OnOmázein 25 (2012/1): 205-217
Obama and Bush: their victory
and non-victory speeches
Dolores Fernández Martínez
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Verónica Cristina Trujillo González
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
This article aims to analyse the use of the first person plural, second person
and third person references in Obama’s and Bush’s victory speeches. The
contrasting circumstances surrounding the election of both presidents
were imprinted on discourse through different patterns of personal references (martin, 1992) and transitivity structures (Halliday, 2004 [1985]). By
analysing them this paper will illustrate the social function of individuals
in the speeches, as well as the way in which the systematic use of both
linguistic devices contributed ultimately to define the role of the speakers as presidents of the United States. Whereas Obama’s victory speech
centred on the audience and allowed them to feel protagonists, Bush’s
anti-triumphant speech ignored them.
Keywords: discourse analysis; political discourse; Obama; Bush.
Afiliación: Dolores Fernández martínez: Departamento de Filología moderna, Facultad de Filología,
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. españa. – Verónica Cristina Trujillo González: Departamento
de Filología moderna, Facultad de Filología, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. españa.
Correos electrónicos:
[email protected];
[email protected]
Dirección postal: C/ Pérez del Toro, 1, 35003, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, españa.
Fecha de recepción: abril de 2011
Fecha de aceptación: diciembre de 2011
OnOmázein 25 (2012/1): 205-217
Dolores Fernández martínez, Verónica Cristina Trujillo González:
Obama and Bush: their victory and non-victory speeches
Discourse analysis, as the study of language use in social
contexts, has underlined a social dimension in the text in terms
of which discourse both is influenced by contextual aspects and
influences them as well. Contextual factors include institutions,
ideology and the social function of individuals. They make up
a network of interrelationships in which the analysis of any of
these variables may lead to information about the others (Brown
& Yule, 1983; van Dijk, 1985; Delu, 1991; Fairclough, 1995,
2001 [1989]; Gunnarsson, 2000). From this perspective, discourse emerges as an instrument of social action and control at
the service of a particular institution, organization or ideology.
Discourse analysts have focused on different types of texts:
dialogic (nystrand, 2002; Thornborrow, 2002), journalistic (Li,
1996; Teo, 2000), educational (Sinclair & Coulthard, 1975;
Tupper, 2008), religious (Ferguson, 1985; Fernández martínez,
2007) and political (Chang & mehan, 2008; Wodak, 2009).
Politics represents one of the most attractive research fields for
discourse analysis. Although the study of political discourse
has attracted the interest of scholars since the beginnings of
discourse analysis, the expectations created about Obama as a
political and media celebrity have made of him one of the most
repetitive objects of research by discourse analysts (Frank &
mcPhail, 2005; Boyd, 2009; Horváth, 2009; zhao & Yang, 2009)1.
Obama’s discourse represents a rich source of exploration into
the mechanisms which contribute to the great success of his
public appearances. His overwhelming popularity has transferred
the interest from the political to the personal plane: “i’m not the
first to point out that the Obama campaign seems dangerously
close to becoming a cult of personality” (Krugman, 2008). “The
polarised divide created by the ‘two Americas’ rhetoric and the
manifest failures of the Jacksonian presidency of George W.
Bush created a hunger for change which Obama seized more
effectively than any other politician” (Toal, 2009: 382).
Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States on
January 20, 2009. His presidential campaign began in February 2007 and
in the 2008 general election he defeated Republican contender John mcCain.
He is the first African-American to ascend to the highest office and also the
2009 nobel Peace Prize laureate.
OnOmázein 25 (2012/1): 205-217
Dolores Fernández martínez, Verónica Cristina Trujillo González:
Obama and Bush: their victory and non-victory speeches
The central issue in Obama’s presidential campaign was
the economy, because of the crises in financial markets and the
sharp drop of the economy into recession (Toal, 2009). economic
concerns also dominated the war in iraq and terrorism. Obama’s
unusual personal characteristics and his sensitiveness for conveying the idea of global unity placed him in an unprecedented
international position. He personified the American and worldwide desire to transform the socio-political environment. Thus,
his victory speech represents a valuable source of analysis to
investigate political discourse as a field of ideological triumph.
