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IMC Journal of Medical Science
Review Article
Probiotics in gastroenteritis in children: A systematic review
Elizabeth A.K. Jones, Amal K. Mitra , Anamika Bisht, Precious Patrick Edet, Faith Iseguede, Ebele Okoye
Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS, USA
Background and objectives: Gastroenteritis is the second leading cause of death among
children worldwide. It is a preventable and treatable disease, yet it affects 3 to 5 million
children and is the cause of approximately 10% of hospitalizations globally. This systematic
review aims to identify the effectiveness of probiotics in treating acute gastroenteritis in
children globally and also to provide results of quality research to healthcare-related
communities about possible therapies of the condition.
Methods: This study follows the PRISMA guidelines for systematic reviews of 29 quantitative
studies conducted between 2014-2023. A quality appraisal of the selected studies was
conducted using CADIMA and a rating scale of 0 to 3 based on a few predetermined criteria.
Results: Sample sizes varied from 29 to 1811, with a median of 200. Globally, there are mixed
findings about the roles and benefits of probiotics to treat acute gastroenteritis in children. This
is possibly due to the type of probiotic, the type of disease, and treatment adherence.
Conclusions: Findings from this systematic review suggest that probiotics play a crucial role in
improving children’s health outcomes. Therefore, it is important to promote and implement the
use of probiotic therapies in the treatment of acute gastroenteritis conditions in children.
IMC J Med Sci. 2023; 17(2):010. DOI:
Acute gastroenteritis is a serious illness prevalent
among infants and children globally. Despite being
a preventable and treatable disease, acute
gastroenteritis remains a major cause of pediatric
morbidity and mortality, especially in developing
countries. Every year, around 3 to 5 billion children
worldwide suffer from acute gastroenteritis
resulting in approximately 12% of death in children
aged 5 years or younger [1]. In addition, an
estimated 10% of hospitalizations in children under
5 years were attributed to acute gastroenteritis
globally [2]. Gastroenteritis causes a tremendous
economic burden, and the cost of care could weigh
heavily on affected families. According to
Papadopoulos et al. [3], the five-year economic
burden of acute gastroenteritis in Belgium was
estimated to be €112 million in direct cost and
€927 million (90% of the total costs) in indirect
cost, totaling an average cost of €103 per case and
€94 per person. Gastroenteritis in children is mostly
caused by rotavirus and norovirus [4]. Both
pathogens account for about 58% of all acute
gastroenteritis cases in the United States [5]. Due
to the high rates of acute gastroenteritis and
severe outcomes associated with the illness, it is
imperative to identify effective treatment therapies
to improve health outcomes in children with acute
Globally, the use of probiotics in treating acute
gastroenteritis has been extensively studied by
researchers. This has caused controversy and
prompted questions about whether or not to use
probiotics for treating gastroenteritis. Two clinical
trials by Erdoğan et al. [6] and LaMont [7],
conducted in Turkey and Europe, respectively,
showed better health outcomes from probiotic use
in gastroenteritis. Erdoğan et al. [6] reported that
*Correspondence: Amal K. Mitra, Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Jackson State University, 350 W.
Woodrow Wilson Drive, Room 216 Jackson, MS 39213, USA. E-mail:
[email protected]
IMC J Med Sci 2023; 17(2): 010
Saccharomyces boulardii and Bifidobacterium lactis
probiotics had an efficacious effect in treating
gastroenteritis in children. Furthermore, Lamont [7]
tested the effectiveness of probiotics in the
treatment of acute gastroenteritis in children and
revealed beneficial effects in the hosts or patients.
Results from these clinical trials [6,7] suggest the
use of probiotics as an important aspect of
gastroenteritis research in treating severe
outcomes associated with the condition. These
outcomes include death, severe dehydration, etc.
In contrast, Hojsak [8], a Croatian researcher,
argued that “not all probiotic strains have the same
efficacy for all clinical indications, therefore, only
strains with proven efficacy and safety should be
recommended”. This contradictory finding indicates
a need for further investigation into the issue of
probiotic use in treating gastroenteritis in children.
hypothesize that probiotics are able to treat acute
gastroenteritis in children.
