Blackwell Science, LtdOxford,
UKCHACephalalgia1468-2982Blackwell Science, 2004241210571066Original ArticleSumatriptan causes a transient allodyniaM Linde et al.
Sumatriptan (5-HT1B/1D-agonist) causes a transient allodynia
M Linde1,3, M Elam2,3, L Lundblad2,3, H Olausson2,3 & CGH Dahlöf1,3
Gothenburg Migraine Clinic, 2Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Sahlgren University Hospital and 3Institute of Clinical Neuroscience,
Sahlgren Academy, Göteborg University, Gothenburg, Sweden
Linde M, Elam M, Lundblad L, Olausson H & Dahlöf CGH. Sumatriptan
(5-HT1B/1D-agonist) causes a transient allodynia. Cephalalgia 2004; 24:1057–1066.
London. ISSN 0333-1024
Unpleasant sensory symptoms are commonly reported in association with the use
of 5-HT1B/1D-agonists, i.e. triptans. In particular, pain/pressure symptoms from the
chest and neck have restricted the use of triptans in the acute treatment of
migraine. The cause of these triptan induced side-effects is still unidentified. We
have now tested the hypothesis that sumatriptan influences the perception of
tactile and thermal stimuli in humans in a randomized, double-blind, placebocontrolled cross-over study. Two groups were tested; one consisted of 12 (mean
age 41.2 years, 10 women) subjects with migraine and a history of cutaneous
allodynia in association with sumatriptan treatment. Twelve healthy subjects
(mean age 38.7 years, 10 women) without migraine served as control group. During pain- and medication-free intervals tactile directional sensibility, perception of
dynamic touch (brush) and thermal sensory and pain thresholds were studied on
the dorsal side of the left hand. Measurements were performed before, 20, and
40 min after injection of 6 mg sumatriptan or saline. Twenty minutes after injection, sumatriptan caused a significant placebo-subtracted increase in brushevoked feeling of unpleasantness in both groups (P < 0.01), an increase in brushevoked pain in migraineurs only (P = 0.021), a reduction of heat pain threshold in
all participants pooled (P = 0.031), and a reduction of cold pain threshold in
controls only (P = 0.013). At 40 min after injection, no differences remained significant. There were no changes in ratings of brush intensity, tactile directional
sensibility or cold or warm sensation thresholds. Thus, sumatriptan may cause a
short-lasting allodynia in response to light dynamic touch and a reduction of heat
and cold pain thresholds. This could explain at least some of the temporary
sensory side-effects of triptans and warrants consideration in the interpretation of
studies on migraine-induced allodynia. 䊐 Allodynia, hyperalgesia, migraine, sensory
thresholds, triptans
Dr Mattias Linde, Gothenburg Migraine Clinic Läkarhuset, Södra vägen 27
S-41135 Gothenburg, Sweden. Tel. +46 31 810900, fax +46 31 7741086,
[email protected] Received 26 October 2003, accepted 27 February 2004
Scalp allodynia (normally non-noxious stimuli
induce pain) during and after migraine attacks was
described already in 1873 (1) and has later been confirmed by clinical studies (2–4). Interictally, the pain
perception thresholds of the scalp have been found
to descend acutely after light stimulation and in
association with nausea (5, 6). Extracranial tenderness of the skin sometimes appears early during the
© Blackwell Publishing Ltd Cephalalgia, 2004, 24, 1057–1066
prodrome, and commonly accompanies the headache phase (7, 8). Based on repeated examinations
during an untreated attack, and on clinical interviews, it has been suggested that most individuals
experience cutaneous allodynia in the referred pain
area of the scalp early in the course of the migraine
attack, which later develops into a more widespread
cutaneous allodynia, suggesting a central sensitization and/or disruption of central pain modulation
(2, 9–11). More than every third migraineur reports
M Linde et al.
an increased cutaneous sensitivity to thermal and
mechanical stimuli even during headache-free intervals (12). Nevertheless, there is no robust laboratory
evidence for an interictal difference in pain sensitivity in the extremities of patients with unilateral
migraine or between migraineurs and control (2, 13–
15). It is therefore generally considered that the cutaneous allodynia is related to the headache phase and
sometimes remains during the postdrome, i.e. that it
is a reversible symptom related to the attacks per se.
