Copyright 1991 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.
Journal of Experimental Psychology:
Animal Behavior Processes
1991, Vol. 17, No. 2, 130-i40
Peak Shift Revisited: A Test of Alternative Interpretations
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
David R. Thomas, Kelly Mood, Spencer Morrison, and Eric Wiertelak
University of Colorado, Boulder
In Experiment 1, 2 groups of human subjects were trained to respond to 1 of 2 light intensity
stimuli, S2 or S4, and then were tested for generalization with a randomized series of increasing
values from SI to S l l . Both groups, including the group trained to respond to the dimmer value,
showed peak shifts to a brighter more centrally located test stimulus. In Experiment 2, which
used line angle stimuli, both the size of the difference between S+ and S- and the range of test
stimuli that extended beyond S+ were varied. The larger the S+-S— separation and the larger
the range, the greater was the peak shift obtained. In Experiment 3, training involved an S— (line
angle) surrounded by 2 S+ values with testing symmetrical about the training values and covering
either a narrow or a wide range. The wide range produced greater peak shifts in both directions
from S-. All 3 experiments support an adaptation-level interpretation of intradimensional
discrimination learning and generalization test performance in human subjects. Related work
with animals suggests the presence of similar processes.
Historically, the central question concerning research and
theorizing about (intradimensional) discrimination learning
involving stimuli that lie on a single continuum (e.g., size,
brightness) has been whether subjects acquire response tendencies to specific stimulus values or learn rules that take into
consideration the relational properties of the stimuli. The
"absolute" approach was articulated by Spence (1937) who
postulated the formation of an excitatory generalization gradient centered about the reinforced stimulus, S+, and an
inhibitory generalization gradient centered about the extinguished stimulus, S—. The response tendency associated with
any given stimulus is then based on the summation of the
generalized excitatory and inhibitory response tendencies at
the value of the stimulus in question.
Spence's (1937) theory was originally proposed to account
for transposition following intradimensional discrimination
learning in animals, but it has proved useful in guiding
discrimination learning and stimulus generalization research
in children and in adult humans as well. A strong prediction
from Spence's gradient interaction theory is a peak shift in
postdiscrimination generalization gradients (i.e., maximal responding displaced from S+ to a stimulus value further removed from S-). After Hanson (1959) and Thomas (1962)
reported peak shifts in work with pigeons, many experimenters sought and found evidence of the same phenomenon in
human subjects. Nicholson and Gray (1971, 1972) reported
peak shifts (with school children and the line tilt continuum),
as did Baron (1973) with adults and tone frequencies and
MacKinnon (1972) with adults and lifted weights.
As will be pointed out, there are several alternative interpretations of peak shift. A more demanding test of the applicability of Spence's (1937) theory to humans is the nature of
the relationship between the amount of separation between
S+ and S- and the amount of peak shift obtained. The
gradient interaction model predicts a negative relationship,
which was found by Hanson (1959) and Thomas (1962) with
pigeons and wavelength stimuli. With human subjects, however, the results of such studies have been inconsistent. Baron
(1973) using tone frequencies found the predicted negative
relationship, whereas Thomas, Svinicki, and Vogt (1973)
using light intensity found a positive relationship.
The traditional alternative to "absolute" approaches such
as Spence's (1937) approach has been the relational view, as
espoused by Kohler (1939) and Krechevsky (1938). According
to this view, the subject solves the discrimination problem
relationally by learning to respond to the larger (or smaller),
the brighter (or dimmer), and so on, of the training stimuli.
A problem for this simple relational view is that a postdiscrimination generalization gradient shows a peak of response
strength (i.e., a single maximal value, beyond which responding decreases as stimuli still farther from S+ are tested). Both
the peaked form of the postdiscrimination gradient and the
displacement of its peak are consistent with Spence's gradient
interaction theory. Although these phenomena are clearly
inconsistent with the simple relational view, they are not
necessarily incompatible with other relational interpretations
of discrimination learning.
An alternative relational account of intradimensional discrimination learning was offered by Thomas and his associates
(see Thomas, 1974; Thomas et al., 1973) who interpreted
peak shift (in experiments with human subjects) using principles based on Helson's (1964) theory of adaptation level.
Adaptation level may be thought of as a frame of reference
based on an average of all relevant stimuli experienced by the
subject. In judgment tasks, all stimuli are thought to be
encoded in terms of their relationship to the adaptation level.
Discrimination learning procedures and generalization testing
procedures may be thought of as judgment tasks.
The adaptation-level interpretation was originally developed to explain the "central tendency effect" (i.e., a peak shift
toward the center of an asymmetrical generalization test series,
which is one with more test values or a wider range of test
values to one side of the training value than the other,
following training with a single stimulus [see Helson & Avant,
1967; Thomas & Jones, 1962]). It was assumed that the
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
David R. Thomas, Department of Psychology, University of Colorado, Campus Box 345, Boulder, Colorado 80309-0345.
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
training stimulus constituted the initial or training adaptation
level and that instructions to respond to this value were
interpreted as "respond to your adaptation level." During
testing with stimuli asymmetrically spaced around the training
value, the adaptation level would shift toward the central
(average) value in the test series and the peak of responding
would shift accordingly. In the case of two-stimulus discrimination training, adaptation level is presumably established
approximately midway between the training stimuli, S— and
S+, and the subject learns to respond to a stimulus (S+) which
is, say, X units greater than the adaptation level. In generalization testing, adaptation level moves toward the central value
in the test series, which is normally the previous S+. The
subject is presumed to respond during testing in accordance
with the "rule" learned during training (i.e., "respond to
adaptation level + X"), thus the stimulus value associated
with maximal responding during testing is X units greater
than the new (prevailing) adaptation level, based on the
training plus the testing experience. This tendency results in
the peak shift.
