Perception, 2009, volume 38, pages 1118 ^ 1131
Illusory-contour figures prime matching of real shapes
Anna Barlasov-Ioffe, Shaul Hochstein
Institute of Life Sciences and Neural Computation Center, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 91904,
Israel; e-mail:
[email protected]
Received 29 June 2008, in revised form 6 December 2008; published online 3 August 2009
Abstract. We investigated explicit and implicit properties of the internal representation of illusorycontour figures by studying potential priming effects of this representation. Using a primed
matching paradigm (Beller 1971, Journal of Experimental Psychology 87 176 ^ 182), we found that
illusory `Kanizsa' squares and triangles prime later matching of the same shapes, respectively,
and not of the alternative shape. This priming effect is present despite the use of an illusory
figure as a prime and real shapes as tests. To determine whether implicit processing mechanisms
sufficiently induce a representation of the illusory shape so that it can lead to this priming effect,
we used a novel method of presentation of the inducing pattern, based on Rock and Linnet's
(1993, Perception 22 61 ^ 76) method for separating (implicit) retinal and (explicit) world-coordinate
images. Presence of the implicit retinal image is confirmed by its producing an afterimage. While
the retinal image is only implicitly produced by the inducing pattern of pacmen, it is nevertheless
available for real-shape match priming. We conclude that Kanizsa-type inducer patterns are
processed implicitly until formation of illusory-figure shapes. These are represented at relatively
high cortical levels, and shape-matching priming must occur here, too. These results are consistent
with the claim of the reverse hierarchy theory that bottom ^ up processing is generally implicit and
that conscious perception originates at high cortical levels.
1 Introduction
The phenomenon of illusory contours has been a subject of substantial interest and
intensive research since its first presentation by Schumann more than a century ago
(Schumann 1900). Illusory contours, also called subjective figures or illusory surfaces,
are a case where we see lines, borders, surfaces, hues, and textures that are not physically present. Petry and Meyer (1987) define illusory contours such that produce a sense
of (i) a bounded surface which has some property that differentiates it from a surrounding surface; (ii) a boundary (contour) around this surface; and (iii) the boundary and the
surface that connect or continue through discontinuities of the inducing patterns.
While this definition includes the notion of `a sense of ...', it is conceivable that
some of the processes underlying this perception can be implicit or carried out without
focused attention. If this were the case and these implicit processes are activated even
when there is no explicit percept of the figure, then perhaps some figure properties
may be available and affect performance of subsequent tasks. Thus, we now ask if it is
possible that illusory figures are constructed by our visual system without our awareness.
If so, to what degree and level of processing do these implicit mechanisms proceed?
Implicit perception of illusory contours has been studied before only in spatial-neglect
patients who were deprived of the explicit experience of seeing illusory-contour figures,
as also real figures, but responded above chance to indirect measures of perception
(Vuilleumier and Landis 1998; Vuilleumier et al 2001).
To assess the possibility that at least some of the properties of the illusory figure
(for example, its shape) can be processed implicitly in normal subjects, we previously
tested illusory-figure detection and figure-shape discrimination simultaneously. We found
a double dissociation between detection of the illusory contour figure and discrimination of its shape (Barlasov-Ioffe and Hochstein 2008). This result suggested that there
Illusory-contour figures prime matching of real shapes
may be separate processes leading to the explicit illusory-figure experience and to
knowledge of its shape. We now ask if there can be a case where both the presence of
the illusory figure and the representation of its shape are not perceived explicitly, but
still there is an unconscious effect resulting from these processes. This unconscious
effect cannot be measured directly (ie by asking questions regarding the illusory figure)
but rather must be discerned by a related task that does not involve judgments concerning the induced shape or even its individual inducers.
To this end, we adopted for our experiments a primed matching paradigm. This method,
originally proposed by Beller (1971), depends on the finding that the response that two
letter shapes are the same is speeded by previous exposure to the same letter shape. This
paradigm was extended to non-letter shapes in studies of occluded-object completion
(Sekuler and Palmer 1992) and perceptual grouping (Razpurker-Apfeld and Kimchi 2007).
We used one of the most famous illusory contours, a Kanizsa figure, where a configuration of `pacmen' induces a clear illusory shape (Kanizsa 1979)öin this case
either a triangle or a square. In experiment 1 we used this inducing pattern as a
priming stimulus for a matching task. We tested for a priming effect when subjects
report match or non-match for a pair of figures that are luminance-defined (ie real)
triangles or squares (expecting a ``same'' response in either case), or one of each
(expecting a ``different'' response). According to the rationale of the primed matching
paradigm, when objects in the test pair are similar to the previously seen prime,
correct ``same'' responses should be faster than when test objects are dissimilar from
the prime. No priming effect is expected for ``different'' responses (Beller 1971). Since the
illusory figure is defined by a surface with brightness contrast, we used brightness-defined
figures also for the matching test.
