LXService: Web Services of Language Technology for Portuguese
António Branco, Francisco Costa, Pedro Martins, Filipe Nunes, João Silva, Sara Silveira
University of Lisbon
Dep. Informática, Faculdade de Ciências de Lisboa, Campo Grande, 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal
{Antonio.Branco, fcosta, pmartins, fnunes, jsilva, sara.silveira}@di.fc.ul.pt
In the present paper we report on the development of a cluster of web services of language technology for Portuguese that we
named as LXService. These web services permit the direct interaction of client applications with language processing tools via the
This way of making available language technology was motivated by the need of its integration in an eLearning environment. In
particular, it was motivated by the development of new multilingual functionalities that were aimed at extending a Learning Management
System and that needed to resort to the outcome of some of those tools in a distributed and remote fashion.
This specific usage situation happens however to be representative of a typical and recurrent set up in the utilization of language
processing tools in different settings and projects. Therefore, the approach reported here offers not only a solution for this specific
problem, which immediately motivated it, but contributes also some first steps for what we see as an important paradigm shift in terms of
the way language technology can be distributed and find a better way to unleash its full potential and impact.
In this paper we present the achievements obtained in the
development of a cluster of web services of language
technology for Portuguese.
The development of these web services started in the
scope of the LT4eL-Language Technology for e-Learning
project. They are supported by a range of language
technology tools that have been developed in the past at
the University of Lisbon in the scope of a number of
previous projects.
The LT4eL project aims at using multilingual
language technology tools and semantic web techniques
for supporting e-Learning activities (http LT4eL). The
developed technology will facilitate access to learning
objects and will support decentralization and cooperation
in content management. To a large extent, this is achieved
by extending Learning Management Systems with new,
language technology based functionalities, namely a
keyword extractor a glossary extractor and a semantic
search tool.
At some point in their internal workflow, these new
functionalities resort to the outcome of shallow language
processing tools ranging from sentence chunkers to
lemmatizers and including POS taggers and
morphological analyzers. The design constraints
impinging on this access set a clear case for the
deployment of web services that should be able to deliver
the expected outcome of those tools:
new applications or functionalities build on the outcome
of other subordinated applications or tools;
new versions of the subordinated tools with improved
performance should be seamlessly made available with
no extra development effort on the side of the client
the licensing of copies of the subordinate tools is not an
option available for the stakeholder of the new client
application, but the licensing of the outcome of those
tools, as delivered by a remote internet-based service,
can be.
Though immediately motivated by a specific need to
made available language technology for Portuguese for a
particular purpose, the work reported in the present paper
helps to shed light on what we deem to be an important
paradigmatic shift in the way language technology is made
available, and most likely in terms of the overall impact of
this technology with respect to its neighbouring areas. This
is the issue addressed in the next Section 2.
In Section 3, we introduce the processing tools for
Portuguese that are being resorted to in order to support
the deployment of the web services. The web services and
their development are described in Section 4. In Section 5,
we discuss the work in progress that is currently being
undertaken, and finally in Section 6 we present concluding
Language technology via web services
From the initial design plan up to the final users, the
production chain of language resources encompasses
several stages, where development tools, validation
methodologies, or encoding standards, among many other
instruments, are called to play a role. Aiming at improved
production chains, – either in terms of efficiency or in
terms of the quality of their outcome –, almost all such
stages and supporting instruments have been under
extensive development in the recent past. This is attested,
for instance, by the burgeoning activity being reported in
the LREC conferences, to refer just one of several signs of
One of the key stages in the language resources
production chain is the distribution step. This step involves
non negligible issues, ranging from intellectual property to
versioning aspects just to refer a few, that in their more
structured setups, have found important support by
distribution agencies such as the European Language
Resources Association (http ELRA) or the Linguistic Data
Consortium (http LDC). Also this stage of distribution is
receiving closer attention and being developed so that it
may get raised to a new level of organization that improves
its added value, by exploiting the full potential of web
Fostered by projects like DAM-LR (http DAM-LR)
or initiatives like CLARIN (http CLARIN) and Language
Grid (http Language Grid), what is being pursued is the
distribution of language resources via web services that
grant seamless access to human users and, crucially, also
to client applications — by automatically handling their
authentication and authorization privileges, tuning to their
profile and preferences, managing licensing issues,
selecting convenient personalized versions, etc.
While this reshuffling of the distribution of language
resources will be taking shape in the near future, the
direction of its evolution is inspiring enough to induce
similar reshuffling trends in neighbouring areas, in
particular in what concerns language technology. In this
respect, the granting of access to the language technology
tools as web services may be the key to bringing the
distribution stage of these tools to a level of dissemination
similar to the one achieved for language resources.
