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2021, Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology
5 pages
1 file
Collectively, CJLT Issue 2, 2021 brings together the results of research conducted in Europe, Latin America, and Canada. CJLT has supported the advancement of research on teaching and learning with digital technologies in Canada and around the world for many years and will continue to do so in the coming years. We hope that you will find in our journal answers to the many questions you have about the pedagogical transformations that have been necessary to better adapt to current demands. We thank our reviewers for the time invested in reviewing the manuscripts.
Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 2020
Mcgill Journal of Education Revue Des Sciences De L Education De Mcgill, 2009
Mcgill Journal of Education Revue Des Sciences De L Education De Mcgill, 2008
McGill Journal of Education / Revue des sciences de l'éducation de McGill, 2017
En plus de contenir un grand nombre d'articles (au deux tiers en français !),
Canadian Journal of Optometry
lors que l'été 2020 tire à sa fin, ma famille et moi tentons de nous adapter à la vie à l'ère postpandémique, maintenant que l'Ontario en est à la troisième étape du déconfinement. Mon petit-fils aîné doit commencer la prématernelle, tandis que ses petits frères iront peut-être à la garderie. Puisque nous faisons partie du groupe démographique le plus vulnérable, ma femme et moi examinons les incidences possibles de la reprise de ces activités sur nos contacts avec nos petits-enfants. Je suis certain que vous êtes nombreux à être confrontés au même genre de questionnements alors que vous reprenez l'exercice de la profession, que vient compliquer la nécessité de porter l'équipement de protection individuel (EPI), que vous n'avez jamais appris à utiliser avec votre matériel diagnostique, sans compter tous les changements dans les procédures et la disposition de votre bureau requis pour vous conformer aux consignes de distanciation physique et aux nouvelles règles.
J. Miecznikowski et al. (a cura di), Norme linguistiche in contesto / Sprachnormen im Kontext / Normes langagières en contexte / Language Norms in Context. Actes du colloque VALS-ASLA 2014 (Lugano, 12-14 février 2014), 2015
RiMe. Rivista dell'Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea, 2013
The Volume hosts three articles in the Various section. The first analyses the role of History in the Origines by Amin Maalouf (Beyrouth, 1949), writer, journalist and amazing creator of historical novels, and offers multiple avenues for reflection on this subject and its relationship with memory. Origines takes the form of an autobiography and, at the same time, a family account, a genealogy, a narrative of national events seen from within. The author describes his method of investigation including the consultation of witnesses, archival research, their organization based on subjects, dates, the typology of documents... a method, therefore, very similar to that of historians except that for consulting witnesses, an approach distinctive from other fields, from police investigation to sociology The second text is focused on the evolution of the Tunisian revolution and the empowerment of Islamists, which confirm that the Arab world, either for Islamisation of the nation or for nationalisation of Islam, continues eluding the problem of modernity that is the separation of politics and religion. A brief history of Tunisia shows that even Bourguiba, the great reformer of modern Tunisian society and women's liberator, has been able to advance step by step on the path of secularisation, claiming either the right or the Koran. Even after the revolution, the modernist elites are not able to develop a modern structural project that is a real renewal of the old system and may launch a process of democratisation based on a real individual freedom. The third article examines the process of Africanisation of the Catholic Church that took place during the years of Pope John Paul II. The “mission” in Africa changed radically, thanks to the Episcopal Synod Assembly (1994), an event that, for the first time, was convoked at a continental level. The Synod was very important due to its reflections on all the important aspects of the life of the Church in Africa, above all evangelization, enculturation, dialogue, pastoral care in social areas, and it extended to the means of social communication. The Volume hosts als a Focus dedicate to this theme: Corona d’Aragona Sardegna / The Crown of Aragon and Sardinia. A cura di / Edited by Esther Martí Sentañes It is the heir of a previous dossier published in RiMe 10 with the title “Le identità nella Corona d’Aragona. Nuove linee di ricerca” ("Identities in the Crown of Aragon. New lines of research"), which encompassed the studies of several young researchers dealing with issues related to the Crown of Aragon. Both initiatives respond to the willingness of scholars to encourage a resumption of Iberian studies, for some time rarefied both for the difficulty of carrying out most of the research because of the serious economic crisis that we are going through, and for a progressive disinterest of new doctoral students to address as a subject of study the institutional, cultural and economic links between the Italian-Latin territories and the Catalan-Aragonese motherland. The Volume is closed by two Reviews: one dedicated to the interesting book Teatro e festività nella Napoli aragonese, by Cristiana Anna Addesso, Firenze, Leo S. Olschki Editore, 2012, 170 p., and the second one, on the contrary, contains historiographical reflections on a Round Table dedicated to sources and methodology on Sardinian history between the 8th and 9th centuries.
Résumé Le journal personnel de Marie-Louise Globensky (1849-1919), qui couvre trois décennies de sa vie adulte, reflète un paysage émotionnel contrasté, oscillant entre souffrances et joies. Cet article s’intéresse aux joies de la diariste, qui se manifestent dans des circonstances précises, en particulier lorsqu’elle accomplit la mission dont elle se sent investie comme femme, comme catholique et comme bourgeoise, et qu’elle se sent cheminer vers le paradis. En étudiant les joies d’une diariste, cet article veut jeter un éclairage nouveau sur sa vision du monde et ses motivations, mais aussi sur les rapports de force à l’oeuvre dans la société montréalaise dont elle fait partie. Abstract Marie-Louise Globensky’s (1849-1919) diary, which covers three decades of her adult life, reflects a contrasted emotional landscape, fluctuating between suffering and joy. The present article addresses the diarist’s joy, which occurred in specific circumstances, especially when she was fulfilling the duty she felt to be her own as a catholic, bourgeois woman and felt herself to be on a path towards paradise. By studying the joys of the diarist, this article intends to shed new light on Globensky’s vision of the world and on her motivations, as well as on the power relationships in the Montréal society to which she belonged.
Thèse : « Nouveaux uniformes et Etat social actif : vers une recomposition du champ de la sécurité en Belgique ? », soutenue à la Faculté de Droit de l’ULB en séance privée le 14 décembre 2006 et en séance publique, le 22 décembre 2006
Canadian journal of nonprofit and social economy research, 2018
Volume 8 Number 2 / Numéro 2 Autumn / Automne 2017 Official journal of the Association of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research (ANSER) Revue officielle de l'Association de recherche sur les organismes sans but lucratif et l'économie sociale (ARES) (Autumn / Automne 2017) ANSERJ To be notified about new ANSERJ articles, subscribe here. / Afin d'être avisé des nouveaux articles dans ANSERJ, s'inscrire ici.
Academia Oncology, 2024
RILEM Technical Letters
Bulletin du Cercor, 2023
Spazio sacro e potere politico in Grecia e nel Vicino Oriente (Genova, 17-18 aprile 2013), a cura di R. Cresci, 2014
Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 2005
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2022
Texto & Contexto - Enfermagem, 2018
Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, 2011
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2016
European Journal of Dentistry, 2014
Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 1996
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 2018
Architectural Design, 2019