If figure integration that allows creation of the illusory triangle figure precedes the
source of figure-match priming, then we should find priming for Kanizsa triangles as
one does for real triangles (figure 1a). If, on the other hand, the site of figure integration
expected response RT
Figure 1. Application of the primed matching paradigm to the study of illusory-contour figure
perception. The RT for ``same triangle'' response is expected to be shorter than that for ``same
squares'' when primed by a Kanizsa triangle (a) and longer when primed by a Kanizsa square (b).
If the priming effect is indeed based on the global priming illusory shape, then no speeding of the
correct ``same'' response is expected when the priming stimulus is a pattern of rotated inducers (c)
and (d). Rotated inducers alone could have a priming effect if priming were based on physical
attributes of the inducing pattern (number, position, and/or angle of opening of the pacmen).
A Barlasov-Ioffe, S Hochstein
is higher than that of the priming mechanism, then priming should be absent in the
Kanizsa case.
It is an intriguing challenge to introduceöin normal subjectsöan illusory-contourinducing pattern in such a way that the viewers will not be aware of the induction, but
their visual system will receive sufficient information for creating a figure. To solve
this problem, in experiment 2 we varied the method of prime presentation. Here we
propose a novel method of presenting a Kanizsa-type inducing pattern that allows
creating at the same time separate images in retinal and world (screen) coordinates.
This is an extension of the method proposed by Rock and Linnet (1993) for establishing whether perception of a shape is determined by its retinal image.
The idea of their experiment was to break the image into components, and present
these components separately and sequentially, while subjects track a moving fixation
target between presentations. The absolute screen positions of the components determine
what image is composed on the screen, but the relative position of the components with
respect to the fixation target determines what image is composed on the retina. We
were inspired to attempt this presentation method by our successful replication of the
Rock and Linnet (1993) experiment and their result that subjects report perceiving a
line-drawing image composed on the screen and not that on the retina (unpublished
results). Thus, presenting the components of the inducing pattern (pacmen) sequentially
with a moving fixation allows the composite inducing pattern to be created either in
screen or in retinal coordinates. According to the previous results with line drawings, the
inducing pattern composed in retinal coordinates is not expected to be perceived by
the observer. We used a subsequent afterimage test to compensate for the eye movements
and ensure the actual presence of the inducing pattern on the retina (Evans and Marsden
1966; Rock and Linnet 1993).
2 Experiment 1
Our first objective was to determine whether previous exposure to a Kanizsa-type
illusory figure can prime the matching of real shapes. In terms of the primed matching paradigm, will ``same'' responses to the pair of triangles be faster than ``same''
responses to the pair of squares, if preceded by a Kanizsa-triangle prime; and vice
versa, will ``same'' responses to the pair of squares be faster, if primed by a Kanizsa
square (figures 1a and 1b)? If so, does this kind of priming depend on the induced
shape, rather than only on the number of inducers and their orientations (figures 1c
and 1d)? The selective and symmetric effects of illusory-triangle and illusory-square
primes on the identical sets of test pairs will indicate a generalising aspect of priming,
in that illusory figures prime the matching of their real correlates.
2.1 Methods
2.1.1 Experimental design. Subjects viewed a priming stimulus followed by a pair of
test figures, as demonstrated in figure 2. Their task was to decide rapidly whether
the two test figures were the same as each other or different. The test figures were
either two triangles, or two squares, or a triangle and a square (with the triangle
appearing on the right or on the left). Response reaction times (RTs) were measured
from the moment the test figures appeared on the screen.
Five types of prime conditions were used: no prime; two types of Kanizsa-illusoryfigure inducing patterns (triangle and square); and two types of rotated-inducer patterns
(inducer number, position, and angle of openingöbut not orientationöcorresponding
to those of the patterns inducing a triangle and a square, respectively). The `no-prime'
case served as a baseline and control for any bias the subjects may have for triangles
or squares. The rotated-inducers prime served to control for the possible effect of inducer
number, position, and angle of opening.