Gastroenteritis among children is the secondleading cause of death worldwide [5]. Due to the
poor outcomes associated with gastroenteritis in
children, it is crucial to review the effectiveness of
probiotics in treating acute gastroenteritis in
children. It is also vital to identify new or effective
therapies to improve the health outcomes of
children afflicted with gastroenteritis. Furthermore,
improving children's health, safety, and well-being,
a goal that aligns with Healthy People 2030 in the
United States, can be achieved by providing
adequate medications for children afflicted by
diseases such as acute gastroenteritis [9,10]. We
Search Guidelines
The aim of the systematic review was to assess the
effectiveness of probiotics in treating acute
gastroenteritis conditions in children and to
provide quality research data to healthcare-related
communities about use of probiotics as a possible
treatment option in childhood gastroenteritis.
Materials and methods
The systematic review included studies following
the PRISMA guidelines [11]. The study focused on
published primary articles associated with the
impact of probiotics on acute gastroenteritis
outcomes in children. Table-1 shows the inclusions
and exclusions of the review.
The primary search engines used to identify articles
included in EBSCOhost, MEDLINE, APA PsychoInfo,
APA Psych, Socindex, Google Scholar, and CINAHL.
The studies were chosen for the review based on
inclusion criteria, such as (1) articles being written in
English; (2) being quantitative studies; (3) being
scholarly papers; (4) using human participants
between the ages of 0-17 years; (5) being associated
with acute gastroenteritis; and (6) being associated
with probiotics. The search was performed on 25
January 2023. The time limit for the studies was from
2008–2023. Table-2 shows the search string.
Table-1: Inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Inclusion criteria
Quantitative studies
Human studies
Scholarly papers
Age group: 0-17 years
Acute gastroenteritis illness
Research associated with Probiotics
Exclusion criteria
Studies that were not in English
Studies that only involved ages 18 and older
Review articles
Not human studies
Table-2: Research thread for all databases
Search strategies
Search terms used: ‘clinical trials’ OR ‘gastroenteritis’ OR ‘probiotics’ OR ‘children
Total number of studies excluded based on eligibility criteria
Total number of studies excluded due to being duplicates
Total number of studies excluded because they were review articles
Total number of studies accepted and reviewed
No. of studies available
IMC J Med Sci 2023; 17(2): 010
Screening guidelines
The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines
(2009) were used as a guide to record the review
process [11]. Selected abstracts were reviewed to
ensure eligibility. Full-text articles of eligible
abstracts were retrieved and assessed on whether
they answered the research questions and fulfilled
the inclusion criteria. Studies were included if a
consensus was reached by the researchers.
Records identified through
database searching
(n = 22,403)
Additional records identified
through other sources
(n = 0)
Records after duplicates removed
(n = 3)
Records screened
(n = 22,400)
Full-text articles assessed for
(n = 101)
Research Information System (RIS) formatted
references were exported from the databases,
where studies were automatically screened based
on the inclusion criteria and then imported into
CADIMA. Total studies imported into CADIMA were
accessed based on title and abstracts. The
researchers assessed the studies twice before
discussing if the studies should be chosen for fulltext review. Conflicts were managed by group
discussions between the researchers of the study.
After the initial discussion, the researchers agreed
that 104 studies should be selected for further
screening using the inclusion criteria. During this
second phase of screening for excluding review
articles, the researchers independently screened
the 104 articles twice for the second time. Conflicts
were managed by group discussions. After
Studies included in
qualitative synthesis
(n = 29)
Records excluded
(n = 22,299)
Full-text articles
excluded, with reasons:
(n = 72) were review
Figure-1: PRISMA flow chart showing inclusion and exclusion of studies [11]
IMC J Med Sci 2023; 17(2): 010
discussion, 72 more articles were excluded because
they were review articles, and 3 more articles were
excluded because the articles were duplicated
between the primary search engines and finally 29
articles were selected to be included in the
systematic review. The PRISMA flow chart (Figure1) depicts the search and inclusion process for the
systematic review.
The total sample size used in studies ranged from
29 to 1811, having a median sample size of 200
(Quartile-1 = 92 and Quartile-3 = 816); 3 out of 29
(10.3%) had sample sizes of more than 1000. In
terms of standardized tools, all studies (100%) used
standardized assessment tools. An average score of
3 out of 3, meant excellent in 3 studies (10.3%), 2
meant moderate/good in 25 studies (86.2%), and 01 meant poor in one study (3.4%).
Quality Appraisal
Studies were appraised for quality using CADIMA.
