Journal of Applied Economics and Business Research
JAEBR, 13(1): 10-25 (2023)
Setting a Uniform Price vs. Discriminatory Prices by a Monopolist
Manuel Salas-Velasco1
University of Granada, Spain
This paper uses both a geometrical and mathematical analysis to explain monopolistic third-degree price
discrimination, and it also shows how price discrimination affects society. A frequent policy question in the literature
on price discrimination is whether to allow third-degree price discrimination or enforce uniform pricing. A key feature
to understanding this issue in the context of imperfectly competitive markets is the impact of price discrimination on
output. The article shows that a monopoly facing downward-sloping linear demands and constant marginal costs will
obtain higher profits under price discrimination than under a single-price strategy, but price discrimination lowers
welfare if the total output does not change. When price discrimination causes total output to increase, then this practice
will have a beneficial effect on overall welfare.
Keywords: price discrimination; monopoly; welfare; microeconomics; industrial organization
JEL code: A22; D04; D21
Copyright © 2023 JAEBR
1. Introduction
This paper focuses on third-degree price discrimination, a material that can supplement any
textbook chapter on monopoly. Third-degree price discrimination is a price strategy that involves
a firm charging different market segments different prices for the same product. Price differences
cannot be explained by the difference in the marginal cost of making the goods available to
different buyers. A monopolistic producer can charge different prices to consumers based on their
willingness to pay. A consumer’s willingness to pay is measured by the price elasticity of demand.
The firm will charge a higher price to consumers with less elastic demand. Although, in principle,
price discrimination is possible for any company whose customers are willing to pay different
prices for a good when the firm knows that there are different segments of the market, typically
this practice is associated in microeconomics and industrial organization with producers that
operate as monopolies in a market. Examples include discount rates on the train for senior citizens,
student discounts on museum tickets, and so on.
Price discrimination is an important and classic topic in any microeconomics course. Students
learn that by charging a different price in different market segments, an unregulated monopolist
can earn higher profits than by charging the same price to all buyers. However, most of the
textbooks explain price discrimination using mainly graphs, and they give only intuitive ideas about
this topic (e.g., Varian, 2003). But students should go beyond graphs to understand the behavior of
the monopolies. This paper uses both a geometrical and mathematical analysis to explain
monopolistic third-degree price discrimination. The article demonstrates that a monopoly facing
Correspondence to Manuel Salas-Velasco, Email:
[email protected]
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ISSN 1927-033X
11 M. Salas-Velasco
downward-sloping linear demands and constant marginal costs will obtain higher profits under
price discrimination than under a single-price strategy.
Most microeconomics textbooks also explain how monopolies determine output and price
and why unregulated monopolies have undesirable outcomes: they produce lower output and
charge a higher price than perfect competitors. This issue is important since students must
understand that because a monopoly produces an inefficient level of production, governments often
try to regulate it or break it up into several firms. However, microeconomics manuals usually
illustrate the aggregate welfare loss due to monopoly power using only graphs. To rectify this
neglect, we compute the deadweight welfare loss of monopoly, an estimate of the social cost of
monopoly. In applied work, calculations are focused mainly on the U.S. economy. The initial
efforts were due to Harberger (1954), who found the deadweight loss from a monopoly in the
manufacturing industry to be equal to (at most) 0.1 percent of GNP. Later, Posner (1975) estimated
the total social costs of monopolies at about 1.8 percent of GNP, and Parker and Connor (1979)
evaluated the consumer loss due to a monopoly in the food-manufacturing industries in the $12 to
$14 billion range. More recently, welfare losses due to imperfect competition can be found in Ritz
The paper also highlights the importance of our analysis for a variety of questions related to
public regulation, such as public policies toward price discrimination. It is a fact that price
discrimination practiced by a monopoly has effects on social welfare. Academic economists are
interested in knowing under what circumstances price discrimination harms welfare, and whether
the prohibition of price discrimination could be justified, and under what other circumstances price
discrimination has positive effects on welfare. Although the relevant economic literature shows
that the welfare implications of price discrimination are ambiguous, the more that price
discrimination results in increased output or indeed opens up new markets, the more probable it is
to have a positive impact on economic welfare (Swedish Competition Authority, 2005). Research
on these issues is very useful not only for governments and competition authorities but also for
competition law experts, mainly in industries such as telecommunications, water and gas delivery,
or public transportation. The previous ideas may give a first criterion that could be used to evaluate
the anti-competitive effects of price discrimination: to favor consumers, price discrimination
should at least increase the total quantity. If discrimination does not increase total amounts, it is
certainly bad from a welfare point of view. Thus, this paper seeks to understand the conditions
under which price discrimination leads to an increase in aggregate output relative to uniform
pricing. The first lesson is that production must increase more in the weak market than it diminishes
in the strong one since each unit is more valued in the latter. The second lesson is that if
discrimination banning leads the monopoly firm to leave the segment of consumers with low
valuation (weak market) in order to serve only high-value consumers (strong market) at a higher
price, then discrimination banning is a bad thing. It leads, in this case, to a reduction in total
quantity, which is certainly disadvantageous for consumers.