Illusory-contour figures prime matching of real shapes
200 ms
test until response
Pacman presentation
180 ms
100 ms
Figure 2. Experiment 1: schematic representation of trial time course. After initial fixation (180 ms),
a priming stimulus (eg a Kanizsa square) appeared for 200 ms. Following a 100 ms interval, a test
pair of real shapes appeared until the subject responded, reporting if the two shapes were the same
as each other or different (in this example, unlike the examples in figure 1, the correct answer is
For each trial, the prime was presented for 200 ms, followed, after a 100 ms interstimulus interval (ISI), by a test stimulus which remained on the screen until the
subject's response (figure 2). The 5 prime type63 test type trials were presented once
each, in pseudorandom order, for each of twenty blocks of trials (a mixed design).
Overall, each subject performed one session of 300 trials.
2.1.2 Stimuli and setup. The size of the induced illusory figures was identical to the size
of their luminance-defined (real) correlates in the test pairs. The sides of the triangle
and square were 3.45 deg and 2.8 deg visual angle, respectively, while the radius of the
pacmen was fixed at 0.7 deg. Thus, the support ratio (the ratio of the luminance-defined
contour to the overall border) was 0.4 for the illusory triangle and 0.5 for the illusory
square. The sizes of the triangle and the square were chosen to enable the centres of the
pacmen to be always placed at the same distance from the central fixation (ie on a
hypothetical circle 4 deg in diameter, circumscribing both of the shapes). While the
prime stimuli were presented at the centre of the screen, the test shapes appeared on
either side of the fixation, occupying together 8.8 deg63 deg. The pacmen were white
on a grey background, inducing dark illusory figures. The test pair figures were darker
than the background.
Subjects were seated at a distance of 80 cm from the screen. Stimuli were presented
in a dark room, on a 17 inch CTX computer monitor on which was affixed a circular
aperture 16.7 deg in diameter, in order to disguise the square contour of the screen.
The monitor was set at minimum brightness and maximum contrast to avoid an afterimage of the inducing pattern.
2.1.3 Subjects. Subjects were nine undergraduate and graduate students with normal
or corrected-to-normal vision. Subjects were naive to the purpose of the experiment
and were reimbursed for participation.
2.1.4 Data analysis. To assess the magnitude of the priming effect, taking into account
our subjects' individual differences in baseline RTs, for each subject we calculated the
normalised relative priming effect as:
RT squares ÿ RT triangles= 12 RT squares RT triangles .
This measure is expected to be positive for cases of primed matching of triangles,
reflected in shorter RTs for ``same triangle'' responses, and negative for cases of primed
(shorter RT) ``same square'' responses. We present this normalised priming effect averaged
across subjects.
2.2 Results
To evaluate the priming effect, we measured subjects' RTs in the matching task, comparing the correct ``same'' response RTs for the case of the two triangles test pair
A Barlasov-Ioffe, S Hochstein
(same-triangle response) and the case of the two squares test pair (same-square response),
following a certain type of prime. The objective was to see whether the illusory triangle
prime would induce faster same-triangle than same-square responses, and the illusory
square prime would induce faster same-square than same-triangle responses.
The error rate of the matching task was very low (3% 1% on average). Mean
RTs for correct same-triangle and same-square responses in different prime type trials
are presented in figure 3a with more detailed data (and statistical measures) shown
in table 1.
no prime
Normalised priming effect
Test shapes
rotated- no prime rotated- Kanizsa
Prime type
Figure 3. Results of experiment 1 (N 9). (a) Mean correct ``same'' response RTs, following
presentation of various prime types. (b) Normalised priming effect, calculated as the difference
between correct same-square and same-triangle response RTs, divided by their average RT.
Filled bars represent illusory-figure prime trials, empty bars represent non-inducing rotated
`pacmen' pattern or no-prime trials. Above-zero effect indicates that triangles are matched faster
than squares; below-zero effects mean squares are matched faster than trianglesöa priming effect
in the opposite direction. ** Indicates result is significantly different than zero at p 5 0:01 level.
Table 1. Correct ``same'' response RTs for experiment 1 (N 9). Significant differences between
mean RTs for correct same-triangle and same-square responses, as found by paired t-test, are
marked by asterisks. ** Signifies p 5 0:01. Standard errors are given in parentheses.
Illusory triangle
Rotated-triangle inducers
No prime
Rotated-square inducers
Illusory square
Response RTs/ms
When no prime appeared before the test (figure 3a, X), the same-triangle and samesquare responses were of similar speeds (paired t-test, p 0:347, see table 1), establishing
a baseline and indicating that our subjects did not have a predisposition to match one
of the test figures faster than the other. The overall faster response with a prime may be
due to the prime presentation eliciting expectancy for imminent test stimuli.