In this connection, it is reasonable to anticipate that
the availability of language technology tools as web
services will have an even deeper impact than a similar
move will have on the side of language resources. In
tandem with the web service-oriented distribution of
resources, this can be the stepping stone for a whole new
stage of more widespread incorporation of natural
language technology in the semantic web itself. Note that
the key issue here is not on taking the language technology
as a component of semantic web services, but on the
language processing tools being supplied under the form
of web services themselves to client applications (which of
course will enhance their availability as components for
semantic web services in other domains).
In particular, and narrowing our focus of attention to
our field, this new form of availability of language
technology tools will have a major positive feedback in the
production chain of language resources itself. It will
enhance more rapid and accurate production of language
resources, very likely by several orders of magnitude.
Language technology tools
Against the background discussed in the previous Section,
and having as immediate motivation the integration of our
language technology tools in the LT4eL project, we
worked towards making a range of tools for Portuguese
available under this new approach. These tools are a subset
of the tools that we have been developing for the
processing of Portuguese and they were selected because
they satisfy a number of features that are likely to make
them more suitable for initial experimentation: They are
fast, robust, the linguistic information in their output is
well understood, and they perform at state of the art
accuracy. They include the following individual tools,
covering analysis and generation procedures:
Sentence chunker: detects and marks paragraph and
sentence boundaries; 99.94% accuracy
Tokenizer: segments text into tokens, expands
contractions, detaches clitic pronouns from verbs, etc.;
99.72% accuracy
POS tagger: assigns POS tags to tokens in context;
96.87% accuracy
Nominal featurizer: assigns inflection features (gender
and number) to words from the nominal POS categories,
resolving ambiguity in context; 91.07% f-score.
Nominal lemmatizer: assigns a lemma to words from the
nominal POS categories (viz. common nouns and
adjectives), resolving ambiguity in context; 97.67%
Verbal featurizer and lemmatizer: assigns inflection
features (tense, person and number) and lemma (infinitive
form) to verbs, resolving ambiguity in context; 95.96%
Verbal conjugator: delivers a conjugation table given any
(attested or putative) infinitive verb form and the
specification of possible associated clitics
Nominal inflector: delivers an inflected form given
another (attested or putative) form and the inflected
features required for the output
For a detailed description, analysis and evaluation
results of these tools, see (Branco and Silva, 2004, 2006;
Silva, 2007; Nunes, 2007).
Web services
A web service is a software application that, crucially,
supports direct interaction with other software applications
over the Internet (Alonso et al., 2005, Ch.5). In its current
stage of development, the LXService for language
technology of Portuguese is a web service that already
supports the direct interaction of their clients with three of
the above listed tools via the Internet, namely: the sentence
chunker, the tokenizer and the POS tagger. Basically,
given an input text, the clients can interact with these tools
via the web service in order to obtain the outcome
produced by them, that is a new version of the input text
after its being linguistically annotated up to the level that
these tools can ensure.
The access to each one of the tools is granted via
different methods — String chunks(Sring text),
String tokenizes(String text)and String
posTags(String text) — that are members of the
Java class LXClient. These methods are invoked over
an object of this class. Its constructor requires one
parameter related to the authentication of the client before
the LXService, namely the client’s username as this is
registered at the LXService database of clients.
includes also the classes for Exceptions and for the class
responsible for the authentication before the LXService.
Hence, for making an application that is a client of
LXService to work, one just needs to get hold of a copy of
this package, after the authorization for the utilization of
the service being granted and a username and password
had been assigned. A summary of the API for the key
client class of the LXService, LXClient, is displayed in
Annex A.
At the service endpoint, in turn, the web services
offered by the LXService are implemented in a Java class
whose methods are remotely invoked by clients and that
locally call the appropriate chain of processing tools on the
server side. These services run on a web server supported
by Apache Tomcat. To implement such services, the SOAP
(Simple Access Object Protocol) was used to transfer the
data between them and their clients, in particular with the
implementation provided by Apache Axis. Local copies of
the Axis libraries at the client endpoint are thus also
pt.ul.fc.di.nlx.lxServiceClient package.
The authentication is ensured by the implementation
of Web Security Service, provided by Apache WSS4J,
which is endorsed by the OASIS security standard.
The key functionality of a web service — that it
supports direct interaction among applications over the
Internet, – however, is not in conflict with the fact that
further, online services may be offered to human users as
well. Accordingly, in order to enhance their visibility and
extend their added value, in previous projects we have
been progressively rendering them also under a
presentation layer that permits their usage directly by
human users, e.g. to support second language learning,
basic linguistic research, etc. Hence, the tools presented
above were bundled into four suites of self-contained
functionality as described below, whose front pages are
depicted in Annex B:
This service allows its clients to obtain the inflected form
from any nominal form provided (common nouns or
adjectives — neologisms included), and according to a
given specification of inflection feature values entered.
This functionality is supported by the composition of the
nominal featurizer, lemmatizer and inflector tools
indicated above. These tools are implemented in C and
Java, and combined through a shell script run by JSP,
which interfaces this service with its clients.
