Thorax 2002;57:1087–1089
If you have a burning desire to respond to
a paper published in Thorax, why not
make use of our “rapid response” option?
(, find the paper that
interests you, and send your response via
email by clicking on the “eLetters” option
in the box at the top right hand corner.
Providing it isn’t libellous or obscene, it
will be posted within seven days. You can
retrieve it by clicking on “read eLetters”
on our homepage.
The editors will decide as before
whether to also publish it in a future
paper issue.
Duplicate publication
We are writing to express our unease at what
we believe is inappropriate censure imposed
on our colleague Professor Corris concerning
duplicate publications.1 2 Professor Corris was
asked to write what was essentially a CME
article for Clinical Medicine on a subject that he
had recently reviewed in detail for Thorax. It
was inevitable that there would be considerable duplication. The same papers and information were being disucssed and there are
limitations in the way complex arguments
can be expressed. It is universally accepted
that a degree of duplication in review articles
is completely different from trying to pass off
as a new study previously published peer
reviewed papers containing original data. It is
commonplace for people with authoritative
opinions to write similar articles in more than
one journal as shown by the similarities
between the Harveian oration by Warrell published in the same issue of Clinical Medicine
and an earlier manuscript in the Lancet.3 4 We
believe such duplication is entirely appropriate, as surely it is our duty as educators to disseminate information to as wide an audience
as possible. Fraud in any shape or form in science is to be wholly deplored, but let us not be
so zealous in its pursuit that we smear the
innocent to the detriment of us all.
At risk of another duplicate publication, we
have also sent this letter to the editor of Clinical Medicine.
I D Pavord, M D L Morgan, A J Wardlaw
Institute for Lung Health, Department of Respiratory
Medicine and Thoracic Surgery, Glenfield Hospital,
Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QP,
[email protected]
1 Corris P. Notice of duplicate publication. Clin
Med 2001;1:430.
2 Editorial. Notice of duplicate publication.
Thorax 2002;57:6.
3 Warrell DA. To search and studdy out the
secrett of tropical diseases by way of
experiment. Clin Med 2001;1:485–94.
4 Warrell DA. To search and studdy out the
secrett of tropical diseases by way of
experiment. Lancet 2001;358:1983–8.
It is a matter of some concern to us that you
felt obliged to print a notice of duplicate publication for Professor Corris.1 While we all
deplore dual publication of original scientific
data, the purpose of review articles is to
provide a form of CME for practising physicians. It is therefore inevitable that, when an
authority in a field is asked to give their
current view on a subject, there will be
considerable overlap with his/her previous
thoughts on the subject. This does not make
the article uninteresting to read, nor—as we
are sure the Editors are aware—does it stop
such articles being frequently referenced.
It is our belief that it is generally understood within the community that review articles by a given author are likely to contain
significant overlap with previously published
reviews by the same author and that, in this
situation, it is rather “missing the point” to
call this a duplicate publication.
To illustrate the point we enclose a list of
review articles which all contain overlapping
material concerning the assessment of respiratory muscle strength.2–8 With the exception of
the article in Thorax (for which the invitation
to write came following a prompt from us),
the remaining articles were all written as a
result of unsolicited requests by the editorial
team of the journal concerned. Like Professor
Corris’s articles, they serve a useful function
because these journals reach widely differing
audiences and in each case the text of the
article has been aligned to fit the interests of
the readership of the journal concerned.
Our belief is that reviews of this sort do
serve a useful role in postgraduate medical
education and, because writing them is not
recognised by the University Research Assessment Exercise, it is becoming increasingly
hard to find experts in their fields who are
prepared to do so. Publicly identifying this
type of “duplicate publication” serves no useful purpose.