Thomas (1974) has suggested that the perceptual (adaptation-level) account may be more appropriate than the learning
account in experiments with humans, especially when responding is based on instructions rather than reinforcement
and nonreinforcement. The adaptation-level account of peak
shift is not, however, the only perceptual interpretation available. The generalization gradient may be interpreted through
an application of statistical decision theory (see Boneau &
Cole, 1967). According to this approach, any given physical
stimulus produces a subjective experience (within the organism) called a discriminal process. Because the discriminal
process is variable, repeated presentations of the same physical
stimulus generate a discriminal distribution. The subject must
then establish criteria that define a range of the discriminal
distribution that the subject will attribute to a particular
stimulus. Blough (1969) has shown that peaked generalization
gradients would be found if instructions (for human subjects)
or single-stimulus training (for animal subjects) caused them
to create two symmetrical response criteria around the mean
discriminal process produced by the training stimulus. Blough
also noted that peak shift and asymmetrical gradients could
be accounted for by assuming that the two criteria were
independent. Specifically, a peak shift such as predicted by
Spence's (1937) theory would result if discrimination training
caused the criterion on the S- side of S+ to be moved toward
S+ and had little effect on the opposite criterion. This would
mean that stimuli just to the opposite side of S+ from Swould be more likely to produce a discriminal process that
would be interpreted as S+ than those on the S— side or the
S+ value itself.
Although the decision theory account of peak shift is perhaps more appealing than Spence's (1937) theory in dealing
with research with adult human subjects, the two views are
similar in that both are "absolute" interpretations. They make
similar predictions because neither provides a role for the
location of the two training stimuli within the range of generalization test stimuli. This factor is critical for the adaptation-level interpretation because this view gives central importance to the relational properties of the stimuli used in
training and in testing.
The present set of experiments were conducted to test
alternative interpretations of postdiscrimination peak shift
with adult human subjects. Although these experiments use
human subjects, as does most of the literature relevant to
adaptation-level theory, principles derived from this theory
and from other accounts of psychophysical context effects
(see, for example, Parducci, 1974) are clearly also applicable
to animals. For example, Giurintano (1972, reported in
Thomas, 1974) found evidence of a central tendency shift
with line tilt stimuli in pigeons and recently Zoeke, Sarris,
and Hofer (1988) using chicken subjects found shifts in choice
behavior resulting from generalization testing with stimuli
asymmetrically spaced around the training values, a finding
clearly consistent with the adaptation-level view. Thus, both
Spence's (1937) gradient interaction theory and adaptationlevel theory have been applied, although not always successfully, to both human and infrahuman subjects. The present
study is part of a program of comparative research designed
to elucidate the boundary conditions for fruitful application
of these and other theoretical perspectives.
Experiment 1 described in this article demonstrated a peak
shift in a direction opposite to that predicted by Spence's
(1937) theory. Experiment 2 showed another effect opposite
to prediction based on Spence's theory, that of a greater peak
shift following training with a more widely spaced S+ and
S-. It also showed an effect that is not considered by Spence's
theory, a greater peak shift due to an increased range of test
stimuli on the side of S+ opposite the S-. Experiment 3
elaborated on this finding, demonstrating that the double
peak shift, following discrimination training with an S- surrounded by two S+s, can be interpreted as a "range effect." It
had been suggested by Galizio and Baron (1979) that this
effect was uniquely consistent with the gradient interaction
Experiment 1
In Experiment 1, the test series used was asymmetrical with
regard to the location of the S+ and S—. This provided a
useful test case because it enabled us to create a situation for
which Spence's (1937) theory (and its decision theory counterpart) and adaptation-level theory made not just different
but opposite predictions. Consider a generalization test series
of 11 equally spaced increasing light intensity values, labeled
stimulus (S) 1,2,3,..., 11. A group of subjects is instructed
(trained) to respond to S4 and not to respond to S2 and then
it is tested with the aforementioned series. Spence's theory
predicts a peak shifted to a higher intensity value as a consequence of the summation of an inhibitory gradient centered
at S2 and an excitatory gradient centered at S4. Decision
theory predicts the same shift because of asymmetrical decision criteria (i.e., the lower criterion closer to S4 than the
higher criterion). The adaptation-level theory predicts a peak
shift in the same direction for yet another reason. According
to this theory, subjects have learned to respond to adaptation
level (say, S3) plus one unit. As adaptation level shifts toward
the center of the asymmetrical test series the peak should shift
accordingly. Unlike the alternative theories, however, adaptation-level theory predicts that the shift will develop progressively during the course of testing as the momentary, or
"prevailing adaptation level," on which the peak shift is based,
gradually changes with continuing exposure to the series of
mostly higher intensity values.
Contrast this situation with that of a group
(trained) to respond to S2 and not to respond to S4 and then
tested with the same asymmetrical series of stimuli. Both
Spence's (1937) theory and decision theory predict a shift
toward dimmer rather than brighter stimulus values. The
prediction of adaptation-level theory, however, is exactly the
opposite. Presumably these subjects have learned to respond
to adaptation level minus one unit. If during generalization
testing adaptation level shifts to, say, S6, the center of the test
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series, then the peak of responding should fall at S5 (i.e., it
should shift beyond S— to a value further removed from S+).
This shift should also develop gradually during testing. These
predictions were tested in the following experiment.
Subjects. The subjecls were 40 students enrolled in introductory
psychology courses at the University of Colorado.
Apparatus. Each subject was seated 60 cm in front of a 60-cm
(wide) x 60-cm (high) panel that was covered with black felt cloth.
The experimenter was seated behind the panel and was not visible to
the subjects. At approximately eye level, a 2.7-cm (diameter) aperture
was present. The subjects viewed a disk of white light projected onto
a translucent glass screen behind the aperture. The light source
consisted of a light discrimination apparatus manufactured by the
Lafayette Instrument Company (Lafayette, Indiana, Model 14011),
using a 60-W Sylvania clear Decor Lite (60CA9C/BL). Eleven different light intensities were selected so as to be. 188 log units apart. The
intensity values and their experimental designations were SI, 0.83
footlambert (fL, 2.84 cd/m2); S2, 1.28 fL (4.39 cd/m2); S3, 1.97 fL
(6.75 cd/m2); S4, 3.04 fL (10.42 cd/m2); S5, 4.69 fL (16.07 cd/m2);
S6, 7.23 fL (24.77 cd/m2); S7, 11.2 fL (38.38 cd/m2); S8, 17.2 fL
(58.93 cd/m2); S9, 26.5 fL (90.80 cd/m2); S10, 40.9 fL (140.14 cd/
m2); and SI 1,63.0 fL (215.86 cd/m!). The experiment was conducted
in a small, dimly illuminated room. The light reflected from the disk
when it was not illuminated was approximately .01 fL.
