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Sometimes I consider my path to teaching writing unique. After talking with adjunct colleagues, however, I discover I barely stand out. I didn't get a degree in composition and rhetoric before I taught. Instead, I argue, I earned the degree after working in the writing center at one of my schools. The actual degree came later, yes, and through my coursework I found myself nodding in recognition. Much of what my professor taught I practiced without ever realizing it. The classroom remains the place of focus in scripting composition pedagogy, but I believe the writing center acts as the proving grounds.
This latest issue of Praxis comes on the heels of the University of Texas at Austin Undergraduate Writing Center's 20th Anniversary and Symposium. This weekend-long event featured nearly thirty individual and panel presentations from writing center practitioners discussing the changing future of writing centers-technologically, theoretically, pedagogically, administratively, and globally. And although we did not issue a formal call for themed submission this issue, the focus articles and columns here all reflect that changes for writing centers are certainly on the horizon; figuring the ways to merge traditions of the past with practices for the future place writing centers in the U.S. and abroad at a crossroads.
The Writing Center Journal's primary purpose is to publish articles, reviews, and announcements of interest to writing center personnel. We therefore invite manuscripts that explore issues or theories related to writing center dynamics or administration. We are especially interested in theoretical articles and in reports of research related to or conducted in writing centers.
We can no longer confine literacy pedagogy to the realm of language alone, as we need to take into account the role of images and other modes of meaning-making in texts. Nowadays, the tasks set for students’ assignments in higher education often require complex multimodal competencies (Archer 2006). Many assignments use images as evidence, whilst other assignments are predominantly visual in nature, such as posters, storyboards, or assignments that include CD-roms or other media. New technologies also enable a range of possibilities for individuals creating documents, including variety in layout, image, color, typeface, sound. The challenge for writing centers is to train the tutors to utilize these technologies effectively themselves so that they can deal with the changing nature of assignments.
A previous working paper argued, that, to understand basic skills education, it is necessary to observe classrooms to see what the "instructional triangle" involving the instructor, students, and content -is like. This working paper presents the results of observing classes in 13 community colleges. It starts with a conceptualization of instruction, distinguishing behaviorist teaching, constructivist teaching, and hybrid teaching that combines the two (as well as several other dimension of quality), and provides various reasons why hybrid or constructivist teaching is likely to be more effective than behaviorist teaching.
The Writing Center Journal is an official publication of the International Writing Centers Association, which is an Affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of English. WCJ is published twice a year, in the fall/winter and spring/summer. The Writing Center Journal's primary purpose is to publish articles, reviews, and announcements of interest to writing center personnel. We therefore invite manuscripts that explore issues or theories related to writing center dynamics or administration.
ACADEMIC WRITING DEVELOPMENT THROUGH DIALOGUES BETWEEN TUTORS AND SECOND-LANGUAGE LEARNERS by Fábio de Oliveira Coelho This thesis presents an analysis of dialogues between writing tutors and second-language learners in a writing center setting. The analysis includes a discussion about session appropriation by tutors, the validity of addressing sentence-level mistakes during writing conferences, and strategies that tutors may use to make the sessions beneficial to second-language learners. Among the literature covered throughout the study are studies on Educational Psychology, L1 and L2 Composition, and Cognitive Linguistics (Situated Learning). Collected data include measurements of dialogical patterns in the sessions and qualitative data extracted from session recordings and interviews with interlocutors. Study results suggest that a) sentence-level correction should take place during tutoring sessions involving second-language learners at different stages of the writing process, b) tutors should be explicitly trained in strategies to minimize their session ownership and increase tutee participation time, and c) researchers must look beyond interlocutors' talk time when addressing issues of tutor appropriation.
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