In trials with an illusory triangle prime, same-triangle responses appear faster
than same-square responses (figure 3a, black triangles; p 0:001), indicating a priming
effect of the illusory triangle on matching real triangles. On the other hand, in trials
with an illusory square as the prime, same-square responses were speeded relative to
same-triangle responses (figure 3a, black squares; p 0:001). This, in turn, indicates
that real-square matching is primed by an illusory square. The reciprocal priming effect
is depicted by the crossed (X-like) pattern of performance in figure 3a.
Illusory-contour figures prime matching of real shapes
Considering the possibility of inducer number, position, or opening angle being
responsible for the effect, we looked at trials where rotated inducers were used as
primes. The data indicate that neither rotated triangle nor rotated square inducer
patterns caused a significant speeding of the respective ``same'' responses (figure 3a,
white empty triangles, p 0:386; white empty squares, p 0:197). This result supports
the idea that it is the global induced illusory figure that primes the matching of the
analogous real shapes.
The mean normalised priming effect is presented in figure 3b. Positive values indicate that same-triangle responses were faster than same-square responses, while negative
values indicate the opposite (see section 2.1).
The main finding of experiment 1 is a selective and symmetric priming effect of
illusory triangle and illusory square on the matching of corresponding real shapes.
Together with the result that there was no such effect for the rotated-inducer patterns,
this finding supports the conclusion that matching is primed by the shape of the
induced illusory figures and not by the number, position, or angle of the openings of
individual inducers. This suggests that this priming takes place at higher cortical levels
where such illusory shapes are thought to be represented, above lower levels where
only the inducer patterns are represented. We conclude that primed matching can be
used as a tool for investigating higher-level mechanisms in the perception of Kanizsa-type
illusory figures.
3 Experiment 2
The goal of this experiment was to study the priming effect of illusory contour figures,
induced either in retinal or in screen coordinates, on matching of the corresponding
real shapes. To this end, we varied the method of presentation of the priming stimulus.
Besides the conventional method used in experiment 1 (referred to here as simultaneous presentation condition), we presented the inducing pattern of pacmen (as well as a
non-inducing pattern of rotated pacmen) as a temporal sequence of individual pacmen,
each in its appropriate location (condition called here sequential). To achieve separate
retinal and screen images, we moved the fixation between the pacmen presentations
(condition called here sequential with moving fixation). The first two presentation conditions were used for replication of the results of experiment 1 and to control for sequential
pacmen presentation, respectively.
3.1 Methods
3.1.1 Experimental design. As in experiment 1, subjects viewed a priming stimulus
followed by a pair of test figures that were either two triangles, two squares, or a
triangle and a square. Their task was to decide rapidly whether the two test figures
were the same as each other or different. Response reaction times (RTs) were recorded,
from the moment the test figures appeared on the screen.
We used three types of priming stimulus presentation: simultaneous, sequential
with stationary fixation, and sequential with moving fixation (priming conditions are
described in detail in figure 4), in a mixed design, with 480 trials divided into two
sessions. The 10 prime-type63 test-type trials were pseudorandomly ordered for each
of the sixteen blocks of 30 trials.
In the simultaneous prime presentation condition (figure 4a), four types of prime
were used: no prime (fixation only), real (luminance-defined) triangle, Kanizsa triangle,
and a non-inducing pattern with rotated inducers. The real priming stimulus was
similar in brightness to the test pair figures. The trial time course was identical to that
in experiment 1. The prime was presented for 200 ms, followed, after a 100 ms ISI,
by a test stimulus which remained on the screen until the subject's response.
A Barlasov-Ioffe, S Hochstein
Prime components
temporal presentation
200 ms
Pacman presentation
180 ms
Composite prime image
test until response
100 ms
70 ms
Pacman presentation
533 ms
70 ms
533 ms
70 ms
533 ms
100 ms
70 ms
Pacman presentation
100 ms
Fixation stopped
Fixation moving
533 ms
70 ms
100 ms
533 ms
70 ms
100 ms
533 ms
100 ms
800 ms
return to centre
Figure 4. Experiment 2. Prime presentation temporal sequences and resulting composite prime
images. The prime was presented either simultaneously (a), ie all components at the same time,
or sequentially [(b) ^ (d)], where each pacman appeared on the screen separately, one after the
other, with a lengthy interval between them. When the fixation remained stationary [(a) and (b)],
the resulting image on the screen matched that on the subject's retina. When subjects fixated a
cross that moved between pacmen presentations, the pacmen were placed so that a triangle
figure could be induced in either retinal (c) or screen (d) coordinates. In this case, each trial
began with a fixation cross completing one circle without presentation of inducers. During the
next four circles the inducing (or rotated) pacmen were presented, sequentially. In each case,
the fixation cross was stopped for 100 ms to allow the eyes to stabilise, followed by a 70 ms
presentation of the pacman. After completing the last circle, the fixation cross was returned to
the middle of the screen (800 ms), where, after another 100 ms, the test figures were presented
(on either side of the fixation cross). Four types of priming stimuli were used in condition (a):
no prime, real triangle, Kanizsa triangle, and rotated pacmen pattern. In the other conditions
there were two types of prime: Kanizsa triangle and rotated pacmen patterns. For demonstration
purposes, the figure shows only examples with Kanizsa triangle primes.
