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2004, Scandinavian Journal of Pain
4 pages
1 file
The Hyperspectral Image Analysis (HIA) Toolbox is a collection of algorithms that extend the capability of the MATLAB numerical computing environment for the processing of hyperspectral and multispectral imagery. The purpose of the HIA Toolbox is to provide information extraction algorithms to users of hyperspectral and multispectral imagery in environmental and biomedical applications. The HIA toolbox has been developed as part of the NSF Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging (CenSSIS) Solutionware that seeks to develop a repository of reliable and reusable software tools that can be shared by researchers across research domains. The HIA toolbox provides easy access to supervised and unsupervised classification algorithms developed at LARSIP over the last 8 years.
ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2018
A significant surge has been observed with the development and research in remote sensing in recent years for hyperspectral applications in Earth observation. Subsequently, the development of software and tools have also experienced an unprecedented rise, both in research as well as in academia. Although commercial software and tools such as ENVI by ITT Visual Information Solutions, Boulder, CO, USA are available for visualizing and analyzing the hyperspectral images, such software are expensive. Some open source toolboxes such as the MATLAB-based Hyperspectral Image Analysis Toolbox (HIAT) are also available. However, mostly these toolboxes have not been packaged for dissemination and operation without the MATLAB software which is commercial. In this paper, we introduce the Hyperspectral Image Classification and Fusion (HICF) package which is being developed at the Geoinformatics laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) in MATLAB that can be used by standalone installation with an open source supplementary MATLAB compiler. This software is intended to provide a collection of algorithms both conventional and those developed at the Geoinformatics laboratory that utilizes the numerical computing capability of MATLAB for the processing of hyperspectral and multispectral imagery. The HICF software comprises a simple design of the graphical user interface which can be efficiently used particularly for academic purposes.
This paper presents a novel hyperspectral feature-extraction toolkit that provides a simple, automated, and accurate approach to materials classification from hyperspectral imagery (HSI). The proposed toolkit is built as an extension to the state-of-the-art technology in automated feature extraction, the Feature Analyst software suite. Feature Analyst uses, along with spectral information, feature characteristics such as spatial association, size, shape, texture, pattern, and shadow in its generic feature extraction process. While current HSI techniques, such as spectral endmember classification, can provide effective materials classification, these methods are slow (or manual), cumbersome, complex for analysts, and are limited to materials classification only. Feature Analyst, on the other hand, has a simple workflow of (a) an analyst providing a few examples, and (b) an advanced software agent classifying the rest of the imagery; however, Feature Analyst does not have effective pr...
Journal of Statistical Software, 2019
Hyperspectral remote sensing is a promising tool for a variety of applications including ecology, geology, analytical chemistry and medical research. This article presents the new hsdar package for R statistical software, which performs a variety of analysis steps taken during a typical hyperspectral remote sensing approach. The package introduces a new class for efficiently storing large hyperspectral datasets such as hyperspectral cubes within R. The package includes several important hyperspectral analysis tools such as continuum removal, normalized ratio indices and integrates two widely used radiation transfer models. In addition, the package provides methods to directly use the functionality of the caret package for machine learning tasks. Two case studies demonstrate the package's range of functionality: First, plant leaf chlorophyll content is estimated and second, cancer in the human larynx is detected from hyperspectral data.
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2013
This paper presents a study that aims at applying, comparing and characterizing a proven method for hyperspectral land use classification that is currently integrated in two different remote sensing software packages. Recently a great deal of advances in the Geomatica Hyperspectral Analysis Package (HAP) has been made. The Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) algorithm was used in both Geomatica and ENVI for this study and a hyperspectral dataset from the European sensor CHRIS onboard the platform PROBA-1 served as a test case. The study showed that, despite of many differences in the workflow of the two software packages, the two land use classification results of SAM turned out to be identical.
Ilahiyat Studies, 2023
There are apparent similarities between the parables contained in the Gospels and those found in the Qurʾān, which provide their audiences with illustrations of complex religious concepts and moral teachings through the imagery of everyday life. Based on the form-critical analysis of the Gospel Parable of the Sower and some Qurʾānic parables, this article aims to detect defining similarities and differences between the Gospels and Sūrat al-Baqarah and illuminate details about the historical and geographic context in which the two texts originated. Based on the findings of the comparison, this article will argue that the Qurʾānic text represents a genuine continuation of the biblical text.
Mediterranean Politics, 2016
This article uses the Turkish case of modernity to critically examine different understandings of modernization put forward by competing schools of thought, namely the ‘classical modernization theory’, the ‘neo-modernization theory’ and the ‘multiple modernities paradigm’. In the context of modernization studies, Turkey has long held a special place as numerous scholars have studied this country in an attempt to validate the ‘convergence thesis’ – namely the idea that once a non-western society launches a secularization and/or an industrialization programme, its political regime and socio economic life would eventually resemble its western counterparts. Firstly, the three theories are comparatively analysed by discussing how they perceive the concept of modernity and its interaction with religion, economic development and democratization. Then, the theories are reviewed in light of the Turkish experience. It is argued that the Turkish modernity can be best comprehended through the lens of the multiple modernities paradigm that challenges the Eurocentric assumption of classical modernization and neo-modernization theories based on the convergence thesis.
G. Miolli & L. Illiterati (eds.) 'The Relevance of Hegel’s Concept of Philosophy: From Classical German Philosophy to Contemporary Metaphilosophy'. London: Bloomsbury, 2021
For Hegel, what makes philosophy sui generis and axiologically significant is how such inquiry enables Geist (spirit) to understand itself: philosophical reflection on Geistigkeit (mindedness) illuminates the particular kind of epistemic architecture we have for experiencing the world from our human perspective, by doing justice to our geistige Einstellung (spiritual attitude), our status as discursive amphibians engaging in multifaceted modes of sense-making. In this chapter, I argue that a particularly rich and helpful way of making sense of Hegel’s metaphilosophy is provided by reflecting on Hegel in relation to the development of ‘post-analytic philosophy’. I take the expression ‘post-analytic philosophy’ to have a narrow extension in one sense of the term, and a broad extension in another sense of the term. By the narrow extension, I mean the respective specific criticisms levelled against analytic philosophy by W. V. Quine in ‘Two Dogmas of Empiricism’ (1951), by Wilfrid Sellars in 'Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind' (1956), by Donald Davidson in ‘On the Very Idea of a Conceptual Scheme’ (1974), and by Richard Rorty in 'Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature' (1979). By the broad extension, ‘post-analytic philosophy’ refers to the Anglo-American analytic tradition’s internal critique through (a) its gradual rapprochement with its continental European cousin’s traditions as well as through (b) the revival of pragmatism. Post-analytic philosophy’s self-image is no longer a conception of philosophy as monogamous with the Naturwissenschaften (natural sciences), but a Hegelian conception of philosophy as a humanistic discipline, discursively polyamorous with both the natural sciences and cultural theory.
LawArt, Rivista di Diritto, Arte, Storia - Journal of Law, Art, History 2 (2021), 2021
BMC Public Health
Journal of Education and Work, 2007
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 2019
Áreas. Revista Internacional de Ciencias Sociales , nº 30, pp. 100-109, 2011
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 2014
European Heart Journal, 2007
Late-Breaking Oral Abstracts, 2020
Neurourology and Urodynamics, 2009
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet, 2005
Scientia Agricola, 2017
Transplant International, 2003
Amiternum. Untersuchungen zur Siedlungs- und Wirtschaftsstruktur im zentralen Abruzzenraum in römischer Zeit, 2023