Procedure. Approximately two thirds of the subjects in this experiment were women. The subjects were unsystematically assigned
to two groups (« = 20) with a similar distribution of the sexes in each.
After the subject was seated in front of the stimulus panel, the
following instructions were read: "This is an experiment in brightness
perception. A light will be presented repeatedly through a small hole
in the screen in front of you. Each time it will be presented for 3 s
and may have a different brightness. The first brightness is called the
test brightness. Try to remember this brightness because you will have
to distinguish it from all the other brightnesses. When you do recognize the test brightness, press the response button. If a subsequent
brightness is different from the test brightness, do not press the button.
Remember, each time the light is presented it will stay on for only 3
s, so try to respond while the light is on. Indeed, try to respond as
quickly yet as accurately as you can. I will tell you whether you are
correct on the first few trials; then you will continue without further
help. The first light is the test brightness. Keep its brightness in mind.
For every light after that, respond by pressing the button as quickly
as you can if and only if it is the same as the original light. Any
Only questions dealing with the procedure were answered by the
experimenter. Following any needed clarifications of instructions,
each subject in both groups was shown the appropriate S+ for their
group. On the next training trial, the S- value was presented. For
both groups, training continued for 24 trials with S2 and S4 presented
12 times each in unsystematic order. After each correct response, the
experimenter said "correct," and after each incorrect response, the
experimenter said either "no, that was different from the original" or
"no, that was the same as the original," depending on the error. Next,
with no interruption in the procedure, the subjects were shown six
series of all 11 stimuli; feedback was no longer given. The stimuli
were randomized within each series in both discrimination training
and generalization testing, and the interstimulus interval ranged
unsystematically from 2 to 3 s. Two different random sequences were
used in generalization testing with half of the subjects in each group
randomly assigned to each sequence.
If the subject made more than two errors in the last eight training
trials, an additional eight training trials were given. Subjects who
made more than two errors during these additional trials were eliminated from the experiment and replaced. There were 3 such subjects
in the S4+ S2- group and 4 in the S2+ S4- group. Four of the
subjects in each group required the extra training trials to meet the
performance criterion. There were no systematic differences in generalization test performance between subjects that required the extra
training and those that did not, and no systematic differences in test
performance related to differences in training performance among
subjects who met the performance criterion during initial training.
Results and Discussion
For subjects in each group, the mean number of responses
to each of the 11 test stimuli was calculated and the result is
presented in Figure 1. Consider first the gradient of the group
trained with S2 as S— and S4 as S+. As expected, this group
showed a peak shift from the S+ to a greater intensity value
with responding decreasing to the most intense stimuli. This
result, of course, is consistent with all three accounts of the
peak shift.
Recall, however, that only the adaptation-level account
predicts that the shift should be progressive during the course
of testing as continued exposure to the test values results in
continual recalculation of the adaptation level. Although the
shift in adaptation level may occur early in testing it may be
possible to observe the progression of the shift by comparing
responding in the first test series with that in the last test
series. Because each stimulus is presented once within each
test series, the gradient indicates the number of subjects who
responded in the presence of each test stimulus.
Table 1 presents the generalization gradients of the S4+
S2- group based on the first test series and the last (sixth) test
series. In accordance with the adaptation-level prediction, an
increasing tendency to respond to higher intensity values
during testing may be seen. The shift is most apparent in the
reduction of responding to the positive training value, S4,
from 11 out of 20 subjects in the first series to 4 in the last
series, (x2 = 5.23, p < .05) and the corresponding increases in
responding to S8 and S9 from 4 and 5 subjects, respectively,
to Hand 12. (For S8, x2 = 10.10,p< .01; for S9, x2 = 5.01,
Because the adaptation level presumably shifts within the
first test series, it may be possible to demonstrate this effect
as well. Toward this end, two different sets of random stimulus
presentations were used in this experiment with 10 subjects
assigned to each set. In one set, S7 was the second test stimulus
experienced; the first was the training value, S4. In the second
•—• 2+4-
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
O—0 4+2-
1 01 1
Figure 1. Mean light intensity generalization gradients (i.e., responses to the different test stimuli by subjects in Group 1, S4+ S2-,
and Group 2, S2+ S4-) of Experiment 1.
set, S7 was the eighth stimulus experienced. When S7 was
second, only 3 subjects responded to it, whereas when it was
eighth, and the subjects had experienced four test values of
even greater intensity, all 10 subjects responded to it. This
difference is significant: \2 = 10-77, P < .01. Thus, there is
no doubt that the peak shift in the S4+ S2- group is not fixed
at the end of training but increases during the course of
Now, consider the generalization gradient of the subjects in
the S2+ S4- group, also presented in Figure 1. In accordance
with the adaptation-level account, the peak of this gradient
falls at S5 (i.e., it is shifted from the S+ [S2] to a value beyond
the S- [S4] in the direction opposite that predicted by
Spence's [1937] gradient interaction theory). As was the case
for the S4+ S2— group, it is possible to trace the progression
of the peak shift in the S2+ S4- group. Table 1 presents the
Table 1
Generalization Gradients*
Stimulus value
Group S 4-1- S 2-
Group S 2+ S 4-
* Number of subjects responding to the different test stimuli during
the first and sixth test series of Experiment 1.
gradients of this group based on the first and the last (sixth)
test series. The most dramatic changes are seen in the tendency to respond to the most intense stimuli, S7 and above.