The paper comprises six sections, besides this introduction. The second section presents a
literature review. We briefly review the known results on the welfare effects of third-degree price
discrimination. A necessary, but not sufficient, condition for price discrimination to increase static
Marshallian welfare―defined as the sum of consumer and producer surpluses―is that total output
should increase. Section 3 provides a practical example to help readers understand monopoly
pricing behavior: how a monopoly determines the quantity to produce and the price to charge, and
why the monopolist tries to charge different prices to different customers. We consider a
monopolist that faces two separate linear demand curves with the same constant marginal cost in
each sub-market. Next, the article proves that welfare may be higher with third-degree price
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discrimination than with a non-discriminating monopoly if the output is greater with
discrimination. A necessary condition for welfare to rise is that total production must increase.
Price discrimination causes the strong market’s output reduction to be less than the weak market’s
output increase. The penultimate section presents two analyses. A first case study is proposed to
prove that there are situations in which a monopolist that does not discriminate serves only one
sub-market because it gets a greater profit. But allowing price discrimination would encourage the
firm to open a second sub-market, with an increase in welfare (consumer surplus and profit would
increase in the second group). The welfare of the first group would not change. Case 2 shows that
a monopolist that faces different linear demand curves in two sub-markets with the same constant
marginal cost in each sub-market sells the same quantity without and with price discrimination,
and price discrimination lowers total welfare. In this case, it might be warranted to ban price
discrimination. The article finishes with a section of conclusions.
2. Literature Review
The examination of price discrimination has deep roots in economics. According to Ekelund
(1970), the theory of price discrimination and the study of product differentiation were already
present in the works of Jules Dupuit. He was a French economist-engineer of the 19th century who
created a formal analytical frame within which to discuss the effects of discrimination upon prices,
output, and economic welfare, although the scientific treatment was set later by Arthur Pigou and
Joan Robinson. In The Economics of Welfare, Pigou (1920) identified three categories of price
discrimination and assessed their effects: first-degree, second-degree, and third-degree price
discrimination. First-degree price discrimination involves charging every consumer the maximum
amount that s/he is willing to pay for each unit of the economic good (this removes all consumer
surplus). Second-degree price discrimination is the practice of setting two or more prices for a good
depending on the amount purchased. Third-degree price discrimination is the practice of charging
different prices to different consumers for the same good. In third-degree price discrimination, a
producer identifies separable market segments, each of which has its own demand for its product.
The firm then sets a price for each segment in accordance with that segment's demand elasticity.
The typical analysis of third-degree price discrimination involves action by a monopolist to
increase profits by dividing the market so that each class of consumers pays a price closer to the
buyers' reservation prices―the maximum price the buyer is willing to pay (Gifford & Kudrle,
2010). In this regard, Carroll and Coates (1999) identified three necessary market conditions for
companies that wish to employ price discrimination. First, the consumers should experience
heterogeneous utilities from the good, and therefore they should have different price elasticities of
demand. Through price discrimination, producers can extract consumer surplus and hence raise
their profits. When customers have different valuations for the product or when there are different
groups of customers with identifiable sensitivity to prices (e.g., price elasticity), price
discrimination allows the firm to exploit these differences to increase profits. The degree to which
producers can extract consumer surplus will depend on the information available on consumer
preferences. The extreme case is first-degree price discrimination, in which the company knows
the preferences of each customer and can extract the entire consumer surplus. The finer the
information, the finer the pricing strategies that can be implemented, and the larger the scope for
extracting consumer surplus. In many situations, it is intuitive that when a firm is allowed to engage
in price discrimination, some of its prices will fall while others will rise. That is to say, the nondiscriminatory price is some “average” of the discriminatory prices. Second, the firm must have
some market power. The term “market power” is central to considerations about price
discrimination. Lerner (1934) offered the first measurement of monopoly power which focused
attention on the shared characteristic of producers in imperfect competition: monopoly power is
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some power over price. Lerner (1934) employed the term monopoly power, to refer to all situations
in which price exceeds marginal cost. Third, the firm must be able to control the sale of its products;
the producer must separate customers into distinct markets and prevent the reselling of the product
from customers in one market to clients in another market.