Through CADIMA, standards for critical appraisal
and the rating scale were defined. We followed
the critical appraisal tools for systematic reviews
developed by the University of Adelaide, South
Australia [12]. A rating scale from 0 to 3 was
based on the following criteria: (1) Study design—
cross-sectional, case–control, or cohort study = 1,
otherwise = 0; (2) Sample size—large = 1, small =
0; (3) Selection of participants—random selection
or lack of bias = 1, non-random sample or
convenience sample or presence of bias = 0
points. Based on the above-mentioned criteria,
the researchers rated each of the 29 studies
independently from a range of 0 to 3. Due to
having no major inter-observer variations in the
evaluation of the quality of the studies, an
average of the three scores was presented in
Table-3 under the quality appraisal section.
A summary of the methodology, characteristics of
findings, the impact of probiotics on acute
gastroenteritis outcomes in children, quality
appraisal, and the countries of the studies are
presented in Table-3. Of the 29 studies reviewed,
5 were conducted in the United States, and Iran, 3
were conducted in Europe, 2 were conducted in
Canada, India and Poland, and 1 each in Belgium,
Romania, Turkey, Bangladesh, China, Uganda,
Botswana, Mexico, Korea, and Canada/United
States. All 29 studies were clinical trials [13-41].
All of the selected studies were conducted among
children, ranging from infancy to adolescents/
Benefits of probiotics in the treatment of acute
gastroenteritis in children
Of the 29 studies, 19 (65.5%) showed the benefits
of probiotics in gastroenteritis treatment. Five
studies supported the notion that probiotics
improved acute gastroenteritis conditions in
children [13-15, 26, 30]. Nocerino et al. found that
probiotics lowered acute gastroenteritis in children
[13]. Hesaraki et al. concluded that probiotics
improved acute gastroenteritis conditions by
improving recovery, reducing disease severity, and
improving vital signs [14]. Lopetuso et al. have
found probiotics to be effective in treating acute
gastroenteritis [15]. Schnadower et al. showed the
benefits of adherence to probiotic treatments
when treating acute gastroenteritis in children,
which resulted in better outcomes [26]. Mosaddek
et al. also found improved outcomes for children
with acute gastroenteritis after being prescribed
probiotics [30].
Two studies by Schnadower et al. and Mosaddek et
al. revealed that the use of probiotics in the
treatment of gastroenteritis in children resulted in
better outcomes in ambulatory settings and
quicker recovery times [27, 30]. Eight studies also
determined that probiotics reduced acute
gastroenteritis in children [18, 25,28-29, 32, 35, 37,
40]. Three studies have shown that the use of
probiotics reduced hospitalization rates for children
with acute gastroenteritis [29, 32, 33, 38]. One
study reported that probiotics significantly reduced
the duration of rotaviral diarrhoea [20]. Two
studies also concluded that probiotics improved
outcomes for children diagnosed with special
conditions associated with acute gastroenteritis,
such as nosocomial infections [39] and
hyperbilirubinemia [36].
IMC J Med Sci 2023; 17(2): 010
Lack of benefits of probiotics in the treatment of
acute gastroenteritis in children
Of the 29 studies, 8 (27.6%) failed to validate the
benefits of probiotics in gastroenteritis in children.
Those studies found no benefit or improvement in
treating acute gastroenteritis in children with
probiotics [17,19,21-24,31,41,]. One study by
Ahmadipour et al. [31] even emphasized that zinc
supplementation was more effective than
probiotics in treating acute diarrhea. Another study
by Freedman et al. [22] revealed that probiotics
had no effect on immunoglobulin A modulation,
which is the antibody that helps the body to fight
infections. A study by Olek et al. [41] determined
that probiotics had no impact on improving acute
gastroenteritis symptoms, including diarrhea
frequency or abdominal symptoms.
Mixed results in treatment of acute gastroenteritis
in children
Of the 29 studies, 2 (6.9%) reported mixed results.
One study by Szymanski and Szajewska [16] found
that probiotics reduced hospitalizations from acute
gastroenteritis but not the diarrheal symptoms.
Another study by Bhat et al. [38] observed that
probiotics reduced diarrheal output in patients
receiving outpatient treatment for gastroenteritis
but not in hospitalized patients.