Whereas in the first test series a total of four responses was
made to these stimuli, in the sixth series 17 responses were
made to these stimuli. None of the changes in responding to
these individual stimuli (S7-S10) was significant, however,
with the largest x2 (for S7) = 3.58, p > .05. With maximal
responding already at S5, clearly much of the shift in responding had already taken place during the first test series. Indeed
the evidence of a shift within the first test series was quite
dramatic. When S4 (i.e., the S- in training) was the first test
stimulus experienced, only 1 of 10 subjects responded to it.
When it was seventh and the subjects had seen four stimuli
of even greater intensity, 7 of the 10 subjects responded to it:
X 2 = 7.50,p<.01.
Because the gradients of both the S2+ S4- and the SV4+
SV2- groups showed peak shifts toward more intense stimulus values, it is appropriate to consider the possibility of an
energizing effect of stimulus intensity as proposed in Hull's
(1949) concept of stimulus intensity dynamism. There is
nothing in the dynamism concept that suggests that the shift
would be progressive during testing. More to the point,
Thomas et al. (1973) showed that there is a peak shift to a
less intense stimulus when S+ was more intense than S-, that
most test stimuli were less intense than both training values,
and that there is no peak shift at all in a group given single
stimulus training and tested with intensity stimuli symmetrically spaced around the S+. Thus, there is no evidence of a
dynamism effect in this experimental situation.
The results of the present experiment provide strong support for the adaptation-level account of peak shift following
intradimensional go-no-go discrimination training with human subjects. The application of gradient-interaction theory
and statistical-decision theory fall short because they give no
role to the frame of reference provided by the generalization
test series and, in particular, to the location of the S+ and S—
values within that series.
Experiment 2
In Experiment 1 the location of S+ and S— were reversed
in the two groups but consisted of the same two stimulus
values, S2 and S4. Thus, the adaptation level based on training
was presumably the same in both groups, and the shift in
adaptation level during testing was presumably also the same.
The shift in adaptation level from its training value to its
value during testing presumably determined the size and the
direction of the peak shift. If this shift were larger, the displacement of the peak should be greater. This effect has been
reported in an experiment by Thomas, Strub, and Dickson
(1974) in which subjects were exposed to a single (dim)
intensity value and then were tested for their ability to recognize this value with increasingly asymmetrical test series (in
different groups). Whereas the training stimulus was SI in all
cases, for one group the test values were SI, S2, and S3; for
another group, they were SI, S2, S3, S4, and S5; and so on.
Testing with an asymmetrical series produced a central tendency shift, and in accordance with adaptation-level theory,
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the greater the asymmetry, the larger the shift that was observed. Furthermore, for different groups in this experiment,
the adaptation level of the different test series was determined
by the stimulus rating method (see Helson, 1964, chap. 4),
and group differences in the location of the peak of responding
were directly related to group differences in measured adaptation level.
If the peak shift following intradimensional go-no-go discrimination training is due to a change in adaptation level
from its training to its testing value, then it should be possible
to modulate the size of the peak shift by varying the degree
of asymmetry in the test series used. Evidence that suggests
that this is so comes from a comparison of the results of
Experiment I with those of an experiment previously reported
by Newlin, Rodgers, and Thomas (1979, Experiment 1),
which was performed in this laboratory with the same apparatus, procedure, physical stimulus values, and so on. In that
experiment, a group of subjects was trained to respond to S2
and not to respond to S4 and then they were tested with the
range S1-S9. The peak of this group's gradient fell at S4, the
S— in training, thus the peak shift was in the same direction
(opposite that predicted by Spence's [1937] theory) but not as
large as in the present Experiment 1 in which the test series
was more asymmetrical (range S1-S11). Because there were
differences in the amount of training administered in the two
different experiments, as well as other minor procedural differences, it is appropriate to repeat this comparison within a
single experiment and to do so with a greater difference in
the degree of asymmetry in the generalization test series. This
was one of the purposes of Experiment 2.
If responding during testing is based on application of the
rule, "respond to adaptation level + X," then the amount of
peak shift should be governed both by the amount of change
in adaptation level and by the size of X. As we have indicated
above, and as was demonstrated empirically by Thomas et al.
(1974), the amount of change in adaptation level can be
manipulated by varying the degree of asymmetry in the
generalization test series. The size of X can be manipulated
by varying the distance between the S+ and S- used in
training. The larger the separation, the farther each stimulus
is from the adaptation level that is approximately midway
between them, thus the larger is X. Clearly, then, adaptationlevel theory predicts that the more widely separated the S+
and S— the greater will be the peak shift. This prediction is
opposite that made by Spence's (1937) theory and by decision
theory. Furthermore, experiments with pigeon subjects by
Hanson (1959) and by Thomas (1962) have unequivocally
supported Spence's position.
In contrast to this finding with animal subjects, evidence
for a positive relationship between S+-S— separation and
amount of peak shift was obtained in an experiment with
human subjects reported by Thomas et al. (1973), using
different intensities of white light as stimuli. When the S+
was more intense than the S—, the results clearly showed
increasing peak shift with increasing S+-S— separation. When
the S+ was less intense than the S—, the results were less clear,
with only the largest S+-S- separation producing a measurable shift to a value less intense than S+.
Because of the discrepancy between the findings with animal versus human subjects and in view of the opposite
predictions made by the different theories, it is appropriate to
reexamine the relationship between S+-S— separation and
amount of peak shift. To increase generality, we decided to
do so with a qualitative rather than a quantitative stimulus
dimension. Thomas and Thomas (1974) had reported central
tendency shifts with the dimension of angular orientation of
a line viewed on a tachistoscope screen, and we adapted this
experimental situation for the present experiment. In Experiment 2, we examined the two proposed causes of peak shift
using line angle stimuli. Two groups were trained with widely
spaced S+ and S— stimuli (S4 and SI, respectively) and were
tested with a narrow range (S1-S7) and a wide range (SlSl 1) of test stimuli, respectively. A third group was also tested
with the wide range but their training stimuli were more
closely spaced (i.e., S4 was still S+ but S— was S2). It was
predicted that Group 1 (narrow range) would show less of a
peak shift than Group 2 (wide range) and that Group 3
(smaller S+-S— separation) would show less of a peak shift
than Group 2 (wider S+-S— separation) No comparison is
made of the gradients of Groups 1 and 3, because with
differences in both training and testing stimuli any obtained
differences in generalization performance would be uninterpretable.