The treatment of price discrimination raises rather problematic topics, and the economic
analysis of the effects of price discrimination does not offer general and straightforward
conclusions (Ikeda & Toshimitsu, 2010). Since Pigou’s (1920) seminal work, the central question
in the analysis of third-degree price discrimination has been about its welfare effects. The
traditional study of the welfare effects of price discrimination focuses on the impact of
discrimination on total output. The influence on social welfare of third-degree price discrimination
was first examined by Robinson (1933). In particular, price discrimination necessarily decreases
social welfare if demands are linear because aggregate output remains constant. Schmalensee
(1981) reexamined this question and presented several new results. In particular, he noted that a
necessary condition for price discrimination to increase social welfare―defined as consumer
surplus plus producer surplus―is that output must increase.
An analysis of the determinants of the course of output when several markets with nonlinear
demand curves can be served both before and after discrimination is Robinson's unique
contribution to the pure theory of discrimination, and neither Dupuit nor Pigou (Ekelund, 1970).
Robinson (1933) concluded that when a monopolist price discriminates, whether aggregate output
increases depends on the relative curvature of the segmented demand curves. Specifically, in the
case of two segments, if the “adjusted concavity” of the more elastic market is greater than the
adjusted concavity of the less elastic market at a uniform price, then output increases with price
discrimination; when the reverse is true, aggregate output decreases. In her study of third-degree
price discrimination under monopoly, Robinson (1933) characterized a monopolist’s two markets
as “strong” and “weak.” By definition, a price-discriminating monopolist sets the higher price in
the strong market and the lower price in the weak market. When a market segment has linear
demand, the adjusted concavity is zero. It follows that when demand curves are linear—providing
all markets are served—price discrimination has no effect on aggregate output (Stole, 2007). As
we said before, Schmalensee (1981) showed that if demands for the products are independent and
marginal costs are constant, then if welfare increases with discrimination, the total output must
increase. Varian (1985) extended this argument as well to allow for cross-price effects.
Although using a simple model of third-degree price discrimination, assuming two
independent linear demands, Kwon (2006) derived the probability that price discrimination
improves social welfare, price discrimination has a negative reallocation effect. This can only be
overcome if the quantity effect is positive, that is, if price discrimination induces a higher output.
Aguirre et al. (2010) found sufficient conditions—based on the curvatures of direct and inverse
demand functions—for third-degree price discrimination to increase (or decrease) social welfare.
The main results showed that the output effect is stronger than the misallocation effect. Price
discrimination raises social welfare when inverse demand in the weak market is more convex than
that in the strong market and the price difference with discrimination is small, and discrimination
decreases welfare when the direct demand function is more convex in the high-price market. Later,
Cowan (2012) showed that total consumer surplus is higher with discrimination if the ratio of passthrough to the price elasticity (at the uniform price) is the same or larger in the weak market. As an
application, the paper shows that discrimination always rises surplus for logit demand functions
whose pass-through rates exceed 0.5 (thus demand is convex). The author notes that an increase in
consumer surplus ensures an increase in social welfare, given that price discrimination increases
profits. Consequently, with this demand family, results are different from those under linear
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demand: the output effect always dominates the misallocation effect for logit demand functions,
with pass-through rates exceeding 0.5.
The results above assume that all markets have positive demand under both price
discrimination and uniform pricing. This supposition may fail to hold. The uniform pricing firm
may earn its highest profit at a price that excludes demand from low-reservation-price users. When
new markets may open, then price discrimination can lead to Pareto-welfare improvements
(Hausman & Mackie-Mason, 1988). Further, and quite important for a new product, declining
marginal costs from scale and learning economies may be possible with increasing output
(Hausman & Mackie-Mason, 1988).
We can conclude this section by saying that a monopolist is almost always better off when it
can price discriminate, but a recurring policy question in the literature on price discrimination is
whether to allow third-degree price discrimination or enforce uniform pricing. From the viewpoint
of society, it is impossible to say a priori whether price discrimination is desirable or not. The
welfare and efficiency consequences of price discrimination by a monopoly in comparison to
simple uniform monopoly pricing are ambiguous (Schmalensee, 1981). Price discrimination could
increase or reduce efficiency compared to uniform pricing depending on the shapes of the
underlying demands for the services as well as the attributes of the firm’s cost function. A key
ingredient to understanding this question in the context of imperfectly competitive markets is the
impact of price discrimination on output. Ideally, then, policy towards price discrimination should
be founded on a good economic understanding of the market in question. Since it is impractical to
require competition bodies to have a good economic understanding of all markets, some broad rules
of thumb are needed. If all markets are served with uniform pricing, demand functions are linear,
and the marginal cost is constant, then total welfare is lower with price discrimination than with
uniform pricing. This is because total production is the same in both cases. Therefore, an increase
in aggregate output is a necessary condition for price discrimination to increase welfare. Pigou
(1920) and Robinson (1933) gave early proof of this result. Schmalensee (1981), Varian (1985),
Schwartz (1990), Layson (1998), Ikeda and Nariu (2009), and Bergemann et al. (2015), among
others, have also analyzed these welfare effects with varying degrees of generality.