M Polkey
Consultant Physician, Royal Brompton Hospital,
London, UK
J Moxham
Professor of Respiratory Medicine, Guy’s Kings and
St Thomas’ School of Medicine, London, UK
Correspondence to: Dr M Polkey, Respiratory
Muscle Laboratory, Royal Brompton Hospital,
London SW3 6HP, UK;
[email protected]
1 Anon. Notice of duplicate publication Thorax
2 Polkey MI, Moxham J. Clinical aspects of
respiratory muscle dysfunction in the critically
ill. Chest 2001;119:926–39.
3 Polkey MI, Lyall RA, Moxham J, et al.
Respiratory aspects of neurological disease. J
Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1999;66:5–15.
4 Polkey MI, Green M, Moxham J.
Measurement of respiratory muscle strength.
Thorax 1995;50:1131–5.
5 Hart N, Polkey MI. Investigation of respiratory
muscle function. Clin Pulm Med 2001;8:180–7.
6 Polkey MI. Respiratory muscle disease: worth
buying some equipment? Eur Respir Buyers
7 Polkey MI. Respiratory muscle disease: when
to suspect it and how to rule it out. Resp Dis
Pract 2000;17:11–14.
8 Polkey MI, Moxham J. Terminology and
testing of respiratory muscle dysfunction.
Monaldi Arch Chest Dis 1999;54:514–9.
Editors’ reply
We published the statement on duplicate
publication, as did the other journal concerned, in response to a correspondent who
pointed out the similarity between the two
articles. When we looked through the article
published in Clinical Medicine it was evident
that large parts of the article in Thorax were
reproduced verbatim.
We appreciate that review articles by the
same author in different journals often
contain overlapping information, but that was
not the point on this occasion. The point was
that much of the material was exactly the
same, and Professor Corris had not explicitly
acknowledged this or the contribution of
other authors to it.
We have taken a firm line on duplicate publication and non-disclosure of related publications in the past and, although we accept that
some degree of duplicate reporting is acceptable and common in review or opinion
articles, having received a formal complaint
about the article we did not feel able to
dismiss it. This was particularly the case since
Professor Corris was until very recently an
Associate Editor of Thorax, and we were in
danger of being open to accusations of special
privilege for people who have been associated
with the journal.
J Britton
Executive Editor
Chlamydia pneumoniae and
COPD exacerbation
We read with interest the recent paper by Blasi
et al which showed that Chlamydia pneumoniae
infection is associated with higher rates of
exacerbation and airway microbial colonisation in patients with COPD.1 We have prospectively studied patients in the East London
COPD study with daily monitoring using
diary cards to detect COPD exacerbation
defined using the same criteria.2 3 Serum
microimmunofluorescence (MIF) immunoglobulin G (IgG) titres for C pneumoniae were
measured in 110 patients (FEV1% 41.7 (18.4))
with stable COPD during 1 year with simultaneous estimation of plasma fibrinogen and
serum interleukin 6 (IL-6); 26% of the
patients had IgG titres of >1 in 16 (fig 1).
High C pneumoniae IgG titres were not related
to FEV1 % predicted, exacerbation frequency,
plasma fibrinogen, or serum IL-6 levels. In
their paper Blasi et al did not report whether
there was a relation between MIF titres and
exacerbation frequency.
Blasi and colleagues found that 43% of
patients when stable were positive for C
pneumoniae by DNA polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) using peripheral blood mononuclear
cells (PBMCs). At exacerbation they have only
shown data for the 34 (of 61) who consented to
the antibiotic trial and all 34 were positive for C
pneumoniae. In our study a further 33 patients
(FEV1% 39.8 (16.3)) were simultaneously sampled using nasopharyngeal aspirates and induced sputum when stable and during 43
COPD exacerbations. We found no C pneumoniae using a nested reverse transcriptase PCR
adapted from Cunningham et al4 at stable baseline but nine patients (seven from induced
sputum and another two in nasal aspirates)
Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thorax.57.12.1087 on 1 December 2002. Downloaded from on March 1, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
were C pneumoniae negative always negative?
It would be helpful if the authors could give
the data on the chronic nature of infection in
their sputum samples.