Subjects. The subjects were 60 students enrolled in Introductory
Psychology courses at the University of Colorado.
Apparatus. The apparatus was a Scientific Prototype (New York)
two-field tachistoscope (Model 800F). A screen separated the experimenter from the subjects so that they could not see the experimenter
or the stimuli before they appeared on the tachistoscope screen.
Procedure. The subjects were unsystematically assigned to three
groups (n = 20), with a similar distribution of the sexes in each.
Training was the same for subjects in Groups I and 2; only the test
procedure was different. For these subjects the S+ (S4) was a black
line 3.81 cm x .32 cm oriented at 55° counterclockwise rotation from
horizontal and centered in a circular field 7.62 cm in diameter. The
S- (SI) was a 70° line. The lines were presented with a 1-s exposure
time and the intertrial interval was 8-12 s. The instructions were
modified appropriately from those used in Experiment 1, but the
training procedure was otherwise identical. So was the test procedure,
with the exception of the number and values of test stimuli used.
For the "narrow range" group (i.e., Group I) test values of 70°,
65°, 60°, 55°, 50°, 45°, and 40° were arranged in nine different random
series. For the "wide range" group (i.e., Group 2), in addition to those
values, 35°, 30°, 25°, and 20° stimuli were used. The 11 different
stimuli were arranged in six different random series. Thus, the total
number of test stimuli was similar but not identical for these two test
groups. Group 3 was trained with S4 (55°) as S+ but S2 (65°) as S-.
These subjects received the same test as Group 2, experiencing the
wide range of test stimuli (i.e., SI-SI 1).
As in Experiment 1, if the subject made more than two errors in
the last eight training trials, an additional eight training trials were
given. Subjects who made more than two errors during these additional trials were eliminated from the experiment and replaced. There
were 3 such subjects in each of Groups 1 and 2 and 5 such subjects
in Group 3. There were also 4 subjects who required extra training
in Group 1, 3 in Group 2, and 4 in Group 3. There were no systematic
differences in generalization test performance as a function of how
well subjects performed in training.
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Results and Discussion
Because of between-group differences in the number of
opportunities given to respond to the different test stimuli,
the data were analyzed in terms of the probability of responding to each stimulus rather than the absolute number of
Consider first the gradients of Groups 1 and 2, as shown in
Figure 2. According to Spence's (1937) gradient-interaction
theory and statistical-decision theory, the peak shift is determined by training parameters, such as the separation between
S+ and S—. Yet both of these groups were trained identically,
with the same S+ and S-, the same amount of training, and
so on. The figure reveals, however, in agreement with prediction based on adaptation-level theory, that the wide range
group (Group 2) shows a larger peak shift than the small
range group (Group 1). Indeed the gradient of Group 1 shows
no peak shift at all but only asymmetry with more responding
to higher than to lower stimulus values. The obtained difference in amount of peak shift in the two groups replicates,
with a single experiment, findings based on a comparison of
different experiments as described earlier.
Although the predictions of the different theories have been
presented in terms of the location of the peak, it should be
realized that a shift of the peak reflects a shift in the entire
distribution of responses. Thus, to properly evaluate the results, a measure is needed that is sensitive to changes in the
entire distribution of responses along the stimulus continuum
and not just in the mode. Such a measure may be obtained
by treating each individual subject's gradient as a grouped
1 01 1
Figure 2. Mean line angle generalization gradients (i.e., responses
to the different test stimuli by subjects in Group 1 [narrow range)
and Group 2 [wide range]) of Experiment 2.
frequency distribution and computing its mean; the higher
that mean, the greater the shift in responding toward higher
stimulus values. This measure was initially used in a peak
shift study with pigeons by Thomas (1962) and has been
widely used since then because it provides a sensitive and
continuous measure of changes in the locus of responding
along the test continuum. In the computation of the individual gradient means of Groups 1 and 2 only responding to SlS7 was included because both groups were exposed to these
stimulus values. The group mean of the individual gradient
means of Group 2 (wide range) computed in this manner was
5.45 compared with 4.19 for Group 1 (narrow range), and
this difference was highly significant, £(38) = 8.45, p < .01.
The comparison of the gradients of Groups 2 and 3 provided a test of the hypothesis that the size of the peak shift
varies positively with the amount of S+-S— separation in
training. As is shown in Figure 3, in agreement with the results
of the Thomas et al. (1973) experiment, which used light
intensity stimuli, the present experiment also revealed a positive relationship, with Group 2, with S4 as S+ and S1 as S—,
showing a larger shift than Group 3, with S4 as S+ and S2 as
S-. To statistically compare the gradients of Groups 2 and 3,
the gradient means were again used. This time the entire
gradients of subjects in Group 2 based on responding to all
11 stimulus values were used. The mean of the gradient means
was 5.98 for Group 2 compared with 5.03 for Group 3, and
this difference was highly significant, ((38) = 4.34, p < .01.
Thus, the positive relationship between S+-S— separation
and amount of peak shift is not unique to the use of a
quantitative stimulus dimension (i.e., light intensity) but exists
also with line angle stimuli.
Experiment 3
The evidence in support of the adaptation-level interpretation of peak shift in human subjects is so strong that it is
appropriate to reconsider the evidence against it. Using light
intensity stimuli, White and Thomas (1979) obtained evidence of a double peak shift in a task in which a single Swas surrounded by two S+ values. In this situation the obtained generalization gradient is bimodal, but each of the
peaks is displaced from the nearby S+ to a stimulus value
farther removed from the S-. The generalization test values
are symmetrical around the training stimuli, thus there should
be no change in adaptation level from training to test. If a
change in adaptation level from training to test is the only
basis for a peak shift, then none should occur in this situation.
Even if adaptation level were to increase or decrease during
testing, it could not account for a peak shift in both directions.