The prevalence is still unknown.
A problem that has to be taken into account when
interpreting the results obtained in research on the
natural course of migraine attacks is that it is very
difficult for patients to refrain from taking any
drugs. It is often uncertain whether a symptom is
part of the attack or an effect of the treatment. More
than 70 years ago, paresthesias and allodynia to thermal stimuli were reported in association with the use
of ergotamine (16), and it was later found that muscular tenderness to palpation during acute migraine
was related to ergot-use but not duration of pain
(17), and that scalp tenderness was greater during
and after attacks in migraineurs who had taken antiemetic agents, ergotamine tartrate or prophylactic
medication on the day of examination (2). Unpleasant symptoms of pressure and stiffness in the throat,
neck and chest are commonly induced by all triptans. The cause of these side-effects is still unknown,
but many patients discontinue treatment because of
them (18–20). Cutaneous allodynia or hyperalgesia
has also been described after acute intake of triptans
(21, 22). For example, this may be experienced as
a burning and painful sensation in the skin when
taking a normally tempered shower or a dislike of
being touched, especially after injection of the drug.
Most patients state that the adverse events are mild
or moderate, that they vanish within 10–30 min, and
that they do not appear in attacks treated with analgesics only.
This has now led us to explore the hypothesis that
triptans per se may induce cutaneous allodynia. We
will show, for the first time, that a 5-HT1B/1D-agonist,
which is designed and used for the acute treatment
of migraine, paradoxically can induce a transient
cutaneous allodynia. A preliminary report has been
published (23).
Prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebocontrolled cross-over study. The protocol was
approved by the Ethics Committee at the Göteborg
Twenty-four persons participated. The required
number of participants to achieve adequate power
could not be calculated beforehand. A sample size
that could be managed by the two examiners during
6 months was chosen. One group consisted of 12
subjects (mean age 41.2 years, range 25–55, 10
women) with migraine (1 with aura only, 6 without
aura only, 5 with and without aura, attack-frequency
1–6/month) diagnosed by a neurologist (M.L)
according to the criteria of the International Headache Society (24) and with a history (reported
spontaneously or when specifically asked for) of allodynia after injection of sumatriptan. Otherwise, the
migraineurs did not have more spontaneously
reported side-effect from sumatriptan than other
patients. The other group consisted of 12 healthy
subjects (mean age 38.7 years, range 24–58, 10
women) without migraine.
Sensory testing
Each individual participated in two sessions
(≥ 7 days interval, median 14, SD 15.3) where the
assessments were made during pain- and medication-free intervals (≥ 3 days since migraine/medication and no indication of an approaching attack).
Each subject had one session with placebo and one
with the active drug. After the second injection, 14
of the participants (58% of all) thought they could
tell a difference between active drug and placebo.
The subjects had been instructed to refrain from any
physical effort such as riding a bicycle earlier during
the day. Examinations were performed in a quiet
room with a temperature of 21–23∞C by the same
examiners (L.L and M.L) and at the same time of the
day. Before any measurements, the participant rested
for at least 30 min. The subjects’ skin-temperature as
measured by a digital thermometer (Ellab, Copenhagen, Denmark) varied between 30 and 33∞C, and
pulse rates varied between 54 and 88 beats/min.
During all stimulations the subjects were instructed
to keep their eyes closed, to concentrate and not to
Three different steps of quantitative sensory
tests were performed in a standard sequence on
the skin overlying the first dorsal interosseus
muscle of the left hand before and 20 + 40 min
after s.c. injection with a thin needle in the
right thigh of either 6 mg sumatriptan or a
© Blackwell Publishing Ltd Cephalalgia, 2004, 24, 1057–1066
Sumatriptan causes a transient allodynia
corresponding volume (0.5 ml) of placebo (saline).
The injection devices were prepared and masked
according to a randomized schedule by a research
nurse in an adjacent room.