This context contrasts with the lack of attention raised by
Bush eight years earlier2. Far from the triumphant character
of Obama’s words, Bush’s victory speech was anything but
victorious. Ritter & Howell (2001) describe the extraordinary
circumstances of the ending of the 2000 presidential election in
which Bush had to face a situation unprecedented in modern
American presidential discourse. Bush was elected with a smaller
number of votes than his opponent. He won by acquiring the
electoral votes from the state of Florida with accusations of vote
fraud and improper ballot counting. The results proved that
the country was divided over its choice for the next president.
“Bush was painfully aware that his election required a degree of
modesty and brevity when discussing his new role as presidentelect” (Ritter & Howell, 2001: 2325). This sentiment justifies
Bush’s decision to speak to an immediate audience gathered in
the chamber of the Texas House of Representatives in Austin.
in contrast, media reactions to Obama’s inspirational victory
communication centred on its tremendous immediate impact
on the huge crowd of supporters crammed into Grant Park who
knew they were witnessing history and were willing to be part
of it. The divergent situations that marked the victory of both
presidents after the elections led to different types of messages.
The purpose of this paper is to analyse Bush’s and Obama’s
victory speeches by focusing on one of the components within
George W. Bush was the 43rd President of the United States. Bush was
elected President in 2000 as the Republican candidate, defeating then-Vice
President Al Gore. He successfully ran for re-election against Democratic
Senator John Kerry in 2004, in another relatively close election.
OnOmázein 25 (2012/1): 205-217
Dolores Fernández martínez, Verónica Cristina Trujillo González:
Obama and Bush: their victory and non-victory speeches
the social dimension of the text, namely, the function of the
participants involved in the message3. in this work we will
examine the role played by first, second and third person references or systems of identification taking into account the
transitivity structures (Halliday, 2004 [1985]: 168-305) in which
they appear4. Transitivity structures illustrate the experiential
metafunction of the clause which represents a picture of reality
as a complex of processes associated with some participants and
circumstances. Halliday’s transitivity constructions exemplify
the behaviour and social function of members in discourse, as
well as the relationships and influences enacted between them.
As will be described, Obama makes a carefully designed
use of them in order to construct his message. His function as
President of the United States is underpinned by the role he
assigns to the audience, either through the second, third or first
person plural. Obama felt victorious and he demonstrated so.
Bush’s words, on the other hand, represented the anti-triumph
speech, the speech of failure. Bush did not make the audience
participants of his victory, and by not doing that he made them
participants of his failure.
2.1. Third person (they)
in Obama’s speech the third person references (they) are
intentionally employed in order to describe you as a diversified entity embodying different roles in society, an entity who
moved from doubt and fear towards the bravery of the present5.
Obama initiates his speech by appealing to the third person
reference anyone which represents a social entity in doubt (who
still doubts, who still wonders, who still questions). Through the
third person references, the text describes the second person
martin (1992: 129) defines participant as “a person, place or thing, abstract
or concrete, capable of functioning as Agent or medium in transitivity ...”,
although in this paper the term is confined only to people.
martin’s (1992: 107) system of identification examines the way in which
language is structured to refer to the participants in discourse, as well as the
relevance attached to them in terms of the referential chains they generate:
“The more central the participant ... the more likely it is to provide a referent
for a phoric item ....” martin (1992: 129) also comments on the role of the
participants as agents within Halliday’s transitivity design.
Citations are taken from http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/04/us/
politics/04text-obama.html. Citations from both speeches will be written
in italics in this paper.
OnOmázein 25 (2012/1): 205-217
Dolores Fernández martínez, Verónica Cristina Trujillo González:
Obama and Bush: their victory and non-victory speeches
as a patient individual (people who waited), but convinced (they
believed). The use of a double-sided transitivity structure of
material and mental actions related by a causal relationship
(because) contributes to enrich the second person as an agent
of actions supported by a reflexive attitude. People who waited
three hours and four … because they believed represent the you
who despite their doubts, acted, that is, voted.
The diversified identity of the third person is defined in terms
of age, economic status, ideological and sexual orientation, race,
nationality and physical conditions (young, and old, rich and
poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian,
Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled). All
of them make up the national character of you, Americans, who
transmit the first direct description of the first person plural to
the world (Americans who sent a message to the world that we
have never been just a collection of individuals or a collection of
red states and blue states).