Galizio and Baron (1979) pointed out that the double peakshift phenomenon is inconsistent with the adaptation-level
formulation for the reasons indicated, whereas it is predictable
from Spence's (1937) gradient-interaction model. Perhaps,
however, with some modification, the adaptation-level position might yet prove a useful alternative.
The notion that subjects learn and subsequently apply the
adaptation level + X rule (see Thomas et al., 1973), or in the
three-stimulus case adaptation level ± X, carried with it the
' v1V\
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y <
o GROUPS 4+2-
• GROUP 2 4+ 1-
/ r
x -*
1 01 1
Figure 3. Mean line angle generalization gradients (i.e., responses
to the different test stimuli by subjects in Group 2, S4+ S1 -, and
Group 3, S4+ S2-) of Experiment 2.
assumption that X remained constant during generalization
testing. Perhaps it is this assumption that needs to be modified. The supposition that X remains constant is inconsistent
with the basic tenet of adaptation-level theory that stimuli are
always judged relationally. Suppose the subject were trained,
as in Experiment 1, to respond to S4 and not to S2. What the
subject learns is to respond to a value that is slightly brighter
than adaptation level. But what constitutes slightly brighter?
If the subject sees much brighter stimuli during the test, he or
she might alter the concept of slightly brighter so that it
applies to more intense stimuli than it would if he or she were
not exposed to those more extreme values. In other words, X
may increase in proportion to increases in the range of test
stimuli used. This assumption is consistent with the results
obtained in Experiment 2. Either a change in adaptation level,
in X, or in both could account for the difference between the
gradients of Group 1 and Group 2.
Note that there already exists in the human research literature evidence of the effect of the range of test stimuli on the
level of generalized responding. Thomas and Hiss (1963)
trained their subjects to respond to a particular wavelength of
light (530 nm) and then tested different groups for generalization over three different ranges, all symmetrical with regard
to the training value. They found that the tendency to respond
to a particular test stimulus, say 550 nm, was greater for
subjects for whom the generalization test included stimuli
farther removed from S+ (e.g., 570 nm) than for subjects for
whom 550 nm was the most extreme value used in testing.
Parducci (1974) has proposed a theory to account for the
effect of the range of stimuli and the frequency of their
presentation in judgment tasks and has observed such effects
in a wide variety of circumstances. Thus, the proposal that X
in the adaptation level + X formulation might vary in proportion to the range of test stimuli is certainly tenable.
In view of the overwhelming evidence that changes in
adaptation level can produce peak shifts, it is necessary to
establish that changes in X may also occur. Because only
changes in X could account for the double peak shift observed
in the three-stimulus situation, that paradigm permits a test
of this hypothesis. We predicted that by expanding the range
of test stimuli symmetrically spaced around the training values, we could increase the displacement of the two peaks from
the training S+ values. If this hypothesis were supported the
presence of the double peak shift would no longer stand as an
embarrassment to the adaptation-level position.
Two considerations led us to use line angle rather than light
intensity in designing this experiment. First, there was the
asymmetry in the results obtained with light intensities by
Thomas et al. (1973). Recall that they found that it was much
easier to produce peak shifts toward brighter than toward
dimmer values. Second, the use of line angles provided a
larger range of discriminable test values than was available
with our visual intensity apparatus. New line angle stimuli
were prepared that covered the entire range from horizontal
(180°) moving clockwise through vertical (90°) to 5° counterclockwise from horizontal. These stimuli were designated SlS36. There was no S37 (i.e., 0°) because that is the same as
180° (i.e., horizontal). As will be seen, not all available line
angles were used in the experiment.
Subjects. The subjects were 40 students enrolled in Introductory
Psychology courses at the University of Colorado.
Apparatus. The apparatus was the same as that used in Experiment 2.
Procedure. The subjects were assigned unsystematically to two
groups with a similar distribution of the sexes in each. All subjects
received the same training. The instructions were modified to indicate
that there were two test values and the subjects were to respond by
pressing a button as quickly as possible when they recognized either
one. These values were 100° (now designated as SI 7) and 80° (now
designated as S21), and they were shown on the first two training
trials. In total, 30 training trials were given with 10 presentations each
of SI7, S21, and S19 (90°, the S-) in a nonsystematic order. As in
the previous experiments, feedback was only given during training.
Because the S- was so easy to identify, only one subject made more
than three errors during training. This subject was replaced.
When training was completed, with no interruption in the procedure generalization, testing was begun. Subjects in Group I (narrow
range) were tested with five random series, each of which included
one presentation of S13 (120°), S15 (110°), S16 (105°). S17 (S+, 100°),
S18 (95°), SI9 (S-, 90°), 520(85°), S21 (S+, 80°), S22 (75°), S23 (70°),
and S25 (60°). The stimuli in the region where the peak was anticipated to fall were more closely spaced than at the extremes to
maximize sensitivity to differences between the groups.
Subjects in Group 2 (wide range) were tested with three different
random series that included each of the above values plus S7 (150°),
S9 (140°), S l l (130°), S27 (50°), S29 (40°), and S31 (30°). Thus, the
total number of test stimuli administered was similar but not identical
in the two groups.
Results and Discussion
As in the previous experiments, there were no systematic
differences in test performance as a function of the level of
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training performance. Because of differences between groups
in the number of opportunities given to respond to the
different test stimuli, the data were analyzed in terms of the
probability of responding to each stimulus rather than the
absolute number of responses. The mean probability gradients
of the two groups are presented in Figure 4. As may be seen,
the gradient of Group 1 (narrow range) shows the double
peak shift with maximal responding displaced from both
training values to the adjacent value farther removed from
S-. This replicates the finding of a double peak shift with
light intensity stimuli, as reported by White and Thomas
(1979) and extends that finding to a new (qualitative) dimension, line angle.
Note that the gradient of Group 2 (wide range) shows more
extensive peak shifts than that of Group 1 in both directions.
Because the two groups were trained identically, the difference
in the amount of displacement of the two peaks can only be
attributed to a change in the value of X from training to test.