In the sequential prime presentation with stationary fixation condition, we used
two types of prime: a Kanizsa triangle and a non-inducing pattern with rotated inducers.
The prime was presented sequentially, ie each inducer was shown separately while the
subject fixated a cross at the centre of the screen (figure 4b). Each inducer was presented
for 70 ms with an interinducer interval of 530 ms, during which only the fixation
cross was on the screen. The prime consisted of four repetitions of the three sequential
inducer presentations.
Illusory-contour figures prime matching of real shapes
In the sequential prime presentation with moving fixation condition (figures 4c
and 4d), subjects tracked a moving fixation cross as it moved in a circular trajectory.
The inducing pattern of pacmen (or the non-inducing pattern of rotated inducers) was
presented sequentially, as if at the corners of a triangleöeither in retinal or in screen
coordinates, as follows.
To create a retinal image of an inducing pattern (figure 4c), each pacman was
shown (separately and sequentially) at the centre of the screen when the subject's eyes
were at specific positions on the fixation trajectory. These positions were chosen so
that the inducersöthough appearing always at the centre of the screen ^ would appear
on the subject's retina at the corners of an imaginary composite triangle. The fixation
cross circled in a counterclockwise direction; it stopped at 608, 1808, and 3008, relative
to the top of the circle öeach time for 170 ms, first for 100 ms without any additional
stimulation, followed by inducer presentation for 70 ms. Then the fixation cross motion
was continued. Motion periods between stops were 533 ms (angular speed 2258 sÿ1).
This method of presentation allowed an inducing pattern of pacmen (or non-inducing
pattern of rotated inducers) to be constructed on the subject's retina, while creating a
rotating pacman image in the centre of the screen.
To create a screen image of an inducing pattern (figure 4d), each pacman appeared
at the position of the fixation cross when it stopped at 1208, 2708, and 3608, relative
to the top of the circle. In this way, an inducing pattern of pacmen (or non-inducing
pattern of rotated inducers) was constructed on the screen, while creating overlaid
pacman images on the retina.
It should be noted that neither in the retinal nor in the screen condition did subjects report experiencing an illusion of a Kanizsa triangle. In the screen condition
subjects reported perceiving a fragmented pattern of pacmen as well as being able to
infer that had all the inducers appeared at the same time they would have expected
to have seen the illusion. In the retinal condition they were unaware even of the inducing
pattern itself (and perceived, instead, a rotating pacman in the centre of the screen).
3.1.2 Stimuli and setup. The experimental setup and the stimulus size were the same as
in experiment 1. The composite images of priming stimuli in the sequential conditions
were the same size as the corresponding priming stimuli in the simultaneous condition. The circular trajectory of the moving fixation was 4 deg in diameter. Subject's
head position was stabilised by chin-and-forehead rest.
3.1.3 Subjects. Subjects were seven undergraduate and graduate students with normal
or corrected-to-normal vision. Subjects were naive to the purpose of the experiment,
and were reimbursed for participation.
3.2 Results
We measured subject RT in the matching task, comparing the RT of same-triangle
responses with that of same-square responses. The same subjects performed all the
tasks in a mixed, within-subjects design. The error rate of the matching task was
2% 1% on average. Mean RTs for the correct ``same'' responses are presented in the
graphs of figures 5a to 5d and more detailed data are shown in table 2.