A hesitant and frightened they (those who’ve been told …
to be cynical and fearful and doubtful) evolves until becoming a
strong entity (working men and women, the young people who
rejected the myth of the generation’s apathy who left their homes
and their families ... the not-so-young people who braved...). in
order to underline the mature nature of the second person, the
speech follows a systematic transitivity construction of mental
processes (rejected, braved) legitimating their role as agents of
material actions (left, knock). The you of the past is also portrayed
as a patriotic entity with strong determination (from the millions
of Americans who volunteered and organized and proved).
The message proceeds by introducing key matters in
American politics through the description of they: a reference
to war conflicts (brave Americans waking up in the deserts of
Iraq … to risk their lives for us) and to issues of money, health
and education (mothers and fathers who will lie awake … and
wonder how they’ll make the mortgage or pay their doctors’ bills
or save enough for their child’s college education). But despite the
ambitious scope of matters of concern, Obama is strategically
cautious, as he continues referring to the weak and doubtful
you by introducing him periodically in the text (many who won’t
agree with every decision or policy I make). This third person
reference represents the weak and doubtful you of the present
and the future, who resembles the weak you of the past, but
opposes the genuine you of the present and the future.
OnOmázein 25 (2012/1): 205-217
Dolores Fernández martínez, Verónica Cristina Trujillo González:
Obama and Bush: their victory and non-victory speeches
President-elect Bush initiates his speech with a third
person plural by addressing My fellow Americans who are the
you recipient6. Obama’s third person describes you as a diversified entity representing different roles in society, an entity who
moved from doubt and fear towards the bravery of the present.
Throughout Bush’s speech the third person refers mainly to
individual references: firstly, to Vice President Gore and his
family, with an empathetic tone because of his understanding
of that difficult moment for them (Ritter & Howell, 2001: 2322);
Bush thanked all the volunteers and campaign workers; he also
referred to Senator Lieberman, his wife and daughters, Dick
Cheney as the next Vice President, his friend, House Speaker Pete
Laney, a Democrat, the former Democrat Lieutenant Governor,
Bob Bullock… in order to deprive the text of any triumphant
connotations, Bush concentrated the attention of the listeners
on the Democrats, who had got more votes than Republicans.
For Bush the election had not been won; it had been finalized.
nevertheless, he granted an isolated place of consideration to
the people who voted him: I am thankful for America … thankful to the American people. America is presented as a unified
national entity with a consensus: Our nation must rise above a
house divided. Americans share hopes and goals and values far
more important than any political disagreements.
in Obama’s speech, transitivity patterns placed the third
person as subjects of material and mental actions. in Bush’s
speech Americans are mainly confined to meaningless mental
actions: I know America wants reconciliation and unity. I know
Americans want progress. Also, their relationship with the
speaker is enacted from their position as objects or complements.
Their dispossession of relevant agent roles symbolizes their
lack of importance as participants: we can unite and inspire the
American citizens, we will give Americans, the good hearts and
good works of the American people, to make America a beacon
of opportunity, Two hundred years have only strengthened the
steady character of America, I have something else to ask of you,
every American. I ask for you to pray for this great nation. Facing
Obama’s depiction of you as a diversified entity representing
different roles in society, Bush mentioned diversity in a very
general way: an America that is united in our diversity. Fitting
Citations are taken from http://www.2001inaugural.com/victory-speech.
OnOmázein 25 (2012/1): 205-217
Dolores Fernández martínez, Verónica Cristina Trujillo González:
Obama and Bush: their victory and non-victory speeches
well with Bush’s attitude of modesty, he committed himself to
serve as the president of every single American, of every race and
every background. The function of the third person as the second
person of the past who overcame doubts and fear in Obama’s
message is reduced now to a reference to the presidential election of 1800 in which Thomas Jefferson was narrowly elected:
Two hundred years ago, in the election of 1800, America face
another close presidential election. A tie in the electoral college put
the outcome into the hands of Congress. Bush used that episode
from the past as an example to guide Americans to a peaceful
resolution of the current electoral differences. Accordingly, the
lack of any declamatory tone in Bush’s message also affected the
significance of the third person as protagonists in the electoral
process and as agents of the tasks lying ahead. Bush’s victory
speech was anything but victorious, and so was the role he assigned to the third person.