To statistically analyze the differences between the two
groups' gradients, a procedure was used that is an elaboration
of the one used in Experiment 2. In this case, two means were
obtained from each gradient, one based on stimuli from S19
through S25 and one based on stimuli from S19 through S13.
Because our concern was with how far a given stimulus was
from S- (and S+) and not in which direction that stimulus
differed from S-, the gradient of each subject was "folded
over" with each half (i.e., the left half and the right half)
treated as a replication. Thus, responses to S18 were treated
as if they had been made to S20 on the second replication,
those to S17 were treated as if they had been made to S21,
and so on. This procedure enabled us to both directly compare
the amount of shift in the two directions and pool data over
the two directions in the comparison of amount of shift as a
function of narrow versus wide range of test stimuli. As the
figure suggests, there is neither any effect of direction from
S- (F< 1, for replication) nor any interaction between group
and replication (F< I ) . Pooling across replications, the mean
of the gradient means was 22.1 for the narrow range group
17 +
Figure 4.
Mean line angle generalization gradients (i.e., responses
to the different test stimuli by subjects in Group 1 [narrow range]
and Group 2 [wide range]) of Experiment 3.
versus 22.8 for the wide range group, F(\, 38) = 10.05, p <
Although it is significant, the size of the difference between
the amount of peak shift observed under narrow range and
wide range conditions is quite small. Note, however, that
although the wide range is twice as great as the narrow range
(i.e., 60° vs. 120°), the range experienced in training was only
20°, so both test ranges are far wider than the subjects experienced in training (i.e., three times and six times as wide).
For simplicity of exposition, we postulated that the size of X
would vary in proportion to the size of the range. All that is
necessary to account for the double peak shift is a positive
relationship, which is what we observed.
General Discussion
Experiment 1 showed that a peak shift can be produced
that is in the direction opposite to that predicted by Spence's
(1937) gradient-interaction theory and by statistical-decision
theory as well. Furthermore, the shift developed gradually
during the course of asymmetrical generalization testing. This
pattern of results can only be accounted for by adaptationlevel theory.
Experiment 2 explicitly tested the notion that responding
during testing reflects the application of the adaptation level
+ X rule that the subjects learned during training. The amount
of change in adaptation level was manipulated by varying the
asymmetry of the test series, whereas the size of X was
manipulated by varying the S+-S- separation used in training. Both manipulations had the predicted effect. The effect
of narrow versus wide range (i.e., of the degree of asymmetry
in the test series) replicates the finding by Thomas et al. (1974)
that the size of the central tendency shift, which reflects a
change in adaptation level from training to test, varies directly
with the size of the range. The positive relationship between
S+-S— separation and amount of peak shift replicate"! an
earlier finding by Thomas et al. (197 3) who used light intensity
stimuli. The earlier finding might have been viewed as somewhat equivocal because of an asymmetry in the results (i.e.,
larger differences when the S+ was more intense than S- than
when the S- was more intense). It is appropriate to point out,
therefore, that this asymmetry is entirely consistent with the
adaptation-level formulation.
To simplify the explication of the adaptation-level position,
we have made the assumption that the adaptation level will
be located at the center of the generalization test series (or
midway between the training values). Adaptation level is the
"psychological" center but not necessarily the physical center
of the test series, because some stimulus values may be
weighted more heavily than others in the computation of
"average." Thomas et al. (1973) empirically determined the
adaptation level for their generalization test series through the
category rating method and found it to be at a value substantially more intense than the central test value. This accounts
for the asymmetry in their obtained results. Substantial shifts
were obtained when the S+ was brighter than the S-, and
both training values were relatively dim because change in
adaptation level from training to test was enhanced for these
groups. On the other hand, when the S+ was less intense than
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
the S-, and both training values were relatively bright, less
shift (or no shift) was obtained because the adaptation level
of the entire test series was not much lower than was the
adaptation level established during training (except for the
group with the widest S+-S- separation). It may be necessary
for the change in adaptation level from training to test to be
rather substantial to produce a peak shift. This may explain
why Group 1 in Experiment 2 with the restricted range of test
stimuli showed an asymmetrical gradient but not a peak shift.
The amount of change in adaptation level from training to
test may have been insufficient to produce a peak shift.
In addition to results with line angles in the present study
and with light intensities by Thomas et al. (1973), a positive
relationship between S+-S- separation and amount of peak
shift was also reported by Doll and Thomas (1967) with
wavelength stimuli, with the exception of one group for which
the S— was in a different color name category than the S+.
The Baron (1973) study with tone frequencies is the only one
of which we are aware that obtained the negative relationship
predicted by Spence's (1937) theory. It seems unlikely that
the difference in modality is critical, and the Baron experiment should probably be replicated.
The claim that X remains constant, whereas only adaptation level may change from training to test was another
simplifying assumption that was sufficient to yield predictions
that were consistently supported by the accumulating data
base (see Thomas, 1974). Only the demonstration of the
double peak shift called this assumption into question. The
results of Experiment 3 provide an explanation of this phenomenon that is entirely consistent with the main tenet of
the adaptation-level position (i.e., that stimuli are judged
relatively rather than absolutely). It simply extends this principle one step further to account for frame of reference effects
on the judgment of the size of X.
Given the demonstration that X may vary with the range
of generalization test stimuli, it is important to acknowledge
again that the larger peak shift observed with a larger range
in Experiment 2 could be due to a larger change in adaptation
level, a larger value of X, or both. There is no way to
distinguish between these possibilities, so it is important to
note that each may have played a role. The effect observed in
Experiment 3 could only be due to a change in the value of
X, whereas only the change in adaptation level is consistent
with the gradual shifting of the peaks observed in Experiment I.