Tactile directional sensibility
The stimulation procedure has previously been
described in detail (25). Briefly, a hand held stimulator was manually moved in proximo-distal orientation over the skin surface. The stimulation load was
set to 4 g and speed of movement was approximately
10 mm/s. A protocol based on forced choice
between ‘up’ or ‘down’ was used for 32 strokes.
Three correct answers at a given distance (initially
18 mm) led to a shorter stroke (minimum 3 mm) (26).
One incorrect answer led to a longer distance. The
threshold for correct direction discrimination was
considered to be the shortest distance for which the
subject had >75% correct responses and not below
that level at longer distances.
Perception of dynamic mechanical stimulation
A soft brush (SenseLab-05™, Somedic, Hörby,
Sweden) was manually moved back and forth
(length 3 cm) in proximo-distal orientation with a
frequency of 1 Hz during 20 s. Subjects rated their
perceptions of touch, unpleasantness and pain on
visual-analogue (VA) scales with endpoints ‘no
sensation of touch’ – ‘strongest sensation of touch
imaginable’, ‘not at all unpleasant’ – ‘most unpleasant sensation imaginable’, and ‘not at all painful’ –
‘worst pain imaginable’. The participants used a
pencil to mark their responses on the scale which
was continuous and without anchor-points.
Thermal stimulation
Thermal sensory and pain thresholds were measured according to the ¢method of limits’ (27). A
thermostimulator (TSA-II™, Medoc, Ramat Yishai,
Israel) with a precision of ± 0.1∞C was used. For
safety, the maximum temperature was set to
+50∞C. The thermode with a contact-area of
32 ¥ 32 mm was attached lightly to the hand with a
strap. With randomized time-intervals the computer initiated repeated ramps of thermal stimulation at a rate of 1∞C ¥ s-1 starting from a baseline of
+32∞C (28). The subject operated a lever with the
right hand and was instructed beforehand to indicate first perception of cool sensation (CS), warmth
sensation (WS), cold pain threshold (CP) and heat
pain threshold (HP). We specifically emphasized
that it was not a test of pain tolerance. Thresholds
© Blackwell Publishing Ltd Cephalalgia, 2004, 24, 1057–1066
were calculated as the mean of four (CS, WS) or
three (CP, HP) recordings.
Statistical approach
Sign-test for paired samples was used to compare
the change in all VA-scales and tactile directional
sensibility from baseline between injection of
sumatriptan and placebo. Wilcoxon sign-rank test
was used in a corresponding fashion for changes of
thermal sensory and pain thresholds (29). All analyses were performed using the Statistical Package for
Social Sciences (SPSS™) software program (version
11.0 for MacOSX, SPSS, Inc., Chicago).
Tactile directional sensibility
All subjects were at baseline before sumatriptan
and/or placebo capable of discriminating the shortest distance of stimulation (3 mm). There was no
significant placebo-subtracted change in tactile
directional sensibility by sumatriptan, neither
among migraineurs (20 min: suma > placebo = 3,
ties = 7, suma < placebo = 2, 40 min: suma >
placebo = 5, ties = 6, suma < placebo = 1), nor among
controls (20 min: suma > placebo = 2, ties = 9, suma
< placebo = 1, 40 min: suma > placebo = 2, ties = 10,
suma < placebo = 0).
Intensity of brush-stimulation
Before injection, the median ratings were 97 in
migraineurs and 96 in controls (0–100 scales). There
was no significant placebo-subtracted change in
brush-evoked feeling of touch by sumatriptan,
neither among migraineurs (20 min: suma >
placebo = 5, ties = 2, suma < placebo = 5, 40 min:
suma > placebo = 5, ties = 2, suma < placebo = 5), nor
among controls (20 min: suma > placebo = 6, ties = 2,
suma < placebo = 4, 40 min: suma > placebo = 6,
ties = 2, suma < placebo = 4).
Brush-evoked feeling of unpleasantness (BEU)
Before injections, brush strokings were not perceived
as unpleasant, i.e. the ratings were close to zero
(Fig. 1). However, 20 and 40 min after injection of
sumatriptan there was a clear increase in unpleasantness ratings notably in migraineurs but also in
controls. When the effects of placebo were subtracted, the increase was significant at 20 but not at
40 min after injection in both groups (Table 1).