T A R Seemungal, J A Wedzicha
Academic Unit of Respiratory Medicine,
St Bartholomew’s and Royal London School of
Medicine and Dentistry, London
P K MacCallum
64 >256
C pneumoniae inverse IgG titres
Figure 1 Distribution of serum C
pneumoniae microimmunofluorescence (MIF)
IgG antibody inverse titres in 110 patients
with stable COPD.
Induced sputum IL-6 (pg/ml)
(28%) were positive for C pneumoniae at exacerbation. The presence of C pneumoniae was not
associated with smoking history, FEV1%, peak
flow change at or peak flow recovery from
COPD exacerbation, rate of peak flow recovery, IL-6 (fig 2) or IL-8 levels, or total and differential cell counts in induced sputum. The
lack of relationship between C pneumoniae
detection and inflammatory markers at exacerbation suggests to us that C pneumoniae
exacerbations are no different from exacerbations not associated with C pneumoniae.
We found no relationship between C pneumoniae detection in the airway at exacerbation
and exacerbation frequency (p=0.504), but
Blasi et al found that C pneumoniae positive
patients (in stable COPD) had a greater
tendency towards frequent exacerbation.
However, the difference in exacerbation frequency between the two groups was small
(0.6 exacerbations per year), and the authors
need to be cautious about concluding that this
difference could affect disease progression.
The main difference between the data of
Blasi et al and ours is that in their study 16 of
42 patients (38%) enrolled in study 1 had
sputum positive for C pneumoniae by DNA PCR
and a similar number (61/141, 43%) in study 2
in PBMCs, both during stable COPD. We sampled only once in stable COPD and found
none, despite finding 28% at exacerbation.
Blasi and colleagues sampled subjects repeatedly (at least four times), but it is not clear
how many times they had to be positive to be
defined as “respiratory samples positive for C
pneumoniae by DNA PCR”. The 16 positive
patients provided 69 sputum samples; were all
sputum samples positive on all occasions
examined in these patients? Similarly, were all
125 sputum samples from the 26 patients who
( )
C pneumoniae
Figure 2 Induced sputum levels of IL-6
during Chlamydia (+) and non-Chlamydia (–)
COPD exacerbations in 33 patients with 43
exacerbations. Outliers are shown; p=0.187
(Mann-Whitney U test).
Medical Research Council Epidemiology and
Medical Care Unit, Wolfson Institute of Preventive
Medicine, St Bartholomew’s and Royal London
School of Medicine and Dentistry, London
S L Johnston
Imperial College at St Mary’s Hospital, London
P A Lambert
Aston University, Birmingham
Correspondence to: Professor J A Wedzicha,
Academic Unit of Respiratory Medicine, Dominion
House, St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London
[email protected]
1 Blasi F, Damato S, Cosentini R, et al.
Chlamydia pneumoniae and chronic bronchitis:
association with severity and bacterial clearance
following treatment. Thorax 2002;57:672–6.
2 Seemungal TAR, Donaldson GC, Paul EA,
et al. Effect of exacerbation on quality of life
in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease. Am J Respir Crit Care Med
3 Anthonisen NR, Manfreda J, Warren CP.
Antibiotic therapy in exacerbations of chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease. Ann Intern
Med 1987;106:196–204.
4 Cunningham AF, Johnston SL, Julious SA.
Chronic Chlamydia pneumoniae infection and
asthma exacerbations in children. Eur Respir J
Authors’ reply
We are grateful to Seemungal et al for their
comments regarding our recently published
paper on Chlamydia pneumoniae and chronic
Seemungal et al prospectively studied 110
patients with COPD for 1 year, evaluating serum
microimmunofluorescence IgG titres, plasma fibrinogen, and IL-6 levels. They found no correlation between high IgG titres and FEV1 % predicted,
exacerbation frequency, plasma fibrinogen, and
serum IL-6 levels. We also found no correlation
between serological results and FEV1 % predicted
or exacerbation frequency. In fact, as in previous
reports,2 we found a low degree of correlation
between C pneumoniae serology and peripheral
blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) PCR. A greater
degree of correlation was observed when IgG and
IgA titres were combined but, unfortunately, no
comparison is possible as Seemungal et al only
performed IgG titre determinations. In any
case, our findings are not truly comparable with
those of Seemungal et al as serology is known to
be less specific than PCR for the identification of
chronic infection with C pneumoniae.3
In the second part of their letter Seemungal
et al report the results of an analysis on a further group of 33 patients who were simultaneously sampled for nasal aspirates and induced
sputum when stable and during exacerbation.