Table-3: Impact of Probiotics on Acute Gastroenteritis Outcomes in Children
Author [Ref]
Major Findings
Impact of
Probiotics on
Acute GE in
(Out of 3)
of Study
Nocerino et
al. [13]
n = 377; The proportion of children with acute
gastroenteritis was lower in group A (13%) for
children given daily cow’s milk and for group B
(19.5%), who were given a probiotic
(Lactobacillus paracasei)
Hesaraki et al.
n = 84; Probiotic (kidilact) improved recovery,
reduced disease severity, and improved vital
signs in children with acute gastroenteritis
Lopetuso et
al. [15]
n = 1811; Gelatin tannate and tyndallized
probiotics were highly effective in the treatment
of acute gastroenteritis
n = 91; Probiotic (L. reuteri) did not reduce the
duration of diarrhea, but it did reduce
hospitalizations associated with acute
Positive/ No
Freedman et
al. [17]
n = 1565; In Canada and the U.S., probiotics did
not benefit children with acute gastroenteritis
Refeey et al.
n = 160; Probiotic (L. acidophilus) reduced the
severity of acute diarrhea associated with acute
gastroenteritis in children
3-excellent Canada &
United States
IMC J Med Sci 2023; 17(2): 010
Freedman et
al. [19]
n = 886; Probiotics (Lactobacilli) did not prevent
the development of moderate to severe acute
gastroenteritis within the 14 days of the study’s
Lee et al. [20]
n = 29; Probiotic (L. acidophilus) was an effective
treatment for acute rotaviral gastroenteritis
Freedman et
al. [21]
n = 816; No evidence supported the benefits of
routine probiotic administration to children with
acute gastroenteritis regardless of infecting virus
Freedman et
al. [22]
n = 133; Probiotic had no effect on
immunoglobulin A modulation in children with
acute gastroenteritis
et al. [23]
n = 813; Probiotic L. rhamnosis GG (LGG) did not
improve outcomes in children with acute
et al. [24]
n = 971; a 5-day course of L. rhamnosis GG did
not lead to better outcomes among preschool
children with acute gastroenteritis
Kluijfhout et
al. [25]
n = 46; Use of probiotics normalized stool
consistency significantly or improved diarrhearelated acute gastroenteritis symptoms
et al. [26]
n = 971; Adherence to probiotic treatment for
acute gastroenteritis resulted in better outcomes
et al. [27]
n = 970; there were benefits associated with
probiotic (LGG) administration in ambulatory
children presented to the emergency
department with acute gastroenteritis
et al. [28]
n = 36; The use of xyloglucan (probiotic)
resulted in faster onset of action and
improvement of diarrheal symptoms associated
with acute gastroenteritis
Dinleyici et al.
n = 1200; Probiotics led to reduced rates of
hospitalization and reduced diarrhea for
children with acute gastroenteritis
Mosaddek et
al. [30]
n = 166; The use of probiotics resulted in
quicker recovery from acute gastroenteritis (due
to rotavirus, E. coli, multiorganisms,
Campylobacter, Vibrio cholerae, Salmonella,
Shigella, and Klebsiella
IMC J Med Sci 2023; 17(2): 010
et al. [31]
n = 146; Zinc was more effective than probiotics
in treating viral diarrhea associated with acute
gastroenteritis in children
Sudha et al.
n = 200; Probiotic (B. clausii) reduced diarrhea
associated with acute gastroenteritis in children
Chen et al.
n = 194; 3 probiotic strains (Bifidobacterium
lactis Bi07, Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001, and
Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM) resulted in
shorter durations of diarrhea, hospitalizations,
and improved health outcomes among children
with acute gastroenteritis
Grenov et al.
n = 400; Probiotics had no effect on diarrhea in
children with acute gastroenteritis conditions that
were associated with severe acute
malnourishment duringhospitalization, but
probiotics did reduce the number of days with
diarrhea in children receiving outpatient treatment
GutierrezCastrellon et
al. [35]
n = 336; Probiotic reduced the frequency and
duration of episodic diarrhea in children with
acute gastroenteritis conditions
Torkamen et
al. [36]
n = 92; Probiotics were beneficial in the
treatment of infants with hyperbilirubinemia
associated with acute gastroenteritis
Sharif et al.
n=200; Probiotics resulted in significantly lower
days of diarrhea among children with acute
gastroenteritis outcomes
Bhat et al.