M Linde et al.
Table 1 Change in brush-evoked feelings of unpleasantness. The participants are divided into different groups depending on
whether sumatriptan (SUMA > PLACEBO) or placebo (SUMA < PLACEBO) was associated with the greatest increase from
baseline, or whether there was a tie (SUMA = PLACEBO). NS, not significant
20 min after injection
Migraineurs (n = 12)
Controls (n = 12)
All pooled (n = 24)
< 0.01
< 0.01
< 0.001
40 min after injection
Migraineurs (n = 12)
Controls (n = 12)
All pooled (n = 24)
NS (P = 0.11)
Brush-evoked feeling of
unpleasantness (VAS 0–100 mm)
20 min
40 min
20 min
40 min
Figure 1 Values of brush-evoked feeling of unpleasantness at different assessment points. Plots give the interquartile range
(boxes), median (line within boxes), highest and lowest values (whiskers) excluding outliers. (a) migraineurs; (b) controls;
sumatriptan, ⵧ placebo.
Brush-evoked feeling of
pain (VAS 0–100 mm)
20 min
40 min
20 min
40 min
Figure 2 Values of brush-evoked feeling of pain at different assessment points. Plots give the interquartile range (boxes), median
(line within boxes), highest and lowest values (whiskers) excluding outliers. (a) migraineurs; (b) controls; sumatriptan,
ⵧ placebo.
Brush-evoked feeling of pain
Before injection, brushing was not perceived as
painful, i.e. the ratings were close to zero (Fig. 2).
After injection of sumatriptan there was a clear
increase in pain ratings only among migraineurs
and only at 20 min. However, the effect at 20 min
was significant after placebo was subtracted, not
only in the migraine group, but also when results
from both groups were pooled (Table 2). No
© Blackwell Publishing Ltd Cephalalgia, 2004, 24, 1057–1066
Sumatriptan causes a transient allodynia
placebo-subtracted differences were significant at
40 min.
in warmth threshold by sumatriptan, either among
migraineurs(20 min: suma > placebo = 5, ties = 1,
suma < placebo = 6, 40 min: suma > placebo = 3,
ties = 1, suma < placebo = 8), or among controls
(20 min: suma > placebo = 6, ties = 1, suma <
placebo = 5, 40 min: suma > placebo = 6, ties = 1,
suma < placebo = 5).
Cool sensation threshold
Before injection the median cool sensation threshold
was 31.4∞C (range 26.1–31.5∞C) among migraineurs
and 31.3∞C (range 30.2–31.6∞C) among controls.
There was no significant placebo-subtracted change
in cool threshold by sumatriptan, either among
migraineurs (20 min: suma > placebo = 6, ties = 1,
suma < placebo = 5, 40 min: suma > placebo = 5,
ties = 0, suma < placebo = 7), or among controls
(20 min: suma > placebo = 5, ties = 3, suma <
placebo = 4, 40 min: suma > placebo = 7, ties = 1,
suma < placebo = 4).
Cold pain threshold
The median cold pain threshold at baseline was
23.8∞C (range 0.9–30.7∞C) among migraineurs and
25.3∞C (range 0.0–29.9∞C) among controls. After
injection of sumatriptan there was a reduction of
cold pain threshold among controls at 20 min, which
was significant after the placebo effect was subtracted (Fig. 3, Table 3). At 40 min no differences
were significant.
Warmth sensation threshold
The median warmth sensation threshold at baseline
was 33.9∞C (range 32.7–37.2∞C) among migraineurs
and 33.2∞C (range 32.5–34.7∞C) among controls.