They found no PCR positivity in stable
patients, whereas in nine of 43 exacerbations
C pneumoniae was detected by PCR in respiratory specimens. The authors infer that DNA
positivity in the sputum is a marker of C pneumoniae acute infection; this would mean that
around 30% of all acute exacerbations are
sustained by C pneumoniae. However, the gold
standard for acute infection is still considered
serology on paired samples. Applying both
PCR and serology on paired serum samples we
found an acute infection in two of 34 exacerbations confirming our previous data of an
overall incidence of 5–6%.4 Their definition of
acute C pneumoniae infection may explain, at
least in part, why they could not detect any
difference between exacerbations associated
or not associated with C pneumoniae in terms
of inflammatory response.
The reported discrepancy in PCR positivity
on respiratory samples between our study and
that of Seemungal et al may be related to different PCR techniques. In fact, we found 16/42
(38%) PCR positive patients with stable
COPD, whereas they found 0/33 and 9/33
(28%) in stable COPD and during an exacerbation, respectively. Considering that the rate
of positivity in our stable patients is comparable to that of patients with exacerbation in
Seemungal’s series, we think that the different PCR results may simply be related to PCR
sensitivity, sputum quality/quantity, amount
of DNA retrieved from the samples, and
number of tested samples.5 Seemungal et al
tested a single induced sputum specimen for
each stable patient whereas we analysed at
least four spontaneous sputum samples for
each stable patient. We defined any patient
with at least two positive specimens as PCR
positive. Sixteen patients were classified as
PCR positive on the basis of 43/69 (62%) PCR
positive sputum samples. Twenty six patients
were considered PCR negative; 24 had repeatedly negative PCR results on all 113 sputum
samples and two patients had a single PCR
positive sputum specimen (2/12 specimens).
Our results on exacerbation frequency are
based on the observation of 141 subjects for 2
years compared with 33 subjects in the study
by Seemungal et al. The different number of
subjects included in the two studies may
explain some discrepancies. We do agree that
caution is needed in interpreting the results of
our study and stated that “our study indicates
the possible role of C pneumoniae chronic
infection in disease progression in COPD
patients. Further confirmation based on large
scale trials is needed”.1 However, even a slight
increase in exacerbation frequency may have
a role in disease progression.6 7
F Blasi, L Allegra
Institute of Respiratory Diseases, University of
Milan, IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Milano, Italy
S Damato, R Raccanelli
Division of Pneumology, University of Milan
Bicocca, Ospedale di Seregno, Italy
R Cosentini, P Tarsia
Department of Emergency Medicine, IRCCS
Ospedale Maggiore Milano, Italy
S Centanni
Respiratory Unit, Institute of Lung Disease Ospedale
San Paolo, University of Milan, Italy
Correspondence to: Dr F Blasi, Istituto di Tisiologia
e Malattie dell’Apparato Respiratorio, Università
degli Studi di Milano, IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore
di Milano, I-20122 Milano, Italy;
[email protected]
1 Blasi F, Damato S, Cosentini R, et al.
Chlamydia pneumoniae and chronic
bronchitis: association with severity and
bacterial clearance following treatment.
Thorax 2002;57:672–6.
