Metaphor in Martin Harrison’s Wild Bees: New and Selected Poem

Definiton of key term: Australian Poetry, Creative Metaphor, Metaphorical Ement, Metaphorical Meaning, Wild Life.

Metaphor in Martin Harrison’s Wild Bees: New and Selected Poem A Graduating Paper By Pungkit Wijaya Presented to English Department of Adab dan Humanities Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degrre of Sarjana Humaniora Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung 2012. Abstract Definiton of key term: Australian Poetry, Creative Metaphor, Metaphorical Ement, Metaphorical Meaning, Wild Life. The paper reaseach discussed about metaphor in Wild Bees: New and Selected Poe of Martin Harrison. The topic was chosen to find out the importance of creating metaphor of the author for making a poem. Based on the book, the writer was interested in analyzing metaphorical process (elemen, cerating, and meaning). The reasearch foccused int two problems: (1) How is metaphor created in Harrison’s Wild Bess?; (2) What is the meaning of the metaphor created in Harrison Wild Bess? The research used descriptive analysis and hermeneutic method to analyze and describe data taken from the poem. The data found was organized based on word, phrase, clause and sentence in each stanza and line of the poetry. The data then are identified and categorized into the types of metaphor based on the Rifaterre and Paul Ricoure theory. Paraphrasing and interpreting the word comprehensively from the word untill the sentence of the poetry was done in order to analyzing the metaphorical meaning poem. Furthermore, in analyzing the selected data, it was thes re-red and learned within the words, phrases, clauses, and sentence of the poem. In finding the relation of the poem the stanza and lines of the poem was presented. Ten poem were selected from Martin Harrison’s Wild Bees: New and Selected Poems that seemed represent the culture of Australia. In conclusion, the readers will find different meaning and issues in the Martin Harrison’s peom. Thus, the heurmenetica method was applied.