2.2. Second person (you)
The second person (you) in Obama’s speech represents the
listener as an individual who played a relevant role in the past
and recent past, and contributed to the creation of we. The
second person appears at the beginning of the message in the
form of the possessive adjective your (tonight is your answer).
The beginning of the message attempts to solve the doubts of
the second person and to place them in the present time, as the
point of departure for the future (tonight is your answer). The
second person as subject is introduced in And I know you didn’t
do this just to win an election. And I know you didn’t do it for
me. You did it because you understand the enormity of the task
that lies ahead. The text negates the past in order to restore a
new order of things through the double-sided transitivity pattern of material and mental processes. The role of the second
person as agent (did) is again supported by a cognitive verb
(understand) which validates his actions and which portrays
him as a conscious entity.
Afterwards, the second person you appears as object pronoun in transitivity structures dominated by the first person
singular I as agent (I promise you, I will listen to you, I will ask
you…). Through them, the speaker maintains the communicative
connection with the addressee, especially by means of verbal
processes, and makes him share his feeling of thankfulness and
OnOmázein 25 (2012/1): 205-217
Dolores Fernández martínez, Verónica Cristina Trujillo González:
Obama and Bush: their victory and non-victory speeches
support. You is not an agent of material processes of the present
or the future; it is an agent of the past who has contributed to
the accomplishment of tonight’s you, the you who becomes a
powerful agent of the present and the future, not as a second
person, but through we. Yet, you is presented as a source of
present reflection, aware of his responsibilities in the present
for the task that lies ahead (you understand).
in Bush’s speech, the second person you is merely the
addressee, nothing more than that. You does not function as
subject in transitivity structures, only as complement and
object within a text invaded by the first person singular I: My
fellow Americans, I appreciate the opportunity to speak with you
tonight, I am thankful … to serve as your next President. Bush’s
text is dominated by individualism. The you addressee in Bush’s
message is also deprived of any major agent role, being just
bestowed a complimentary religious mission: I have something
else to ask of you … I ask for you to pray … I ask your prayers
… I thank you for your prayers for me and my family, and I ask
you to pray for Vice President Gore and his family. You is nullified and left in a void in the new political period which opens
now. They are entities without power, submissive people who are
just to be served: Whether you voted for me or not, I will do my
best to serve your interest, and I will work to earn your respect.
2.3. First person plural (we)
in Obama’s speech the you of the present and the future
has produced a new entity, the you in power who, associated
to the first person I, produces the first person plural (we). in
its first manifestation, we appears within a negative structure
in the past in order to later reinforce its description in the
present: we have never been just a collection of individuals or a
collection of red states and blue states. We are, and always will
be, the United States of America. Far from being conceived of
as a mere group of individuals, we represents a national unit
whose description in terms of age, status, ideological and sexual
orientation, colour, nation and physical conditions has been
previously provided through the portrayal of the third person.
The transitivity structures of they have prepared the territory
for the first appearance of we in its patriotic role, but in addition, the negation of the past has also prepared the ground
for the association of the first person plural to the present and
OnOmázein 25 (2012/1): 205-217
Dolores Fernández martínez, Verónica Cristina Trujillo González:
Obama and Bush: their victory and non-victory speeches
the future (are, and always will be). We represents an amalgamated individuality, they (namely, you) and I, which belongs to
the present and the future. We is the entity which unifies past,
present and future. Future expectations determine the agent
role of we (what we can achieve), but emphasizing the present
as the point of departure (tonight … this date in this election at
this defining moment), and maintaining a link with the past in
order to validate his role as an agent of change (but tonight, because of what we did on this date in this election at this defining
moment change has come to America).
Once the identities of the third and second person have
been defined, we becomes visible as a main participant in the
text. Obama reiterates explicitly the association of we with
the present and the future, and assigns to it the triple-sided
transitivity structure of material (celebrate), existential (stand)
and mental (know) processes. We is an agent of reflection and
action which comes into view tonight (as we celebrate tonight,
we know the challenges that tomorrow … we stand here tonight,
we know…). The text also presents the first person plural as
a participant who is cautious about the future (may not), but
nonetheless displaying a strong determination (will): We may
not get there in one year or even in one term. But, … we will get
there. I promise you we as a people will get there. Second, third
and first person plural are interpreted as a cohesive entity of
power looking ahead to the future (I promise you we as a people
will get there). But the first person plural is enriched by additional roles. We represents you in responsibility, an agent of
control that emerges in the present and projects to the future,
a social actor bringing about change (the challenges we face …
the change we seek … for us to make that change).