2 Blasi F, Boman J, Esposito G, et al.
Chlamydia pneumoniae DNA detection in
peripheral blood mononuclear cells is
predictive of vascular infection. J Infect Dis
Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thorax.57.12.1087 on 1 December 2002. Downloaded from on March 1, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
% patients
ICU outcomes in acute respiratory
failure secondary to COPD
The data presented by Breen et al1 regarding the
outcomes of patients with chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD) are encouraging
and lend support to the respiratory physician
often faced with nihilistic attitudes towards
ventilating these patients in acute respiratory
failure. However, despite the proposition by
the authors that certain patients with likely
poor outcomes might have been excluded, the
ICU stays for both groups (intubated and
non-intubated) are strikingly short.
This suggests that the threshold for intubation as opposed to non-invasive ventilation
(NIV) may have been lower before 1994 than
in current practice. Although the authors
explain the reason for the high levels of PaO2
on admission to the ICU, it could be that the
severity of respiratory acidosis may have
reflected excess oxygen therapy rather than
the severity of the underlying mechanical respiratory failure, thus being more readily
reversible and requiring a shorter period of
ventilatory support. Although the decision to
intubate is not solely based upon blood gases,
with the increasing availability of NIV it
might be that a subgroup of these patients
would now be managed using controlled oxygen therapy, respiratory stimulants, and NIV.2
As a result, I suspect that the physiological
state of the patient that we offer to the ICU in
our current practice may be worse than in this
study with commensurate outcomes (longer
stays and higher mortality). Despite this,
many patients still do well and studies of this
type need to continue to assess predictors of
unfavourable end points.
L Howard
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Norfolk &
Norwich University Hospital, Norwich NR4 7UY,
[email protected]
1 Breen D, Churches T, Hawker F, et al. Acute
respiratory failure secondary to chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease treated in the
intensive care unit: a long term follow up
study. Thorax 2002;57:29–33.
2 Plant PK, Owen JL, Elliott MW. Early use of
non-invasive ventilation for acute
exacerbations of chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease on general respiratory
wards: a multicentre randomised controlled
trial. Lancet 2000;355:1931–5.
Marginal benefits of adding
Price and colleagues1 conclude that adding
formoterol confers a therapeutic advantage to
inhaled steroid in patients with mild to moderate asthma. During the 6 month follow up,
in part II of the study the frequency of the
secondary outcome of mild asthma exacerbations differed by 2.5 per patient per 6 months
while the difference in poorly controlled
asthma days was 4.2 days per patient per 6
months. These differences, while statistically
significant, are unlikely to be of real clinical
relevance. Indeed, during the same period the
difference in quality of life was neither
significant nor clinically relevant. The main
differences which were significant were in
bronchodilator sensitive outcomes such as
peak flow and reliever use, which are to be
expected when patients are taking a 24/7
bronchodilator. These data are little different
from those in steroid naive patients in the
OPTIMA trial over 12 months where the addition of formoterol to low dose budesonide
improved lung function but not exacerbations, while in the same trial the addition of
formoterol conferred only a small but significant reduction in exacerbations in patients
previously treated with corticosteroids.2
Pointedly, neither of these studies evaluated
any inflammatory surrogates. We would therefore suggest that these trials indicate that most
patients with mild to moderate asthma can be
adequately controlled on low to medium doses
of inhaled budesonide alone, and that there is
only a marginal advantage conferred by
adding formoterol. Moreover, combination
inhalers are considerably more expensive than
inhaled steroid alone and their routine use is
not warranted in primary care.
B J Lipworth, C M Jackson
Asthma and Allergy Research Group, Ninewells
University Hospital, Dundee, UK Correspondence
to: Professor B J Lipworth, Asthma and Allergy
Research Group, Ninewells University Hospital,
Dundee DD1 9SY, UK;
[email protected]
1 Price D, Dutchman D, Mawson AA, et al on
behalf of the FLOW (Eformoterol in the
management of mild asthma - eformoterol
Turbohaler with budesonide Turbohaler)
Research Group. Early asthma control and
maintenance with eformoterol following
reduction of inhaled corticosteroid dose.
Thorax 2002;57:791–8.