Figure 5a depicts a comparison of the mean RTs for correct same-triangle (left)
and same-square (right) responses with different prime types in the simultaneous prime
presentation case. Matching of triangles was significantly faster than that of squares
when primed by a real (grey triangle symbols) or a Kanizsa triangle (black triangles;
p 5 0:01; see table 2). There was no such priming effect in the case of rotated inducers
(open triangle; p 0:260), indicating that it was that triangular shape and not merely
the position of the inducers that affected the matching. There was also no difference
A Barlasov-Ioffe, S Hochstein
Simultaneous prime presentation
stationary fixation
Sequential prime presentation
stationary fixation
moving fixation
retinal image
screen image
no prime
real triangle
triangles squares
triangles squares
Normalised priming effect
triangles squares triangles squares
Test shapes
no prime
Kanizsa rotatedtriangle triangle inducers
Kanizsa rotatedtriangle inducers
Prime type
Kanizsa rotated- Kanizsa rotatedtriangle inducers triangle inducers
Figure 5. Experiment 2 results (N 7). Prime presentation conditions are indicated on top with the
example images of the Kanizsa triangle. (a) ^ (d) Represent mean RTs for correct ``same'' responses
following different prime types. Data symbols represent types of prime. Significant difference
between same-triangle and same-square response RTs is marked by asterisks (*p 5 0:05,
**p 5 0:01). (e) ^ (h) Represent normalised priming effect of different types of prime on the
shape-matching test calculated as the difference between correct same-square and same-triangle
response RTs, divided by their average RT (see section 2.1). When above zero, triangles are
matched faster than squaresöindicating a priming effect (* p 5 0:05). A priming effect is present
for all stationary-fixation triangle primes, whether real or illusory, simultaneous or sequential,
but for moving-fixation primes only for that inducing a retinal-coordinate triangle.
Table 2. Correct ``same'' response RTs for all conditions (N 7). Significant differences between
mean RTs for correct same-triangles and same-squares responses, as found by paired t-test, are
marked by asterisks (*p 5 0:05, **p 5 0:01). Standard errors are given in parentheses.
Response RTs/ms
no prime
Illusory-contour figures prime matching of real shapes
between matching speed for squares and triangles without a prime (X symbols; p 0:443),
establishing a uniform baseline for the effects.
Though the priming effect was as significant with a Kanizsa-type prime as with
a real-triangle prime, the magnitude of the priming effect was different (figure 5e).
The real-triangle prime produced the largest effect, as would be expected as the result
of this priming stimulus being identical to the triangles in the test pair. Note that the
retinal position of the prime did not coincide with that of the test-pair shapes, but
appeared between them. Thus, the priming effect on the match response is necessarily
cognitive [see Imber et al (2005) for a similar retinal-position independent masking
effect also seen as cognitive].
In the sequential condition with stationary fixation, the pacmen composing the
inducing (or non-inducing) prime pattern were separated temporally. Thus, short-term
(working) memory would be involved in this case not only for retaining the prime
stimulus during the subsequent matching task (and perhaps for performing the matching task itself), but also for perceiving the prime stimulus in its entirety. Figure 5b
presents RTs measured for same-triangle (left) and same-square (right) responses. The
matching was affected by the Kanizsa triangle prime (black triangle symbols) and not
by rotated inducers (open triangles): the reaction time for the same-triangle response
was significantly shorter than that for the same-square response (table 2, p 5 0:05).
In the sequential prime presentation condition with moving fixation, the pattern
of priming pacmen was composed either in retinal or screen coordinates (with overlapping, rotating pacmen in the other coordinates; see figures 4c and 4d). The RT for
the same-triangles response was significantly shorter than for the same-squares response
only when primed by a Kanizsa inducing pattern composed on the retina (figure 5c,
black triangle symbols; p 5 0:05). The inducing as well as the non-inducing pacmen
pattern in screen coordinates did not produce a priming effect on the matching test
(figure 5d). Note that subjects were not aware of the retinal coordinate pattern (inducing triangle or rotated pacmen), suggesting that the illusory triangle was induced
even in the absence of explicit experience of the inducing pattern, and that this information was available for later priming of real-shape perception.
In general, response mean RTs with moving fixation were shorter than with stationary fixation. This may be due to a difference in the experimental paradigm used
for stationary and moving fixations. In the moving-fixation case, after completing the
last circle, the fixation cross was returned to the centre prior to the test presentation.
This could have been used as a cue for the upcoming test pair and could therefore
have made the responses quicker.
Surprisingly, the normalised relative priming effects for Kanizsa triangle primes in
simultaneous, sequential stationary, and sequential moving retinal (black bars in figures
5e, 5f, or 5g, respectively) conditions are of similar magnitude.
The results of experiment 2 fully replicate those of experiment 1, establishing a
primed matching paradigm as a reliable method of investigating illusory contour figure
perception. Additionally, the results support the notion of the original paradigm,
stating that the effect depends on the similarity between the prime and the matched
shapes. The real triangle prime produced a bigger effect than the illusory triangle.