Both adaptation-level theory and Parducci's (1974) rangefrequency theory provide interpretations of frame of reference
or psychological context effects in judgment tasks. These effects demonstrate that stimuli are judged relationally, not just
with regard to each other, but also with regard to other stimuli
experienced in the experimental situation. Parducci's theory
is clearly applicable when context effects occur with generalization test stimuli that are symmetrically spaced around the
training values but that vary in their range or their frequency
of presentation. The adaptation-level theory clearly applies
with generalization test stimuli that are asymmetrical with
regard to the training values. The explanation of the double
peak-shift phenomenon requires a combination of both of
these approaches. Although the double peak-shift phenome-
non is consistent with Spence's (1937) theory the present
interpretation is far more parsimonious because it accounts
also for the effect of the range of test stimuli, a parameter
about which Spence's theory has nothing to say.
It is time to return to the original question of whether
intradimensional discrimination learning is relational or absolute and the related question of whether the answer depends
on the species of subject used. The present set of experiments
demonstrates unequivocally that human subjects who learn
successive intradimensional discriminations may learn rules
that take the relational properties of the training stimuli into
account and then apply those rules in subsequent generalization testing. We do not deny, however, that subjects may also
learn about the absolute values of the stimuli used in training.
Premack (1978) pointed out that the dichotomy between
absolute versus relational learning interpretations was inappropriate because learning could occur at both levels simultaneously and which level would be revealed would depend
on the test conditions, the species used, and so on. It also
depends on the nature of the stimulus dimension used, in
particular on the degree to which absolute identification of
individual stimulus values is easy or difficult. Our use of the
light intensity dimension in most of the experiments that
support adaptation-level theory was predicated on the supposition that, because absolute identification of intensity values would be difficult, the use of a relational strategy or rule
would be encouraged. The use of line angle stimuli is particularly informative in this regard because subjects can be
instructed to encode a particular line angle, say 60°, in an
absolute fashion, say by visualizing a clock hand pointing at
1 o'clock, which prevents a central tendency shift that otherwise would occur (see Thomas & Thomas, 1974).
Because Spence's (1937) theory was proposed to apply to
animal subjects, and adaptation-level and range-frequency
theories were developed in work with humans, it is appropriate to ask whether the species difference is critical, as Premack
(1978) has suggested. The answer would appear to be both
yes and no. Our results lead us to conclude that in work with
human subjects, Spence's theory has provided a useful heuristic purpose, suggesting experiments the results of which are
better explained by other formulations. The only evidence we
have found for absolute rather than relative learning strategies
is when the use of language intervenes (i.e., when stimuli can
be easily labeled [e.g., a clock hand pointing at 1 o'clock]).
This is not the sort of thing that Spence had in mind.
It is probably fair to say that most of the animal literature
contains results consistent with Spence's (1937) "absolute"
approach to discrimination learning. A good example is the
studies described earlier that found a negative relationship
between S+-S- separation and amount of peak shift. This
does not mean, however, that adaptation-level effects cannot
also be demonstrated in animals. In an early attempt to find
a central tendency shift in pigeons, Thomas and Barker (1964)
trained pigeons to respond to a particular wavelength and
then tested them with stimuli that were symmetrically spaced
around S+ in one group or maximally asymmetrical (i.e., all
test values other than S+ were shorter wavelengths) in another
group. The obtained gradients were comparable, with no
suggestion of a shift in the asymmetrical test group. Thomas
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(1974) subsequently pointed out that the difficulty in demonstrating a central tendency shift in pigeons is, in fact,
consistent with the adaptation-level formulation. If pigeons
are trained for many hours to respond to a particular stimulus
and then they are given an asymmetrical generalization test
in extinction that lasts an hour or less, the substantially greater
weight of the training experience may make any change in
adaptation level during testing too small to be detectable.
Giurintano (1972, reported in Thomas, 1974) demonstrated
with humans that longer training reduced the size of the
central tendency shift obtained, and Giurintano was able to
obtain a central tendency shift in pigeons by limiting training
with a line angle stimulus to 30 m or less (following extensive
training with an orthogonal, wavelength stimulus). One wonders whether the negative relation between S+-S— separation
and amount of peak shift found in animal work would still
attain if a procedure were developed that enabled pigeons to
acquire the discrimination very rapidly followed by extensive
asymmetrical generalization testing.
The tide is beginning to turn as new techniques are developed that are sensitive to context effects in nonhumans.
Several researchers have reported range effects in pigeons
using quite different procedures and sensory continua. For
example, Chase (1984) examined an analog of the method of
absolute judgment (identification) using differing levels of
light intensity and Hinson and Lockhead (1986) reported
range effects in a go-no-go discrimination task with flicker
frequency stimuli. Zoeke, Sards, and their colleagues (see
Sards, 1990; Zoeke, Sards, & Hofer, 1990) have observed
both adaptation-level and range effects in chickens using a
choice procedure with size of a wooden box on the floor of
the operant chamber as the stimulus continuum. In one of
their experiments, chickens learned to respond at the left key
when the stimulus was a small box and at the right key when
the stimulus was a larger box. After mastery of this task, the
birds were tested with increasingly larger boxes, and they
gradually shifted their responding, pecking the left key for
box sizes that initially were responded to at the right key.
Thus, boxes that were initially categorized as "large" (i.e.,
appropriate for a response at the right key) were later categorized as "small" when subjects had experienced far larger
boxes during testing. In the Zoeke et al. study, unlike the
central tendency shift study of Giurintano (1972, reported in
Thomas, 1974) all responses were reinforced during generalization testing, which permitted testing over six extended
sessions. The gradual shift in choice responding that was
observed almost certainly has the same underlying basis as
the peak shifts in Experiments 1 and 2 in the present article
(i.e., a shift in adaptation level from its training value, between
the two training stimuli, to a test value more centrally located
in the asymmetrical generalization test series). Although it it
easier to demonstrate relative stimulus encoding in humans
than in animals, it is now clear that this is not an exclusively
human phenomenon.
We concur with Premack's (1978) view that discrimination
learning may be absolute or relative, although we disagree
that the species used is the critical determinant. Clearly further
work will be required to specify what the important determinants are. The contribution of the present experiments is to
demonstrate the power of frame of reference manipulations
in experimental paradigms not typically viewed from a relational perspective.
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This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
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Received May 23, 1990
Revision received August 8, 1990
Accepted August 23, 1990
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