The Obama who faces the doubtful ones, supports peace
and opposes the enemy is depicted through a play of third,
second and first person plural intertwined with past, present
and future: to those who would tear the world down: We will
defeat you. To those who seek peace and security we support
you. And to all those who have wondered if America’s beacon still
burns as bright: Tonight we proved…. We comes into play tonight
(we celebrate tonight, we stand here tonight). it is the you and
I with power and capacity (can) to accomplish tasks and above
all, change (we can achieve, challenges we face, the change we
seek). Capacity and achievement are both reiterated throughout
the message, although Obama condenses these ideas at the
OnOmázein 25 (2012/1): 205-217
Dolores Fernández martínez, Verónica Cristina Trujillo González:
Obama and Bush: their victory and non-victory speeches
end of the text through the unified identity represented by we
(Yes we can, Yes we can, Yes we can). This linguistic structure
emerges a means of conveying a strong feeling of confidence
and supremacy on the addressee in a direct way.
The first references to we in Bush’s speech embrace Vice
President Gore and president-elect Bush: we both gave it our
all. We shared similar emotions. … We agreed to meet early next
week … and we agreed to do our best to heal our country … we
are able to resolve our electoral differences. in Obama’s speech
we represents the you in power associated to the first person.
now, we is oversimplified by the individuality of Bush’s message
and what has been considered its main topic, namely, bipartisan
unity (Ritter & Howell, 2001): Republicans and Democrats have
worked together to do what is right for the people we represent,
We had spirited disagreements, and in the end, we found constructive consensus, we must put politics behind us… Bipartisan
unity through the use of the first person plural is imposed all
over the text and, at some points, reinforced with the reiteration
of the structure Together, we will…, which leaves Americans in
a totally devaluated position. Ritter & Howell (2001: 2324) talk
of Bush’s implicit confidence in the ability of American citizens
to create a better society: I have faith that with God’s help we
as a nation will move forward together, as one nation, indivisible.
And together we will create an America that is open, so every
citizen has access to the American dream. But that confidence
is not implicit; it is non-existent. The text fills the reference
emptiness of the first person plural with fake bipartisan cooperation. Under the façade of peaceful resolutions and overcoming
divisions, Bush formulates a pattern of personal references in
which Democrats will apparently play a part in future decisions.
With this strategy there is no place left for we as an entity of
power embracing addresser and addressee. However, to consider
we as a corporation of power based on bipartisan concord was
just a discursive strategy to disguise the individualism of the
first person plural.
mcDurmon (2008) has described the parallelism and similarities between Bush’s and Obama’s victory speeches. According
to him, at some points in their speeches you can get confused as
OnOmázein 25 (2012/1): 205-217
Dolores Fernández martínez, Verónica Cristina Trujillo González:
Obama and Bush: their victory and non-victory speeches
to who said what. mcDurmon states that their words were not
so much different; the rhetoric of change is present in both of
them, the promise of progress or the partisanship. nevertheless,
as has been argued in this paper, the function of participants
and the responsibility of their actions in those issues differ.
nick morgan praised Obama’s address because of its focus on
the audience: “The best thing about Obama’s speeches so far
is that they are not about him, but rather about the audience.
That is almost unheard-of for a politician, and rare for any
speaker. Therein lies his oratorical genius” (Dlugan, 2008). Bush
did not have any triumphant feeling and that sentiment was
transferred to his audience by depriving them of any significant
role in his speech.
The different conditions surrounding the election of Bush
and Obama were encoded in their speeches and, more precisely,
in their different patterns of personal references. Obama’s words
were the words of victory, his speech centred on the audience
and he turned his victory into the victory of the people. Bush’s
words were the words of failure and resentment turned into discourse punishment for voters. Bush offered no clear celebratory
declaration of triumph. Thus, his addressees were assigned a
blank role as entities of the past, present and future.
Despite the connotations this study has supplied on the
use both presidents make of language as an instrument of social
action, further research remains to be carried out so as to shed
new light on the implications of their speeches. Supplementary
conclusions might help elucidate the full implications of Obama’s
slogan so as to unveil who can, assuming that, unlike in Bush’s
speech, yes, we can.
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