This could also be due to the separate representations of real and illusory-contour
figures at higher cortical levels (Imber et al 2005).
4 Afterimage illusion
To control for eye movements in experiment 2, after completing the experiment subjects performed an afterimage test. They viewed the sequentially presented Kanizsa
triangle and square inducers with stationary and with moving fixation conditions.
The sequence of these trials was identical to those in figures 4b and 4c, except that the
A Barlasov-Ioffe, S Hochstein
inducing cycle was repeated ten times, and pacmen were white on a black background.
Overall, there were 2 shapes62 conditions (stationary and moving)62 repetitions in
pseudorandomised order. As in experiment 2, the subject's head position was stabilised
by a chin-and-forehead rest.
After viewing each stimulus, subjects were instructed to look at a blank grey screen
with a central fixation cross, and to report whether they obtained an afterimage. We
were particularly interested in whether they would report an afterimage only of the
inducers, or whether they would also perceive illusory figures.
An afterimage illusory Kanizsa figure was reported in both stationary and moving
fixation conditions. To quantify the clarity of the illusion in the afterimage, we asked
subjects to scale the clarity of the afterimage illusory shape (square or triangle) from 1
to 5. Subjects were asked to base their judgment on comparison of the illusion perceived
in the afterimage with the illusion perceived in free viewing of the inducing pattern on paper.
There are clear afterimage and illusory triangle/square effects in the stationary
fixation condition (figure 6, left). In the moving fixation condition (figure 6, right), the
effect is weaker but still significant. We conclude that subjects were indeed able to
reliably maintain fixation of the moving target in experiment 2, and that an inducing
pattern was composed on their retina in this condition.
Illusion clarity rating
stationary fixation
moving fixation
Illusory-contour adapting stimulus
Figure 6. Subjects' mean (N 7) ratings of the clarity of the illusory figure perceived while
viewing the afterimage, comparing it to the clarity of the illusion perceived in free-viewing of
inducing pattern on paper (5: full illusion; 1: no illusion). The adapting stimuli of two sequential
presentation conditions were used: with stationary fixation and with moving fixation creating a
retinal image. A schematic diagram of component presentation for the two conditions (stationary
and moving) for both shapes (triangles and squares) is shown on top.
It should be noted, once again, that in this moving fixation condition, there is
only implicit information present about the inducing pattern of pacmen. The screen
coordinate presentation itself does not actually have a figure in it, only a central rotating pacman. Nevertheless, when this information is perceived öas an afterimageöit
produces the percept of a Kanizsa illusory triangle. Most of the subjects expressed
their surprise seeing an inducing pattern and an illusory triangle as an afterimage,
after not being aware of either of them while viewing the adapting stimulus. Thus, the
recycling of implicit information, by means of an afterimage, creates a new conscious
perceptöin this case, an illusion of a Kanizsa triangle or square.
Illusory-contour figures prime matching of real shapes
5 General discussion
In this study we investigated properties of the internal representation of illusory contour figures. For this purpose, we measured the effect of illusory contour figures (among
other control stimuli) on subsequent matching of corresponding real shapes. We found
that modally completed illusory-contour figures, such as Kanizsa triangles and squares,
have a significant priming effect on the matching of real contour triangle and square
shapes, respectively. Rotated inducers do not prime real figures: thus, it is neither the
positions of the inducers, nor the missing sector from each inducer that causes the priming, but rather the induced illusory figure. These findings suggest that this priming
takes place at higher cortical levels where such illusory shapes are thought to be
represented, above lower levels where only the inducer patterns are represented.
As we mentioned above, priming in the primed matching paradigm depends on
similarity between the prime and the matched shapes. If it is assumed that a stronger
illusion is more similar to the luminance-defined shapes (in the matching test), then a
larger priming effect is expected when using a larger support ratioöwhich enhances
illusory contour strength (Shipley and Kellman 1992). However, in our experiment 1,
while the support ratios for the illusory triangle and square are different, the priming
effects are the same. It is possible that this kind of priming does not depend on the
strength of the illusory contours, but on the presence of an illusory surface that are
represented differentially in the brain (Stanley and Rubin 2003, 2005).
