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1992, The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
11 pages
1 file
It’s easy to make a rhetorical case for the value of journalism. Because, it is a necessary precondition for democracy; it speaks to the people and for the people; it informs citizens and enables them to make rational decisions; it functions as their watchdog on government and other powers that be… But does rehashing such familiar rationales bring journalism studies forward? Does it contribute to ongoing discussions surrounding journalism’s viability going forth? For all their seeming self-evidence, this book considers what bearing these old platitudes have in the new digital era. It asks whether such hopeful talk really reflects the concrete roles journalism now performs for people in their everyday lives. In essence, it poses questions that strike at the core of the idea of journalism itself. Is there a singular journalism that has one well-defined role in society? Is its public mandate as strong as we think? The internationally renowned scholars comprising the collection address these recurring concerns that have long defined the profession and which journalism faces even more acutely today. By discussing what journalism was, is and (possibly) will be, this book highlights key contemporary areas of debate and tackles ongoing anxieties about journalism’s future.
Environmental Technology & Science Journal, 2018
Adoption of Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a major issue of discuss among professionals concerned within the construction industry and built environment in various countries of the world. BIM represents the development and use of computer-generated n-dimensional (n-D) models to simulate the planning, design, construction and operation of a facility and it presents a paradigm shift and upturn of construction process from the traditional mode. This study assessed the adoption level of BIM by the selected professionals in the built environment. One hundred and thirty-six (136) questionnaires were administered to practising Architects, Builders, Civil Engineers, Estate Surveyors and Quantity Surveyors in Kwara-State. Data obtained from the survey were analysed using descriptive analysis (Graphs, Relative Importance Index, Mean Item Score). 40% of the respondents were familiar with the BIM concept, 77% of the respondents agreed that BIM is necessary for their profession, and there is a high level of anticipated use of BIM both for their professional activities and on building projects. Few Studies on BIM and lack of requisite knowledge served as the major deterrent to BIM adoption. The study recommended that BIM should be incorporated in the curricula of all Tertiary Institutions providing training in undergraduate programmes in built environment and also by incorporating a short term BIM training for professionals. The study provides a detailed report on the awareness, perception and disposition as well as the adoption level of BIM in Kwara-State which can be generalized for the country.
Harp Tarihi Dergisi, 2024
Bu çalışmada Kanûnî Sultan Süleyman’ın 1548-1549 İran Seferi’nin menzilleri, sefer dönemini ihtiva eden rûznâmçe defterindeki verilere göre değerlendirilecektir. Söz konusu seferin güzergahı ve ordunun konakladığı menziller bazı çalışmalara konu olmuştur. Ancak bu çalışmalarda kullanılan kaynaklarda, ordunun konakladığı menzillerin tamamının yer almadığı görülmektedir. Osmanlı Arşivi’ndeki tasnif çalışmalarında yeni ortaya çıkan ve 1548-1549 İran Seferi’ni kapsayan rûznâmçe defterinde, ordunun konakladığı menziller ve konaklama tarihlerine dair diğer kaynaklardaki eksik bilgileri tamamlayan bilgiler mevcuttur. Bu anlamda rûznâmçe defterinde yer alan ilgili bilgiler, seferin güzergâh ve menzil bilgilerini içeren diğer kaynaklarla mukayese edilerek değerlendirilecektir.
Rezension zu: Mario Torelli (Hrsg.) (in Zusammenarbeit mit C. Masseria/M. Menichetti/M. Fabbri), Atlante dei siti archeologici della Toscana. Biblioteca di studi e materiali, Band 1. L’Erma di Bretschneider, Florenz/ Rom 1992. 2 Bande, 590 Seiten, 28 Tafeln in einer Mappe.
A qualitative but formalized representation of microstates is first established quite independently of the quantum mechanical mathematical formalism, exclusively under epistemological-operational-methodological constraints. Then, using this representation as a reference-and-imbedding-structure, the foundations of an intelligible reconstruction of the Hilbert-Dirac formulation of Quantum Mechanics is developed. Inside this reconstruction the measurement problem as well as the other major problems raised by the quantum mechanical formalism, dissolve. This is the 4th and definitive version appearing in arXiv:1310:1728v3 and in arXiv:1506.00431
Ingeniería Naval, 1991
Estudio sobre el viaje de Juan de Fuca en el siglo XVi para descubrir un estrecho que comunicara el océano Atlántico con el océano Pacífico por el norte del continente americano.
New Media Academy, 2021
This report is the ninth in an annual series of publications, dating back to 2012, showcasing the latest developments in social media across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. This year’s study is produced in partnership with the New Media Academy. The New Media Academy was inaugurated in June 2020, by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President and Prime Minister, and ruler of Dubai, to work within the space of development, with a focus on harnessing opportunities in the digital space. Using a broad range of industry, academic and media sources, we dive into the trends - and biggest stories - which shaped MENA’s relationship with social media during the past year. Not surprisingly, this study is heavily influenced by the impact of COVID-19. The novel coronavirus impacted on everyone’s lives around the world, including the Middle East. One by-product of the pandemic could be seen in our changing media habits. Social media usage - across all platforms - increased during the early stages of the outbreak. More widely, given the importance of social media in our media diets, platforms, industry and governments alike sought to use these networks to promote public health messages, as well as counter misinformation related to the COVID crisis. Alongside these developments, we have also seen continued investment in content on social media platforms - especially during Ramadan - and growing partnerships between traditional media players and social media channels and influencers. These developments reflect the popularity of high quality digital content consumed on social media, and a desire to reach audiences on these platforms, or bring existing social audiences onto other networks. We expect that this synergy will only rise, not least because many media habits developed during the pandemic may well continue post-COVID. As a result, social networks will become an increasingly important source for talent spotting, as well as a key avenue for content and information consumption. This trend, as we outline at the end of this report, matters for brands, creators and influencers, as well as governments and other public entities. Social media is already an important part of digital media habits and digital marketing strategies. In 2021, that importance looks set to continue and grow even further.
IJCSMC, 2019
Web services are becoming a common and convenient means of doing business over the Internet. More-and-more web services are kept on arriving over the Internet, offering the same set of services to the end users. The availability of similar web services increases the complexity of discovery as well as the selection process of web services. The traditional way of discovery of web service involves keyword based searching followed by manual selection. The keyword based search is not efficient. In this paper, we have used an improved mechanism for web service selection based on biorhythm, age, time of attendance and origin society of the user. As interest in website owners arises not only to keep their customers but also increase them to get more income. By att racting customers more than any other competitors the chance to be the winner in this competition arises. Improving in business has number of rules which sellers should obey. The business rules such as negotiation, body language, time management, and selling strategy have been completely discussed in M.B.A And D.B.A courses. At the same time, for websites there is not that much information. In this study we are going to introduce new rules for websites to act more attractive. Company managers before any negot iation, should choose the best negotiator. This duty has different step. Important step is that the negotiators should be studied different courses related to strategy of negotiation. Second step is to realize biorhythm, not only for the company speakers but also for the other side as well. Now a day's websites are an important negotiator for any companies.
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IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 1992
Asian Economic and Financial Review, 2023
Edu Cendikia: Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan
Premiere Educandum : Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar dan Pembelajaran, 2021
Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022), Critical Thinking for Directors and Boards, Director Today, Vol. VIII Issue XI, November, pp 9-15, 2022
International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2020
Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi/The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology, 2013
Journal of Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 2009
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2008
Journal of Nursing Measurement, 2006
Proc. World Congr. Neural Networks, 1995