2 O’Byrne PM, Barnes PJ, Rodriguez-Roisin R,
et al. Low dose inhaled budesonide and
formoterol in mild persistent asthma: the
OPTIMA randomized trial. Am J Respir Crit
Care Med 2001;164:1392–7.
Respiratory Medicine Specialist
P Dilworth, D R Baldwin. UK: Harwood
Academic Publishers, 2001. £39.50. ISBN
90 5823 077 5
This is the first in a new series of specialist
handbooks that aims to fill the niche between
the comprehensive textbook and the pocket
handbook. There are the obvious pitfalls of
trying to squeeze in too much detail at the
expense of accessibility or reducing the
subject to little more than a series of
disjointed notes. However, this book—for the
most part—steers clear of both of these errors
and has produced a very readable, yet
reasonably detailed, summary of specialist
respiratory medicine. The 31 chapters cover a
wide variety of topics and the authors’ list is
like a “Who’s Who?” of UK respiratory medicine.
It is possible to pick up this book, read a
chapter in less than half an hour, and come
away with an increased knowledge of the
pathophysiology of the condition under study
and, perhaps more usefully, the intricacies of
practical management which is the focus of
the book. It will therefore cater to the specialist registrar undergoing higher specialist
training in providing a broad understanding
in reasonable detail of most facets of respiratory medicine, but it could also be of use to the
experienced physician in reaffirming, reminding, and refreshing of the basics, and perhaps
updating knowledge with regard to more
recent developments.
The book is attractively presented with
short paragraphs of text interspersed with
helpful tables and figures. For those who are
stimulated to seek more information on any
subject, each chapter has a selection of
references for further reading. Whilst we all
might aspire to read, study and inwardly
digest a weighty, comprehensive tome of
respiratory medicine, for most of us in busy
clinical practice this proves difficult. This
reviewer would therefore encourage reading
and studying this excellent book as an
alternative which is more attainable and possibly of more practical relevance.
T J Warke
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Belfast City
Hospital, Belfast BT9 7AB, UK;
[email protected]
Scadding-Morriston Davies Joint
Fellowship in Respiratory
Medicine 2003
This fellowship is available to support visits to
medical centres in the UK or abroad for the
purpose of undertaking studies related to
respiratory medicine. Applications are invited
from medical graduates practising in the UK,
including consultants and irrespective of the
number of years in that grade. There is no
application form but a curriculum vitae
should be submitted together with a detailed
account of the duration and nature of the
work and the centres to be visited, confirming
that these have agreed to provide the
facilities required. Please state the sum of
money needed for travel and subsistence. A
sum of up to £20 000 can be awarded to the
successful candidate, or the sum may be
divided to support two or more applications.
Applications should be sent to Dr I A Campbell, Secretary to the Scadding-Morriston
Davies Fellowship, Llandough Hospital,
Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan CF64 2XX, UK by
31 January 2003.
Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thorax.57.12.1087 on 1 December 2002. Downloaded from on March 1, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
3 Dowell SF, Peeling RW, Boman J, et al.
Standardizing Chlamydia pneumoniae
assays: recommendations from the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention USA and
Laboratory Center for Disease Control
Canada. Clin Infect Dis 2001;33:492–502.
4 Blasi F, Legnani D, Lombardo V, et al. Chlamydia
pneumoniae infection in acute exacerbations
of COPD. Eur Respir J 1993;6:19–22
5 Apfalter P, Blasi F, Boman J, et al. Multicenter
comparison trial of DNA extraction methods
and PCR assays for detection of Chlamydia
pneumoniae in endarterectomy specimens.
J Clin Microbiol 2001;39:519–24.
6 Kanner RE, Anthonisen NR, Connett JE, et al.
Lower respiratory illnesses promote FEV1
decline in current smokers but not ex-smokers
with mild chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease. Am J Respir Crit Care Med
7 Donaldson GC, Seemungal TAR, Bhowmik
A, et al. Relationship between exacerbation
frequency and lung function decline in chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease. Thorax