3. Materials and Methods
Let’s consider a monopoly that sells a good in two sub-markets, 1 and 2, which have
independent consumer demands. The firm faces the following downward-sloping linear demands
for its product
𝑝1 = 300 − 𝑞1
𝑝2 = 180 − 𝑞2
If the cost function is given by TC = 40𝑄, should the monopoly charge a uniform price or
discriminate? We suppose that the consumers in each sub-market are not able to resell the good.
3.1 A Non-Discriminating Monopolist
If the demands for the good in each sub-market are independent, the market demand is equal
to the sum of the individual demand functions for the good. But when we aggregate the demand
for a good over several independent groups of sub-markets, we must be cautious to take into
account the fact that the quantity demanded may be nil in one group. It is particularly the case for
linear demand functions. When we aggregate independent demand curves to build a market demand
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curve, the latter will always have at least one kink if the demand curves of each sub-market are
linear in price with different “reservation prices.”
Let us first express the direct demand functions as a function of only one price, p
𝑞1 = 300 − 𝑝
𝑞2 = 180 − 𝑝
The demand for the market is given by Q(p) = q1(p) + q2(p). We cannot just add the two
demand functions together, though, because the type 2 demand will be negative for certain prices
that create positive demand from type 1 customers. Thus, the market demand is given by (3)
𝑄 = 300 − 𝑝
𝑄 = 480 − 2𝑝
𝑖𝑓 180 ≤ 𝑝 ≤ 300
𝑖𝑓 0 ≤ 𝑝 < 180
The direct demand function for the market (3) characterizes the quantity of the good that the
firm can expect to sell in the market if it charges any particular price p.
We now have the inverse demand function for the market (4). We note that the total demand
curve has a kink at Q = 120
𝑝 = 300 − 𝑄
𝑝 = 240 −
𝑖𝑓 0 ≤ 𝑄 ≤ 120
𝑖𝑓 𝑄 > 120
Total revenue (price • quantity) is given by (5)
𝑇𝑅 = 300𝑄 − 𝑄 2
𝑇𝑅 = 240𝑄 −
𝑖𝑓 0 ≤ 𝑄 ≤ 120
𝑖𝑓 𝑄 > 120
The marginal revenue equations are given by
𝑀𝑅 = 300 − 2𝑄
𝑀𝑅 = 240 − 𝑄
𝑖𝑓 0 ≤ 𝑄 ≤ 120
𝑖𝑓 𝑄 > 120
The monopolist, like any other firm, sets MR = MC, marginal revenue equals marginal cost
(= $40), to determine the optimal quantity to produce (Q* = 200)
40 = 300 − 2𝑄; 𝑄 = 130 (out of the interval)
40 = 240 − 𝑄; 𝑄 ∗ = 200 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠 (solution)
Now, we compute the price charged by a single-price monopolist: 𝑝 = 240 −
200⁄2; 𝑝∗ = $140.
In Figure 1, the profit-maximizing Q* is found at the intersection of the marginal cost curve
MC and the marginal revenue curve MRM. A profit-maximizing monopolist would produce an
output of 200 units; the equilibrium E occurs in the area of demand where both sub-markets are
served. Given the optimal total production Q*, the monopolist chooses the price, which is the height
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of the demand curve. The uniform price p*m is the profit-maximizing price when all markets are
charged the same price. A single price of $140 is charged to all consumers.
Finally, we compute the firm’s profit π (total revenue minus total costs)
𝜋 = (𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 ⋅ 𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑦) − 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑠
𝜋 = 140(200) − 40(200) = 28000 − 8000
= $20,000
Replacing the values for p and Q into the profit equation, we find
3.2 A Two-Price Discriminating Monopolist
Figure 1 also shows third-degree price discrimination. With price discrimination, the market
is divided into two segments (groups or sub-markets). The curves labeled D1 and MR1 represent
the demand and marginal revenue, respectively, for group 1 consumers. This demand curve is
relatively vertical; it’s less elastic. Likewise, the curves labeled D2 and MR2 represent the demand
and marginal revenue, respectively, for group 2 consumers. Group 2’s flatter demand curve
indicates a more elastic demand. The marginal cost is constant and labeled MC. The profitmaximizing quantity for each sub-market corresponds to the output where the group’s marginal
revenue equals marginal cost. Since MC must equal MR1 and MR2, we can draw a horizontal line
leftwards from the intersection in E to find the profit-maximizing quantities 𝑞1∗ and 𝑞2∗ (Weber &
Pasche, 2008; Salas-Velasco, 2021). From the demand curve in each sub-market, we can determine
the profit-maximizing prices 𝑝1∗ and 𝑝2∗ as well. Hence, the sub-market with the more elastic
demand―the market that is more price sensitive―is charged the lower price.
