ukur Tanah adalah ilmu yang mempelajari cara-cara pengukuran yang diperlukan untuk menyatakan kedudukan titik dipermkaan. Ilmu Ukur Tanah merupakan bagian dari ilmu yang dinamakan ilmu Geodesi. Ilmu Geodesi mempunyai dua maksud, yaitu :
International Journal of Research Publication (IJRP), 2020
As the world is struggling to fight off the COVID-19 pandemic, counties are witnessing unprecedented economic slowdowns and shutdowns. In Nigeria, the financial crisis is affecting the stability of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs). As the pandemic continues to ravage the country, SMEs are struggling to survive due to the decline in the production volumes and harsh market conditions. Our findings revealed that the cessation of movement, the reduction in consumer spending power, and decrease in imports is negatively affecting Nigerian SMEs. However, there are government policies set in place to protect SMEs, but there is a need for more efforts and interventions to enable them to survive the consequence of the pandemic. However, SMEs should be more proactive in adapting to this new situation.
in M. Teixeira-Bastos, V. Carvalheiro ã Porto (eds.), Arqueologia do Oriente antiguo: A Materialidade através do Tempo, São Paulo, pp. 57-115., 2024
PERC (Political Economy Research Centre), Goldsmiths College, 2017
Scientific Research Journal
Annals of Oncology, 2019
Archivio italiano di urologia andrologia, 2024
JMIR formative research, 2022
Journal of Human Sciences