International Journal of Research and Review
Vol. 9; Issue: 8; August 2022
E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237
Case Report
3D Guided Implant Surgery using CBCT and Stent:
A Case Report
Dr. Anant Agarwal1, Dr. Ankur Agarwal2, Dr. Swarnika Parihar3,
Dr. Shivani Agarwal4
Senior Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, BBDCODS, Lucknow (U.P.)
Assistant Professor, Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Career Post Graduate Institute of Dental
Sciences, Lucknow (U.P.)
PG Resident, Department of Paediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Hitkarini Dental College and Hospital,
Jabalpur (M.P.)
PG Resident, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, BBDCODS, Lucknow (U.P)
Corresponding Author: Dr. Anant Agarwal
The combination of CBCT and three
dimensionally guided implant surgery using
stents has given new direction and horizon to
the field of Dental Implantology and has been
studied and researched by Implantologists
worldwide. Surgically guided implant is placed
by creating osteotomy through a digitally
designed and printed stent, has the potential to
reach the highest level of precision, accuracy
and control. This case report discusses
placement of implant using superimposition of
CBCT scan and digitally scanned cast through
three-dimensional guide or stent customized for
the patient.
Keywords: Guided implant surgery, CBCT,
surgical guide, 3D stent.
Dental Implantology has evolved over years
as there is a shift from conventional to
guided implant surgery. Treatment planning
of dental implant therapy is one of the
biggest and most encountered problem by
the practitioners on employing either the
conventional or the guided surgery.1 The
guided implant surgery is done in a very
simplified and predictable fashion. A
surgical guide is a medical device which is
three dimensionally printed based on a
CBCT and is customized for every patient
to assist in implant placement with optimal
accuracy to guide your surgical instruments
and implant accurately according to the
planned position.2 The accuracy of implant
placement using the computer guided
surgical stent has been checked and studied
by several authors in their respective studies
who conclude that the accuracy of placing
and the survival rates are much higher than
with the conventional technique.3
A 62 year old male patient reported to the
Department of Prosthodontics and Crown &
Bridge of BBDCODS, Lucknow, with the
chief complaint of accumulation of food in
his lower left back tooth region of jaw due
to missing tooth in that region since 2 years
(Fig. 1). A complete case history was
recorded followed by thorough intraoral
examination. The intraoral examination
revealed generalized spacing in anterior
region, generalized attrition generalized
gingival recession and crown was present
with respect to 46. Diagnostic impressions
were made and then the CBCT Analysis
was done for the patient. The diagnostic cast
was scanned using software and then the
CBCT scan was superimposed over the
diagnostic cast (Fig. 2) scan to produce a 3Dimentional guide or Stent (Fig. 3). The
International Journal of Research and Review (
Vol. 9; Issue: 8; August 2022
Dr. Anant Agarwal 3D guided implant surgery using CBCT and stent: a case report
stent was tried in to check the fit of the
appliance before starting the surgery. Then
after infiltrating the area with local
anesthetic and stabilizing the stent, tissue
punch was used to access the implant site.
Dental Implant drill guide is first used to
place drill and is available in various sizes
(Fig. 4). The stent was removed and tissue
was scooped out using spoon excavator. The
osteotomy was carried out through the
surgical guide (Fig. 5) following the drilling
protocol of the Genesis Implant System
(Fig. 6) and the implant was placed (Fig. 7
& 8).
Fig 1: Pre operative intraoral picture
Fig 2: Superimposition of CBCT Scan and Diagnostic cast
Fig 3: Surgical guide or Stent
International Journal of Research and Review (
Vol. 9; Issue: 8; August 2022
Dr. Anant Agarwal 3D guided implant surgery using CBCT and stent: a case report
Fig 4: Dental Implant drill guide
Fig 5: Placement of drill using drill guide
Fig 6: Genesis Implant System
Fig 7: Placement of Implant
International Journal of Research and Review (
Vol. 9; Issue: 8; August 2022
Dr. Anant Agarwal 3D guided implant surgery using CBCT and stent: a case report
Fig 8: Post Operative Intraoral Image
Designing and placement of implant
supported prosthesis is a challenge
encountered by prosthodontists and
complicate the lab procedures required for
fabrication of implant superstructures. They
also lead to improper load distribution,
compromising the integrity of bone-implant
interface.4 Use of surgical guides reduces
surgical time, reduces trauma, pain and
swelling, short recovery time, accurate
transfer from virtual to clinical setting,
better prosthetic results and enables
immediate loading and flapless surgery in
the cases.2
Ersoy et al. stated that CT-derived surgical
stents significantly improve the accuracy,
efficiency in both quality and time,
minimizes surgical errors, beneficial for
both the patient and dentist.5
Similarly, Beretta et al. stated that the
flapless computer-assisted implant surgery
provided Implantologists with tremendous
advantages. The flapless approach helped to
minimize surgical trauma and patient
morbidity in the immediate postoperative
duration. Also computer-assisted surgery
reduces the possibility of intraoperative
complications, allowing an ideal prostheticdriven implant surgery. 6
Aizenberg reported less postoperative
swelling in flapless surgery when compared
to open flap surgery 7
Nickeing et. al stated that the accuracy of
implant placement after virtual planning
using CBCT data and surgical stents is high
and significantly more accurate than the
conventional freehand insertion. 8
Pozzi stated that when treatment
planning was made with CBCT scanning
using 3D implant planning dedicated
software and free-hand conventional
technique, postoperative pain and swelling
at sites treated with free-hand conventional
technique was more because more
frequently flaps were elevated. 9
With the advancements in implant
placement techniques and computer-guided
surgical techniques, accurate position and
angulation of implants could be achieved,
accompanied with better function and
esthetics. Hence, the use of both the
radiographic CBCT scans and surgical
stents may be carried out for treatment
planning and placement of dental implants.
Acknowledgement: None
Conflict of Interest: None
Source of Funding: None
1. Chippalapally et al. Implant placement
using CBCT guided stent and conventional
stent - A case report. IP Annals of
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2. Jayashree M, Mohan N, Sunantha S,
Parithimar K, Paul J. Cone Beam Computed
Tomography [CBCT] in Guided Implant
Surgery – A Case Report. J Clin
International Journal of Research and Review (
Vol. 9; Issue: 8; August 2022
Dr. Anant Agarwal 3D guided implant surgery using CBCT and stent: a case report
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Ersoy AE, Turkymiaz I. Reliability of
implant placement with stereolithographic
surgical guides generated from computed
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Beretta M, Poli PP. Accuracy of computer
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Aizenberg A, Jansson J. Short term post
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8. Nickeing H J. Evaluation of difference in
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templates versus conventional free hand
method- a combined in vivo- invitro
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9. Pozzi A. four implant overdenture fully
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single cohort prospective 1 year preliminary
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How to cite this article: Anant Agarwal, Ankur
Agarwal, Swarnika Parihar 3D guided
implant surgery using CBCT and stent: a case
report. International Journal of Research and
Review. 2022; 9(8): 833-837. DOI: https://
International Journal of Research and Review (
Vol. 9; Issue: 8; August 2022