Sub-market 1
Sub-market 2
300 0
200 0
Figure 1. Monopoly Power and Firm Pricing Decisions
Figure 1 shows a geometrical analysis of a uniform price vs. third-degree price discrimination
by a profit-maximizing monopoly. Heterogeneity between buyers comes from their willingness to
pay; group 1 has a higher willingness to pay than group 2. If the firm is allowed to discriminate, it
will charge two different prices, 𝑝1∗ and 𝑝2∗ , to consumers characterized by a high and low
willingness to pay, respectively. When the firm is not allowed to discriminate (that is, under a
uniform price regime), it will charge a single price of 𝑝m
to both classes of consumers. Total output
remains unchanged during this process (= 200 units). Joan Robinson (1933) already demonstrated
that a monopolist's output remains constant with linear demand curves, whether or not the
monopolist discriminates.
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The pricing decision of the discriminating monopoly is demonstrated in Table 1. Under thirddegree price discrimination, the firm can charge different prices to consumers belonging to
different groups or sub-markets (1 and 2). The inverse demand function for type 1 buyers is p1 =
300 − q1 with a corresponding marginal revenue of MR1 = 300 − 2q1. The inverse demand function
for type 2 buyers is p2 = 180 − q2, generating a marginal revenue of MR2 = 180 − 2q2. The
monopolist chooses quantities in each consumer group such that the marginal revenue in each submarket is equal to the marginal cost: MR1 = MR2 = MC. Equating the marginal revenue with the
marginal cost of $40, we can solve for 𝑞1∗ = 130 and 𝑞2∗ = 70. The price charged for type 1 consumers
is 𝑝1∗ = 170, and the corresponding price for type 2 customers is 𝑝2∗ = 110.
Moving from non-discrimination to price discrimination raises the firm's profits. The
monopolist’s profit function is now given by
𝜋 𝑑 = 170(130) + 110(70) − 40(200) = 29800 − 8000 = $21,800
Table 1. Two Different Segments, Two Different Prices: How Does the Monopolist Determine the Optimal Prices
to Charge in Each Sub-Market?
Sub-market 1
Sub-market 2
𝑇𝑅1 = 300𝑞1 − 𝑞12 ; 𝑀𝑅1 = 300 − 2𝑞1
𝑇𝑅2 = 180𝑞2 − 𝑞22 ; 𝑀𝑅2 = 180 − 2𝑞2
𝑝1 = 300 − 𝑞1 ; 𝑝1∗ = $170
𝑝2 = 180 − 𝑞2 ; 𝑝2∗ = $110
40 = 300 − 2𝑞1 ; 𝑞1∗ = 130 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠
40 = 180 − 2𝑞2 ; 𝑞2∗ = 70 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠
Table 1 shows the behavior of a monopoly that is practicing third-degree price
discrimination. The total output Q* of 200 units must be divided between the two sub-markets so
that MC is equal to MR in each segment. Thus, in sub-market 1, 130 units will be sold at $170
each, and in sub-market 2, 70 units will be sold at $110 each. Discriminatory prices 𝑝1∗ and 𝑝2∗ are
profit-maximizing prices.
The monopolist’s profit under third-degree price discrimination is greater than the nondiscriminating monopolist’s profit. Total output remains unchanged during this process (= 200
units), and total costs do not change. The profit gain from price discrimination (= $1,800) is, in
fact, the additional revenue from increased sales to group 2 minus the revenue forgone from
reduced sales to group 1―total revenue increases thanks to the reallocation of 30 units. The output
in sub-market 1 decreases by 30 units under price discrimination (from 160 to 130 units), while the
output in sub-market 2 increases by 30 units (from 40 to 70 units).
𝜋 = {140 ⋅ 160 + 140 ⋅ 40} − 40(200) = (22400 + 5600) − 8000 = 28000 − 8000
= $20,000
𝜋 𝑑 = {170 ⋅ 130 + 110 ⋅ 70} − 40(200) = (22100 + 7700) − 8000 = 29800 − 8000
= $21,800
3.3 Inverse Elasticity Rule for Third-Degree Price Discrimination
The classic theory of third-degree price discrimination by a monopolist selling to several
separate markets is straightforward: a higher price (p1) is charged to the low elasticity group, and
a lower price (p2) is charged to the high elasticity group. This result is intuitive: consumers with
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less elastic demand are less price-sensitive, and it is optimal for the monopolist to charge them
more. This result can be shown rigorously by expressing the profit-maximizing condition in the
following formula at the optimum (here ε is the absolute value of the price elasticity of demand)
𝑝1 (1 − ) = 𝑝2 (1 − ) ; or
𝑝1 1 − 𝜀2
𝑝2 1 − 1
where sub-market 1 has a price elasticity of demand of ε1 and sub-market 2 of ε2, respectively.