n = 120; The probiotic was effective in the
reduction of diarrhea and hospitalizations in
children with acute gastroenteritis
Bruzzese et
al. [39]
n = 90; Probiotic (Lactobacillus GG) reduced the
incidence of nosocomial infections associated
with acute gastroenteritis in children
Pernica et al.
n = 76; Probiotic resulted in lower odds of
diarrhea from acute gastroenteritis conditions
Olek et al.
n = 438; Probiotic (Lactobacillus plantarum) did
not reduce the incidence of diarrhea, the
frequency of diarrhea, or the incidence of
abdominal symptoms associated with acute
gastroenteritis in children
Note: GE = Gastroenteritis
IMC J Med Sci 2023; 17(2): 010
Gastrointestinal benefits of probiotics
In this systematic review, there was strong
evidence to support probiotics' potential to
improve acute gastroenteritis in children.
Probiotics have been shown to improve acute
gastroenteritis outcomes in children by reducing
the severity of the conditions and improving
recovery times [14,18,30]. Probiotics have also
been shown to significantly reduce diarrheal
symptoms associated with acute gastroenteritis
[25,28,29,32]. Probiotics as an effective therapy for
acute gastroenteritis illnesses in children lead to
improved outcomes. This includes reductions in
severe dehydration and death. This finding has
been supported by two other studies, Hania et al.
[42] and Guarino et al. [43]. These authors found
significant relationships between probiotic use and
improved outcomes for acute gastrointestinal
symptoms in children.
Hospitalizations and the use of probiotic therapies
The duration and frequency of hospitalizations for
children using probiotics as a treatment for
gastroenteritis were further evaluated in this
review. Findings have revealed that the use of
probiotics as a treatment therapy for children with
acute gastroenteritis conditions has also resulted in
reduced hospitalization rates [16,29, 33]. The
reduction of hospitalizations in children with acute
gastroenteritis illnesses not only benefits the health
of the affected children but also supports their
emotional well-being. Children who are
hospitalized have higher rates of psychological
distress, resulting in trauma or stress [44]. This is a
further example of how probiotic therapies can be
beneficial. According to Dinleyici et al. and
Guandalini et al., probiotic treatment for acute
gastroenteritis conditions in children reduced
hospitalizations, duration, and frequency [45,46].
No substantial benefits associated with the use of
While the majority of the studies in the review
revealed the benefits of using probiotics for
treating childhood gastroenteritis, there are still
some studies that found no benefits of probiotics.
In this review, 8 studies found no benefits to
probiotics for gastroenteric illnesses in children.
Three studies found that probiotics did not reduce
gastroenteritis severity, or yield better outcomes
[17,19,24]. Two studies found no clinical benefit,
relief in clinical symptoms, or viral clearance when
using probiotics to treat gastroenteritis conditions
[21,23]. Two studies also found no reduction in the
incidence of watery stool, the mean number of
loose stools, or abdominal symptoms [22,41].
Finally, one study compared the use of probiotics
to zinc supplementation for the treatment of
gastroenteritis conditions. The study found that
zinc supplementation improved outcomes in terms
of reducing hospitalization or duration and causing
fewer complications [31]. These findings could have
differed from the majority of studies due to the
type of probiotics used, the type of gastroenteritis
condition being treated, the treatment course, and
adherence to treatment by patients.
Globally, probiotics have played a significant role
in improving acute gastroenteritis in children.
Probiotics have improved recovery, reduced
severity, reduced diarrheal-related symptoms, and
reduced hospitalizations in children with acute
gastroenteritis conditions. Revealing that children
could benefit from probiotic therapies, it is very
important to support the use of probiotic therapies
in the treatment of acute gastroenteritis in
children. Further research is needed to study the
roles of innovative probiotic therapies in treating
acute and chronic gastroenteritis of multiple
etiologies in children.
Author’s contribution
AKM conceptualized the study. EAKJ extracted the
data. AKM validated the study. EAKJ, AB, PPE, FI,
and EO prepared the original draft. EAKJ and AKM
reviewed and edited the manuscript. All authors
have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Competing interest
No competing interest/conflict of interest.
IMC J Med Sci 2023; 17(2): 010
No funding sources.
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Cite this article as:
Jones EAK, Mitra AK, Bisht A, Edet PP, Iseguede F,
Okoye E. Probiotics in gastroenteritis in children: A
systematic review. IMC J Med Sci. 2023; 17(2):010.