There was no significant placebo-subtracted change
Heat pain threshold
The median heat pain threshold at baseline was
41.0∞C (range 35.8–49.3∞C) among migraineurs and
Table 2 Change in brush-evoked feelings of pain. The participants are divided into different groups depending on whether
sumatriptan (SUMA > PLACEBO) or placebo (SUMA < PLACEBO) was associated with the greatest increase from baseline, or
whether there was a tie (SUMA = PLACEBO). NS, not significant
40 min after injection
Migraineurs (n = 12)
Controls (n = 12)
All pooled (n = 24)
Cold pain threshold (degrees centigrade)
20 min after injection
Migraineurs (n = 12)
Controls (n = 12)
All pooled (n = 24)
20 min
40 min
20 min
40 min
Figure 3 Values of cold pain thresholds at different assessment points. Plots give the interquartile range (boxes), median (line
within boxes), highest and lowest values (whiskers) excluding outliers. (a) migraineurs; (b) controls; sumatriptan, ⵧ placebo.
© Blackwell Publishing Ltd Cephalalgia, 2004, 24, 1057–1066
M Linde et al.
39.5∞C (range 34.4–50.0∞C) among controls. After
sumatriptan had been injected there were slight
reductions of pain thresholds among migraineurs
as well as controls at 20 min. When data for both
groups were pooled the effect was significant after
placebo subtraction (Fig. 4, Table 4). All changes
were nonsignificant at 40 min.
This study shows that sumatriptan may induce cutaneous allodynia, and that the phenomenon is shortlasting. We found a significant placebo-subtracted
allodynia in response to light brush stroking and
a reduction of thermal pain thresholds, not only
Table 3 Change in cold pain thresholds. The participants are divided into different groups depending on whether sumatriptan
(SUMA > PLACEBO) or placebo (SUMA < PLACEBO) was associated with the greatest increase from baseline, or whether there
was a tie (SUMA = PLACEBO). NS, not significant
n (sum of ranks)
n (sum of ranks)
n (sum of ranks)
20 min after injection
Migraineurs (n = 12)
Controls (n = 12)
All pooled (n = 24)
6 (36.0)
9 (61.0)
15 (190.0)
1 (0)
1 (0)
6 (42.0)
2 (5.0)
8 (86.0)
P = 0.013
NS (P = 0.11)
40 min after injection
Migraineurs (n = 12)
Controls (n = 12)
All pooled (n = 24)
4 (20.5)
7 (43.6)
11 (127.5)
1 (0)
1 (0)
8 (57.5)
4 (22.5)
12 (148.5)
NS (P = 0.15)
NS (P = 0.35)
sign-rank test
Table 4 Change in heat pain thresholds. The participants are divided into different groups depending on whether sumatriptan
(SUMA > PLACEBO) or placebo (SUMA < PLACEBO) was associated with the greatest increase from baseline, or whether there
was a tie (SUMA = PLACEBO). NS, not significant
n (sum of ranks)
n (sum of ranks)
sign-rank test
20 min after injection
Migraineurs (n = 12)
Controls (n = 12)
All pooled (n = 24)
10 (63.0)
7 (54.0)
17 (225.5)
2 (15.0)
5 (24.0)
7 (74.5)
NS (P = 0.060)
NS (P = 0.24)
P = 0.031
40 min after injection
Migraineurs (n = 12)
Controls (n = 12)
All pooled (n = 24)
7 (51.0)
8 (54.0)
15 (198.0)
1 (0)
1 (0)
4 (15.0)
4 (24.0)
8 (74.5)
NS (P = 0.11)
NS (P = 0.24)
NS (P = 0.068)
Heat pain threshold (degrees centigrade)
n (sum of ranks)
20 min
40 min
20 min
40 min
Figure 4 Values of heat pain thresholds at different assessment points. Plots give the interquartile range (boxes), median (line
within boxes), highest and lowest values (whiskers) excluding outliers. (a) migraineurs; (b) controls; sumatriptan, ⵧ placebo.
© Blackwell Publishing Ltd Cephalalgia, 2004, 24, 1057–1066
Sumatriptan causes a transient allodynia
among migraineurs who were selected because they
had complained of sensory side-effects of sumatriptan, but also in normals who had no previous experience of the drug. It can thus be concluded that the
phenomenon is not dependent on having developed
the disease migraine per se. In line with this, additional statistical analyses were performed where the
migraineurs and control groups were eliminated
and all participants were grouped together. This
increased the significance of our results.