It is very beneficial for the price discriminator to determine the optimum prices in each market
segment by using this formula. If the demand in sub-market 2 is more elastic than in sub-market 1,
then the price will be lower in sub-market 2.
Table 2 shows algebraically that the sub-market with the lower price elasticity of demand
will be charged the higher price. The discriminating monopolist would charge a high price in submarket 1 (the strong market) and a low price in sub-market 2 (the weak market). Consumers in submarket 1 have a high willingness to pay, and consumers in sub-market 2 have a low willingness to
pay. In general, the implication of this is that if firms can practice third-degree price discrimination
across markets, they should charge higher prices in markets where elasticity is low and lower prices
in markets with high elasticities. If all consumers valued the good equally, there would be no
rationale for the firm to offer different prices to different customers. The extent to which the firm
has accurate information about the differences in consumer preferences determines the degree of
price discrimination that the firm can employ.
Table 2. Optimal Third-Degree Price Discrimination
Sub-market 1
Sub-market 2
𝑞1 = 300 − 𝑝1
𝑞2 = 180 − 𝑝2
𝑞1 = 130; 𝑝1 = 170
170 17
𝑑𝑞 𝑝
= −(−1)
(= 1.31)
130 13
𝑑𝑝 𝑞
170 (1 −
𝑞2 = 70; 𝑝2 = 110
110 11
𝑑𝑞 𝑝
= −(−1)
(= 1.57)
𝑑𝑝 𝑞
) ≡ 110 (1 − ) ≡ 𝑀𝐶 𝑜𝑓 $40.00
Since 𝜀1 < 𝜀2 , at the optimum 𝑝1∗ > 𝑝2∗
A discriminatory pricing monopoly charges consumers in different groups different unit
prices. Some buyers in the market will almost certainly be prepared to pay a higher price for a
product than other buyers. Table 2 shows that if there were only two separate sub-markets, the
higher price would be charged in the segment with the less elastic demand curve. By charging
a different price in the two segments, the monopolist can earn higher profits than it would if it
charged the same price of $140.
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4. The Welfare Economics of Monopoly
4.1 The Social Cost of Monopoly Without Price Discrimination
A perfectly competitive industry operates at a point where price equals marginal cost, while
an industry under monopoly operates where the price is greater than marginal cost, as depicted in
Figure 2. In general, the price will be higher and the quantity lower if a firm behaves
monopolistically rather than competitively. For this reason, buyers will typically be worse off in
an industry organized as a monopoly than in one organized competitively.
In the following lines, much is made of the relationship between aggregate output and
welfare. Because the monopolist operates at an inefficient level of production, there is a deadweight
loss, which represents a true decrease in welfare. Economic well-being can be measured as the sum
of consumer surplus and producer surplus. It measures the excess value generated for all
participants in this market by market activity. Deadweight loss occurs in the economy when total
welfare is not maximized.
There is a straightforward equation for the deadweight loss due to monopoly (DWL) or
welfare loss (triangle in Figure 2)
(𝑝 − 𝑀𝐶)(𝑄𝑝𝑐 − 𝑄 )
In Table 3, we compute the social cost of the non-discriminating monopoly used in our
previous example. Deadweight loss can be quantified as the loss of total welfare due to monopoly
pricing, which is equal to $10,000.
Table 3. Deadweight Loss Due to Monopoly
𝑝 = 𝑀𝐶; 240 −
= 40; 200 = ; 𝑄𝑝𝑐 = 400 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠
(140 − 40)(400 − 200)
= $10,000
Table 3 shows the estimation of the deadweight loss due to monopoly. Assessing the
welfare loss due to monopoly pricing is essentially an estimate of the triangle AEM in Figure
2 (the shaded triangular area displays the inefficiency of monopoly). We first consider a
competitive market as a benchmark for maximum social welfare.
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ISSN 1927-033X
Setting a Uniform Price vs. Discriminatory Prices by a Monopolist 20
Deadweight loss,
Demand, D
Output, Q
Figure 2. A Way to Measure the Total Loss in Efficiency Due to a Monopoly
Figure 2 shows that firms in a perfectly competitive market will produce at point E, the
intersection of the market demand and marginal cost curves. However, the monopolist will
produce at point M, the intersection of marginal cost and marginal revenue curves. In a
competitive market, therefore, the price will be lower (ppc) and the quantity produced greater
(Qpc) than under a monopoly. From an economic point of view, there is an efficiency loss
caused by going from perfect competition to monopoly. The deadweight welfare loss due to
monopoly is the triangle AEM, and the rectangle pmAMppc describes the redistribution from
consumers to the monopolist. The deadweight loss increases as the demand curve becomes less
elastic at monopoly equilibrium (Carlton & Perloff, 2005).