This service provides fully-fledged lemmatization of
Portuguese verbs: given a verb form (neologisms
included), it delivers all possible lemmata together with
their respective inflection features. The supporting verbal
lemmatization tool was implemented in Java. It is invoked
by the clients via JSP.
This service provides fully-fledged conjugation tables for
any verb form entered (neologism included), including the
full range of pronominal forms. The underlying conjugator
tool is implemented in Python, which is invoked via CGI.
This service is supported by the composition of the range
of processing tools for analysis: sentence chunker,
tokenizer, POS tagger, nominal featurizer, nominal
lemmatizer and verbal lemmatizer. The resulting
functionality ensures that the input, entered as raw text, is
sentence and token-segmented, their tokens are associated
with corresponding lemmata and tagged with linguistic
information on their POS and inflection feature values.
The outcome is resolved with respect to ambiguity that
arise at the different levels of processing. Most of these
tools are implemented in C. They are pipelined together
through a shell script that is invoked by clients via CGI.
Work in progress
The web services just described were put together by
resorting to mature web technologies. While offering the
expected robustness to the services supported, these
technologies fall short of addressing some of the key
issues that emerging technologies for web services are
aimed at addressing. As of now: the location of these
services, as well as their functionality were made known
via postings to email lists of communities whose users
have interests that are close to language technology —
which imposes that client applications still need to be
tuned “by hand” if they are to resort to them.
Very interestingly, and encouraging, even under this
first setup, and without an API yet that can be resorted to
for the principled invocation of some of these tools, their
experimental version as online versions for human has not
hampered that these versions have already been accessed
by client applications. Apparently, their programmers have
found that the added value offered by these services are
worth enough to justify going into the work of getting at
their outcome via bare scrapping of the HTML document
it is embedded into.
At the moment of printing the present paper, the
LXService is planned to be expanded so that further
methods are included in the client LXClient.class
which grant access to the remaining processing tools listed
above, namely those concerned with lemmatization and
morphological analysis. This is a step to be taken with the
benefit of the experience and feedback gathered with the
running of the current version of the implemented
LXService is also being worked out in order to
evolve towards further stages that integrate technologies
and standards that are emerging specifically to support
web services. This includes the utilization of WSDL
language to describe these services and allow for their
automatic finding (in tandem with future mature UDDI
Concluding remarks
Given the experience gained so far, and even only with the
current preliminary version, a couple of key issues
concerning the viability of the sought for paradigm of
language technology tools as web services have emerged.
And they are very likely to persist even through the
upcoming versions that integrate the above mentioned
specific technologies for web services.
As can be checked upon using the LX-Suite online
service, our tools are delivering their core outcome in an
internally defined format. It will be straightforward to
convert from this format into any other format established
as a standard (expectedly on top of XML). In spite of its
utmost convenience, and of previous and current efforts,
no encoding schema for linguistic information associated
to natural language expressions has gained momentum as
a de facto standard.
Another issue concerns authentication and access by
trusted clients and copy rights management. As the
language technology tools as web services paradigm
expands and gains momentum (or even to make this
happen), it is likely that providers of high quality services
will be willing to join in case they can’t hold control over
these aspects. Broadly taken, these types of questions are
not restricted to the class of web services we are
establishing. They appear to be the incarnation in this
realm of language technology of similar problems that the
deployment of service-oriented computation is facing
(Alonso et al., 2005, Ch.9).
Among the different routes that are envisaged as
helpful to overcome these problems, there is one that we
think may well be suited for our realm of language
resources and technology. One of the possible ways out is
that a major player, given its dimension and importance,
induces the establishment of de facto encoding standards
(the schemas that that entity eventually adopts). Moreover,
if that entity is reliable and independent from service
providers and consumers, it will be accepted as a trusted
broker for the contracting of services among interested
parties and for the certifying of copy rights compliant
transactions. The research infra-structure whose creation
is a major goal of CLARIN is a most prominent candidate
to evolve towards an entity that can play such a role.
Branco, António and João Silva, 2004, "Evaluating
Solutions for the Rapid Development of
State-of-the-Art POS Taggers for Portuguese".
Proceedings LREC2004.
Branco, António and João Silva, 2006, "Dedicated
Nominal Featurization of Portuguese", Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence, 3960, Springer.
http CLARIN - http://www.mpi.nl/clarin/
http DAM-LR - http://www.mpi.nl/DAM-LR
http ELRA - http://www.elra.info
http Language Grid - http://langrid.nict.go.jp
http LT4eL - http://www.let.uu.nl
http LDC - http://www.ldc.upenn.edu
Silva, João, 2007, Shallow Processing of Portuguese:
From Sentence Chunking to Nominal Lemmatization,
MSc Dissertation, University of Lisbon.
Nunes, Filipe, 2007, Verbal Lemmatization and
Featurization of Portuguese with Ambiguity Resolution
in Context, MSc Dissertation, University of Lisbon.
Annex A - API (summary) of LXClient
Annex B - GUIs of the online LX tools