Since it is not known what should be interpreted
as a clinically relevant difference in a symptom scale
score such as the one used, any measurable
(i.e >1 mm) change was counted (30). However,
when we post hoc tested to use a minimum of 10 mm
to count as a change, placebo-subtracted increase of
BEU still fell out significant 20 min after injection.
The finding of a reduced cold pain threshold in
controls (only) was unexpected, and it may possibly
be an artefact due to the considerably different cold
pain thresholds reported by controls at baseline
before injection of sumatriptan (median 19.3∞C)
compared to saline (median 26.1∞C). Since all triptans look similar from the perspective of dosedependent tolerability it is very likely that the
observed findings can be extrapolated to other
It seemed likely that any possible triptan-effect
would be generalized, and we therefore chose to
study only one anatomical area (the left hand). We
injected sumatriptan subcutaneously since that is
the most effective route of administration although
with the most side-effects. The time-intervals 20 and
40 min for testing after injection seemed appropriate
considering the duration for reported sensory sideeffects and the pharmacodynamics with a time to
maximum plasma concentration (tmax) of 12–14 min
(31). As in earlier placebo-controlled trials of
sumatriptan, a limitation of the method is that a
majority of the participants, also those without earlier experience of the drug, probably could tell a
difference between active drug and placebo after the
second injection. It is, however, unlikely that this has
had any major influence on the data, since out of all
studied parameters only those that had been hypothesized beforehand fell out positive. Also the normalization after 40 min is well in line with earlier
reported clinical experience (21). Furthermore, it is
very difficult to report false sensory thresholds in
quantitative sensory testing without an increase in
variance (32), and the homogenous intraindividual
standard deviations in our findings suggest trustworthy results. The fact that sumatriptan caused a
significant placebo-subtracted increase in BEU not
© Blackwell Publishing Ltd Cephalalgia, 2004, 24, 1057–1066
only among migraineurs but also within the group
of controls (P < 0.01), shows that the results are not
confined to the selected migrainuers.
Our findings raise questions concerning the
underlying mechanisms. According to our clinical
experience, visual or auditory sensation does not
appear to be enhanced by triptans, which might
indicate a specific phenomenon related to the somatosensory system. We cannot, however, exclude a
generalized state of hyperexcitability, although we
found no indications of a change in sensory thresholds for nonpainful modalities (cool sensation,
warmth sensation or tactile directional sensibility).
A consistent challenge when working with psychophysical tests such as quantitative sensory testing is
that they do not specify the anatomical level along
the neurological pathway from peripheral receptors
to cortex/mind, where an abnormality resides (33,
34). We have not assessed if there is an increased
receptive field which definitely would be a sign of
central sensitization. The use of defined and
restricted test areas cannot discriminate between
peripheral and central sensitization.
One possibility is that sumatriptan causes allodynia via an altered function of primary afferent
fibres. Recent data from studies in the cat indicate
that the 5-HT1B/1D agonist naratriptan sensitizes
peripheral cutaneous nerves or receptors to stimulation following intravenous administration (35).
Nowhere is the plasticity of function of the primary
afferent fibres more evident than at the peripheral
terminals (36, 37). It is not necessarily the case that
peripheral neurons are of significant importance for
the development of allodynia (38), but sensitization
of primary afferents appears to account for some of
its characteristics due to an increase of spontaneous
activity, a lowered threshold for activation, and
increased and prolonged firing to a suprathreshold
stimulus. Contrary to former belief, peripheral sensitization is a specific process caused by substances
binding to highly specific receptor molecules in the
membrane of the nerve ending (38–41). Via alterations at this location, serotonin can lower the
mechanical thresholds of nociceptors into the innocuous range, thus enabling weak stimuli to excite the
nerve and elicit allodynia (36, 39–48). For example,
both animal and human studies have shown that
serotonin sensitizes muscle nociceptors for various
stimuli, thereby causing allodynia and hyperalgesia
(41, 49, 50). This appears to be mainly via a direct
action on 5-HT1A/1B, but perhaps also 5-HT2 or 5-HT3
receptors (36, 48, 49, 51). Depending on the dose,
route of administration, nociceptive test and
studied species, agonists selective for certain
M Linde et al.