4.2 Third-Degree Price Discrimination and the Welfare Cost of Monopoly
What are the welfare effects when a monopolist practices third-degree price discrimination
rather than setting a uniform price in all sub-markets? Even in the simplest two-market case of
linear demand, one should be able to determine when price discrimination is likely to be welfare
augmenting or decreasing. When demand curves are linear and the marginal cost is constant,
providing all markets are served, price discrimination has no effect on aggregate output, and it will
cause welfare to fall. In our example, the welfare loss from price discrimination could be calculated
as follows
𝐷𝑊𝐿1 =
(170 − 40)(260 − 130)
= $8,450
(110 − 40)(140 − 70)
𝐷𝑊𝐿2 =
= $2,450
In (14), 260 and 140 would be the quantities produced if each sub-market, respectively, if
they were perfectly competitive (price = marginal cost).
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21 M. Salas-Velasco
As an alternative way to do this, we can use the formula for calculating a triangle suggested
in Hotelling (1938) and that we borrow from Rhoades (1982)
𝑊𝑖 =
1 2 1
𝜋 𝑖
𝑇𝑅𝑖 𝑖
𝑊1 =
(170 ⋅ 130 − 40 ⋅ 130)2
= 8450
(170 ⋅ 130) 13
where: 𝑊𝑖 = welfare loss in the ith market; 𝜋 𝑖 = monopoly profits in the ith market; TRi =
total revenue in the ith market; and 𝜀𝑖 = price elasticity of demand in the ith market. Thus
= 2450
𝑊2 = (110 ⋅ 70 − 40 ⋅ 70)2
(110 ⋅ 70) 7
The total welfare loss under price discrimination is $10,900. Thus, monopolistic third-degree
price discrimination increases welfare loss by $900. It means that social welfare is even lower
under third-degree price discrimination than under single-price monopoly market conditions. That
is the case when the output does not change under third-degree price discrimination.
Assuming profit maximization and linear demands, the relationship between the profit gain
from price discrimination (∆π) and the welfare loss change (∆DWL) is given by (Cowling & Mueller,
∆𝐷𝑊𝐿 =
900 ≡ (1,800)
The welfare loss change comes from the transfer of units of product from group 1, which
values the good more highly, to group 2, which values the product less highly. Consumers in submarket 1 put a very high value on the good, and they are better off under single-price monopoly
(consumer surplus = $12,800) than under price discrimination (consumer surplus = $8,450); there
is a reduction of $4,350 in consumer surplus. In contrast, consumers with lower reservation prices
(sub-market 2) purchase 40 units from the single-price monopoly (consumer surplus = $800) and
70 units from the price-discriminating monopoly (consumer surplus = $2,450); there is an increase
of $1,650 in consumer surplus. Therefore, there is a consumer welfare loss of $2,700 (1,650 –
4,350). The increase in producer surplus is $1,800 (∆π). The net reduction in welfare under price
discrimination is $900 (2,700 – 1,800), or an estimate of the increase in the inefficiency of
monopoly under price discrimination.
5. Can Price Discrimination Lead to Welfare Gains?
Third-degree price discrimination might not necessarily result in a welfare loss when
compared with a single-price monopoly. It is possible, however, that price discrimination may lead
to a welfare gain over a common monopoly, although it may not yield the socially-optimal amount.
Price discrimination in these kinds of cases is desirable because it comes closer to the social
optimum than a single-price monopoly does.
To illustrate this idea, let us solve the following optimization problem
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Setting a Uniform Price vs. Discriminatory Prices by a Monopolist 22
𝑠. 𝑡.
(𝑝1 − 40)(260 − 𝑞1 ) (𝑝2 − 40)(140 − 𝑞2 )
= 9000
𝑝1 (1 − 𝑝 ) = 𝑝2 (1 − 𝑝 )
𝑞1 = 300 − 𝑝1
𝑞2 = 180 − 𝑝2
𝑞1 , 𝑞2 , 𝑝1 , 𝑝2 ≥ 0
Compared to Table 3, in (18), we have considered a reduction in the deadweight loss of
$1,000 (or an increase in the social welfare of $1,000), establishing a value of 9,000 in the objective
function. Using Solver in Excel, we get the following solutions: 𝑞1 = 140; 𝑞2 = 80; 𝑝1 = 160; 𝑝2 =
These solutions show that a necessary condition for deadweight loss to be reduced is that
total output increases. Now, the total output is 220 units. Price discrimination causes the strong
market’s output reduction to be less than the weak market’s output increase (–20 units vs. +40
units). Accordingly, aggregate output rises by 20 units. Since the reduction in quantity in the strong
market is sufficiently small relative to the weak market, welfare rises. The welfare gain is $1,000,
and the economic profit is still higher ($21,600). Compare the results in Table 3 and expression
From our results, one sees that there is scope for intervention by the regulator, even if s/he
has incomplete information. The level of total output can be a useful measure of market
performance, and the regulator can use changes in total output to evaluate welfare-maximizing
policies (Katz, 1983). Our result is coherent with previous works. Professor Schmalensee (1981)
demonstrated that output expansion is only a necessary but not sufficient condition for welfare
6. Case Studies and Theory
6.1 First Case
Q. If the monopoly of the previous sections had a total cost function of TC = 100Q, should
the regulator (governmental authority) allow or not third-degree price discrimination? Let us use
the same inverse demand curves for both groups.