We also found that when Kanizsa shapes are induced by sequential presentation
of their inducers, they prime subsequent matching of real figures despite the fact that
the inducing cycle of the sequential presentation of the pacmen was too long for
perception (Kojo et al 1993) and the intervals between the inducers were too long
for retention of the information in V1 (Takemoto and Ejima 1997). This inescapably
leads us to the conclusion that cortical areas higher than V1 must be responsible for
integration of the inducing pattern into a composite shape. This conclusion is in tune
with fMRI and MEG findings of strong activation of higher-tier retinotopic areas by
illusory contours (Mendola et al 1999; Halgren et al 2003). Nevertheless, consistent
retinotopic input (ie pacmen positioned so that they would form an inducing pattern
in retinotopic coordinates) is necessary for the illusory figures to prime the matching
of real shapes, as demonstrated by the fact that inducing patterns in retinal and not
in world coordinates produced the priming effect.
One may seek an alternativeölower-level effectöinterpretation of our results based
on well-documented activation of lower cortical areas such as V1 and V2 in response
to illusory contours (von der Heydt et al 1984; Grosof et al 1993; Hirsch et al 1995;
Seghier et al 2000; Ramsden et al 2001). However, the priming effect that we find
appears to depend on illusory surface of particular shape rather than on the presence
of illusory contours. For example, in experiment 1 same-triangle response RT in the
matching task was unaffected by both Kanizsa square and rotated-triangle inducers as
primes (figure 4a; table 1). Symmetrically, Kanizsa triangle and rotated-square inducers
both did not shorten RT for same-square response. In other words, illusory contours
of one Kanizsa shape did not affect the matching of another shape in the same way
as rotated inducers that did not produce any illusory contours at all. Thus, mere
illusory contours are insufficient for any priming effect on shape matchingöit depends
on presence of an illusory surface of congruent shape, which is believed to be constructed in higher cortical areas.
5.1 Implicit illusory figure formation
As found by Rock and Linnet (1993) and confirmed by our own replication of their
experiment (unpublished), the composite image perceived by the viewer is the one
that is sequentially composed on screen and not the one composed on the retina.
A Barlasov-Ioffe, S Hochstein
Although in neither moving fixation condition did our subjects report experiencing
the illusion, when the inducing pattern was composed on the screen (figure 4d) they
reported being able to infer that had all the inducers appeared at the same time
they would have expected to have seen the illusion. Such inference was apparently
insufficient for this kind of priming. One may expect such information to be sufficient
for more cognitive tasks, such as naming or association.
At the same time, when subjects were unaware of even the inducing pattern itself,
as was the case with the inducing pattern being composed on the retina (figure 4c),
matching of the real shapes was primed to the same degree as with simultaneous
presentation of the inducing pattern. The fact that conscious perception of the illusion
was not necessary for the priming effect suggests that the process of illusory-figure
formation may be implicit until the level of representation of the induced shape.
The phenomenon of subliminal visual priming has been described by Bar and
Biederman (1998), who found that naming accuracy of previously unidentified
objects increased after a second presentation. Their further studies suggested that
subliminal visual priming is mediated by the human homologue of macaque V4 (Bar
and Biederman 1999). TMS studies report parallel results concerning area V5/MT and
priming of motion direction (Campana et al 2002). Moreover, the latter investigators
found that perceptual priming was not affected by magnetic stimulation over striate or
parietal cortex, suggesting that no back-projection to primary visual areas is necessary
for priming.
Hochstein and Ahissar (2002; see also Ahissar and Hochstein 1997, 2004) have
suggested that the normal course of events in the visual system is implicit processing
along the well-known hierarchy of cortical areas. Conscious perception is understood
to begin only when information has passed through these implicit processing stages
and reached the highest cortical areas, where concepts and categories are represented.
Conscious perception of details within a scene is a reverse-hierarchy return to the
lower areas when this information is already represented. This reverse-hierarchy return
is carried out under top ^ down control.
The present results are consistent with the reverse hierarchy theory model in that
we have now shown that processing of illusory figures starts in a bottom ^ up implicit
manner. Furthermore, the first conscious percept is of the image in world-centred coordinatesönot retinal coordinates. Thus, when the retinal image is different from the
image in screen coordinates (as in our sequential condition with moving fixation)
the attention-driven feedback to lower areas is ineffective for conscious perception of
illusory contours.
Finally, without such conscious perception, there is still implicit priming of future
stimulus presentations (in the matching paradigm) allowing faster responses for figures
that are conceptually the same as those appearing in the only place they can appearö
on the retina.
Acknowledgments. This study was supported by grants from the Israel Science Foundation of the
Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, and from the US ^ Israel Bi-national Science Foundation (BSF). We thank Anne Treisman, Bob Shapley, Nancy Kanwisher, Dov Sagi, and Asher Cohen
for enlightening discussions of this work.
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