5-HT-receptor-subtypes may either facilitate or
inhibit nociceptive transmission. 5-HT1B-agonists
are, for example, usually antinociceptive, but can
facilitate the tail-flick reflex in rats when given
intrathecally (52–55). One can therefore not rule out
the possibility that sumatriptan at its peak plasma
concentrations may excite other 5-HT1 receptors (56).
As a consequence of drug distribution, the plasma
concentration falls rapidly, which could explain the
short duration of the allodynia. There seems to be a
trend in our results also after 40 min, although it did
not reach statistical significance.
It has been suggested that sensitized peripheral
receptors are unlikely to explain allodynia if detection thresholds are unchanged, as was the case here.
Instead it has been suggested that allodynia may
be due to a loss of central pain-inhibitory control
(disinhibition/unmasking) and/or sensitization of
higher-order neurons (5, 39, 46, 57). In both cases, the
same afferent input leads to an increased central
response, although the exact mechanism remains
debated (43, 58, 59). Imaging studies in humans
show that allodynic stimulation induces brain activity normally implicated in pain processing, reflecting
a ‘misinterpretation’ of somatosensory information
(38, 60, 61). Although the neuropharmacology of
central sensitization has been described in quite
some detail (62), information is sparse on the role of
serotonin. Pharmacological experiments in animal
models have shown that triptans work at least partly
by a central mechanism of action (63). But it is still
not known if sumatriptan passes over the blood–
brain barrier in humans although the CNS-related
side-effects such as sedation support a central action.
Our findings of triptan-induced allodynia warrant
consideration in the design and interpretation of
studies on the treatment of migraine (64). It has been
hypothesized that there is a sequential development
of sensitization along the trigeminovascular pain
pathway during acute migraine (10, 11, 65, 66). The
implication of this theory is that triptans should be
administered immediately at the onset of the attack
to block impulses from the periphery (10, 11). Could
it be then, that triptans have both an excitatory and
inhibitory effect on the somatosensory system? A
future challenge will naturally be to separate the
therapeutic effect of triptans on migraine-induced
allodynia from the allodynia caused by these drugs
per se. When comparing migraine-induced and triptan-induced allodynia, the former seems to be of
slower onset with a start in the scalp area and subsequent recruitment of anatomical areas. The pain
threshold changes seem also to be of much greater
magnitude and longer duration. One must bear in
mind though, that data from different methods of
quantitative sensory testing cannot easily be compared (67). There is a need for controlled studies of
acute migraine. Triptans should then be given at different times, in various doses and modes of administration, and the net effect on allodynia should be
It is possible that the findings of allodynia can
help us to better understand the common and
often unpleasant sensations induced by triptans.
These symptoms can, for example, remind of
angina pectoris, but the underlying mechanism is
not known (21). There are no robust abnormalities
in ECG:s taken during sumatriptan-induced chestpain, and the symptoms are also seen in patients
after intake of the selective 5-HT1D-agonist PNU142633 which lacks effect on vascular receptors.
Our results are well in line with the possibility that
such sensory side-effects of triptans are of direct
neural origin (68, 69). Presumably, mild vasoconstriction in peripheral skeletal muscle can be the
source of some sensory adverse events such as a
short-lived feeling of weakness (70), but neural
sensitization seems to be a more likely explanation
of the allodynia (19). Patients commonly describe a
short-lasting (minutes) but extremely painful exaggeration of the migraine-headache directly after
intake of a triptan. Perhaps this hitherto obscure
phenomenon can be explained in terms of hyperalgesia. Another important issue that should be
explored in clinical studies is whether neural sensitization from chronic 5-HT1B/1D-receptor stimulation
plays a role in the development of triptan-overuse
In summary, the finding that triptans can cause
allodynia raises further questions concerning other
sensory side-effects of triptans and warrants consideration in the interpretation of studies on migraineinduced allodynia.
We would like to thank Annsofie Mellberg and Tomas Sundberg for skilful technical assistance and Martin Gellerstedt for
valuable statistical comments during the preparation of the
manuscript. In March 2003, the study received the Migraine
Innovators Award (sponsored by Astrazeneca) on behalf of
the faculty and delegates.
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