A. The previous analysis assumed that the same sub-markets are served without and with
price discrimination. This may not be true. If price discrimination is not allowed, now only the first
sub-market would be served with a uniform price of $200. That would imply selling 100 units and
making a profit of $10,000. In this situation, however, it would be desirable to allow price
discrimination in order for the firm to reach the second group of consumers as well. Third-degree
price discrimination enhances not only the firm’s profit but also the total consumer surplus. In fact,
the opening of a new sub-market creates a consumer surplus of $800 and a profit of $1,600 in submarket 2; as a result, price discrimination increases welfare by $2,400. Welfare in sub-market 1 is
unaffected (price and quantity don’t change). The total output Q* would increase to 140 units.
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ISSN 1927-033X
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6.2 Second Case
Q. In a small town, there is only a movie theater whose owner doubts charging a single price
per admission or charging different prices to adolescents (group 1) and adults (group 2), with the
respective demand functions
𝑞1 = 225 − 50𝑝1
𝑞2 = 105 − 10𝑝2
If the total cost function is TC = 0.5Q, what decision should the owner take if his or her goal
is profit maximization?
A. If price discrimination is allowed and the firm can prevent the resale of admission tickets
between the two groups, the owner should discriminate prices charging teenagers $2.50 per person
and $5.50 per adult. The profit per time period is $450, which is greater than $375 of profit charging
the same price of $3 to all customers (both groups). This case shows that a monopolist that faces
two different linear demand curves in two sub-markets with the same constant marginal cost in
each sub-market sells the same output without and with price discrimination, and price
discrimination lowers total welfare. In this case, 150 movie tickets were sold, resulting in a
reduction of welfare by $37.5.
7. Conclusion
Third-degree price discrimination is the practice of charging different prices to two or more
different buying groups for the same good. To engage in third-degree price discrimination, the firm
first must have market power (the ability to charge prices above marginal cost). Second, the
producer must be able to separate customers into distinct markets (groups of consumers with
different price elasticities of demand). And, third, the firm must prevent the reselling of the product
from customers in one market to customers in another market (arbitrage). In this article, we have
seen that third-degree price discrimination enhances the firm’s profit. The firm would charge two
different prices, high and low, to consumers characterized by a high and low willingness to pay,
respectively. However, if the firm is not allowed to discriminate (that is, under a uniform price
regime), it would charge a single price to both classes of consumers.
This paper also shows that when an unregulated monopolist attempts to maximize profits, it
results in a misallocation of resources. We have used a deadweight loss measure of this
inefficiency. The welfare loss from a monopoly arises because of the lower output and higher prices
under a monopoly. The monopoly output is lower than the perfectly competitive output. The
monopoly price is higher than the perfectly competitive price. In addition, the paper proves that
when demand curves are linear and the marginal cost is constant (providing all markets are served),
price discrimination has no effect on aggregate output and causes welfare to fall. Robinson (1933)
was perhaps one of the first economists to study the effect of discrimination on total output. Since
her work, it has been well known that when all sub-markets are served under uniform pricing, price
discrimination must decrease social welfare unless aggregate output increases. However, the
problem with the output test is that it does not always produce conclusive results (Cowan, 2007).
The implications of price discrimination shown in this paper cannot be generalized. Our
discussion and review allow for policy recommendations regarding the treatment of price
discrimination. There is no justification for public policies that prohibit price discrimination in
general since the welfare effects of price discrimination are ambiguous. Moreover, this paper does
not provide the whole story about the effects of third-degree price discrimination. We have
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ISSN 1927-033X
Setting a Uniform Price vs. Discriminatory Prices by a Monopolist 24
discussed the desirability of price discrimination from the point of view of the efficiency criterion.
Nonetheless, price discrimination may be socially justified on the grounds of equity. Under price
discrimination, when the price is raised for the “rich” and lowered for the “poor,” it has a
redistributive outcome; the poor are benefited at the expense of the rich. The essence of the
regulator’s problem lies in the information structure of the environment.
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ISSN 1927-033X